►NFoam | Namespace for OpenFOAM |
►NaspectRatioModels | |
CconstantAspectRatio | Constant value aspect ratio model |
CTomiyamaAspectRatio | Aspect ratio model of Tomiyama |
CVakhrushevEfremov | Aspect ratio model of Vakhrushev and Efremov |
CWellek | Aspect ratio model of Wellek et al |
►NAveragingMethods | |
CBasic | Basic lagrangian averaging procedure |
CDual | Dual-mesh lagrangian averaging procedure |
NblendedInterfacialModel | |
►NblendingMethods | |
Ccontinuous | Blending method for the case in which the continuous phase is always the same. E.g., for an air-particles flow, the air phase is always continuous |
Chyperbolic | Blending method based on smooth hyperbolic functions. Supports the full range of phase fraction space. E.g., from droplets in air, through a segregated regime, to bubbly flow |
Clinear | Blending method based on piecewise linear functions. Supports the full range of phase fraction space. E.g., from droplets in air, through a segregated regime, to bubbly flow |
Csegregated | Blending method for segregated configurations. E.g., a churning flow in which it is never appropriate to consider one phase continuous |
►NblockEdges | |
CarcEdge | An arcEdge between two points on a circle. The arc is defined either by a third point that the arc passes through, or by the angle of the sector and the axis of the circle |
CBSplineEdge | A blockEdge interface for B-splines |
ClineEdge | A straight edge between the start point and the end point |
CpolyLineEdge | A blockEdge defined in terms of a series of straight line segments |
CsplineEdge | A blockEdge interface for Catmull-Rom splines |
►NblockFaces | |
CprojectFace | Projects the given set of face points onto the selected surface of the geometry provided as a searchableSurfaces object |
NblockMeshTools | Tools for parsing label(List) with dictionary lookup |
►Nblocks | |
CnamedBlock | Gives name to a block |
►NblockVertices | |
CnamedVertex | Gives name to a vertex |
CpointVertex | |
CprojectVertex | Projects the vertex onto the selected surfaces of the geometry provided as a searchableSurfaces object |
►NcavitationModels | |
CKunz | Kunz cavitation model |
CMerkle | Merkle cavitation model |
CSchnerrSauer | SchnerrSauer cavitation model |
►NcellsToCellss | |
Cintersection | Intersection-based cells-to-cells interpolation class. Volume conservative |
Cmatching | Matching, one-to-one, cells-to-cells interpolation class |
Cnearest | Nearest cells-to-cells interpolation class |
►NchemistryReductionMethods | |
CDAC | The Dynamic Adaptive Chemistry (DAC) method [1] simplify the chemistry using the matrix rAB defined by (DRGEP algorithm [2]) |
CDRG | Implementation of the Directed Relation Graph (DRG) method |
CDRGEP | The DRGEP algorithm [1] is based on |
CEFA | |
Cnone | A chemistryReductionMethod which does nothing to allow reduction to be switched-off |
CPFA | Path flux analysis |
►NchemistryTabulationMethods | |
CISAT | Implementation of the ISAT (In-situ adaptive tabulation), for chemistry calculation |
Cnone | A chemistryTabulationMethod which does nothing to allow tabulation to be switched-off |
►NcombustionModels | |
Cdiffusion | Simple diffusion-based combustion model based on the principle mixed is burnt. Additional parameter C is used to distribute the heat release rate in time |
CEDC | Eddy Dissipation Concept (EDC) turbulent combustion model |
CFSD | Flame Surface Density (FDS) combustion model |
CinfinitelyFastChemistry | Simple infinitely fast chemistry combustion model based on the principle mixed is burnt. Additional parameter C is used to distribute the heat release rate.in time |
Claminar | Laminar combustion model |
CnoCombustion | Dummy combustion model for 'no combustion' |
CPaSR | Partially stirred reactor turbulent combustion model |
CsingleStepCombustion | Base class for single-step combustion models |
CzoneCombustion | Zone-filtered combustion model |
►Ncompressible | |
►NcavitationModels | |
CKunz | Kunz cavitation model |
CMerkle | Merkle cavitation model |
CSaito | Saito cavitation model |
CSchnerrSauer | SchnerrSauer cavitation model |
►NRASModels | |
CPDRkEpsilon | Standard k-epsilon turbulence model with additional source terms corresponding to PDR basic drag model (basic.H) |
CalphatJayatillekeWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides a thermal wall function for turbulent thermal diffusivity (usuallyalphat ) based on the Jayatilleke model |
CalphatWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides a turbulent thermal diffusivity condition when using wall functions |
CconvectiveHeatTransferFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides a convective heat transfer coefficient condition |
CthermalBaffle1DFvPatchScalarField | This BC solves a steady 1D thermal baffle |
CcavitationModel | |
CalphatPhaseChangeWallFunctionBase | Abstract base-class for all alphatWallFunctions supporting phase-change |
►CalphatWallBoilingWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField | A thermal wall function for simulation of subcooled nucleate wall boiling with runtime selectable submodels for: |
CboilingLiquidProperties | |
Cproperties | |
►Nconstant | Collection of constants |
Natomic | Atomic constants |
Nelectromagnetic | Electromagnetic constants |
Nmathematical | Mathematical constants |
NphysicoChemical | Physico-chemical constants |
Nstandard | Standard constants |
Nthermodynamic | Thermodynamic scalar constants |
Nuniversal | Universal constants |
►NcontactAngleModels | |
Cconstant | Uniform constant contact angle model |
Cdynamic | Dynamic contact angle model |
Cgravitational | Gravitational acceleration based contact angle model |
CtemperatureDependent | Temperature-dependent contact angle model |
►NcoordinateSystems | |
Ccartesian | Cylindrical coordinate system |
CcoordinateSystems | Provides a centralised coordinateSystem collection |
Ccylindrical | Cylindrical coordinate system |
►NCorrectionLimitingMethods | |
Cabsolute | Correction limiting method based on the absolute particle velocity |
CnoCorrectionLimiting | |
Crelative | Correction limiting method based on the relative particle velocity |
►NcutPoly | Low level functions for cutting poly faces and cells |
COpBegin | |
COpDereference | |
COpNext | |
COpScaled | |
CInPlaceOpAdvance | |
CBinaryOpAdd | |
►CFaceCutValues | |
Cconst_iterator | Forward iterator |
►CCellCutValues | |
Cconst_iterator | Forward iterator |
►NcutTriTet | |
CuniformOp | |
CnoOp | |
CareaOp | |
CareaMagOp | |
CvolumeOp | |
CareaIntegrateOp | |
CareaMagIntegrateOp | |
CvolumeIntegrateOp | |
►ClistOp | |
Cresult | Result class |
CappendOp | |
CopAddResult | Trait to determine the result of the addition of two operations |
CopAddResult< Op, Op > | |
CopAddResult< noOp, noOp > | |
CopAddResult< noOp, Op > | |
CopAddResult< Op, noOp > | |
►NDampingModels | |
CNoDamping | |
CRelaxation | Relaxation collisional damping model |
Ndebug | Namespace for handling debugging switches |
►NdecompositionConstraints | |
CpreserveBafflesConstraint | Detects baffles and keeps owner and neighbour on same processor |
CpreserveFaceZonesConstraint | Constraint to keep/move owner and neighbour of faceZone onto same processor |
CpreservePatchesConstraint | Constraint to keep owner and neighbour of (cyclic) patch on same processor |
CsingleProcessorFaceSetsConstraint | Constraint to keep all cells connected to face or point of faceSet on a single processor |
►NdecompositionMethods | |
Cgeometric | Geometrical domain decomposition |
Chierarchical | Does hierarchical decomposition of points. Works by first sorting the points in x direction into equal sized bins, then in y direction and finally in z direction |
Cmanual | Decomposition given a cell-to-processor association in a file |
CmultiLevel | Decomposition given using consecutive application of decomposers |
Cnone | Dummy decomposition method |
Crandom | Random decomposition. Good for testing. Very bad for anything else |
Csimple | |
Cstructured | Decomposition by walking out decomposition of patch cells mesh |
Cmetis | Metis domain decomposition |
CparMetis | ParMetis redistribution in parallel |
Cptscotch | PTScotch domain decomposition. For the main details about how to define the strategies, see scotchDecomp |
Cscotch | Scotch domain decomposition. When run in parallel will collect the whole graph on to the master, decompose and send back. Use ptscotch for proper distributed decomposition |
Czoltan | Zoltan redistribution in parallel |
►NdiameterModels | |
►NbinaryBreakupModels | |
CLehrMilliesMewes | Model of Lehr et al. (2002). The breakup rate is calculated by |
CLiao | Bubble breakup model of Liao et al. (2015). The terminal velocities and drag coefficients are computed by an iterative procedure based on the drag model of Ishii and Zuber (1979) at the beginning of the simulation, assuming single bubbles rising in quiescent liquid |
CLuoSvendsen | Model of Luo and Svendsen (1996). The breakup rate is calculated by |
CpowerLawUniformBinary | Powerlaw kernel with a uniform daughter size distribution |
►NbreakupModels | |
Cexponential | Exponential kernel |
CKusters | Solid particle breakage model of Kusters (1991). The breakage rate is calculated by |
CLaakkonen | Model of Laakkonen et al. (2007). The total breakup rate is calculated by |
CpowerLaw | Powerlaw kernel |
►NcoalescenceModels | |
CAdachiStuartFokkink | Model describing aggregation of solid particles in turbulent flows. Applicable when particles are smaller than the Kolmogorov length scale. The coalescence rate is calculated by |
CballisticCollisions | Model describing coagulation due to ballistic collisions. Utilises collisional diameters |
CBrownianCollisions | Model describing coagulation due to Brownian motion. Utilises collisional diameters and the Cunningham slip correction. The slip correction coefficient is implemented in the following form: |
CconstantCoalescence | Constant coalescence kernel |
CCoulaloglouTavlarides | Model of Coulaloglou and Tavlarides (1977). The coalescence rate is calculated by |
CDahnekeInterpolation | Interpolation formula of Dahneke (1983) as presented by Otto et al. (1999). Utilises collisional diameters |
Chydrodynamic | Hydrodynamic kernel |
CLehrMilliesMewesCoalescence | Model of Lehr et al. (2002). The coalescence rate is calculated by |
CLiaoCoalescence | Bubble coalescence model of Liao et al. (2015). The terminal velocities and drag coefficients are computed by an iterative procedure based on the drag model of Ishii and Zuber (1979) at the beginning of the simulation, assuming single bubbles rising in quiescent liquid |
CLuo | Model of Luo (1993). The coalescence rate is calculated by |
CPrinceBlanch | Model of Prince and Blanch (1990). The coalescence rate is calculated by |
CturbulentShear | Model describing coagulation due to turbulent shear. Utilises physical, i.e. collisional diameters |
►NdaughterSizeDistributionModels | |
CLaakkonenDaughterSizeDistribution | Daughter size distribution model of Laakkonen et al. (2007). Note that the diameters in the original expression were substituted by bubble volumes giving |
CuniformBinary | Daughter size distribution for uniform binary breakup |
►NdriftModels | |
CconstantDrift | |
CdensityChangeDrift | Drift rate induced by changes in density |
CphaseChange | Drift induced by phase change. By default phase change mass flux is distributed between sizeGroups of each velocityGroup with phase change based on interfacial area of each size group |
►NIATEsources | |
Cdummy | |
CphaseChange | Phase-change IATE source |
CrandomCoalescence | Random coalescence IATE source as defined in paper: |
CturbulentBreakUp | Turbulence-induced break-up IATE source as defined in paper: |
CwakeEntrainmentCoalescence | Bubble coalescence due to wake entrainment IATE source as defined in paper: |
CwallBoiling | Wall-boiling IATE source |
►NnucleationModels | |
CreactionDriven | |
CwallBoiling | Wall-boiling model which requires a velocityGroup (i.e. phase) to be specified in which the nucleation occurs. This setting must be consistent with the specifications in the alphatWallBoilingWallFunction. If the departure-diameter lies outside the diameter-range given by the sizeGroups of the corresponding velocityGroup, the solver will give a warning and the nucleation rate will be set to zero |
►NshapeModels | |
►NsinteringModels | |
CKochFriedlander | |
CnoSintering | |
Cfractal | Class for modelling the shape of particle aggregates using the concept of fractal geometry. Returns a collisional diameter |
CsinteringModel | Abstract base class for modelling sintering of primary particles in fractal aggregates |
Cspherical | Uniform spherical shape |
Cconstant | Constant dispersed-phase particle diameter model |
CfixedInterfacialArea | FixedInterfacialArea dispersed-phase diameter model. The interfacial are is set by providing phase surface area divided by phase volume, AvbyAlpha, either as a constant value or as a field |
CIATE | IATE (Interfacial Area Transport Equation) bubble diameter model |
►CIATEsource | IATE (Interfacial Area Transport Equation) bubble diameter model run-time selectable sources |
CiNew | Class used for the read-construction of |
Cisothermal | Isothermal dispersed-phase particle diameter model |
ClinearTsub | |
CnoDiameter | Diameter model for purely continuous phases |
CresidualDiameter | A diameter model which switches form constant diameter to constant residual diameter when the volume fraction of the phase is below residualAlpha |
Cspherical | Base class for models which represent spherical diameter models, providing a common implementation of surface area per unit volume |
►CbinaryBreakupModel | Base class for binary breakup models that provide a breakup rate between a size class pair directly, i.e. without explicitly stating the daughter size distribution function |
CiNew | Class used for the read-construction of |
CLiaoBase | Base class for coalescence and breakup models of Liao et al. (2015) |
►CbreakupModel | Base class for breakup models which provide a total breakup rate and a separate daughter size distribution function |
CiNew | Class used for the read-construction of |
►CcoalescenceModel | Base class for coalescence models |
CiNew | Class used for the read-construction of |
CdaughterSizeDistributionModel | Base class for daughter size distribution models. Currently only supports field-independent formulations |
CSecondaryPropertyModel | Base class for modeling evolution of secondary representative properties of a size class. By default, transport between size classes due to coalescence, breakup and drift conserve the property. This behaviour can be overridden in a derived class |
CshapeModel | Base class for modelling the shape of the particles belonging to a size class through alternative diameters, e.g. a collisional diameter, which can then be utilised in population balance submodels, e.g. for modelling fractal aggregation |
►CsizeGroup | Single size class fraction field representing a fixed particle volume as defined by the user through the corresponding sphere equivalent diameter |
CiNew | Return a pointer to a new sizeGroup created from Istream |
CvelocityGroup | Computes the Sauter mean diameter based on a user specified size distribution, defined in terms of size class fractions. Intended for use with a population balance model to account for the evolution of a size distribution by means of coalescence, breakup, drift and nucleation |
►CdriftModel | Base class for drift models |
CiNew | Class used for the read-construction of |
►CnucleationModel | Base class for nucleation models |
CiNew | Class used for the read-construction of |
►CpopulationBalanceModel | Model for tracking the evolution of a dispersed phase size distribution due to coalescence (synonymous with coagulation, aggregation, agglomeration) and breakup events as well as density or phase changes. Provides an approximate solution of the population balance equation by means of a class method. The underlying theory is described in the article of Lehnigk et al. (2021) |
Cgroups | Class to accumulate population balance sub-class pointers |
CiNew | Return a pointer to a new populationBalanceModel object created on |
►NdiffusiveMassTransferModels | |
CFrossling | Frossling correlation for turbulent mass transfer from the surface of a sphere to the surrounding fluid |
CsphericalDiffusiveMassTransfer | Model which applies an analytical solution for mass transfer from the surface of a sphere to the fluid within the sphere |
►Ndistributions | |
Cexponential | Exponential distribution, scaled so that it spans between a specified minimum and maximum value, rather than from zero to infinity |
CfixedValue | Distribution which always takes a specified fixed value |
CmultiNormal | Multiple superimposed normal distributions |
Cnormal | Normal distribution, scaled so that it spans between a specified minimum and maximum value, rather than from zero to infinity |
CRosinRammler | Rosin-Rammler distribution, scaled so that it spans between a specified minimum and maximum value, rather than from zero to infinity |
CstandardNormal | Standard normal distribution. Not selectable |
CtabulatedCumulative | Distribution in which the cumulative distribution function is given as a table of values |
CtabulatedDensity | Distribution in which the probability density function is given as a table of values |
Cuniform | Distribution in which all values between a specified minimum and maximum have the same probability |
Cunintegrable | Base class for distributions that do not have a closed integral form for the cumulative density function (CDF) for some or all effective size exponents |
CunintegrableForNonZeroQ | |
►NdragModels | |
CaerosolDrag | Stokes drag with Cunningham slip correction. The slip correction coefficient is implemented in the following form: |
CAttouFerschneider | Attou and Ferschneider's Drag model for film flow through packed beds. The implementation follows the description of Gunjal and Ranade, who, in the reference below, formulate the model in more convenient terms |
CBeetstra | Drag model of Beetstra et al. for monodisperse gas-particle flows obtained with direct numerical simulations with the Lattice-Boltzmann method and accounting for the effect of particle ensembles |
CdispersedDragModel | |
CErgun | Reference: |
CGibilaro | Reference: |
CGidaspowErgunWenYu | Gidaspow, Ergun, Wen and Yu drag model |
CGidaspowSchillerNaumann | Gidaspow, Schiller and Naumann drag model |
CIshiiZuber | Ishii and Zuber (1979) drag model for dense dispersed bubbly flows |
CLain | Drag model of Lain et al |
CSchillerNaumann | Schiller and Naumann drag model for dispersed bubbly flows |
Csegregated | Segregated drag model for use in regions with no obvious dispersed phase |
CSyamlalOBrien | Reference: |
CTenneti | Drag model of Tenneti et al. for monodisperse gas-particle flows obtained with particle-resolved direct numerical simulations and accounting for the effect of particle ensembles |
CtimeScaleFilteredDrag | |
CTomiyamaAnalytic | Analytical drag model of Tomiyama et al |
CTomiyamaCorrelated | Correlation of Tomiyama et al |
CTomiyamaKataokaZunSakaguchi | Drag model for gas-liquid system of Tomiyama et al |
CWenYu | Wen and Yu drag model |
►NenergyScalingFunctions | |
CdoubleSigmoid | |
CnoScaling | |
Cshifted | |
CshiftedForce | |
Csigmoid | |
►NextrudeModels | |
CcyclicSector | Extrudes a sector |
CcylindricalRadial | Extrudes by transforming points in the cylindrical radial direction |
ClinearDirection | Extrudes by transforming points in a specified direction by a given distance |
ClinearNormal | Extrudes by transforming points normal to the surface by a given distance |
ClinearRadial | |
Cplane | Extrudes by transforming points normal to the surface by 1 layer over a given distance |
Csector | Extrudes by rotating a surface around an axis |
CsigmaRadial | |
CsphericalRadial | Extrudes by transforming points in the spherical radial direction |
Cwedge | Extrudes by rotating a surface symmetrically around axis by 1 layer |
►NfaceSelections | |
CfaceZoneSelection | Select faces from faceZone |
CsearchableSurfaceSelection | Selects all (internal or coupled) faces intersecting the searchableSurface |
►NfileFormats | |
CNASCore | Core routines used when reading/writing NASTRAN files |
CSTARCDCore | Core routines used when reading/writing pro-STAR vrt/cel/bnd files |
CedgeMeshFormat | Provide a means of reading/writing the single-file OpenFOAM edge format |
CedgeMeshFormatsCore | A collection of helper functions for reading/writing edge formats |
CextendedFeatureEdgeMeshFormat | Provide a means of reading extendedFeatureEdgeMesh as featureEdgeMesh |
CNASedgeFormat | Nastran edge reader |
COBJedgeFormat | Provide a means of reading/writing Alias/Wavefront OBJ format |
CSTARCDedgeFormat | Read/write the lines from pro-STAR vrt/cel files |
CVTKedgeFormat | Provide a means of writing VTK legacy format |
CextendedEdgeMeshFormat | Provide a means of reading/writing the single-file OpenFOAM extendedEdgeMesh format |
CAC3DsurfaceFormat | Provide a means of reading/writing AC3D format |
CAC3DsurfaceFormatCore | Internal class used by the AC3DsurfaceFormat |
CGTSsurfaceFormat | Provide a means of reading/writing GTS format. The output is never sorted by zone and is only written if it consists entirely of triangles |
CNASsurfaceFormat | Nastran surface reader |
COBJsurfaceFormat | Provide a means of reading/writing Alias/Wavefront OBJ format |
COFFsurfaceFormat | Provide a means of reading/writing Geomview OFF polyList format |
COFSsurfaceFormat | Provide a means of reading/writing the single-file OpenFOAM surface format |
COFSsurfaceFormatCore | Internal class used by the OFSsurfaceFormat |
CSMESHsurfaceFormat | Provide a means of writing tetgen SMESH format |
CSTARCDsurfaceFormat | Read/write the surface shells from pro-STAR vrt/cel files |
CSTARCDsurfaceFormatCore | Internal class used by the STARCDsurfaceFormat |
CSTLsurfaceFormat | Provide a means of reading/writing STL files (ASCII and binary) |
CSTLsurfaceFormatCore | Internal class used by the STLsurfaceFormat |
CsurfaceFormatsCore | A collection of helper functions for reading/writing surface formats |
CTRIsurfaceFormat | Provide a means of reading/writing .tri format |
CTRIsurfaceFormatCore | Internal class used by the TRIsurfaceFormat |
CVTKsurfaceFormat | Provide a means of reading/writing VTK legacy format. The output is never sorted by zone |
CVTKsurfaceFormatCore | Internal class used by the VTKsurfaceFormat |
CWRLsurfaceFormat | Provide a means of writing VRML97 (wrl) format |
CWRLsurfaceFormatCore | Internal class used by the WRLsurfaceFormat |
CX3DsurfaceFormat | Provide a means of writing x3d format |
CX3DsurfaceFormatCore | Internal class used by the X3DsurfaceFormat |
►NfileOperations | |
CcollatedFileOperation | Version of masterUncollatedFileOperation that collates regIOobjects into a container in the processors/ subdirectory |
CcollatedFileOperationInitialise | |
ChostCollatedFileOperation | Version of collatedFileOperation with multiple read/write ranks |
ChostCollatedFileOperationInitialise | |
CfileOperationInitialise | |
CunthreadedInitialise | |
►CmasterUncollatedFileOperation | |
CchModOp | |
CcpOp | |
CexistsOp | |
CfileOrNullOp | |
CfileSizeOp | |
CisDirOp | |
CisFileOp | |
ClastModifiedHROp | |
ClastModifiedOp | |
ClnOp | |
CmkDirOp | |
CmodeOp | |
CmvBakOp | |
CmvOp | |
CreadDirOp | |
CrmDirOp | |
CrmOp | |
CtypeOp | |
CmasterUncollatedFileOperationInitialise | FileOperations that performs all file operations on the master processor. Requires the calls to be parallel synchronised! |
CuncollatedFileOperation | FileOperation that assumes file operations are local |
NfilmCompressible | |
►NfilmEjectionModels | |
CBrunDripping | Brun dripping film to cloud ejection transfer model |
CcurvatureSeparation | Curvature induced separation film to cloud ejection transfer model |
Cdripping | Dripping film to cloud ejection transfer model |
►NFunction1s | |
ClaminarBL | Laminar boundary-layer function yHat*(2 - yHat) |
CturbulentBL | Turbulent boundary-layer function pow(yHat, exponent) |
CcrankConnectingRodMotion | Crank and connecting-rod motion function for piston engines etc |
CCoded | Constructs a dynamically compiled Function1 |
CConstant | Templated function that returns a constant value |
CexponentialSqrRamp | Exponential square ramp function starting from 0 and increasing to 1 from start over the duration and remaining at 1 thereafter: |
CunitConversions | |
ChalfCosineRamp | Half-cosine ramp function starting from 0 and increasing to 1 from start over the duration and remaining at 1 thereafter |
ClinearRamp | Linear ramp function starting from 0 and increasing linearRamply to 1 from start over the duration and remaining at 1 thereafter |
CNone | Undefined Function1 which returns an error when called |
CNonUniformTable | Non-uniform tabulated property function that linearly interpolates between the values |
Comega | Convenience class to handle the input of time-varying rotational speed. Reads an omega Function1 entry with default units of [rad/s]. For backwards compatibility this will also alternatively read an rpm entry with default units of [rpm] |
COneConstant | Templated function that returns the corresponding 1 (one) |
CPolynomial | Arbitrary order polynomial Function1 |
CquadraticRamp | Quadratic ramp function starting from 0 and increasing quadratically to 1 from t_0 over the duration and remaining at 1 thereafter |
CquarterCosineRamp | Quarter-cosine ramp function starting from 0 and increasing to 1 from start over the duration and remaining at 1 thereafter |
CquarterSineRamp | Quarter-sine ramp function starting from 0 and increasing to 1 from start over the duration and remaining at 1 thereafter |
CRamp | Ramp function base class for the set of scalar functions starting from 0 and increasing monotonically to 1 from start over the duration and remaining at 1 thereafter |
CreverseRamp | A wrapper class to reverse any ramp function such that the result starts from 1 decreasing to 0 from start over the duration and remaining at 0 thereafter |
CScale | Function1 which scales a given 'value' function by a 'scale' scalar function and scales the 'x' argument of the 'value' and 'scale' functions by the optional 'xScale' scalar function |
CSine | Templated sine function with support for an offset level |
CSquare | Templated square-wave function with support for an offset level |
CsquarePulse | Square pulse function. Takes a value of 0 before start , then rises instantaneously to 1, remains at 1 for duration , then drops instantaneously back to 0 |
CTable | Templated interpolated tabulated data Function1 |
CtableBase | |
CUniform | Templated function that returns a constant value |
CUniformTable | Tabulated property function that linearly interpolates between the UniformTable values |
CZeroConstant | Templated function that returns the corresponding 0 (zero) |
CintegratedNonUniformTable | Non-uniform tabulated property function that linearly interpolates between the values |
CNSRDS0 | NSRDS function number 100 |
CNSRDS1 | NSRDS function number 101 |
CNSRDS14 | NSRDS function number 114 |
CNSRDS2 | NSRDS function number 102 |
CNSRDS3 | NSRDS function number 103 |
CNSRDS4 | NSRDS function number 104 |
CNSRDS5 | NSRDS function number 105 |
CNSRDS6 | NSRDS function number 106 |
CNSRDS7 | NSRDS-AICHE function number 107 |
►NFunction2s | |
Ccoded | |
CCoded | Constructs a dynamically compiled function of two variables |
CConstant | Templated function of two variables that returns a constant value |
CFunction12 | Function2 which returns a Function1 using just one of the arguments given to the function2. The function1 is specified as value1 or value2, depending on which argument it is to be evaluated with |
CunitConversions | |
CNone | Undefined Function2 which returns an error when called |
COneConstant | Templated function of two variables that returns the corresponding 1 (one) |
CProductValueTypeIsValid | |
CProductValueTypeIsValid< Type, scalar > | |
CProductValueTypeIsValid< Type, ValueType, typename std::enable_if<(pTraits< ValueType >::rank > 0) &&(pTraits< ValueType >::rank<=pTraits< Type >::rank) >::type > | |
CProductFilter | |
CProductFunction1s | |
CProductFunction1s< Type, 0 > | |
CProduct | Function2 which returns the product of two independent Function1-s of the two input arguments. The two function1s are specified as value1 and value2 |
CRadial | Function2 which returns a Function1 of the magnitude of the two-dimensional vector with components equal to the input arguments |
CScale | Function2 which scales a given 'value' function by a 'scale' scalar function and scales the 'x' and 'y' arguments of the 'value' and 'scale' functions by the optional 'xScale' and 'yScale' scalar functions |
CUniformTable | Tabulated property function that linearly interpolates between the uniformTable values |
CZeroConstant | Templated function of two variables that returns the corresponding 0 (zero) |
CAPIdiffCoef | |
►NfunctionEntries | Namespace for containing a functionEntry |
CincludeFvConstraintEntry | Specify a fvConstraint dictionary file to include, expects the fvConstraint name to follow with option arguments (without quotes) |
CincludeFvModelEntry | Specify a fvModel dictionary file to include, expects the fvModel name to follow with option arguments (without quotes) |
CcalcEntry | Compiles and executes code string expressions, returning the result to the dictionary entry |
CcalcIncludeEntry | Specify an include file for #calc, expects a single string to follow |
CcodeStream | Dictionary entry that contains C++ OpenFOAM code that is compiled to generate the entry itself |
CifEntry | Conditional parsing of dictionary entries |
CifeqEntry | Conditional parsing of dictionary entries |
CincludeEntry | Specify an include file when reading dictionaries, expects a single string to follow |
CincludeEtcEntry | Specify an etc file to include when reading dictionaries, expects a single string to follow |
CincludeFuncEntry | Specify a functionObject dictionary file to include, expects the functionObject name to follow with option arguments (without quotes) |
CincludeIfPresentEntry | Specify a file to include if it exists. Expects a single string to follow |
CinputModeEntry | Specify the input mode when reading dictionaries, expects a single word to follow |
CnegEntry | Negate a dictionary variable by prefixing with neg |
CremoveEntry | Remove a dictionary entry |
►NfunctionObjects | Namespace for functionObjects |
►NfieldValues | |
CfieldValueDelta | Provides a differencing option between two 'field value' function objects |
CsurfaceFieldValue | Surface (face) region selection class |
►CvolFieldValue | Provides a 'fvCellSet' specialisation of the fieldValue function object |
CResult | Forward declare the result structure |
CadjustTimeStepToCombustion | Returns the minimum bulk reaction time scale |
CQdot | Calculates and outputs the heat release rate for the current combustion model |
CfvMeshFunctionObject | Specialisation of Foam::functionObject for an Foam::fvMesh, providing a reference to the Foam::fvMesh |
CfvModel | FunctionObject to instantiate and execute an fvModel |
Cadd | Add a list of fields |
Cage | Calculates and writes out the time taken for a particle to travel from an inlet to the location. Solves the following equation when incompressible: |
CblendingFactor | Calculates and outputs the blendingFactor as used by the bended convection schemes. The output is a volume field (cells) whose value is calculated via the maximum blending factor for any cell face |
Ccomfort | Calculates the thermal comfort quantities predicted mean vote (PMV), predicted percentage of dissatisfaction (PPD) and the draught rate (DR) based on DIN ISO EN 7730:2005 |
Ccomponents | Calculates the components of a field |
CCourantNo | Calculates and outputs the Courant number as a volScalarField. The field is stored on the mesh database so that it can be retrieved and used for other applications |
Ccylindrical | Transforms the specified velocity field into a cylindrical polar coordinate system or back to Cartesian |
Cddt | Calculates the Eulerian time derivative of a field |
Cdiv | Calculates the divergence of a field. The operation is limited to surfaceScalarFields and volVectorFields, and the output is a volScalarField |
Cdivide | Divide a list of fields |
Censtrophy | Calculates the enstrophy of the velocity |
CfieldAverage | Calculates average quantities for a user-specified selection of volumetric and surface fields |
►CfieldAverageItem | Helper class to describe what form of averaging to apply. A set will be applied to each base field in Foam::fieldAverage, of the form: |
CiNew | Class used for the read-construction of |
CfieldCoordinateSystemTransform | Transforms a user-specified selection of fields from global Cartesian co-ordinates to a local co-ordinate system. The fields are run-time modifiable |
CfieldExpression | |
CfieldsExpression | Base class for expressions involving multiple fields |
CfieldValue | Base class for field value -based function objects |
CflowType | Calculates and writes the flowType of a velocity field |
Cgrad | Calculates the gradient of a field |
Chistogram | Write the volume-weighted histogram of a volScalarField |
CinterfaceHeight | This function object reports the height of the interface above a set of locations. For each location, it writes the vertical distance of the interface above both the location and the lowest boundary. It also writes the point on the interface from which these heights are computed. It uses an integral approach, so if there are multiple interfaces above or below a location then this method will generate average values |
CLambda2 | Calculates and outputs the second largest eigenvalue of the sum of the square of the symmetric and anti-symmetric parts of the velocity gradient tensor |
ClayerAverage | |
Clog | Calculates the natural logarithm of the specified scalar field |
CMachNo | Calculates and writes the Mach number as a volScalarField |
Cmag | Calculates the magnitude of a field |
CmagSqr | Calculates the magnitude of the sqr of a field |
Cmultiply | Multiply a list of fields |
CnearWallFields | Samples near-patch volume fields |
CpatchCutLayerAverage | This function object writes graphs of patch face values, area-averaged in planes perpendicular to a given direction. It adaptively grades the distribution of graph points to match the resolution of the mesh |
CPecletNo | Calculates and outputs the Peclet number as a surfaceScalarField |
Cpressure | Includes tools to manipulate the pressure into different forms |
CprocessorField | Writes a scalar field whose value is the local processor ID. The output field name is 'processorID' |
CQ | Calculates and outputs the second invariant of the velocity gradient tensor [1/s^2] |
Crandomise | Adds a random component to a field, with a specified perturbation magnitude |
CreadFields | Reads fields from the time directories and adds them to the mesh database for further post-processing |
Creconstruct | Calculates the reconstruction of a field; e.g., to construct a cell-centred velocity, U, from the face-centred flux, phi. The operation is limited to scalar and vector surface fields, and the output is a volume vector or tensor field |
CregionSizeDistribution | Creates a size distribution via interrogating a continuous phase fraction field |
Cscale | Multiplies a field by a scaling factor |
CshearStress | Calculates and writes the shear-stress as the volSymmTensorField field 'shearStress' |
CspecieFluxBase | |
CspecieFlux | These functions calculate the specie-flux and write it as a surfaceScalarField called 'specie<Type>Flux(<specieName>)'. There are three such functions; specieAdvectiveFlux and specieDiffusiveFlux return the advective and diffusive parts of the flux, respectively, and specieFlux returns the total combined flux |
CspecieAdvectiveFlux | |
CspecieDiffusiveFlux | |
CstreamFunction | This function object calculates and outputs the stream-function as a pointScalarField |
Cstreamlines | Generates streamline data by sampling a set of user-specified fields along a particle track, transported by a user-specified velocity field |
Csubtract | From the first field subtract the remaining fields in the list |
CsurfaceInterpolate | Calculates the surface interpolation of a field |
CtotalEnthalpy | Calculates and writes the total enthalpy (ha + K) as the volScalarField Ha |
CturbulenceFields | Stores derived turbulence fields on the mesh database for further manipulation |
CturbulenceIntensity | Evaluates and writes the turbulence intensity field 'I' |
Cuniform | Generate a uniform field |
Cvorticity | Calculates the vorticity, the curl of the velocity |
CwallHeatFlux | Calculates and write the heat-flux at wall patches as the volScalarField field 'wallHeatFlux' |
CwallHeatTransferCoeff | Calculates and writes the estimated heat transfer coefficient at wall patches as the volScalarField field |
CwallShearStress | Calculates and write the shear-stress at wall patches as the volVectorField field 'wallShearStress' or 'wallShearStress.<phase>' |
CwriteCellCentres | Writes the cell-centres volVectorField and the three component fields as volScalarFields |
CwriteCellVolumes | Writes the cell-volumes volScalarField |
CXiReactionRate | Writes the turbulent flame-speed and reaction-rate volScalarFields for the Xi-based combustion models |
CyPlus | Evaluates and outputs turbulence y+ for models. Values written to time directories as field 'yPlus' or 'yPlus.<phase>' |
CforceCoeffs | Extends the forces functionObject by providing lift, drag and moment coefficients. The data can optionally be output into bins, defined in a given direction |
Cforces | Calculates the forces and moments by integrating the pressure and skin-friction forces over a given list of patches |
CforcesBase | Calculates the forces and moments by integrating the pressure and skin-friction forces over a given list of patches |
CmovingForces | Calculates the forces and moments by integrating the pressure and skin-friction forces over a given list of patches of a moving object |
CphaseScalarTransport | Evolves a passive scalar transport equation within one phase of a multiphase simulation. The scalar is considered to be a phase-intensive property; i.e., its value represents an amount per-unit of the phase. In addition to the scalar, the function also writes out the product of the volume fraction and the scalar, as this provides a phase-extensive field which is often more convenient to post-process |
CscalarTransport | Evolves a passive scalar transport equation |
CcheckMesh | Executes primitiveMesh::checkMesh(true) every execute time for which the mesh changed, i.e. moved or changed topology |
CremoveRegisteredObject | Removes registered objects if present in the database |
Cresiduals | Writes out the initial residual for specified fields |
CsetTimeStepFunctionObject | Updates the time step as a Function1 of time |
CsetWriteIntervalFunctionObject | Updates the writeInterval as a Function1 of time |
CstopAt | Abstract base class for stop conditions |
CstopAtClockTime | Stops the run when the specified clock time in seconds has been reached and optionally write results before stopping |
CstopAtFile | Stops the run when the specified file is created in the case directory and optionally write results before stopping |
CstopAtTimeStep | Stops the run if the time-step drops below the specified value in seconds and optionally write results before stopping |
CsystemCall | Executes system calls, entered in the form of a string lists |
Ctime | Writes run time, CPU time and clock time and optionally the CPU and clock times per time step |
CtimeActivatedFileUpdate | Performs a file copy/replacement once a specified time has been reached |
CtimeStep | Writes the time step |
CuserTimeStep | Writes the time step |
CwriteDictionary | Writes dictionaries on start-up and on change |
CwriteObjects | Allows specification of different writing frequency of objects registered to the database |
CmultiValveEngineState | Writes the multi-valve engine motion state |
CmeshToMeshAdjustTimeStepFunctionObject | Adjusts time-step for meshToMesh mapping |
CcloudInfo | Outputs Lagrangian cloud information to a file |
CdsmcFields | Calculate intensive fields: |
Cparticles | This functionObject tracks a particle cloud in the specified velocity field of an incompressible flow (laminar, RANS or LES) |
CstopAtEmptyClouds | Stops the run when all parcel clouds are empty |
ClogFile | FunctionObject support for writing log files |
ClogFiles | FunctionObject base class for creating, maintaining and writing log files e.g. integrated of averaged field data vs time |
CregionFunctionObject | Specialisation of Foam::functionObject for a region and providing a reference to the region Foam::objectRegistry |
CtimeControl | General time control for functionObjects |
CwriteFile | FunctionObject base class for writing single files |
CwriteLocalObjects | FunctionObject base class for managing a list of objects on behalf of the inheriting function object, on when those should be written to disk |
CwriteObjectsBase | FunctionObject base class for writing a list of objects registered to the database, on behalf of the inheriting function object, on when those should be written to disk |
CrigidBodyForces | Calculates the forces and moments by integrating the pressure and skin-friction forces over a given list of patches of a moving rigid body |
CrigidBodyPoints | Writes the position, linear and angular velocities and accelerations of a list of points on a body specified in the body local coordinate system |
CrigidBodyState | Writes the rigid body motion state |
CsixDoFRigidBodyControl | Convergence control based on the 6-DoF motion state |
CsixDoFRigidBodyState | Writes the 6-DoF motion state |
CsampledSets | |
CsampledSurfaces | Set of surfaces to sample |
CadjustTimeStepToChemistry | Returns the minimum chemistry chemical time scale |
CspecieReactionRates | Writes the domain averaged reaction rates for each specie for each reaction into the file <timeDir>/specieReactionRates.dat |
CmassFractions | This function object calculates mass-fraction fields from mole-fraction or moles fields present on disk. This is intended to be used for initialisation where mole-fractions are known. If any mass fraction fields are found (other than Ydefault) then an error will be generated and the fields will not be overwritten. The names of the mole-fraction fields are obtained from the corresponding mass-fraction fields prepended by "X_", and the moles fields are prepended by "n_". Either mole-fraction fields or moles fields should be present, not both |
CmoleFractions | This function object calculates mole-fraction fields from the mass-fraction fields of the multicomponent thermo. The names of the mole-fraction fields are obtained from the corresponding mass-fraction fields prepended by "X_" |
CwriteVTK | This functionObject writes objects registered to the database in VTK format using the foamToVTK library |
CfluidMaxDeltaT | Returns the maximum time-step evaluated from time-dependent maximum Courant number and maximum time-step specifications |
CphaseForces | This functionObject calculates and outputs the blended interfacial forces acting on a given phase, i.e. drag, virtual mass, lift, wall-lubrication and turbulent dispersion. Note that it works only in run-time processing mode and in combination with the multiphaseEuler solver module |
CphaseMap | This functionObject writes the phase-fraction map field alpha.map with incremental value ranges for each phase e.g., with values 0 for water, 1 for air, 2 for oil etc |
CpopulationBalanceMoments | Calculates and writes out integral (integer moments) or mean properties (mean, variance, standard deviation) of a size distribution determined by a population balance model. Requires solver post-processing |
CpopulationBalanceSizeDistribution | Writes out the size distribution determined by a population balance model, either for the entire domain or a cell zone. Requires solver post- processing |
CwallBoilingProperties | This function looks up wall boiling wall functions and collects and writes out out the following data: |
►Nfv | Namespace for finite-volume |
►Ncompressible | |
CVoFCavitation | Cavitation fvModel |
CVoFTurbulenceDamping | Free-surface momentumTransport damping function |
►NgradientLimiters | |
Ccubic | Cubic gradient limiter |
Cminmod | Minmod gradient limiter |
CVenkatakrishnan | Venkatakrishnan gradient limiter |
►NheatTransferCoefficientModels | |
Cconstant | Constant heat transfer model. The heat transfer coefficient [W/m^2/K] (htc) must be provided as a value in the coefficients dictionary or as a field in constant |
Cfunction1 | Function1 heat transfer model. The 1D function returns the heat transfer coefficient as a function of the local velocity magnitude |
Cfunction2 | Function2 heat transfer model. The 2D function returns the heat transfer coefficient as a function of the local and neighbouring velocity magnitudes |
Cvariable | Variable heat transfer model depending on local values. The Nusselt number is calculated as: |
CboundedConvectionScheme | Bounded form of the selected convection scheme |
CconvectionScheme | Abstract base class for convection schemes |
CgaussConvectionScheme | Basic second-order convection using face-gradients and Gauss' theorem |
CmultivariateGaussConvectionScheme | Basic second-order convection using face-gradients and Gauss' theorem |
Cd2dt2Scheme | Abstract base class for d2dt2 schemes |
CEulerD2dt2Scheme | First-order Euler implicit d2dt2 using the current and two previous time-step values |
CsteadyStateD2dt2Scheme | SteadyState d2dt2 which returns 0 |
CbackwardDdtScheme | Second-order backward-differencing ddt using the current and two previous time-step values |
CboundedDdtScheme | Bounded form of the selected ddt scheme |
CCoEulerDdtScheme | Courant number limited first-order Euler implicit/explicit ddt |
CCrankNicolsonDdtScheme | Second-oder Crank-Nicolson implicit ddt using the current and previous time-step fields as well as the previous time-step ddt |
CddtScheme | Abstract base class for ddt schemes |
CEulerDdtScheme | Basic first-order Euler implicit/explicit ddt using only the current and previous time-step values |
ClocalEulerDdt | |
ClocalEulerDdtScheme | Local time-step first-order Euler implicit/explicit ddt |
CSLTSDdtScheme | Stabilised local time-step first-order Euler implicit/explicit ddt. The time-step is adjusted locally so that an advective equations remains diagonally dominant |
CsteadyStateDdtScheme | SteadyState implicit/explicit ddt which returns 0 |
CdivScheme | Abstract base class for div schemes |
CgaussDivScheme | Basic second-order div using face interpolated values and Gauss' theorem |
CfourthGrad | Second-order gradient scheme using least-squares |
CgaussGrad | Basic second-order gradient scheme using face-interpolation and Gauss' theorem |
CgradScheme | Abstract base class for gradient schemes |
CleastSquaresGrad | Second-order gradient scheme using least-squares |
CLeastSquaresGrad | Gradient calculated using weighted least-squares on an arbitrary stencil. The stencil type is provided via a template argument and any cell-based stencil is supported: |
CLeastSquaresVectors | Least-squares gradient scheme vectors |
CcellLimitedGrad | CellLimitedGrad gradient scheme applied to a runTime selected base gradient scheme |
CcellMDLimitedGrad | CellMDLimitedGrad gradient scheme applied to a runTime selected base gradient scheme |
CfaceLimitedGrad | FaceLimitedGrad gradient scheme applied to a runTime selected base gradient scheme |
CfaceMDLimitedGrad | FaceMDLimitedGrad gradient scheme applied to a runTime selected base gradient scheme |
CgaussLaplacianScheme | Basic second-order laplacian using face-gradients and Gauss' theorem |
ClaplacianScheme | Abstract base class for laplacian schemes |
CCentredFitSnGradScheme | Centred fit snGrad scheme which applies an explicit correction to snGrad |
CcorrectedSnGrad | Simple central-difference snGrad scheme with non-orthogonal correction |
CfaceCorrectedSnGrad | Simple central-difference snGrad scheme with non-orthogonal correction |
ClimitedSnGrad | Run-time selected snGrad scheme with limited non-orthogonal correction |
CorthogonalSnGrad | Simple central-difference snGrad scheme using the cell-centre to cell-centre delta-coefficients |
CphaseStabilisedSnGrad | SnGrad scheme with phase-fraction limited non-orthogonal correction |
CsnGradScheme | Abstract base class for snGrad schemes |
CuncorrectedSnGrad | Simple central-difference snGrad scheme using the non-orthogonal mesh delta-coefficients but without non-orthogonal correction |
Cbound | Bound the specified scalar field where it is below the specified minimum |
CfixedTemperature | Fixed temperature equation constraint |
CfixedValueConstraint | Constrain the field values within a specified region |
ClimitMag | Limits the magnitude of the specified field to the specified max value |
ClimitPressure | Limits the specified pressure field to be between specified minimum and maximum limits |
ClimitTemperature | Limits the temperature to be between minimum and maximum values |
CmeanVelocityForce | Calculates and applies the force necessary to maintain the specified mean velocity |
CpatchMeanVelocityForce | Calculates and applies the force necessary to maintain the specified mean velocity averaged over the specified patch |
CzeroDimensionalFixedPressureConstraint | Zero-dimensional fixed pressure constraint. Should be used in conjunction with the zeroDimensionalFixedPressureModel |
CzeroDimensionalFixedPressureModel | Zero-dimensional fixed pressure source. Should be used in conjunction with the zeroDimensionalFixedPressureConstraint |
Cacceleration | This fvModel applies an explicit acceleration force to components of the velocity field |
CactuationDisk | Actuation disk source |
CbuoyancyEnergy | Calculates and applies the buoyancy energy source rho*(U&g) to the energy equation |
CbuoyancyForce | Calculates and applies the buoyancy force rho*g to the momentum equation corresponding to the specified velocity field |
CcodedFvModel | Constructs on-the-fly fvModel source from user-supplied code |
CeffectivenessHeatExchanger | Heat exchanger model, based on an effectiveness |
CheatSource | Model for applying a heat source. Requires either the power, Q, or the power per unit volume, q, to be specified |
CmassSource | This fvModel applies a mass source to the continuity equation and to all field equations. It can be applied to compressible solvers, such as fluid, isothermalFluid, compressibleVoF and multiphaseEuler. For incompressible solvers, use the volumeSource model instead |
CmassSourceBase | Base class for mass source models |
CcoefficientMassTransfer | This simple model generates a mass transfer between two phases calculated from the following expression: |
CmassTransfer | Base class for mass transfers between phases |
CcoefficientPhaseChange | This simple model generates a phase change between two phases calculated from the following expression: |
CmulticomponentPhaseChange | Base class for phase change models in which multiple components may change phase. This can only be applied between multicomponent phases |
CphaseChange | Base class for phase change models |
CsingleComponentPhaseChange | Base class for phase change models in which only a single component changes phase. Can be applied to any combination of pure and multicomponent phases. If either phase is multicomponent, then a single specie must be identified as the one that changes phase |
CphaseLimitStabilisation | Stabilisation source for phase transport equations |
CporosityForce | This model applies the force exerted on the fluid by a porous media |
CradialActuationDisk | Actuation disk source including radial thrust |
CsemiImplicitSource | Semi-implicit source, described using an input dictionary. The injection rate coefficients are specified as pairs of Su-Sp coefficients, i.e |
CsixDoFAcceleration | Solid-body 6-DoF acceleration source |
CsolidificationMelting | This source is designed to model the effect of solidification and melting processes, e.g. windshield defrosting |
CsolidThermalEquilibrium | This fvModel adds the thermal inertia of a solid phase into the energy equation. It assumes that the solid is in thermal equilibrium with the surrounding fluid phase |
CviscousHeating | Applies the viscous heating source to the total energy equation |
CvolumeBlockage | This fvModel adds transport terms into the equations to account for the presence of a constant volume fraction. The volume fraction is read from constant/alpha.<volumePhase>, where <volumePhase> is given as a parameter to the fvModel. Both advective and diffusive terms are added, and the resulting solution is time-accurate. The flux and velocity are treated as superficial |
CvolumeSource | This fvModel applies a volume source to the continuity equation and to all field equations. It can be applied to incompressible solvers, such as incompressibleFluid and incompressibleVoF. For compressible solvers, use the massSource model instead |
CzeroDimensionalMassSource | This fvModel applies a mass source to the continuity equation and to all field equations, in a zero-dimensional case. Correction is made to account for the mass that exits the domain due to expansion in space, so that the model correctly applies a total mass flow rate |
CzeroDimensionalMassSourceBase | Base class for zero-dimensional mass source models |
CheatTransfer | Model for heat exchange. Requires specification of an ambient temperature with which to exchange heat, and a model for the heat transfer coefficient (htc) and the area per unit volume (Av). These are then used to apply the following source to the energy equation: |
CheatTransferAv | Class to handle area per unit volume [1/m] (Av) for heat transfer fvModels, which must be provided as a value in the coefficients dictionary or as a field in constant |
CheatTransferCoefficientModel | Base class for heat transfer coefficient modelling used in heat transfer fvModels |
CinterRegionHeatTransfer | Model for inter-region heat exchange. Requires specification of a model for the heat transfer coefficient (htc) and the area per unit volume (Av). These are then used to apply the following source to the energy equation: |
CinterRegionModel | Base class for inter-region exchange |
CinterRegionPorosityForce | This model applies the force exerted on the fluid by a porous media, the extent of which is defined by an overlapping region |
CpropellerDisk | Disk momentum source which approximates a propeller based on a given propeller curve |
CrotorDisk | Cell based momentum source which approximates the mean effects of rotor forces on a cylindrical region within the domain |
Cclouds | This fvModel adds any number of Lagrangian clouds to any single-phase solver. The particles are tracked through, and exchange sources with, the Eulerian flow field |
Cradiation | Calculates and applies the radiation source to the energy equation |
COUForce | Calculates and applies the random OU (Ornstein-Uhlenbeck) process force to the momentum equation for direct numerical simulation of boxes of isotropic turbulence |
Cforcing | Base fvModel for forcing functions |
CisotropicDamping | This fvModel applies an implicit forcing force to all components of the vector field to relax the field towards a specified uniform value. Its intended purpose is to damp the motions of an interface in the region approaching an outlet so that no reflections are generated |
CverticalDamping | This fvModel applies an explicit forcing force to components of the vector field in the direction of gravity. Its intended purpose is to damp the vertical motions of an interface in the region approaching an outlet so that no reflections are generated |
CwaveForcing | This fvModel applies forcing to the liquid phase-fraction field and all components of the vector field to relax the fields towards those calculated from the current wave distribution |
CVoFClouds | Lagrangian clouds model for VoF simulations |
CVoFSolidificationMelting | Solidification and melting model for VoF simulations |
CVoFCavitation | Cavitation fvModel |
CVoFTurbulenceDamping | Free-surface turbulence damping function |
CfilmGaussGrad | Second-order Gauss gradient scheme for film |
CfilmCloudTransfer | Film<->cloud transfer model |
CfilmVoFTransfer | Film<->VoF transfer model |
CVoFFilmTransfer | Film<->VoF transfer model |
CinterfaceTurbulenceDamping | Free-surface phase turbulence damping function |
ChomogeneousCondensation | Model for the homogeneous nucleation of liquid droplets out of a gaseous mixture |
ChomogeneousLiquidPhaseSeparation | Model for the homogeneous nucleation of a solid or liquid phase separating out of a liquid solution |
Cnucleation | Mix-in interface for nucleation models. Provides access to properties of the nucleation process, such as diameter and rate of production of nuclei |
CphaseTurbulenceStabilisation | Phase turbulence stabilisation |
Nfvc | Namespace of functions to calculate explicit derivatives |
Nfvm | Namespace of functions to calculate implicit derivatives returning a matrix |
►NfvMeshDistributors | |
Cnone | Dummy fvMeshDistributor which does not move the mesh points |
Cdistributor | Dynamic mesh redistribution using the distributor specified in decomposeParDict |
CloadBalancer | Dynamic mesh redistribution using the distributor specified in decomposeParDict |
►NfvMeshMovers | |
Cnone | Dummy fvMeshMover which does not move the mesh points |
CinkJet | Mesh motion specifically for the "pumping" system of an ink-jet injector |
Cinterpolator | Interpolates pre-specified motion specified as a set of pointVectorFields |
CmotionSolver | |
►CmultiValveEngine | A mesh mover using explicit node translation based on scaled distance functions per moving object. The mover supports any number of valves together with piston motion and following features: |
CmovingObject | |
CpistonObject | |
CvalveList | |
CvalveObject | |
►NfvMeshStitchers | |
Cstationary | Mesh stitcher for stationary meshes |
Cmoving | Mesh stitcher for moving meshes |
NfvMeshStitcherTools | Collection of free functions utilised by the stitching process |
►NfvMeshTopoChangers | |
Clist | Sequence of mesh topology changes applied in order |
Cnone | Dummy fvMeshTopoChanger which does not move the mesh points |
CmeshToMesh | FvMeshTopoChanger which maps the fields to a new mesh or sequence of meshes |
Crefiner | Dynamic mesh refinement/unrefinement based on volScalarField values |
►NfvPatchDistWave | |
CWallLocationDataType | |
►NheatTransferModels | |
CconstantNuHeatTransfer | Model which applies a user provided constant Nusselt number for interfacial heat transfer |
CGunn | Gunn (1978) correlation for fixed and fluidised beds with Re < 10^5 and continuous phase fraction between 0.35 and 1 |
CnonSphericalHeatTransfer | Model which applies an analytical solution for heat transfer from the surface of a sphere to the matter within the sphere, modified by a non-spherical factor |
CPrandtl | This simple model creates a heat transfer coefficient in proportion with the corresponding drag model's momentum transfer coefficient. A user-defined Prandtl number and a harmonic average of the phases' specific heats are used to specify the constant of proportionality |
CRanzMarshall | Ranz-Marshall correlation for turbulent heat transfer from the surface of a sphere to the surrounding fluid |
CsphericalHeatTransfer | Model which applies an analytical solution for heat transfer from the surface of a sphere to the matter within the sphere |
CtimeScaleFilteredHeatTransfer | |
CwallBoilingHeatTransfer | |
►Nincompressible | |
►NRASModels | |
CkkLOmega | Low Reynolds-number k-kl-omega turbulence model for incompressible flows |
CLamBremhorstKE | Lam and Bremhorst low-Reynolds number k-epsilon turbulence model for incompressible flows |
CLienCubicKE | Lien cubic non-linear low-Reynolds k-epsilon turbulence models for incompressible flows |
CLienLeschziner | Lien and Leschziner low-Reynolds number k-epsilon turbulence model for incompressible flows |
CqZeta | Gibson and Dafa'Alla's q-zeta two-equation low-Re turbulence model for incompressible flows |
CShihQuadraticKE | Shih's quadratic algebraic Reynolds stress k-epsilon turbulence model for incompressible flows |
►NintegrationSchemes | |
Canalytical | Analytical integration scheme |
CEuler | Euler-implicit integration scheme |
►NinterfaceCompositionModels | |
CHenry | Henry's law for gas solubility in liquid. The concentration of a dissolved species in the liquid is proportional to its partial pressure in the gas. A dimensionless solubility, , is given for each species. This is the ratio of the concentration of the species in the liquid to the corresponding concentration in the gas; i.e., . Mixing in the gas is assumed to be ideal |
CnonRandomTwoLiquid | Non ideal law for the mixing of two species. A separate composition model is given for each species. The composition of a species is equal to the value given by the model, scaled by the species fraction in the bulk of the other phase, and multiplied by the activity coefficient for that species. The gas behaviour is assumed ideal; i.e. the fugacity coefficient is taken as equal to 1 |
CRaoult | Raoult's law of ideal mixing. A separate composition model is given for each species. The composition of a species is equal to the value given by the model scaled by the species fraction in the bulk of the other phase |
Csaturated | Model which uses a saturation pressure model for a single species to calculate the interface composition |
►NinterfaceSurfaceTensionModels | |
CconstantSurfaceTensionCoefficient | Constant value surface tension model |
►NIsotropyModels | |
CNoIsotropy | |
CStochastic | Stochastic return-to-isotropy model |
►NkineticTheoryModels | |
►NconductivityModels | |
CGidaspow | |
CHrenyaSinclair | |
CSyamlal | |
►NfrictionalStressModels | |
CJohnsonJackson | |
CJohnsonJacksonSchaeffer | |
CSchaeffer | |
►NgranularPressureModels | |
CLun | |
CSyamlalRogersOBrien | |
►NradialModels | |
CCarnahanStarling | |
CLunSavage | |
CSinclairJackson | |
►NviscosityModels | |
CGidaspow | |
CHrenyaSinclair | |
CSyamlal | |
CconductivityModel | |
CfrictionalStressModel | |
CgranularPressureModel | |
CradialModel | |
CnoneViscosity | |
CviscosityModel | |
►NlaminarFlameSpeedModels | Namespace for laminar flame speed models |
Cconstant | Constant laminar flame speed model |
CGulders | Laminar flame speed obtained from Gulder's correlation |
CGuldersEGR | Laminar flame speed obtained from Gulder's correlation with EGR modelling |
CRaviPetersen | Laminar flame speed obtained from Ravi and Petersen's correlation |
CSCOPE | Laminar flame speed obtained from the SCOPE correlation |
►NlaminarModels | |
►NgeneralisedNewtonianViscosityModels | A namespace for the generalised Newtonian viscosity model implementations |
CNewtonian | Newtonian viscosity model which returns the fluid Newtonian viscosity |
CBirdCarreau | Bird-Carreau generalised Newtonian viscosity model |
CCasson | Casson generalised Newtonian viscosity model |
CCrossPowerLaw | Cross-Power law generalised Newtonian viscosity model |
CHerschelBulkley | Herschel-Bulkley generalised Newtonian viscosity model |
CpowerLaw | Standard power-law generalised Newtonian viscosity model |
CstrainRateFunction | Run-time selected strain-rate function generalised Newtonian viscosity model |
CstrainRateViscosityModel | An abstract base class for strain-rate dependent generalised Newtonian viscosity models |
CgeneralisedNewtonian | Momentum transport model for shear-dependent Non-Newtonian flow |
CgeneralisedNewtonianViscosityModel | An abstract base class for generalised Newtonian viscosity models |
CGiesekus | Giesekus model for viscoelasticity using the upper-convected time derivative of the stress tensor with support for multiple modes |
ClambdaThixotropic | Thixotropic viscosity momentum transport model based on the evolution of the structural parameter : |
CMaxwell | Generalised Maxwell model for viscoelasticity using the upper-convected time derivative of the stress tensor with support for multiple modes |
CPTT | PTT model for viscoelasticity using the upper-convected time derivative of the stress tensor with support for multiple modes |
CStokes | Momentum transport model for Stokes flow |
►NlaminarThermophysicalTransportModels | |
CFickianFourier | Multi-component Fickian and Fourier based temperature gradient heat flux models with optional Soret thermal diffusion of species for laminar flow |
CFourier | Fourier's temperature gradient heat flux model for single specie laminar flow |
CMaxwellStefanFourier | Multi-component Maxwell Stefan generalised Fick's law diffusion coefficients and Fourier based temperature gradient heat flux model with optional Soret thermal diffusion of species for laminar flow |
CunityLewisFourier | UnityLewisFourier's energy gradient heat flux model for laminar flow. Specie fluxes are computed assuming a unity turbulent Lewis number |
►NLESModels | Namespace for LES SGS models |
CDeardorffDiffStress | Differential SGS Stress Equation Model for incompressible and compressible flows |
CdynamicKEqn | Dynamic one equation eddy-viscosity model |
CdynamicLagrangian | Dynamic SGS model with Lagrangian averaging |
CkEqn | One equation eddy-viscosity model |
CkOmegaSSTDES | Implementation of the k-omega-SST-DES turbulence model for incompressible and compressible flows |
CcubeRootVolDelta | Simple cube-root of cell volume delta used in LES SGS models |
CIDDESDelta | IDDESDelta used by the IDDES (improved low Re Spalart-Allmaras DES model) The min and max delta are calculated using the double distance of the min or max from the face centre to the cell centre |
CmaxDeltaxyz | Delta calculated by taking the maximum distance between the cell centre and any face centre. For a regular hex cell, the computed delta will equate to half of the cell width; accordingly, the deltaCoeff model coefficient should be set to 2 for this case |
CPrandtlDelta | Apply Prandtl mixing-length based damping function to the specified geometric delta to improve near-wall behavior or LES SGS models |
►CsmoothDelta | Smoothed delta which takes a given simple geometric delta and applies smoothing to it such that the ratio of deltas between two cells is no larger than a specified amount, typically 1.15 |
CdeltaData | Public member class used by mesh-wave to propagate the delta-ratio |
CvanDriestDelta | Apply van Driest damping function to the specified geometric delta to improve near-wall behavior or LES SGS models |
CLESeddyViscosity | Eddy viscosity LES SGS model base class |
CSmagorinsky | The Smagorinsky SGS model |
CSpalartAllmarasDDES | SpalartAllmaras DDES turbulence model for incompressible and compressible flows |
CSpalartAllmarasDES | SpalartAllmarasDES DES turbulence model for incompressible and compressible flows |
CSpalartAllmarasIDDES | SpalartAllmaras IDDES turbulence model for incompressible and compressible flows |
CWALE | The Wall-adapting local eddy-viscosity (WALE) SGS model |
CcontinuousGasKEqn | One-equation SGS model for the gas-phase in a two-phase system supporting phase-inversion |
CNicenoKEqn | One-equation SGS model for the continuous phase in a two-phase system including bubble-generated turbulence |
CSmagorinskyZhang | The Smagorinsky SGS model including bubble-generated turbulence |
►NliftModels | |
CconstantLiftCoefficient | Constant coefficient lift model |
CdispersedLiftModel | |
CLegendreMagnaudet | Lift model of Legendre and Magnaudet |
CMoraga | Lift model of Moraga et al |
CnoLift | |
CSaffmanMei | Lift model of Saffman (1965) as extended by Mei (1992). Applicable to spherical particles |
CTomiyamaLift | Lift model of Tomiyama et al |
CwallDamped | |
►NlimitFuncs | Namespace for limiting functions |
Cnull | |
CmagSqr | |
CrhoMagSqr | |
NListListOps | Various utility functions to work on Lists of Lists (usually resulting from 'gather'ing and combining information from individual processors) |
NmeshCheck | Collection of functions checking primitiveMesh |
►NmeshReaders | A namespace for holding various types of mesh readers |
CSTARCD | Read pro-STAR vrt/cel/bnd files. The protected data in meshReader are filled |
NmeshTools | Collection of static functions to do various simple mesh related things |
►NmeshWriters | A namespace for holding various types of mesh writers |
CSTARCD | Writes polyMesh in pro-STAR (v4) bnd/cel/vrt format |
►NmixtureViscosityModels | A namespace for incompressible mixtureViscosityModel implementations |
CBinghamPlastic | Viscosity correction model for Bingham plastics |
Cplastic | Viscosity correction model for a generic power-law plastic |
CQuemada | Quemada viscosity model for colloidal dispersions |
Cslurry | Thomas' viscosity correction for slurry |
►NPackingModels | |
CExplicit | Explicit model for applying an inter-particle stress to the particles |
CImplicit | Implicit model for applying an inter-particle stress to the particles |
CNoPacking | |
►NpairPotentials | |
CazizChen | Reference: |
Ccoulomb | |
CdampedCoulomb | |
CexponentialRepulsion | |
ClennardJones | |
CmaitlandSmith | Reference: |
CnoInteraction | |
►NParticleStressModels | |
Cexponential | Exponential inter-particle stress model of the same form as used in twoPhaseEulerFoam |
CHarrisCrighton | Inter-particle stress model of Harris and Crighton |
CLun | Inter-particle stress model of Lun et al |
►NpatchDistMethods | |
CadvectionDiffusion | Calculation of approximate distance to nearest patch for all cells and boundary by solving the Eikonal equation in advection form with diffusion smoothing |
CmeshWave | Fast topological mesh-wave method for calculating the distance to nearest patch for all cells and boundary |
CPoisson | Calculation of approximate distance to nearest patch for all cells and boundary by solving Poisson's equation |
NpatchDistWave | |
►NpatchToPatches | |
►Cintersection | Class to generate patchToPatch coupling geometry. A full geometric intersection is done between a face and those opposite, and coupling geometry is calculated accordingly |
Ccouple | Structure to store the geometry associated with the coupling |
Cpart | Structure to store the geometry associated with part of a patch |
CinverseDistance | Class to generate patchToPatch coupling geometry. Couples a face to the opposite face onto which its centre-normal ray projects, plus the immediate neighbours to that opposite face. The proportion of contribution from the different faces is calculated using inverse distance weighting |
Cmatching | Class to generate patchToPatch coupling geometry. Couples a face to the single matching opposite face only. This is functionally identical to the nearest algorithm. It just adds some checking to ensure that the coupling is perfectly one-to-one |
Cnearby | Class to generate patchToPatch coupling geometry. Couples a face to the single nearby opposite face only |
Cnearest | Class to generate patchToPatch coupling geometry. Couples a face to the single nearest opposite face only |
Crays | |
NpatchToPatchTools | |
►NPDRDragModels | |
Cbasic | Basic sub-grid obstacle drag model. Details supplied by J Puttock 2/7/06 |
NphaseCompressible | |
NphaseIncompressible | |
►NphaseTransferModels | |
Ccavitation | A phase transfer model which represents cavitation |
Cdeposition | Phase transfer model representing change from a dispersed phase to a film as a result of deposition onto a third phase |
CreactionDriven | Phase transfer model representing change from one phase to another due to reactions. Intended for irreversible reactions |
►NporosityModels | |
CpowerLawLopesdaCostaZone | |
CpowerLawLopesdaCosta | Variant of the power law porosity model with spatially varying drag coefficient |
CDarcyForchheimer | Darcy-Forchheimer law porosity model, given by: |
CfixedCoeff | Fixed coefficient form of porosity model |
CpowerLaw | Power law porosity model, given by: |
Csolidification | Simple solidification porosity model |
NPOSIX | OS-specific functions implemented in POSIX |
NPstreamGlobals | Global functions and variables for working with parallel streams, but principally for mpi |
►NradiationModels | |
►NabsorptionEmissionModels | |
CgreyMeanCombustion | |
CwideBandCombustion | |
Ccloud | Retrieves absorption/emission data from a cloud object |
Cbinary | Radiation coefficient based on two absorption models |
Cconstant | Constant radiation absorption and emission coefficients for continuous phase |
CgreyMean | |
CinterpolationLookUpTable | |
CnoAbsorptionEmission | |
CwideBand | |
►NscatterModels | |
Ccloud | Cloud radiation scatter model |
Cconstant | Constant radiation scatter coefficient |
CnoScatter | Dummy scatter model for 'none' |
►NsootModels | |
CmixtureFraction | This soot model is purely an state model. The amount of soot produced is determined by a single step chemistry as : |
CnoSoot | Dummy soot model for 'none' |
CabsorptionEmissionModel | Model to supply absorption and emission coefficients for radiation modelling |
CabsorptionCoeffs | |
CblackBodyEmission | Class black body emission |
CfvDOM | Finite Volume Discrete Ordinates Method. Solves the RTE equation for n directions in a participating media, not including scatter |
CradiativeIntensityRay | Radiation intensity for a ray in a given direction |
CnoRadiation | No radiation - does nothing to energy equation source terms (returns zeros) |
CopaqueSolid | Radiation for solid opaque solids - does nothing to energy equation source terms (returns zeros) but creates absorptionEmissionModel and scatterModel |
CP1 | Works well for combustion applications where optical thickness, tau is large, i.e. tau = a*L > 3 (L = distance between objects) |
CviewFactor | View factor radiation model. The system solved is: C q = b where: Cij = deltaij/Ej - (1/Ej - 1)Fij q = heat flux b = A eb - Ho and: eb = sigma*T^4 Ej = emissivity Aij = deltaij - Fij Fij = view factor matrix |
CscatterModel | Base class for radiation scattering |
CsootModel | Base class for soot models |
►NRASModels | |
CkEpsilonLopesdaCosta | Variant of the standard k-epsilon turbulence model with additional source terms to handle the changes in turbulence in porous regions represented by the powerLawLopesdaCosta porosity model |
CbuoyantKEpsilon | Additional buoyancy generation/dissipation term applied to the k and epsilon equations of the standard k-epsilon model |
CfWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides a turbulence damping function, f, wall function condition for low- and high Reynolds number, turbulent flow cases |
Cv2WallFunctionFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides a turbulence stress normal to streamlines wall function condition for low- and high-Reynolds number, turbulent flow cases |
CkEpsilon | Standard k-epsilon turbulence model for incompressible and compressible flows including rapid distortion theory (RDT) based compression term |
CkOmega | Standard high Reynolds-number k-omega turbulence model for incompressible and compressible flows |
CkOmega2006 | Standard (2006) high Reynolds-number k-omega turbulence model for incompressible and compressible flows |
CkOmegaSST | Specialisation for RAS of the generic kOmegaSSTBase base class. For more information, see Description of kOmegaSSTBase.H |
CkOmegaSSTLM | Langtry-Menter 4-equation transitional SST model based on the k-omega-SST RAS model |
CkOmegaSSTSAS | Scale-adaptive URAS model based on the k-omega-SST RAS model |
CLaunderSharmaKE | Launder and Sharma low-Reynolds k-epsilon turbulence model for incompressible and compressible and combusting flows including rapid distortion theory (RDT) based compression term |
CLRR | Launder, Reece and Rodi Reynolds-stress turbulence model for incompressible and compressible flows |
CrealizableKE | Realizable k-epsilon turbulence model for incompressible and compressible flows |
CRNGkEpsilon | Renormalisation group k-epsilon turbulence model for incompressible and compressible flows |
CSpalartAllmaras | Spalart-Allmaras one-eqn mixing-length model for incompressible and compressible external flows |
CSSG | Speziale, Sarkar and Gatski Reynolds-stress turbulence model for incompressible and compressible flows |
Cv2f | Lien and Kalitzin's v2-f turbulence model for incompressible and compressible flows, with a limit imposed on the turbulent viscosity given by Davidson et al |
Cv2fBase | Abstract base-class for v2-f models to provide BCs access to the v2 and f fields |
CcontinuousGasKEpsilon | K-epsilon model for the gas-phase in a two-phase system supporting phase-inversion |
CkOmegaSSTSato | Implementation of the k-omega-SST turbulence model for dispersed bubbly flows with Sato (1981) bubble induced turbulent viscosity model |
CLaheyKEpsilon | Continuous-phase k-epsilon model including bubble-generated turbulence |
CmixtureKEpsilon | Mixture k-epsilon turbulence model for two-phase gas-liquid systems |
CkineticTheoryModel | Kinetic theory particle phase RAS model |
CphasePressureModel | Particle-particle phase-pressure RAS model |
►NRBD | |
►Njoints | Namespace for rigid-body joints |
Ccomposite | Prismatic joint for translation along the specified arbitrary axis |
Cfloating | Prismatic joint for translation along the specified arbitrary axis |
Cfunction | Joint in which the position is a function of the parent joint's position |
CfunctionDot | Joint in which the position is a function of the parent joint's velocity |
Cnull | Null joint for the root-body |
CPa | Prismatic joint for translation along the specified arbitrary axis |
CPx | Prismatic joint for translation along the x-axis |
CPxyz | Prismatic joint for translation in the x/y/z directions |
CPy | Prismatic joint for translation along the y-axis |
CPz | Prismatic joint for translation along the x-axis |
CRa | Revolute joint for rotation about the specified arbitrary axis |
Crigid | Rigid joint |
Crotating | Joint with a specified rotational speed |
CRs | Spherical joint for rotation about the x/y/z-axes using a quaternion (Euler parameters) to avoid gimble-lock |
CRx | Revolute joint for rotation about the x-axis |
CRxyz | Spherical joint for rotation about the x/y/z-axes using Euler-angles in the order x, y, z |
CRy | Revolute joint for rotation about the y-axis |
CRyxz | Spherical joint for rotation about the x/y/z-axes using Euler-angles in the order y, x, z |
CRz | Revolute joint for rotation about the z-axis |
CRzyx | Spherical joint for rotation about the x/y/z-axes using Euler-angles in the order z, y, x |
►Nrestraints | Namespace for rigid-body dynamics restraints |
CexternalForce | Time-dependent external force restraint using Function1 |
ClinearAxialAngularSpring | Linear axial angular spring restraint |
ClinearDamper | Linear damper restraint. Operates in the local frame of the body |
ClinearSpring | Linear spring restraint |
CsphericalAngularDamper | Spherical angular damper restraint. Operates in the local frame of the body |
►NrigidBodySolvers | |
CCrankNicolson | Crank-Nicolson 2nd-order time-integrator for 6DoF solid-body motion |
CNewmark | Newmark 2nd-order time-integrator for 6DoF solid-body motion |
Csymplectic | Symplectic 2nd-order explicit time-integrator for rigid-body motion |
CcompositeBody | This specialised rigidBody holds the original body after it has been merged into a parent |
Ccuboid | Specialisation of rigidBody to construct a cuboid given the mass and lengths of the sides |
CjointBody | |
CmasslessBody | |
CrigidBody | |
Csphere | Specialisation of rigidBody to construct a sphere given the mass and radius |
CsubBody | This specialised rigidBody holds the original body after it has been merged into a master |
►Cjoint | Abstract base-class for all rigid-body joints |
CiNew | |
CXSvc | Joint state returned by jcalc |
Crestraint | Base class for defining restraints for rigid-body dynamics |
CrigidBodyInertia | This class represents the linear and angular inertia of a rigid body by the mass, centre of mass and moment of inertia tensor about the centre of mass |
CrigidBodyModel | Basic rigid-body model representing a system of rigid-bodies connected by 1-6 DoF joints |
CrigidBodyModelState | Holds the motion state of rigid-body model |
CrigidBodyMotion | Six degree of freedom motion for a rigid body |
CrigidBodySolver | |
►NreactionRateFlameAreaModels | |
Crelaxation | Consumption rate per unit of flame area obtained from a relaxation equation |
►NrelativeVelocityModels | |
Cgeneral | General relative velocity model |
CMichaelsBolger | Michaels & Bolger relative velocity model |
Csimple | Simple relative velocity model |
►NsampledSets | |
CarcUniform | Uniform samples along an arc |
CboundaryPoints | Specified point samples within patches |
CboundaryRandom | Random samples within patches |
CboxUniform | Uniform 3D-grid of samples |
CcellSetSampledSet | Samples at the cell-centres of a given cell set |
CcircleRandom | Random samples within a circle |
CfaceSetSampledSet | Samples at the face-centres of a given face set |
ClineCell | Cell-samples along a line at the mid-points in-between face-intersections |
ClineCellFace | Face-intersections along a line, plus cell-samples at the mid-points in-between |
ClineFace | Face-intersections along a line |
ClineUniform | Uniform samples along a line |
Cpoints | Specified point samples. Optionally ordered into a continuous path. Ordering is an optimisation; it enables tracking from one point to the next. If ordering is off, each point is searched for individually |
CsphereRandom | Random samples within a sphere |
CtriSurfaceMeshSampledSet | Samples from all the points of a triSurfaceMesh. Surface files are read from constant/triSurface |
►NsampledSurfaces | |
CcutPlane | A sampledSurface defined by a plane |
CdistanceSurface | A sampledSurface defined by a distance to a surface |
CisoSurface | A sampledSurface defined by an iso-value of a field |
CsampledIsoSurfaceSurface | A base class for sampled surfaces constructed from iso-surfaces |
Cpatch | A sampledSurface on patches. Non-triangulated by default |
CpatchInternalField | Variation of sampledPatch that samples the internalField (at a given normal distance from the patch) instead of the patchField. Note: |
CthresholdCellFaces | A sampledSurface defined by the cell faces corresponding to a threshold value |
CnearestEqOp | |
CtriSurfaceMesh | A sampledSurface from a triSurfaceMesh. It samples on the points/triangles of the triSurface. It either samples cells or (non-coupled) boundary faces |
►NsaturationModels | |
CAntoine | Antoine equation for the vapour pressure |
CAntoineExtended | Extended Antoine equation for the vapour pressure |
CArdenBuck | ArdenBuck equation for the vapour pressure of moist air |
CconstantPressure | Constant saturation pressure model |
CconstantTemperature | Constant saturation temperature model |
Cfunction1Temperature | Saturation vapour temperature in terms of the vapour pressure (in Pa). The saturation temperature in Kelvins is specified as a Foam::Function1 type, to enable use of, e.g. constant, polynomial, table values |
CpolynomialTemperature | Polynomial equation for the saturation vapour temperature in terms of the vapour pressure (in Pa) |
►NsixDoFRigidBodyMotionConstraints | Namespace for six DoF motion constraints |
Caxis | Orientation constraint: may only rotate around a fixed axis |
Cline | Translation constraint on the centre of rotation: may only move along a line |
Corientation | Orientation constraint: fixed in global space |
Cplane | Translation constraint on the centre of rotation: may only move on a plane |
Cpoint | Translation constraint on the centre of rotation: fixed in space |
►NsixDoFRigidBodyMotionRestraints | Namespace for six DoF motion restraints |
CaxialAngularSpring | Axial angular spring with moment values obtained from a Function1 and linear damping |
ClinearAxialAngularSpring | SixDoFRigidBodyMotionRestraints model. Linear axial angular spring |
ClinearDamper | SixDoFRigidBodyMotionRestraints model. Linear spring |
ClinearSpring | SixDoFRigidBodyMotionRestraints model. Linear spring |
CsphericalAngularDamper | SixDoFRigidBodyMotionRestraints model. Spherical angular damper |
CsphericalAngularSpring | SixDoFRigidBodyMotionRestraints model. Spherical angular spring |
►NsixDoFSolvers | |
CCrankNicolson | Crank-Nicolson 2nd-order time-integrator for 6DoF solid-body motion |
CNewmark | Newmark 2nd-order time-integrator for 6DoF solid-body motion |
Csymplectic | Symplectic 2nd-order explicit time-integrator for 6DoF solid-body motion |
►NsolidBodyMotionFunctions | Namespace for solid-body motions |
CaxisRotationMotion | Constant velocity rotation around CoG. Similar to rotatingMotion but motion specified as an angular velocity vector |
ClinearMotion | SolidBodyMotionFvMesh 6DoF motion function. Constant velocity displacement |
CmultiMotion | Combination of SolidBodyMotionFvMesh 6DoF motion functions |
CoscillatingLinearMotion | SolidBodyMotionFvMesh 6DoF motion function. Oscillating displacement |
CoscillatingRotatingMotion | SolidBodyMotionFvMesh 6DoF motion function. Oscillating rotation |
CrotatingMotion | SolidBodyMotionFvMesh 6DoF motion function |
CSDA | Ship design analysis (SDA) 3DoF motion function |
CsixDoFMotion | Tabulated 6DoF motion function |
►NsolidThermophysicalTransportModels | |
Canisotropic | Solid thermophysical transport model for anisotropic thermal conductivity |
Cisotropic | Solid thermophysical transport model for isotropic thermal conductivity |
►Nsolvers | |
Cbuoyancy | Buoyancy related data for the Foam::solvers::isothermalFluid solver module when solving buoyant cases with p_rgh and is selected based on the presence of the p_rgh field file |
CcompressibleMultiphaseVoF | Solver module for the solution of multiple compressible, isothermal immiscible fluids using a VOF (volume of fluid) phase-fraction based interface capturing approach, with optional mesh motion and mesh topology changes including adaptive re-meshing |
CcompressibleVoF | Solver module for 2 compressible, non-isothermal immiscible fluids using a VOF (volume of fluid) phase-fraction based interface capturing approach, with optional mesh motion and mesh topology changes including adaptive re-meshing |
Cfilm | Solver module for flow of compressible liquid films |
Cfluid | Solver module for steady or transient turbulent flow of compressible fluids with heat-transfer for HVAC and similar applications, with optional mesh motion and change |
CfluidSolver | Base solver module for fluid solvers |
Cfunctions | Solver module to execute the functionObjects for a specified solver |
CincompressibleDenseParticleFluid | Solver module for transient flow of incompressible isothermal fluids coupled with particle clouds including the effect of the volume fraction of particles on the continuous phase, with optional mesh motion and change |
CincompressibleDriftFlux | Solver module for 2 incompressible fluids using the mixture approach with the drift-flux approximation for relative motion of the phases, with optional mesh motion and mesh topology changes including adaptive re-meshing |
CincompressibleFluid | Solver module for steady or transient turbulent flow of incompressible isothermal fluids with optional mesh motion and change |
CincompressibleMultiphaseVoF | Solver module for the solution of multiple incompressible, isothermal immiscible fluids using a VOF (volume of fluid) phase-fraction based interface capturing approach, with optional mesh motion and mesh topology changes including adaptive re-meshing |
CincompressibleVoF | Solver module for 2 incompressible, isothermal immiscible fluids using a VOF (volume of fluid) phase-fraction based interface capturing approach, with optional mesh motion and mesh topology changes including adaptive re-meshing |
CisothermalFilm | Solver module for flow of compressible isothermal liquid films |
CisothermalFluid | Solver module for steady or transient turbulent flow of compressible isothermal fluids with optional mesh motion and change |
CmovingMesh | Solver module to move the mesh |
CmulticomponentFluid | Solver module for steady or transient turbulent flow of compressible multicomponent fluids with optional mesh motion and change |
CmultiphaseEuler | Solver module for a system of any number of compressible fluid phases with a common pressure, but otherwise separate properties. The type of phase model is run time selectable and can optionally represent multiple species and in-phase reactions. The phase system is also run time selectable and can optionally represent different types of momentum, heat and mass transfer |
CmultiphaseVoFSolver | Base solver module for the solution of multiple immiscible fluids using a VOF (volume of fluid) phase-fraction based interface capturing approach, with optional mesh motion and mesh topology changes including adaptive re-meshing |
CshockFluid | Solver module for density-based solution of compressible flow |
Csolid | Solver module for thermal transport in solid domains and regions for conjugate heat transfer, HVAC and similar applications, with optional mesh motion and mesh topology changes |
CsolidDisplacement | Solver module for steady or transient segregated finite-volume solution of linear-elastic, small-strain deformation of a solid body, with optional thermal diffusion and thermal stresses |
CtwoPhaseSolver | Solver module base-class for 2 immiscible fluids, with optional mesh motion and mesh topology changes including adaptive re-meshing |
CtwoPhaseVoFSolver | Solver module base-class for 2 immiscible fluids using a VOF (volume of fluid) phase-fraction based interface capturing approach, with optional mesh motion and mesh topology changes including adaptive re-meshing |
CVoFSolver | Base solver module base-class for the solution of immiscible fluids using a VOF (volume of fluid) phase-fraction based interface capturing approach, with optional mesh motion and mesh topology changes including adaptive re-meshing |
CXiFluid | Solver module for compressible premixed/partially-premixed combustion with turbulence modelling |
►Nspecies | |
Cthermo | Basic thermodynamics type based on the use of fitting functions for cp, h, s obtained from the template argument type thermo. All other properties are derived from these primitive functions |
NstringOps | Collection of static functions to do various simple string-related operations |
►NsurfaceTensionModels | |
CliquidProperties | Temperature-dependent surface tension model in which the surface tension function provided by the phase Foam::liquidProperties class is used |
Cconstant | Uniform constant surface tension model |
CtemperatureDependent | Temperature-dependent surface tension model |
►NswarmCorrections | |
CnoSwarm | No swarm correction |
CTomiyamaSwarm | Swarm correction of Tomiyama et al |
►Nsymbols | |
Ctokeniser | |
►NTableReaders | |
CCsvLabelType | |
CCsvLabelType< Type, CsvVoid< typename pTraits< Type >::labelType > > | |
CCsv | Reads an interpolation table from a file in CSV-format. Entries govern the layout of the CSV file. The indices of the columns of the table that are to be used are given by the columns entry. This is a tuple for which the first part is the index of the column used for the x-axis, and the second part is the column index used for the scalar values, or a list of column indices used for the components of vector, tensor, etc..., values |
CEmbedded | Reads an interpolation table from the values entry in OpenFOAM-format |
CFoam | Reads an interpolation table from a file in OpenFOAM-format. This is a list of Tuple2's where the first (x) column is scalar, and the second (y) column is the type to be interpolated |
►NtetherPotentials | |
CharmonicSpring | |
CpitchForkRing | |
CrestrainedHarmonicSpring | |
►NTimeScaleModels | |
Cequilibrium | Equilibrium model for the time scale over which properties of a dispersed phase tend towards the mean value |
Cisotropic | Model for the time scale over which the velocity field of a dispersed phase tends towards an isotropic distribution |
CnonEquilibrium | Non-Equilibrium model for the time scale over which properties of a dispersed phase tend towards the mean value |
►NtriIntersect | |
Clocation | |
►NturbulenceThermophysicalTransportModels | |
CeddyDiffusivity | Eddy-diffusivity based temperature gradient heat flux model for single specie RAS or LES of turbulent flow |
CFickianEddyDiffusivity | Multi-component Fickian and eddy-diffusivity turbulent based temperature gradient heat flux model for RAS or LES of turbulent flow with optional Soret thermal diffusion of species |
CnonUnityLewisEddyDiffusivity | Non-unity-Lewis-Eddy-diffusivity based temperature gradient heat flux model for RAS or LES of turbulent flow. Allows independent specification of turbulent Prandtl and Schmidt numbers. Unity laminar Lewis number is assumed |
CunityLewisEddyDiffusivity | Eddy-diffusivity based energy gradient heat flux model for RAS or LES of turbulent flow. Specie fluxes are computed assuming a unity turbulent Lewis number |
►NturbulentDispersionModels | |
CBurns | Turbulent dispersion model of Burns et al |
CconstantTurbulentDispersionCoefficient | Constant coefficient turbulent dispersion model |
CdispersedTurbulentDispersionModel | |
CGosman | Turbulent dispersion model of Gosman et al |
CLopezDeBertodano | Lopez de Bertodano (1992) turbulent dispersion model |
CnoTurbulentDispersion | |
►NuserTimes | |
Cengine | A userTime based on engine crank-angle degrees |
Creal | A simple userTime which simply returns the real-time is seconds |
CuserTime | |
►NvirtualMassModels | |
CconstantVirtualMassCoefficient | Constant coefficient virtual mass model |
CdispersedVirtualMassModel | |
CLamb | Virtual mass model of Lamb |
CnoVirtualMass | |
►NviscosityModels | A namespace for Newtonian viscosity models |
Cconstant | A uniform constant Newtonian viscosity model |
NvtkWriteOps | |
NvtkWritePolyData | |
►NwallBoilingModels | |
►NdepartureDiameterModels | |
CKocamustafaogullariIshiiDepartureDiameter | A correlation for bubble departure diameter |
CTolubinskiKostanchuk | Tolubinski-Kostanchuk correlation for bubble departure diameter |
►NdepartureFrequencyModels | |
CCole | Cole correlation for bubble departure frequency |
CKocamustafaogullariIshiiDepartureFrequency | Correlation for bubble departure frequency |
►NnucleationSiteModels | |
CKocamustafaogullariIshiiNucleationSite | A correlation for nucleation site density |
CLemmertChawla | Lemmert & Chawla function for nucleation site density, correlation by Egorov & Menter |
►NpartitioningModels | |
Ccosine | Cosine wall heat flux partitioning model |
CLavieville | Lavieville wall heat flux partitioning model |
Clinear | Linear wall heat flux partitioning model |
CphaseFraction | Wall heat-flux partitioned according to the phase volume fraction |
CdepartureDiameterModel | Base class for bubble departure diameter models |
CdepartureFrequencyModel | Base class for bubble departure frequency models |
CnucleationSiteModel | Base class for nucleation site density models |
CpartitioningModel | Base class for wall heat flux partitioning models |
Ccoefficient | |
Ccoefficient< Field< Type > > | |
Ccoefficient< VolField< Type > > | |
►NwallDampingModels | |
Ccosine | |
Clinear | |
Csine | |
►NwallHeatTransferCoeffModels | |
CkappaEff | Calculates the estimated flow heat transfer coefficient at wall patches as the volScalarField field 'kappaEff' using one of equations below |
CReynoldsAnalogy | Calculates and writes the estimated flow heat transfer coefficient at wall patches as the volScalarField field 'wallHeatTransferCoeff' using Reynolds Analogy |
►NwallLubricationModels | |
CAntal | Wall lubrication model of Antal et al |
CdispersedWallLubricationModel | |
CFrank | Wall lubrication model of Frank |
CnoWallLubrication | |
CTomiyamaWallLubrication | Wall lubrication model of Tomiyama |
►NwaveModels | |
CAiry | First-order wave model |
CAiryCoeffs | Calculation engine for the Airy wave model and other models that are a correction on top of the Airy model or a superposition of Airy models |
Cirregular | Irregular wave model. Phase fraction and velocity field are built up from multiple first-order waves, sampled from a selectable wave spectrum |
Csolitary | Solitary wave model |
CStokes2 | Second-order wave model |
CStokes5 | Fifth-order wave model |
►NwaveSpectra | |
CPiersonMoskowitz | |
►NXiEqModels | |
CbasicSubGrid | Basic sub-grid obstacle flame-wrinkling enhancement factor model. Details supplied by J Puttock 2/7/06 |
CGulder | Simple Gulder model for XiEq based on Gulders correlation with a linear correction function to give a plausible profile for XiEq |
Cinstability | This is the equilibrium level of the flame wrinkling generated by instability. It is a constant (default 2.5). It is used in XiModel.H |
CSCOPEBlend | Simple SCOPEBlendXiEq model for XiEq based on SCOPEXiEqs correlation with a linear correction function to give a plausible profile for XiEq. See SCOPELaminarFlameSpeed.H for details on the SCOPE laminar flame speed model |
CSCOPEXiEq | Simple SCOPEXiEq model for XiEq based on SCOPEXiEqs correlation with a linear correction function to give a plausible profile for XiEq. See SCOPELaminarFlameSpeed.H for details on the SCOPE laminar flame speed model |
►NXiGModels | |
CbasicSubGrid | Basic sub-grid obstacle flame-wrinkling generation rate coefficient model. Details supplied by J Puttock 2/7/06 |
CinstabilityG | Flame-surface instabilityG flame-wrinkling generation rate coefficient model used in XiModel.H |
CKTS | Simple Kolmogorov time-scale (KTS) model for the flame-wrinkling generation rate |
►NXiModels | |
Calgebraic | Simple algebraic model for Xi based on Gulders correlation with a linear correction function to give a plausible profile for Xi. See report TR/HGW/10 for details on the Weller two equations model. See XiModel.H for more details on flame wrinkling modelling |
Cfixed | Fixed value model for Xi. See XiModel.H for more details on flame wrinkling modelling |
Ctransport | Simple transport model for Xi based on Gulders correlation with a linear correction function to give a plausible profile for Xi. See report TR/HGW/10 for details on the Weller two equations model. See XiModel.H for more details on flame wrinkling modelling |
CatmBoundaryLayer | This class provides functions to evaluate the velocity and turbulence distributions appropriate for atmospheric boundary layers (ABL) |
CatmBoundaryLayerInletEpsilonFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition specifies an inlet value for the turbulence dissipation, , appropriate for atmospheric boundary layers |
CatmBoundaryLayerInletKFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition specifies an inlet value for the turbulence kinetic energy, , appropriate for atmospheric boundary layers |
CatmBoundaryLayerInletVelocityFvPatchVectorField | This boundary condition specifies a velocity inlet profile appropriate for atmospheric boundary layers (ABL) |
CnutkAtmRoughWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides a turbulent kinematic viscosity for atmospheric velocity profiles. It is designed to be used in conjunction with the atmBoundaryLayerInletVelocity boundary condition. The values are calculated using: |
CcombustionModel | Base class for combustion models |
CconsumptionSpeed | Correlation function for laminar consumption speed obtained from flamelet solution at increasing strain rates |
CreactionRateFlameArea | Abstract class for reaction rate per flame area unit |
CmergedCyclicPolyPatch | Placeholder for two patches describing a cyclic interface. Used in mesh conversion processes involving formats in which both halves of a cyclic interface are stored on the same patch |
►CmeshReader | This class supports creating polyMeshes with baffles |
CcellFaceIdentifier | Identify cell faces in terms of cell Id and face Id |
CboundaryRegion | The boundaryRegion persistent data saved as a Map<dictionary> |
CcellTable | The cellTable persistent data saved as a Map<dictionary> |
CmeshWriter | Write OpenFOAM meshes and/or results to another CFD format |
CpolyDualMesh | Creates dual of polyMesh |
COBJstream | OFstream which keeps track of vertices |
CvtkUnstructuredReader | Reader for vtk unstructured_grid legacy files. Supports single CELLS, POINTS etc. entry only |
CFvFaceCellWave | Wave propagation of information through grid. Every iteration information goes through one layer of cells. Templated on information that is transferred |
►CfvConstraint | Finite volume options abstract base class |
CiNew | Return pointer to new fvConstraint object created |
CfvConstraints | Finite volume constraints |
CtypeGlobal< fvConstraints > | Trait for obtaining global status |
►CfvModel | Finite volume model abstract base class |
CiNew | Return pointer to new fvModel object created |
CfvModels | Finite volume models |
CtypeGlobal< fvModels > | Trait for obtaining global status |
CfvSource | Base class for finite volume sources |
CfvSpecificSource | Base class for sources which are specified as a specific value (e.g., mass flow rate per unit volume), and which apply over the entire mesh |
CfvTotalSource | Base class for sources which are specified as a total value (e.g., volume or mass flow rate), rather than a specific value (e.g., mass flow rate per unit volume) |
CMRFFreestreamVelocityFvPatchVectorField | Freestream velocity condition to be used for a wall rotating with the moving frame in an MRF (multi-reference frame) or SRF (single reference frame) case |
CMRFnoSlipFvPatchVectorField | Rotating wall-velocity condition to be used for a wall rotating with the moving frame in an MRF (multi-reference frame) or SRF (single reference frame) case |
CMRFPatchField | |
CMRFslipFvPatchVectorField | Rotating wall-velocity condition to be used for a slip-wall rotating with the moving frame in an MRF (multi-reference frame) or SRF (single reference frame) case |
CIOMRFZoneList | List of MRF zones with IO functionality. MRF zones are specified by a list of dictionary entries, e.g |
CNullMRF | |
CMRFZone | MRF zone definition based on cell zone and parameters obtained from a control dictionary constructed from the given stream |
CMRFZoneList | List container for MRF zones |
CIOporosityModelList | List of porosity models with IO functionality |
►CporosityModel | Top level model for porosity models |
CiNew | Return pointer to new porosityModel object created on the freestore |
CporosityModelList | List container for porosity models |
CpressureReference | Provides controls for the pressure reference in closed-volume simulations |
►CconvergenceControl | Convergence control class. Provides methods to check the convergence of the time loop against an absolute residual tolerance |
CconvergenceData | Convergence data structure |
CresidualData | Classes |
►CcorrectorConvergenceControl | Corrector convergence control class. Provides methods to check the convergence of an inner iteration loop (e.g., pimple) against both absolute and relative residual tolerances |
CcorrResidualData | Residual correction data structure |
CsingleRegionConvergenceControl | Single-region-specific derivation of the convergence control class |
CsingleRegionCorrectorConvergenceControl | Single-region-specific derivation of the corrector convergence control class |
CpimpleControl | |
CpimpleLoop | Pimple loop class. Implements the logic which controls the pimple loop generically for a given corrector convergence control. Can therefore be used be either single- or multi-region control classes |
CpimpleMultiRegionControl | Pimple multi-region control class. As Foam::pimpleControl, but for a multi- region simulation comprising pimple and solid regions. More region types could be added |
CpimpleNoLoopControl | Pimple no-loop control class. Implements various option flags, but leaves loop controls to the derivation or owner. Can be derived into a "full" pimple control or can be owned by a multi-region pimple class |
CpimpleSingleRegionControl | Pimple single region control class. Provides time-loop control methods which exit the simulation once convergence criteria have been reached. Also provides Pimple-loop control methods which exit the iteration once corrector convergence criteria have been met. Example usage: |
CpisoControl | Piso control class. Provides time-loop and piso-loop control methods. No convergence checking is done |
CsimpleControl | Simple control class. Provides time-loop control methods which exit the simulation once convergence criteria have been reached. Example usage: |
CfluidSolutionControl | Fluid solution control class. Holds flags specific to the solution of fluids |
CmultiRegionSolutionControl | Multi-region-specific derivation of the solution control class |
CnonOrthogonalSolutionControl | Non-orthogonal solution control class. Provides non-orthogonal-loop control methods |
CsingleRegionSolutionControl | Single-region-specific derivation of the solution control class |
CinternalFvFieldSource | This source condition provides the internal value |
CturbulentIntensityKineticEnergyFvScalarFieldSource | This source condition provides a turbulent kinetic energy based on user-supplied turbulence intensity, defined as a fraction of the mean velocity: |
CuniformFixedValueFvFieldSource | This source condition provides a uniform fixed value |
CuniformInletOutletFvFieldSource | This source condition provides a uniform fixed value when the source is positive, and the internal value when it is negative (i.e., a sink) |
CfvFieldSource | Base class for finite-volume field sources |
CbasicSymmetryFvPatchField | A symmetry patch |
CcalculatedFvPatchField | This boundary condition is not designed to be evaluated; it is assumed that the value is assigned via field assignment, and not via a call to e.g. updateCoeffs or evaluate |
CcoupledFvPatchField | Abstract base class for coupled patches |
CdirectionMixedFvPatchField | Base class for direction-mixed boundary conditions |
CextrapolatedCalculatedFvPatchField | This boundary condition applies a zero-gradient condition from the patch internal field onto the patch faces when evaluated but may also be assigned. snGrad returns the patch gradient evaluated from the current internal and patch field values rather than returning zero |
CfixedGradientFvPatchField | This boundary condition supplies a fixed gradient condition, such that the patch values are calculated using: |
CfixedValueFvPatchField | This boundary condition supplies a fixed value constraint, and is the base class for a number of other boundary conditions |
CmixedFvPatchField | This boundary condition provides a base class for 'mixed' type boundary conditions, i.e. conditions that mix fixed value and patch-normal gradient conditions |
CslicedFvPatchField | Specialisation of fvPatchField which creates the underlying fvPatchField as a slice of the given complete field |
CtransformFvPatchField | Foam::transformFvPatchField |
CzeroGradientFvPatchField | This boundary condition applies a zero-gradient condition from the patch internal field onto the patch faces |
CcyclicFvPatchField | This boundary condition enforces a cyclic condition between a pair of boundaries |
CcyclicSlipFvPatchField | This boundary condition is a light wrapper around the cyclicFvPatchField condition, providing no new functionality |
CemptyFvPatchField | This boundary condition provides an 'empty' condition for reduced dimensions cases, i.e. 1- and 2-D geometries. Apply this condition to patches whose normal is aligned to geometric directions that do not constitute solution directions |
CinternalFvPatchField | Constraint fvPatchField to hold values for internal face exposed by sub-setting |
CjumpCyclicFvPatchField | This boundary condition provides a base class for cyclic conditions with a specified "jump" (or offset) between the sides |
CnonConformalCyclicFvPatchField | This boundary condition enforces a non-conformal cyclic condition between a pair of boundaries |
CnonConformalErrorFvPatchField | This boundary condition enforces a non-conformal error condition |
CnonConformalProcessorCyclicFvPatchField | This boundary condition enables processor communication across cyclic patches |
CprocessorFvPatchField | This boundary condition enables processor communication across patches |
CprocessorCyclicFvPatchField | This boundary condition enables processor communication across cyclic patches |
CsymmetryFvPatchField | This boundary condition enforces a symmetry constraint |
CsymmetryPlaneFvPatchField | This boundary condition enforces a symmetryPlane constraint |
CwedgeFvPatchField | This boundary condition is similar to the cyclic condition, except that it is applied to 2-D geometries |
CadvectiveFvPatchField | This boundary condition provides an advective outflow condition, based on solving DDt(W, field) = 0 at the boundary where W is the wave velocity and field is the field to which this boundary condition is applied |
CcodedFixedValueFvPatchField | Constructs on-the-fly a new boundary condition (derived from fixedValueFvPatchField) which is then used to evaluate |
CcodedMixedFvPatchField | Constructs on-the-fly a new boundary condition (derived from mixedFvPatchField) which is then used to evaluate |
CdynamicPressureFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides a dynamic pressure condition. It subtracts a kinetic energy term from a reference pressure to get a value which is fixed on the boundary. It forms the base class for the total and entrainment pressure conditions |
CentrainmentPressureFvPatchScalarField | This is a boundary condition for pressure suitable for boundaries at which the flow direction is uncertain but both inflow and/or outflow can occur. The condition switches based on the direction of flow. For outflow, the patch pressure is simply set to the reference pressure. For inflow, the patch pressure is reduced by the dynamic pressure calculated using the inflow velocity normal to the patch |
CexternalCoupledMixedFvPatchField | This boundary condition provides an interface to an external application. Values are transferred as plain text files, where OpenFOAM data is written as: |
CfanPressureFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition can be applied to assign either a pressure inlet or outlet total pressure condition for a fan |
CfanPressureJumpFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides a fan pressure jump condition, using the cyclic condition as a base. The jump is specified as a Function1 , which returns the pressure jump as a function of the total volumetric flow rate through the patch |
CfixedFluxExtrapolatedPressureFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition sets the pressure gradient to the provided value such that the flux on the boundary is that specified by the velocity boundary condition |
CfixedFluxPressureFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition sets the pressure gradient to the provided value such that the flux on the boundary is that specified by the velocity boundary condition |
CfixedInternalValueFvPatchField | This boundary condition provides a mechanism to set boundary (cell) values directly into a matrix, i.e. to set a constraint condition. Default behaviour is to act as a zero gradient condition |
CfixedJumpFvPatchField | This boundary condition provides a jump condition, using the cyclic condition as a base. The jump is specified as the difference between the neighbour patch and the owner patch value (i.e., neighbour minus owner) |
CfixedMeanFvPatchField | This boundary condition extrapolates field to the patch using the near-cell values and adjusts the distribution to match the specified, optionally time-varying, mean value |
CfixedMeanOutletInletFvPatchField | This boundary condition extrapolates field to the patch using the near-cell values and adjusts the distribution to match the specified, optionally time-varying, mean value. This extrapolated field is applied as a fixedValue for outflow faces but zeroGradient is applied to inflow faces |
CfixedNormalInletOutletVelocityFvPatchVectorField | This velocity inlet/outlet boundary condition combines a fixed normal component obtained from the "normalVelocity" patchField supplied with a fixed or zero-gradiented tangential component depending on the direction of the flow and the setting of "fixTangentialInflow": |
CfixedNormalSlipFvPatchField | This boundary condition sets the patch-normal component to a fixed value |
CfixedPressureCompressibleDensityFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition calculates a (liquid) compressible density as a function of pressure and fluid properties: |
CfixedProfileFvPatchField | This boundary condition provides a fixed value profile condition |
CfixedValueInletOutletFvPatchField | This boundary condition sets a fixed value. When the flow direction is inwards this acts exactly like a fixed value condition. In the presence of outflow, however, this condition approximates the fixed value constraint in advective terms by fixing the gradient instead |
CflowRateInletVelocityFvPatchVectorField | Velocity inlet boundary condition creating a velocity field with optionally specified profile normal to the patch adjusted to match the specified mass flow rate, volumetric flow rate or mean velocity |
CflowRateOutletVelocityFvPatchVectorField | Velocity outlet boundary condition which corrects the extrapolated velocity to match the specified flow rate |
CfluxCorrectedVelocityFvPatchVectorField | This boundary condition provides a velocity outlet boundary condition for patches where the pressure is specified. The outflow velocity is obtained by "zeroGradient" and then corrected from the flux: |
CfreestreamFvPatchField | This boundary condition provides a free-stream condition. It is a 'mixed' condition derived from the inletOutlet condition, whereby the mode of operation switches between fixed (free stream) value and zero gradient based on the sign of the flux |
CfreestreamPressureFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides a free-stream condition for pressure |
CfreestreamVelocityFvPatchVectorField | This boundary condition provides a free-stream condition for velocity |
CinletOutletFvPatchField | This boundary condition provides a generic outflow condition, with specified inflow for the case of return flow |
CinletOutletTotalTemperatureFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides an outflow condition for total temperature for use with supersonic cases, where a user-specified value is applied in the case of reverse flow |
CinterfaceCompressionFvPatchScalarField | Applies interface-compression to the phase-fraction distribution at the patch by setting the phase-fraction to 0 if it is below 0.5, otherwise to 1 |
CinterstitialInletVelocityFvPatchVectorField | Inlet velocity in which the actual interstitial velocity is calculated by dividing the specified inletVelocity field with the local phase-fraction |
CmappedFlowRateVelocityFvPatchVectorField | This boundary condition maps the flow rate from a neighbouring patch to this patch, then uses it to set a corresponding velocity in a direction normal to the patch |
CmappedInternalValueFvPatchField | This boundary condition maps the values from a internal cells to this patch |
CmappedValueFvPatchField | This boundary condition maps the values from a neighbouring patch to this patch |
CmappedVelocityFluxFvPatchField | This boundary condition maps the velocity and flux from a neighbouring patch to this patch |
CmatchedFlowRateOutletVelocityFvPatchVectorField | Velocity outlet boundary condition which corrects the extrapolated velocity to match the flow rate of the specified corresponding inlet patch |
CmovingMappedWallVelocityFvPatchVectorField | This boundary condition provides a no-slip velocity condition for mapped walls. The wall velocity is taken to be the mesh velocity of the neighbouring region |
CmovingWallSlipVelocityFvPatchVectorField | This boundary condition provides a slip velocity condition for cases with moving walls |
CmovingWallVelocityFvPatchVectorField | This boundary condition provides a no-slip velocity condition for ridged moving walls or flexible moving walls on which the mesh vertices move with the surface |
CnoSlipFvPatchVectorField | This boundary condition fixes the velocity to zero at walls and assumes the walls are stationary |
CoutletInletFvPatchField | This boundary condition provides a generic inflow condition, with specified outflow for the case of reverse flow |
CoutletMappedUniformInletFvPatchField | This boundary condition averages the field over the "outlet" patch specified by name "outletPatch" and applies this as the uniform value of the field over this patch |
CoutletPhaseMeanVelocityFvPatchVectorField | This boundary condition adjusts the velocity for the given phase to achieve the specified mean thus causing the phase-fraction to adjust according to the mass flow rate |
CpartialSlipFvPatchField | This boundary condition provides a partial slip condition. The amount of slip is controlled by a user-supplied field |
CphaseHydrostaticPressureFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides a phase-based hydrostatic pressure condition, calculated as: |
CplenumPressureFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides a plenum pressure inlet condition. This condition creates a zero-dimensional model of an enclosed volume of gas upstream of the inlet. The pressure that the boundary condition exerts on the inlet boundary is dependent on the thermodynamic state of the upstream volume. The upstream plenum density and temperature are time-stepped along with the rest of the simulation, and momentum is neglected. The plenum is supplied with a user specified mass flow and temperature |
CpressureFvPatchScalarField | Static pressure boundary condition |
CpressureDirectedInletOutletVelocityFvPatchVectorField | This velocity inlet/outlet boundary condition is applied to pressure boundaries where the pressure is specified. A zero-gradient condition is applied for outflow (as defined by the flux); for inflow, the velocity is obtained from the flux with the specified inlet direction |
CpressureDirectedInletVelocityFvPatchVectorField | This velocity inlet boundary condition is applied to patches where the pressure is specified. The inflow velocity is obtained from the flux with the specified inlet direction" direction |
CpressureInletOutletParSlipVelocityFvPatchVectorField | This velocity inlet/outlet boundary condition for pressure boundary where the pressure is specified. A zero-gradient is applied for outflow (as defined by the flux); for inflow, the velocity is obtained from the flux with the specified inlet direction |
CpressureInletOutletVelocityFvPatchVectorField | Velocity inlet/outlet boundary condition for patches where the pressure is specified in some manner, e.g. fixedValue, totalPressure, entrainmentPressure etc |
CpressureInletUniformVelocityFvPatchVectorField | This velocity inlet boundary condition is applied to patches where the pressure is specified. The uniform inflow velocity is obtained by averaging the flux over the patch, and then applying it in the direction normal to the patch faces |
CpressureInletVelocityFvPatchVectorField | This velocity inlet boundary condition is applied to patches where the pressure is specified. The inflow velocity is obtained from the flux with a direction normal to the patch faces |
CpressureNormalInletOutletVelocityFvPatchVectorField | This velocity inlet/outlet boundary condition is applied to patches where the pressure is specified. A zero-gradient condition is applied for outflow (as defined by the flux); for inflow, the velocity is obtained from the flux with a direction normal to the patch faces |
CprghCyclicPressureFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides a cyclic condition for p_rgh. It applies corrections to the value and gradient on both sides of the cyclic to account for the non-cylicity of the gravitational force |
CPrghPressureFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides the p_rgh equivalent of a pressure boundary condition calculated as: |
CprghTotalHydrostaticPressureFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides static pressure condition for p_rgh, calculated as: |
CrotatingPressureInletOutletVelocityFvPatchVectorField | This velocity inlet/outlet boundary condition is applied to patches in a rotating frame where the pressure is specified. A zero-gradient is applied for outflow (as defined by the flux); for inflow, the velocity is obtained from the flux with a direction normal to the patch faces |
CrotatingTotalPressureFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides a total pressure condition for patches in a rotating frame |
CrotatingWallVelocityFvPatchVectorField | Condition on velocity for a boundary consisting of a rotating solid of revolution, e.g. cylinder. Calculates a tangential component of velocity from the angular velocity and rotational axis and ensures a zero normal component |
CslipFvPatchField | This boundary condition provides a slip constraint |
CsupersonicFreestreamFvPatchVectorField | This boundary condition provides a supersonic free-stream condition |
CsurfaceNormalFixedValueFvPatchVectorField | Surface-normal fixed value vector boundary condition |
CsurfaceNormalUniformFixedValueFvPatchVectorField | Surface-normal fixed value vector boundary condition |
CswirlFlowRateInletVelocityFvPatchVectorField | Velocity inlet boundary condition creating a normal velocity field to match the specified mass or volumetric flow rate, and radial and tangential velocity fields specified by functions of time and radius or by a given angular speed |
CswirlInletVelocityFvPatchVectorField | Velocity inlet boundary condition creating axial, radial and tangential velocity fields specified by functions of time and radius or by a given angular speed |
CsyringePressureFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides a pressure condition, obtained from a zero-D model of the cylinder of a syringe |
CAverageField | A primitive field with a separate average value |
CtimeVaryingMappedFixedValueFvPatchField | This boundary conditions interpolates the values from a set of supplied points in space and time |
CtimeVaryingMappedFvPatchField | Patch field mapper which interpolates the values from a set of supplied points in space and time |
CtotalPressureFvPatchScalarField | Inflow, outflow and entrainment pressure boundary condition based on a constant total pressure assumption |
CtotalTemperatureFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides a total temperature condition |
CtranslatingWallVelocityFvPatchVectorField | This boundary condition provides a velocity condition for translational motion on walls |
CtransonicEntrainmentPressureFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides an entrainment condition for pressure including support for supersonic jets exiting the domain |
CturbulentInletFvPatchField | This boundary condition generates a fluctuating inlet condition by adding a random component to a reference (mean) field |
CturbulentIntensityKineticEnergyInletFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides a turbulent kinetic energy condition, based on user-supplied turbulence intensity, defined as a fraction of the mean velocity: |
CuniformDensityHydrostaticPressureFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides a hydrostatic pressure condition, calculated as: |
CuniformFixedGradientFvPatchField | This boundary condition provides a uniform fixed gradient condition |
CuniformFixedValueFvPatchField | This boundary condition provides a uniform fixed value condition |
CuniformInletOutletFvPatchField | Variant of inletOutlet boundary condition with uniform inletValue |
CuniformJumpFvPatchField | This boundary condition provides a jump condition, using the cyclic condition as a base. The jump is specified as the difference between the neighbour patch and the owner patch value (i.e., neighbour minus owner). The jump value is uniform across the patches, and can vary in time |
CuniformTotalPressureFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides a time-varying form of the uniform total pressure boundary condition Foam::totalPressureFvPatchField |
CvariableHeightFlowRateFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides a phase fraction condition based on the local flow conditions, whereby the values are constrained to lay between user-specified upper and lower bounds. The behaviour is described by: |
CvariableHeightFlowRateInletVelocityFvPatchVectorField | This boundary condition provides a velocity boundary condition for multiphase flow based on a user-specified volumetric flow rate |
CwaveSurfacePressureFvPatchScalarField | This is a pressure boundary condition, the value of which is calculated as the hydrostatic pressure based on a given displacement: |
CwaveTransmissiveFvPatchField | This boundary condition provides a wave transmissive outflow condition, based on solving DDt(W, field) = 0 at the boundary W is the wave velocity and field is the field to which this boundary condition is applied |
CzeroInletOutletFvPatchField | This boundary condition provides a generic outflow condition |
CfvPatchField | Abstract base class with a fat-interface to all derived classes covering all possible ways in which they might be used |
►CfvMatrix | A special matrix type and solver, designed for finite volume solutions of scalar equations. Face addressing is used to make all matrix assembly and solution loops vectorise |
CfvSolver | Solver class returned by the solver function |
CcalculatedFvsPatchField | Foam::calculatedFvsPatchField |
CcoupledFvsPatchField | Foam::coupledFvsPatchField |
CfixedValueFvsPatchField | Foam::fixedValueFvsPatchField |
CslicedFvsPatchField | Specialisation of fvsPatchField which creates the underlying fvsPatchField as a slice of the given complete field |
CcyclicFvsPatchField | Foam::cyclicFvsPatchField |
CcyclicSlipFvsPatchField | Foam::cyclicSlipFvsPatchField |
CemptyFvsPatchField | Foam::emptyFvsPatchField |
CinternalFvsPatchField | Constraint fvsPatchField to hold values for internal face exposed by sub-setting |
CnonConformalCyclicFvsPatchField | Constraint fvsPatchField for nonConformalCyclic couplings |
CnonConformalErrorFvsPatchField | Constraint fvsPatchField for nonConformalError couplings |
CnonConformalProcessorCyclicFvsPatchField | Foam::nonConformalProcessorCyclicFvsPatchField |
CprocessorFvsPatchField | Foam::processorFvsPatchField |
CprocessorCyclicFvsPatchField | Foam::processorCyclicFvsPatchField |
CsymmetryFvsPatchField | Foam::symmetryFvsPatchField |
CsymmetryPlaneFvsPatchField | Foam::symmetryPlaneFvsPatchField |
CwedgeFvsPatchField | Foam::wedgeFvsPatchField |
CnonConformalMappedPolyFacesFvsPatchLabelField | |
CnonConformalPolyFacesFvsPatchLabelField | |
CpolyFacesFvsPatchLabelField | |
CfvsPatchField | An abstract base class with a fat-interface to all derived classes covering all possible ways in which they might be used |
CSlicedGeometricField | Specialisation of GeometricField which holds slices of given complete fields in a form that they act as a GeometricField |
CNoFieldSource | |
CGeometricField | Generic GeometricField class |
►CsmoothData | Helper class used by the fvc::smooth and fvc::spread functions |
CtrackData | Class used to pass additional data in |
CsweepData | Helper class used by fvc::sweep function |
CfvSchemes | Selector class for finite volume differencing schemes. fvMesh is derived from fvSchemes so that all fields have access to the fvSchemes from the mesh reference they hold |
CfvSolution | Selector class for finite volume solution solution. fvMesh is derived from fvSolution so that all fields have access to the fvSolution from the mesh reference they hold |
CleastSquaresVectors | Least-squares gradient scheme vectors |
CCentredFitSnGradData | Data for centred fit snGrad schemes |
CUIndirectList | A List with indirect addressing |
CfaceAreaPairGAMGAgglomeration | Agglomerate using the pair algorithm |
CextendedCellToCellStencil | Baseclass for cell-to-cell stencils |
CextendedCentredCellToCellStencil | |
CCECCellToCellStencil | |
►CcellToCellStencil | Baseclass for extended cell centred addressing. Contains per cell a list of neighbouring cells and/or boundaryfaces in global addressing |
CunionEqOp | Combine operator for labelLists |
CCFCCellToCellStencil | |
CCPCCellToCellStencil | |
CcentredCECCellToCellStencilObject | |
CcentredCFCCellToCellStencilObject | |
CcentredCPCCellToCellStencilObject | |
CextendedCellToFaceStencil | Calculates/contains the extended cell-to-face stencil |
CextendedCentredCellToFaceStencil | |
CextendedUpwindCellToFaceStencil | Creates upwind stencil by shifting a centred stencil to upwind and downwind faces and optionally removing all non-(up/down)wind faces ('pureUpwind') |
CCECCellToFaceStencil | Combined corresponding cellToCellStencil of owner and neighbour |
►CcellToFaceStencil | Base class for extended cell-to-face stencils (face values from neighbouring cells) |
CunionEqOp | Combine operator for labelLists |
CCFCCellToFaceStencil | Combined corresponding cellToCellStencil of owner and neighbour |
CCPCCellToFaceStencil | Combined corresponding cellToCellStencil of owner and neighbour |
CFECCellToFaceStencil | All cells connected via edge to face |
CcentredCECCellToFaceStencilObject | |
CcentredCFCCellToFaceStencilObject | |
CcentredCPCCellToFaceStencilObject | |
CcentredFECCellToFaceStencilObject | |
CpureUpwindCFCCellToFaceStencilObject | |
CupwindCECCellToFaceStencilObject | |
CupwindCFCCellToFaceStencilObject | |
CupwindCPCCellToFaceStencilObject | |
CupwindFECCellToFaceStencilObject | |
CextendedCentredFaceToCellStencil | |
CextendedFaceToCellStencil | Note: transformations on coupled patches not supported. Problem is the positions of cells reachable through these patches |
CCFCFaceToCellStencil | |
CfaceToCellStencil | Baseclass for extended cell centred addressing. Contains per cell a list of neighbouring faces in global addressing |
CcentredCFCFaceToCellStencilObject | |
CfvBoundaryMesh | Foam::fvBoundaryMesh |
CfvCellSet | General run-time selected cell set selection class for fvMesh |
CGeometricBoundaryField | Generic GeometricBoundaryField class |
CUCompactListList | Unallocated base class of CompactListList |
CfvMesh | Mesh data needed to do the Finite Volume discretisation |
►CfvMeshDistributor | Abstract base class for fvMesh movers |
CvelocityMotionCorrection | Helper class to update the velocity boundary conditions |
CfvMeshLduAddressing | Foam::fvMeshLduAddressing |
CfvBoundaryMeshMapper | Foam::fvBoundaryMeshMapper |
CfvMeshMapper | Class holds all the necessary information for mapping fields associated with fvMesh |
CfvPatchMapper | Mapping class for a fvPatchField |
CfvSurfaceMapper | FV surface mapper |
►CfvMeshMover | Abstract base class for fvMesh movers |
CvelocityMotionCorrection | Helper class to update the velocity boundary conditions |
CconformedFvPatchField | This vol field boundary condition holds data from both the original faces and any associated non-conformal faces, with the latter mapped to the conformal faces in the original patch. It is used during mesh change (between the un-stitch and stitch steps) to ensure that fields relating to both the original and the non-conformal patches are retained and mapped |
CconformedFvsPatchField | This surface field boundary condition holds data from both the original faces and any associated non-conformal faces, with the latter mapped to the conformal faces in the original patch. It is used during mesh change (between the un-stitch and stitch steps) to ensure that fields relating to both the original and the non-conformal patches are retained and mapped |
CfvMeshStitcher | Mesh manipulator that uses the intersection provided by the cyclic non-conformal poly patches to create non-conformal finite volume interfaces |
►CfvMeshTopoChanger | Abstract base class for fvMesh topology changers |
CvelocityMotionCorrection | Helper class to update the velocity boundary conditions |
CcoupledFvPatch | An abstract base class for patches that couple regions of the computational domain e.g. cyclic and processor-processor links |
CcyclicFvPatch | Cyclic-plane patch |
CcyclicSlipFvPatch | Cyclic-plane patch |
CemptyFvPatch | A patch which will not exist in the fvMesh. Typical example is a front and back plane of a 2-D geometry |
CinternalFvPatch | Constraint patch to hold internal faces exposed by sub-setting |
CnonConformalFvPatch | Non-conformal FV patch. Provides the necessary interface for a FV patch which does not conform to the underlying poly mesh. The non-conformal geometry and topology are held in the fvMesh, and are generated by the fvMeshStitcher. This class just provides access to this data |
CnonConformalCoupledFvPatch | Non-conformal coupled FV patch. As nonConformalFvPatch, but is also coupled to another non-conformal patch |
CnonConformalCyclicFvPatch | Non-conformal cyclic FV patch. As nonConformalCoupledFvPatch, but the neighbouring patch is local and known and is made available by this class |
CnonConformalErrorFvPatch | Non-conformal error FV patch. As nonConformalFvPatch. This patch is a non-coupled non-conformal patch which is used to manage the errors created during the construction of a non-conformal coupled interface. Every patch used as the original patch of the owner side of a non-conformal coupled interface must also have an associated error patch |
CnonConformalProcessorCyclicFvPatch | Non-conformal processor cyclic FV patch. As nonConformalCyclicFvPatch, but the neighbouring patch is on a different processor |
CprocessorFvPatch | Processor patch |
CprocessorCyclicFvPatch | Processor patch |
CsymmetryFvPatch | Symmetry patch for non-planar or multi-plane patches |
CsymmetryPlaneFvPatch | Symmetry-plane patch |
CwedgeFvPatch | Wedge front and back plane patch |
CmappedExtrudedWallFvPatch | |
CmappedFvPatch | Fv patch which can do interpolative mapping of values from another globally conforming fv patch |
CmappedFvPatchBase | Base class for fv patches that provide interpolative mapping between two globally conforming fv patches |
CmappedFvPatchBaseBase | Base class for fv patches that provide mapping between two fv patches |
CmappedInternalFvPatch | |
CmappedWallFvPatch | Wall fv patch which can do interpolative mapping of values from another globally conforming fv patch |
CnonConformalMappedFvPatchBase | Base class for fv patches which provides non-conformal mapping between two potentially non-globally conforming fv patches |
CnonConformalMappedWallFvPatch | Wall fv patch which can do non-conformal mapping of values from another potentially non-globally conforming wall fv patch. As nonConformalFvPatch, but the neighbouring patch is local and known and is made available by this class |
CwallFvPatch | Foam::wallFvPatch |
CfvPatch | A finiteVolume patch using a polyPatch and a fvBoundaryMesh |
►CsingleCellFvMesh | FvMesh as subset of other mesh. Consists of one cell and all original boundary faces. Useful when manipulating boundary data. Single internal cell only needed to be able to manipulate in a standard way |
CagglomPatchFieldMapper | Patch field mapper class for agglomerated meshes |
CFvWallInfo | Holds information regarding nearest wall point. Used in wall distance calculation |
CWallLocationData | Holds information regarding nearest wall point. Used in wall distance calculation |
CnearWallDist | Distance calculation for cells with face on a wall. Searches pointNeighbours to find closest |
CpatchDistMethod | Specialisation of patchDist for wall distance calculation |
CwallDist | Interface to run-time selectable methods to calculate the distance-to-wall and normal-to-wall fields |
CfvMeshToFvMesh | |
Cinterpolation | Abstract base class for interpolation |
CfieldInterpolation | |
CinterpolationCell | Uses the cell value for any point in the cell |
CinterpolationCellPatchConstrained | Uses the cell value for any point in the cell apart from a boundary face where it uses the boundary value directly. Note: will not work on an empty patch |
CcellPointWeight | Foam::cellPointWeight |
CinterpolationCellPoint | Given cell centre values and point (vertex) values decompose into tetrahedra and linear interpolate within them |
CinterpolationCellPointFace | Foam::interpolationCellPointFace |
CinterpolationCellPointWallModified | As interpolationCellPoint, but with the point field modified on wall faces |
CinterpolationPointMVC | Given cell centre values interpolates to vertices and uses these to do a Mean Value Coordinates interpolation |
CpointMVCWeight | Container to calculate weights for interpolating directly from vertices of cell using Mean Value Coordinates |
CinterpolationVolPointInterpolation | Base class for interpolations that require a vol-point interpolated field |
CMapInternalField< Type, MeshMapper, surfaceMesh > | |
CMapInternalField< Type, MeshMapper, volMesh > | |
CblendedSchemeBase | Base class for blended schemes to provide access to the blending factor surface field |
Cblended | Linear/upwind blended interpolation scheme |
CfilteredLinearLimiter | Class to generate weighting factors for the filteredLinear interpolation scheme |
CfilteredLinear2Limiter | Class to generate weighting factors for the filteredLinear2 interpolation scheme |
CfilteredLinear2VLimiter | Class to generate weighting factors for the filteredLinear2V interpolation scheme |
CfilteredLinear3Limiter | Class to generate weighting factors for the filteredLinear interpolation scheme |
CfilteredLinear3VLimiter | Class to generate weighting factors for the filteredLinear3V interpolation scheme |
CGammaLimiter | Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the Gamma interpolation scheme based on phict obtained from the LimiterFunc class |
CLimitedLimiter | Foam::LimitedLimiter |
CLimited01Limiter | A LimitedLimiter with the range 0-1 |
ClimitedCubicLimiter | Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the TVD limited centred-cubic interpolation scheme based on r obtained from the LimiterFunc class |
ClimitedCubicVLimiter | Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the limitedCubicV interpolation scheme based on r obtained from the LimiterFunc class |
ClimitedLinearLimiter | Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the TVD limited linear interpolation scheme based on r obtained from the LimiterFunc class |
CLimitedScheme | Class to create NVD/TVD limited weighting-factors |
ClimitedSurfaceInterpolationScheme | Abstract base class for limited surface interpolation schemes |
ClimitWith | LimitWith interpolation scheme limits the specified scheme with the specified limiter |
CMinmodLimiter | Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the Minmod interpolation scheme |
CMUSCLLimiter | Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the van Leer's MUSCL interpolation scheme |
COSPRELimiter | Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the OSPRE interpolation scheme based on r obtained from the LimiterFunc class |
CPhiLimiter | Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the Phi interpolation scheme |
CPhiScheme | Class to create the weighting-factors based on the face-flux |
CQUICKLimiter | Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the quadratic-upwind interpolation scheme |
CQUICKVLimiter | Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the quadratic-upwind interpolation scheme |
CSFCDLimiter | Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the SFCD interpolation scheme based on phict obtained from the LimiterFunc class |
CSuperBeeLimiter | Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the SuperBee interpolation scheme based on r obtained from the LimiterFunc class |
CUMISTLimiter | Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the UMIST interpolation scheme |
Cupwind | Upwind interpolation scheme class |
CvanAlbadaLimiter | Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the vanAlbada interpolation scheme based on r obtained from the LimiterFunc class |
CvanLeerLimiter | Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the vanLeer interpolation scheme based on r obtained from the LimiterFunc class |
CmultivariateIndependentScheme | Generic multi-variate discretisation scheme class for which any of the NVD, CNVD or NVDV schemes may be selected for each variable and applied independently |
►CmultivariateScheme | Generic multi-variate discretisation scheme class which may be instantiated for any of the NVD, CNVD or NVDV schemes |
CfieldScheme | SurfaceInterpolationScheme sub-class returned by operator(field) |
►CmultivariateSelectionScheme | Generic multi-variate discretisation scheme class for which any of the NVD, CNVD or NVDV schemes may be selected for each variable |
CfieldScheme | SurfaceInterpolationScheme sub-class returned by operator(field) |
►CmultivariateSurfaceInterpolationScheme | Abstract base class for multi-variate surface interpolation schemes |
CfieldScheme | SurfaceInterpolationScheme sub-class returned by operator(field) |
CfieldTable | FieldTable |
►CmultivariateUpwind | Upwind-difference form of the multivariate surfaceInterpolationScheme |
CfieldScheme | SurfaceInterpolationScheme sub-class returned by operator(field) |
CbiLinearFitPolynomial | BiLinear polynomial for interpolation fitting |
CcellCoBlended | Two-scheme cell-based Courant number based blending interpolation scheme |
CCentredFitData | Data for the quadratic fit correction interpolation scheme |
CCentredFitScheme | Centred fit surface interpolation scheme which applies an explicit correction to linear |
CclippedLinear | Centred interpolation interpolation scheme using clipped-weights to improve stability on meshes with very rapid variations in cell size |
CCoBlended | Two-scheme Courant number based blending interpolation scheme |
Ccubic | Cubic interpolation scheme class derived from linear and returns linear weighting factors but also applies an explicit correction |
CcubicUpwindFitPolynomial | Cubic polynomial for upwind biased interpolation fitting |
Cdeferred | Deferred correction interpolation scheme derived from upwind which returns upwind weighting factors and an explicit correction obtained from the specified scheme |
Cdownwind | Downwind interpolation scheme class |
CFitData | Data for the upwinded and centred polynomial fit interpolation schemes. The linearCorrection_ determines whether the fit is for a corrected linear scheme (first two coefficients are corrections for owner and neighbour) or a pure upwind scheme (first coefficient is correction for owner; weight on face taken as 1) |
CfixedBlended | Two-scheme fixed-blending interpolation scheme |
Charmonic | Harmonic-mean interpolation scheme class |
ClimiterBlended | Blends two specified schemes using the limiter function provided by a limitedSurfaceInterpolationScheme |
Clinear | Centred interpolation interpolation scheme class |
ClinearFitPolynomial | Linear polynomial for interpolation fitting |
ClinearUpwind | LinearUpwind interpolation scheme class derived from upwind and returns upwind weighting factors and also applies a gradient-based explicit correction |
ClinearUpwindV | LinearUpwindV interpolation scheme class derived from upwind and returns upwind weighting factors but also applies an explicit correction |
ClocalBlended | Two-scheme localBlended interpolation scheme |
ClocalMax | Local maximum interpolation scheme in which the face value is set to the maximum of the two neighbouring cell values |
ClocalMin | Local minimum interpolation scheme in which the face value is set to the minimum of the two neighbouring cell values |
CLUST | LUST: Linear-upwind stabilised transport |
CmidPoint | Mid-point interpolation (weighting factors = 0.5) scheme class |
CoutletStabilised | Outlet-stabilised interpolation scheme which applies upwind interpolation to the faces of the cells adjacent to outlets |
CphaseStabilised | Phase-stabilised interpolation scheme |
CpointLinear | Face-point interpolation scheme class derived from linear and returns linear weighting factors but also applies an explicit correction |
CPureUpwindFitScheme | Upwind biased fit surface interpolation scheme that applies an explicit correction to upwind |
CquadraticFitPolynomial | Quadratic polynomial for centred interpolation fitting |
CquadraticLinearFitPolynomial | Quadratic/linear polynomial for interpolation fitting: quadratic normal to the face, linear in the plane of the face for consistency with 2nd-order Gauss |
CquadraticLinearUpwindFitPolynomial | Quadratic polynomial for upwind biased interpolation fitting |
CquadraticUpwindFitPolynomial | Quadratic polynomial for upwind biased interpolation fitting |
CreverseLinear | Inversed weight centred interpolation interpolation scheme class |
CskewCorrected | Skewness-corrected interpolation scheme that applies an explicit correction to given scheme |
CskewCorrectionVectors | Skew-correction vectors for the skewness-corrected interpolation scheme |
CUpwindFitData | Data for the quadratic fit correction interpolation scheme to be used with upwind biased stencil |
CUpwindFitScheme | Upwind biased fit surface interpolation scheme that applies an explicit correction to linear |
Cweighted | Interpolation scheme class using weights looked-up from the objectRegistry |
CsurfaceInterpolation | Cell to surface interpolation scheme. Included in fvMesh |
CsurfaceInterpolationScheme | Abstract base class for surface interpolation schemes |
CpointConstraints | Application of (multi-)patch point constraints |
CvolPointInterpolation | Interpolate from cell centres to points (vertices) using inverse distance weighting |
CfieldDictionary | Read field as dictionary (without mesh) |
CfieldToCell | A topoSetSource to select cells based on field values |
CpatchFluxToFace | A topoSetSource to select patch faces according to the flux direction |
Csolver | Abstract base class for run-time selectable region solvers |
CsurfaceMesh | Mesh data needed to do the Finite Volume discretisation |
CvolMesh | Mesh data needed to do the Finite Volume discretisation |
CisVolMesh | Supports static assertion that a template argument is of type volMesh |
CisVolMesh< volMesh > | |
CDimensionedField | Field with dimensions and associated with geometry type GeoMesh which is used to size the field and a reference to it is maintained |
►CfindCellParticle | Particle class that finds cells by tracking |
CtrackingData | Class used to pass tracking data to the trackToFace function |
CListPlusEqOp | Plus op for FixedList<scalar> |
CstreamlinesCloud | A Cloud of streamlines particles |
►CstreamlinesParticle | Particle class that samples fields as it passes through. Used in streamlines calculation |
CtrackingData | |
CwallHeatTransferCoeffModel | Abstract base class for run time selection of heat transfer coefficient models |
CcodedFunctionObject | Provides a general interface to enable dynamic code compilation |
CMGridGenGAMGAgglomeration | Agglomerate using the MGridGen algorithm |
CpairPatchAgglomeration | Primitive patch pair agglomerate method |
►CpistonPointEdgeData | Holds information regarding nearest wall point. Used in PointEdgeWave. (so not standard FaceCellWave) To be used in wall distance calculation |
CtrackingData | Class used to pass data into container |
ClayerAndWeight | |
►CmeshPhiCorrectInfo | |
CtrackData | Tracking data. Mostly just a collection of references to the |
CmeshPhiPreCorrectInfo | |
CThermoRefPair | Class containing a pair of thermo references. Handles down-casting to more specific thermo types by constructing one pair from another (e.g., constructing a multicomponentThermo reference pair from a basicThermo pair). Tracks validity of the references |
CbladeModel | Blade model class calculates: Linear interpolated blade twist and chord based on radial position Interpolation factor (for interpolating profile performance) |
ClookupProfile | Look-up based profile data - drag and lift coefficients are linearly interpolated based on the supplied angle of attack |
CprofileModel | Base class for profile models |
CprofileModelList | List of profile models |
CseriesProfile | Series-up based profile data - drag and lift coefficients computed as sum of cosine series |
CfixedTrim | Fixed trim coefficients |
CtargetCoeffTrim | Target trim forces/coefficients |
CtrimModel | Trim model base class |
CdisplacementComponentLaplacianFvMotionSolver | Mesh motion solver for an fvMesh. Based on solving the cell-centre Laplacian for the given component of the motion displacement |
CvelocityComponentLaplacianFvMotionSolver | Mesh motion solver for an fvMesh. Based on solving the cell-centre Laplacian for the given component of the motion velocity |
CdisplacementLaplacianFvMotionSolver | Mesh motion solver for an fvMesh. Based on solving the cell-centre Laplacian for the motion displacement |
CdisplacementSBRStressFvMotionSolver | Mesh motion solver for an fvMesh. Based on solving the cell-centre solid-body rotation stress equations for the motion displacement |
CfvMotionSolver | Base class for fvMesh based motionSolvers |
CvelocityLaplacianFvMotionSolver | Mesh motion solver for an fvMesh. Based on solving the cell-centre Laplacian for the motion velocity |
CcellMotionFvPatchField | Foam::cellMotionFvPatchField |
CsurfaceSlipDisplacementFvPatchField | FvPatchField corresponding to surfaceSlipDisplacementPointPatchField. Is just a slip type since all hard work (projection) is done in the pointPatch field |
CdirectionalDiffusivity | Directional finite volume mesh motion diffusivity |
CfileDiffusivity | Motion diffusivity read from given file name |
CinverseDistanceDiffusivity | Inverse distance to the given patches motion diffusivity |
CinverseFaceDistanceDiffusivity | Inverse distance to the given patches motion diffusivity |
CinversePointDistanceDiffusivity | Inverse distance to the given patches motion diffusivity |
CinverseVolumeDiffusivity | Inverse cell-volume motion diffusivity |
CexponentialDiffusivity | Mesh motion diffusivity manipulator which returns the exp(-alpha/D) of the given diffusivity D |
CquadraticDiffusivity | Mesh motion diffusivity manipulator which returns the sqr of the given diffusivity |
CmotionDiffusivity | Abstract base class for cell-centre mesh motion diffusivity |
CmotionDirectionalDiffusivity | MotionDirectional finite volume mesh motion diffusivity |
CuniformDiffusivity | Uniform uniform finite volume mesh motion diffusivity |
CangularOscillatingDisplacementPointPatchVectorField | Foam::angularOscillatingDisplacementPointPatchVectorField |
CangularOscillatingVelocityPointPatchVectorField | Foam::angularOscillatingVelocityPointPatchVectorField |
CoscillatingDisplacementPointPatchVectorField | Foam::oscillatingDisplacementPointPatchVectorField |
CoscillatingVelocityPointPatchVectorField | Foam::oscillatingVelocityPointPatchVectorField |
CsurfaceDisplacementPointPatchVectorField | Displacement fixed by projection onto triSurface. Use in a displacementMotionSolver as a bc on the pointDisplacement field |
CsurfaceSlipDisplacementPointPatchVectorField | Displacement follows a triSurface. Use in a displacementMotionSolver as a bc on the pointDisplacement field. Following is done by calculating the projection onto the surface according to the projectMode |
CtimeVaryingMappedFixedValuePointPatchField | A time-varying form of a mapped fixed value boundary condition |
CuniformInterpolatedDisplacementPointPatchVectorField | Interpolates pre-specified motion |
CwaveDisplacementPointPatchVectorField | Specified surface wave moving boundary |
CgenericFieldBase | Base class for generic field types. Facilitates down-casting so that the actual type can be queried |
CgenericPointPatchField | This boundary condition provides a generic version of the calculated condition, useful as a fallback for handling unknown patch types when post-processing or running mesh manipulation utilities. Not generally applicable as a user-specified condition |
CgenericFvFieldSource | This provides a generic source condition, useful as a fallback for handling unknown types when post-processing or running mesh manipulation utilities. Not generally applicable as a user-specified condition |
CgenericFvPatchField | This boundary condition provides a generic version of the calculated condition, useful as a fallback for handling unknown patch types when post-processing or running mesh manipulation utilities. Not generally applicable as a user-specified condition |
CgenericFvPatch | Substitute for unknown patches. Used for post-processing when only basic fvPatch info is needed |
CgenericPointPatch | Substitute for unknown patches. Used for post-processing when only basic pointPatch info is needed |
CgenericPolyPatch | Substitute for unknown patches. Used for post-processing when only basic polyPatch info is needed |
CIDLListAppendEqOp | |
CCloud | Base cloud calls templated on particle type |
CIOPosition | Helper IO class to read and write particle positions |
Ccloud | A cloud is a collection of lagrangian particles |
CdemandDrivenEntry | Class for demand-driven dictionary entries |
CInteractionLists | Builds direct interaction list, specifying which local (real) cells are potentially in range of each other |
CreferredWallFace | Storage for referred wall faces. Stores patch index, face and associated points |
►Cparticle | Base particle class |
CtrackingData | |
CpassiveParticle | Copy of base particle |
CpassiveParticleCloud | A Cloud of passive particles |
CBinaryCollisionModel | Templated DSMC particle collision class |
CWallInteractionModel | Templated wall interaction model class |
CInflowBoundaryModel | Templated inflow boundary model class |
CDSMCCloud | Templated base class for dsmc cloud |
►CDSMCParcel | DSMC parcel class |
CconstantProperties | Class to hold DSMC particle constant properties |
CLarsenBorgnakkeVariableHardSphere | Variable Hard Sphere BinaryCollision Model with Larsen Borgnakke internal energy redistribution. Based on the INELRS subroutine in Bird's DSMC0R.FOR |
CNoBinaryCollision | No collision BinaryCollision Model |
CVariableHardSphere | Variable Hard Sphere BinaryCollision Model |
CFreeStream | Inserting new particles across the faces of a all patched of type "patch" for a free stream. Uniform values number density, temperature and velocity sourced face-by-face from the boundaryT and boundaryU fields of the cloud |
CNoInflow | Not inserting any particles |
CMaxwellianThermal | Wall interaction setting microscopic velocity to a random one drawn from a Maxwellian distribution corresponding to a specified temperature |
CMixedDiffuseSpecular | Wall interaction setting microscopic velocity to a random one drawn from a Maxwellian distribution corresponding to a specified temperature for a specified fraction of collisions, and reversing the wall-normal component of the particle velocity for the remainder |
CSpecularReflection | Reversing the wall-normal component of the particle velocity |
CbufferedAccumulator | |
CcorrelationFunction | |
►Cmolecule | Foam::molecule |
CconstantProperties | Class to hold molecule constant properties |
CtrackingData | Class used to pass tracking data to the trackToFace function |
CmoleculeCloud | |
CelectrostaticPotential | |
CenergyScalingFunction | |
CpairPotential | |
CpairPotentialList | |
Cpotential | |
CtetherPotential | |
CtetherPotentialList | |
CreducedUnits | |
CCollisionModel | Templated collision model class |
CCollidingCloud | Adds collisions to clouds |
CcloudSolution | Stores all relevant solution info for cloud |
CInjectionModelList | List of injection models |
CDispersionModel | |
CPatchInteractionModel | Templated patch interaction model class |
CSurfaceFilmModel | Templated wall surface film model class |
CStochasticCollisionModel | Templated stochastic collision model class |
CMomentumCloud | Templated base class for momentum cloud |
CPackingModel | Base class for packing models |
CDampingModel | Base class for collisional damping models |
CIsotropyModel | Base class for collisional return-to-isotropy models |
CMPPICCloud | Adds MPPIC modelling to clouds |
CPhaseChangeModel | Templated phase change model class |
CReactingCloud | Templated base class for reacting cloud |
CDevolatilisationModel | Templated devolatilisation model class |
CSurfaceReactionModel | Templated surface reaction model class |
CReactingMultiphaseCloud | Templated base class for multiphase reacting cloud |
CAtomisationModel | Templated atomisation model class |
CBreakupModel | Templated break-up model class |
CSprayCloud | Templated base class for spray cloud |
CInjectionModel | Templated injection model class |
CHeatTransferModel | Templated heat transfer model class |
CCompositionModel | Templated reacting parcel composition model class Consists of carrier species (via thermo package), and additional liquids and solids |
CThermoCloud | Templated base class for thermodynamic cloud |
CintegrationScheme | Base for a set of schemes which integrate simple ODEs which arise from semi-implicit rate expressions |
CparcelCloud | Virtual abstract base class for parcel clouds. As parcelCloudBase but with additional virtualisation of the evolve method, plus some additional methods that are defined below the parcel-cloud layer (i.e., in Cloud). These methods are implemented by forwarding in the ParcelCloud class |
CParcelCloud | Outermost template for parcel clouds. Adds the parcelCloud virtualisation layer and forwards the methods required by that layer |
CParcelCloudBase | Base template for parcel clouds. Inserts the parcelCloudBase virtualisation layer into the class. Also defines default zero-return source methods to enable the less functional clouds to be used in more complex situations |
CparcelCloudBase | Virtual abstract base class for parcel clouds. Inserted by ParcelCloudBase into the base of the cloud template hierarchy and adds virtualisation of most methods defined by the clouds |
CparcelCloudList | List of parcel clouds, with the same interface as an individual parcel cloud. This is the object that should be constructed by an fvModel, or any system that can call this class' mesh change functions. A solver should not* construct this object, as that would not provide a mechanism for the mesh change functions to be executed. A solver should construct a parcelClouds object instead |
CparcelClouds | List of parcel clouds, with the same interface as an individual parcel cloud. Is a mesh object, so mesh change hooks are provided and will be applied to the contained cloud. This is the object that should be constructed by a solver in order to support the coupled simulation of multiple clouds. An fvModel should *not* construct this object, as that would nest two mesh objects. An fvModel should construct the base parcelCloudList instead |
►CCollidingParcel | Wrapper around parcel types to add collision modelling |
CconstantProperties | Class to hold thermo particle constant properties |
CtrackingData | Class to hold temporary data during tracking |
CCollisionRecordList | |
CPairCollisionRecord | Record of a collision between the particle holding the record and the particle with the stored id |
CWallCollisionRecord | Record of a collision between the particle holding the record and a wall face at the position relative to the centre of the particle |
►CMomentumParcel | Momentum parcel class with rotational motion (as spherical particles only) and one/two-way coupling with the continuous phase |
CconstantProperties | Class to hold momentum parcel constant properties |
CtrackingData | |
►CMPPICParcel | Wrapper around parcel types to add MPPIC modelling |
CtrackingData | |
CAveragingMethod | Base class for lagrangian averaging methods |
►CReactingMultiphaseParcel | Multiphase variant of the reacting parcel class with one/two-way coupling with the continuous phase |
CconstantProperties | Class to hold reacting multiphase particle constant properties |
►CReactingParcel | Reacting parcel class with one/two-way coupling with the continuous phase |
CconstantProperties | Class to hold reacting parcel constant properties |
►CSprayParcel | Reaching spray parcel, with added functionality for atomisation and breakup |
CconstantProperties | Class to hold reacting particle constant properties |
►CThermoParcel | Thermodynamic parcel class with one/two-way coupling with the continuous phase |
CconstantProperties | Class to hold thermo particle constant properties |
CtrackingData | |
CparcelThermo | Thermo package for (S)olids (L)iquids and (G)ases Takes reference to thermo package, and provides: |
CphaseProperties | Helper class to manage multi-specie phase properties |
CphasePropertiesList | Simple container for a list of phase properties |
CCloudFunctionObject | Templated cloud function object base class |
CCloudFunctionObjectList | List of cloud function objects |
CFacePostProcessing | Records particle face quantities on used-specified face zone |
CFlux | Function objects which generate the number, volume or mass flux of particles in a cloud |
CNumberFlux | |
CVolumeFlux | |
CMassFlux | |
CParticleCollector | Function object to collect the parcel mass- and mass flow rate over a set of polygons. The polygons can either be specified by sets of user- supplied points, or in a concentric circles arrangement. If a parcel is 'collected', it can be flagged to be removed from the domain using the removeCollected entry |
CParticleErosion | Function object to create a field of eroded volume, Q, on a specified list of patches. The volume is calculated by the model of Finnie et al. The implementation follows the description given by the review of Yadav et al |
CParticleTracks | Records particle state (all variables) on each call to postFace |
CParticleTrap | Traps particles within a given phase fraction for multi-phase cases |
CPatchCollisionDensity | Function object which generates fields of the number and mass and rates thereof of collisions per unit area on all patches. Can optionally take a minimum speed below which a collision is not counted |
CPatchPostProcessing | Standard post-processing |
CRelativeVelocity | Function object which generates a lagrangian field containing the velocity of each particle relative to the velocity of the surrounding fluid |
CSizeDistribution | Creates graphs of a cloud's size distribution |
CVolumeFraction | Creates particle volume fraction field on carrier phase |
CCloudSubModelBase | Base class for cloud sub-models |
CParticleForceList | List of particle forces |
CNoCollision | Place holder for 'none' option |
CPairModel | Templated pair interaction class |
CWallModel | Templated wall interaction class |
CPairCollision | |
CPairSpringSliderDashpot | Pair forces between particles colliding with a spring, slider, damper model |
CWallLocalSpringSliderDashpot | Forces between particles and walls, interacting with a spring, slider, damper model |
CWallSpringSliderDashpot | Forces between particles and walls, interacting with a spring, slider, damper model |
CWallSiteData | Stores the patch ID and templated data to represent a collision with a wall to be passed to the wall model |
CDispersionRASModel | Base class for particle dispersion models based on RAS turbulence |
CGradientDispersionRAS | The velocity is perturbed in the direction of -grad(k), with a Gaussian random number distribution with variance sigma. where sigma is defined below |
CNoDispersion | Place holder for 'none' option |
CStochasticDispersionRAS | The velocity is perturbed in random direction, with a Gaussian random number distribution with variance sigma. where sigma is defined below |
CCellZoneInjection | Injection positions specified by a particle number density within a cell set |
CConeInjection | This injector injects particles in a number of cones. The user specifies a position and a direction to inject at, and two angles to inject between. Optionally, this injector can introduce particles over a disc, instead of at a point, in which case inner and outer diameters of the disc are also specified |
CFieldActivatedInjection | Injection at specified positions, with the conditions: |
CinjectionModel | Non-templated base class for lagrangian injection models |
CManualInjection | Manual injection |
CMomentumLookupTableInjection | Particle injection sources read from look-up table. Each row corresponds to an injection site |
CmomentumParcelInjectionData | Container class to provide injection data for momentum parcels |
CNoInjection | Place holder for 'none' option |
CPatchFlowRateInjection | Patch injection, by using patch flow rate to determine concentration and velocity |
CPatchInjection | Patch injection |
CpatchInjectionBase | Base class for patch-based injection models |
CDenseDragForce | |
CDistortedSphereDragForce | Drag model for distorted spheres |
CErgunWenYuDragForce | Ergun-Wen-Yu drag model for solid spheres |
CNonSphereDragForce | Drag model for non-spherical particles |
CPlessisMasliyahDragForce | Plessis-Masliyah drag model for spheres |
CSchillerNaumannDragForce | Schiller-Naumann drag model for spheres |
CSphereDragForce | Drag model for spheres |
CWenYuDragForce | Wen-Yu drag model for spheres |
CforceSuSp | Helper container for force Su and Sp terms |
CGravityForce | Calculates particle gravity force |
CLiftForce | Base class for particle lift force models |
CSaffmanMeiLiftForce | Saffman-Mei particle lift force model applicable to spherical particles |
CTomiyamaLiftForce | Tomiyama particle lift force model applicable to deformable bubbles |
CNonInertialFrameForce | Calculates particle non-inertial reference frame force. Variable names as from Landau and Lifshitz, Mechanics, 3rd Ed, p126-129 |
CParamagneticForce | Calculates particle paramagnetic (magnetic field) force |
CParticleForce | Abstract base class for particle forces |
CPressureGradientForce | Calculates particle pressure gradient force |
CScaledForce | Particle force model scaled by a constant value |
CVirtualMassForce | Calculates particle virtual mass force |
CwordReAndDictionary | |
CLocalInteraction | Patch interaction specified on a patch-by-patch basis |
CNoInteraction | Dummy class for 'none' option - will raise an error if any functions are called that require return values |
CRebound | Simple rebound patch interaction model |
CStandardWallInteraction | Wall interaction model |
CNoStochasticCollision | Dummy collision model for 'none' |
CNoSurfaceFilm | Place holder for 'none' option |
CCorrectionLimitingMethod | Base class for correction limiting methods |
CParticleStressModel | Base class for inter-particle stress models |
CTimeScaleModel | Base class for time scale models |
CNoComposition | Dummy class for 'none' option - will raise an error if any functions are called that require return values |
CSingleMixtureFraction | Templated parcel multi-phase, multi-component class |
CSinglePhaseMixture | Templated parcel single phase, multi-component class |
CReactingLookupTableInjection | Particle injection sources read from look-up table. Each row corresponds to an injection site |
CreactingParcelInjectionData | Container class to provide injection data for reacting parcels |
CLiquidEvaporation | Liquid evaporation model |
CLiquidEvaporationBoil | Liquid evaporation model |
CNoPhaseChange | Dummy phase change model for 'none' |
CConstantRateDevolatilisation | Constant rate devolatisation model |
CNoDevolatilisation | Dummy devolatilisation model for 'none' |
CSingleKineticRateDevolatilisation | Single kinetic rate devolatisation model |
CReactingMultiphaseLookupTableInjection | Particle injection sources read from look-up table. Each row corresponds to an injection site |
CreactingMultiphaseParcelInjectionData | Container class to provide injection data for reacting multiphase parcels |
CSuppressionCollision | Inter-cloud collision model, whereby the canReact flag can be used to inhibit devolatilisation and surface reactions |
CCOxidationDiffusionLimitedRate | Diffusion limited rate surface reaction model for coal parcels. Limited to: |
CCOxidationHurtMitchell | Char oxidation model given by Hurt and Mitchell: |
CCOxidationIntrinsicRate | Intrinsic char surface reaction mndel |
CCOxidationKineticDiffusionLimitedRate | Kinetic/diffusion limited rate surface reaction model for coal parcels. Limited to: |
CCOxidationMurphyShaddix | Limited to C(s) + O2 -> CO2 |
CNoSurfaceReaction | Dummy surface reaction model for 'none' |
CBlobsSheetAtomisation | Primary Breakup Model for pressure swirl atomisers |
CLISAAtomisation | Primary Breakup Model for pressure swirl atomisers |
CNoAtomisation | Dummy phase change model for 'none' |
CETAB | The Enhanced TAB model |
CNoBreakup | Dummy breakup model for 'none' |
CPilchErdman | Particle secondary breakup model, based on the references: |
CReitzDiwakar | Secondary breakup model |
CReitzKHRT | Secondary breakup model which uses the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability theory to predict the 'stripped' droplets... and the Raleigh-Taylor instability as well |
CSHF | Secondary Breakup Model to take account of the different breakup regimes, bag, solutionmode, shear... |
CTAB | The TAB Method for Numerical Calculation of Spray Droplet Breakup |
CORourkeCollision | Collision model by P.J. O'Rourke |
CTrajectoryCollision | Trajectory collision model by N. Nordin, based on O'Rourke's collision model |
CNoHeatTransfer | Dummy heat transfer model for 'none' |
CRanzMarshall | The Ranz-Marshall correlation for heat transfer |
CThermoLookupTableInjection | Particle injection sources read from look-up table. Each row corresponds to an injection site |
CthermoParcelInjectionData | Container class to provide injection data for thermodynamic parcels |
CBrownianMotionForce | Calculates particle Brownian motion force |
►CsolidParticle | Simple solid spherical particle class with one-way coupling with the continuous phase |
CtrackingData | Class used to pass tracking data to the trackToFace function |
CsolidParticleCloud | A Cloud of solid particles |
CblockDescriptor | Takes the description of the block and the list of curved edges and creates a list of points on edges together with the weighting factors |
►CblockEdge | Define a curved edge that is parameterised for 0<lambda<1 between the start and end point |
CiNew | Class used for the read-construction of |
CBSpline | An implementation of B-splines |
ClineDivide | Divides a line into segments |
CpolyLine | A series of straight line segments, which can also be interpreted as a series of control points for splines, etc |
CprojectCurveEdge | Defines the edge from the projection onto a surface (single surface) or intersection of two surfaces |
CprojectEdge | Defines the edge from the projection onto a surface (single surface) or intersection of two surfaces |
CCatmullRomSpline | An implementation of Catmull-Rom splines (sometimes known as Overhauser splines) |
►CblockFace | Define a curved face |
CiNew | Class used for the read-construction of |
CblockMesh | A multi-block mesh generator |
►Cblock | Creates a single block of cells from point coordinates, numbers of cells in each direction and an expansion ratio |
CiNew | Class used for the read-construction of |
►CblockVertex | Define a block vertex |
CiNew | Class used for the read-construction of |
CgradingDescriptor | Handles the specification for grading within a section of a block |
CgradingDescriptors | List of gradingDescriptor for the sections of a block with additional IO functionality |
CextrudeModel | Top level extrusion model class |
CdisplacementMeshMoverMotionSolver | Mesh motion solver for an fvMesh. Based on solving the cell-centre Laplacian for the motion displacement |
CexternalDisplacementMeshMover | Virtual base class for mesh movers with externally provided displacement field giving the boundary conditions. Move the mesh from the current location to a new location (so modify the mesh; v.s. motionSolver that only returns the new location) |
CmedialAxisMeshMover | Mesh motion solver that uses a medial axis algorithm to work out a fraction between the (nearest point on a) moving surface and the (nearest point on a) fixed surface. This fraction is then used to scale the motion. Use |
CzeroFixedValuePointPatchField | Enables the specification of a zero fixed value boundary condition |
CmeshRefinement | Helper class which maintains intersections of (changing) mesh with (static) surfaces |
CnormalLess | To compare normals |
CpTraits< labelList > | Template specialisation for pTraits<labelList> so we can have fields |
CpTraits< vectorList > | Template specialisation for pTraits<labelList> so we can have fields |
CpatchFaceOrientation | Transport of orientation for use in PatchEdgeFaceWave |
CbadQualityToCell | Selects bad quality cells (using snappyHexMesh/cvMesh mesh quality selector) |
CbadQualityToFace | Selects bad quality faces (using snappyHexMesh/cvMesh mesh quality selector) |
CmotionSmoother | Given a displacement moves the mesh by scaling the displacement back until there are no more mesh errors |
CmotionSmootherAlgo | Given a displacement moves the mesh by scaling the displacement back until there are no more mesh errors |
CmotionSmootherData | |
CrefinementFeatures | Encapsulates queries for features |
CrefinementRegions | Encapsulates queries for volume refinement ('refine all cells within shell') |
CrefinementSurfaces | Container for data on surfaces used for surface-driven refinement. Contains all the data about the level of refinement needed per surface |
CsurfaceZonesInfo | |
ClayerParameters | Simple container to keep together layer specific information |
CpointData | Variant of pointEdgePoint with some transported additional data. WIP - should be templated on data like wallPointData |
►CrefinementParameters | Simple container to keep together refinement specific information |
CcellSelectionPoints | Class to hold the points to select cells inside and outside |
CsnapParameters | Simple container to keep together snap specific information |
CsnappyLayerDriver | All to do with adding layers |
CsnappyRefineDriver | |
CsnappySnapDriver | All to do with snapping to surface |
ClistPlusEqOp | |
►CtrackedParticle | Particle class that marks cells it passes through. Used to mark cells visited by feature edges |
CtrackingData | Class used to pass tracking data to the trackToFace function |
CtransformPositionList | Default transformation behaviour for position |
CFaceCellWave | Wave propagation of information through grid. Every iteration information goes through one layer of cells. Templated on information that is transferred |
CpatchEdgeFacePoint | Transport of nearest point location for use in PatchEdgeFaceWave |
CPatchEdgeFacePointData | Transport of nearest point location, plus data, for use in PatchEdgeFaceWave |
CpatchEdgeFaceRegion | Transport of region for use in PatchEdgeFaceWave. Set element to -2 to denote blocked |
CpatchEdgeFaceRegions | Transport of regions for use in PatchEdgeFaceWave. Set element to -1 to denote blocked |
CPatchEdgeFaceWave | Wave propagation of information along patch. Every iteration information goes through one layer of faces. Templated on information that is transferred |
CupdateOp | Update operation |
CtransformOp | Transform operation |
CpatchPatchDist | Like wallDist but calculates on a patch the distance to nearest neighbouring patches. Uses PatchEdgeFaceWave to do actual calculation |
CpointEdgePoint | Holds information regarding nearest wall point. Used in PointEdgeWave. (so not standard FaceCellWave) To be used in wall distance calculation |
CcombineEqOp | Reduction class. If x and y are not equal assign value |
CPointEdgeWave | Wave propagation of information through grid. Every iteration information goes through one layer of edges |
ClistUpdateOp | List update operation |
CcellClassification | 'Cuts' a mesh with a surface |
CcellInfo | Holds information regarding type of cell. Used in inside/outside determination in cellClassification |
CcellFeatures | Cell analysis class |
CcellsToCells | Class to calculate interpolative addressing and weights between the cells of two overlapping meshes |
CcellsToCellsStabilisation | Stabilisation data and routines for cell-to-cell interpolations |
CaxesRotation | A coordinate rotation specified using global axis |
CcoordinateRotation | Abstract base class for coordinate rotation |
Ccylindrical | A local coordinate rotation |
CEulerCoordinateRotation | A coordinateRotation defined in the z-x-y Euler convention |
CSTARCDCoordinateRotation | A coordinateRotation defined by the STAR-CD convention |
CcoordinateSystem | Base class for other coordinate system specifications |
CcoordinateSystems >> | |
CQuickHashEdge | |
CcellEdgeAddressingWorkspace | |
CcellEdgeAddressingData | Engine for providing cell-local cell-edge to face-edge addressing |
CcellEdgeAddressing | |
CcellEdgeAddressingList | |
CcutPolyIsoSurface | Iso-surface class based on the cutPoly cutting routines |
CedgeFaceCirculator | Walks from starting face around edge |
CedgeMesh | Points connected by edges |
CextendedEdgeMesh | Description of feature edges and points |
CextendedFeatureEdgeMesh | ExtendedEdgeMesh + IO |
CtypeGlobal< extendedFeatureEdgeMesh > | Trait for obtaining global status |
CfeatureEdgeMesh | EdgeMesh + IO |
CtypeGlobal< featureEdgeMesh > | Trait for obtaining global status |
►CindexedOctree | Non-pointer based hierarchical recursive searching |
Cnode | Tree node. Has up pointer and down pointers |
►CtreeDataEdge | Holds data for octree to work on an edges subset |
CfindIntersectOp | |
CfindNearestOp | |
►CtreeDataFace | Encapsulation of data needed to search for faces |
CfindIntersectOp | |
CfindNearestOp | |
►CtreeDataPoint | Holds (reference to) pointField. Encapsulation of data needed for octree searches. Used for searching for nearest point. No bounding boxes around points. Only overlaps and calcNearest are implemented, rest makes little sense |
CfindIntersectOp | |
CfindNearestOp | |
►CtreeDataPrimitivePatch | Encapsulation of data needed to search on PrimitivePatches |
CfindAllIntersectOp | |
CfindIntersectOp | |
CfindNearestOp | |
CfindSelfIntersectOp | |
ClayerInfo | Class to be used with FaceCellWave which enumerates layers of cells |
CLayerInfoData | Class to be used with FaceCellWave which enumerates layers of cells and transports data through those layers |
CpointEdgeLayerInfo | Class to be used with PointEdgeWave which enumerates layers of points |
CPointEdgeLayerInfoData | Class to be used with PointEdgeWave which enumerates layers of points |
CmappedExtrudedPatchBase | Engine which provides mapping between two patches and which offsets the geometry to account for the extrusion thickness |
CmappedExtrudedWallPointPatch | |
CmappedExtrudedWallPolyPatch | Wall patch which holds a mapping engine to map values from another patch |
CmappedInternalPatchBase | Engine which provides mapping from cells to patch faces |
CmappedInternalPointPatch | |
CmappedInternalPolyPatch | Patch which holds a mapping engine to map cell values onto the patch |
CmappedPatchBase | Engine and base class for poly patches which provides interpolative mapping between two globally conforming poly patches |
►CmappedPatchBaseBase | Base class for engines and poly patches which provide mapping between two poly patches |
Cfrom | Restrict use of the mapper to certain configurations |
CmappedPointPatch | |
CmappedWallPointPatch | |
CmappedPolyPatch | Poly patch which can do interpolative mapping of values from another globally conforming poly patch |
CmappedWallPolyPatch | Wall poly patch which can do interpolative mapping of values from another globally conforming poly patch |
CnonConformalMappedPatchBase | Base class for poly patches which provides non-conformal mapping between two potentially non-globally conforming poly patches |
CnonConformalMappedWallPointPatch | |
CnonConformalMappedWallPolyPatch | Wall poly patch which can do non-conformal mapping of values from another potentially non-globally conforming wall poly patch |
CfindUniqueIntersectOp | |
CmeshSearch | Various (local, not parallel) searches on polyMesh; uses (demand driven) octree to search |
CmeshSearchFACE_CENTRE_TRISMeshObject | DemandDrivenMeshObject wrapper around meshSearch(mesh, polyMesh::FACE_CENTRE_TRIS) |
CmeshSearchMeshObject | DemandDrivenMeshObject wrapper around meshSearch(mesh) |
CmeshStructure | Detect extruded mesh structure given a set of patch faces |
CpointTopoDistanceData | For use with PointEdgeWave. Determines topological distance to starting points |
CtopoDistanceData | For use with FaceCellWave. Determines topological distance to starting faces |
CmeshToMesh | Class to calculate interpolative addressing and weights between the cells and patches of two overlapping meshes |
CmomentOfInertia | Calculates the inertia tensor and principal axes and moments of a polyhedra/cells/triSurfaces. Inertia can either be of the solid body or of a thin shell |
►CnonConformalBoundary | Mesh object that stores an all boundary patch and mapping to and from it and the mesh and the individual patches |
CTypeMethod | Simple wrapper for a type and a method |
CnonConformalCyclicPointPatch | Constraint patch for nonConformalCyclic couplings |
CnonConformalErrorPointPatch | Constraint patch for errors associated with nonConformalCyclic couplings |
CnonConformalProcessorCyclicPointPatch | Constraint patch for nonConformalProcessorCyclic couplings |
CnonConformalCyclicPointPatchField | Constraint pointPatchField for nonConformalCyclic couplings |
CnonConformalErrorPointPatchField | Constraint pointPatchField for nonConformalError patches |
CnonConformalProcessorCyclicPointPatchField | Constraint pointPatchField for nonConformalProcessorCyclic couplings |
CnonConformalPolyPatch | Non-conformal poly patch. This patch is a placeholder and must have no faces. This patch is linked to an "original" patch. Other parts of the code (i.e., finite volume) will use this patch to create non-empty patches that do not conform to the poly mesh |
CnonConformalCoupledPolyPatch | Non-conformal coupled poly patch. As nonConformalPolyPatch, but this patch is coupled to another non-conformal patch. Information about the owner/neighbour relationship and transformation are made available by this class. Also, this patch allows access to the error patch |
CnonConformalCyclicPolyPatch | Non-conformal cyclic poly patch. As nonConformalCoupledPolyPatch, but the neighbouring patch is local and known and is made available by this class |
CnonConformalErrorPolyPatch | Non-conformal error poly patch. As nonConformalPolyPatch. This patch is a non-coupled non-conformal patch which is used to manage the errors created during the construction of a non-conformal coupled interface. Every patch used as the original patch of the owner side of a non-conformal coupled interface must also have an associated error patch |
CnonConformalProcessorCyclicPolyPatch | Non-conformal processor cyclic poly patch. As nonConformalCyclicPolyPatch, but the neighbouring patch is on a different processor |
CWallInfo | Holds information regarding nearest wall point. Used in wall distance calculation |
CwallFace | Holds information regarding nearest wall point. Used in wall distance calculation |
CwallPoint | Holds information regarding nearest wall point. Used in wall distance calculation |
CFacePatchIntersection | Patch intersection based on polygonal faces. This triangulates the supplied patches and passes them to TriPatchIntersection. It then re-combines the triangles that TriPatchIntersection generates |
CpatchIntersection | Base class for patch intersections. Provides type name and debugging. See templated derivatives for actual functionality |
CPatchIntersection | Base class for patch intersections. Provides storage and access to the intersection points and faces and their relationship between the source and target patches |
CpolyPatchIntersection | Intersection between two polyPatches |
CprimitivePatchIntersection | Intersection between two primitive patches |
►Cstar | Engine for constructing a star-shaped domain by walking |
Ccontext | Context class. Returned by populate and resets the star when it |
CedgeLink | Star-edge structure. Poor man's linked list link |
CTriPatchIntersection | Patch intersection based on triangular faces. Intersects and combines two triangulated patches incrementally. The intersected surface is valid at every stage of the process. Failure to intersect does not produce a catastrophic error. Rather, it results in regions of the surface remaining associated with only one of the source or the target patch |
CpatchToPatch | Class to generate coupling geometry between two primitive patches |
CpatchToPatchStabilisation | Stabilisation data and routines for patch-to-patch interpolations |
CpatchToPatchFieldMapper | Base class for fieldMappers which uses a patchToPatch object to map from another patch. The source patch may be differently decomposed and/or geometrically and topologically different from the target. Derived into versions which handle unmapped regions differently |
CpatchToPatchLeftOverFieldMapper | Patch-to-patch fieldMapper which retains values in the target field for parts of the patch that do not overlap the source. This process needs an input target field as well as a source field, so it can only map a field in-place |
CpatchToPatchNormalisedFieldMapper | Patch-to-patch fieldMapper which fills values for non-overlapping parts of the target patch by normalisation (for partly non-overlapping faces), or by referencing values from the nearest overlapping part (for completely non-overlapping faces) |
CpointDist | Calculates the distance to the specified sets of patch and pointZone points or for all points |
►CpointEdgeDist | Holds information regarding nearest wall point. Used in PointEdgeWave. (so not standard FaceCellWave) To be used in wall distance calculation |
Cdata | Class used to pass data into container |
CUFaceList | |
CUFaceList< UList< Face > > | |
CUFaceList< List< Face > > | |
CUFaceList< SubList< Face > > | |
CUFaceList< UIndirectList< Face > > | |
CUFaceList< IndirectList< Face > > | |
CPrimitiveOldTimePatch | |
CminEqOpFace | |
ClocalPointRegion | Takes mesh with 'baffles' (= boundary faces sharing points). Determines for selected points on boundary faces the 'point region' it is connected to. Each region can be visited by a cell-face-cell walk. Used in duplicating points after splitting baffles |
CminData | For use with FaceCellWave. Transports minimum passive data |
CregionSplit | This class separates the mesh into distinct unconnected regions, each of which is then given a label according to globalNumbering() |
CclosedTriSurfaceMesh | Like triSurface, a surface geometry formed of discrete facets, e.g. \ triangles and/or quadrilaterals, defined in a file using formats such as Wavefront OBJ, or stereolithography STL. A closedTriSurfaceMesh is a geometry surface which is meant to be closed but contains some imperfections, e.g. small holes or multiple parts, which mean it is not strictly closed |
CsearchableBox | Surface geometry with a rectangular box shape, aligned with the coordinate axes, which can be used with snappyHexMesh |
CsearchableCylinder | Surface geometry with a cylinder shape, which can be used with snappyHexMesh |
CsearchableDisk | Surface geometry with a circular disk shape, which can be used with snappyHexMesh |
CsearchableExtrudedCircle | Surface geometry with a tube shape, which can be used with snappyHexMesh. The geometry is formed from a line geometry, described by the edgeMesh (.eMesh) file format, to which a radius is applied to form a tube |
CsearchablePlane | Surface geometry of an infinite plane, which can be used with snappyHexMesh |
CsearchablePlate | Surface geometry of a finite plane, aligned with the coordinate axes, which can be used with snappyHexMesh |
CsearchableSphere | Surface geometry with a sphere shape, which can be used with snappyHexMesh |
►CsearchableSurface | Base class of (analytical or triangulated) surface. Encapsulates all the search routines. WIP |
CiNew | Class used for the read-construction of |
CsearchableSurfaceCollection | Makes a collection of surface geometries by copying from an existing defined surface geometry. There are no boolean operations, e.g. overlapping surfaces are not intersected |
CsearchableSurfaces | Container for searchableSurfaces |
CsearchableSurfacesQueries | A collection of tools for searchableSurfaces |
CsearchableSurfaceWithGaps | SearchableSurface using multiple slightly shifted underlying surfaces to make sure pierces don't go through gaps: |
CtriSurfaceMesh | A surface geometry formed of discrete facets, e.g. triangles and/or quadrilaterals, defined in a file using formats such as Wavefront OBJ, or stereolithography STL |
CtypeGlobal< triSurfaceMesh > | Trait for obtaining global status |
CboxToCell | A topoSetSource to select cells based on cell centres inside box(es) |
CcellToCell | A topoSetSource to select the cells from another cellSet |
CcylinderAnnulusToCell | A topoSetSource to select cells based on cell centres inside a cylinder annulus |
CcylinderToCell | A topoSetSource to select cells based on cell centres inside a cylinder |
CfaceToCell | A topoSetSource to select cells based on usage in faces |
CfaceZoneToCell | A topoSetSource to select cells based on side of faceZone |
ChemisphereToCell | A topoSetSource to select cells based on cell centres inside a hemisphere |
ClabelToCell | A topoSetSource to select cells based on explicitly given labels |
CnbrToCell | A topoSetSource to select cells based on number of neighbouring cells (i.e. number of internal or coupled faces) |
CnearestToCell | A topoSetSource to select cells nearest to points |
CpatchDistanceToCell | A topoSetSource to select cells based on distance to a set of patches |
CpointToCell | A topoSetSource to select cells based on usage of points |
CregionToCell | TopoSetSource. Select cells belonging to topological connected region (that contains given points) |
CrotatedBoxToCell | A topoSetSource to select cells based on cell centres inside a rotated and/or skewed box |
CshapeToCell | A topoSetSource to select cells based on cell shape |
CsphereToCell | A topoSetSource to select cells based on cell centres inside sphere |
CsurfaceToCell | A topoSetSource to select cells based on relation to surface |
CtargetVolumeToCell | A topoSetSource to select cells based on the wanted volume of selected cells. Adapts a plane until it has enough |
CtruncatedConeToCell | A topoSetSource to select cells with centres inside a truncated cone |
CzoneToCell | A topoSetSource to select faces based on cellZone |
CsetToCellZone | A topoSetSource to select cells based on usage in a cellSet |
CboundaryToFace | A topoSetSource to select all external (boundary) faces |
CboxToFace | A topoSetSource to select faces based on face centres inside box |
CcellToFace | A topoSetSource to select a faceSet from cells |
CcylinderAnnulusToFace | A topoSetSource to select faces based on face centres inside a cylinder annulus |
CcylinderToFace | A topoSetSource to select faces based on face centres inside a cylinder |
CfaceToFace | A topoSetSource to select faces based on usage in another faceSet |
ClabelToFace | A topoSetSource to select faces given explicitly provided face labels |
CnormalToFace | A topoSetSource to select faces based on normal |
CpatchToFace | A topoSetSource to select faces based on usage in patches |
CpointToFace | A topoSetSource to select faces based on use of points |
CregionToFace | A topoSetSource to select faces belonging to topological connected region (that contains given point) |
CrotatedBoxToFace | A topoSetSource to select faces based on cell centres inside a rotated and/or skewed box |
CzoneToFace | A topoSetSource to select faces from a faceZone |
CfaceZoneToFaceZone | A topoSetSource to select faces based on usage in another faceSet |
CplaneToFaceZone | A topoSetSource to select faces based on the adjacent cell centres spanning a given plane. The plane is defined by a point and normal vector |
CsearchableSurfaceToFaceZone | A topoSetSource to select faces based on intersection (of cell-cell vector) with a surface |
CsetAndNormalToFaceZone | A topoSetSource to select faces based on usage in a faceSet, where the normal vector is used to orient the faces |
CsetsToFaceZone | A topoSetSource to select faces based on usage in a faceSet and cellSet |
CsetToFaceZone | A topoSetSource to select faces based on usage in a faceSet. Sets flipMap to true |
CboxToPoint | A topoSetSource to select points based on whether they are inside box |
CcellToPoint | A topoSetSource to select points based on usage in cells |
CfaceToPoint | A topoSetSource to select points based on usage in faces |
ClabelToPoint | A topoSetSource to select points given explicitly provided labels |
CnearestToPoint | A topoSetSource to select points nearest to points |
CpointToPoint | A topoSetSource to select points based on usage in pointSet |
CsurfaceToPoint | A topoSetSource to selects points based on relation to surface |
CzoneToPoint | A topoSetSource to select points based on pointZone |
CsetToPointZone | A topoSetSource to select points based on usage in a pointSet |
CpolyCellSet | General run-time selected cell set selection class for polyMesh |
CcellSet | A collection of cell labels |
CcellZoneSet | Like cellSet but -reads data from cellZone -updates cellZone when writing |
CfaceSet | A list of face labels |
CfaceZoneSet | Like faceSet but -reads data from faceZone -updates faceZone when writing |
CpointSet | A set of point labels |
CpointZoneSet | Like pointSet but -reads data from pointZone -updates pointZone when writing |
CtopoSet | General set of labels of mesh quantity (points, cells, faces) |
►CtopoSetSource | Base class of a source for a topoSet |
CiNew | Class used for the read-construction of |
CsurfaceSets | Various utilities to handle sets relating mesh to surface. Note: work in progress. Used in meshing tools |
CtetOverlapVolume | Calculates the overlap volume of two cells using tetrahedral decomposition |
CbooleanSurface | Surface-surface intersection. Given two surfaces construct combined surface |
CedgeSurface | Description of surface in form of 'cloud of edges' |
CintersectedSurface | Given triSurface and intersection creates the intersected (properly triangulated) surface. (note: intersection is the list of points and edges 'shared' by two surfaces) |
CedgeIntersections | Holder of intersections of edges of a surface with another surface. Optionally shuffles around points on surface to resolve any 'conflicts' (edge hitting triangle edge, edge hitting point etc.) |
CsurfaceIntersection | Basic surface-surface intersection description. Constructed from two surfaces it creates a description of the intersection |
CorientedSurface | Given point flip all faces such that normals point in same direction |
CsurfaceFeatures | Holds feature edges/points of surface |
CsurfaceLocation | Contains information about location on a triSurface |
CtriangleFuncs | Various triangle functions |
CtriSurfaceRegionSearch | Helper class to search on triSurface. Creates an octree for each region of the surface and only searches on the specified regions |
CtriSurfaceSearch | Helper class to search on triSurface |
CpointToPointPlanarInterpolation | Interpolates between two sets of unstructured points using 2D Delaunay triangulation. Used in e.g. timeVaryingMapped bcs |
CtriSurfaceTools | A collection of tools for triSurface |
CtwoDPointCorrector | Class applies a two-dimensional correction to mesh motion point field |
CcompressibleMomentumTransportModel | Base class for single-phase compressible turbulence models |
CincompressibleMomentumTransportModel | Base class for single-phase incompressible turbulence models |
CkOmegaSST | Implementation of the k-omega-SST turbulence model for incompressible and compressible flows |
CfixedShearStressFvPatchVectorField | Set a constant shear stress as tau0 = -nuEff dU/dn |
CporousBafflePressureFvPatchField | This boundary condition provides a porous baffle pressure jump condition, using the cyclic condition as a base. The jump in pressure is defined by: |
CepsilonWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides a turbulence dissipation wall constraint for low- and high-Reynolds number turbulence models |
CkLowReWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides a turbulence kinetic energy wall function condition for low- and high-Reynolds number turbulent flow cases |
CkqRWallFunctionFvPatchField | This boundary condition provides a suitable condition for turbulence k , q , and R fields for the case of high Reynolds number flow using wall functions |
CnutkRoughWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides a turbulent kinematic viscosity condition when using wall functions for rough walls, based on turbulence kinetic energy. The condition manipulates the E parameter to account for roughness effects |
CnutkWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField | Turbulent viscosity wall-function boundary condition for high Reynolds number flows based on near-wall turbulence kinetic energy |
CnutLowReWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides a turbulent kinematic viscosity condition for use with low Reynolds number models. It sets nut to zero, and provides an access function to calculate y+ |
CnutURoughWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides a turbulent kinematic viscosity condition when using wall functions for rough walls, based on velocity. The condition manipulates the E parameter to account for roughness effects |
CnutUSpaldingWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides a turbulent kinematic viscosity condition when using wall functions for rough walls, based on velocity, using Spalding's law to give a continuous nut profile to the wall (y+ = 0) |
CnutUWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides a turbulent kinematic viscosity condition when using wall functions, based on velocity |
CnutWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides a turbulent kinematic viscosity condition when using wall functions, based on turbulence kinetic energy |
ComegaWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides a wall constraint on turbulnce specific dissipation, omega for both low and high Reynolds number turbulence models |
CwallCellWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField | Base class for wall functions that modify cell values |
CeddyViscosity | Eddy viscosity turbulence model base class |
ClaminarModel | Templated abstract base class for laminar transport models |
CLESdelta | Abstract base class for LES deltas |
►CWallLocationYPlus | Holds information (coordinate and yStar) regarding nearest wall point |
CtrackData | Class used to pass additional data in |
CanisotropicFilter | Anisotropic filter |
ClaplaceFilter | Laplace filter for LES |
CLESfilter | Abstract class for LES filters |
CsimpleFilter | Simple top-hat filter used in dynamic LES models |
CLESModel | Templated abstract base class for LES SGS models |
ClinearViscousStress | Linear viscous stress turbulence model base class |
CmomentumTransportModel | Abstract base class for turbulence models (RAS, LES and laminar) |
CnonlinearEddyViscosity | Eddy viscosity turbulence model with non-linear correction base class |
CturbulentMixingLengthDissipationRateFvScalarFieldSource | This source condition provides a turbulence dissipation, (epsilon), based on a specified mixing length. The source values are calculated using: |
CturbulentMixingLengthFrequencyFvScalarFieldSource | This source condition provides a turbulence specific dissipation, (omega), based on a specified mixing length. The source values are calculated using: |
CturbulentMixingLengthDissipationRateInletFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides a turbulence dissipation, (epsilon) inlet condition based on a specified mixing length. The patch values are calculated using: |
CturbulentMixingLengthFrequencyInletFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides a turbulence specific dissipation, (omega) inlet condition based on a specified mixing length. The patch values are calculated using: |
CRASModel | Templated abstract base class for RAS turbulence models |
CReynoldsStress | Reynolds-stress turbulence model base class |
CepsilonmWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides a turbulence dissipation wall constraint for the mixtureKEpsilon model |
CphaseCompressibleMomentumTransportModel | Templated abstract base class for multiphase compressible turbulence models |
CphaseIncompressibleMomentumTransportModel | Templated abstract base class for multiphase incompressible turbulence models |
CcomponentDisplacementMotionSolver | Virtual base class for displacement motion solver |
CcomponentVelocityMotionSolver | Virtual base class for velocity motion solver |
CdisplacementMotionSolver | Virtual base class for displacement motion solver |
CdisplacementLayeredMotionMotionSolver | Mesh motion solver for an (multi-block) extruded fvMesh. Gets given the structure of the mesh blocks and boundary conditions on these blocks |
CpointEdgeStructuredWalk | Determines length of string of edges walked to point |
CdisplacementLinearMotionMotionSolver | Mesh motion solver simple linear expansion and contraction of a mesh region defined by a motion axis and the extents of the motion |
Cpoints0MotionSolver | Virtual base class for displacement motion solvers |
CinterpolatingSolidBodyMotionSolver | Solid-body motion of the mesh specified by a run-time selectable motion function. Applies SLERP interpolation of movement as function of distance to the object surface to move the mesh points |
CmultiSolidBodyMotionSolver | Solid-body motion of the mesh specified by a run-time selectable motion function |
CsolidBodyMotionDisplacementPointPatchVectorField | Enables the specification of a fixed value boundary condition using the solid body motion functions |
CsolidBodyMotionFunction | Base class for defining solid-body motions |
CsolidBodyMotionSolver | Solid-body motion of the mesh specified by a run-time selectable motion function |
CmotionSolver | Virtual base class for mesh motion solver |
CmotionSolverList | Motion of the mesh specified as a list of motion solvers |
CdynamicMeshPointInterpolator | Interpolates pointVectorFields |
CvelocityMotionSolver | Virtual base class for velocity motion solver |
►CalphaContactAngleFvPatchScalarField | Contact-angle boundary condition for multi-phase interface-capturing simulations. Sets of coefficients are given for the contact angle with each other phase. These coefficients can specify either a constant or a dynamic contact angle |
CcontactAngleProperties | |
CadaptiveSolver | |
CEuler | Euler ODE solver of order (0)1 |
CEulerSI | Semi-implicit Euler ODE solver of order (0)1 |
►CODESolver | Abstract base-class for ODE system solvers |
CstepState | |
CRKCK45 | 4/5th Order Cash-Karp Runge-Kutta ODE solver |
CRKDP45 | 4/5th Order Dormand–Prince Runge-Kutta ODE solver |
CRKF45 | 4/5th Order Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg ODE solver |
Crodas23 | L-stable, stiffly-accurate embedded Rosenbrock ODE solver of order (2)3 |
Crodas34 | L-stable, stiffly-accurate embedded Rosenbrock ODE solver of order (3)4 |
CRosenbrock12 | L-stable embedded Rosenbrock ODE solver of order (1)2 |
CRosenbrock23 | L-stable embedded Rosenbrock ODE solver of order (2)3 |
CRosenbrock34 | L-stable embedded Rosenbrock ODE solver of order (3)4 |
Cseulex | An extrapolation-algorithm, based on the linearly implicit Euler method with step size control and order selection |
CSIBS | A semi-implicit mid-point solver for stiff systems of ordinary differential equations |
CTrapezoid | Trapezoidal ODE solver of order (1)2 |
CODESystem | Abstract base class for the systems of ordinary differential equations |
►CdynamicIndexedOctree | Non-pointer based hierarchical recursive searching. Storage is dynamic, so elements can be deleted |
Cnode | Tree node. Has up pointer and down pointers |
CdynamicTreeDataPoint | Holds (reference to) pointField. Encapsulation of data needed for octree searches. Used for searching for nearest point. No bounding boxes around points. Only overlaps and calcNearest are implemented, rest makes little sense |
ClabelBits | A 29bits label and 3bits direction packed into single label |
►CtreeDataCell | Encapsulation of data needed to search in/for cells. Used to find the cell containing a point (e.g. cell-cell mapping) |
CfindIntersectOp | |
CfindNearestOp | |
CvolumeType | |
CpolygonTriangulate | Triangulation of three-dimensional polygons |
CsolutionControl | Solution control class |
CsubCycleField | |
CsubCycleFields | |
CsubCycle | Perform a subCycleTime on a field or list of fields |
CCirculator | Walks over a container as if it were circular. The container must have the following members defined: |
CCirculatorBase | Base class for circulators |
CConstCirculator | Walks over a container as if it were circular. The container must have the following members defined: |
CDictionary | General purpose template dictionary class which manages the storage associated with it |
CDictionaryBase | Base dictionary class templated on both the form of doubly-linked list it uses as well as the type it holds |
CPtrDictionary | Template dictionary class which manages the storage associated with it |
CUPtrListDictionary | Template dictionary class which manages the storage associated with it |
CPtrListDictionary | Template dictionary class which manages the storage associated with it |
CUDictionary | Template dictionary class which does not manages the storage associated with it |
CUPtrDictionary | Template dictionary class which does not manages the storage associated with it |
CHashList | HashList class. Like HashTable, but much less dynamic memory-y. Should be faster for small sets of non-dynamic primitive types (labels, edges, points, etc...). It is also much less functional at present. There is no re-sizing, so you have to make sure it is constructed sufficiently large to hold all the data that will ever be inserted into it |
CHashPtrTable | A HashTable specialisation for hashing pointers |
CHashSet | A HashTable with keys but without contents |
CList | A 1D array of objects of type <T>, where the size of the vector is known and used for subscript bounds checking, etc |
►CUList | A 1D vector of objects of type <T>, where the size of the vector is known and can be used for subscript bounds checking, etc |
Cgreater | Greater function class that can be used for sorting |
Cless | Less function class that can be used for sorting |
►CHashTable | An STL-conforming hash table |
Cconst_iterator | An STL-conforming const_iterator |
Citerator | An STL-conforming iterator |
CiteratorBase | The iterator base for HashTable |
►CTuple2 | A 2-tuple for storing two objects of different types |
CHash | Hashing function class |
►CHashTableCore | Template-invariant bits for HashTable |
CiteratorEnd | A zero-sized end iterator |
►CListHashTable | STL conforming hash table using contiguous lists rather than linked lists |
CIterator | An STL iterator |
►CListHashTableCore | Template-invariant bits for ListHashTable |
CiteratorEnd | A zero-sized end iterator |
CMap | A HashTable to objects of type <T> with a label key |
CPtrMap | A HashTable of pointers to objects of type <T> with a label key |
CKeyed | A container with an integer key attached to any item |
CILList | Template class for intrusive linked lists |
►CLList | Template class for non-intrusive linked lists |
Cconst_iterator | An STL-conforming const_iterator |
Citerator | An STL-conforming iterator |
Clink | Link structure |
CLPtrList | Template class for non-intrusive linked PtrLists |
►CUILList | Template class for intrusive linked lists |
Cconst_iterator | An STL-conforming const_iterator |
Cconst_reverse_iterator | An STL-conforming const_reverse_iterator |
Citerator | An STL-conforming iterator |
►CULPtrList | Template class for non-intrusive linked PtrLists |
Cconst_iterator | An STL-conforming const_iterator |
Citerator | An STL-conforming iterator |
►CDLListBase | Base doubly-linked list |
Cconst_iterator | An STL-conforming const_iterator |
Cconst_reverse_iterator | An STL-conforming const_reverse_iterator |
Citerator | An STL-conforming iterator |
Clink | Link structure |
►CSLListBase | Base singly-linked list |
Cconst_iterator | An STL-conforming const_iterator |
Citerator | An STL-conforming iterator |
Clink | Link structure |
CFIFOStack | A FIFO stack based on a singly-linked list |
CLIFOStack | A LIFO stack based on a singly-linked list |
CBiIndirectList | Indexes into negList (negative index) or posList (zero or positive index) |
CBinSum | Sums into bins |
CCompactListList | A packed storage unstructured matrix of objects of type <T> using an offset table for access |
CDistribution | Accumulating histogram of component values. Specified bin resolution, automatic generation of bins |
CDynamicList | A 1D vector of objects of type <T> that resizes itself as necessary to accept the new objects |
►CFixedList | A 1D vector of objects of type <T> with a fixed size <Size> |
CHash | Hashing function class |
CHistogram | Calculates the counts per bin of a list |
CIndirectListAddressing | A helper class for storing addresses |
CIndirectList | A List with indirect addressing |
CPtrList | A templated 1D list of pointers to objects of type <T>, where the size of the array is known and used for subscript bounds checking, etc |
CSortableList | A list that is sorted upon construction or when explicitly requested with the sort() method |
CaccessOp | |
CoffsetOp | |
CListOp | Operator to apply a binary operation to a pair of lists |
CListEqOp | Operator to apply a binary-equals operation to a pair of lists |
CListAppendEqOp | List operator to append one list onto another |
CPackedBoolList | A bit-packed bool list |
►CPackedList | A dynamically allocatable list of packed unsigned integers |
Cconst_iterator | The const_iterator for PackedList |
Citerator | Used for PackedList |
CiteratorBase | The iterator base for PackedList |
CPackedListCore | Template-invariant bits for PackedList |
CautoPtr | An auto-pointer similar to the STL auto_ptr but with automatic casting to a reference to the type and with pointer allocation checking on access |
Ctmp | A class for managing temporary objects |
CParSortableList | Implementation of PSRS parallel sorting routine |
CSubList | A List obtained as a section of another List |
►CUPtrList | A templated 1D list of pointers to objects of type <T>, where the size of the array is known and used for subscript bounds checking, etc |
Cconst_iterator | An STL-conforming const_iterator |
Citerator | An STL iterator |
CNamedEnum | Initialise the NamedEnum HashTable from the static list of names |
CCallback | Abstract class to handle automatic call-back registration with the CallbackRegistry. Derive from this class and extend by adding the appropriate callback functions |
CCallbackRegistry | Base class with which callbacks are registered |
CdictionaryName | |
►Cdictionary | A list of keyword definitions, which are a keyword followed by any number of values (e.g. words and numbers). The keywords can represent patterns which are matched using Posix regular expressions. The general order for searching is as follows: |
CincludedDictionary | |
CdictionaryEntry | A keyword and a list of tokens is a 'dictionaryEntry' |
CdictionaryListEntry | Read/write List of dictionaries |
Centry | A keyword and a list of tokens is an 'entry' |
CfunctionEntry | A functionEntry causes entries to be added/manipulated on the specified dictionary given an input stream |
CkeyType | A class for handling keywords in dictionaries |
CprimitiveEntry | A keyword and a list of tokens is a 'primitiveEntry'. An primitiveEntry can be read, written and printed, and the types and values of its tokens analysed |
CcodedBase | Base class for function objects and boundary conditions using dynamic code |
CcompileTemplate | |
CdlLibraryTable | A table of dynamically loaded libraries |
CdynamicCode | Tools for handling dynamic code compilation |
CdynamicCodeContext | Encapsulation of dynamic code dictionaries |
Cerror | Class to handle errors and exceptions in a simple, consistent stream-based manner |
CIOerrorLocation | |
CIOerror | |
CerrorManip | Error stream manipulators for exit and abort which may terminate the program or throw an exception depending if the exception handling has been switched on (off by default) |
CerrorManipArg | ErrorManipArg |
CmessageStream | Class to handle messaging in a simple, consistent stream-based manner |
CfunctionObject | Abstract base-class for Time/database functionObjects |
CfunctionObjectList | List of function objects with start(), execute() and end() functions that is called for each object |
CwordAndDictionary | Tuple of a word and dictionary, used to read in per-field options for function objects in the following syntax: |
CIOOutputFilter | IOdictionary wrapper around OutputFilter to allow them to read from their associated dictionaries |
CtimeControl | General time dependent execution controller. The default to execute every time-step |
CIOobject | IOobject defines the attributes of an object for which implicit objectRegistry management is supported, and provides the infrastructure for performing stream I/O |
CtypeGlobal | Trait for obtaining global status |
CtypeGlobalFile | Trait for obtaining global write status |
CtypeIOobject | Templated form of IOobject providing type information for file reading and header type checking |
CIOobjectList | List of IOobjects with searching and retrieving facilities |
CCompactIOField | A Field of objects of type <Type> with automated input and output using a compact storage. Behaves like IOField except when binary output in case it writes a CompactListList |
CCompactIOListBase | |
CCompactIOList | A List of objects of type <Type> with automated input and output using a compact storage. Behaves like IOList except when binary output in case it writes a CompactListList |
CdecomposedBlockData | DecomposedBlockData is a List<char> with IO on the master processor only |
CGlobalIOField | A primitive field of type <Type> with automated input and output |
CtypeGlobal< GlobalIOField< Type > > | Trait for obtaining global status |
CGlobalIOListBase | |
CGlobalIOList | IOContainer with global data (so optionally read from master) |
CtypeGlobal< GlobalIOList< Type > > | Trait for obtaining global status |
CIOdictionary | IOdictionary is derived from dictionary and IOobject to give the dictionary automatic IO functionality via the objectRegistry. To facilitate IO, IOdictionary is provided with a constructor from IOobject and writeData and write functions |
CtypeGlobal< IOdictionary > | Trait for obtaining global status |
ClocalIOdictionary | LocalIOdictionary derived from IOdictionary with global set false to disable parallel master reading |
CtypeGlobal< localIOdictionary > | Trait for obtaining global status |
CtimeIOdictionary | TimeIOdictionary derived from IOdictionary with globalFile set false to enable writing to processor time directories |
CtypeGlobalFile< timeIOdictionary > | Trait for obtaining global write status |
CIOField | A primitive field of type <Type> with automated input and output |
CIOListBase | |
CIOList | A List of objects of type <Type> with automated input and output |
CIOMap | A Map of objects of type <Type> with automated input and output. Is a global object; i.e. can be read from undecomposed case |
CIOPtrList | A PtrList of objects of type <Type> with automated input and output |
CdummyISstream | Dummy stream for input. Aborts at any attempt to read from it |
CdummyIstream | Dummy stream for input. Aborts at any attempt to read from it |
CIFstreamAllocator | A std::istream with ability to handle compressed files |
CIFstream | Input from file stream |
CmasterOFstream | Master-only drop-in replacement for OFstream |
COFstreamAllocator | A std::ostream with ability to handle compressed files |
COFstream | Output to file stream |
Csha1streambuf | |
Cosha1stream | |
COSHA1stream | A Foam::OSstream for calculating SHA-1 digests |
CINew | A helper class when constructing from an Istream or dictionary |
CInfoProxy | A helper class for outputting values to Ostream |
CSmanip | |
CImanip | |
COmanip | |
►CIOstream | An IOstream is an abstract base class for all input/output systems; be they streams, files, token lists etc |
CversionNumber | Version number type |
CIstream | An Istream is an abstract base class for all input systems (streams, files, token lists etc). The basic operations are construct, close, read token, read primitive and read binary block |
COstream | An Ostream is an abstract base class for all output systems (streams, files, token lists, etc) |
CIPstream | Input inter-processor communications stream |
COPstream | Output inter-processor communications stream |
CPstream | Inter-processor communications stream |
CPstreamBuffers | Buffers for inter-processor communications streams (UOPstream, UIPstream) |
CUIPstream | Input inter-processor communications stream operating on external buffer |
CUOPstream | Output inter-processor communications stream operating on external buffer |
►CUPstream | Inter-processor communications stream |
CcommsStruct | Structure for communicating between processors |
Ccommunicator | Helper class for allocating/freeing communicators |
ClistEq | CombineReduce operator for lists. Used for counting |
CISstream | Generic input stream |
COSstream | Generic output stream |
CprefixOSstream | Version of OSstream which prints a prefix on each line |
CIStringStream | Input from memory buffer stream |
COStringStream | Output to memory buffer stream |
►Ctoken | A token holds items read from Istream |
Ccompound | Abstract base class for complex tokens |
CCompound | A templated class for holding compound tokens |
CITstream | Input token stream |
CobjectRegistry | Registry of regIOobjects |
CregIOobject | RegIOobject is an abstract class derived from IOobject to handle automatic object registration with the objectRegistry |
CcontrolIOdictionary | ControlDict specific IOdictionary to provide automatic read-update for Time |
►Cinstant | An instant of time. Contains the time value and name |
Cless | Less function class used in sorting instants |
CsubCycleTime | A class for managing sub-cycling times |
CTime | Class to control time during OpenFOAM simulations that is also the top-level objectRegistry |
CTimePaths | A class for addressing time paths without using the Time class |
CtimeSelector | A List of scalarRange for selecting times |
CTimeState | The time value with time-stepping information, user-defined remapping, etc |
Cdimensioned | Generic dimensioned Type class |
CdimensionSet | Dimension set for the base types |
CdeleteDimensionsPtr | |
Cdistribution | Base class for statistical distributions |
CFieldDistribution | |
CreuseTmpDimensionedField | |
CreuseTmpDimensionedField< TypeR, TypeR, GeoMesh > | |
CreuseTmpTmpDimensionedField | |
CreuseTmpTmpDimensionedField< TypeR, Type1, TypeR, GeoMesh > | |
CreuseTmpTmpDimensionedField< TypeR, TypeR, Type2, GeoMesh > | |
CreuseTmpTmpDimensionedField< TypeR, TypeR, TypeR, GeoMesh > | |
CSlicedDimensionedField | Specialisation of DimensionedField which holds a slice of a given complete field in such a form that it acts as a DimensionedField |
CFieldField | Generic field type |
CreuseTmpFieldField | |
CreuseTmpFieldField< Field, TypeR, TypeR > | |
CreuseTmpTmpFieldField | |
CreuseTmpTmpFieldField< Field, TypeR, Type1, TypeR > | |
CreuseTmpTmpFieldField< Field, TypeR, TypeR, Type2 > | |
CreuseTmpTmpFieldField< Field, TypeR, TypeR, TypeR > | |
ConeFieldField | A class representing the concept of a field of oneFields used to avoid unnecessary manipulations for objects which are known to be one at compile-time |
CUniformFieldField | A class representing the concept of a field of uniform fields which stores only the single value and providing the operator[] to return it |
CzeroFieldField | A class representing the concept of a field of zeroFields used to avoid unnecessary manipulations for objects which are known to be zero at compile-time |
CDynamicField | Dynamically sized Field |
CField | Pre-declare SubField and related Field type |
CSubField | Pre-declare related SubField type |
CreuseTmp | |
CreuseTmp< TypeR, TypeR > | |
CreuseTmpTmp | |
CreuseTmpTmp< TypeR, Type1, Type12, TypeR > | |
CreuseTmpTmp< TypeR, TypeR, TypeR, Type2 > | |
CreuseTmpTmp< TypeR, TypeR, TypeR, TypeR > | |
►CfieldMapper | Abstract base class for field mapping |
CFieldFunctor | Class used to lazily evaluate fields |
CFieldOpFunctor | Class used to lazily evaluate field-generating operators |
CforwardFieldMapper | Forward field mapper |
CforwardOrAssignFieldMapper | Forward field mapper that permits assigning a value on unmapped elements |
CforwardOrAssignPatchFieldMapper | |
CgeneralFieldMapper | General field mapper supporting both direct and weighted mapping |
CidentityFieldMapper | Identity field mapper |
CreverseFieldMapper | Reverse field mapper |
CreverseInterpolativeFieldMapper | Reverse field mapper |
CsetSizeAndZeroFieldMapper | Mapper which sets the field size and initialises all values to zero. It does not actually map values |
CsetSizeFieldMapper | Mapper which sets the field size. It does not actually map values |
ConeField | A class representing the concept of a field of 1 used to avoid unnecessary manipulations for objects which are known to be one at compile-time |
CUniformField | A class representing the concept of a uniform field which stores only the single value and providing the operator[] to return it |
CzeroField | A class representing the concept of a field of 0 used to avoid unnecessary manipulations for objects which are known to be zero at compile-time |
CreuseTmpGeometricField | |
CreuseTmpGeometricField< TypeR, TypeR, PatchField, GeoMesh > | |
CreuseTmpTmpGeometricField | |
CreuseTmpTmpGeometricField< TypeR, Type1, TypeR, PatchField, GeoMesh > | |
CreuseTmpTmpGeometricField< TypeR, TypeR, Type2, PatchField, GeoMesh > | |
CreuseTmpTmpGeometricField< TypeR, TypeR, TypeR, PatchField, GeoMesh > | |
CGeometricFieldSources | Part of a geometric field used for setting the values associated with optional sources |
CMapInternalField | Generic internal field mapper. For "real" mapping, add template specialisations for mapping of internal fields depending on mesh type |
CgeometricOneField | A class representing the concept of a GeometricField of 1 used to avoid unnecessary manipulations for objects which are known to be one at compile-time |
CgeometricZeroField | A class representing the concept of a GeometricField of 1 used to avoid unnecessary manipulations for objects which are known to be zero at compile-time |
CpointPatchField | Abstract base class for point-mesh patch fields |
COldTimeField | Class to add into field types to provide old-time storage and retrieval |
COldTimeBaseFieldType | |
COldTime >> | |
CbasicSymmetryPointPatchField | A Symmetry boundary condition for pointField |
CcalculatedPointPatchField | A calculated boundary condition for pointField |
CcoupledPointPatchField | A Coupled boundary condition for pointField |
CfixedValuePointPatchField | A FixedValue boundary condition for pointField |
CvaluePointPatchField | Foam::valuePointPatchField |
CzeroGradientPointPatchField | Foam::zeroGradientPointPatchField |
CcyclicPointPatchField | Cyclic front and back plane patch field |
CcyclicSlipPointPatchField | Cyclic + slip constraints |
CemptyPointPatchField | An empty boundary condition for pointField |
CinternalPointPatchField | Constraint pointPatchField to hold values for internal face exposed by sub-setting |
CprocessorPointPatchField | Foam::processorPointPatchField |
CprocessorCyclicPointPatchField | Foam::processorCyclicPointPatchField |
CsymmetryPointPatchField | A Symmetry boundary condition for pointField |
CsymmetryPlanePointPatchField | A symmetry-plane boundary condition for pointField |
CwedgePointPatchField | Wedge front and back plane patch field |
CcodedFixedValuePointPatchField | Constructs on-the-fly a new boundary condition (derived from fixedValuePointPatchField) which is then used to evaluate |
CfixedNormalSlipPointPatchField | Slip with user-specified normal |
CslipPointPatchField | Foam::slipPointPatchField |
CuniformFixedValuePointPatchField | Enables the specification of a uniform fixed value boundary condition |
CpointConstraint | Accumulates point constraints through successive applications of the applyConstraint function |
CcombineConstraintsEqOp | Reduce operator |
CUniformDimensionedField | Dimensioned<Type> registered with the database as a registered IOobject which has the functionality of a uniform field and allows values from the top-level code to be passed to boundary conditions etc |
CUniformGeometricField | Dimensioned<Type> registered with the database as a registered IOobject which has the functionality of a uniform field and allows values from the top-level code to be passed to boundary conditions etc |
►CargList | Extract command arguments and options from the supplied argc and argv parameters |
CinitValidTables | |
CParRunControl | Helper class for initialising parallel jobs from the command arguments |
Cclock | Read access to the system clock with formatting |
COFstreamCollator | Threaded file writer |
CthreadedCollatedOFstream | Master-only drop-in replacement for OFstream |
CfileOperation | |
CjobInfo | Helper class for recording information about run/finished jobs |
CinterpolationWeights | Abstract base class for interpolating in 1D |
ClinearInterpolationWeights | |
CsplineInterpolationWeights | Catmull-Rom spline interpolation |
CstepInterpolationWeights | Generates the weight for step-wise interpolation and integration |
CPrimitivePatchInterpolation | Interpolation class within a primitive patch. Allows interpolation from points to faces and vice versa |
CMatrix | A templated (m x n) matrix of objects of <T> |
CDiagonalMatrix | DiagonalMatrix<Type> is a 2D diagonal matrix of objects of type Type, size nxn |
ClduAddressing | The class contains the addressing required by the lduMatrix: upper, lower and losort |
CcyclicLduInterface | An abstract base class for cyclic coupled interfaces |
ClduInterface | An abstract base class for implicitly-coupled interfaces e.g. processor and cyclic patches |
CprocessorLduInterface | An abstract base class for processor coupled interfaces |
CcyclicLduInterfaceField | Abstract base class for cyclic coupled interfaces |
ClduInterfaceField | An abstract base class for implicitly-coupled interface fields e.g. processor and cyclic patch fields |
CprocessorLduInterfaceField | Abstract base class for processor coupled interfaces |
ClduScheduleEntry | Struct to hold the patch index and the initialisation flag for the patch schedule |
►ClduMatrix | LduMatrix is a general matrix class in which the coefficients are stored as three arrays, one for the upper triangle, one for the lower triangle and a third for the diagonal |
Cpreconditioner | Abstract base-class for lduMatrix preconditioners |
Csmoother | Abstract base-class for lduMatrix smoothers |
Csolver | Abstract base-class for lduMatrix solvers |
CdiagonalPreconditioner | Diagonal preconditioner for both symmetric and asymmetric matrices |
CDICPreconditioner | Simplified diagonal-based incomplete Cholesky preconditioner for symmetric matrices (symmetric equivalent of DILU). The reciprocal of the preconditioned diagonal is calculated and stored |
CDILUPreconditioner | Simplified diagonal-based incomplete LU preconditioner for asymmetric matrices. The reciprocal of the preconditioned diagonal is calculated and stored |
CFDICPreconditioner | Faster version of the DICPreconditioner diagonal-based incomplete Cholesky preconditioner for symmetric matrices (symmetric equivalent of DILU) in which the reciprocal of the preconditioned diagonal and the upper coefficients divided by the diagonal are calculated and stored |
CGAMGPreconditioner | Geometric agglomerated algebraic multigrid preconditioner |
CnoPreconditioner | Null preconditioner for both symmetric and asymmetric matrices |
CDICSmoother | Simplified diagonal-based incomplete Cholesky smoother for symmetric matrices |
CDICGaussSeidelSmoother | Combined DIC/GaussSeidel smoother for symmetric matrices in which DIC smoothing is followed by GaussSeidel to ensure that any "spikes" created by the DIC sweeps are smoothed-out |
CDILUSmoother | Simplified diagonal-based incomplete LU smoother for asymmetric matrices |
CDILUGaussSeidelSmoother | Combined DILU/GaussSeidel smoother for asymmetric matrices in which DILU smoothing is followed by GaussSeidel to ensure that any "spikes" created by the DILU sweeps are smoothed-out |
CFDICSmoother | Simplified diagonal-based incomplete Cholesky smoother for symmetric matrices |
CGaussSeidelSmoother | A lduMatrix::smoother for Gauss-Seidel |
CnonBlockingGaussSeidelSmoother | Variant of gaussSeidelSmoother that expects processor boundary cells to be sorted last and so can block later. Only when the cells are actually visited does it need the results to be present. It is expected that there is little benefit to be gained from doing this on a patch by patch basis since the number of processor interfaces is quite small and the overhead of checking whether a processor interface is finished might be quite high (call into mpi). Also this would require a dynamic memory allocation to store the state of the outstanding requests |
CsymGaussSeidelSmoother | A lduMatrix::smoother for symmetric Gauss-Seidel |
CdiagonalSolver | Foam::diagonalSolver |
CalgebraicPairGAMGAgglomeration | Agglomerate using the pair algorithm |
CdummyAgglomeration | Agglomerate without combining cells. Used for testing |
CGAMGAgglomeration | Geometric agglomerated algebraic multigrid agglomeration class |
CpairGAMGAgglomeration | Agglomerate using the pair algorithm |
CeagerGAMGProcAgglomeration | 'Eager' processor agglomeration of GAMGAgglomerations: at every level agglomerates 'mergeLevels' number of processors onto the minimum processor number |
CGAMGProcAgglomeration | Processor agglomeration of GAMGAgglomerations |
CmanualGAMGProcAgglomeration | Manual processor agglomeration of GAMGAgglomerations |
CmasterCoarsestGAMGProcAgglomeration | Processor agglomeration of GAMGAgglomerations |
CnoneGAMGProcAgglomeration | Processor agglomeration of GAMGAgglomerations |
CprocFacesGAMGProcAgglomeration | Processor agglomeration of GAMGAgglomerations. Needs nAgglomeratingCells which is when to start agglomerating processors. Processors get agglomerated by constructing a single cell mesh for each processor with each processor interface a face. This then gets agglomerated using the pairGAMGAgglomeration algorithm with the number of faces on the original processor interface as face weight |
CGAMGSolver | Geometric agglomerated algebraic multigrid solver |
CcyclicGAMGInterfaceField | GAMG agglomerated cyclic interface field |
CGAMGInterfaceField | Abstract base class for GAMG agglomerated interface fields |
CprocessorCyclicGAMGInterfaceField | GAMG agglomerated processor interface field |
CprocessorGAMGInterfaceField | GAMG agglomerated processor interface field |
CcyclicGAMGInterface | GAMG agglomerated cyclic interface |
CGAMGInterface | Abstract base class for GAMG agglomerated interfaces |
CprocessorCyclicGAMGInterface | GAMG agglomerated processor interface |
CprocessorGAMGInterface | GAMG agglomerated processor interface |
CPBiCG | Preconditioned bi-conjugate gradient solver for asymmetric lduMatrices using a run-time selectable preconditioner |
CPBiCGStab | Preconditioned bi-conjugate gradient stabilised solver for asymmetric lduMatrices using a run-time selectable preconditioner |
CPCG | Preconditioned conjugate gradient solver for symmetric lduMatrices using a run-time selectable preconditioner |
CsmoothSolver | Iterative solver for symmetric and asymmetric matrices which uses a run-time selected smoother e.g. GaussSeidel to converge the solution to the required tolerance |
CLduInterfaceField | An abstract base class for implicitly-coupled interface fields e.g. processor and cyclic patch fields |
CLduInterfaceFieldPtrsList | |
►CLduMatrix | LduMatrix is a general matrix class in which the coefficients are stored as three arrays, one for the upper triangle, one for the lower triangle and a third for the diagonal |
Cpreconditioner | Abstract base-class for LduMatrix preconditioners |
Csmoother | Abstract base-class for LduMatrix smoothers |
Csolver | Abstract base-class for LduMatrix solvers |
CAmultiplier | |
CSolverPerformance | SolverPerformance is the class returned by the LduMatrix solver containing performance statistics |
CDiagonalPreconditioner | Diagonal preconditioner for both symmetric and asymmetric matrices |
CTDILUPreconditioner | Simplified diagonal-based incomplete LU preconditioner for asymmetric matrices |
CNoPreconditioner | Null preconditioner for both symmetric and asymmetric matrices |
CTGaussSeidelSmoother | Foam::TGaussSeidelSmoother |
CDiagonalSolver | Foam::DiagonalSolver |
CPBiCCCG | Preconditioned bi-conjugate gradient solver for asymmetric lduMatrices using a run-time selectable preconditioner |
CPBiCICG | Preconditioned bi-conjugate gradient solver for asymmetric lduMatrices using a run-time selectable preconditioner |
CPCICG | Preconditioned conjugate gradient solver for symmetric lduMatrices using a run-time selectable preconditioner |
CSmoothSolver | Iterative solver for symmetric and asymmetric matrices which uses a run-time selected smoother e.g. GaussSeidel to converge the solution to the required tolerance. To improve efficiency, the residual is evaluated after every nSweeps smoothing iterations |
CLLTMatrix | Templated class to perform the Cholesky decomposition on a symmetric positive-definite matrix |
CLUscalarMatrix | Class to perform the LU decomposition on a symmetric matrix |
CprocLduInterface | IO interface for processorLduInterface |
CprocLduMatrix | I/O for lduMatrix and interface values |
CConstMatrixBlock | |
CMatrixBlock | A templated block of an (m x n) matrix of type <MatrixType> |
CQRMatrix | Class templated on matrix type to perform the QR decomposition using Householder reflections on a square or rectangular matrix |
CRectangularMatrix | A templated 2D rectangular m x n matrix of objects of <Type> |
CtypeOfInnerProduct< Type, RectangularMatrix< Type >, RectangularMatrix< Type > > | |
CtypeOfInnerProduct< Type, RectangularMatrix< Type >, SquareMatrix< Type > > | |
CtypeOfInnerProduct< Type, SquareMatrix< Type >, RectangularMatrix< Type > > | |
CSVD | Singular value decomposition of a rectangular matrix |
CsimpleMatrix | A simple square matrix solver with scalar coefficients |
Csolution | Selector class for relaxation factors, solver type and solution |
CSquareMatrix | A templated 2D square matrix of objects of <T>, where the n x n matrix dimension is known and used for subscript bounds checking, etc |
CtypeOfInnerProduct< Type, SquareMatrix< Type >, SquareMatrix< Type > > | |
CSymmetricSquareMatrix | A templated 2D square symmetric matrix of objects of <T>, where the n x n matrix dimension is known and used for subscript bounds checking, etc |
Ctolerances | Selector class for solution tolerances |
CrefCount | Reference counter for various OpenFOAM components |
►CtmpNrc | A class for managing temporary objects without reference counting |
CrefCount | |
CUautoPtr | An auto-pointer similar to the STL auto_ptr but with automatic casting to a reference to the type and with pointer allocation checking on access |
CboundBox | A bounding box defined in terms of the points at its extremities |
CGeoMesh | Generic mesh wrapper used by volMesh, surfaceMesh, pointMesh etc |
CcoupleGroupIdentifier | Encapsulates using patchGroups to specify coupled patch |
CpatchIdentifier | Identifies patch by name, patch index and physical type |
ClduMesh | Abstract base class for meshes which provide LDU addressing for the construction of lduMatrix and LDU-solvers |
CprocLess | Less operator for pairs of <processor><index> |
ClduPrimitiveMesh | Simplest concrete lduMesh which stores the addressing needed by lduMatrix |
CDemandDrivenMeshObject | Templated abstract base-class for demand-driven mesh objects used to automate their allocation to the mesh database and the mesh-modifier event-loop |
CDeletableMeshObject | MeshObject types: |
CMoveableMeshObject | |
CDistributeableMeshObject | |
CTopoChangeableMeshObject | |
CRepatchableMeshObject | |
CmeshObjects | Templated abstract base-class for optional mesh objects used to automate their allocation to the mesh database and the mesh-modifier event-loop |
Ccell | A cell is defined as a list of faces with extra functionality |
CcellMatcher | Base class for cellshape matchers (hexMatch, prismMatch, etc.). These are classes which given a mesh and cell number find out the orientation of the cellShape and construct cell-vertex to mesh-vertex mapping and cell-face to mesh-face mapping |
CdegenerateMatcher | Collection of all hex degenerate matchers (hex, wedge, prism etc.) Has static member function to match a shape |
ChexMatcher | A cellMatcher for hex cells |
CprismMatcher | A cellMatcher for prism cells |
CpyrMatcher | A cellMatcher for pyr cells |
CtetMatcher | A cellMatcher for tet cells |
CtetWedgeMatcher | A cellMatcher for tetWedge cells |
CwedgeMatcher | A cellMatcher for wedge cells |
CcellModel | Maps a geometry to a set of cell primitives, which enables geometric cell data to be calculated without access to the primitive geometric level. This means mapping a 3D geometry to a set of pyramids which are each described by a cell face and the cell centre point |
CcellModeller | A static collection of cell models, and a means of looking them up |
CcellShape | An analytical geometric cellShape |
Cedge | An edge is a list of two point labels. The functionality it provides supports the discretisation on a 2-D flat mesh |
CEdgeMap | Map from edge (expressed as its endpoints) to value |
Cface | A face is a list of labels corresponding to mesh vertices |
CoffsetOp< face > | Hash specialisation to offset faces in ListListOps::combineOffset |
CoppositeFace | Class containing opposite face for a prismatic cell with addressing and a possibility of failure |
CtetCell | A tetrahedral cell primitive |
CtriFace | A triangular face using a FixedList of labels corresponding to mesh vertices |
CoffsetOp< triFace > | Hash specialisation to offset faces in ListListOps::combineOffset |
CMultiRegionListBase | |
CMultiRegionRefs | Class to wrap a UPtrList of of region-associated objects (meshes, solvers, domainDecompositions, ...). Access will return a wrapped reference and will set the Info prefix to the region name. The prefix will remain until the wrapped reference goes out of scope |
CRegionRef | |
CpointBoundaryMesh | Foam::pointBoundaryMesh |
CpointMesh | Mesh representing a set of points created from polyMesh |
CMapInternalField< Type, MeshMapper, pointMesh > | |
CpointBoundaryMeshMapper | Foam::pointBoundaryMeshMapper |
CpointMapper | This object provides mapping and fill-in information for point data between the two meshes after the topological change. It is constructed from polyTopoChangeMap |
CpointMeshMapper | Class holds all the necessary information for mapping fields associated with pointMesh |
CpointPatchMapper | Mapping class for a pointPatchField |
CcoupledPointPatch | Coupled patch for post-processing. Used as the base class for processor and cyclic pointPatches |
CcyclicPointPatch | Cyclic patch for post-processing |
CcyclicSlipPointPatch | Cyclic patch with slip constraint |
CemptyPointPatch | Empty plane patch |
CinternalPointPatch | Constraint patch to hold internal faces exposed by sub-setting |
CprocessorPointPatch | Processor patch boundary needs to be such that the ordering of points in the patch is the same on both sides |
CprocessorCyclicPointPatch | Processor patch boundary needs to be such that the ordering of points in the patch is the same on both sides |
CsymmetryPointPatch | Symmetry patch for non-planar or multi-plane patches |
CsymmetryPlanePointPatch | Symmetry-plane patch |
CwedgePointPatch | Wedge front and back plane patch |
CcoupledFacePointPatch | Coupled patch for post-processing. Used as the base class for processor and cyclic pointPatches |
CwallPointPatch | Foam::wallPointPatch |
CfacePointPatch | A pointPatch based on a polyPatch |
CpointPatch | Basic pointPatch represents a set of points from the mesh |
CcommSchedule | Determines the order in which a set of processors should communicate with one another |
CglobalIndex | Calculates a unique integer (label so might not have enough room - 2G max) for processor + local index. E.g |
►CglobalMeshData | Various mesh related information for a parallel run. Upon construction, constructs all info using parallel communication |
CListPlusEqOp | |
CglobalPoints | Calculates points shared by more than two processor patches or cyclic patches |
CprocessorTopology | |
CoptionalCpuLoad | |
CcpuLoad | Class to maintain a field of the CPU load per cell |
CResiduals | DemandDrivenMeshObject to store the solver performance residuals of all the fields of the type it is instantiated on |
CpolyBoundaryMesh | Foam::polyBoundaryMesh |
CpolyBoundaryMeshEntries | Foam::polyBoundaryMeshEntries |
►CdistributionMap | Class containing processor-to-processor mapping information |
Ctransform | Default transformation behaviour |
CtransformPosition | Default transformation behaviour for position |
CdistributionMapBase | Class containing processor-to-processor mapping information |
CIOdistributionMap | IOdistributionMap is derived from distributionMap and IOobject to give the distributionMap automatic IO functionality via the objectRegistry |
ClagrangianDistributionMap | Class containing mesh-to-mesh mapping information for particles |
CpolyDistributionMap | Class containing mesh-to-mesh mapping information after a mesh distribution where we send parts of meshes (using subsetting) to other processors and receive and reconstruct mesh |
CpolyMesh | Mesh consisting of general polyhedral cells |
CpolyMeshMap | Class containing mesh-to-mesh mapping information |
CpolyMeshTetDecomposition | Tools for performing the minimum decomposition of faces of the mesh into triangles so that the cells may be tet decomposed. Includes functions for finding variable face starting (base) points on each face to avoid the decomposition of cells into tets that have negative or zero volume |
CtetIndices | Storage and named access for the indices of a tet which is part of the decomposition of a cell |
►CcoupledPolyPatch | The coupledPolyPatch is an abstract base class for patches that couple regions of the computational domain e.g. cyclic and processor-processor links |
CownToNbrDebugOrderData | Data to pass from owner.initOrder to nbr.order if debugging |
CownToNbrOrderData | Data to pass from owner.initOrder to nbr.order |
CownToOwnOrderData | Data to pass from owner.initOrder to owner.order |
CcyclicPolyPatch | Cyclic plane patch |
CcyclicTransform | Cyclic plane transformation |
CcyclicSlipPolyPatch | Copy of cyclicSlip - used to be able to instantiate cyclicSlip pointPatch which is cyclicSlip with slip constraints |
CemptyPolyPatch | Empty front and back plane patch. Used for 2-D geometries |
CinternalPolyPatch | Constraint patch to hold internal faces exposed by sub-setting |
CprocessorPolyPatch | Neighbour processor patch |
CprocessorCyclicPolyPatch | Neighbour processor patch |
CsymmetryPolyPatch | Symmetry patch for non-planar or multi-plane patches |
CsymmetryPlanePolyPatch | Symmetry-plane patch |
CwedgePolyPatch | Wedge front and back plane patch |
CwallPolyPatch | Foam::wallPolyPatch |
CpolyPatch | A patch is a list of labels that address the faces in the global face list |
CcellMapper | This object provides mapping and fill-in information for cell data between the two meshes after the topological change. It is constructed from polyTopoChangeMap |
CfaceMapper | This object provides mapping and fill-in information for face data between the two meshes after the topological change. It is constructed from polyTopoChangeMap |
CmapAddedPolyMesh | Class containing mesh-to-mesh mapping information after a mesh addition where we add a mesh ('added mesh') to an old mesh, creating a new mesh |
CmapPatchChange | Class containing mesh-to-mesh mapping information after a patch change operation |
CmapSubsetMesh | Class containing mesh-to-mesh mapping information after a subset operation |
CmorphFieldMapper | Abstract base class to hold the Field mapping for mesh morphs |
CobjectMap | An objectMap is a pair of labels defining the mapping of an object from another object, e.g. a cell mapped from a point |
CpolyTopoChangeMap | Class containing mesh-to-mesh mapping information after a change in polyMesh topology |
CdummyTransform | |
CpTraits< List< T > > | |
CpTraits< UList< T > > | |
CpTraits< Field< T > > | |
CpTraits< face > | |
CsyncTools | Various tools to aid synchronising lists across coupled patches. WIP |
CPatchTools | A collection of tools for searching, sorting PrimitivePatch information |
CprimitiveMesh | Cell-face mesh analysis engine |
CpatchZones | Calculates zone number for every face of patch |
CwalkPatch | Collection of static functions to do various simple patch related things |
CPrimitivePatch | A list of faces which address into the list of points |
Cline | A line primitive |
CobjectHit | This class describes a combination of target object index and success flag |
CPointHit | This class describes the interaction of a face and a point. It carries the info of a successful hit and (if successful), returns the interaction point |
CpointHitSort | Container for sorting intersections |
CPointIndexHit | This class describes the interaction of (usually) a face and a point. It carries the info of a successful hit and (if successful), returns the interaction point |
►Cplane | Geometric class that creates a 2D plane and can return the intersection point between a line and the plane |
Cray | A direction and a reference point |
Cpyramid | A geometric pyramid primitive with a base of 'n' sides: i.e. a parametric pyramid. A pyramid is constructed from a base polygon and an apex point |
Ctetrahedron | A tetrahedron primitive |
Cintersection | Foam::intersection |
Ctriangle | A triangle primitive used to calculate face areas and swept volumes |
►CtreeBoundBox | Standard boundBox + extra functionality for use in octree |
CedgeId | Edges codes |
CfaceBit | Bits used for face coding |
CfaceId | Face codes |
CoctantBit | Bits used for octant/point coding |
CcellZone | A subset of mesh cells |
CcellZoneList | |
CfaceZone | A subset of mesh faces organised as a primitive patch |
CfaceZoneList | |
CpointZone | A subset of mesh points. The labels of points in the zone can be obtained from the addressing() list |
CpointZoneList | |
CZone | Base class for zones |
CZoneList | A list of mesh zones |
CBarycentric | Templated 3D Barycentric derived from VectorSpace. Has 4 components, one of which is redundant |
CBarycentricTensor | Templated 4x3 tensor derived from VectorSpace. Has 12 components. Can represent a barycentric transformation as a matrix-barycentric inner- product. Can alternatively represent an inverse barycentric transformation as a vector-matrix inner-product |
CtypeOfTranspose< Cmpt, BarycentricTensor< Cmpt > > | |
CBarycentric2D | Templated 2D Barycentric derived from VectorSpace. Has 3 components, one of which is redundant |
CBarycentricTensor2D | Templated 3x3 tensor derived from VectorSpace. Has 9 components. Can represent a barycentric transformation as a matrix-barycentric inner- product. Can alternatively represent an inverse barycentric transformation as a vector-matrix inner-product |
CtypeOfTranspose< Cmpt, BarycentricTensor2D< Cmpt > > | |
CpTraits< bool > | |
CSwitch | A simple wrapper around bool so that it can be read as a word: true/false, on/off, yes/no, y/n, t/f, or none/any |
Ccomplex | Extension to the c++ complex library type |
CTensor | Templated 3D tensor derived from MatrixSpace adding construction from 9 components, element access using xx(), xy() etc. member functions and the inner-product (dot-product) and outer-product of two Vectors (tensor-product) operators |
CPair | An ordered pair of two objects of type <T> with first() and second() elements |
CDiagTensor | Templated 3D DiagTensor derived from VectorSpace |
CFunction1 | Run-time selectable general function of one variable |
CFieldFunction1 | |
CTableFileReader | Base class to read table data for tables |
CTableReader | Macros for creating standard TableReader-s |
CunknownTypeFunction1 | Wrapper around Function1 that constructs a function for an as yet unknown primitive type. It stores the location of the user input and actually constructs the function on demand at the point at which a value is requested for a specific type |
CFunction2 | Run-time selectable function of two variables |
CFieldFunction2 | |
CPolynomial | Polynomial templated on size (order): |
►CglobalIndexAndTransform | Determination and storage of the possible independent transforms introduced by coupledPolyPatches, as well as all of the possible permutations of these transforms generated by the presence of multiple coupledPolyPatches, i.e. more than one cyclic boundary. Note that any given point can be on maximum 3 transforms only (and these transforms have to be perpendicular) |
Cless | Less function class used in sorting encoded transforms and indices |
CHash | Hash function class for primitives. All non-primitives used to hash entries on hash tables likely need a specialised version of this class |
CHash< Foam::label > | Hash specialisation for hashing labels |
CHash< Foam::string > | Hash specialisation for hashing strings |
CHash< Foam::word > | Hash specialisation for hashing words |
CHash< Foam::fileName > | Hash specialisation for hashing fileNames |
CHash< Foam::wordRe > | Hash specialisation for hashing wordRes |
CHash< Foam::keyType > | Hash specialisation for hashing keyTypes |
CHash< void * > | Hash specialisation for hashing pointer addresses |
CSHA1 | Functions to compute SHA1 message digest according to the NIST specification FIPS-180-1 |
CSHA1Digest | The SHA1 message digest |
CpTraits< int32_t > | Template specialisation for pTraits<int32_t> |
CpTraits< int64_t > | Template specialisation for pTraits<int64_t> |
CpTraits< uint32_t > | Template specialisation for pTraits<uint32_t> |
CpTraits< uint64_t > | Template specialisation for pTraits<uint64_t> |
►CMatrixSpace | Templated matrix space |
CBlock | Sub-block type |
CConstBlock | Const sub-block type |
Cnil | A zero-sized class without any storage. Used, for example, in HashSet |
CNullObject | Singleton null-object class and instance |
Comega | Convenience class to handle the input of constant rotational speed. Reads an omega entry with default units of [rad/s]. For backwards compatibility this will also alternatively read an rpm entry with default units of [rpm] |
Cone | A class representing the concept of 1 (scalar(1)) used to avoid unnecessary manipulations for objects which are known to be one at compile-time |
CinnerProduct< one, arg2 > | |
CflipOp | Class containing functor to negate primitives. Dummy for all other types |
CnoOp | |
CflipLabelOp | |
CeqOp2 | |
CeqOp | |
CeqNegOp2 | |
CeqNegOp | |
CeqSqrOp2 | |
CeqSqrOp | |
CeqMagOp2 | |
CeqMagOp | |
CplusEqOp2 | |
CplusEqOp | |
CminusEqOp2 | |
CminusEqOp | |
CmultiplyEqOp2 | |
CmultiplyEqOp | |
CdivideEqOp2 | |
CdivideEqOp | |
CplusEqMagSqrOp2 | |
CplusEqMagSqrOp | |
CmaxEqOp2 | |
CmaxEqOp | |
CminEqOp2 | |
CminEqOp | |
CminMagSqrEqOp2 | |
CminMagSqrEqOp | |
CmaxMagSqrEqOp2 | |
CmaxMagSqrEqOp | |
CandEqOp2 | |
CandEqOp | |
CorEqOp2 | |
CorEqOp | |
CnotEqOp2 | |
CnotEqOp | |
CnopEqOp2 | |
CnopEqOp | |
CsumOp3 | |
CsumOp2 | |
CsumOp | |
CplusOp3 | |
CplusOp2 | |
CplusOp | |
CminusOp3 | |
CminusOp2 | |
CminusOp | |
CmultiplyOp3 | |
CmultiplyOp2 | |
CmultiplyOp | |
CdivideOp3 | |
CdivideOp2 | |
CdivideOp | |
CcmptMultiplyOp3 | |
CcmptMultiplyOp2 | |
CcmptMultiplyOp | |
CcmptPowOp3 | |
CcmptPowOp2 | |
CcmptPowOp | |
CcmptDivideOp3 | |
CcmptDivideOp2 | |
CcmptDivideOp | |
CstabiliseOp3 | |
CstabiliseOp2 | |
CstabiliseOp | |
CmaxOp3 | |
CmaxOp2 | |
CmaxOp | |
CminOp3 | |
CminOp2 | |
CminOp | |
CminMagSqrOp3 | |
CminMagSqrOp2 | |
CminMagSqrOp | |
CmaxMagSqrOp3 | |
CmaxMagSqrOp2 | |
CmaxMagSqrOp | |
CminModOp3 | |
CminModOp2 | |
CminModOp | |
CandOp3 | |
CandOp2 | |
CandOp | |
CorOp3 | |
CorOp2 | |
CorOp | |
CnotOp3 | |
CnotOp2 | |
CnotOp | |
CequalOp3 | |
CequalOp2 | |
CequalOp | |
ClessOp3 | |
ClessOp2 | |
ClessOp | |
ClessEqOp3 | |
ClessEqOp2 | |
ClessEqOp | |
CgreaterOp3 | |
CgreaterOp2 | |
CgreaterOp | |
CgreaterEqOp3 | |
CgreaterEqOp2 | |
CgreaterEqOp | |
►CcubicEqn | Cubic equation of the form a*x^3 + b*x^2 + c*x + d = 0 |
Ccoefficient | Coefficient indexing enumeration |
►ClinearEqn | Linear equation of the form a*x + b = 0 |
Ccoefficient | Coefficient indexing enumeration |
►CquadraticEqn | Quadratic equation of the form a*x^2 + b*x + c = 0 |
Ccoefficient | Coefficient indexing enumeration |
CRoots | Templated storage for the roots of polynomial equations, plus flags to indicate the nature of the roots |
CpTraits | Traits class for primitives |
Cquaternion | Quaternion class used to perform rotations in 3D space |
►CrandomGenerator | Random number generator |
Cseed | Seed class |
►ClabelRange | A label range specifier |
Cconst_iterator | An STL const_iterator |
Cless | Less function class for sorting labelRange |
►ClabelRanges | A list of labelRange |
Cconst_iterator | An STL const_iterator |
CscalarRange | A scalar range specifier |
CscalarRanges | A List of scalarRange |
►Cremote | Struct for keeping processor, element (cell, face, point) index |
CfirstProcEqOp | Operator to take the first valid process |
CfirstProcOp | Operator to take the first valid process |
►CRemoteData | Struct for keeping processor, element (cell, face, point) and a piece of data. Used for finding minimum values across multiple processes |
CsmallestEqOp | Operator to take smallest valid value |
CsmallestFirstEqOp | Operator to take smallest first valid value |
CRowVector | Templated 3D row-vector derived from MatrixSpace adding construction from 3 components and element access using x(), y() and z() |
CtypeOfTranspose< Cmpt, Vector< Cmpt > > | |
CtypeOfTranspose< Cmpt, RowVector< Cmpt > > | |
CtypeOfRank< Cmpt, 0 > | |
CsymmTypeOfRank< Cmpt, 0 > | |
CpTraits< Scalar > | |
CscalarAndError | Class to encapsulate a scalar value and an associated round-off error. The error is tracked through operations performed between scalarAndError variables |
Csepternion | Septernion class used to perform translations and rotations in 3D space |
CCompactSpatialTensor | Templated 3D compact spatial tensor derived from MatrixSpace used to represent transformations of spatial vectors and the angular and linear inertia of rigid bodies |
CtypeOfInnerProduct< Cmpt, CompactSpatialTensor< Cmpt >, Tensor< Cmpt > > | |
CtypeOfInnerProduct< Cmpt, CompactSpatialTensor< Cmpt >, Vector< Cmpt > > | |
CtypeOfInnerProduct< Cmpt, SpatialTensor< Cmpt >, CompactSpatialTensor< Cmpt > > | |
CCompactSpatialTensorT | Templated 3D transposed compact spatial tensor derived from MatrixSpace used to represent transformations of spatial vectors of rigid bodies |
CtypeOfTranspose< Cmpt, CompactSpatialTensor< Cmpt > > | |
CtypeOfTranspose< Cmpt, CompactSpatialTensorT< Cmpt > > | |
CtypeOfInnerProduct< Cmpt, CompactSpatialTensor< Cmpt >, CompactSpatialTensorT< Cmpt >> | |
CtypeOfInnerProduct< Cmpt, CompactSpatialTensorT< Cmpt >, CompactSpatialTensor< Cmpt >> | |
CtypeOfInnerProduct< Cmpt, CompactSpatialTensorT< Cmpt >, SpatialVector< Cmpt >> | |
CSpatialTensor | Templated 3D spatial tensor derived from MatrixSpace used to represent transformations of spatial vectors and the angular and linear inertia of rigid bodies |
CtypeOfTranspose< Cmpt, SpatialTensor< Cmpt > > | |
CtypeOfOuterProduct< Cmpt, SpatialVector< Cmpt >, SpatialVector< Cmpt > > | |
CtypeOfInnerProduct< Cmpt, SpatialTensor< Cmpt >, SpatialVector< Cmpt > > | |
CtypeOfInnerProduct< Cmpt, SpatialTensor< Cmpt >, SpatialTensor< Cmpt > > | |
►CspatialTransform | Compact representation of the Plücker spatial transformation tensor in terms of the rotation tensor E and translation vector r |
Cdual | Wrapper-class to provide dual functions and operators |
Ctranspose | Wrapper-class to provide transpose functions and operators |
►CSpatialVector | Templated 3D spatial vector derived from VectorSpace used to represent the anglular and linear components of position, velocity and acceleration of rigid bodies |
Cdual | Class to represent the dual spatial vector |
►CIdentity | Templated identity and dual space identity tensors derived from SphericalTensor |
Cdual | The identity type in the dual space |
CSphericalTensor | Templated 3D SphericalTensor derived from VectorSpace adding construction from 1 component, element access using th ii() member function and the inner-product (dot-product) and outer-product operators |
CouterProduct< SphericalTensor< Cmpt >, Cmpt > | |
CouterProduct< Cmpt, SphericalTensor< Cmpt > > | |
CinnerProduct< SphericalTensor< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor< Cmpt > > | |
CinnerProduct< SphericalTensor< Cmpt >, Vector< Cmpt > > | |
CinnerProduct< Vector< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor< Cmpt > > | |
CSphericalTensor2D | Templated 2D sphericalTensor derived from VectorSpace adding construction from 1 component, element access using ii() member function and the inner-product (dot-product) and outer-product operators |
CouterProduct< SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt >, Cmpt > | |
CouterProduct< Cmpt, SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt > > | |
CinnerProduct< SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt > > | |
CinnerProduct< SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt >, Vector2D< Cmpt > > | |
CinnerProduct< Vector2D< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt > > | |
CfileName | A class for handling file names |
CfunctionName | A functionName is a word starting with '#' |
ChashedWordList | A wordList with hashed indices for faster lookup by name |
CwordReListMatcher | A wrapper for matching a List of wordRe |
►Cstring | A class for handling character strings derived from std::string |
Chash | Hashing function class, shared by all the derived classes |
Cvariable | A variable is a word with support for additional characters, in particular '$' and '/' |
CverbatimString | A class for handling verbatimStrings, derived from string |
Cword | A class for handling words, derived from string |
CwordRe | A wordRe is a word, but can also have a regular expression for matching words |
CsubModelBase | Base class for generic sub-models requiring to be read from dictionary. Provides a mechanism to read and write properties from a dictionary to enable clean re-starts. Used by, e.g. clou dsub-models |
CSymmTensor | Templated 3D symmetric tensor derived from VectorSpace adding construction from 6 components, element access using xx(), xy() etc. member functions and the inner-product (dot-product) and outer-product of two Vectors (tensor-product) operators |
CsymmTypeOfRank< Cmpt, 2 > | |
CouterProduct< SymmTensor< Cmpt >, Cmpt > | |
CouterProduct< Cmpt, SymmTensor< Cmpt > > | |
CinnerProduct< SymmTensor< Cmpt >, SymmTensor< Cmpt > > | |
CinnerProduct< SymmTensor< Cmpt >, Vector< Cmpt > > | |
CinnerProduct< Vector< Cmpt >, SymmTensor< Cmpt > > | |
CtypeOfSum< SphericalTensor< Cmpt >, SymmTensor< Cmpt > > | |
CtypeOfSum< SymmTensor< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor< Cmpt > > | |
CinnerProduct< SphericalTensor< Cmpt >, SymmTensor< Cmpt > > | |
CinnerProduct< SymmTensor< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor< Cmpt > > | |
CSymmTensor2D | Templated 2D symmetric tensor derived from VectorSpace adding construction from 4 components, element access using xx(), xy() etc. member functions and the inner-product (dot-product) and outer-product of two Vectors (tensor-product) operators |
CouterProduct< SymmTensor2D< Cmpt >, Cmpt > | |
CouterProduct< Cmpt, SymmTensor2D< Cmpt > > | |
CinnerProduct< SymmTensor2D< Cmpt >, SymmTensor2D< Cmpt > > | |
CinnerProduct< SymmTensor2D< Cmpt >, Vector2D< Cmpt > > | |
CinnerProduct< Vector2D< Cmpt >, SymmTensor2D< Cmpt > > | |
CtypeOfSum< SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt >, SymmTensor2D< Cmpt > > | |
CtypeOfSum< SymmTensor2D< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt > > | |
CinnerProduct< SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt >, SymmTensor2D< Cmpt > > | |
CinnerProduct< SymmTensor2D< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt > > | |
CtypeOfRank< Cmpt, 2 > | |
CtypeOfTranspose< Cmpt, Tensor< Cmpt > > | |
CtypeOfSum< SphericalTensor< Cmpt >, Tensor< Cmpt > > | |
CtypeOfSum< Tensor< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor< Cmpt > > | |
CinnerProduct< SphericalTensor< Cmpt >, Tensor< Cmpt > > | |
CinnerProduct< Tensor< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor< Cmpt > > | |
CtypeOfSum< SymmTensor< Cmpt >, Tensor< Cmpt > > | |
CtypeOfSum< Tensor< Cmpt >, SymmTensor< Cmpt > > | |
CinnerProduct< SymmTensor< Cmpt >, Tensor< Cmpt > > | |
CinnerProduct< Tensor< Cmpt >, SymmTensor< Cmpt > > | |
CTensor2D | Templated 2D tensor derived from VectorSpace adding construction from 4 components, element access using xx(), xy(), yx() and yy() member functions and the iner-product (dot-product) and outer-product of two Vector2Ds (tensor-product) operators |
CtypeOfSum< SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt >, Tensor2D< Cmpt > > | |
CtypeOfSum< Tensor2D< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt > > | |
CinnerProduct< Tensor2D< Cmpt >, Tensor2D< Cmpt > > | |
CinnerProduct< SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt >, Tensor2D< Cmpt > > | |
CinnerProduct< Tensor2D< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt > > | |
CinnerProduct< Tensor2D< Cmpt >, Vector2D< Cmpt > > | |
CinnerProduct< Vector2D< Cmpt >, Tensor2D< Cmpt > > | |
CouterProduct< Vector2D< Cmpt >, Vector2D< Cmpt > > | |
Ctransformer | Vector-tensor class used to perform translations, rotations and scaling operations in 3D space |
Ctriad | Representation of a 3D Cartesian coordinate system as a Vector of vectors |
►CTuple3 | A 3-tuple for storing three objects of different types |
CHash | Hashing function class |
Cflux | |
Cflux< scalar > | |
CVector | Templated 3D Vector derived from VectorSpace adding construction from 3 components, element access using x(), y() and z() member functions and the inner-product (dot-product) and cross product operators |
CtypeOfRank< Cmpt, 1 > | |
CsymmTypeOfRank< Cmpt, 1 > | |
CvectorAndError | Vector of scalarAndError-s |
CinnerProduct< Vector< Cmpt >, scalar > | Dummy innerProduct for scalar to allow the construction of vtables for |
CVector2D | Templated 2D Vector derived from VectorSpace adding construction from 2 components, element access using x() and y() member functions and the inner-product (dot-product) |
CtypeOfInnerProduct | Abstract template class to provide the form resulting from |
CtypeOfOuterProduct | Abstract template class to provide the form resulting from |
CtypeOfTranspose | Abstract template class to provide the transpose form of a form |
CtypeOfRank | |
CsymmTypeOfRank | |
CtypeOfSum | |
CouterProduct | |
CcrossProduct | |
CinnerProduct | |
CscalarProduct | |
CpowProduct | |
►CVectorSpace | Templated vector space |
CConstBlock | Const sub-block type |
CVectorSpaceOps | Operator functions for VectorSpace |
CVectorSpaceOps< N, N > | |
Czero | A class representing the concept of 0 used to avoid unnecessary manipulations for objects that are known to be zero at compile-time |
CnamedUnitConversion | .. |
CunitConversion | Unit conversion structure. Contains the associated dimensions and the multiplier with which to convert values |
CdeleteUnitsPtr | |
CclockTime | Starts timing (using rtc) and returns elapsed time from start. Better resolution (2uSec instead of ~20mSec) than cpuTime |
CcpuTime | Starts timing CPU usage and return elapsed time from start |
CreduceFileStates | Reduction operator for PackedList of fileState |
CcombineReduceFileStates | Combine operator for PackedList of fileState |
CfileMonitorWatcher | Internal tracking via stat(3p) or inotify(7) |
CfileMonitor | Checking for changes to files |
CfileStat | Wrapper for stat() system call |
CmemInfo | Memory usage information for the process running this object |
CregExp | Wrapper around POSIX extended regular expressions |
CsigFpe | Set up trapping for floating point exceptions (signal FPE) |
CsigInt | Signal handler for INT interrupt |
CsigQuit | Signal handler for QUIT interrupt |
CsigSegv | Signal handler for SEGV interrupt |
CsigStopAtWriteNow | Signal handler to write and exit when the stopAtWriteNowSignal is sent |
CsigWriteNow | Signal handler to write when the writeNowSignal is sent |
Ctimer | Implements a timeout mechanism via sigalarm |
CdecompositionConstraint | |
CrefinementHistoryConstraint | Constraint to keep all cells originating from refining the same cell onto the same processor. Reads polyMesh/refinementHistory |
CdecompositionMethod | Abstract base class for decomposition |
CdistributedTriSurfaceMesh | IOoject and searching on distributed triSurface. All processor hold (possibly overlapping) part of the overall surface. All queries are distributed to the processor that can answer it and the result sent back |
CtypeGlobal< distributedTriSurfaceMesh > | Trait for obtaining global status |
CdomainDecomposition | Automatic domain decomposition class for finite-volume meshes |
CmultiDomainDecomposition | .. |
CprocessorRunTimes | |
CphysicalProperties | A base class for physical properties |
Cviscosity | Abstract base class for all fluid physical properties |
CviscosityModel | An abstract base class for Newtonian viscosity models |
CminEqOp< labelPair > | |
CcreateShellMesh | Creates mesh by extruding a patch |
CfvMeshAdder | Adds two fvMeshes without using any polyMesh morphing. Uses polyMeshAdder |
ClessProcPatches | Less function class that can be used for sorting processor patches |
CfvMeshDistribute | Sends/receives parts of mesh+fvfields to neighbouring processors. Used in load balancing |
CfvMeshSubset | Post-processing mesh subset tool. Given the original mesh and the list of selected cells, it creates the mesh consisting only of the desired cells, with the mapping list for points, faces, and cells |
CfvMeshTools | A collection of tools for operating on an fvMesh |
CmergePatchPairs | Class to stitch mesh by merging patch-pairs |
CpTraits< edge > | Template specialisation for pTraits<edge> so we can use syncTools |
CcellCuts | Description of cuts across cells |
CcellLooper | Abstract base class. Concrete implementations know how to cut a cell (i.e. determine a loop around the circumference) |
CgeomCellLooper | Implementation of cellLooper. Does pure geometric cut through cell |
ChexCellLooper | Implementation of cellLooper |
CdirectionInfo | Holds direction in which to split cell (in fact a local coordinate axes). Information is a label and a direction |
Cdirections | Set of directions for each cell in the mesh. Either uniform and size=1 or one set of directions per cell |
CedgeVertex | Combines edge or vertex in single label. Used to specify cuts across cell circumference |
CmeshCutter | Cuts (splits) cells |
CmultiDirRefinement | Does multiple pass refinement to refine cells in multiple directions |
CrefinementIterator | Utility class to do iterating meshCutter until all requests satisfied |
CundoableMeshCutter | The main refinement handler. Gets cellCuts which is structure that describes which cells are to be cut and in what way. Maintains an undo list (if told so during construction). Apart from undo list is just wrapper around meshCutter |
CrefineCell | Container with cells to refine. Refinement given as single direction |
CsplitCell | Description of cell after splitting. Contains cellLabel and pointers to cells it split in. See directedRefinement |
CperfectInterface | Hack of attachDetach to couple patches when they perfectly align. Does not decouple. Used by stitchMesh app. Does geometric matching |
CfaceCoupleInfo | Container for information needed to couple to meshes. When constructed from two meshes and a list of coupled faces returns the mapping between points |
CpolyMeshAdder | Adds two meshes without using any polyMesh morphing |
CpolyMeshFilter | Remove the edges and faces of a polyMesh whilst satisfying the given mesh quality criteria |
CpolyMeshFilterSettings | Class to store the settings for the polyMeshFilter class |
CaddPatchCellLayer | Adds layers of cells to outside of polyPatch. Can optionally create stand-alone extruded mesh (addToMesh=false) |
CcombineFaces | Combines boundary faces into single face. The faces get the patch of the first face ('the master') |
CduplicatePoints | Duplicate points |
CedgeCollapser | Does polyTopoChanges to remove edges. Can remove faces due to edge collapse but can not remove cells due to face removal! Also removes unused points |
CifEqEqOp | Reduction class. If x and y are not equal assign value |
ChexRef8 | Refinement of (split) hexes using polyTopoChange |
ChexRef8Data | Various for reading/decomposing/reconstructing/distributing refinement data |
►CrefinementHistory | All refinement history. Used in unrefinement |
CsplitCell8 | |
CpointEdgeCollapse | Determines length of string of edges walked to point |
CpolyTopoChange | Direct mesh changes based on v1.3 polyTopoChange syntax |
CrefinementData | Transfers refinement levels such that slow transition between levels is maintained. Used in FaceCellWave |
CrefinementDistanceData | Transfers refinement levels such that slow transition between levels is maintained. Used in FaceCellWave |
CremoveCells | Given list of cells to remove insert all the topology changes |
CremoveFaces | Given list of faces to remove insert all the topology changes. Contains helper function to get consistent set of faces to remove |
CfaceEqOp | |
CremovePoints | Removes selected points from mesh and updates faces using these points |
Crepatcher | A mesh which allows changes in the patch distribution of the boundary faces. The change in patching is set using changePatchID. For a boundary face, a new patch ID is given |
CrepatchMesh | Addressing for all faces on surface of mesh. Can either be read from polyMesh or from triSurface. Used for repatching existing meshes |
CrepatchPatch | Like polyPatch but without reference to mesh. patchIdentifier::index is not used. Used in repatchMesh to hold data on patches |
CgreyDiffusiveRadiationMixedFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides a grey-diffuse condition for radiation intensity, I , for use with the finite-volume discrete-ordinates model (fvDOM), in which the radiation temperature is retrieved from the temperature field boundary condition |
CgreyDiffusiveViewFactorFixedValueFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides a grey-diffuse condition for radiative heat flux, qr , for use with the view factor model |
CMarshakRadiationFvPatchScalarField | A 'mixed' boundary condition that implements a Marshak condition for the incident radiation field (usually written as G) |
CMarshakRadiationFixedTemperatureFvPatchScalarField | A 'mixed' boundary condition that implements a Marshak condition for the incident radiation field (usually written as G) |
CradiationCoupledBase | Common functions to emissivity. It gets supplied from lookup into a dictionary or calculated by the solidThermo: |
CwideBandDiffusiveRadiationMixedFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides a wide-band, diffusive radiation condition, where the patch temperature is specified |
CradiationModel | Top level model for radiation modelling |
Cfft | Fast fourier transform derived from the Numerical Recipes in C routine |
CKmesh | Calculate the wavenumber vector field corresponding to the space vector field of a finite volume mesh; |
CnoiseFFT | FFT of the pressure field |
COUprocess | Random Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process |
CturbGen | Generate a turbulent velocity field conforming to a given energy spectrum and being divergence free |
CCuthillMcKeeRenumber | Cuthill-McKee renumbering |
CmanualRenumber | Renumber given a ordered-to-original cell association in a file |
CrandomRenumber | Random renumber. Just to see effect of renumbering |
CrenumberMethod | Abstract base class for renumbering |
CspringRenumber | Use spring analogy - attract neighbouring cells according to the distance of their cell indices |
COppositeFaceCellWave | Version of FaceCellWave that walks through prismatic cells only |
►CstructuredRenumber | Renumbering according to mesh layers. depthFirst = true: first column gets ids 0..nLayer-1, second nLayers..2*nLayers-1 etc. depthFirst = false: first layer gets ids 0,1,2 etc |
ClayerLess | Less function class that can be used for sorting according to |
CSloanRenumber | Sloan renumbering algorithm |
CrigidBodyMeshMotion | Rigid-body mesh motion solver for fvMesh |
CrigidBodyMeshMotionSolver | Rigid-body mesh motion solver for fvMesh |
CsixDoFRigidBodyMotionConstraint | Base class for defining constraints for sixDoF motions |
CsixDoFRigidBodyMotionRestraint | Base class for defining restraints for sixDoF motions |
CsixDoFRigidBodyMotion | Six degree of freedom motion for a rigid body |
CsixDoFRigidBodyMotionState | Holds the motion state of sixDoF object. Wrapped up together to allow rapid scatter to other processors. The processors must all maintain exactly the same state data to avoid any drift or inconsistency |
CsixDoFRigidBodyMotionSolver | 6-DoF solid-body mesh motion solver for an fvMesh |
CsixDoFSolver | |
CcoordSet | Holds list of sampling positions |
CpatchProbes | Set of locations to sample.at patches |
►Cprobes | Set of locations to sample |
CfieldGroup | Class used for grouping field types |
CisNotEqOp | |
►CsampledSet | Holds list of sampling points which is filled at construction time. Various implementations of this base class to e.g. get sampling points at uniform distance along a line (lineUniformSet) or directly specified (pointsSet) |
CiNew | Class used for the read-construction of |
CsampledSetCloud | A Cloud of sampledSet particles |
►CsampledSetParticle | Particle for generating line-type sampled sets |
CtrackingData | Tracking data class |
CcsvSetWriter | Write set in csv format |
CensightSetWriter | |
CensightFile | Ensight output with specialised write() for strings, integers and floats. Correctly handles binary write as well |
CensightGeoFile | Specialised Ensight output with extra geometry file header |
►CensightPart | Base class for ensightPartCells and ensightPartFaces |
ClocalPoints | Track the points used by the part and map global to local indices |
CensightPartCells | An implementation of ensightPart to hold volume mesh cells |
CensightPartFaces | An implementation of ensightPart to hold volume mesh faces |
CensightParts | A collection of several ensightPart elements |
CgnuplotSetWriter | Write set in gnuplot format |
CnoSetWriter | |
CrawSetWriter | Write set in raw tabulated format |
CsetWriter | Base class for writing coordinate sets with data |
CvtkSetWriter | |
►CsampledSurface | An abstract class for surfaces with sampling |
CiNew | Class used for the PtrLists read-construction |
CthresholdCellFaces | Selects the mesh cell faces specified by a threshold value. Non-triangulated by default |
CensightPTraits | Conversion of OpenFOAM pTraits into the Ensight equivalent |
CensightPTraits< scalar > | |
CensightPTraits< vector > | |
CensightPTraits< sphericalTensor > | |
CensightPTraits< symmTensor > | |
CensightPTraits< tensor > | |
CensightSurfaceWriter | A surfaceWriter for Ensight format |
CfoamSurfaceWriter | A surfaceWriter for native OpenFOAM format with support for writing ASCII or binary |
CnoSurfaceWriter | A dummy surfaceWriter selected to disable surface writing |
CproxySurfaceWriter | A surfaceWriter that writes the geometry via the MeshedSurfaceProxy, but which does not support any fields |
CrawSurfaceWriter | A surfaceWriter for raw output |
CsurfaceWriter | Base class for surface writers |
CvtkSurfaceWriter | A surfaceWriter for VTK legacy format with support for writing ASCII or binary |
CadsorptionMassFractionFvPatchScalarField | This is a mass-fraction boundary condition for an adsorbing wall |
CsemiPermeableBaffleMassFractionFvPatchScalarField | This is a mass-fraction boundary condition for a semi-permeable baffle |
CspecieTransferMassFractionFvPatchScalarField | Abstract base class for specie-transferring mass fraction boundary conditions |
CspecieTransferTemperatureFvPatchScalarField | This is a temperature boundary condition for a specie-transferring wall |
CspecieTransferVelocityFvPatchVectorField | This is a velocity boundary condition for a specie-transferring wall |
CMeshedSurface | A surface geometry mesh with zone information, not to be confused with the similarly named surfaceMesh, which actually refers to the cell faces of a volume mesh |
CMeshedSurfaceProxy | A proxy for writing MeshedSurface, UnsortedMeshedSurface and surfMesh to various file formats |
CUnsortedMeshedSurface | A surface geometry mesh, in which the surface zone information is conveyed by the 'zoneId' associated with each face |
CMeshedSurfaceIOAllocator | A helper class for storing points, faces and zones with IO capabilities |
CSTLpoint | A vertex point representation for STL files |
CSTLtriangle | A triangle representation for STL files |
CsurfaceRegistry | Wraps the normal objectRegistry with a local instance for surfaces |
CsurfGeoMesh | The surfMesh GeoMesh (for holding fields) |
CsurfPointGeoMesh | The surfMesh GeoMesh (for holding fields) |
CsurfMesh | A surface mesh consisting of general polygon faces |
CsurfZone | A surface zone on a MeshedSurface |
CsurfZoneIOList | IOobject for a surfZoneList |
CsurfZoneIdentifier | An identifier for a surface zone on a meshed surface |
►CbasicThermo | Base-class for fluid and solid thermodynamic properties |
Cimplementation | |
CBasicThermo | Thermo implementation and storage of energy and heat capacities. Provides overloads of the functions defined in the basic thermo type that depend on the primitive thermo model |
CNamedThermo | Final wrapper around a derived thermo. Adds type info |
CenergyCalculatedTemperatureFvScalarFieldSource | Base class for temperature source conditions in which the parameters of the corresponding energy condition can be set directly |
CenergyFvScalarFieldSource | This source condition provides a value for the energy derived from the corresponding condition for the temperature, and the conditions for other relevant thermodynamic variables. This is constructed automatically by the thermodynamic model. The user does not specify it |
CuniformFixedEnergyTemperatureFvScalarFieldSource | This source condition is applied to the temperature field, but provides a uniform fixed energy into the energy equation |
CuniformInletOutletEnergyTemperatureFvScalarFieldSource | This source condition is applied to the temperature field, but provides a uniform fixed energy into the energy equation when the source is positive, and the internal value when it is negative (i.e., a sink) |
CenergyJumpFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides an energy jump condition, using the cyclic condition as a base. The jump is calculated from the corresponding temperature jump. This condition is not applied directly by the user, but is constructed automatically by the thermodynamic model when the corresponding temperature boundary condition is a jump cyclic |
CfixedEnergyFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides a fixed condition for energy. This is selected when the corresponding temperature condition is fixedValue |
CgradientEnergyCalculatedTemperatureFvPatchScalarField | Base class for temperature boundary conditions in which the parameters of the gradient energy condition can be set directly |
CgradientEnergyFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides a gradient condition for energy. This is selected when the corresponding temperature condition is zeroGradient, fixedGradient or gradientEnergyCalculatedTemperature |
CmixedEnergyCalculatedTemperatureFvPatchScalarField | Base class for temperature boundary conditions in which the parameters of the mixed energy condition can be set directly |
CmixedEnergyFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides a mixed condition for energy. This is selected when the corresponding temperature condition is mixed, or mixedEnergyCalculatedTemperature |
►CfluidThermo | Base-class for fluid thermodynamic properties |
Cimplementation | |
CLiquidThermo | Liquid thermo implementation |
►CliquidThermo | Base-class for liquid thermodynamic properties |
Ccomposite | |
CpureMixture | Pure mixture model. This does no mixing, it just returns the single underlying thermo model |
CPhysicalPropertiesThermo | Wrapper around a thermo which also constructs the physical properties dictionary |
►CpsiThermo | Base-class for fluid thermodynamic properties based on compressibility |
Ccomposite | |
Cimplementation | |
CPsiThermo | Thermo implementation based on compressibility |
CpureThermo | Base-class for multi-component thermodynamic properties |
CRhoFluidThermo | Thermo implementation based on density |
►CrhoFluidThermo | Base-class for fluid thermodynamic properties based on density |
Ccomposite | |
►CrhoThermo | Base-class for thermodynamic properties based on density |
Cimplementation | |
CbasicChemistryModel | Base class for chemistry models |
CchemistryModel | Extends base chemistry model by adding a thermo package, and ODE functions. Introduces chemistry equation system and evaluation of chemical source terms with optional support for TDAC mechanism reduction and tabulation |
CchemistryReductionMethod | An abstract class for methods of chemical mechanism reduction |
►CSortableListDRGEP | A list that is sorted upon construction or when explicitly requested with the sort() method |
Cless | Less function class used by the sort function |
►CSortableListEFA | A list that is sorted upon construction or when explicitly requested with the sort() method |
Cmore | Less function class used by the sort function |
CchemistryTabulationMethod | An abstract class for chemistry tabulation |
CbinaryNode | Node of the binary tree |
CbinaryTree | Data storage of the chemistryOnLineLibrary according to a binary tree structure |
CchemPointISAT | Leaf of the binary tree. The chemPoint stores the composition 'phi', the mapping of this composition Rphi, the mapping gradient matrix A and the matrix describing the Ellipsoid Of Accuracy (EOA) |
CchemistrySolver | An abstract base class for solving chemistry |
CEulerImplicit | An Euler implicit solver for chemistry |
CnoChemistrySolver | Dummy chemistry solver for 'none' option |
Code | An ODE solver for chemistry |
CodeChemistryModel | Extends base chemistry model adding an ODESystem and the reduction maps needed for tabulation |
Cignition | Foam::ignition |
►CignitionSite | Foam::ignitionSite |
CiNew | Class used for the read-construction of |
ClaminarFlameSpeed | Abstract class for laminar flame speed |
CfixedUnburntEnthalpyFvPatchScalarField | Fixed boundary condition for unburnt |
CgradientUnburntEnthalpyFvPatchScalarField | Gradient boundary condition for unburnt |
CmixedUnburntEnthalpyFvPatchScalarField | Mixed boundary condition for unburnt |
CfluidMulticomponentThermo | Base-class for multi-component fluid thermodynamic properties |
CFluidMulticomponentThermo | Fluid multi-component thermo implementation |
CFieldListSlice | Class to provide a list-like interface to a slice through a PtrList of fields |
CGeometricFieldListSlicer | Class to provide list slices to different parts of a geometric field |
CcoefficientMulticomponentMixture | Thermophysical properties mixing class which applies mass-fraction weighted mixing to the thermodynamic and transport coefficients |
►CcoefficientWilkeMulticomponentMixture | Thermophysical properties mixing class which applies mass-fraction weighted mixing to the thermodynamic coefficients and Wilke's equation to transport properties |
CtransportMixtureType | Mixing type for transport properties |
CegrMixture | Foam::egrMixture |
ChomogeneousMixture | Foam::homogeneousMixture |
CinhomogeneousMixture | Foam::inhomogeneousMixture |
CmulticomponentMixture | Foam::multicomponentMixture |
CsingleComponentMixture | Single component mixture |
►CvalueMulticomponentMixture | Thermophysical properties mixing class which applies mass-fraction weighted mixing to thermodynamic properties and mole-fraction weighted mixing to transport properties |
CthermoMixtureType | Mixing type for thermodynamic properties |
CtransportMixtureType | Mixing type for transport properties |
CveryInhomogeneousMixture | Foam::veryInhomogeneousMixture |
CMulticomponentThermo | Multi-component thermo implementation |
►CmulticomponentThermo | Base-class for multi-component thermodynamic properties |
Cimplementation | |
►CpsiMulticomponentThermo | Base-class for multi-component fluid thermodynamic properties based on compressibility |
Ccomposite | |
CPsiuMulticomponentThermo | Thermo implementation based on compressibility with additional unburnt thermodynamic state |
►CpsiuMulticomponentThermo | Base-class for combustion fluid thermodynamic properties based on compressibility |
Ccomposite | |
Cimplementation | |
►CrhoFluidMulticomponentThermo | Base-class for multi-component fluid thermodynamic properties based on density |
Ccomposite | |
CsaturationPressureModel | Model to describe the dependence of saturation pressure on temperature, and vice versa |
CsaturationTemperatureModel | Model to describe the dependence of saturation pressure on temperature, and vice versa |
CconstAnisoSolidThermo | Uniform or non-uniform constant anisotropic solid thermodynamic properties |
CconstSolidThermo | Uniform or non-uniform constant solid thermodynamic properties |
CconstAnisoSolidTransport | Constant properties Transport package. Templated into a given Thermodynamics package (needed for thermal conductivity) |
CconstIsoSolidTransport | Constant properties Transport package. Templated into a given thermodynamics package (needed for thermal conductivity) |
CexponentialSolidTransport | Exponential properties for solid heat transport Templated into a given thermodynamics package |
CpolynomialSolidTransport | Transport package using polynomial functions for solid kappa |
CtabulatedSolidTransport | Transport properties package using non-uniformly-spaced tabulated data for thermal conductivity vs temperature |
CSolidThermo | Thermo implementation for a solid |
►CsolidThermo | Base-class for solid thermodynamic properties |
Ccomposite | |
Cimplementation | |
►CatomicWeightTable | A table of atomic weights for all the elements |
CatomicWeight | Structure to hold the element name and atomic weight pair |
CadiabaticPerfectFluid | Adiabatic perfect fluid equation of state for liquids: |
CBoussinesq | Incompressible gas equation of state using the Boussinesq approximation for the density as a function of temperature only: |
CicoPolynomial | Incompressible, polynomial form of equation of state, using a polynomial function for density |
CicoTabulated | Incompressible of equation of state using non-uniform tabulated density vs temperature |
CincompressiblePerfectGas | Incompressible gas equation of state using a constant reference pressure in the perfect gas equation of state rather than the local pressure so that the density only varies with temperature: |
CPengRobinsonGas | PengRobinsonGas cubic equation of state for gases |
CperfectFluid | Simple extension of the perfect gas equation of state to liquids by the addition of a constant density off-set: |
CperfectGas | Perfect gas equation of state: |
CrhoConst | Constant density equations of state |
CrhoTabulated | Incompressible of equation of state using uniform tabulated density vs pressure and temperature |
CrPolynomial | Reciprocal polynomial equation of state for liquids and solids |
Creaction | Reaction base-class holding the specie names and coefficients |
CArrheniusReactionRate | Arrhenius reaction rate given by: |
CChemicallyActivatedReactionRate | General class for handling chemically-activated bimolecular reactions |
CLindemannFallOffFunction | Lindemann fall-off function |
CSRIFallOffFunction | The SRI fall-off function |
CTroeFallOffFunction | The Troe fall-off function |
CFallOffReactionRate | General class for handling unimolecular/recombination fall-off reactions |
CfluxLimitedLangmuirHinshelwoodReactionRate | Langmuir-Hinshelwood reaction rate for gaseous reactions on surfaces including the optional flux limiter of Waletzko and Schmidt |
CJanevReactionRate | Janev, Langer, Evans and Post reaction rate |
CLandauTellerReactionRate | Landau-Teller reaction rate |
CLangmuirHinshelwoodReactionRate | Langmuir-Hinshelwood reaction rate for gaseous reactions on surfaces |
CMichaelisMentenReactionRate | Michaelis-Menten reaction rate for enzymatic reactions |
CpowerSeriesReactionRate | Power series reaction rate |
CsurfaceArrheniusReactionRate | A modified Arrhenius reaction rate given by: |
CthirdBodyArrheniusReactionRate | Arrhenius reaction rate enhanced by third-body interaction |
CthirdBodyEfficiencies | Third body efficiencies |
CIrreversibleReaction | Extension of Reaction to handle irreversible reactions |
CNonEquilibriumReversibleReaction | Extension of Reaction to handle non-equilibrium reversible reactions |
CReaction | Simple extension of ThermoType to handle reaction kinetics in addition to the equilibrium thermodynamics already handled |
CReactionList | List of templated reactions |
CReversibleReaction | Extension of Reaction to handle reversible reactions using equilibrium thermodynamics |
CspecieCoeffs | Class to hold the specie index and its coefficients in the reaction rate expression |
CspecieExponent | Type for exponents of species in reaction. Can take either integer or scalar value, and powers are optimised in the integer case |
Cspecie | Base class of the thermophysical property types |
CspecieElement | |
CabsoluteEnthalpy | Thermodynamics mapping class to expose the absolute enthalpy functions |
CabsoluteInternalEnergy | Thermodynamics mapping class to expose the absolute internal energy functions |
CeConstThermo | Internal energy based thermodynamics package using a constant heat capacity at constant volume |
CeIcoTabulatedThermo | Internal energy based thermodynamics package using non-uniform tabulated data for heat capacity vs temperature |
CePolynomialThermo | Internal energy based thermodynamics package using a polynomial function of temperature for the constant heat capacity at constant volume: |
CePowerThermo | Internal energy based thermodynamics package using a power function of temperature for the constant heat capacity at constant volume which is particularly suitable for solids at low temperatures: |
CeTabulatedThermo | Internal energy based thermodynamics package using uniform tabulated data for internal energy and heat capacity vs pressure and temperature |
ChConstThermo | Enthalpy based thermodynamics package using a constant heat capacity at constant pressure |
ChIcoTabulatedThermo | Enthalpy based thermodynamics package using non-uniform tabulated data for heat capacity vs temperature |
ChPolynomialThermo | Enthalpy based thermodynamics package using a polynomial function of temperature for the constant heat capacity at constant pressure: |
ChPowerThermo | Enthalpy based thermodynamics package using a power function of temperature for the constant heat capacity at constant volume which is particularly suitable for solids at low temperatures: |
ChTabulatedThermo | Enthalpy based thermodynamics package using uniform tabulated data for enthalpy and heat capacity vs pressure and temperature |
CjanafThermo | Enthalpy based thermodynamics package using JANAF tables: |
CsensibleEnthalpy | Thermodynamics mapping class to expose the sensible enthalpy functions |
CsensibleInternalEnergy | Thermodynamics mapping class to expose the sensible internal energy functions |
CAndradeTransport | Transport package using the Andrade function for the natural logarithm of dynamic viscosity and thermal conductivity of liquids: |
CconstTransport | Transport package with constant properties |
CicoTabulatedTransport | Transport properties package using non-uniformly-spaced tabulated data for viscosity and thermal conductivity vs temperature |
ClogPolynomialTransport | Transport package using polynomial functions of the natural logarithm of temperature for the natural logarithm of dynamic viscosity and thermal conductivity: |
CpolynomialTransport | Transport package using polynomial functions of temperature for the dynamic viscosity and thermal conductivity: |
CsutherlandTransport | Transport package using Sutherland's formula for viscosity: |
CtabulatedTransport | Transport properties package using uniformly-spaced tabulated data for viscosity and thermal conductivity vs pressure and temperature |
CWLFTransport | Transport package using the Williams-Landel-Ferry model for viscosity of polymer melts: |
CaC10H7CH3 | AlphaMethylNaphthalene |
CAr | Liquid Ar |
CbC10H7CH3 | BetaMethylNaphthalene |
CC10H22 | NDecane |
CC12H26 | NDodecane |
CC13H28 | NTriDecane |
CC14H30 | NTetraDecane |
CC16H34 | NHexaDecane |
CC2H5OH | Ethanol |
CC2H6 | Ethane |
CC2H6O | DiMethylEther |
CC3H6O | Acetone |
CC3H8 | Propane |
CC4H10O | DiEthylEther |
CC6H14 | NHexane |
CC6H6 | Benzene |
CC7H16 | NHeptane |
CC7H8 | Toluene |
CC8H10 | EthylBenzene |
CC8H18 | NOctane |
CC9H20 | NNonane |
CCH3OH | Methanol |
CCH4N2O | Urea, note that some of the properties are unavailable in the literature and have been copied from water |
CH2O | Water |
CiC3H8O | Iso-propanol |
CIC8H18 | Iso-Octane |
CIDEA | The IDEA fuel is constructed by adding 30% alphaMethylNaphthalene with 70% n-decane |
Cliquid | Generic thermophysical properties class for a liquid in which the functions and coefficients for each property are run-time selected |
CliquidMixtureProperties | A mixture of liquids |
CliquidProperties | The thermophysical properties of a liquid |
CliquidPropertiesSelector | Wrapper class providing run-time selection of thermophysicalProperties for the templated thermodynamics packages |
CMB | Liquid nC3H7COOCH3 or (MB) methyl butyrate (used for biodiesel surrogate) |
CN2 | Liquid N2 |
CnC3H8O | Propanol |
CNH3 | Liquid ammonia |
Cash | Coal ash solid properties |
CC | Graphite solid properties |
CCaCO3 | Calcium carbonate (limestone) |
CsolidMixtureProperties | A mixture of solids |
CsolidProperties | The thermophysical properties of a solid |
CthermophysicalProperties | Base-class for thermophysical properties of solids, liquids and gases providing an interface compatible with the templated thermodynamics packages |
CthermophysicalPropertiesSelector | Wrapper class providing run-time selection of thermophysicalProperties for the templated thermodynamics packages |
CcoupledTemperatureFvPatchScalarField | Mixed boundary condition for temperature, to be used for heat-transfer with another region in a CHT case. Optional thin wall material layer resistances can be specified through thicknessLayers and kappaLayers entries |
CexternalTemperatureFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition applies a heat flux condition to temperature on an external wall. Heat flux can be specified in the following ways: |
ClumpedMassTemperatureFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition is applied to a patch which bounds a solid body, wholly or partially. It represents the body as a lumped mass, i.e. by a single temperature T which is fixed across the patch. The body has a volume V which is either specified by the user, or is calculated when the patch describes a closed volume (including in 2D meshes). Starting from an initial, specified T , the change in temperature is calculated over time according to an applied power source Q and the heat transferred across the boundary (positive into the lumped mass): |
CexternalCoupledTemperatureMixedFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides a temperature interface to an external application. Values are transferred as plain text files, where OpenFOAM data is written as: |
CtotalFlowRateAdvectiveDiffusiveFvPatchScalarField | This BC is used for species inlets. The diffusion and advection fluxes are considered to calculate the inlet value for the species The massFluxFraction sets the fraction of the flux of each particular species |
CfluidThermophysicalTransportModel | Abstract base class for fluid thermophysical transport models RAS, LES and laminar |
CFickian | |
ClaminarThermophysicalTransportModel | Templated abstract base class for laminar thermophysical transport models |
CMaxwellStefan | Base class for multi-component Maxwell Stefan generalised Fick's law diffusion coefficients based temperature gradient heat flux model with optional Soret thermal diffusion of species |
CPhaseThermophysicalTransportModel | Templated base class for multiphase thermophysical transport models |
CThermophysicalTransportModel | Templated abstract base class for thermophysical transport models |
CLESThermophysicalTransportModel | Templated abstract base class for LES thermophysical transport models |
CRASThermophysicalTransportModel | Templated abstract base class for RAS thermophysical transport models |
CphaseSolidThermophysicalTransportModel | Abstract base class for solid thermophysical transport models |
CsolidThermophysicalTransportModel | Abstract base class for solid thermophysical transport models |
CthermophysicalTransportModel | Abstract base class for all fluid and solid thermophysical transport models |
CmeshTriangulation | Triangulation of mesh faces. Generates (multiply connected) trisurface |
ChashSignedLabel | Hash for signed integers (Hash<label> only works for unsigned ints) |
ClabelledTri | Triangle with additional region number |
CoffsetOp< labelledTri > | Hash specialisation to offset faces in ListListOps::combineOffset |
CsurfAndLabel | Hold surface and label |
CsortLabelledTri | Helper class which when constructed with a triSurface sorts the faces according to region number (or rather constructs a mapping) |
CgeometricSurfacePatch | The geometricSurfacePatch is like patchIdentifier but for surfaces. Holds type, name and index |
CsurfacePatch | 'Patch' on surface as subset of triSurface |
CsurfacePatchIOList | IOobject for a surfacePatchList |
CtriSurface | Triangulated surface description with patch information |
CtriSurfaceGeoMesh | The triSurface GeoMesh (for holding fields) |
CtriSurfacePointGeoMesh | The triSurface point GeoMesh (for holding vertex fields) |
CcompressibleTwoPhases | |
CcavitationModel | Abstract base class for cavitation models |
CincompressibleTwoPhases | Interface to two constant density phases |
CinterfaceCompressionNew | |
CMPLIC | Multicut Piecewise-Linear Interface Calculation (MPLIC) corrected scheme is a surface interpolation scheme for flux calculation in advection of a bounded variable, e.g. phase fraction and for interface capturing in the volume of fluid (VoF) method |
CMPLICcell | Class performs geometric matching of volume fraction and calculates surface interpolation of volume fraction field |
CMPLICcellStorage | Provides local cell addressing for geometry and data for MPLIC class |
CMPLICface | Class that deals with cutting faces based on face point values and target value |
CMPLICU | Velocity-weighted Multicut Piecewise-Linear Interface Calculation (MPLICU) corrected scheme is a surface interpolation scheme for flux calculation in advection of a bounded variable, e.g. phase fraction and for interface capturing in the volume of fluid (VoF) method |
CnoInterfaceCompressionNew | |
CPLIC | Piecewise-Linear Interface Calculation (PLIC) corrected scheme is a surface interpolation scheme for flux calculation in advection of a bounded variable, e.g. phase fraction and for interface capturing in the volume of fluid (VoF) method |
CPLICU | Velocity-weighted Piecewise-Linear Interface Calculation (PLICU) corrected scheme is a surface interpolation scheme for flux calculation in advection of a bounded variable, e.g. phase fraction and for interface capturing in the volume of fluid (VoF) method |
CcontactAngleFvPatchScalarField | General alpha contact angle boundary condition |
CcontactAngleModel | Abstract base-class for contact-angle models which return the cosine contact angle field |
CinterfaceProperties | Contains the interface properties. Surface tension, interface curvature, and functionality to correct alpha contact angle boundary conditions |
CsurfaceTensionModel | Abstract base-class for surface tension models which return the surface tension coefficient field |
CtwoPhaseMixture | Class to represent a mixture of two phases |
CtwoPhases | Interface to two phases |
CalphaFixedPressureFvPatchScalarField | A fixed-pressure alphaContactAngle boundary |
CwaveAlphaFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides a waveAlpha condition. This sets the phase fraction to that specified by a superposition of wave models. All the wave modelling parameters are obtained from a centrally registered waveSuperposition class |
CwaveInletOutletFvPatchField | This boundary condition provides an inlet-outlet condition with differing inlet values on either side of a wave interface. All the wave modelling parameters are obtained from a centrally registered waveSuperposition class |
CwaveVelocityFvPatchVectorField | This boundary condition provides a waveVelocity condition. This sets the velocity to that specified by a superposition of wave models. All the wave modelling parameters are obtained from a centrally registered waveSuperposition class |
CwaveSpectrum | Base class for wave spectra |
CwaveModel | Generic base class for waves. Derived classes must implement field functions which return the elevation above the wave surface and the velocity field, both as a function of position |
CwaveAtmBoundaryLayerSuperposition | An extension of waveSuperposition which adds an atmospheric boundary layer model to the gas velocity. The user supplies a gas velocity and a height above the wave coordinate system origin at which that velocity is reached. Also needed are a maximum and minimum wave height which are used to set the surface roughness in the boundary layer model. It is not trivial to determine these from an arbitrary superposition of differently oriented wave models, so they are required as user inputs instead. For a pure sinusoidal wave, the maximum and minimum wave heights can be set to positive and negative amplitude, respectively |
CwaveSuperposition | A wrapper around a list of wave models. Superimposes the modelled values of elevation and velocity. The New method looks up or constructs an instance of this class on demand and returns a reference. Properties are read from a waveProperties dictionary in constant |
CedgeStats | Helper class to calculate minimum edge length on mesh |
ChexBlock | Hex block definition used in the cfx converter |
CfluentFvMesh | |
CsammMesh | A messy mesh class which supports the possibility of creating a shapeMesh for regular Samm meshes (no arbitrary interfaces or collapsed SAMM cells). If any of these special features exist, the mesh is created as polyMesh |
CcoupledFacePair | Data associated with a pair of coupled faces |
CstarMesh | A messy mesh class which supports the possibility of creating a shapeMesh for regular Star meshes (no arbitrary interfaces or collapsed SAMM cells). If any of these special features exist, the mesh is created as polyMesh |
Cextrude2DMesh | Given a 2D mesh insert all the topology changes to extrude. Does not work in parallel |
CpatchToPoly2DMesh | Convert a primitivePatch into a 2D polyMesh |
CextrudedMesh | |
CfaceSelection | Face selection method for createBaffles |
CmergePolyMesh | Merge meshes into a single mesh without stitching |
CmirrorFvMesh | |
CmeshDualiser | Creates dual of polyMesh. Every point becomes a cell (or multiple cells for feature points), a walk around every edge creates faces between them |
►CfvFieldDecomposer | Finite Volume volume and surface field decomposer |
CpatchFieldDecomposer | Patch field decomposer class |
ClagrangianFieldDecomposer | Lagrangian field decomposer |
►CpointFieldDecomposer | Point field decomposer |
CpatchFieldDecomposer | Point patch field decomposer class |
CfvFieldReconstructor | Finite volume reconstructor for volume and surface fields |
ClagrangianFieldReconstructor | Lagrangian field reconstructor |
CpointFieldReconstructor | Point field reconstructor |
CcellSets | |
CensightAsciiStream | |
CensightBinaryStream | |
►CensightMesh | |
CnFacePrimitives | |
CensightStream | Abstract base class for writing Ensight data |
CfaceSets | |
CtecplotWriter | Write binary tecplot files using tecio |
CinternalWriter | Write fields (internal) |
ClagrangianWriter | Writes Lagrangian points and fields |
CpatchWriter | Write patch fields |
CsurfaceMeshWriter | Write faces with fields |
CvtkMesh | Encapsulation of VTK mesh data. Holds mesh or meshsubset and polyhedral-cell decomposition on it |
CvtkTopo | Polyhedral cell decomposition for VTK |
CvtkPVblockMesh | Provides a reader interface for OpenFOAM blockMesh to VTK interaction |
CvtkPVFoam | Provides a reader interface for OpenFOAM to VTK interaction |
CmeshToMesh0 | Serial mesh to mesh interpolation class |
CblockMeshCartesianConfiguration | From a set of input surface geometry files and a set of configuration parameters, writes out a blockMeshDict configuration file. The mesh consists of a single block, aligned with Cartesian axes |
CblockMeshConfigurationBase | Functions to configure and write a blockMeshDict configuration file |
CblockMeshCylindricalConfiguration | From a set of input surface geometry files and a set of configuration parameters, writes out a blockMeshDict configuration file. The mesh consists of a single block, aligned with cylindrical coordinates about the z-axis |
CcaseFileConfiguration | Base class for writing case files |
CmeshingSurface | Attributes of a surface geometry file (e.g. OBJ, STL) that are used in the configuration of mesh input files, (e.g. blockMeshDict, snappyHexMeshDict) |
CmeshingSurfaceList | List of meshingSurfaces which stores the overall bounding box of all the meshingSurfaces |
CmeshQualityConfiguration | Writes a meshQualityDict file which is included from the snappyHexMeshDict file |
CsnappyHexMeshConfiguration | From a set of input surface geometry files and some configuration parameters, writes out a snappyHexMeshDict configuration file |
CsurfaceFeaturesConfiguration | From a set of input surface geometry files and some configuration parameters, writes out a surfacesFeaturesDict configuration file |
CchemkinReader | Foam::chemkinReader |
CReactionProxy | Proxy version of Reaction which provides dummy implementations of the abstract virtual functions |
Cmixture | |
Csubstance | |
CcompressibleMultiphaseVoFMixture | Compressible multiphase mixture for interface-capturing simulations |
CcompressibleMultiphaseVoFMixtureThermo | |
►CcompressibleVoFphase | Single compressible phase derived from the VoFphase |
CiNew | Return a pointer to a new compressibleVoFphase |
CcompressibleInterPhaseThermophysicalTransportModel | Compressible two-phase VoF thermophysicalTransportModel |
CcompressibleInterPhaseTransportModel | Transport model selection class for the compressibleInterFoam family of solvers |
CcompressibleTwoPhaseVoFMixture | Class to represent a mixture of two rhoFluidThermo-based phases |
CincompressibleDriftFluxMixture | Class to represent a mixture of two constant density phases |
CmixtureViscosityModel | An abstract base class for incompressible mixtureViscosityModels |
CrelativeVelocityModel | |
CincompressibleMultiphaseVoFMixture | Incompressible multiphase mixture for interface-capturing simulations |
►CincompressibleVoFphase | Single incompressible phase derived from the VoFphase |
CiNew | Return a pointer to a new incompressibleVoFphase |
CincompressibleInterPhaseTransportModel | Transport model selection class for the interFoam family of solvers |
CincompressibleTwoPhaseVoFMixture | Class to represent a mixture of two constant density phases |
CalphaOneFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition provides a uniform fixed value one condition |
CfilmContactAngleFvPatchScalarField | Film contact angle boundary condition |
CfilmSurfaceVelocityFvPatchVectorField | Film surface velocity boundary condition |
CmappedFilmPressureFvPatchScalarField | Film pressure boundary condition which maps the neighbouring fluid patch pressure to both the surface patch and internal film pressure field |
CfilmCompressibleMomentumTransportModel | Abstract base class for film compressible momentum transport models |
CCloudFilmTransferBase | |
CCloudFilmTransfer | Thermo parcel<->film transfer model |
CejectionModel | |
CfilmFvPatch | Foam::filmFvPatch |
CfilmSurfaceFvPatch | Foam::filmSurfaceFvPatch |
CfilmSurfacePointPatch | Foam::filmSurfacePointPatch |
CfilmSurfacePolyPatch | Foam::filmSurfacePolyPatch |
CfilmWallFvPatch | Foam::filmWallFvPatch |
CfilmWallPointPatch | Foam::filmWallPointPatch |
CfilmWallPolyPatch | Foam::filmWallPolyPatch |
CmappedFilmSurfaceFvPatch | |
CmappedFilmSurfacePointPatch | |
CmappedFilmSurfacePolyPatch | Film surface patch which holds a mapping engine to map values from another patch |
CmappedFilmWallFvPatch | |
CmappedFilmWallPointPatch | |
CmappedFilmWallPolyPatch | Wall patch which holds a mapping engine to map values from another patch |
CnucleationSizeGroupFvScalarFieldSource | This source condition creates a nucleation source term in the size group equations of a population balance. The fvSource it relates to should be a nucleation model |
CaspectRatioModel | Model for deviations in the shape of the dispersed phase from spherical. Just a sub-model modifier, typically for the drag model. Not a proper part of the diameter/shape modelling in the phase models |
CdiffusiveMassTransferModel | Model for diffusive mass transfer coefficients between two phases |
CblendedDiffusiveMassTransferModel | |
CsidedBlendedDiffusiveMassTransferModel | |
CdragModel | Model for drag between phases |
CblendedDragModel | |
CheatTransferModel | Model for heat transfer between phases |
CblendedHeatTransferModel | |
CsidedBlendedHeatTransferModel | |
CinterfaceCompositionModel | Generic base class for interface composition models. These models describe the composition in phase 1 of the supplied pair at the interface with phase 2 |
CsidedInterfaceCompositionModel | |
CinterfaceSaturationTemperatureModel | Wrapper around saturationTemperatureModel to facilitate convenient construction on interfaces |
CinterfaceSurfaceTensionModel | Abstract base-class for interface surface-tension models which can be used when interface compression is applied between two phases |
CliftModel | Model for the lift force between two phases |
CblendedLiftModel | |
CphaseTransferModel | |
CblendedPhaseTransferModel | |
CswarmCorrection | Drag model modifier to take into account large fractions (swarms) of the dispersed phase. Often not appropriate as these effects are a fundamental part of the drag model formulation (e.g. Ergun). Use with care |
CturbulentDispersionModel | Model for turbulent dispersion between two phases |
CblendedTurbulentDispersionModel | |
CvirtualMassModel | Model for virtual mass between phases |
CblendedVirtualMassModel | |
CwallDampingModel | Wall damping models can be used to filter interfacial models near the walls. This is particularly useful for the lift force because of its dependence on the velocity gradient |
CwallDependentModel | A class which provides on-demand creation and caching of wall distance and wall normal fields for use by multiple models |
CwallLubricationModel | Model for the wall lubrication force between two phases |
CblendedWallLubricationModel | |
CJohnsonJacksonParticleSlipFvPatchVectorField | Partial slip boundary condition for the particulate velocity |
CJohnsonJacksonParticleThetaFvPatchScalarField | Robin condition for the particulate granular temperature |
CBlendedInterfacialModel | |
CblendingParameter | |
CblendingMethod | Abstract base class for functions that are used to combine interfacial sub-models according to the volume fractions of the phases that they apply to |
CdiameterModel | Abstract base-class for dispersed-phase particle diameter models |
CdispersedDisplacedPhaseInterface | Class to represent a interface between phases where one phase is considered dispersed within the other, and the interface has been displaced to some extent by a third phase |
CdispersedDisplacedSidedPhaseInterface | Class to represent a certain side of an interface between phases, where one phase is considered dispersed within the other, and the interface has been displaced to some extent by a third phase |
CdispersedPhaseInterface | Class to represent a interface between phases where one phase is considered dispersed within the other |
CdispersedSidedPhaseInterface | Class to represent a certain side of an interface between phases where one phase is considered dispersed within the other |
CdisplacedPhaseInterface | Class to represent an interface between phases which has been displaced to some extent by a third phase |
CdisplacedSidedPhaseInterface | Class to represent a certain side of an interface between phases, where the interface has been displaced to some extent by a third phase |
►CphaseInterface | Class to represent an interface between phases. Derivations can further specify the configuration of that interface; e.g., representing dispersal, displacement or sidedness |
Cconst_iterator | STL const_iterator |
CiNew | Class used for construction of PtrLists of phaseInterfaces |
►CphaseInterfaceKey | Word-pair based class used for keying interface models in hash tables |
Chash | Hashing class |
CsegregatedDisplacedPhaseInterface | Class to represent a interface between phases where the two phases are considered to be segregated, and the pair has been displaced to some extent by a third phase |
CsegregatedDisplacedSidedPhaseInterface | Class to represent a certain side of an interface between phases, where one phase is considered segregated within the other, and the pair has been displaced to some extent by a third phase |
CsegregatedPhaseInterface | Class to represent a interface between phases where the two phases are considered to be segregated; that is, separated by a geometrically complex interface for which dispersed representations are inappropriate |
CsegregatedSidedPhaseInterface | Class to represent a certain side of an interface between phases, where one phase is considered segregated within the other |
CsidedPhaseInterface | Class to represent a certain side of an interface between phases |
►CphaseModel | |
CiNew | Return a pointer to a new phase created on freestore |
CMovingPhaseModelTransportThermoModel | |
CMovingPhaseModelTransportThermoModel< rhoFluidThermo > | |
CMovingPhaseModelTransportThermoModel< rhoFluidMulticomponentThermo > | |
CAnisothermalPhaseModel | Class which represents a phase for which the temperature (strictly energy) varies. Returns the energy equation and corrects the thermodynamic model |
CInertPhaseModel | Class which represents an inert phase, with no reactions. Returns zero reaction rate and heat |
CIsothermalPhaseModel | Class which represents a phase for which the temperature remains constant. Returns an empty energy equation and updates the energy corresponding to pressure changes only when correctThermo is called |
CIsothermalSolidPhaseModel | Class which represents a solid phase for which the temperature (strictly energy) remains constant. Returns an empty energy equation and does nothing when correctThermo is called |
CMovingPhaseModel | Class which represents a moving fluid phase. Holds the velocity, fluxes and momentumTransport model and can generate the momentum equation. The interface is quite restrictive as it also has to support an equivalent stationary model, which does not store motion fields or a momentumTransport model |
CMulticomponentPhaseModel | Class which represents a phase with multiple species. Returns the species' mass fractions, and their governing equations |
CPurePhaseModel | Class which represents pure phases, i.e. without any species. Returns an empty list of mass fractions |
CReactingPhaseModel | Class which represents phases with volumetric reactions. Returns the reaction rate and heat |
CSolidThermalPhaseModel | Class which represents a solid stationary phase for which the temperature (strictly energy) varies. Returns the energy equation and corrects the thermodynamic model |
CSolidThermoPhaseModel | Class which represents a solid phase with a thermodynamic model. Provides access to the thermodynamic variables. Note that the thermo model itself is not returned as this class could be substituted in the hierarchy for one which mirrors the functionality, but does not include a thermo model; an incompressible phase model, for example |
CStationaryPhaseModel | Class which represents a stationary (and therefore probably solid) phase. Generates, but does not store, zero velocity and flux field and turbulent quantities. Throws an error when non-const access is requested to the motion fields or when the momentum equation is requested. Usage must must protect against such calls |
CThermoPhaseModel | Class which represents a phase with a thermodynamic model. Provides access to the thermodynamic variables. Note that the thermo model itself is not returned as this class could be substituted in the hierarchy for one which mirrors the functionality, but does not include a thermo model; an incompressible phase model, for example |
CphaseSystem | Class to represent a system of phases and model interfacial transfers between them |
CwordListAndType | |
CSidedInterfacialModel | |
CHeatTransferPhaseSystem | .. |
CInterfaceCompositionPhaseChangePhaseSystem | Class to provide interfacial heat and mass transfer between a number of phases according to a interface composition model |
CMomentumTransferPhaseSystem | Class which models interfacial momentum transfer between a number of phases. Drag, virtual mass, lift, wall lubrication and turbulent dispersion are all modelled. The explicit contribution from the drag is omitted from the transfer matrices, as this forms part of the solution of the pressure equation |
COneResistanceHeatTransferPhaseSystem | Class which models interfacial heat transfer between a number of phases. A single heat transfer model is used for each interface |
CPhaseTransferPhaseSystem | Class which models non-thermally-coupled or weakly thermally coupled mass transfers |
CPopulationBalancePhaseSystem | Class which provides population balance functionality. Stores the mass transfer rates resulting from coalescence, breakup or drift across representative phases that collectively define a dispersed phase |
CThermalPhaseChangePhaseSystem | Class to provide interfacial heat and mass transfer between a number of phases according the interfacial temperature approximated by the saturation temperature |
CTwoResistanceHeatTransferPhaseSystem | Class which models interfacial heat transfer between a number of phases. Two heat transfer models are stored at each interface, one for each phase. This permits definition of an interface temperature with which heat transfer occurs. It also allows derived systems to define other thermodynamic properties at the interface and therefore represent phase changes |
CphaseSurfaceArrheniusReactionRate | A modified Arrhenius reaction rate given by: |
CcoupledMultiphaseTemperatureFvPatchScalarField | Mixed boundary condition for the phase temperature of a phase in an Euler-Euler multiphase simulation, to be used for heat-transfer with another region in a CHT case. Optional thin wall material layer resistances can be specified through thicknessLayers and kappaLayers entries |
CmultiphaseExternalTemperatureFvPatchScalarField | Mixed boundary condition for the phase temperature of a phase in an Euler-Euler multiphase simulation, to be used for heat-transfer with another region in a CHT case. Optional thin wall material layer resistances can be specified through thicknessLayers and kappaLayers entries |
CheatTransferPhaseSystem | |
CtwoResistanceHeatTransferPhaseSystem | |
►CmultiphaseVoFMixture | Multiphase VoF mixture with support for interface properties |
►CinterfacePair | |
Chash | |
►CVoFphase | Single incompressible VoFphase derived from the phase-fraction. Used as part of the multiPhaseMixture for interface-capturing multi-VoFphase simulations |
CiNew | Return a pointer to a new VoFphase |
CmixedFixedValueSlipFvPatchField | A mixed boundary type that blends between fixedValue and slip, as opposed to the standard mixed condition that blends between fixedValue and fixedGradient; required to implement maxwellSlipU condition |
CfixedRhoFvPatchScalarField | Foam::fixedRhoFvPatchScalarField |
CsmoluchowskiJumpTFvPatchScalarField | Smoluchowski temperature jump boundary condition |
CmaxwellSlipUFvPatchVectorField | Maxwell slip boundary condition including thermal creep and surface curvature terms that can be optionally switched off |
ChydrostaticDisplacementFvPatchVectorField | Fixed traction boundary condition for the standard linear elastic, fixed coefficient displacement equation in which the traction is caused by the hydrostatic pressure of an external liquid reservoir |
CtractionDisplacementFvPatchVectorField | Fixed traction boundary condition for the standard linear elastic, fixed coefficient displacement equation |
CsolidDisplacementThermo | Fundamental solid thermodynamic properties |
CtwoPhaseVoFMixture | Class to represent a VoF mixture |
CVoFMixture | Two-phase VoF mixture |
►CregionSolvers | Class to hold the lists of region meshes and solvers |
Citerator | |
CactiveBaffleVelocityFvPatchVectorField | This velocity boundary condition simulates the opening of a baffle due to local flow conditions, by merging the behaviours of wall and cyclic conditions. The baffle joins two mesh regions, where the open fraction determines the interpolation weights applied to each cyclic- and neighbour-patch contribution |
CactivePressureForceBaffleVelocityFvPatchVectorField | This boundary condition is applied to the flow velocity, to simulate the opening or closure of a baffle due to local pressure or force changes, by merging the behaviours of wall and cyclic conditions |
CPDRDragModel | Base-class for sub-grid obstacle drag models. The available drag model is at basic.H |
CXiEqModel | Base-class for all XiEq models used by the b-XiEq combustion model. The available models are : basicXiSubXiEq.H Gulder.H instabilityXiEq.H SCOPEBlendXiEq.H SCOPEXiEq.H |
CXiGModel | Base-class for all Xi generation models used by the b-Xi combustion model. See Technical Report SH/RE/01R for details on the PDR modelling. For details on the use of XiGModel see XiModel.H. The model available is instabilityG.H |
CXiModel | Base-class for all Xi models used by the b-Xi combustion model. See Technical Report SH/RE/01R for details on the PDR modelling |
Cmagnet | Class to hold the defining data for a permanent magnet, in particular the name, relative permeability and remanence |
CadjointOutletPressureFvPatchScalarField | |
CadjointOutletVelocityFvPatchVectorField | |