template<class MixtureType > |
| composite (const dictionary &dict, const MixtureType &mixture, const fvMesh &mesh, const word &phaseName) |
| Construct from dictionary, mesh and phase name. More...
| implementation (const dictionary &, const fvMesh &, const word &) |
| Construct from dictionary, mesh and phase name. More...
| implementation (const implementation &)=delete |
| Disallow default bitwise copy construction. More...
virtual | ~implementation () |
| Destructor. More...
virtual const fvMesh & | mesh () const |
| Return const access to the mesh. More...
virtual const word & | phaseName () const |
| Phase name. More...
virtual Switch | dpdt () const |
| Should the dpdt term be included in the enthalpy equation. More...
virtual const volScalarField & | T () const |
| Temperature [K]. More...
virtual volScalarField & | T () |
| Temperature [K]. More...
virtual const volScalarField & | kappa () const |
| Thermal conductivity of mixture [W/m/K]. More...
virtual void | read (const dictionary &) |
| Read thermophysical properties dictionary. More...
void | operator= (const implementation &)=delete |
| Disallow default bitwise assignment. More...
| TypeName ("basicThermo") |
| Runtime type information. More...
| declareRunTimeSelectionTable (autoPtr, basicThermo, fvMesh,(const fvMesh &mesh, const word &phaseName),(mesh, phaseName)) |
| Declare run-time constructor selection table. More...
virtual | ~basicThermo () |
| Destructor. More...
virtual const IOdictionary & | properties () const =0 |
| Properties dictionary. More...
virtual IOdictionary & | properties ()=0 |
| Non-const access the properties dictionary. More...
word | phasePropertyName (const word &name) const |
| Name of a property for a given phase. More...
void | validate (const string &app, const word &) const |
| Check that the thermodynamics package is consistent. More...
void | validate (const string &app, const word &, const word &) const |
| Check that the thermodynamics package is consistent. More...
virtual void | correct ()=0 |
| Update properties. More...
virtual word | thermoName () const =0 |
| Name of the thermo physics. More...
virtual bool | incompressible () const =0 |
| Return true if the equation of state is incompressible. More...
virtual bool | isochoric () const =0 |
| Return true if the equation of state is isochoric. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarField > | W () const =0 |
| Molecular weight [kg/kmol]. More...
virtual tmp< scalarField > | W (const label patchi) const =0 |
| Molecular weight for patch [kg/kmol]. More...
virtual const volScalarField & | he () const =0 |
| Enthalpy/Internal energy [J/kg]. More...
virtual volScalarField & | he ()=0 |
| Enthalpy/Internal energy [J/kg]. More...
virtual const volScalarField & | Cp () const =0 |
| Heat capacity at constant pressure [J/kg/K]. More...
virtual const volScalarField & | Cv () const =0 |
| Heat capacity at constant volume [J/kg/K]. More...
virtual const volScalarField & | Cpv () const =0 |
| Heat capacity at constant pressure/volume [J/kg/K]. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarField > | he (const volScalarField &p, const volScalarField &T) const =0 |
| Enthalpy/Internal energy. More...
virtual tmp< scalarField > | he (const scalarField &T, const labelList &cells) const =0 |
| Enthalpy/Internal energy for cell-set [J/kg]. More...
virtual tmp< scalarField > | he (const scalarField &T, const label patchi) const =0 |
| Enthalpy/Internal energy for patch [J/kg]. More...
virtual tmp< scalarField > | he (const scalarField &T, const fvSource &source) const =0 |
| Enthalpy/Internal energy for source [J/kg]. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarField > | hs () const =0 |
| Sensible enthalpy [J/kg]. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarField > | hs (const volScalarField &p, const volScalarField &T) const =0 |
| Sensible enthalpy. More...
virtual tmp< scalarField > | hs (const scalarField &T, const labelList &cells) const =0 |
| Sensible enthalpy for cell-set [J/kg]. More...
virtual tmp< scalarField > | hs (const scalarField &T, const label patchi) const =0 |
| Sensible enthalpy for patch [J/kg]. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarField > | ha () const =0 |
| Absolute enthalpy [J/kg]. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarField > | ha (const volScalarField &p, const volScalarField &T) const =0 |
| Absolute enthalpy. More...
virtual tmp< scalarField > | ha (const scalarField &T, const labelList &cells) const =0 |
| Absolute enthalpy for cell-set [J/kg]. More...
virtual tmp< scalarField > | ha (const scalarField &T, const label patchi) const =0 |
| Absolute enthalpy for patch [J/kg]. More...
virtual tmp< scalarField > | Cp (const scalarField &T, const label patchi) const =0 |
| Heat capacity at constant pressure for patch [J/kg/K]. More...
virtual tmp< scalarField > | Cv (const scalarField &T, const label patchi) const =0 |
| Heat capacity at constant volume for patch [J/kg/K]. More...
virtual tmp< scalarField > | Cpv (const scalarField &T, const label patchi) const =0 |
| Heat capacity at constant pressure/volume for patch [J/kg/K]. More...
tmp< volScalarField > | gamma () const |
| Gamma = Cp/Cv []. More...
tmp< scalarField > | gamma (const scalarField &T, const label patchi) const |
| Gamma = Cp/Cv for patch []. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarField > | The (const volScalarField &h, const volScalarField &p, const volScalarField &T0) const =0 |
| Temperature from enthalpy/internal energy. More...
virtual tmp< scalarField > | The (const scalarField &h, const scalarField &T0, const labelList &cells) const =0 |
| Temperature from enthalpy/internal energy for cell-set. More...
virtual tmp< scalarField > | The (const scalarField &h, const scalarField &T0, const label patchi) const =0 |
| Temperature from enthalpy/internal energy for patch. More...
template<class FieldType > |
const Foam::basicThermo & | lookupThermo (const FieldType &f) |
template<class Thermo > |
Foam::autoPtr< Thermo > | New (const fvMesh &mesh, const word &phaseName) |
| implementation (const dictionary &, const fvMesh &, const word &) |
| Construct from dictionary, mesh and phase name. More...
| implementation (const implementation &)=delete |
| Disallow default bitwise copy construction. More...
virtual | ~implementation () |
| Destructor. More...
virtual const volScalarField & | p () const |
| Pressure [Pa]. More...
virtual volScalarField & | p () |
| Pressure [Pa]. More...
virtual const volScalarField & | psi () const |
| Compressibility [s^2/m^2]. More...
virtual const volScalarField & | mu () const |
| Dynamic viscosity of mixture [kg/m/s]. More...
void | operator= (const implementation &)=delete |
| Disallow default bitwise assignment. More...
| TypeName ("fluidThermo") |
| Runtime type information. More...
| declareRunTimeSelectionTable (autoPtr, fluidThermo, fvMesh,(const fvMesh &mesh, const word &phaseName),(mesh, phaseName)) |
| Declare run-time constructor selection table. More...
virtual | ~fluidThermo () |
| Destructor. More...
tmp< volScalarField > | nu () const |
| Kinematic viscosity of mixture [m^2/s]. More...
tmp< scalarField > | nu (const label patchi) const |
| Kinematic viscosity of mixture for patch [m^2/s]. More...
| TypeName ("viscosity") |
| Runtime type information. More...
| viscosity () |
| Construct. More...
| viscosity (const viscosity &)=delete |
| Disallow default bitwise copy construction. More...
virtual | ~viscosity () |
| Destructor. More...
void | operator= (const viscosity &)=delete |
| Disallow default bitwise assignment. More...
| implementation (const dictionary &, const fvMesh &, const word &) |
| Construct from dictionary, mesh and phase name. More...
| implementation (const implementation &)=delete |
| Disallow default bitwise copy construction. More...
virtual | ~implementation () |
| Destructor. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarField > | rho () const |
| Density [kg/m^3] - uses current value of pressure. More...
virtual tmp< scalarField > | rho (const label patchi) const |
| Density for patch [kg/m^3]. More...
void | operator= (const implementation &)=delete |
| Disallow default bitwise assignment. More...
| TypeName ("psiThermo") |
| Runtime type information. More...
| declareRunTimeSelectionTable (autoPtr, psiThermo, fvMesh,(const fvMesh &mesh, const word &phaseName),(mesh, phaseName)) |
| Declare run-time constructor selection table. More...
virtual | ~psiThermo () |
| Destructor. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarField > | renameRho () |
| Return the thermodynamic density field [kg/m^3]. More...
virtual void | correctRho (const volScalarField &deltaRho) |
| Add the given density correction to the density field. More...
| implementation (const dictionary &, const wordList &, const fvMesh &, const word &) |
| Construct from dictionary, specie names, mesh and phase name. More...
virtual | ~implementation () |
| Destructor. More...
virtual const speciesTable & | species () const |
| The table of species. More...
virtual PtrList< volScalarField > & | Y () |
| Access the mass-fraction fields. More...
virtual const PtrList< volScalarField > & | Y () const |
| Access the mass-fraction fields. More...
volScalarFieldListSlicer | Yslicer () const |
| Get the slicer. More...
scalarFieldListSlice | cellComposition (const volScalarFieldListSlicer &Yslicer, const label celli) const |
| Get the composition of an internal cell. More...
scalarFieldListSlice | patchFaceComposition (const volScalarFieldListSlicer &Yslicer, const label patchi, const label facei) const |
| Get the composition of a boundary face. More...
PtrList< scalarField > | Yslicer (const fvSource &source) const |
| Get the slicer for the given source. More...
scalarFieldListSlice | sourceCellComposition (const PtrList< scalarField > &Yslicer, const label i) const |
| Get the composition of a source cell. More...
| TypeName ("psiuMulticomponentThermo") |
| Runtime type information. More...
| declareRunTimeSelectionTable (autoPtr, psiuMulticomponentThermo, fvMesh,(const fvMesh &mesh, const word &phaseName),(mesh, phaseName)) |
virtual | ~psiuMulticomponentThermo () |
| Destructor. More...
bool | containsSpecie (const word &specieName) const |
| Does the mixture include this specie? More...
volScalarField & | Y (const word &specieName) |
| Return the mass-fraction field for a specie given by name. More...
const volScalarField & | Y (const word &specieName) const |
| Return the const mass-fraction field for a specie given by name. More...
virtual const volScalarField & | Tu () const =0 |
| Unburnt gas temperature [K]. More...
virtual const volScalarField & | heu () const =0 |
| Unburnt gas enthalpy [J/kg]. More...
virtual volScalarField & | heu ()=0 |
| Unburnt gas enthalpy [J/kg]. More...
virtual tmp< scalarField > | heu (const scalarField &T, const labelList &cells) const =0 |
| Unburnt gas enthalpy for cell-set [J/kg]. More...
virtual tmp< scalarField > | heu (const scalarField &T, const label patchi) const =0 |
| Unburnt gas enthalpy for patch [J/kg]. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarField > | Tb () const =0 |
| Burnt gas temperature [K]. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarField > | psiu () const =0 |
| Unburnt gas compressibility [s^2/m^2]. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarField > | psib () const =0 |
| Burnt gas compressibility [s^2/m^2]. More...
tmp< volScalarField > | rhou () const |
| Unburnt gas density [kg/m^3]. More...
tmp< volScalarField > | rhob () const |
| Burnt gas density [kg/m^3]. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarField > | muu () const =0 |
| Dynamic viscosity of unburnt gas [kg/m/s]. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarField > | mub () const =0 |
| Dynamic viscosity of burnt gas [kg/m/s]. More...