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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567891011121314]
 C fieldScheme
 CabsoluteEnthalpy< Thermo >Thermodynamics mapping class to expose the absolute enthalpy functions
 CabsoluteInternalEnergy< Thermo >Thermodynamics mapping class to expose the absolute internal energy functions
 CabsorptionCoeffsAbsorption coefficients class used in greyMeanAbsorptionEmission and wideBandAbsorptionEmission
 CabsorptionEmissionModelModel to supply absorption and emission coefficients for radiation modelling
 CAC3DsurfaceFormatCoreInternal class used by the AC3DsurfaceFormat
 CaccessOp< T >
 CaddPatchCellLayerAdds layers of cells to outside of polyPatch. Can optionally create stand-alone extruded mesh (addToMesh=false)
 CtopoSetSource::addToUsageTableClass with constructor to add usage string to table
 CAMIMethod< SourcePatch, TargetPatch >Base class for Arbitrary Mesh Interface (AMI) methods
 CandEqOp< T >
 CandEqOp2< T1, T2 >
 CandOp< T >
 CandOp2< T1, T2 >
 CandOp3< T, T1, T2 >
 CargListExtract command arguments and options from the supplied argc and argv parameters
 CArrheniusReactionRateArrhenius reaction rate given by:
 CArrheniusViscosityThe Arrhenius temperature-dependent viscosity model multiplies the viscosity of a base model by an Arrhenius-type temperature function:
 CatmBoundaryLayerThis class provides functions to evaluate the velocity and turbulence distributions appropriate for atmospheric boundary layers (ABL)
 CatomicWeightTable::atomicWeightStructure to hold the element name and atomic weight pair
 CautoPtr< T >An auto-pointer similar to the STL auto_ptr but with automatic casting to a reference to the type and with pointer allocation checking on access
 CautoPtr< chemistryReader< ThermoType > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::AMIInterpolation >
 CautoPtr< Foam::aspectRatioModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::AtomizationModel< Foam::SprayCloud< CloudType > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::AtomizationModel< Foam::SprayCloud< Foam::DSMCCloud > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::AveragingMethod< Foam::Vector > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::AveragingMethod< scalar > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::backgroundMeshDecomposition >
 CautoPtr< Foam::basicSolidChemistryModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::BinaryCollisionModel< Foam::DSMCCloud< DSMCParcel< ParcelType > > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::BinaryCollisionModel< Foam::DSMCCloud< ParcelType > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::BlendedInterfacialModel< Foam::dragModel > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::BlendedInterfacialModel< Foam::heatTransferModel > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::BlendedInterfacialModel< Foam::liftModel > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::BlendedInterfacialModel< Foam::turbulentDispersionModel > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::BlendedInterfacialModel< Foam::virtualMassModel > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::BlendedInterfacialModel< Foam::wallLubricationModel > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::blockVertex >
 CautoPtr< Foam::BreakupModel< Foam::SprayCloud< CloudType > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::BreakupModel< Foam::SprayCloud< Foam::DSMCCloud > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::cellSizeCalculationType >
 CautoPtr< Foam::chemistryReductionMethod< CompType, ThermoType > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::chemistryTabulationMethod< CompType, ThermoType > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::Cloud< parcelType > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::CollidingCloud< Foam::DSMCCloud > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::CollidingCloud< KinematicCloud< Cloud< basicKinematicCollidingParcel > > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::CollisionModel< Foam::CollidingCloud< CloudType > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::CollisionModel< Foam::CollidingCloud< Foam::DSMCCloud > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::CollisionModel< Foam::CollidingCloud< KinematicCloud< Cloud< basicKinematicCollidingParcel > > > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::CompositionModel< Foam::ReactingCloud< CloudType > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::CompositionModel< Foam::ReactingCloud< Foam::DSMCCloud > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::coordinateRotation >
 CautoPtr< Foam::coordinateSystem >
 CautoPtr< Foam::CorrectionLimitingMethod >
 CautoPtr< Foam::cylindrical >
 CautoPtr< Foam::DampingModel< Foam::MPPICCloud< CloudType > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::DampingModel< Foam::MPPICCloud< Foam::DSMCCloud > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::decompositionMethod >
 CautoPtr< Foam::DevolatilisationModel< Foam::ReactingMultiphaseCloud< CloudType > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::DevolatilisationModel< Foam::ReactingMultiphaseCloud< Foam::DSMCCloud > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::diameterModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::DimensionedField >
 CautoPtr< Foam::DispersionModel< Foam::KinematicCloud< Cloud< basicKinematicCollidingParcel > > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::DispersionModel< Foam::KinematicCloud< CloudType > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::DispersionModel< Foam::KinematicCloud< Foam::DSMCCloud > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::distributionModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::dragModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::dragModels::Ergun >
 CautoPtr< Foam::dragModels::WenYu >
 CautoPtr< Foam::dynamicIndexedOctree< Foam::dynamicTreeDataPoint > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::edgeMesh >
 CautoPtr< Foam::externalDisplacementMeshMover >
 CautoPtr< Foam::extrudePatchMesh >
 CautoPtr< Foam::faceAreaWeightModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::Field >
 CautoPtr< Foam::fileMonitor >
 CautoPtr< Foam::fileMonitorWatcher >
 CautoPtr< Foam::fileOperation >
 CautoPtr< Foam::FixedList< label, 8 > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::Function1< Foam::Vector > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::Function1< scalar > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::Function1< Type > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::functionObject >
 CautoPtr< Foam::functionObjects::fieldValue >
 CautoPtr< Foam::fv::option >
 CautoPtr< Foam::fvMesh >
 CautoPtr< Foam::fvMeshSubset >
 CautoPtr< Foam::fvPatchField< Type > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::GAMGProcAgglomeration >
 CautoPtr< Foam::GeometricField >
 CautoPtr< Foam::globalIndex >
 CautoPtr< Foam::globalIndexAndTransform >
 CautoPtr< Foam::globalMeshData >
 CautoPtr< Foam::HashTable< Foam::List, Foam::word > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::heatTransferModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::HeatTransferModel< Foam::ThermoCloud< CloudType > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::HeatTransferModel< Foam::ThermoCloud< Foam::DSMCCloud > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::indexedOctree< Foam::treeDataCell > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::indexedOctree< Foam::treeDataEdge > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::indexedOctree< Foam::treeDataFace > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::indexedOctree< Foam::treeDataPoint > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::indexedOctree< Foam::treeDataPrimitivePatch > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::indexedOctree< Foam::treeDataTriSurface > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::InflowBoundaryModel< Foam::DSMCCloud< DSMCParcel< ParcelType > > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::InflowBoundaryModel< Foam::DSMCCloud< ParcelType > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::initialPointsMethod >
 CautoPtr< Foam::IntegrationScheme >
 CautoPtr< Foam::interfaceCompositionModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::interpolation2DTable< scalar > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::interpolation< Foam::Vector > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::interpolation< scalar > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::interpolationLookUpTable< scalar > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::interpolationWeights >
 CautoPtr< Foam::IOdictionary >
 CautoPtr< Foam::IOField >
 CautoPtr< Foam::IOList >
 CautoPtr< Foam::isoSurface >
 CautoPtr< Foam::isoSurfaceCell >
 CautoPtr< Foam::IsotropyModel< Foam::MPPICCloud< CloudType > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::IsotropyModel< Foam::MPPICCloud< Foam::DSMCCloud > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::ISstream >
 CautoPtr< Foam::KinematicCloud< Cloud< basicKinematicCollidingParcel > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::KinematicCloud< Foam::DSMCCloud > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::kineticTheoryModels::conductivityModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::kineticTheoryModels::frictionalStressModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::kineticTheoryModels::granularPressureModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::kineticTheoryModels::radialModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::kineticTheoryModels::viscosityModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::lduMatrix::solver >
 CautoPtr< Foam::LESdelta >
 CautoPtr< Foam::LESfilter >
 CautoPtr< Foam::liftModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::liquidMixtureProperties >
 CautoPtr< Foam::List >
 CautoPtr< Foam::List< Foam::boundBox > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::List< Foam::DynamicList< parcelType *> > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::List< Foam::List > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::List< Foam::Pair > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::LUscalarMatrix >
 CautoPtr< Foam::Map< label > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::mapDistribute >
 CautoPtr< Foam::meshSearch >
 CautoPtr< Foam::meshToMesh >
 CautoPtr< Foam::mixedFvPatchField< Type > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::mixtureViscosityModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::motionDiffusivity >
 CautoPtr< Foam::motionSolver >
 CautoPtr< Foam::MPPICCloud< Foam::DSMCCloud > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::ODESolver >
 CautoPtr< Foam::OFstream >
 CautoPtr< Foam::orderedPhasePair >
 CautoPtr< Foam::PackedBoolList >
 CautoPtr< Foam::PackingModel< Foam::MPPICCloud< CloudType > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::PackingModel< Foam::MPPICCloud< Foam::DSMCCloud > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::PairModel< Foam::DSMCCloud > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::pairPotential >
 CautoPtr< Foam::ParticleStressModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::patchDistMethod >
 CautoPtr< Foam::PatchInteractionModel< Foam::KinematicCloud< Cloud< basicKinematicCollidingParcel > > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::PatchInteractionModel< Foam::KinematicCloud< CloudType > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::PatchInteractionModel< Foam::KinematicCloud< Foam::DSMCCloud > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::PhaseChangeModel< Foam::ReactingCloud< CloudType > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::PhaseChangeModel< Foam::ReactingCloud< Foam::DSMCCloud > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::PhaseCompressibleTurbulenceModel< Foam::phaseModel > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::phasePair >
 CautoPtr< Foam::pointPatchField< Type > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::pointToPointPlanarInterpolation >
 CautoPtr< Foam::polyTopoChange >
 CautoPtr< Foam::porosityModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::PrimitivePatch >
 CautoPtr< Foam::PrimitivePatchInterpolation< Foam::PrimitivePatch > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::psiChemistryModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::psiReactionThermo >
 CautoPtr< Foam::PtrList< Foam::indexedOctree< Foam::treeDataEdge > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::radiation::absorptionEmissionModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::radiation::radiationModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::radiation::scatterModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::radiation::sootModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::Random >
 CautoPtr< Foam::RBD::rigidBody >
 CautoPtr< Foam::RBD::rigidBodySolver >
 CautoPtr< Foam::ReactingCloud< Foam::DSMCCloud > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::ReactingMultiphaseCloud< Foam::DSMCCloud > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::reactionRateFlameArea >
 CautoPtr< Foam::refinementHistory >
 CautoPtr< Foam::regionModels::surfaceFilmModels::filmRadiationModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::regionModels::surfaceFilmModels::filmThermoModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::regionModels::surfaceFilmModels::filmTurbulenceModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::regionModels::surfaceFilmModels::filmViscosityModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::regionModels::surfaceFilmModels::heatTransferModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::regionModels::surfaceFilmModels::phaseChangeModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::regionModels::thermalBaffleModels::thermalBaffleModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::regionSplit >
 CautoPtr< Foam::relaxationModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::renumberMethod >
 CautoPtr< Foam::rhoChemistryModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::rhoReactionThermo >
 CautoPtr< Foam::rhoThermo >
 CautoPtr< Foam::sampledSet >
 CautoPtr< Foam::sampledSurface >
 CautoPtr< Foam::saturationModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::searchableSurface >
 CautoPtr< Foam::searchableSurfaces >
 CautoPtr< Foam::sixDoFSolver >
 CautoPtr< Foam::SlicedGeometricField >
 CautoPtr< Foam::solidBodyMotionFunction >
 CautoPtr< Foam::solidMixtureProperties >
 CautoPtr< Foam::solidReactionThermo >
 CautoPtr< Foam::solidThermo >
 CautoPtr< Foam::SprayCloud< Foam::DSMCCloud > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::SquareMatrix >
 CautoPtr< Foam::StochasticCollisionModel< Foam::KinematicCloud< Cloud< basicKinematicCollidingParcel > > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::StochasticCollisionModel< Foam::KinematicCloud< CloudType > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::StochasticCollisionModel< Foam::KinematicCloud< Foam::DSMCCloud > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::surfaceCellSizeFunction >
 CautoPtr< Foam::SurfaceFilmModel< Foam::KinematicCloud< Cloud< basicKinematicCollidingParcel > > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::SurfaceFilmModel< Foam::KinematicCloud< CloudType > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::SurfaceFilmModel< Foam::KinematicCloud< Foam::DSMCCloud > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::SurfaceReactionModel< Foam::ReactingMultiphaseCloud< CloudType > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::SurfaceReactionModel< Foam::ReactingMultiphaseCloud< Foam::DSMCCloud > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::surfaceTensionModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::surfaceWriter >
 CautoPtr< Foam::swarmCorrection >
 CautoPtr< Foam::tableReader< scalar > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::tableReader< Type > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::ThermalDiffusivity >
 CautoPtr< Foam::ThermoCloud< Foam::DSMCCloud > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::Time >
 CautoPtr< Foam::TimeScaleModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::TimeState >
 CautoPtr< Foam::treeBoundBox >
 CautoPtr< Foam::trimModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::turbulentDispersionModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::UniformDimensionedField >
 CautoPtr< Foam::virtualMassModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::viscosityModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::vtkTopo >
 CautoPtr< Foam::wallBoilingModels::departureDiameterModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::wallBoilingModels::departureFrequencyModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::wallBoilingModels::nucleationSiteModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::wallBoilingModels::partitioningModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::wallDampingModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::WallInteractionModel< Foam::DSMCCloud< DSMCParcel< ParcelType > > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::WallInteractionModel< Foam::DSMCCloud< ParcelType > > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::wallLubricationModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::WallModel< Foam::DSMCCloud > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::writer< Foam::SphericalTensor > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::writer< Foam::SymmTensor > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::writer< Foam::Tensor > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::writer< Foam::Vector > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::writer< scalar > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::writer< Type > >
 CautoPtr< Foam::XiEqModel >
 CautoPtr< Foam::XiGModel >
 CautoPtr< ModelType >
 CautoPtr< modelType >
 CautoPtr< ReactionType >
 CautoPtr< solidType >
 CautoPtr< std::ofstream >
 CautoPtr< ThermophysicalProperties >
 CautoPtr< ThermoType >
 CautoPtr< Type >
 CbackgroundMeshDecompositionStore a background polyMesh to use for the decomposition of space and queries for parallel conformalVoronoiMesh
 CbarotropicCompressibilityModelAbstract class for barotropic compressibility models
 CbasicKinematicCloudCloud class to introduce kinematic parcels
 CbasicKinematicCollidingCloudCloud class to introduce kinematic colliding parcels
 CbasicKinematicCollidingParcelDefinition of basic kinematic colliding parcel
 CbasicKinematicMPPICCloudCloud class to introduce kinematic MPPIC parcels
 CbasicKinematicMPPICParcelDefinition of basic kinematic MPPIC parcel
 CbasicKinematicParcelDefinition of basic kinematic parcel
 CbasicMultiComponentMixtureMulti-component mixture
 CbasicReactingCloudCloud class to introduce reacting parcels
 CbasicReactingMultiphaseCloudCloud class to introduce multi-phase reacting parcels
 CbasicReactingMultiphaseParcelDefinition of basic reacting parcel
 CbasicReactingParcelDefinition of basic reacting parcel
 CbasicSprayCloudCloud class to introduce reacting spray parcels
 CbasicSprayParcelDefinition of spray parcel
 CbasicThermoCloudCloud class to introduce thermodynamic parcels
 CbasicThermoParcelDefinition of basic thermo parcel
 CBiIndirectList< T >Indexes into negList (negative index) or posList (zero or positive index)
 CbiLinearFitPolynomialBiLinear polynomial for interpolation fitting
 CBinaryCollisionModel< CloudType >Templated DSMC particle collision class
 CBinaryCollisionModel< Foam::DSMCCloud< DSMCParcel< ParcelType > > >
 CBinaryCollisionModel< Foam::DSMCCloud< ParcelType > >
 CbinaryNode< CompType, ThermoType >Node of the binary tree
 CbinaryTree< CompType, ThermoType >Data storage of the chemistryOnLineLibrary according to a binary tree structure
 CblackBodyEmissionClass black body emission
 CbladeModelBlade model class calculates: Linear interpolated blade twist and chord based on radial position Interpolation factor (for interpolating profile performance)
 CBlendedInterfacialModel< ModelType >
 CBlendedInterfacialModel< Foam::dragModel >
 CBlendedInterfacialModel< Foam::heatTransferModel >
 CBlendedInterfacialModel< Foam::liftModel >
 CBlendedInterfacialModel< Foam::turbulentDispersionModel >
 CBlendedInterfacialModel< Foam::virtualMassModel >
 CBlendedInterfacialModel< Foam::wallLubricationModel >
 CMatrixSpace< Form, Cmpt, Mrows, Ncols >::Block< SubTensor, BRowStart, BColStart >Sub-block type
 CblockDescriptorTakes the description of the block and the list of curved edges and creates a list of points on edges together with the weighting factors
 CblockEdgeDefine a curved edge that is parameterized for 0<lambda<1 between the start and end point
 CblockFaceDefine a curved face
 CblockVertexDefine a block vertex
 CboundaryCutterDoes modifications to boundary faces
 CboundaryMeshAddressing for all faces on surface of mesh. Can either be read from polyMesh or from triSurface. Used for repatching existing meshes
 CboundBoxA bounding box defined in terms of the points at its extremities
 CBrunDrippingInjectionFilm Dripping mass transfer model
 CcachedRandomRandom number generator
 CcellDistFuncsCollection of functions used in wall distance calculation
 CmeshReader::cellFaceIdentifierIdentify cell faces in terms of cell Id and face Id
 CcellFeaturesCell analysis class
 CcellInfoHolds information regarding type of cell. Used in inside/outside determination in cellClassification
 CcellMatcherBase class for cellshape matchers (hexMatch, prismMatch, etc.). These are classes which given a mesh and cell number find out the orientation of the cellShape and construct cell-vertex to mesh-vertex mapping and cell-face to mesh-face mapping
 CcellModelMaps a geometry to a set of cell primitives, which enables geometric cell data to be calculated without access to the primitive geometric level. This means mapping a 3D geometry to a set of pyramids which are each described by a cell face and the cell centre point
 CcellModellerA static collection of cell models, and a means of looking them up
 CcellQualityClass calculates cell quality measures
 CcellSizeCalculationTypeAbstract base class for specifying target cell sizes
 CcellSplitterDoes pyramidal decomposition of selected cells. So all faces will become base of pyramid with as top a user-supplied point (usually the cell centre)
 CCentredFitSnGradSchemeCentred fit snGrad scheme which applies an explicit correction to snGrad
 CchannelIndexDoes averaging of fields over layers of cells. Assumes layered mesh
 CChemicallyActivatedReactionRate< ReactionRate, ChemicallyActivationFunction >General class for handling chemically-activated bimolecular reactions
 CchemistryReader< ThermoType >Abstract class for reading chemistry
 CchemistryReader< gasHThermoPhysics >
 CchemistryReductionMethod< CompType, ThermoType >An abstract class for methods of chemical mechanism reduction
 CchemistryTabulationMethod< CompType, ThermoType >An abstract class for chemistry tabulation
 CchemPointISAT< CompType, ThermoType >Leaf of the binary tree. The chemPoint stores the composition 'phi', the mapping of this composition Rphi, the mapping gradient matrix A and the matrix describing the Ellipsoid Of Accuracy (EOA)
 CchemPointISAT *
 CCirculatorBaseBase class for circulators
 CclockRead access to the system clock with formatting
 CclockTimeStarts timing (using rtc) and returns elapsed time from start. Better resolution (2uSec instead of ~20mSec) than cpuTime
 CcloudSolutionStores all relevant solution info for cloud
 CcmptDivideOp< T >
 CcmptDivideOp2< T1, T2 >
 CcmptDivideOp3< T, T1, T2 >
 CcmptMultiplyOp< T >
 CcmptMultiplyOp2< T1, T2 >
 CcmptMultiplyOp3< T, T1, T2 >
 CcmptPowOp< T >
 CcmptPowOp2< T1, T2 >
 CcmptPowOp3< T, T1, T2 >
 CcoalCloudCloud class to introduce coal parcels
 CcoalParcelDefinition of coal parcel
 CcodedBaseBase class for function objects and boundary conditions using dynamic code
 CcodedSourceConstructs on-the-fly fvOption source
 CCollisionRecordList< PairType, WallType >
 CCollisionRecordList< vector, vector >
 Ccombine< Type, TrackingData >
 CcombineConstraintsEqOpReduce operator
 CcombineEqOp< Type, TrackingData >Reduction class. If x and y are not equal assign value
 CcombineFacesCombines boundary faces into single face. The faces get the patch of the first face ('the master')
 CcombineReduceFileStatesCombine operator for PackedList of fileState
 CcommScheduleDetermines the order in which a set of processors should communicate with one another
 CUPstream::commsStructStructure for communicating between processors
 CUPstream::communicatorHelper class for allocating/freeing communicators
 CCompactListList< T, Container >A packed storage unstructured matrix of objects of type <T> using an offset table for access
 CcomplexExtension to the c++ complex library type
 CcompositeBodyThis specialized rigidBody holds the original body after it has been merged into a parent
 CcompressibleTransportModelBase-class for all transport models used by the compressible turbulence models
 CDLListBase::const_iteratorAn STL-conforming const_iterator
 CSLListBase::const_iteratorAn STL-conforming const_iterator
 CUPtrList< T >::const_iteratorAn STL-conforming const_iterator
 ClabelRange::const_iteratorAn STL const_iterator
 ClabelRanges::const_iteratorAn STL const_iterator
 CDLListBase::const_reverse_iteratorAn STL-conforming const_reverse_iterator
 CconstantConstant dispersed-phase particle diameter model
 CconstantAspectRatioConstant value aspect ratio model
 CconstantFilmThermoConstant thermo model
 CconstantHeatTransferConstant heat transfer model
 CDSMCParcel< ParcelType >::constantPropertiesClass to hold DSMC particle constant properties
 CKinematicParcel< ParcelType >::constantPropertiesClass to hold kinematic particle constant properties
 Cmolecule::constantPropertiesClass to hold molecule constant properties
 CconstantRadiationFilm constant radiation model. The constant radiative flux is specified by the user, and operated over a time interval defined by a start time and duration. In addition, a mask can be applied to shield the film from the radiation
 CconstantSurfaceTensionCoefficientConstant value surface tension model
 CconstantViscosityConstant viscosity model
 CVectorSpace< Form, Cmpt, Ncmpts >::ConstBlock< SubVector, BStart >Const sub-block type
 CMatrixSpace< Form, Cmpt, Mrows, Ncols >::ConstBlock< SubTensor, BRowStart, BColStart >Const sub-block type
 CConstMatrixBlock< MatrixType >
 CconsumptionSpeedCorrelation function for laminar consumption speed obtained from flamelet solution at increasing strain rates
 CcoordinateRotationAbstract base class for coordinate rotation
 CcoordinateSystemBase class for other coordinate system specifications
 CCorrectionLimitingMethodBase class for correction limiting methods
 CCorrectPhiFlux correction functions to ensure continuity
 CcosineCosine wall heat flux partitioning model
 CcoupledFacePairData associated with a pair of coupled faces
 CcoupledPointPatchCoupled patch for post-processing. Used as the base class for processor and cyclic pointPatches
 CcoupleGroupIdentifierEncapsulates using patchGroups to specify coupled patch
 CcpuTimeStarts timing CPU usage and return elapsed time from start
 CcreateShellMeshCreates mesh by extruding a patch
 CcrossProduct< arg1, arg2 >
 CcubeRootVolDeltaSimple cube-root of cell volume delta used in LES models
 CcubicUpwindFitPolynomialCubic polynomial for upwind biased interpolation fitting
 CcuboidSpecialization of rigidBody to construct a cuboid given the mass and lengths of the sides
 CcurvatureSeparationCurvature film separation model
 Ccurve::curveStyleThe style (line, symbol, etc) of a curve
 Ccv2DControlsControls for the 2D CV mesh generator
 CcvControlsControls for the conformalVoronoiMesh mesh generator
 CcyclicAMILduInterfaceAn abstract base class for cyclic AMI coupled interfaces
 CcyclicAMILduInterfaceFieldAbstract base class for cyclic AMI coupled interfaces
 CcyclicLduInterfaceAn abstract base class for cyclic coupled interfaces
 CcyclicLduInterfaceFieldAbstract base class for cyclic coupled interfaces
 CdecompositionMethodAbstract base class for decomposition
 CdegenerateMatcherCollection of all hex degenerate matchers (hex, wedge, prism etc.) Has static member function to match a shape
 CDelaunayMeshToolsCollection of functions for operating on a Delaunay mesh. Includes:
 CsmoothDelta::deltaDataPublic member class used by mesh-wave to propagate the delta-ratio
 CdemandDrivenEntry< Type >Class for demand-driven dictionary entries
 CdemandDrivenEntry< bool >
 CdemandDrivenEntry< label >
 CdemandDrivenEntry< scalar >
 CdepartureDiameterModelBase class for bubble departure diameter models
 CdepartureFrequencyModelBase class for bubble departure frequency models
 CdiameterModelAbstract base-class for dispersed-phase particle diameter models
 Cdimensioned< Type >Generic dimensioned Type class
 Cdimensioned< scalar >
 Cdimensioned< vector >
 CdimensionSetDimension set for the base types
 CdimFieldDecomposerDimensioned field decomposer
 CdirectionInfoHolds direction in which to split cell (in fact a local coordinate axes). Information is a label and a direction
 CdistributionModelA library of runtime-selectable distribution models
 CdivideEqOp< T >
 CdivideEqOp2< T1, T2 >
 CdivideOp< T >
 CdivideOp2< T1, T2 >
 CdivideOp3< T, T1, T2 >
 CdlLibraryTableA table of dynamically loaded libraries
 CDLListBaseBase doubly-linked list
 CdrippingInjectionFilm Dripping mass transfer model
 CDSMCBaseCloudVirtual abstract base class for templated DSMCCloud
 CdsmcCloudCloud class to simulate dsmc parcels
 CspatialTransform::dualWrapper-class to provide dual functions and operators
 CSpatialVector< Cmpt >::dualClass to represent the dual spatial vector
 CduplicatePointsDuplicate points
 CdynamicCodeTools for handling dynamic code compilation
 CdynamicCodeContextEncapsulation of dynamic code dictionaries
 CDynamicID< ObjectType >A class that holds the data needed to identify things (zones, patches) in a dynamic mesh
 CDynamicID< cellZoneMesh >
 CDynamicID< faceZoneMesh >
 CDynamicID< pointZoneMesh >
 CDynamicID< polyBoundaryMesh >
 CdynamicTreeDataPointHolds (reference to) pointField. Encapsulation of data needed for octree searches. Used for searching for nearest point. No bounding boxes around points. Only overlaps and calcNearest are implemented, rest makes little sense
 CedgeCollapserDoes polyTopoChanges to remove edges. Can remove faces due to edge collapse but can not remove cells due to face removal! Also removes unused points
 CedgeFaceCirculatorWalks from starting face around edge
 CedgeMeshFormatsCoreA collection of helper functions for reading/writing edge formats
 CedgeStatsHelper class to calculate minimum edge length on mesh
 CedgeSurfaceDescription of surface in form of 'cloud of edges'
 CedgeVertexCombines edge or vertex in single label. Used to specify cuts across cell circumference
 CenrichedPatchThe enriched patch contains a double set of faces from the two sides of the sliding interface before the cutting
 CensightPartBase class for ensightPartCells and ensightPartFaces
 CensightPartsA collection of several ensightPart elements
 CensightPTraits< PrimitiveType >Conversion of OpenFOAM pTraits into the Ensight equivalent
 CensightPTraits< scalar >
 CensightPTraits< sphericalTensor >
 CensightPTraits< symmTensor >
 CensightPTraits< tensor >
 CensightPTraits< vector >
 CensightStreamAbstract base class for writing Ensight data
 Centry *
 CeqEqOp< T >
 CeqEqOp2< T1, T2 >
 CeqEqOp3< T, T1, T2 >
 CeqMagOp< T >
 CeqMagOp2< T1, T2 >
 CeqMinusOp< T >
 CeqMinusOp2< T1, T2 >
 CeqOp< T >
 CeqOp2< T1, T2 >
 CeqSqrOp< T >
 CeqSqrOp2< T1, T2 >
 CerrorManip< Err >Error stream manipulators for exit and abort which may terminate the program or throw an exception depending if the exception handling has been switched on (off by default)
 CerrorManipArg< Err, T >ErrorManipArg
 CexponentialExponential distribution model
 CextendedCellToCellStencilBaseclass for cell-to-cell stencils
 CextendedCellToFaceStencilCalculates/constains the extended cell-to-face stencil
 CextendedFaceToCellStencilNote: transformations on coupled patches not supported. Problem is the positions of cells reachable through these patches
 CexternalDisplacementMeshMoverVirtual base class for mesh movers with externally provided displacement field giving the boundary conditions. Move the mesh from the current location to a new location (so modify the mesh; v.s. motionSolver that only returns the new location)
 CexternalPointEdgePointHolds information regarding nearest wall point. Used in PointEdgeWave. (so not standard FaceCellWave) To be used in wall distance calculation
 Cextrude2DMeshGiven a 2D mesh insert all the topology changes to extrude. Does not work in parallel
 CextrudeModelTop level extrusion model class
 CfaceAreaIntersectFace intersection class
 CfaceCollapserCollapses faces into edges. Used to remove sliver faces (faces with small area but non-zero span)
 CfaceCoupleInfoContainer for information needed to couple to meshes. When constructed from two meshes and a geometric tolerance finds the corresponding boundary faces
 CfaceEqOp< T, CombineOp >
 CfaceSelectionFace selection method for createBaffles
 CFallOffReactionRate< ReactionRate, FallOffFunction >General class for handling unimolecular/recombination fall-off reactions
 CfeaturePointConformerThe Delaunay vertices required to conform to a feature point can be determined upon initialisation because the feature points are fixed and do not change throughout the meshing process
 CfftFast fourier transform derived from the Numerical Recipes in C routine
 CfieldAverageItemHelper class to describe what form of averaging to apply. A set will be applied to each base field in Foam::fieldAverage, of the form:
 CFieldMapperAbstract base class to hold the Field mapping addressing and weights
 CfieldValueBase class for field value -based function objects
 CfileMonitorChecking for changes to files
 CfileMonitorWatcherInternal tracking via stat(3p) or inotify(7)
 CfileStatWrapper for stat() system call
 CfilmRadiationModelBase class for film radiation models
 CfilmThermoModelBase class for film thermo models
 CfilmViscosityModelBase class for surface film viscosity models
 CtreeDataPrimitivePatch< PatchType >::findAllIntersectOp
 CtreeDataPrimitivePatch< PatchType >::findIntersectOp
 CtreeDataPrimitivePatch< PatchType >::findNearestOp
 CtreeDataPrimitivePatch< PatchType >::findSelfIntersectOp
 CFixedList< T, Size >A 1D vector of objects of type <T> with a fixed size <Size>
 CFixedList< bool, Foam::pTraits< Type >::nComponents >
 CFixedList< direction, 3 >
 CFixedList< FixedList< point, 4 >, Size >
 CFixedList< Foam::FixedList< Foam::radiation::absorptionCoeffs, nSpecies_ >, maxBands_ >
 CFixedList< Foam::labelBits, 8 >
 CFixedList< Foam::List, 3 >
 CFixedList< Foam::List< Foam::Field >, 3 >
 CFixedList< Foam::List< Foam::FixedList< label, 4 > >, 6 >
 CFixedList< Foam::Vector, 6 >
 CFixedList< Foam::Vector2D< scalar >, maxBands_ >
 CFixedList< label, 2 >
 CFixedList< label, 3 >
 CFixedList< label, 4 >
 CFixedList< label, 6 >
 CFixedList< label, 8 >
 CFixedList< label, nSpecies_ >
 CFixedList< scalar, 100 >
 CFixedList< scalar, 3 >
 CFixedList< scalar, 7 >
 CFixedList< scalar, maxBands_ >
 CFixedList< scalar, nb_ >
 CFixedList< scalar, nCoeff_ >
 CFixedList< scalar, nCoeffs_ >
 CFixedList< Type, 2 >
 CFixedList< Type, 3 >
 CFixedList< Type, 4 >
 CFixedList< word, 2 >
 CfixedValueReturns a fixed value
 CflipOpClass containing functor to negate primitives. Dummy for all other types
 Cflux< scalar >
 CforceListList container for film sources
 CfunctionObjectAbstract base-class for Time/database function objects
 CfvFieldDecomposerFinite Volume volume and surface field decomposer
 CfvFieldReconstructorFinite volume reconstructor for volume and surface fields
 CfvMeshDistributeSends/receives parts of mesh+fvfields to neighbouring processors. Used in load balancing
 CfvMeshMapperClass holds all the necessary information for mapping fields associated with fvMesh
 CfvMeshSubsetPost-processing mesh subset tool. Given the original mesh and the list of selected cells, it creates the mesh consisting only of the desired cells, with the mapping list for points, faces, and cells
 CfvMeshToolsA collection of tools for operating on an fvMesh
 CfvMotionSolverBase class for fvMesh based motionSolvers
 CfvPatchA finiteVolume patch using a polyPatch and a fvBoundaryMesh
 CfvMatrix< Type >::fvSolverSolver class returned by the solver function
 CGAMGProcAgglomerationProcessor agglomeration of GAMGAgglomerations
 CgeneralGeneral distribution model
 CGeoMesh< MESH >Generic mesh wrapper used by volMesh, surfaceMesh, pointMesh etc
 CGeoMesh< fvMesh >
 CGeoMesh< polyMesh >
 CGeoMesh< surfMesh >
 CGeoMesh< triSurface >
 CgeometricSurfacePatchThe geometricSurfacePatch is like patchIdentifier but for surfaces. Holds type, name and index
 CglobalIndexCalculates a unique integer (label so might not have enough room - 2G max) for processor + local index. E.g
 CglobalIndexAndTransformDetermination and storage of the possible independent transforms introduced by coupledPolyPatches, as well as all of the possible permutations of these transforms generated by the presence of multiple coupledPolyPatches, i.e. more than one cyclic boundary. Note that any given point can be on maximum 3 transforms only (and these transforms have to be perpendicular)
 CglobalPointsCalculates points shared by more than two processor patches or cyclic patches
 CgradingDescriptorHandles the specification for grading within a section of a block
 CUList< T >::greaterGreater function class that can be used for sorting
 CgreaterEqOp< T >
 CgreaterEqOp2< T1, T2 >
 CgreaterEqOp3< T, T1, T2 >
 CgreaterOp< T >
 CgreaterOp2< T1, T2 >
 CgreaterOp3< T, T1, T2 >
 CFixedList< T, Size >::Hash< HashT >Hashing function class
 CHash< PrimitiveType >Hash function class for primitives. All non-primitives used to hash entries on hash tables likely need a specialized version of this class
 Cstring::hashHashing function class, shared by all the derived classes
 CHash< Foam::fileName >Hash specialization for hashing fileNames
 CHash< Foam::keyType >Hash specialization for hashing keyTypes
 CHash< Foam::label >Hash specialization for hashing labels
 CHash< Foam::string >Hash specialization for hashing strings
 CHash< Foam::word >Hash specialization for hashing words
 CHash< Foam::wordRe >Hash specialization for hashing wordRes
 CHash< interfacePair >
 CHash< phasePairKey >
 CHash< void * >Hash specialization for hashing pointer addresses
 ChashSignedLabelHash for signed integers (Hash<label> only works for unsigned ints)
 CHashTableCoreTemplate-invariant bits for HashTable
 CheatTransferModelBase class for film heat transfer models
 ChelpBoundaryThis class provides help for boundary conditions (patch fields). When no additional arguments are given, the utility outputs all known boundary conditions
 ChelpFunctionObjectThis class provides help for functionObjects. When no additional arguments are given, the utility outputs all known function objects
 ChelpTypeBase class for foam help classes
 CHenryHenry's law for gas solubiliy in liquid. The concentration of the dissolved species in the liquid is proportional to its partial pressure in the gas. The dimensionless constant of proportionality between concentrations on each side of the interface is $k$, and is given for each species. Mixing in the gas is assumed to be ideal
 ChexBlockHex block definition used in the cfx converter
 ChexRef8Refinement of (split) hexes using polyTopoChange
 ChexRef8DataVarious for reading/decomposing/reconstructing/distributing refinement data
 CHistogram< List >Calculates the counts per bin of a list
 CIATEsourceIATE (Interfacial Area Transport Equation) bubble diameter model run-time selectable sources
 CIDDESDeltaIDDESDelta used by the IDDES (improved low Re Spalart-Allmaras DES model) The min and max delta are calculated using the double distance of the min or max from the face centre to the cell centre
 CifEqEqOp< value >Reduction class. If x and y are not equal assign value
 CIFstreamAllocatorA std::istream with ability to handle compressed files
 CImanip< T >
 CIndirectListAddressingA helper class for storing addresses
 CsearchableSurface::iNewClass used for the read-construction of
 CsampledSet::iNewClass used for the read-construction of
 CsampledSurface::iNewClass used for the PtrLists read-construction
 CfindCellParticle::iNewFactory class to read-construct particles used for
 CstreamLineParticle::iNewFactory class to read-construct particles used for parallel transfer
 CtopoSetSource::iNewClass used for the read-construction of
 CignitionSite::iNewClass used for the read-construction of
 CINew< T >A helper class when constructing from an Istream or dictionary
 Cparticle< Type >::iNewFactory class to read-construct particles used for
 Coption::iNewReturn pointer to new fvOption object created
 CDSMCParcel< ParcelType >::iNewFactory class to read-construct particles used for
 CphaseModel::iNewReturn a pointer to a new phaseModel created on freestore
 CporosityModel::iNewReturn pointer to new porosityModel object created on the freestore
 Cphase::iNewReturn a pointer to a new phase created on freestore
 CblockVertex::iNewClass used for the read-construction of
 CSprayParcel< ParcelType >::iNewFactory class to read-construct particles used for
 CblockEdge::iNewClass used for the read-construction of
 CCollidingParcel< ParcelType >::iNewFactory class to read-construct particles used for
 CIATEsource::iNewClass used for the read-construction of
 CKinematicParcel< ParcelType >::iNewFactory class to read-construct particles used for
 CMPPICParcel< ParcelType >::iNewFactory class to read-construct particles used for
 CReactingMultiphaseParcel< ParcelType >::iNewFactory class to read-construct particles used for
 CReactingParcel< ParcelType >::iNewFactory class to read-construct particles used for
 CThermoParcel< ParcelType >::iNewFactory class to read-construct particles used for
 CmotionSolver::iNewClass used for the construction of PtrLists of motionSolvers
 Cmolecule::iNewFactory class to read-construct particles used for
 CsolidParticle::iNewFactory class to read-construct particles used for
 CblockFace::iNewClass used for the read-construction of
 Cblock::iNewClass used for the read-construction of
 CtrackedParticle::iNewFactory class to read-construct particles used for
 CinfiniteReactionRateInfinite reaction rate
 CInflowBoundaryModel< CloudType >Templated inflow boundary model class
 CInflowBoundaryModel< Foam::DSMCCloud< DSMCParcel< ParcelType > > >
 CInflowBoundaryModel< Foam::DSMCCloud< ParcelType > >
 CInfoProxy< T >A helper class for outputting values to Ostream
 CinjectionModelListList container for film injection models
 CinnerProduct< arg1, arg2 >
 CinnerProduct< one, arg2 >
 CinnerProduct< SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt > >
 CinnerProduct< SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt >, SymmTensor2D< Cmpt > >
 CinnerProduct< SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt >, Tensor2D< Cmpt > >
 CinnerProduct< SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt >, Vector2D< Cmpt > >
 CinnerProduct< SphericalTensor< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor< Cmpt > >
 CinnerProduct< SphericalTensor< Cmpt >, SymmTensor< Cmpt > >
 CinnerProduct< SphericalTensor< Cmpt >, Tensor< Cmpt > >
 CinnerProduct< SphericalTensor< Cmpt >, Vector< Cmpt > >
 CinnerProduct< SymmTensor2D< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt > >
 CinnerProduct< SymmTensor2D< Cmpt >, SymmTensor2D< Cmpt > >
 CinnerProduct< SymmTensor2D< Cmpt >, Vector2D< Cmpt > >
 CinnerProduct< SymmTensor< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor< Cmpt > >
 CinnerProduct< SymmTensor< Cmpt >, SymmTensor< Cmpt > >
 CinnerProduct< SymmTensor< Cmpt >, Tensor< Cmpt > >
 CinnerProduct< SymmTensor< Cmpt >, Vector< Cmpt > >
 CinnerProduct< Tensor2D< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt > >
 CinnerProduct< Tensor2D< Cmpt >, Tensor2D< Cmpt > >
 CinnerProduct< Tensor2D< Cmpt >, Vector2D< Cmpt > >
 CinnerProduct< Tensor< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor< Cmpt > >
 CinnerProduct< Tensor< Cmpt >, SymmTensor< Cmpt > >
 CinnerProduct< vector, Type >
 CinnerProduct< Vector2D< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt > >
 CinnerProduct< Vector2D< Cmpt >, SymmTensor2D< Cmpt > >
 CinnerProduct< Vector2D< Cmpt >, Tensor2D< Cmpt > >
 CinnerProduct< Vector< Cmpt >, scalar >Dummy innerProduct for scalar to allow the construction of vtables for
 CinnerProduct< Vector< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor< Cmpt > >
 CinnerProduct< Vector< Cmpt >, SymmTensor< Cmpt > >
 CinstantAn instant of time. Contains the time value and name
 CIntegrationScheme< Type >::integrationResultHelper class to supply results of integration
 CIntegrationScheme< Type >Top level model for Integration schemes
 CInteractionLists< ParticleType >Builds direct interaction list, specifying which local (real) cells are potentially in range of each other
 CInteractionLists< Foam::molecule >
 CInteractionLists< typename CloudType::parcelType >
 CinterfaceCompositionModelGeneric base class for interface composition models. These models describe the composition in phase 1 of the supplied pair at the interface with phase 2
 CinterfaceCompressionLimiterInterface compression scheme currently based on the generic limited scheme although it does not use the NVD/TVD functions
 CinterfacePropertiesContains the interface properties
 CinternalWriterWrite fields (internal)
 Cinterpolation< Type >Abstract base class for interpolation
 Cinterpolation< Foam::Vector >
 Cinterpolation< scalar >
 CinterpolationWeightsAbstract base class for interpolating in 1D
 CIOobjectIOobject defines the attributes of an object for which implicit objectRegistry management is supported, and provides the infrastructure for performing stream I/O
 CIOstreamAn IOstream is an abstract base class for all input/output systems; be they streams, files, token lists etc
 CisNotEqOp< T >
 CisothermalIsothermal dispersed-phase particle diameter model
 CStaticHashTable< T, Key, Hash >::Iterator< TRef, TableRef >An STL iterator
 CDLListBase::iteratorAn STL-conforming iterator
 CSLListBase::iteratorAn STL-conforming iterator
 CUPtrList< T >::iteratorAn STL iterator
 CStaticHashTable< T, Key, Hash >::Iterator< const T &, const StaticHashTable< T, Key, Hash > &>
 CStaticHashTable< T, Key, Hash >::Iterator< T &, StaticHashTable< T, Key, Hash > &>
 CHashTable< T, Key, Hash >::iteratorBaseThe iterator base for HashTable
 CPackedList< nBits >::iteratorBaseThe iterator base for PackedList
 CHashTableCore::iteratorEndA zero-sized end iterator
 CStaticHashTableCore::iteratorEndA zero-sized end iterator
 CJanevReactionRateJanev, Langer, Evans and Post reaction rate
 CjointAbstract base-class for all rigid-body joints
 CkinematicCloudVirtual abstract base class for templated KinematicCloud
 CkinematicParcelInjectionDataContainer class to provide injection data for kinematic parcels
 CkinematicSingleLayerKinematic form of single-cell layer surface film model
 CkineticTheoryModelKinetic theory particle phase RAS model
 CkOmegaSSTImplementation of the k-omega-SST-DES turbulence model for incompressible and compressible flows
 ClabelBitsA 29bits label and 3bits direction packed into single label
 ClabelRangeA label range specifier
 ClagrangianFieldDecomposerLagrangian field decomposer
 ClagrangianWriterWrite fields (internal)
 ClaminarFlameSpeedAbstract class for laminar flame speed
 CLandauTellerReactionRateLandau-Teller reaction rate
 CLangmuirHinshelwoodReactionRatePower series reaction rate
 CLavievilleLavieville wall heat flux partitioning model
 CstructuredRenumber::layerLessLess function class that can be used for sorting according to
 ClayerParametersSimple container to keep together layer specific information
 ClduAddressingThe class contains the addressing required by the lduMatrix: upper, lower and losort
 ClduInterfaceAn abstract base class for implicitly-coupled interfaces e.g. processor and cyclic patches
 ClduInterfaceFieldAn abstract base class for implicitly-coupled interface fields e.g. processor and cyclic patch fields
 CLduMatrix< Type, DType, LUType >LduMatrix is a general matrix class in which the coefficients are stored as three arrays, one for the upper triangle, one for the lower triangle and a third for the diagonal
 ClduMatrixLduMatrix is a general matrix class in which the coefficients are stored as three arrays, one for the upper triangle, one for the lower triangle and a third for the diagonal
 ClduMeshAbstract base class for meshes which provide LDU addressing for the construction of lduMatrix and LDU-solvers
 ClduScheduleEntryStruct to hold the patch index and the initialisation flag for the patch schedule
 CLESdeltaAbstract base class for LES deltas
 CLESfilterAbstract class for LES filters
 CSortableListDRGEP< Type >::lessLess function class used by the sort function
 CUList< T >::lessLess function class that can be used for sorting
 Cinstant::lessLess function class used in sorting instants
 CglobalIndexAndTransform::lessLess function class used in sorting encoded transforms and indices
 ClabelRange::lessLess function class for sorting labelRange
 CDelaunayMesh< Triangulation >::Traits_for_spatial_sort::Less_x_3
 CDelaunayMesh< Triangulation >::Traits_for_spatial_sort::Less_y_3
 CDelaunayMesh< Triangulation >::Traits_for_spatial_sort::Less_z_3
 ClessEqOp< T >
 ClessEqOp2< T1, T2 >
 ClessEqOp3< T, T1, T2 >
 ClessOp< T >
 ClessOp2< T1, T2 >
 ClessOp3< T, T1, T2 >
 ClessProcPatchesLess function class that can be used for sorting processor patches
 CLimitFuncsClass to create NVD/TVD limited weighting-factors
 CLindemannFallOffFunctionLindemann fall-off function
 Cline< Point, PointRef >A line primitive
 ClinearLinear wall heat flux partitioning model
 ClinearFitPolynomialLinear polynomial for interpolation fitting
 ClineDivideDivides a line into segments
 CDLListBase::linkLink structure
 CSLListBase::linkLink structure
 CliquidFilmThermoLiquid thermo model
 CliquidMixturePropertiesA mixture of liquids
 CliquidViscosityLiquidViscosity viscosity model
 CListAppendEqOp< T >Helper class for list to append y onto the end of x
 CUPstream::listEqCombineReduce operator for lists. Used for counting
 CListPlusEqOp< T, Size >Plus op for FixedList<scalar>
 CglobalMeshData::ListPlusEqOp< T >
 ClistPlusEqOp< T >
 ClistUpdateOp< Type, TrackingData >List update operation
 ClocalPointRegionTakes mesh with 'baffles' (= boundary faces sharing points). Determines for selected points on boundary faces the 'point region' it is connected to. Each region can be visited by a cell-face-cell walk. Used in duplicating points after splitting baffles
 CensightPart::localPointsTrack the points used by the part and map global to local indices
 CmagnetClass to hold the defining data for a permanent magnet, in particular the name, relative permeability and remanence
 CmagSqr< Type >
 CmapAddedPolyMeshClass containing mesh-to-mesh mapping information after a mesh addition where we add a mesh ('added mesh') to an old mesh, creating a new mesh
 CmapDistributeBaseClass containing processor-to-processor mapping information
 CmapDistributeLagrangianClass containing mesh-to-mesh mapping information for particles
 CmapDistributePolyMeshClass containing mesh-to-mesh mapping information after a mesh distribution where we send parts of meshes (using subsetting) to other processors and receive and reconstruct mesh
 CMapInternalField< Type, MeshMapper, GeoMesh >Generic internal field mapper. For "real" mapping, add template specialisations for mapping of internal fields depending on mesh type
 CMapInternalField< Type, MeshMapper, pointMesh >
 CMapInternalField< Type, MeshMapper, surfaceMesh >
 CMapInternalField< Type, MeshMapper, volMesh >
 CmapPatchChangeClass containing mesh-to-mesh mapping information after a patch change operation
 CmappedConvectiveHeatTransferConvective heat transfer model based on a re-working of a Nusselt number correlation
 CmappedPatchBaseDetermines a mapping between patch face centres and mesh cell or face centres and processors they're on
 CmappedPatchFieldBase< Type >Functionality for sampling fields using mappedPatchBase. Every call to mappedField() returns a sampled field, optionally scaled to maintain an area-weighted average
 CMapPointFieldMap point field on topology change. This is a partial template specialisation for GeoMesh=pointMesh
 CmapPolyMeshClass containing mesh-to-mesh mapping information after a change in polyMesh topology
 CmapSubsetMeshClass containing mesh-to-mesh mapping information after a subset operation
 CmassRosinRammlerMass-based Rosin-Rammler distributionModel
 CMatrix< Form, Type >A templated (m x n) matrix of objects of <T>
 CMatrix< RectangularMatrix< Type >, Type >
 CMatrix< SquareMatrix< cmptType >, cmptType >
 CMatrix< SquareMatrix< scalar >, scalar >
 CMatrix< SquareMatrix< Type >, Type >
 CMatrix< SymmetricSquareMatrix< Type >, Type >
 CMatrixBlock< MatrixType >A templated block of an (m x n) matrix of type <MatrixType>
 CmaxDeltaxyzDelta calculated by taking the maximum distance between the cell centre and any face centre. For a regular hex cell, the computed delta will equate to half of the cell width; accordingly, the deltaCoeff model coefficient should be set to 2 for this case
 CmaxEqOp< T >
 CmaxEqOp2< T1, T2 >
 CmaxMagSqrEqOp< T >
 CmaxMagSqrEqOp2< T1, T2 >
 CmaxMagSqrOp< T >
 CmaxMagSqrOp2< T1, T2 >
 CmaxMagSqrOp3< T, T1, T2 >
 CmaxOp< T >
 CmaxOp2< T1, T2 >
 CmaxOp3< T, T1, T2 >
 CmemberFunctionSelectionTablesMacros to enable the easy declaration of member function selection tables
 CmemInfoMemory usage information for the process running this object
 CmeshDualiserCreates dual of polyMesh. Every point becomes a cell (or multiple cells for feature points), a walk around every edge creates faces between them
 CMeshedSurfaceIOAllocatorA helper class for storing points, faces and zones with IO capabilities
 CmeshReaderThis class supports creating polyMeshes with baffles
 CmeshRefinementHelper class which maintains intersections of (changing) mesh with (static) surfaces
 CmeshSearchVarious (local, not parallel) searches on polyMesh; uses (demand driven) octree to search
 CmeshStructureDetect extruded mesh structure given a set of patch faces
 CmeshToMeshClass to calculate the cell-addressing between two overlapping meshes
 CmeshToMesh0Mesh to mesh interpolation class
 CmeshToMeshMethodBase class for mesh-to-mesh calculation methods
 CmeshWriterWrite OpenFOAM meshes and/or results to another CFD format
 CmessageStreamClass to handle messaging in a simple, consistent stream-based manner
 CminDataFor use with FaceCellWave. Transports minimum passive data
 CminEqOp< T >
 CminEqOp2< T1, T2 >
 CminEqOp< labelPair >
 CminMagSqrEqOp< T >
 CminMagSqrEqOp2< T1, T2 >
 CminMagSqrOp< T >
 CminMagSqrOp2< T1, T2 >
 CminMagSqrOp3< T, T1, T2 >
 CminModOp< T >
 CminModOp2< T1, T2 >
 CminModOp3< T, T1, T2 >
 CminOp< T >
 CminOp2< T1, T2 >
 CminOp3< T, T1, T2 >
 CminusEqOp< T >
 CminusEqOp2< T1, T2 >
 CminusOp< T >
 CminusOp2< T1, T2 >
 CminusOp3< T, T1, T2 >
 CmixtureViscosityModelAn abstract base class for incompressible mixtureViscosityModels
 CmomentOfInertiaCalculates the inertia tensor and principal axes and moments of a polyhedra/cells/triSurfaces. Inertia can either be of the solid body or of a thin shell
 CSortableListEFA< Type >::moreLess function class used by the sort function
 CmotionDiffusivityAbstract base class for cell-centre mesh motion diffusivity
 CmotionSmootherAlgoGiven a displacement moves the mesh by scaling the displacement back until there are no more mesh errors
 CMRFZoneMRF zone definition based on cell zone and parameters obtained from a control dictionary constructed from the given stream
 CmultiDirRefinementDoes multiple pass refinement to refine cells in multiple directions
 CmultiNormalA multiNormal distribution model
 CmultiplyEqOp< T >
 CmultiplyEqOp2< T1, T2 >
 CmultiplyOp< T >
 CmultiplyOp2< T1, T2 >
 CmultiplyOp3< T, T1, T2 >
 CmultiplyWeightedOp< Type, CombineOp >
 CNASCoreCore routines used when reading/writing NASTRAN files
 CnilA zero-sized class without any storage. Used, for example, in HashSet
 CdynamicIndexedOctree< Type >::nodeTree node. Has up pointer and down pointers
 CindexedOctree< Type >::nodeTree node. Has up pointer and down pointers
 CnoFilmDummy surface film model for 'none'
 CNonRandomTwoLiquidNon ideal law for the mixing of two species. A separate composition model is given for each species. The composition of a species is equal to the value given by the model, scaled by the species fraction in the bulk of the other phase, and multiplied by the activity coefficient for that species. The gas behaviour is assumed ideal; i.e. the fugacity coefficient is taken as equal to 1
 CPackingModel< CloudType >::NoPacking
 CnopEqOp< T >
 CnopEqOp2< T1, T2 >
 CnoPhaseChangeDummy phase change model for 'none'
 CnoPyrolysisDummy surface pyrolysis model for 'none'
 CnoRadiationDummy radiation model for 'none' option
 CnormalA normal distribution model
 CnormalLessTo compare normals
 CnoThermoDummy surface pyrolysis model for 'none'
 CnucleationSiteModelBase class for nucleation site density models
 Cnull< Type >
 CnullObjectSingleton null-object class and instance
 CobjectHitThis class describes a combination of target object index and success flag
 CobjectMapAn objectMap is a pair of labels defining the mapping of an object from another object, e.g. a cell mapped from a point
 CODESolverAbstract base-class for ODE system solvers
 CODESystemAbstract base class for the systems of ordinary differential equations
 CoffsetOp< T >
 CoffsetOp< face >Hash specialization to offset faces in ListListOps::combineOffset
 CoffsetOp< labelledTri >Hash specialization to offset faces in ListListOps::combineOffset
 CoffsetOp< triFace >Hash specialization to offset faces in ListListOps::combineOffset
 COFSsurfaceFormatCoreInternal class used by the OFSsurfaceFormat
 COFstreamAllocatorA std::ostream with ability to handle compressed files
 COFstreamCollatorThreaded file writer
 COmanip< T >
 ConeA class representing the concept of 1 (scalar(1)) used to avoid unnecessary manipulations for objects which are known to be one at compile-time
 CopAddResult< AheadOp, BehindOp >Trait to determine the result of the addition of two operations
 CopAddResult< noOp, noOp >
 CopAddResult< noOp, Op >
 CopAddResult< Op, noOp >
 CopAddResult< Op, Op >
 CoptionFinite volume options abstract base class. Provides a base set of controls, e.g.:
 CorEqOp< T >
 CorEqOp2< T1, T2 >
 CorOp< T >
 CorOp2< T1, T2 >
 CorOp3< T, T1, T2 >
 CouterProduct< arg1, arg2 >
 CouterProduct< Cmpt, SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt > >
 CouterProduct< Cmpt, SphericalTensor< Cmpt > >
 CouterProduct< Cmpt, SymmTensor2D< Cmpt > >
 CouterProduct< Cmpt, SymmTensor< Cmpt > >
 CouterProduct< SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt >, Cmpt >
 CouterProduct< SphericalTensor< Cmpt >, Cmpt >
 CouterProduct< SymmTensor2D< Cmpt >, Cmpt >
 CouterProduct< SymmTensor< Cmpt >, Cmpt >
 CouterProduct< Vector2D< Cmpt >, Vector2D< Cmpt > >
 CPackedListCoreTemplate-invariant bits for PackedList
 CPairCollisionRecord< Type >Record of a collision between the particle holding the record and the particle with the stored id
 CPairModel< CloudType >Templated pair interaction class
 CPairModel< Foam::DSMCCloud >
 CpairPatchAgglomerationPrimitive patch pair agglomerate method
 CParRunControlHelper class for initializing parallel jobs from the command arguments
 CParticleForce< CloudType >Abstract base class for particle forces
 CParticleStressModelBase class for inter-particle stress models
 CpartitioningModelBase class for wall heat flux partitioning models
 CpatchDistMethodSpecialisation of patchDist for wall distance calculation
 CpatchEdgeFaceRegionTransport of region for use in PatchEdgeFaceWave
 CpatchEdgeFaceRegionsTransport of regions for use in PatchEdgeFaceWave
 CpatchFaceOrientationTransport of orientation for use in PatchEdgeFaceWave
 CpatchIdentifierIdentifies patch by name, patch index and physical type
 CPatchInjectionBaseBase class for patch-based injection models
 CpatchInteractionDataHelper class for the LocalInteraction patch interaction model
 CPatchToolsA collection of tools for searching, sorting PrimitivePatch information
 CpatchToPoly2DMeshConvert a primitivePatch into a 2D polyMesh
 CpatchWriterWrite patch fields
 CphaseChangeModelBase class for surface film phase change models
 CphaseFractionWall heat-flux partitioned according to the phase volume fraction
 CphasePressureModelParticle-particle phase-pressure RAS model
 CphasePropertiesHelper class to manage multi-specie phase properties
 CphasePropertiesListSimple container for a list of phase properties
 CPhiLimiterClass with limiter function which returns the limiter for the Phi differencing scheme
 CplaneGeometric class that creates a 2D plane and can return the intersection point between a line and the plane
 CplusEqMagSqrOp< T >
 CplusEqMagSqrOp2< T1, T2 >
 CplusEqOp< T >
 CplusEqOp2< T1, T2 >
 CplusOp< T >
 CplusOp2< T1, T2 >
 CplusOp3< T, T1, T2 >
 CpointConversionConversion functions between point (Foam::) and Point (CGAL::)
 CpointEdgeCollapseDetermines length of string of edges walked to point
 CpointEdgePointHolds information regarding nearest wall point. Used in PointEdgeWave. (so not standard FaceCellWave) To be used in wall distance calculation
 CpointEdgeStructuredWalkDetermines length of string of edges walked to point
 CpointFieldDecomposerPoint field decomposer
 CpointFieldReconstructorPoint field reconstructor
 CPointHit< Point >This class describes the interaction of a face and a point. It carries the info of a successful hit and (if successful), returns the interaction point
 CPointHit< point >
 CpointHitSortContainer for sorting intersections
 CPointIndexHit< Point >This class describes the interaction of (usually) a face and a point. It carries the info of a successful hit and (if successful), returns the interaction point
 CpointMeshMapperClass holds all the necessary information for mapping fields associated with pointMesh
 CpointMVCWeightContainer to calculate weights for interpolating directly from vertices of cell using Mean Value Coordinates
 CpointPatchBasic pointPatch represents a set of points from the mesh
 CpointPatchField< Type >Abstract base class for point-mesh patch fields
 CpointPatchField< vector >
 CpointTopoDistanceDataFor use with PointEdgeWave. Determines topological distance to starting points
 CpointToPointPlanarInterpolationInterpolates between two sets of unstructured points using 2D Delaunay triangulation. Used in e.g. timeVaryingMapped bcs
 CpolyLineA series of straight line segments, which can also be interpreted as a series of control points for splines, etc
 CpolyMeshAdderAdds two meshes without using any polyMesh morphing
 CpolyMeshFilterSettingsClass to store the settings for the polyMeshFilter class
 CpolyMeshGeometryUpdateable mesh geometry and checking routines
 CpolyMeshModifierVirtual base class for mesh modifiers
 CpolyMeshTetDecompositionTools for performing the minimum decomposition of faces of the mesh into triangles so that the cells may be tet decomposed. Includes functions for finding variable face starting (base) points on each face to avoid the decomposition of cells into tets that have negative or zero volume
 CPolynomialEntryPolynomialEntry container data entry for scalars. Items are stored in a list of Tuple2's. Data is input in the form, e.g. for an entry <entryName> that describes y = x^2 + 2x^3
 CpolyTopoChangeDirect mesh changes based on v1.3 polyTopoChange syntax
 CpowerSeriesReactionRatePower series reaction rate
 CpowProduct< arg1, arg2 >
 CPrandtlDeltaApply Prandtl mixing-length based damping function to the specified geometric delta to improve near-wall behavior or LES models
 CLduMatrix< Type, DType, LUType >::preconditionerAbstract base-class for LduMatrix preconditioners
 ClduMatrix::preconditionerAbstract base-class for lduMatrix preconditioners
 CpreserveBafflesConstraintDetects baffles and keeps owner and neighbour on same processor
 CpreserveFaceZonesConstraintConstraint to keep/move owner and neighbour of faceZone onto same processor
 CpreservePatchesConstraintConstraint to keep owner and neighbour of (cyclic) patch on same processor
 CpressureControlProvides controls for the pressure reference is closed-volume simulations and a general method for limiting the pressure during the startup of steady-state simulations
 CprimaryRadiationRadiation model whereby the radiative heat flux is mapped from the primary region
 CprimitiveMeshCell-face mesh analysis engine
 CprimitiveMeshGeometryUpdateable mesh geometry + checking routines
 CPrimitivePatchInterpolation< Patch >Interpolation class within a primitive patch. Allows interpolation from points to faces and vice versa
 CPrimitivePatchInterpolation< Foam::PrimitivePatch >
 CPrintTable< KeyType, DataType >Print a table in parallel, e.g.;
 CprocessorLduInterfaceAn abstract base class for processor coupled interfaces
 CprocessorLduInterfaceFieldAbstract base class for processor coupled interfaces
 CprocessorMeshesContainer for processor mesh addressing
 CprocLduInterfaceIO interface for processorLduInterface
 CprocLduMatrixI/O for lduMatrix and interface values
 CprocLessLess operator for pairs of <processor><index>
 CprofileModelBase class for profile models
 CpsiChemistryCombustionCompressibility-based chemistry model wrapper for combustion models
 CpsiCombustionModelCombustion models for compressibility-based thermodynamics
 CpsiThermoCombustionCompressibility-based thermo model wrapper for combustion models
 CPstreamBuffersBuffers for inter-processor communications streams (UOPstream, UIPstream)
 CpTraits< bool >
 CpTraits< edge >Template specialization for pTraits<edge> so we can use syncTools
 CpTraits< int32_t >Template specialization for pTraits<int32_t>
 CpTraits< int64_t >Template specialization for pTraits<int64_t>
 CpTraits< labelList >Template specialization for pTraits<labelList> so we can have fields
 CpTraits< Scalar >
 CpTraits< uint32_t >Template specialization for pTraits<uint32_t>
 CpTraits< uint64_t >Template specialization for pTraits<uint64_t>
 CpTraits< vectorList >Template specialization for pTraits<labelList> so we can have fields
 Cpyramid< Point, PointRef, polygonRef >A geometric pyramid primitive with a base of 'n' sides: i.e. a parametric pyramid. A pyramid is constructed from a base polygon and an apex point
 CpyrolysisModelCollectionA centralized pyrolysis collection
 CQRMatrix< MatrixType >Class templated on matrix type to perform the QR decomposition using Householder reflections on a square or rectangular matrix
 CquadraticFitPolynomialQuadratic polynomial for centred interpolation fitting
 CquadraticLinearFitPolynomialQuadratic/linear polynomial for interpolation fitting: quadratic normal to the face, linear in the plane of the face for consistency with 2nd-order Gauss
 CquadraticLinearUpwindFitPolynomialQuadratic polynomial for upwind biased interpolation fitting
 CquadraticUpwindFitPolynomialQuadratic polynomial for upwind biased interpolation fitting
 CquaternionQuaternion class used to perform rotations in 3D space
 CradiationCoupledBaseCommon functions to emissivity. It gets supplied from lookup into a dictionary or calculated by the solidThermo:
 CradiativeIntensityRayRadiation intensity for a ray in a given direction
 CRandomSimple random number generator
 CRaoultRaoult's law of ideal mixing. A separate composition model is given for each species. The composition of a species is equal to the value given by the model scaled by the species fraction in the bulk of the other phase
 Cplane::rayA direction and a reference point
 CreactingCloudVirtual abstract base class for templated ReactingCloud
 CreactingMultiphaseCloudVirtual abstract base class for templated reactingMultiphaseCloud
 CreactingOneDimReacting, 1-D pyrolysis model
 CreactionRateFlameAreaAbstract class for reaction rate per flame area unit
 CindexedCell< Gt, Cb >::Rebind_TDS< TDS2 >
 CindexedFace< Gt, Fb >::Rebind_TDS< TDS2 >
 CindexedVertex< Gt, Vb >::Rebind_TDS< TDS2 >
 CreduceFileStatesReduction operator for PackedList of fileState
 CrefCountReference counter for various OpenFOAM components
 CtmpNrc< T >::refCount
 CrefineCellContainer with cells to refine. Refinement given as single direction
 CrefinementDataTransfers refinement levels such that slow transition between levels is maintained. Used in FaceCellWave
 CrefinementDistanceDataTransfers refinement levels such that slow transition between levels is maintained. Used in FaceCellWave
 CrefinementParametersSimple container to keep together refinement specific information
 CrefinementSurfacesContainer for data on surfaces used for surface-driven refinement. Contains all the data about the level of refinement needed per surface
 CregExpWrapper around POSIX extended regular expressions
 CregionCoupledBaseBase class with common functinality for regionCoupled polyPatch. It includes AMI
 CregionCoupledLduInterfaceAn abstract base class for region coupled interfaces
 CregionModelBase class for region models
 CregionModel1DBase class for 1-D region models
 CregionModelFunctionObjectRegion model function object base class
 CregionModelFunctionObjectListList of cloud function objects
 CregionSideDetermines the 'side' for every face and connected to a singly-connected (through edges) region of faces. Gets set of faces and a list of mesh edges ('fenceEdges') which should not be crossed. Used in splitting a mesh region
 CremoveCellsGiven list of cells to remove insert all the topology changes
 CremoveFacesGiven list of faces to remove insert all the topology changes. Contains helper function to get consistent set of faces to remove
 CremovePointsRemoves selected points from mesh and updates faces using these points
 CrenumberMethodAbstract base class for renumbering
 CrepatchPolyTopoChangerA mesh which allows changes in the patch distribution of the boundary faces. The change in patching is set using changePatchID. For a boundary face, a new patch ID is given
 CrestraintBase class for defining restraints for rigid-body dynamics
 CreuseTmp< TypeR, Type1 >
 CreuseTmp< TypeR, TypeR >
 CreuseTmpDimensionedField< TypeR, Type1, GeoMesh >
 CreuseTmpDimensionedField< TypeR, TypeR, GeoMesh >
 CreuseTmpFieldField< Field, TypeR, Type1 >
 CreuseTmpFieldField< Field, TypeR, TypeR >
 CreuseTmpGeometricField< TypeR, Type1, PatchField, GeoMesh >
 CreuseTmpGeometricField< TypeR, TypeR, PatchField, GeoMesh >
 CreuseTmpTmp< TypeR, Type1, Type12, Type2 >
 CreuseTmpTmp< TypeR, Type1, Type12, TypeR >
 CreuseTmpTmp< TypeR, TypeR, TypeR, Type2 >
 CreuseTmpTmp< TypeR, TypeR, TypeR, TypeR >
 CreuseTmpTmpDimensionedField< TypeR, Type1, Type12, Type2, GeoMesh >
 CreuseTmpTmpDimensionedField< TypeR, Type1, Type12, TypeR, GeoMesh >
 CreuseTmpTmpDimensionedField< TypeR, TypeR, TypeR, Type2, GeoMesh >
 CreuseTmpTmpDimensionedField< TypeR, TypeR, TypeR, TypeR, GeoMesh >
 CreuseTmpTmpFieldField< Field, TypeR, Type1, Type12, Type2 >
 CreuseTmpTmpFieldField< Field, TypeR, Type1, Type12, TypeR >
 CreuseTmpTmpFieldField< Field, TypeR, TypeR, TypeR, Type2 >
 CreuseTmpTmpFieldField< Field, TypeR, TypeR, TypeR, TypeR >
 CreuseTmpTmpGeometricField< TypeR, Type1, Type12, Type2, PatchField, GeoMesh >
 CreuseTmpTmpGeometricField< TypeR, Type1, Type12, TypeR, PatchField, GeoMesh >
 CreuseTmpTmpGeometricField< TypeR, TypeR, TypeR, Type2, PatchField, GeoMesh >
 CreuseTmpTmpGeometricField< TypeR, TypeR, TypeR, TypeR, PatchField, GeoMesh >
 CrhoChemistryCombustionDensity-based chemistry model wrapper for combustion models
 CrhoCombustionModelCombustion models for rho-based thermodynamics
 CrhoMagSqr< Type >
 CrhoThermoCombustionDensity-based thermo model wrapper for combustion models
 CrigidBodyInertiaThis class represents the linear and angular inertia of a rigid body by the mass, centre of mass and moment of inertia tensor about the centre of mass
 CrigidBodyModelBasic rigid-body model representing a system of rigid-bodies connected by 1-6 DoF joints
 CrigidBodyModelStateHolds the motion state of rigid-body model
 CRosinRammlerRosin-Rammler distributionModel
 CsammMeshA messy mesh class which supports the possibility of creating a shapeMesh for regular Samm meshes (no arbitrary interfaces or collapsed SAMM cells). If any of these special feateres exist, the mesh is created as polyMesh
 CsampledSurfaceAn abstract class for surfaces with sampling
 CSaturatedModel which uses a saturation pressure model for a single species to calculate the interface composition
 CscalarMatricesScalar matrices
 CscalarProduct< arg1, arg2 >
 CscalarRangeA scalar range specifier
 CscatterModelBase class for radiation scattering
 CsearchableSurfaceFeaturesDecorator that returns the features of a searchable surface
 CsearchableSurfacesQueriesA collection of tools for searchableSurfaces
 CsensibleEnthalpy< Thermo >Thermodynamics mapping class to expose the sensible enthalpy functions
 CsensibleInternalEnergy< Thermo >Thermodynamics mapping class to expose the sensible internal energy functions
 CsepternionSepternion class used to perform translations and rotations in 3D space
 CSHA1Functions to compute SHA1 message digest according to the NIST specification FIPS-180-1
 CSHA1DigestThe SHA1 message digest
 CshellSurfacesEncapsulates queries for volume refinement ('refine all cells within shell')
 CshortEdgeFilter2DThis class filters short edges generated by the CV2D mesher
 CsigFpeSet up trapping for floating point exceptions (signal FPE)
 CsigIntSignal handler for INT interupt
 CsigQuitSignal handler for QUIT interupt
 CsigSegvSignal handler for SEGV interupt
 CsigStopAtWriteNowSignal handler for interupt defined by OptimisationSwitches::stopAtWriteNowSignal
 CsigWriteNowSignal handler for interupt defined by OptimisationSwitches::writeNowSignal
 CsimpleSimple relative velocity model
 CsimpleRegIOobjectAbstract base class for registered object with I/O. Used in debug symbol registration
 CsingleLayerRegionBase class for single layer region models
 CsingleProcessorFaceSetsConstraintConstraint to keep all cells connected to face or point of faceSet on a single processor
 CsixDoFRigidBodyMotionSix degree of freedom motion for a rigid body
 CsixDoFRigidBodyMotionConstraintBase class for defining constraints for sixDoF motions
 CsixDoFRigidBodyMotionRestraintBase class for defining restraints for sixDoF motions
 CsixDoFRigidBodyMotionStateHolds the motion state of sixDoF object. Wrapped up together to allow rapid scatter to other processors. The processors must all maintain exactly the same state data to avoid any drift or inconsistency
 CSLListBaseBase singly-linked list
 CSmanip< T >
 CsmoothDataHelper class used by the fvc::smooth and fvc::spread functions
 CsmoothDeltaSmoothed delta which takes a given simple geometric delta and applies smoothing to it such that the ratio of deltas between two cells is no larger than a specified amount, typically 1.15
 ClduMatrix::smootherAbstract base-class for lduMatrix smoothers
 CLduMatrix< Type, DType, LUType >::smootherAbstract base-class for LduMatrix smoothers
 CsnapParametersSimple container to keep together snap specific information
 CsnappyLayerDriverAll to do with adding layers
 CsnappySnapDriverAll to do with snapping to surface
 CsolidArrheniusReactionRateArrhenius reaction rate for solids
 CsolidBodyMotionFunctionBase class for defining solid-body motions
 CsolidificationSolidification phase change model where all film mass is converted when the local temperature > activation temperature. The latent heat is assumed to be removed by heat-transfer to the wall
 CsolidMixturePropertiesA mixture of solids
 CsolidPropertiesThe thermophysical properties of a solid
 CLduMatrix< Type, DType, LUType >::solverAbstract base-class for LduMatrix solvers
 ClduMatrix::solverAbstract base-class for lduMatrix solvers
 CSolverPerformance< Type >SolverPerformance is the class returned by the LduMatrix solver containing performance statistics
 CsootModelBase class for soor models
 CspatialTransformCompact representation of the Plücker spatial transformation tensor in terms of the rotation tensor E and translation vector r
 CspecieBase class of the thermophysical property types
 CReaction< ReactionThermo >::specieCoeffsClass to hold the specie index and its coefficients in the
 CsphereSpecialization of rigidBody to construct a sphere given the mass and radius
 CsplitCellDescription of cell after splitting. Contains cellLabel and pointers to cells it it split in. See directedRefinement
 CsprayCloudVirtual abstract base class for templated SprayCloud
 CSRIFallOffFunctionThe SRI fall-off function
 CstabiliseOp< T >
 CstabiliseOp2< T1, T2 >
 CstabiliseOp3< T, T1, T2 >
 CstandardPhaseChangeStandard phase change model with modification for boiling
 CstandardRadiationStandard radiation model
 CSTARCDCoreCore routines used when reading/writing pro-STAR vrt/cel/bnd files
 CstarMeshA messy mesh class which supports the possibility of creating a shapeMesh for regular Star meshes (no arbitrary interfaces or collapsed SAMM cells). If any of these special feateres exist, the mesh is created as polyMesh
 CStaticHashTableCoreTemplate-invariant bits for StaticHashTable
 CSTLsurfaceFormatCoreInternal class used by the STLsurfaceFormat
 CSTLtriangleA triangle representation for STL files
 CStokesTurbulence model for Stokes flow
 CsubBodyThis specialized rigidBody holds the original body after it has been merged into a master
 CsubCycleField< GeometricField >
 CsubCycleTimeA class for managing sub-cycling times
 CsubModelBaseBase class for generic sub-models requiring to be read from dictionary. Provides a mechanism to read and write properties from a dictionary to enable clean re-starts. Used by, e.g. clou dsub-models
 CsumOp< T >
 CsumOp2< T1, T2 >
 CsumOp3< T, T1, T2 >
 CsurfaceFeaturesHolds feature edges/points of surface
 CsurfaceFormatsCoreA collection of helper functions for reading/writing surface formats
 CsurfaceInterpolateLinearly interpolates volume fields to generate surface fields
 CsurfaceInterpolationCell to surface interpolation scheme. Included in fvMesh
 CsurfaceIntersectionBasic surface-surface intersection description. Constructed from two surfaces it creates a description of the intersection
 CsurfaceMeshWriterWrite faces with fields
 CsurfaceSetsVarious utilities to handle sets relating mesh to surface. Note: work in progress. Used in meshing tools
 CsurfaceWriterBase class for surface writers
 CsurfAndLabelHold surface and label
 CsurfFieldsFields for surfMesh
 CsurfPointFieldsPoint fields for surfMesh
 CsurfZoneIdentifierAn identifier for a surface zone on a meshed surface
 CSVDSingular value decomposition of a rectangular matrix
 CsweepDataHelper class used by fvc::sweep function
 CSwitchA simple wrapper around bool so that it can be read as a word: true/false, on/off, yes/no, y/n, t/f, or none
 CsymmTypeOfRank< Cmpt, rank >
 CsymmTypeOfRank< Cmpt, 0 >
 CsymmTypeOfRank< Cmpt, 1 >
 CsymmTypeOfRank< Cmpt, 2 >
 CsyncToolsVarious tools to aid synchronizing lists across coupled patches. WIP
 CtableReader< Type >Base class to read table data for the interpolationTable
 CtableReader< scalar >
 Ctabulated6DoFAccelerationTabulated 6DoF acceleration
 CtabulatedWallFunctionBase class for models that generate tabulated wall function data
 CtecplotWriterWrite binary tecplot files using tecio
 CtemperatureCoupledBaseCommon functions used in temperature coupled boundaries
 Ctemplate TrackingData
 CtetDecomposerDecomposes polyMesh into tets
 CtetIndicesStorage and named access for the indices of a tet which is part of the decomposition of a cell
 CtetOverlapVolumeCalculates the overlap volume of two cells using tetrahedral decomposition
 Ctetrahedron< Point, PointRef >A tetrahedron primitive
 CthermalBaffle2D thermal baffle
 CthermoBasic thermodynamics type based on the use of fitting functions for cp, h, s obtained from the template argument type thermo. All other properties are derived from these primitive functions
 CthermocapillaryForceThermocapillary force
 CthermoCloudVirtual abstract base class for templated ThermoCloud
 CthermophysicalFunctionAbstract base class for thermo-physical functions
 CthermophysicalPropertiesBase-class for thermophysical properties of solids, liquids and gases providing an interface compatible with the templated thermodynamics packages
 CthermophysicalPropertiesSelector< ThermophysicalProperties >Wrapper class providing run-time selection of thermophysicalProperties for the templated thermodynamics packages
 CthermoSingleLayerThermodynamic form of single-cell layer surface film model
 CthixotropicViscosityThixotropic viscosity model based on the evolution of the structural parameter $ \lambda $:
 CthreePhaseInterfacePropertiesProperties to aid interFoam : 1. Correct the alpha boundary condition for dynamic contact angle. 2. Calculate interface curvature
 CtimeControlGeneral time dependent execution controller. The default to execute every time-step
 CTimeFunction1< Type >Light wrapper around Function1 to provide a mechanism to update time-based entries
 CTimeFunction1< scalar >
 CTimePathsA class for addressing time paths without using the Time class
 CtimerImplements a timeout mechanism via sigalarm
 CTimeScaleModelBase class for time scale models
 Ctmp< T >A class for managing temporary objects
 Ctmp< Foam::fv::convectionScheme< Type > >
 Ctmp< Foam::fv::ddtScheme< Type > >
 Ctmp< Foam::fv::gradScheme< Type > >
 Ctmp< Foam::fv::snGradScheme< Type > >
 Ctmp< Foam::fvPatchField >
 Ctmp< Foam::GeometricField >
 Ctmp< Foam::limitedSurfaceInterpolationScheme< Type > >
 Ctmp< Foam::multivariateSurfaceInterpolationScheme< Type > >
 Ctmp< Foam::surfaceInterpolationScheme< GType > >
 Ctmp< Foam::surfaceInterpolationScheme< Type > >
 CtmpNrc< T >A class for managing temporary objects without reference counting
 CtokenA token holds items read from Istream
 CTomiyamaSwarmSwarm correction of Tomiyama et al
 CtopoActionA virtual base class for topological actions
 CtopoDistanceDataFor use with FaceCellWave. Determines topological distance to starting faces
 CtopoSetSourceBase class of a source for a topoSet
 CsmoothData::trackDataClass used to pass additional data in
 Cparticle< Type >::TrackingData< CloudType >
 CexternalPointEdgePoint::trackingDataClass used to pass data into container
 Cparticle< Type >::TrackingData< Cloud< findCellParticle > >
 Cparticle< Type >::TrackingData< Cloud< streamLineParticle > >
 Cparticle< Type >::TrackingData< Cloud< trackedParticle > >
 Cparticle< Type >::TrackingData< DSMCCloud< DSMCParcel< ParcelType > > >
 Cparticle< Type >::TrackingData< moleculeCloud >
 Cparticle< Type >::TrackingData< solidParticleCloud >
 CtransferModelListList container for film transfer models
 CmapDistribute::transformDefault transformation behaviour
 CtransformOp< PrimitivePatchType, Type, TrackingData >Transform operation
 CmapDistribute::transformPositionDefault transformation behaviour for position
 CtransportModelBase-class for all transport models used by the incompressible turbulence models
 CspatialTransform::transposeWrapper-class to provide transpose functions and operators
 CtreeDataCellEncapsulation of data needed to search in/for cells. Used to find the cell containing a point (e.g. cell-cell mapping)
 CtreeDataEdgeHolds data for octree to work on an edges subset
 CtreeDataFaceEncapsulation of data needed to search for faces
 CtreeDataPointHolds (reference to) pointField. Encapsulation of data needed for octree searches. Used for searching for nearest point. No bounding boxes around points. Only overlaps and calcNearest are implemented, rest makes little sense
 CtreeDataTriSurfaceEncapsulates data for (indexedOc)tree searches on a triSurface
 Ctriangle< Point, PointRef >A triangle primitive used to calculate face normals and swept volumes
 CtriangleFuncsVarious triangle functions
 CtrimModelTrim model base class
 CtriSurfaceSearchHelper class to search on triSurface
 CtriSurfaceToolsA collection of tools for triSurface
 CTroeFallOffFunctionThe Troe fall-off function
 CTuple2< Type1, Type2 >A 2-tuple for storing two objects of different types
 CTuple2< label, vector >
 CTuple2< vector, scalar >
 CturbGenGenerate a turbulent velocity field conforming to a given energy spectrum and being divergence free
 CtwoPhaseMixtureA two-phase mixture model
 CtypeOfInnerProduct< Cmpt, Form1, Form2 >Abstract template class to provide the form resulting from
 CtypeOfInnerProduct< Cmpt, CompactSpatialTensor< Cmpt >, CompactSpatialTensorT< Cmpt >>
 CtypeOfInnerProduct< Cmpt, CompactSpatialTensor< Cmpt >, Tensor< Cmpt > >
 CtypeOfInnerProduct< Cmpt, CompactSpatialTensor< Cmpt >, Vector< Cmpt > >
 CtypeOfInnerProduct< Cmpt, CompactSpatialTensorT< Cmpt >, CompactSpatialTensor< Cmpt >>
 CtypeOfInnerProduct< Cmpt, CompactSpatialTensorT< Cmpt >, SpatialVector< Cmpt >>
 CtypeOfInnerProduct< Cmpt, SpatialTensor< Cmpt >, CompactSpatialTensor< Cmpt > >
 CtypeOfInnerProduct< Cmpt, SpatialTensor< Cmpt >, SpatialTensor< Cmpt > >
 CtypeOfInnerProduct< Cmpt, SpatialTensor< Cmpt >, SpatialVector< Cmpt > >
 CtypeOfInnerProduct< Type, RectangularMatrix< Type >, RectangularMatrix< Type > >
 CtypeOfInnerProduct< Type, RectangularMatrix< Type >, SquareMatrix< Type > >
 CtypeOfInnerProduct< Type, SquareMatrix< Type >, RectangularMatrix< Type > >
 CtypeOfInnerProduct< Type, SquareMatrix< Type >, SquareMatrix< Type > >
 CtypeOfOuterProduct< Cmpt, Form1, Form2 >Abstract template class to provide the form resulting from
 CtypeOfOuterProduct< Cmpt, SpatialVector< Cmpt >, SpatialVector< Cmpt > >
 CtypeOfRank< Cmpt, rank >
 CtypeOfRank< Cmpt, 0 >
 CtypeOfRank< Cmpt, 1 >
 CtypeOfRank< Cmpt, 2 >
 CtypeOfSum< arg1, arg2 >
 CtypeOfSum< SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt >, SymmTensor2D< Cmpt > >
 CtypeOfSum< SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt >, Tensor2D< Cmpt > >
 CtypeOfSum< SphericalTensor< Cmpt >, SymmTensor< Cmpt > >
 CtypeOfSum< SphericalTensor< Cmpt >, Tensor< Cmpt > >
 CtypeOfSum< SymmTensor2D< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt > >
 CtypeOfSum< SymmTensor< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor< Cmpt > >
 CtypeOfSum< SymmTensor< Cmpt >, Tensor< Cmpt > >
 CtypeOfSum< Tensor2D< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt > >
 CtypeOfSum< Tensor< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor< Cmpt > >
 CtypeOfSum< Tensor< Cmpt >, SymmTensor< Cmpt > >
 CtypeOfTranspose< Cmpt, Form >Abstract template class to provide the transpose form of a form
 CtypeOfTranspose< Cmpt, BarycentricTensor< Cmpt > >
 CtypeOfTranspose< Cmpt, CompactSpatialTensor< Cmpt > >
 CtypeOfTranspose< Cmpt, CompactSpatialTensorT< Cmpt > >
 CtypeOfTranspose< Cmpt, RowVector< Cmpt > >
 CtypeOfTranspose< Cmpt, SpatialTensor< Cmpt > >
 CtypeOfTranspose< Cmpt, Tensor< Cmpt > >
 CtypeOfTranspose< Cmpt, Vector< Cmpt > >
 CUIndirectList< T >A List with indirect addressing
 CUList< T >A 1D vector of objects of type <T>, where the size of the vector is known and can be used for subscript bounds checking, etc
 CUList< face >
 CUList< Foam::wordRe >
 CUList< Type >
 CUniformField< Type >A class representing the concept of a uniform field which stores only the single value and providing the operator[] to return it
 CuniformOp< Type >
 CuniformOp< Container &>
 CuniformOp< nil >
 CcellToFaceStencil::unionEqOpCombine operator for labelLists
 CcellToCellStencil::unionEqOpCombine operator for labelLists
 CUOprocessRandom UO process
 CupdateOp< PrimitivePatchType, Type, TrackingData >Update operation
 CUPstreamInter-processor communications stream
 CUPtrList< T >A templated 1D list of pointers to objects of type <T>, where the size of the array is known and used for subscript bounds checking, etc
 CUPtrList< const lduInterface >
 CUPtrList< const lduInterfaceField >
 CUPtrList< const LduInterfaceField< Type > >
 CUPtrList< Foam::Field< Type > >
 CUPtrList< Foam::GeometricField >
 CUPtrList< Foam::searchableSurface >
 Cv2fBaseAbstract base-class for v2-f models to provide BCs access to the v2 and f fields
 CVakhrushevEfremovAspect ratio model of Vakhrushev and Efremov
 CvanDriestDeltaSimple cube-root of cell volume delta used in incompressible LES models
 CVectorSpace< Form, Cmpt, Ncmpts >Templated vector space
 CVectorSpace< Barycentric2D< Cmpt >, Cmpt, 3 >
 CVectorSpace< Barycentric< Cmpt >, Cmpt, 4 >
 CVectorSpace< Barycentric< scalar >, scalar, 4 >
 CVectorSpace< BarycentricTensor< Cmpt >, Cmpt, Mrows *Ncols >
 CVectorSpace< CompactSpatialTensor< Cmpt >, Cmpt, Mrows *Ncols >
 CVectorSpace< CompactSpatialTensor< scalar >, scalar, Mrows *Ncols >
 CVectorSpace< CompactSpatialTensorT< Cmpt >, Cmpt, Mrows *Ncols >
 CVectorSpace< cubicEqn, scalar, 4 >
 CVectorSpace< DiagTensor< Cmpt >, Cmpt, 3 >
 CVectorSpace< DiagTensor< scalar >, scalar, 3 >
 CVectorSpace< Form, Cmpt, Mrows *Ncols >
 CVectorSpace< linearEqn, scalar, 2 >
 CVectorSpace< Polynomial< PolySize >, scalar, PolySize >
 CVectorSpace< quadraticEqn, scalar, 3 >
 CVectorSpace< Roots< N >, scalar, N >
 CVectorSpace< RowVector< Cmpt >, Cmpt, Mrows *Ncols >
 CVectorSpace< SpatialTensor< Cmpt >, Cmpt, Mrows *Ncols >
 CVectorSpace< SpatialVector< Cmpt >, Cmpt, 6 >
 CVectorSpace< SpatialVector< scalar >, scalar, 6 >
 CVectorSpace< SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt >, Cmpt, 1 >
 CVectorSpace< SphericalTensor< Cmpt >, Cmpt, 1 >
 CVectorSpace< SymmTensor2D< Cmpt >, Cmpt, 3 >
 CVectorSpace< SymmTensor< Cmpt >, Cmpt, 6 >
 CVectorSpace< Tensor2D< Cmpt >, Cmpt, 4 >
 CVectorSpace< Tensor< Cmpt >, Cmpt, Mrows *Ncols >
 CVectorSpace< Tensor< scalar >, scalar, Mrows *Ncols >
 CVectorSpace< Vector2D< Cmpt >, Cmpt, 2 >
 CVectorSpace< Vector2D< scalar >, scalar, 2 >
 CVectorSpace< Vector< Cmpt >, Cmpt, 3 >
 CVectorSpace< Vector< float >, float, 3 >
 CVectorSpace< Vector< label >, label, 3 >
 CVectorSpace< Vector< scalar >, scalar, 3 >
 CVectorSpace< Vector< vector >, vector, 3 >
 CVectorSpaceOps< N, I >Operator functions for VectorSpace
 CVectorSpaceOps< 0, 0 >
 CvectorTensorTransformVector-tensor class used to perform translations and rotations in 3D space
 CvectorToolsFunctions for analysing the relationships between vectors
 CIOstream::versionNumberVersion number type
 CviscosityModelAn abstract base class for incompressible viscosityModels
 CvolRegionVolume (cell) region selection class
 CvtkMeshEncapsulation of VTK mesh data. Holds mesh or meshsubset and polyhedral-cell decomposition on it
 CvtkPVblockMeshProvides a reader interface for OpenFOAM blockMesh to VTK interaction
 CvtkPVFoamProvides a reader interface for OpenFOAM to VTK interaction
 CVTKsurfaceFormatCoreInternal class used by the VTKsurfaceFormat
 CvtkTopoPolyhedral cell decomposition for VTK
 CvtkUnstructuredReaderReader for vtk unstructured_grid legacy files. Supports single CELLS, POINTS etc. entry only
 CwalkPatchCollection of static functions to do various simple patch related things
 CWallCollisionRecord< Type >Record of a collision between the particle holding the record and a wall face at the position relative to the centre of the particle
 CwallDependentModelA class which provides on-demand creation and caching of wall distance and wall normal fields for use by multiple models
 CWallInteractionModel< CloudType >Templated wall interaction model class
 CWallInteractionModel< Foam::DSMCCloud< DSMCParcel< ParcelType > > >
 CWallInteractionModel< Foam::DSMCCloud< ParcelType > >
 CWallModel< CloudType >Templated wall interaction class
 CWallModel< Foam::DSMCCloud >
 CwallNormalInfoHolds information regarding nearest wall point. Used in wall refinement
 CwallPointHolds information regarding nearest wall point. Used in wall distance calculation
 CWallSiteData< Type >Stores the patch ID and templated data to represent a collision with a wall to be passed to the wall model
 CwaveModelGeneric base class for waves. Derived classes must implement field functions which return the elevation above the wave surface and the velocity field, both as a function of position
 CwaveSuperpositionA wrapper around a list of wave models. Superimposes the modelled values of elevation and velocity
 CwordReListMatcherA wrapper for matching a List of wordRe
 CwriteFileFunctionObject base class for writing single files
 CwriteFunsVarious functions for collecting and writing binary data
 CwriteObjectsBaseFunctionObject base class for writing a list of objects registered to the database, on behalf of the inheriting function object, on when those should be written to disk
 Cwriter< Type >Base class for graphics format writing. Entry points are
 Cgraph::writerAbstract base class for a graph writer
 Cwriter< Foam::SphericalTensor >
 Cwriter< Foam::SymmTensor >
 Cwriter< Foam::Tensor >
 Cwriter< Foam::Vector >
 Cwriter< scalar >
 CWRLsurfaceFormatCoreInternal class used by the WRLsurfaceFormat
 CX3DsurfaceFormatCoreInternal class used by the X3DsurfaceFormat
 CXfer< T >A simple container for copying or transferring objects of type <T>
 CXiEqModelBase-class for all XiEq models used by the b-XiEq combustion model. The available models are : basicXiSubXiEq.H Gulder.H instabilityXiEq.H SCOPEBlendXiEq.H SCOPEXiEq.H
 CXiGModelBase-class for all Xi generation models used by the b-Xi combustion model. See Technical Report SH/RE/01R for details on the PDR modelling. For details on the use of XiGModel see XiModel.H. The model available is instabilityG.H
 CXiModelBase-class for all Xi models used by the b-Xi combustion model. See Technical Report SH/RE/01R for details on the PDR modelling
 Cjoint::XSvcJoint state returned by jcalc
 CzeroA class representing the concept of 0 used to avoid unnecessary manipulations for objects that are known to be zero at compile-time