| wallPointData () |
| Construct null. More...
| wallPointData (const point &origin, const Type &data, const scalar distSqr) |
| Construct from origin, normal, distance. More...
const Type & | data () const |
Type & | data () |
template<class TrackingData > |
bool | updateCell (const polyMesh &mesh, const label thisCelli, const label neighbourFacei, const wallPointData< Type > &neighbourWallInfo, const scalar tol, TrackingData &td) |
| Influence of neighbouring face. More...
template<class TrackingData > |
bool | updateFace (const polyMesh &mesh, const label thisFacei, const label neighbourCelli, const wallPointData< Type > &neighbourWallInfo, const scalar tol, TrackingData &td) |
| Influence of neighbouring cell. More...
template<class TrackingData > |
bool | updateFace (const polyMesh &mesh, const label thisFacei, const wallPointData< Type > &neighbourWallInfo, const scalar tol, TrackingData &td) |
| Influence of different value on same face. More...
| wallPoint () |
| Construct null. More...
| wallPoint (const point &origin, const scalar distSqr) |
| Construct from origin, distance. More...
| wallPoint (const wallPoint &) |
| Construct as copy. More...
const point & | origin () const |
point & | origin () |
scalar | distSqr () const |
scalar & | distSqr () |
template<class TrackingData > |
bool | valid (TrackingData &td) const |
| Check whether origin has been changed at all or. More...
template<class TrackingData > |
bool | sameGeometry (const polyMesh &, const wallPoint &, const scalar, TrackingData &td) const |
| Check for identical geometrical data. Used for cyclics checking. More...
template<class TrackingData > |
void | leaveDomain (const polyMesh &, const polyPatch &, const label patchFacei, const point &faceCentre, TrackingData &td) |
| Convert any absolute coordinates into relative to (patch)face. More...
template<class TrackingData > |
void | enterDomain (const polyMesh &, const polyPatch &, const label patchFacei, const point &faceCentre, TrackingData &td) |
| Reverse of leaveDomain. More...
template<class TrackingData > |
void | transform (const polyMesh &, const tensor &, TrackingData &td) |
| Apply rotation matrix to any coordinates. More...
template<class TrackingData > |
bool | updateCell (const polyMesh &, const label thisCelli, const label neighbourFacei, const wallPoint &neighbourInfo, const scalar tol, TrackingData &td) |
| Influence of neighbouring face. More...
template<class TrackingData > |
bool | updateFace (const polyMesh &, const label thisFacei, const label neighbourCelli, const wallPoint &neighbourInfo, const scalar tol, TrackingData &td) |
| Influence of neighbouring cell. More...
template<class TrackingData > |
bool | updateFace (const polyMesh &, const label thisFacei, const wallPoint &neighbourInfo, const scalar tol, TrackingData &td) |
| Influence of different value on same face. More...
template<class TrackingData > |
bool | equal (const wallPoint &, TrackingData &td) const |
| Same (like operator==) More...
bool | operator== (const wallPoint &) const |
bool | operator!= (const wallPoint &) const |