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phaseModel Class Referenceabstract

Single incompressible phase derived from the phase-fraction. Used as part of the multiPhaseMixture for interface-capturing multi-phase simulations. More...

Inheritance diagram for phaseModel:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for phaseModel:
Collaboration graph


class  iNew
 Return a pointer to a new phaseModel created on freestore. More...

Public Member Functions

 phaseModel (const word &phaseName, const volScalarField &p, const volScalarField &T)
 Construct from components. More...
autoPtr< phaseModelclone () const
 Return clone. More...
const wordname () const
const wordkeyword () const
const rhoThermothermo () const
 Return const-access to phase rhoThermo. More...
rhoThermothermo ()
 Return access to phase rhoThermo. More...
const volScalarFielddgdt () const
 Return const-access to phase divergence. More...
volScalarFielddgdt ()
 Return access to phase divergence. More...
void correct ()
 Correct the laminar viscosity. More...
 phaseModel (const word &phaseName, const dictionary &phaseDict, const fvMesh &mesh)
autoPtr< phaseModelclone () const
 Return clone. More...
virtual ~phaseModel ()
 Destructor. More...
const wordname () const
const wordkeyword () const
tmp< volScalarFieldd () const
const dimensionedScalarnu () const
 Return the laminar viscosity. More...
const dimensionedScalarkappa () const
const dimensionedScalarCp () const
const dimensionedScalarrho () const
const volVectorFieldU () const
volVectorFieldU ()
const volVectorFieldDDtU () const
volVectorFieldDDtU ()
const surfaceScalarFieldphi () const
surfaceScalarFieldphi ()
const surfaceScalarFieldalphaPhi () const
surfaceScalarFieldalphaPhi ()
void correctInflowOutflow (surfaceScalarField &alphaPhi) const
 Ensure that the flux at inflow/outflow BCs is preserved. More...
void correct ()
 Correct the phase properties. More...
bool read (const dictionary &phaseDict)
 Read base transportProperties dictionary. More...
 ClassName ("phaseModel")
 Runtime type information. More...
 declareRunTimeSelectionTable (autoPtr, phaseModel, phaseSystem,(const phaseSystem &fluid, const word &phaseName, const label index),(fluid, phaseName, index))
 phaseModel (const phaseSystem &fluid, const word &phaseName, const label index)
autoPtr< phaseModelclone () const
 Return clone. More...
virtual ~phaseModel ()
 Destructor. More...
const wordname () const
 Return the name of this phase. More...
const wordkeyword () const
 Return the name of the phase for use as the keyword in PtrDictionary. More...
label index () const
 Return the index of the phase. More...
const phaseSystemfluid () const
 Return the system to which this phase belongs. More...
const dimensionedScalarresidualAlpha () const
 Return the residual phase-fraction for given phase. More...
scalar alphaMax () const
 Return the maximum phase-fraction (e.g. packing limit) More...
tmp< volScalarFieldd () const
 Return the Sauter-mean diameter. More...
virtual void correct ()
 Correct the phase properties. More...
virtual void correctKinematics ()
 Correct the kinematics. More...
virtual void correctThermo ()
 Correct the thermodynamics. More...
virtual void correctTurbulence ()
 Correct the turbulence. More...
virtual void correctEnergyTransport ()
 Correct the energy transport e.g. alphat. More...
virtual tmp< fvVectorMatrixUEqn ()=0
 Return the momentum equation. More...
virtual tmp< fvScalarMatrixheEqn ()=0
 Return the enthalpy equation. More...
virtual tmp< fvScalarMatrixYiEqn (volScalarField &Yi)=0
 Return the species fraction equation. More...
virtual bool read ()
 Read phase properties dictionary. More...
virtual bool compressible () const
 Return true if the phase is compressible otherwise false. More...
virtual const tmp< volScalarField > & divU () const
 Return the phase dilatation rate (d(alpha)/dt + div(alpha*phi)) More...
virtual void divU (const tmp< volScalarField > &divU)
 Set the phase dilatation rate (d(alpha)/dt + div(alpha*phi)) More...
virtual const volScalarFieldK () const
 Return the phase kinetic energy. More...
virtual const surfaceScalarFieldDbyA () const
 Return the phase diffusivity divided by the momentum coefficient. More...
virtual void DbyA (const tmp< surfaceScalarField > &DbyA)
 Set the phase diffusivity divided by the momentum coefficient. More...
virtual const rhoThermothermo () const =0
 Return const access to the thermophysical model. More...
virtual rhoThermothermo ()=0
 Return non-const access to the thermophysical model. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarFieldrho () const =0
 Return the density field. More...
virtual const PtrList< volScalarField > & Y () const =0
 Constant access the species mass fractions. More...
virtual PtrList< volScalarField > & Y ()=0
 Access the species mass fractions. More...
virtual tmp< volVectorFieldU () const =0
 Constant access the velocity. More...
virtual volVectorFieldU ()=0
 Access the velocity. More...
virtual tmp< volVectorFieldDUDt () const =0
 Return the substantive acceleration. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarFieldcontinuityError () const =0
 Constant access the continuity error. More...
virtual tmp< surfaceScalarFieldphi () const =0
 Constant access the volumetric flux. More...
virtual surfaceScalarFieldphi ()=0
 Access the volumetric flux. More...
virtual tmp< surfaceScalarFieldalphaPhi () const =0
 Constant access the volumetric flux of the phase. More...
virtual surfaceScalarFieldalphaPhi ()=0
 Access the volumetric flux of the phase. More...
virtual tmp< surfaceScalarFieldalphaRhoPhi () const =0
 Constant access the mass flux of the phase. More...
virtual surfaceScalarFieldalphaRhoPhi ()=0
 Access the mass flux of the phase. More...
void correctInflowOutflow (surfaceScalarField &alphaPhi) const
 Ensure that the flux at inflow/outflow BCs is preserved. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarFieldmu () const =0
 Return the laminar dynamic viscosity. More...
virtual tmp< scalarFieldmu (const label patchi) const =0
 Return the laminar dynamic viscosity on a patch. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarFieldnu () const =0
 Return the laminar kinematic viscosity. More...
virtual tmp< scalarFieldnu (const label patchi) const =0
 Return the laminar kinematic viscosity on a patch. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarFieldkappa () const =0
 Return the laminar thermal conductivity. More...
virtual tmp< scalarFieldkappa (const label patchi) const =0
 Return the laminar thermal conductivity on a patch. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarFieldkappaEff (const volScalarField &alphat) const =0
 Return the effective thermal conductivity. More...
virtual tmp< scalarFieldkappaEff (const scalarField &alphat, const label patchi) const =0
 Access the effective thermal conductivity. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarFieldalpha () const =0
 Return the laminar thermal diffusivity for enthalpy. More...
virtual tmp< scalarFieldalpha (const label patchi) const =0
 Return the laminar thermal diffusivity for enthalpy on a patch. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarFieldalphaEff (const volScalarField &alphat) const =0
 Return the effective thermal diffusivity for enthalpy. More...
virtual tmp< scalarFieldalphaEff (const scalarField &alphat, const label patchi) const =0
 Return the effective thermal diffusivity for enthalpy on a patch. More...
virtual const phaseCompressibleTurbulenceModelturbulence () const =0
 Return the turbulence model. More...
 phaseModel (const twoPhaseSystem &fluid, const dictionary &phaseProperties, const word &phaseName)
virtual ~phaseModel ()
 Destructor. More...
const wordname () const
 Return the name of this phase. More...
const twoPhaseSystemfluid () const
 Return the twoPhaseSystem to which this phase belongs. More...
const phaseModelotherPhase () const
 Return the other phase in this two-phase system. More...
const dimensionedScalarresidualAlpha () const
 Return the residual phase-fraction for given phase. More...
scalar alphaMax () const
 Optional maximum phase-fraction (e.g. packing limit) More...
tmp< volScalarFieldd () const
 Return the Sauter-mean diameter. More...
const PhaseCompressibleTurbulenceModel< phaseModel > & turbulence () const
 Return the turbulence model. More...
PhaseCompressibleTurbulenceModel< phaseModel > & turbulence ()
 Return non-const access to the turbulence model. More...
const rhoThermothermo () const
 Return the thermophysical model. More...
rhoThermothermo ()
 Return non-const access to the thermophysical model. More...
tmp< volScalarFieldnu () const
 Return the laminar viscosity. More...
tmp< scalarFieldnu (const label patchi) const
 Return the laminar viscosity for patch. More...
tmp< volScalarFieldmu () const
 Return the laminar dynamic viscosity. More...
tmp< scalarFieldmu (const label patchi) const
 Return the laminar dynamic viscosity for patch. More...
tmp< scalarFieldkappa (const label patchi) const
 Return the thermal conductivity on a patch. More...
tmp< volScalarFieldkappa () const
 Return the thermal conductivity. More...
tmp< volScalarFieldkappaEff (const volScalarField &alphat) const
 Return the laminar thermal conductivity. More...
tmp< scalarFieldkappaEff (const scalarField &alphat, const label patchi) const
 Return the laminar thermal conductivity on a patch. More...
tmp< volScalarFieldalpha () const
 Return the laminar thermal diffusivity for enthalpy. More...
tmp< scalarFieldalpha (const label patchi) const
 Return the laminar thermal diffusivity for enthalpy on a patch. More...
tmp< volScalarFieldalphaEff (const volScalarField &alphat) const
 Return the effective thermal diffusivity for enthalpy. More...
tmp< scalarFieldalphaEff (const scalarField &alphat, const label patchi) const
 Return the effective thermal diffusivity for enthalpy on a patch. More...
tmp< volScalarFieldCp () const
 Return the specific heat capacity. More...
const volScalarFieldrho () const
 Return the density. More...
const volVectorFieldU () const
 Return the velocity. More...
volVectorFieldU ()
 Return non-const access to the velocity. More...
const surfaceScalarFieldphi () const
 Return the volumetric flux. More...
surfaceScalarFieldphi ()
 Return non-const access to the volumetric flux. More...
const surfaceScalarFieldalphaPhi () const
 Return the volumetric flux of the phase. More...
surfaceScalarFieldalphaPhi ()
 Return non-const access to the volumetric flux of the phase. More...
const surfaceScalarFieldalphaRhoPhi () const
 Return the mass flux of the phase. More...
surfaceScalarFieldalphaRhoPhi ()
 Return non-const access to the mass flux of the phase. More...
void correctInflowOutflow (surfaceScalarField &alphaPhi) const
 Ensure that the flux at inflow/outflow BCs is preserved. More...
void correct ()
 Correct the phase properties. More...
virtual bool read (const dictionary &phaseProperties)
 Read phaseProperties dictionary. More...
virtual bool read ()
 Dummy Read for transportModel. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh >
 TypeName ("GeometricField")
 Runtime type information. More...
 GeometricField (const IOobject &, const Mesh &, const dimensionSet &, const word &patchFieldType=fvPatchField< scalar >::calculatedType())
 Constructor given IOobject, mesh, dimensions and patch type. More...
 GeometricField (const IOobject &, const Mesh &, const dimensionSet &, const wordList &wantedPatchTypes, const wordList &actualPatchTypes=wordList())
 Constructor given IOobject, mesh, dimensions and patch types. More...
 GeometricField (const IOobject &, const Mesh &, const dimensioned< scalar > &, const word &patchFieldType=fvPatchField< scalar >::calculatedType())
 Constructor given IOobject, mesh, dimensioned<Type> and patch type. More...
 GeometricField (const IOobject &, const Mesh &, const dimensioned< scalar > &, const wordList &wantedPatchTypes, const wordList &actualPatchTypes=wordList())
 Constructor given IOobject, mesh, dimensioned<Type> and patch types. More...
 GeometricField (const IOobject &, const Internal &, const PtrList< fvPatchField< scalar >> &)
 Constructor from components. More...
 GeometricField (const IOobject &, const Mesh &, const dimensionSet &, const Field< scalar > &, const PtrList< fvPatchField< scalar >> &)
 Constructor from components. More...
 GeometricField (const IOobject &, const Mesh &)
 Construct and read given IOobject. More...
 GeometricField (const IOobject &, const Mesh &, const dictionary &)
 Construct from dictionary. More...
 GeometricField (const GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh > &)
 Construct as copy. More...
 GeometricField (const tmp< GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh >> &)
 Construct as copy of tmp<GeometricField> deleting argument. More...
 GeometricField (const IOobject &, const GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh > &)
 Construct as copy resetting IO parameters. More...
 GeometricField (const IOobject &, const tmp< GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh >> &)
 Construct as copy of tmp<GeometricField> resetting IO parameters. More...
 GeometricField (const word &newName, const GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh > &)
 Construct as copy resetting name. More...
 GeometricField (const word &newName, const tmp< GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh >> &)
 Construct as copy resetting name. More...
 GeometricField (const IOobject &, const GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh > &, const word &patchFieldType)
 Construct as copy resetting IO parameters and patch type. More...
 GeometricField (const IOobject &, const GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh > &, const wordList &patchFieldTypes, const wordList &actualPatchTypes=wordList())
 Construct as copy resetting IO parameters and boundary types. More...
 GeometricField (const IOobject &, const tmp< GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh >> &, const wordList &patchFieldTypes, const wordList &actualPatchTypes=wordList())
 Construct as copy resetting IO parameters and boundary types. More...
tmp< GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh > > clone () const
 Clone. More...
virtual ~GeometricField ()
 Destructor. More...
Internalref ()
 Return a reference to the dimensioned internal field. More...
const InternalinternalField () const
 Return a const-reference to the dimensioned internal field. More...
const Internalv () const
 Return a const-reference to the dimensioned internal field. More...
Internal::FieldTypeprimitiveFieldRef ()
 Return a reference to the internal field. More...
const Internal::FieldTypeprimitiveField () const
 Return a const-reference to the internal field. More...
Boundary & boundaryFieldRef ()
 Return a reference to the boundary field. More...
const Boundary & boundaryField () const
 Return const-reference to the boundary field. More...
label timeIndex () const
 Return the time index of the field. More...
labeltimeIndex ()
 Return the time index of the field. More...
void storeOldTimes () const
 Store the old-time fields. More...
void storeOldTime () const
 Store the old-time field. More...
label nOldTimes () const
 Return the number of old time fields stored. More...
const GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh > & oldTime () const
 Return old time field. More...
GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh > & oldTime ()
 Return non-const old time field. More...
void storePrevIter () const
 Store the field as the previous iteration value. More...
const GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh > & prevIter () const
 Return previous iteration field. More...
void correctBoundaryConditions ()
 Correct boundary field. More...
bool needReference () const
 Does the field need a reference level for solution. More...
tmp< GeometricField< cmptType, fvPatchField, volMesh > > component (const direction) const
 Return a component of the field. More...
tmp< GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh > > component (const direction) const
tmp< GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh > > component (const direction) const
bool writeData (Ostream &) const
 WriteData member function required by regIOobject. More...
tmp< GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh > > T () const
 Return transpose (only if it is a tensor field) More...
void relax (const scalar alpha)
 Relax field (for steady-state solution). More...
void relax ()
 Relax field (for steady-state solution). More...
word select (bool final) const
 Select the final iteration parameters if `final' is true. More...
void writeMinMax (Ostream &os) const
 Helper function to write the min and max to an Ostream. More...
void negate ()
void replace (const direction, const GeometricField< cmptType, fvPatchField, volMesh > &)
void replace (const direction, const dimensioned< cmptType > &)
void replace (const direction, const GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh > &gsf)
void replace (const direction, const GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh > &sf)
void max (const dimensioned< scalar > &)
void max (const GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh > &, const dimensioned< scalar > &)
void min (const dimensioned< scalar > &)
void min (const GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh > &, const dimensioned< scalar > &)
void maxMin (const dimensioned< scalar > &minDt, const dimensioned< scalar > &maxDt)
void scale (const GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh > &, const GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh > &)
void scale (const GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh > &, const dimensioned< scalar > &)
const Internaloperator() () const
 Return a const-reference to the dimensioned internal field. More...
void operator= (const GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh > &)
void operator= (const tmp< GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh >> &)
void operator= (const dimensioned< scalar > &)
void operator== (const tmp< GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh >> &)
void operator== (const dimensioned< scalar > &)
void operator+= (const GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh > &)
void operator+= (const tmp< GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh >> &)
void operator+= (const dimensioned< scalar > &)
void operator-= (const GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh > &)
void operator-= (const tmp< GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh >> &)
void operator-= (const dimensioned< scalar > &)
void operator*= (const GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh > &)
void operator*= (const tmp< GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh >> &)
void operator*= (const dimensioned< scalar > &)
void operator/= (const GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh > &)
void operator/= (const tmp< GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh >> &)
void operator/= (const dimensioned< scalar > &)
- Public Member Functions inherited from DimensionedField< Type, GeoMesh >
 TypeName ("DimensionedField")
 Runtime type information. More...
 DimensionedField (const IOobject &, const Mesh &mesh, const dimensionSet &, const Field< Type > &)
 Construct from components. More...
 DimensionedField (const IOobject &, const Mesh &mesh, const dimensionSet &, const bool checkIOFlags=true)
 Construct from components. More...
 DimensionedField (const IOobject &, const Mesh &mesh, const dimensioned< Type > &, const bool checkIOFlags=true)
 Construct from components. More...
 DimensionedField (const IOobject &, const Mesh &mesh, const word &fieldDictEntry="value")
 Construct from Istream. More...
 DimensionedField (const IOobject &, const Mesh &mesh, const dictionary &fieldDict, const word &fieldDictEntry="value")
 Construct from dictionary. More...
 DimensionedField (const DimensionedField< Type, GeoMesh > &)
 Construct as copy. More...
 DimensionedField (DimensionedField< Type, GeoMesh > &, bool reuse)
 Construct as copy or re-use as specified. More...
 DimensionedField (const Xfer< DimensionedField< Type, GeoMesh >> &)
 Construct by transferring the DimensionedField. More...
 DimensionedField (const tmp< DimensionedField< Type, GeoMesh >> &)
 Construct as copy of tmp<DimensionedField> deleting argument. More...
 DimensionedField (const IOobject &, const DimensionedField< Type, GeoMesh > &)
 Construct as copy resetting IO parameters. More...
 DimensionedField (const IOobject &, DimensionedField< Type, GeoMesh > &, bool reuse)
 Construct as copy resetting IO parameters and re-use as specified. More...
 DimensionedField (const word &newName, const DimensionedField< Type, GeoMesh > &)
 Construct as copy resetting name. More...
 DimensionedField (const word &newName, DimensionedField< Type, GeoMesh > &, bool reuse)
 Construct as copy resetting name and re-use as specified. More...
 DimensionedField (const word &newName, const Xfer< DimensionedField< Type, GeoMesh >> &)
 Construct by transferring the DimensionedField with a new name. More...
 DimensionedField (const word &newName, const tmp< DimensionedField< Type, GeoMesh >> &)
 Construct as copy resetting name. More...
tmp< DimensionedField< Type, GeoMesh > > clone () const
 Clone. More...
virtual ~DimensionedField ()
 Destructor. More...
void readField (const dictionary &fieldDict, const word &fieldDictEntry="value")
const Meshmesh () const
 Return mesh. More...
const dimensionSetdimensions () const
 Return dimensions. More...
dimensionSetdimensions ()
 Return non-const access to dimensions. More...
const Field< Type > & field () const
Field< Type > & field ()
tmp< DimensionedField< cmptType, GeoMesh > > component (const direction) const
 Return a component field of the field. More...
void replace (const direction, const DimensionedField< cmptType, GeoMesh > &)
 Replace a component field of the field. More...
void replace (const direction, const tmp< DimensionedField< cmptType, GeoMesh >> &)
 Replace a component field of the field. More...
tmp< DimensionedField< Type, GeoMesh > > T () const
 Return the field transpose (only defined for second rank tensors) More...
dimensioned< Type > average () const
 Calculate and return arithmetic average. More...
dimensioned< Type > weightedAverage (const DimensionedField< scalar, GeoMesh > &) const
 Calculate and return weighted average. More...
dimensioned< Type > weightedAverage (const tmp< DimensionedField< scalar, GeoMesh >> &) const
 Calculate and return weighted average. More...
bool writeData (Ostream &, const word &fieldDictEntry) const
void operator= (const DimensionedField< Type, GeoMesh > &)
void operator= (const tmp< DimensionedField< Type, GeoMesh >> &)
void operator= (const dimensioned< Type > &)
void operator+= (const DimensionedField< Type, GeoMesh > &)
void operator+= (const tmp< DimensionedField< Type, GeoMesh >> &)
void operator-= (const DimensionedField< Type, GeoMesh > &)
void operator-= (const tmp< DimensionedField< Type, GeoMesh >> &)
void operator*= (const DimensionedField< scalar, GeoMesh > &)
void operator*= (const tmp< DimensionedField< scalar, GeoMesh >> &)
void operator/= (const DimensionedField< scalar, GeoMesh > &)
void operator/= (const tmp< DimensionedField< scalar, GeoMesh >> &)
void operator+= (const dimensioned< Type > &)
void operator-= (const dimensioned< Type > &)
void operator*= (const dimensioned< scalar > &)
void operator/= (const dimensioned< scalar > &)
- Public Member Functions inherited from regIOobject
 TypeName ("regIOobject")
 Runtime type information. More...
 regIOobject (const IOobject &, const bool isTime=false)
 Construct from IOobject. Optional flag for if IOobject is the. More...
 regIOobject (const regIOobject &)
 Construct as copy. More...
 regIOobject (const regIOobject &, bool registerCopy)
 Construct as copy, transferring registry registration to copy. More...
 regIOobject (const word &newName, const regIOobject &, bool registerCopy)
 Construct as copy with new name, transfering registry registration. More...
 regIOobject (const IOobject &, const regIOobject &)
 Construct as copy with new IO parameters. More...
virtual ~regIOobject ()
 Destructor. More...
bool checkIn ()
 Add object to registry. More...
bool checkOut ()
 Remove object from registry. More...
virtual void addWatch ()
 Add file watch on object (if registered and READ_IF_MODIFIED) More...
bool ownedByRegistry () const
 Is this object owned by the registry? More...
void store ()
 Transfer ownership of this object to its registry. More...
void release ()
 Release ownership of this object from its registry. More...
label eventNo () const
 Event number at last update. More...
labeleventNo ()
 Event number at last update. More...
bool upToDate (const regIOobject &) const
 Return true if up-to-date with respect to given object. More...
bool upToDate (const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &) const
 Return true if up-to-date with respect to given objects. More...
bool upToDate (const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &) const
 Return true if up-to-date with respect to given objects. More...
bool upToDate (const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &) const
 Return true if up-to-date with respect to given objects. More...
void setUpToDate ()
 Set up to date (obviously) More...
virtual void rename (const word &newName)
 Rename. More...
virtual fileName filePath () const
 Return complete path + object name if the file exists. More...
bool headerOk ()
 Read and check header info. More...
IstreamreadStream (const word &, const bool valid=true)
 Return Istream and check object type against that given. More...
void close ()
 Close Istream. More...
virtual bool readData (Istream &)
 Virtual readData function. More...
virtual label addWatch (const fileName &)
 Add file watch for fileName on object if not yet watched. Return. More...
const labelListwatchIndices () const
 Return file-monitoring handles. More...
labelListwatchIndices ()
 Return file-monitoring handles. More...
virtual bool modified () const
 Return true if the object's file (or files for objectRegistry) More...
virtual bool readIfModified ()
 Read object if modified (as set by call to modified) More...
virtual bool writeObject (IOstream::streamFormat, IOstream::versionNumber, IOstream::compressionType, const bool valid) const
 Write using given format, version and compression. More...
virtual bool write (const bool valid=true) const
 Write using setting from DB. More...
virtual bool global () const
 Is object global. More...
void operator= (const IOobject &)
- Public Member Functions inherited from IOobject
 TypeName ("IOobject")
 Runtime type information. More...
 IOobject (const word &name, const fileName &instance, const objectRegistry &registry, readOption r=NO_READ, writeOption w=NO_WRITE, bool registerObject=true)
 Construct from name, instance, registry, io options. More...
 IOobject (const word &name, const fileName &instance, const fileName &local, const objectRegistry &registry, readOption r=NO_READ, writeOption w=NO_WRITE, bool registerObject=true, bool globalObject=false)
 Construct from name, instance, local, registry, io options. More...
 IOobject (const fileName &path, const objectRegistry &registry, readOption r=NO_READ, writeOption w=NO_WRITE, bool registerObject=true, bool globalObject=false)
 Construct from path, registry, io options. More...
 IOobject (const IOobject &io, const objectRegistry &registry)
 Construct from copy resetting registry. More...
 IOobject (const IOobject &io, const word &name)
 Construct from copy resetting name. More...
autoPtr< IOobjectclone () const
 Clone. More...
autoPtr< IOobjectclone (const objectRegistry &registry) const
 Clone resetting registry. More...
virtual ~IOobject ()
 Destructor. More...
const Timetime () const
 Return time. More...
const objectRegistrydb () const
 Return the local objectRegistry. More...
const wordname () const
 Return name. More...
const wordheaderClassName () const
 Return name of the class name read from header. More...
wordheaderClassName ()
 Return name of the class name read from header. More...
stringnote ()
 Return non-constant access to the optional note. More...
const stringnote () const
 Return the optional note. More...
bool & registerObject ()
 Register object created from this IOobject with registry if true. More...
bool registerObject () const
 Register object created from this IOobject with registry if true. More...
bool & globalObject ()
 Is object same for all processors. More...
bool globalObject () const
 Is object same for all processors. More...
readOption readOpt () const
readOptionreadOpt ()
writeOption writeOpt () const
writeOptionwriteOpt ()
word group () const
 Return group (extension part of name) More...
word member () const
 Return member (name without the extension) More...
const fileNamerootPath () const
const fileNamecaseName () const
const fileNameinstance () const
fileNameinstance ()
const fileNamelocal () const
fileName path () const
 Return complete path. More...
fileName path (const word &instance, const fileName &local="") const
 Return complete path with alternative instance and local. More...
fileName objectPath () const
 Return complete path + object name. More...
fileName localFilePath (const word &typeName) const
 Helper for filePath that searches locally. More...
fileName globalFilePath (const word &typeName) const
 Helper for filePath that searches up if in parallel. More...
bool readHeader (Istream &)
 Read header. More...
template<class Type >
bool typeHeaderOk (const bool checkType=true)
 Read header (uses typeFilePath to find file) and check header. More...
template<class Type >
void warnNoRereading () const
 Helper: warn that type does not support re-reading. More...
bool writeHeader (Ostream &) const
 Write header. More...
bool writeHeader (Ostream &, const word &objectType) const
 Write header. Allow override of type. More...
bool good () const
bool bad () const
InfoProxy< IOobjectinfo () const
 Return info proxy. More...
void operator= (const IOobject &)
template<class Name >
Foam::word groupName (Name name, const word &group)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Field< Type >
 Field ()
 Construct null. More...
 Field (const label)
 Construct given size. More...
 Field (const label, const Type &)
 Construct given size and initial value. More...
 Field (const label, const zero)
 Construct given size and initialed to zero. More...
 Field (const UList< Type > &)
 Construct as copy of a UList<Type> More...
 Field (const UIndirectList< Type > &)
 Construct as copy of a UIndirectList<Type> More...
 Field (const Xfer< List< Type >> &)
 Construct by transferring the List contents. More...
 Field (const UList< Type > &mapF, const labelUList &mapAddressing)
 Construct by 1 to 1 mapping from the given field. More...
 Field (const tmp< Field< Type >> &tmapF, const labelUList &mapAddressing)
 Construct by 1 to 1 mapping from the given tmp field. More...
 Field (const UList< Type > &mapF, const labelListList &mapAddressing, const scalarListList &weights)
 Construct by interpolative mapping from the given field. More...
 Field (const tmp< Field< Type >> &tmapF, const labelListList &mapAddressing, const scalarListList &weights)
 Construct by interpolative mapping from the given tmp field. More...
 Field (const UList< Type > &mapF, const FieldMapper &map, const bool applyFlip=true)
 Construct by mapping from the given field. More...
 Field (const UList< Type > &mapF, const FieldMapper &map, const Type &defaultValue, const bool applyFlip=true)
 Construct by mapping from the given field. More...
 Field (const UList< Type > &mapF, const FieldMapper &map, const UList< Type > &defaultValues, const bool applyFlip=true)
 Construct by mapping from the given field. More...
 Field (const tmp< Field< Type >> &tmapF, const FieldMapper &map, const bool applyFlip=true)
 Construct by mapping from the given tmp field. More...
 Field (const tmp< Field< Type >> &tmapF, const FieldMapper &map, const Type &defaultValue, const bool applyFlip=true)
 Construct by mapping from the given tmp field. Supplied uniform. More...
 Field (const tmp< Field< Type >> &tmapF, const FieldMapper &map, const UList< Type > &defaultValues, const bool applyFlip=true)
 Construct by mapping from the given tmp field. Supplied values. More...
 Field (const Field< Type > &)
 Construct as copy. More...
 Field (Field< Type > &, bool reuse)
 Construct as copy or re-use as specified. More...
 Field (const Xfer< Field< Type >> &)
 Construct by transferring the Field contents. More...
 Field (const tmp< Field< Type >> &)
 Construct as copy of tmp<Field> More...
 Field (Istream &)
 Construct from Istream. More...
 Field (const word &keyword, const dictionary &, const label size)
 Construct from a dictionary entry. More...
tmp< Field< Type > > clone () const
 Clone. More...
void map (const UList< Type > &mapF, const labelUList &mapAddressing)
 1 to 1 map from the given field More...
void map (const tmp< Field< Type >> &tmapF, const labelUList &mapAddressing)
 1 to 1 map from the given tmp field More...
void map (const UList< Type > &mapF, const labelListList &mapAddressing, const scalarListList &weights)
 Interpolative map from the given field. More...
void map (const tmp< Field< Type >> &tmapF, const labelListList &mapAddressing, const scalarListList &weights)
 Interpolative map from the given tmp field. More...
void map (const UList< Type > &mapF, const FieldMapper &map, const bool applyFlip=true)
 Map from the given field. More...
void map (const tmp< Field< Type >> &tmapF, const FieldMapper &map, const bool applyFlip=true)
 Map from the given tmp field. More...
void autoMap (const FieldMapper &map, const bool applyFlip=true)
 Map from self. More...
void rmap (const UList< Type > &mapF, const labelUList &mapAddressing)
 1 to 1 reverse-map from the given field More...
void rmap (const tmp< Field< Type >> &tmapF, const labelUList &mapAddressing)
 1 to 1 reverse-map from the given tmp field More...
void rmap (const UList< Type > &mapF, const labelUList &mapAddressing, const UList< scalar > &weights)
 Interpolative reverse map from the given field. More...
void rmap (const tmp< Field< Type >> &tmapF, const labelUList &mapAddressing, const UList< scalar > &weights)
 Interpolative reverse map from the given tmp field. More...
void negate ()
 Negate this field. More...
tmp< Field< cmptType > > component (const direction) const
 Return a component field of the field. More...
void replace (const direction, const UList< cmptType > &)
 Replace a component field of the field. More...
void replace (const direction, const tmp< Field< cmptType >> &)
 Replace a component field of the field. More...
void replace (const direction, const cmptType &)
 Replace a component field of the field. More...
template<class VSForm >
VSForm block (const label start) const
tmp< Field< Type > > T () const
 Return the field transpose (only defined for second rank tensors) More...
void writeEntry (const word &keyword, Ostream &os) const
 Write the field as a dictionary entry. More...
void operator= (const Field< Type > &)
void operator= (const UList< Type > &)
void operator= (const SubField< Type > &)
void operator= (const tmp< Field< Type >> &)
void operator= (const Type &)
void operator= (const zero)
template<class Form , class Cmpt , direction nCmpt>
void operator= (const VectorSpace< Form, Cmpt, nCmpt > &)
void operator+= (const UList< Type > &)
void operator+= (const tmp< Field< Type >> &)
void operator-= (const UList< Type > &)
void operator-= (const tmp< Field< Type >> &)
void operator*= (const UList< scalar > &)
void operator*= (const tmp< Field< scalar >> &)
void operator/= (const UList< scalar > &)
void operator/= (const tmp< Field< scalar >> &)
void operator+= (const Type &)
void operator-= (const Type &)
void operator*= (const scalar &)
void operator/= (const scalar &)
template<class Type>
void operator= (const tmp< Field > &rhs)
- Public Member Functions inherited from refCount
int count () const
 Return the current reference count. More...
bool unique () const
 Return true if the reference count is zero. More...
void operator++ ()
 Increment the reference count. More...
void operator++ (int)
 Increment the reference count. More...
void operator-- ()
 Decrement the reference count. More...
void operator-- (int)
 Decrement the reference count. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from List< Type >
 List ()
 Null constructor. More...
 List (const label)
 Construct with given size. More...
 List (const label, const Type &)
 Construct with given size and value for all elements. More...
 List (const label, const zero)
 Construct with given size initializing all elements to zero. More...
 List (const List< Type > &)
 Copy constructor. More...
 List (const List< T2 > &)
 Copy constructor from list containing another type. More...
 List (const Xfer< List< Type >> &)
 Construct by transferring the parameter contents. More...
 List (List< Type > &, bool reuse)
 Construct as copy or re-use as specified. More...
 List (const UList< Type > &, const labelUList &mapAddressing)
 Construct as subset. More...
 List (InputIterator first, InputIterator last)
 Construct given start and end iterators. More...
 List (const FixedList< Type, Size > &)
 Construct as copy of FixedList<T, Size> More...
 List (const PtrList< Type > &)
 Construct as copy of PtrList<T> More...
 List (const SLList< Type > &)
 Construct as copy of SLList<T> More...
 List (const UIndirectList< Type > &)
 Construct as copy of UIndirectList<T> More...
 List (const BiIndirectList< Type > &)
 Construct as copy of BiIndirectList<T> More...
 List (std::initializer_list< Type >)
 Construct from an initializer list. More...
 List (Istream &)
 Construct from Istream. More...
label size () const
 Return the number of elements in the UList. More...
autoPtr< List< Type > > clone () const
 Clone. More...
 ~List ()
 Destructor. More...
void resize (const label)
 Alias for setSize(const label) More...
void resize (const label, const Type &)
 Alias for setSize(const label, const T&) More...
void setSize (const label)
 Reset size of List. More...
void setSize (const label, const Type &)
 Reset size of List and value for new elements. More...
void clear ()
 Clear the list, i.e. set size to zero. More...
void append (const Type &)
 Append an element at the end of the list. More...
void append (const UList< Type > &)
 Append a List at the end of this list. More...
void append (const UIndirectList< Type > &)
 Append a UIndirectList at the end of this list. More...
void transfer (List< Type > &)
 Transfer the contents of the argument List into this list. More...
void transfer (DynamicList< Type, SizeInc, SizeMult, SizeDiv > &)
 Transfer the contents of the argument List into this list. More...
void transfer (SortableList< Type > &)
 Transfer the contents of the argument List into this list. More...
Xfer< List< Type > > xfer ()
 Transfer contents to the Xfer container. More...
Type & newElmt (const label)
 Return subscript-checked element of UList. More...
void shallowCopy (const UList< Type > &)=delete
 Disallow implicit shallowCopy. More...
void operator= (const UList< Type > &)
 Assignment to UList operator. Takes linear time. More...
void operator= (const List< Type > &)
 Assignment operator. Takes linear time. More...
void operator= (const SLList< Type > &)
 Assignment to SLList operator. Takes linear time. More...
void operator= (const UIndirectList< Type > &)
 Assignment to UIndirectList operator. Takes linear time. More...
void operator= (const BiIndirectList< Type > &)
 Assignment to BiIndirectList operator. Takes linear time. More...
void operator= (std::initializer_list< Type >)
 Assignment to an initializer list. More...
void operator= (const Type &)
 Assignment of all entries to the given value. More...
void operator= (const zero)
 Assignment of all entries to zero. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from UList< Type >
void operator= (const Type &)
 Assignment of all entries to the given value. More...
void operator= (const zero)
 Assignment of all entries to zero. More...
 UList ()
 Null constructor. More...
 UList (Type *__restrict__ v, label size)
 Construct from components. More...
label fcIndex (const label i) const
 Return the forward circular index, i.e. the next index. More...
label rcIndex (const label i) const
 Return the reverse circular index, i.e. the previous index. More...
std::streamsize byteSize () const
 Return the binary size in number of characters of the UList. More...
const Type * cdata () const
 Return a const pointer to the first data element,. More...
Type * data ()
 Return a pointer to the first data element,. More...
Type & first ()
 Return the first element of the list. More...
const Type & first () const
 Return first element of the list. More...
Type & last ()
 Return the last element of the list. More...
const Type & last () const
 Return the last element of the list. More...
void checkStart (const label start) const
 Check start is within valid range (0 ... size-1) More...
void checkSize (const label size) const
 Check size is within valid range (0 ... size) More...
void checkIndex (const label i) const
 Check index i is within valid range (0 ... size-1) More...
void shallowCopy (const UList< Type > &)
 Copy the pointer held by the given UList. More...
void deepCopy (const UList< Type > &)
 Copy elements of the given UList. More...
void writeEntry (Ostream &) const
 Write the UList as a dictionary entry. More...
void writeEntry (const word &keyword, Ostream &) const
 Write the UList as a dictionary entry with keyword. More...
Type & operator[] (const label)
 Return element of UList. More...
const Type & operator[] (const label) const
 Return element of constant UList. More...
const bool & operator[] (const label i) const
 operator const Foam::List< Type > & () const
 Allow cast to a const List<T>&. More...
iterator begin ()
 Return an iterator to begin traversing the UList. More...
const_iterator begin () const
 Return const_iterator to begin traversing the constant UList. More...
iterator end ()
 Return an iterator to end traversing the UList. More...
const_iterator end () const
 Return const_iterator to end traversing the constant UList. More...
const_iterator cbegin () const
 Return const_iterator to begin traversing the constant UList. More...
const_iterator cend () const
 Return const_iterator to end traversing the constant UList. More...
reverse_iterator rbegin ()
 Return reverse_iterator to begin reverse traversing the UList. More...
const_reverse_iterator rbegin () const
 Return const_reverse_iterator to begin reverse traversing the UList. More...
reverse_iterator rend ()
 Return reverse_iterator to end reverse traversing the UList. More...
const_reverse_iterator rend () const
 Return const_reverse_iterator to end reverse traversing the UList. More...
const_reverse_iterator crbegin () const
 Return const_reverse_iterator to begin reverse traversing the UList. More...
const_reverse_iterator crend () const
 Return const_reverse_iterator to end reverse traversing the UList. More...
label size () const
 Return the number of elements in the UList. More...
label max_size () const
 Return size of the largest possible UList. More...
bool empty () const
 Return true if the UList is empty (ie, size() is zero) More...
void swap (UList< Type > &)
 Swap two ULists of the same type in constant time. More...
bool operator== (const UList< Type > &) const
 Equality operation on ULists of the same type. More...
bool operator!= (const UList< Type > &) const
 The opposite of the equality operation. Takes linear time. More...
bool operator< (const UList< Type > &) const
 Compare two ULists lexicographically. Takes linear time. More...
bool operator> (const UList< Type > &) const
 Compare two ULists lexicographically. Takes linear time. More...
bool operator<= (const UList< Type > &) const
 Return true if !(a > b). Takes linear time. More...
bool operator>= (const UList< Type > &) const
 Return true if !(a < b). Takes linear time. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from transportModel
 TypeName ("transportModel")
 Runtime type information. More...
 transportModel ()
 Construct from components. More...
virtual ~transportModel ()
 Destructor. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static autoPtr< phaseModelNew (const phaseSystem &fluid, const word &phaseName, const label index)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh >
static const GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh > & null ()
 Return a null geometric field. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from DimensionedField< Type, GeoMesh >
static const DimensionedField< Type, GeoMesh > & null ()
 Return a null DimensionedField. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from regIOobject
template<class Type >
static Type & store (Type *)
 Transfer ownership of the given object pointer to its registry. More...
template<class Type >
static Type & store (autoPtr< Type > &)
 Transfer ownership of the given object pointer to its registry. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from IOobject
static bool fileNameComponents (const fileName &path, fileName &instance, fileName &local, word &name)
 Split path into instance, local, name components. More...
template<class Name >
static word groupName (Name name, const word &group)
template<class Stream >
static Stream & writeBanner (Stream &os, bool noHint=false)
 Write the standard OpenFOAM file/dictionary banner. More...
template<class Stream >
static Stream & writeDivider (Stream &os)
 Write the standard file section divider. More...
template<class Stream >
static Stream & writeEndDivider (Stream &os)
 Write the standard end file divider. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Field< Type >
static const Field< Type > & null ()
 Return a null field. More...
template<class Type2 >
static tmp< Field< Type > > NewCalculatedType (const Field< Type2 > &f)
 Return a pointer to a new calculatedFvPatchFieldField created on. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from List< Type >
static const List< Type > & null ()
 Return a null List. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from UList< Type >
static const UList< Type > & null ()
 Return a null UList. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from GeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, volMesh >
typedef volMesh ::Mesh Mesh
 Type of mesh on which this GeometricField is instantiated. More...
typedef volMesh ::BoundaryMesh BoundaryMesh
 Type of boundary mesh on which this. More...
typedef DimensionedField< scalar, volMeshInternal
 Type of the internal field from which this GeometricField is derived. More...
typedef fvPatchField< scalar > Patch
 Type of the patch field of which the. More...
typedef Field< scalar >::cmptType cmptType
- Public Types inherited from DimensionedField< Type, GeoMesh >
typedef GeoMesh::Mesh Mesh
 Type of mesh on which this DimensionedField is instantiated. More...
typedef Field< Type > FieldType
 Type of the field from which this DimensionedField is derived. More...
typedef Field< Type >::cmptType cmptType
 Component type of the elements of the field. More...
- Public Types inherited from IOobject
enum  objectState { GOOD, BAD }
 Enumeration defining the valid states of an IOobject. More...
 Enumeration defining the read options. More...
enum  writeOption { AUTO_WRITE = 0, NO_WRITE = 1 }
 Enumeration defining the write options. More...
enum  fileCheckTypes { timeStamp, timeStampMaster, inotify, inotifyMaster }
 Enumeration defining the file checking options. More...
- Public Types inherited from Field< Type >
typedef pTraits< Type >::cmptType cmptType
 Component type. More...
typedef SubField< Type > subField
 Declare type of subField. More...
- Public Types inherited from List< Type >
typedef SubList< Type > subList
 Declare type of subList. More...
- Public Types inherited from UList< Type >
typedef Type value_type
 Type of values the UList contains. More...
typedef Type & reference
 Type that can be used for storing into. More...
typedef const Type & const_reference
 Type that can be used for storing into. More...
typedef label difference_type
 The type that can represent the difference between any two. More...
typedef label size_type
 The type that can represent the size of a UList. More...
typedef Type * iterator
 Random access iterator for traversing UList. More...
typedef const Type * const_iterator
 Random access iterator for traversing UList. More...
typedef Type * reverse_iterator
 Reverse iterator for reverse traversal of UList. More...
typedef const Type * const_reverse_iterator
 Reverse iterator for reverse traversal of constant UList. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from regIOobject
static float fileModificationSkew
- Static Public Attributes inherited from IOobject
static const NamedEnum< fileCheckTypes, 4 > fileCheckTypesNames
static fileCheckTypes fileModificationChecking
 Type of file modification checking. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Field< Type >
static const char *const typeName
- Protected Member Functions inherited from regIOobject
bool readHeaderOk (const IOstream::streamFormat PstreamFormat, const word &typeName)
 Helper: check readOpt flags and read if necessary. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from IOobject
void setBad (const string &)
 Set the object state to bad. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from refCount
 refCount ()
 Construct null initializing count to 0. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from List< Type >
void size (const label)
 Override size to be inconsistent with allocated storage. More...
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from regIOobject
static bool masterOnlyReading = false
 To flag master-only reading of objects. More...

Detailed Description

Single incompressible phase derived from the phase-fraction. Used as part of the multiPhaseMixture for interface-capturing multi-phase simulations.

Source files
Source files
Source files
Source files

Definition at line 53 of file phaseModel.H.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ phaseModel() [1/4]

phaseModel ( const word phaseName,
const volScalarField p,
const volScalarField T 

Construct from components.

Referenced by phaseModel::iNew::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ phaseModel() [2/4]

phaseModel ( const word phaseName,
const dictionary phaseDict,
const fvMesh mesh 

◆ ~phaseModel() [1/3]

virtual ~phaseModel ( )


Referenced by phaseModel::iNew::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ phaseModel() [3/4]

phaseModel ( const phaseSystem fluid,
const word phaseName,
const label  index 

◆ ~phaseModel() [2/3]

virtual ~phaseModel ( )


◆ phaseModel() [4/4]

phaseModel ( const twoPhaseSystem fluid,
const dictionary phaseProperties,
const word phaseName 

◆ ~phaseModel() [3/3]

virtual ~phaseModel ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ clone() [1/3]

autoPtr<phaseModel> clone ( ) const

Return clone.

◆ name() [1/4]

const word& name ( ) const

Definition at line 109 of file phaseModel.H.

Referenced by phaseModel::keyword(), and phaseModel::iNew::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ keyword() [1/3]

const word& keyword ( ) const

Definition at line 114 of file phaseModel.H.

References phaseModel::name().

Referenced by phaseModel::iNew::operator()().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ thermo() [1/6]

const rhoThermo& thermo ( ) const

Return const-access to phase rhoThermo.

Definition at line 120 of file phaseModel.H.

Referenced by phaseModel::iNew::operator()(), and phaseModel::thermo().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ thermo() [2/6]

rhoThermo& thermo ( )

Return access to phase rhoThermo.

Definition at line 126 of file phaseModel.H.

◆ dgdt() [1/2]

const volScalarField& dgdt ( ) const

Return const-access to phase divergence.

Definition at line 132 of file phaseModel.H.

◆ dgdt() [2/2]

volScalarField& dgdt ( )

Return access to phase divergence.

Definition at line 138 of file phaseModel.H.

References phaseModel::correct().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ correct() [1/4]

void correct ( )

Correct the laminar viscosity.

Implements transportModel.

Referenced by phaseModel::alphaPhi(), phaseModel::alphaRhoPhi(), phaseModel::dgdt(), and phaseModel::iNew::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ clone() [2/3]

autoPtr<phaseModel> clone ( ) const

Return clone.

◆ name() [2/4]

const word& name ( ) const

Definition at line 138 of file phaseModel.H.

◆ keyword() [2/3]

const word& keyword ( ) const

Definition at line 143 of file phaseModel.H.

References phaseModel::d(), and phaseModel::name().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ d() [1/3]

tmp<volScalarField> d ( ) const

Referenced by phaseModel::fluid(), phaseModel::keyword(), and phaseModel::iNew::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nu() [1/5]

const dimensionedScalar& nu ( ) const

Return the laminar viscosity.

Implements transportModel.

Definition at line 150 of file phaseModel.H.

Referenced by phaseModel::iNew::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ kappa() [1/5]

const dimensionedScalar& kappa ( ) const

Definition at line 155 of file phaseModel.H.

Referenced by phaseModel::iNew::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Cp() [1/2]

const dimensionedScalar& Cp ( ) const

Definition at line 160 of file phaseModel.H.

◆ rho() [1/3]

const dimensionedScalar& rho ( ) const

Definition at line 165 of file phaseModel.H.

Referenced by phaseModel::iNew::operator()(), mixtureKEpsilon< BasicTurbulenceModel >::rhogEff(), and mixtureKEpsilon< BasicTurbulenceModel >::rholEff().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ U() [1/6]

const volVectorField& U ( ) const

Definition at line 170 of file phaseModel.H.

Referenced by phaseModel::iNew::operator()(), and phaseModel::U().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ U() [2/6]

volVectorField& U ( )

Definition at line 175 of file phaseModel.H.

◆ DDtU() [1/2]

const volVectorField& DDtU ( ) const

Definition at line 180 of file phaseModel.H.

◆ DDtU() [2/2]

volVectorField& DDtU ( )

Definition at line 185 of file phaseModel.H.

◆ phi() [1/6]

const surfaceScalarField& phi ( ) const

Definition at line 190 of file phaseModel.H.

Referenced by phaseModel::iNew::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ phi() [2/6]

surfaceScalarField& phi ( )

Definition at line 195 of file phaseModel.H.

◆ alphaPhi() [1/6]

const surfaceScalarField& alphaPhi ( ) const

Definition at line 200 of file phaseModel.H.

Referenced by phaseModel::alphaPhi(), phaseModel::alphaRhoPhi(), and phaseModel::iNew::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ alphaPhi() [2/6]

surfaceScalarField& alphaPhi ( )

Definition at line 205 of file phaseModel.H.

References phaseModel::alphaPhi(), phaseModel::correct(), phaseModel::correctInflowOutflow(), phaseModel::read(), and regIOobject::read().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ correctInflowOutflow() [1/3]

void correctInflowOutflow ( surfaceScalarField alphaPhi) const

Ensure that the flux at inflow/outflow BCs is preserved.

Referenced by phaseModel::alphaPhi(), phaseModel::alphaRhoPhi(), and phaseModel::iNew::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ correct() [2/4]

void correct ( )

Correct the phase properties.

Implements transportModel.

◆ read() [1/4]

bool read ( const dictionary phaseDict)

Read base transportProperties dictionary.

◆ ClassName()

ClassName ( "phaseModel"  )

Runtime type information.

◆ declareRunTimeSelectionTable()

declareRunTimeSelectionTable ( autoPtr  ,
phaseModel  ,
phaseSystem  ,
(const phaseSystem &fluid, const word &phaseName, const label index ,
(fluid, phaseName, index  

◆ clone() [3/3]

autoPtr<phaseModel> clone ( ) const

Return clone.

◆ New()

static autoPtr<phaseModel> New ( const phaseSystem fluid,
const word phaseName,
const label  index 

Referenced by phaseModel::iNew::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ name() [3/4]

const word& name ( ) const

Return the name of this phase.

◆ keyword() [3/3]

const word& keyword ( ) const

Return the name of the phase for use as the keyword in PtrDictionary.

◆ index()

label index ( ) const

Return the index of the phase.

Referenced by phaseModel::iNew::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fluid() [1/2]

const phaseSystem& fluid ( ) const

Return the system to which this phase belongs.

Referenced by IATEsource::fluid(), and phaseModel::iNew::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ residualAlpha() [1/2]

const dimensionedScalar& residualAlpha ( ) const

Return the residual phase-fraction for given phase.

Used to stabilize the phase momentum as the phase-fraction -> 0

Referenced by phaseModel::fluid(), and phaseModel::iNew::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ alphaMax() [1/2]

scalar alphaMax ( ) const

Return the maximum phase-fraction (e.g. packing limit)

Referenced by phaseModel::fluid(), and phaseModel::iNew::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ d() [2/3]

tmp<volScalarField> d ( ) const

Return the Sauter-mean diameter.

◆ correct() [3/4]

virtual void correct ( )

Correct the phase properties.

Implements transportModel.

◆ correctKinematics()

virtual void correctKinematics ( )

Correct the kinematics.

Referenced by phaseModel::iNew::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ correctThermo()

virtual void correctThermo ( )

Correct the thermodynamics.

Referenced by phaseModel::iNew::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ correctTurbulence()

virtual void correctTurbulence ( )

Correct the turbulence.

Referenced by phaseModel::iNew::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ correctEnergyTransport()

virtual void correctEnergyTransport ( )

Correct the energy transport e.g. alphat.

Referenced by phaseModel::iNew::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ UEqn()

virtual tmp<fvVectorMatrix> UEqn ( )
pure virtual

Return the momentum equation.

Referenced by phaseModel::iNew::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ heEqn()

virtual tmp<fvScalarMatrix> heEqn ( )
pure virtual

Return the enthalpy equation.

Referenced by phaseModel::iNew::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ YiEqn()

virtual tmp<fvScalarMatrix> YiEqn ( volScalarField Yi)
pure virtual

Return the species fraction equation.

Referenced by phaseModel::iNew::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ read() [2/4]

virtual bool read ( )

Read phase properties dictionary.

Implements transportModel.

Referenced by phaseModel::alphaPhi(), phaseModel::alphaRhoPhi(), and phaseModel::iNew::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ compressible()

virtual bool compressible ( ) const

Return true if the phase is compressible otherwise false.

Referenced by phaseModel::iNew::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ divU() [1/2]

virtual const tmp<volScalarField>& divU ( ) const

Return the phase dilatation rate (d(alpha)/dt + div(alpha*phi))

Referenced by phaseModel::iNew::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ divU() [2/2]

virtual void divU ( const tmp< volScalarField > &  divU)

Set the phase dilatation rate (d(alpha)/dt + div(alpha*phi))

◆ K()

virtual const volScalarField& K ( ) const

Return the phase kinetic energy.

Referenced by phaseModel::iNew::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ DbyA() [1/2]

virtual const surfaceScalarField& DbyA ( ) const

Return the phase diffusivity divided by the momentum coefficient.

Referenced by phaseModel::iNew::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ DbyA() [2/2]

virtual void DbyA ( const tmp< surfaceScalarField > &  DbyA)

Set the phase diffusivity divided by the momentum coefficient.

◆ thermo() [3/6]

virtual const rhoThermo& thermo ( ) const
pure virtual

Return const access to the thermophysical model.

◆ thermo() [4/6]

virtual rhoThermo& thermo ( )
pure virtual

Return non-const access to the thermophysical model.

for correction

◆ rho() [2/3]

virtual tmp<volScalarField> rho ( ) const
pure virtual

Return the density field.

◆ Y() [1/2]

virtual const PtrList<volScalarField>& Y ( ) const
pure virtual

Constant access the species mass fractions.

Referenced by phaseModel::iNew::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Y() [2/2]

virtual PtrList<volScalarField>& Y ( )
pure virtual

Access the species mass fractions.

◆ U() [3/6]

virtual tmp<volVectorField> U ( ) const
pure virtual

Constant access the velocity.

◆ U() [4/6]

virtual volVectorField& U ( )
pure virtual

Access the velocity.

◆ DUDt()

virtual tmp<volVectorField> DUDt ( ) const
pure virtual

Return the substantive acceleration.

Referenced by phaseModel::iNew::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ continuityError()

virtual tmp<volScalarField> continuityError ( ) const
pure virtual

Constant access the continuity error.

Referenced by phaseModel::iNew::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ phi() [3/6]

virtual tmp<surfaceScalarField> phi ( ) const
pure virtual

Constant access the volumetric flux.

◆ phi() [4/6]

virtual surfaceScalarField& phi ( )
pure virtual

Access the volumetric flux.

◆ alphaPhi() [3/6]

virtual tmp<surfaceScalarField> alphaPhi ( ) const
pure virtual

Constant access the volumetric flux of the phase.

◆ alphaPhi() [4/6]

virtual surfaceScalarField& alphaPhi ( )
pure virtual

Access the volumetric flux of the phase.

◆ alphaRhoPhi() [1/4]

virtual tmp<surfaceScalarField> alphaRhoPhi ( ) const
pure virtual

Constant access the mass flux of the phase.

Referenced by phaseModel::iNew::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ alphaRhoPhi() [2/4]

virtual surfaceScalarField& alphaRhoPhi ( )
pure virtual

Access the mass flux of the phase.

◆ correctInflowOutflow() [2/3]

void correctInflowOutflow ( surfaceScalarField alphaPhi) const

Ensure that the flux at inflow/outflow BCs is preserved.

◆ mu() [1/4]

virtual tmp<volScalarField> mu ( ) const
pure virtual

Return the laminar dynamic viscosity.

Referenced by phaseModel::iNew::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mu() [2/4]

virtual tmp<scalarField> mu ( const label  patchi) const
pure virtual

Return the laminar dynamic viscosity on a patch.

◆ nu() [2/5]

virtual tmp<volScalarField> nu ( ) const
pure virtual

Return the laminar kinematic viscosity.

Implements transportModel.

◆ nu() [3/5]

virtual tmp<scalarField> nu ( const label  patchi) const
pure virtual

Return the laminar kinematic viscosity on a patch.

Implements transportModel.

◆ kappa() [2/5]

virtual tmp<volScalarField> kappa ( ) const
pure virtual

Return the laminar thermal conductivity.

◆ kappa() [3/5]

virtual tmp<scalarField> kappa ( const label  patchi) const
pure virtual

Return the laminar thermal conductivity on a patch.

◆ kappaEff() [1/4]

virtual tmp<volScalarField> kappaEff ( const volScalarField alphat) const
pure virtual

Return the effective thermal conductivity.

Referenced by phaseModel::kappa(), phaseModel::kappaEff(), and phaseModel::iNew::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ kappaEff() [2/4]

virtual tmp<scalarField> kappaEff ( const scalarField alphat,
const label  patchi 
) const
pure virtual

Access the effective thermal conductivity.

◆ alpha() [1/4]

virtual tmp<volScalarField> alpha ( ) const
pure virtual

Return the laminar thermal diffusivity for enthalpy.

Referenced by phaseModel::iNew::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ alpha() [2/4]

virtual tmp<scalarField> alpha ( const label  patchi) const
pure virtual

Return the laminar thermal diffusivity for enthalpy on a patch.

◆ alphaEff() [1/4]

virtual tmp<volScalarField> alphaEff ( const volScalarField alphat) const
pure virtual

Return the effective thermal diffusivity for enthalpy.

Referenced by phaseModel::alpha(), phaseModel::alphaEff(), and phaseModel::iNew::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ alphaEff() [2/4]

virtual tmp<scalarField> alphaEff ( const scalarField alphat,
const label  patchi 
) const
pure virtual

Return the effective thermal diffusivity for enthalpy on a patch.

◆ turbulence() [1/3]

virtual const phaseCompressibleTurbulenceModel& turbulence ( ) const
pure virtual

Return the turbulence model.

Referenced by phaseModel::fluid(), and phaseModel::iNew::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ name() [4/4]

const word& name ( ) const

Return the name of this phase.

Definition at line 121 of file phaseModel.H.

◆ fluid() [2/2]

const twoPhaseSystem& fluid ( ) const

Return the twoPhaseSystem to which this phase belongs.

Definition at line 127 of file phaseModel.H.

References phaseModel::alphaMax(), phaseModel::d(), phaseModel::otherPhase(), phaseModel::residualAlpha(), and phaseModel::turbulence().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ otherPhase()

const phaseModel& otherPhase ( ) const

Return the other phase in this two-phase system.

Referenced by phaseModel::fluid(), and IATEsource::otherPhase().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ residualAlpha() [2/2]

const dimensionedScalar& residualAlpha ( ) const

Return the residual phase-fraction for given phase.

Used to stabilize the phase momentum as the phase-fraction -> 0

Definition at line 137 of file phaseModel.H.

◆ alphaMax() [2/2]

scalar alphaMax ( ) const

Optional maximum phase-fraction (e.g. packing limit)

Defaults to 1

Definition at line 144 of file phaseModel.H.

◆ d() [3/3]

tmp<volScalarField> d ( ) const

Return the Sauter-mean diameter.

◆ turbulence() [2/3]

const PhaseCompressibleTurbulenceModel<phaseModel>& turbulence ( ) const

Return the turbulence model.

◆ turbulence() [3/3]

Return non-const access to the turbulence model.

for correction

◆ thermo() [5/6]

const rhoThermo& thermo ( ) const

Return the thermophysical model.

Definition at line 162 of file phaseModel.H.

References phaseModel::thermo().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ thermo() [6/6]

rhoThermo& thermo ( )

Return non-const access to the thermophysical model.

for correction

Definition at line 169 of file phaseModel.H.

◆ nu() [4/5]

tmp<volScalarField> nu ( ) const

Return the laminar viscosity.

Implements transportModel.

Definition at line 175 of file phaseModel.H.

◆ nu() [5/5]

tmp<scalarField> nu ( const label  patchi) const

Return the laminar viscosity for patch.

Implements transportModel.

Definition at line 181 of file phaseModel.H.

◆ mu() [3/4]

tmp<volScalarField> mu ( ) const

Return the laminar dynamic viscosity.

Definition at line 187 of file phaseModel.H.

◆ mu() [4/4]

tmp<scalarField> mu ( const label  patchi) const

Return the laminar dynamic viscosity for patch.

Definition at line 193 of file phaseModel.H.

◆ kappa() [4/5]

tmp<scalarField> kappa ( const label  patchi) const

Return the thermal conductivity on a patch.

Definition at line 199 of file phaseModel.H.

◆ kappa() [5/5]

tmp<volScalarField> kappa ( ) const

Return the thermal conductivity.

Definition at line 205 of file phaseModel.H.

References phaseModel::kappaEff().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kappaEff() [3/4]

tmp<volScalarField> kappaEff ( const volScalarField alphat) const

Return the laminar thermal conductivity.

Definition at line 212 of file phaseModel.H.

References phaseModel::kappaEff().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kappaEff() [4/4]

tmp<scalarField> kappaEff ( const scalarField alphat,
const label  patchi 
) const

Return the laminar thermal conductivity on a patch.

Definition at line 221 of file phaseModel.H.

◆ alpha() [3/4]

tmp<volScalarField> alpha ( ) const

Return the laminar thermal diffusivity for enthalpy.

Definition at line 230 of file phaseModel.H.

◆ alpha() [4/4]

tmp<scalarField> alpha ( const label  patchi) const

Return the laminar thermal diffusivity for enthalpy on a patch.

Definition at line 236 of file phaseModel.H.

References phaseModel::alphaEff().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ alphaEff() [3/4]

tmp<volScalarField> alphaEff ( const volScalarField alphat) const

Return the effective thermal diffusivity for enthalpy.

Definition at line 243 of file phaseModel.H.

References phaseModel::alphaEff().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ alphaEff() [4/4]

tmp<scalarField> alphaEff ( const scalarField alphat,
const label  patchi 
) const

Return the effective thermal diffusivity for enthalpy on a patch.

Definition at line 252 of file phaseModel.H.

◆ Cp() [2/2]

tmp<volScalarField> Cp ( ) const

Return the specific heat capacity.

Definition at line 261 of file phaseModel.H.

◆ rho() [3/3]

const volScalarField& rho ( ) const

Return the density.

Definition at line 267 of file phaseModel.H.

◆ U() [5/6]

const volVectorField& U ( ) const

Return the velocity.

Definition at line 273 of file phaseModel.H.

References phaseModel::U().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ U() [6/6]

volVectorField& U ( )

Return non-const access to the velocity.

Used in the momentum equation

Definition at line 280 of file phaseModel.H.

◆ phi() [5/6]

const surfaceScalarField& phi ( ) const

Return the volumetric flux.

Definition at line 286 of file phaseModel.H.

◆ phi() [6/6]

surfaceScalarField& phi ( )

Return non-const access to the volumetric flux.

Definition at line 292 of file phaseModel.H.

◆ alphaPhi() [5/6]

const surfaceScalarField& alphaPhi ( ) const

Return the volumetric flux of the phase.

Definition at line 298 of file phaseModel.H.

◆ alphaPhi() [6/6]

surfaceScalarField& alphaPhi ( )

Return non-const access to the volumetric flux of the phase.

Definition at line 304 of file phaseModel.H.

◆ alphaRhoPhi() [3/4]

const surfaceScalarField& alphaRhoPhi ( ) const

Return the mass flux of the phase.

Definition at line 310 of file phaseModel.H.

◆ alphaRhoPhi() [4/4]

surfaceScalarField& alphaRhoPhi ( )

Return non-const access to the mass flux of the phase.

Definition at line 316 of file phaseModel.H.

References phaseModel::alphaPhi(), phaseModel::correct(), phaseModel::correctInflowOutflow(), and phaseModel::read().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ correctInflowOutflow() [3/3]

void correctInflowOutflow ( surfaceScalarField alphaPhi) const

Ensure that the flux at inflow/outflow BCs is preserved.

◆ correct() [4/4]

void correct ( )

Correct the phase properties.

other than the thermodynamics and turbulence which have special treatment

Implements transportModel.

◆ read() [3/4]

virtual bool read ( const dictionary phaseProperties)

Read phaseProperties dictionary.

◆ read() [4/4]

virtual bool read ( )

Dummy Read for transportModel.

Implements transportModel.

Definition at line 333 of file phaseModel.H.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: