Foam Namespace Reference

Namespace for OpenFOAM. More...


 Tools for parsing label(List) with dictionary lookup.
 Collection of constants.
 Low level functions for cutting poly faces and cells.
 Namespace for handling debugging switches.
 Namespace for containing a functionEntry.
 Namespace for functionObjects.
 Namespace for finite-volume.
 Namespace of functions to calculate explicit derivatives.
 Namespace of functions to calculate implicit derivatives returning a matrix.
 Collection of free functions utilised by the stitching process.
 Namespace for laminar flame speed models.
 Namespace for LES SGS models.
 Namespace for limiting functions.
 Various utility functions to work on Lists of Lists (usually resulting from 'gather'ing and combining information from individual processors)
 Collection of functions checking primitiveMesh.
 A namespace for holding various types of mesh readers.
 Collection of static functions to do various simple mesh related things.
 A namespace for holding various types of mesh writers.
 A namespace for incompressible mixtureViscosityModel implementations.
 OS-specific functions implemented in POSIX.
 Global functions and variables for working with parallel streams, but principally for mpi.
 Namespace for six DoF motion constraints.
 Namespace for six DoF motion restraints.
 Namespace for solid-body motions.
 Collection of static functions to do various simple string-related operations.
 A namespace for Newtonian viscosity models.


class  atmBoundaryLayer
 This class provides functions to evaluate the velocity and turbulence distributions appropriate for atmospheric boundary layers (ABL). More...
class  atmBoundaryLayerInletEpsilonFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition specifies an inlet value for the turbulence dissipation, $\epsilon$, appropriate for atmospheric boundary layers. More...
class  atmBoundaryLayerInletKFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition specifies an inlet value for the turbulence kinetic energy, $k$, appropriate for atmospheric boundary layers. More...
class  atmBoundaryLayerInletVelocityFvPatchVectorField
 This boundary condition specifies a velocity inlet profile appropriate for atmospheric boundary layers (ABL). More...
class  nutkAtmRoughWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a turbulent kinematic viscosity for atmospheric velocity profiles. It is designed to be used in conjunction with the atmBoundaryLayerInletVelocity boundary condition. The values are calculated using: More...
class  combustionModel
 Base class for combustion models. More...
class  consumptionSpeed
 Correlation function for laminar consumption speed obtained from flamelet solution at increasing strain rates. More...
class  reactionRateFlameArea
 Abstract class for reaction rate per flame area unit. More...
class  mergedCyclicPolyPatch
 Placeholder for two patches describing a cyclic interface. Used in mesh conversion processes involving formats in which both halves of a cyclic interface are stored on the same patch. More...
class  meshReader
 This class supports creating polyMeshes with baffles. More...
class  boundaryRegion
 The boundaryRegion persistent data saved as a Map<dictionary>. More...
class  cellTable
 The cellTable persistent data saved as a Map<dictionary>. More...
class  meshWriter
 write OpenFOAM meshes and/or results to another CFD format More...
class  polyDualMesh
 Creates dual of polyMesh. More...
class  OBJstream
 OFstream which keeps track of vertices. More...
class  vtkUnstructuredReader
 Reader for vtk unstructured_grid legacy files. Supports single CELLS, POINTS etc. entry only. More...
class  FvFaceCellWave
 Wave propagation of information through grid. Every iteration information goes through one layer of cells. Templated on information that is transferred. More...
class  fvConstraint
 Finite volume options abstract base class. More...
class  fvConstraints
 Finite volume constraints. More...
struct  typeGlobal< fvConstraints >
 Trait for obtaining global status. More...
class  fvModel
 Finite volume model abstract base class. More...
class  fvModels
 Finite volume models. More...
struct  typeGlobal< fvModels >
 Trait for obtaining global status. More...
class  fvSource
 Base class for finite volume sources. More...
class  fvSpecificSource
 Base class for sources which are specified as a specific value (e.g., mass flow rate per unit volume), and which apply over the entire mesh. More...
class  fvTotalSource
 Base class for sources which are specified as a total value (e.g., volume or mass flow rate), rather than a specific value (e.g., mass flow rate per unit volume). More...
class  MRFFreestreamVelocityFvPatchVectorField
 Freestream velocity condition to be used for a wall rotating with the moving frame in an MRF (multi-reference frame) or SRF (single reference frame) case. More...
class  MRFnoSlipFvPatchVectorField
 Rotating wall-velocity condition to be used for a wall rotating with the moving frame in an MRF (multi-reference frame) or SRF (single reference frame) case. More...
class  MRFPatchField
class  MRFslipFvPatchVectorField
 Rotating wall-velocity condition to be used for a slip-wall rotating with the moving frame in an MRF (multi-reference frame) or SRF (single reference frame) case. More...
class  IOMRFZoneList
 List of MRF zones with IO functionality. MRF zones are specified by a list of dictionary entries, e.g. More...
class  NullMRF
class  MRFZone
 MRF zone definition based on cell zone and parameters obtained from a control dictionary constructed from the given stream. More...
class  MRFZoneList
 List container for MRF zones. More...
class  IOporosityModelList
 List of porosity models with IO functionality. More...
class  porosityModel
 Top level model for porosity models. More...
class  porosityModelList
 List container for porosity models. More...
class  pressureReference
 Provides controls for the pressure reference in closed-volume simulations. More...
class  convergenceControl
 Convergence control class. Provides methods to check the convergence of the time loop against an absolute residual tolerance. More...
class  correctorConvergenceControl
 Corrector convergence control class. Provides methods to check the convergence of an inner iteration loop (e.g., pimple) against both absolute and relative residual tolerances. More...
class  singleRegionConvergenceControl
 Single-region-specific derivation of the convergence control class. More...
class  singleRegionCorrectorConvergenceControl
 Single-region-specific derivation of the corrector convergence control class. More...
class  pimpleControl
class  pimpleLoop
 Pimple loop class. Implements the logic which controls the pimple loop generically for a given corrector convergence control. Can therefore be used be either single- or multi-region control classes. More...
class  pimpleMultiRegionControl
 Pimple multi-region control class. As Foam::pimpleControl, but for a multi- region simulation comprising pimple and solid regions. More region types could be added. More...
class  pimpleNoLoopControl
 Pimple no-loop control class. Implements various option flags, but leaves loop controls to the derivation or owner. Can be derived into a "full" pimple control or can be owned by a multi-region pimple class. More...
class  pimpleSingleRegionControl
 Pimple single region control class. Provides time-loop control methods which exit the simulation once convergence criteria have been reached. Also provides Pimple-loop control methods which exit the iteration once corrector convergence criteria have been met. Example usage: More...
class  pisoControl
 Piso control class. Provides time-loop and piso-loop control methods. No convergence checking is done. More...
class  simpleControl
 Simple control class. Provides time-loop control methods which exit the simulation once convergence criteria have been reached. Example usage: More...
class  fluidSolutionControl
 Fluid solution control class. Holds flags specific to the solution of fluids. More...
class  multiRegionSolutionControl
 Multi-region-specific derivation of the solution control class. More...
class  nonOrthogonalSolutionControl
 Non-orthogonal solution control class. Provides non-orthogonal-loop control methods. More...
class  singleRegionSolutionControl
 Single-region-specific derivation of the solution control class. More...
class  internalFvFieldSource
 This source condition provides the internal value. More...
class  turbulentIntensityKineticEnergyFvScalarFieldSource
 This source condition provides a turbulent kinetic energy based on user-supplied turbulence intensity, defined as a fraction of the mean velocity: More...
class  uniformFixedValueFvFieldSource
 This source condition provides a uniform fixed value. More...
class  uniformInletOutletFvFieldSource
 This source condition provides a uniform fixed value when the source is positive, and the internal value when it is negative (i.e., a sink) More...
class  fvFieldSource
 Base class for finite-volume field sources. More...
class  basicSymmetryFvPatchField
 A symmetry patch. More...
class  calculatedFvPatchField
 This boundary condition is not designed to be evaluated; it is assumed that the value is assigned via field assignment, and not via a call to e.g. updateCoeffs or evaluate. More...
class  coupledFvPatchField
 Abstract base class for coupled patches. More...
class  directionMixedFvPatchField
 Base class for direction-mixed boundary conditions. More...
class  extrapolatedCalculatedFvPatchField
 This boundary condition applies a zero-gradient condition from the patch internal field onto the patch faces when evaluated but may also be assigned. snGrad returns the patch gradient evaluated from the current internal and patch field values rather than returning zero. More...
class  fixedGradientFvPatchField
 This boundary condition supplies a fixed gradient condition, such that the patch values are calculated using: More...
class  fixedValueFvPatchField
 This boundary condition supplies a fixed value constraint, and is the base class for a number of other boundary conditions. More...
class  mixedFvPatchField
 This boundary condition provides a base class for 'mixed' type boundary conditions, i.e. conditions that mix fixed value and patch-normal gradient conditions. More...
class  slicedFvPatchField
 Specialisation of fvPatchField which creates the underlying fvPatchField as a slice of the given complete field. More...
class  transformFvPatchField
 Foam::transformFvPatchField. More...
class  zeroGradientFvPatchField
 This boundary condition applies a zero-gradient condition from the patch internal field onto the patch faces. More...
class  cyclicFvPatchField
 This boundary condition enforces a cyclic condition between a pair of boundaries. More...
class  cyclicSlipFvPatchField
 This boundary condition is a light wrapper around the cyclicFvPatchField condition, providing no new functionality. More...
class  emptyFvPatchField
 This boundary condition provides an 'empty' condition for reduced dimensions cases, i.e. 1- and 2-D geometries. Apply this condition to patches whose normal is aligned to geometric directions that do not constitute solution directions. More...
class  internalFvPatchField
 Constraint fvPatchField to hold values for internal face exposed by sub-setting. More...
class  jumpCyclicFvPatchField
 This boundary condition provides a base class for cyclic conditions with a specified "jump" (or offset) between the sides. More...
class  nonConformalCyclicFvPatchField
 This boundary condition enforces a non-conformal cyclic condition between a pair of boundaries. More...
class  nonConformalErrorFvPatchField
 This boundary condition enforces a non-conformal error condition. More...
class  nonConformalProcessorCyclicFvPatchField
 This boundary condition enables processor communication across cyclic patches. More...
class  processorFvPatchField
 This boundary condition enables processor communication across patches. More...
class  processorCyclicFvPatchField
 This boundary condition enables processor communication across cyclic patches. More...
class  symmetryFvPatchField
 This boundary condition enforces a symmetry constraint. More...
class  symmetryPlaneFvPatchField
 This boundary condition enforces a symmetryPlane constraint. More...
class  wedgeFvPatchField
 This boundary condition is similar to the cyclic condition, except that it is applied to 2-D geometries. More...
class  advectiveFvPatchField
 This boundary condition provides an advective outflow condition, based on solving DDt(W, field) = 0 at the boundary where W is the wave velocity and field is the field to which this boundary condition is applied. More...
class  codedFixedValueFvPatchField
 Constructs on-the-fly a new boundary condition (derived from fixedValueFvPatchField) which is then used to evaluate. More...
class  codedMixedFvPatchField
 Constructs on-the-fly a new boundary condition (derived from mixedFvPatchField) which is then used to evaluate. More...
class  dynamicPressureFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a dynamic pressure condition. It subtracts a kinetic energy term from a reference pressure to get a value which is fixed on the boundary. It forms the base class for the total and entrainment pressure conditions. More...
class  entrainmentPressureFvPatchScalarField
 This is a boundary condition for pressure suitable for boundaries at which the flow direction is uncertain but both inflow and/or outflow can occur. The condition switches based on the direction of flow. For outflow, the patch pressure is simply set to the reference pressure. For inflow, the patch pressure is reduced by the dynamic pressure calculated using the inflow velocity normal to the patch. More...
class  externalCoupledMixedFvPatchField
 This boundary condition provides an interface to an external application. Values are transferred as plain text files, where OpenFOAM data is written as: More...
class  fanPressureFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition can be applied to assign either a pressure inlet or outlet total pressure condition for a fan. More...
class  fanPressureJumpFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a fan pressure jump condition, using the cyclic condition as a base. The jump is specified as a Function1, which returns the pressure jump as a function of the total volumetric flow rate through the patch. More...
class  fixedFluxExtrapolatedPressureFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition sets the pressure gradient to the provided value such that the flux on the boundary is that specified by the velocity boundary condition. More...
class  fixedFluxPressureFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition sets the pressure gradient to the provided value such that the flux on the boundary is that specified by the velocity boundary condition. More...
class  fixedInternalValueFvPatchField
 This boundary condition provides a mechanism to set boundary (cell) values directly into a matrix, i.e. to set a constraint condition. Default behaviour is to act as a zero gradient condition. More...
class  fixedJumpFvPatchField
 This boundary condition provides a jump condition, using the cyclic condition as a base. The jump is specified as the difference between the neighbour patch and the owner patch value (i.e., neighbour minus owner). More...
class  fixedMeanFvPatchField
 This boundary condition extrapolates field to the patch using the near-cell values and adjusts the distribution to match the specified, optionally time-varying, mean value. More...
class  fixedMeanOutletInletFvPatchField
 This boundary condition extrapolates field to the patch using the near-cell values and adjusts the distribution to match the specified, optionally time-varying, mean value. This extrapolated field is applied as a fixedValue for outflow faces but zeroGradient is applied to inflow faces. More...
class  fixedNormalInletOutletVelocityFvPatchVectorField
 This velocity inlet/outlet boundary condition combines a fixed normal component obtained from the "normalVelocity" patchField supplied with a fixed or zero-gradiented tangential component depending on the direction of the flow and the setting of "fixTangentialInflow": More...
class  fixedNormalSlipFvPatchField
 This boundary condition sets the patch-normal component to a fixed value. More...
class  fixedPressureCompressibleDensityFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition calculates a (liquid) compressible density as a function of pressure and fluid properties: More...
class  fixedProfileFvPatchField
 This boundary condition provides a fixed value profile condition. More...
class  fixedValueInletOutletFvPatchField
 This boundary condition sets a fixed value. When the flow direction is inwards this acts exactly like a fixed value condition. In the presence of outflow, however, this condition approximates the fixed value constraint in advective terms by fixing the gradient instead. More...
class  flowRateInletVelocityFvPatchVectorField
 Velocity inlet boundary condition creating a velocity field with optionally specified profile normal to the patch adjusted to match the specified mass flow rate, volumetric flow rate or mean velocity. More...
class  flowRateOutletVelocityFvPatchVectorField
 Velocity outlet boundary condition which corrects the extrapolated velocity to match the specified flow rate. More...
class  fluxCorrectedVelocityFvPatchVectorField
 This boundary condition provides a velocity outlet boundary condition for patches where the pressure is specified. The outflow velocity is obtained by "zeroGradient" and then corrected from the flux: More...
class  freestreamFvPatchField
 This boundary condition provides a free-stream condition. It is a 'mixed' condition derived from the inletOutlet condition, whereby the mode of operation switches between fixed (free stream) value and zero gradient based on the sign of the flux. More...
class  freestreamPressureFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a free-stream condition for pressure. More...
class  freestreamVelocityFvPatchVectorField
 This boundary condition provides a free-stream condition for velocity. More...
class  inletOutletFvPatchField
 This boundary condition provides a generic outflow condition, with specified inflow for the case of return flow. More...
class  inletOutletTotalTemperatureFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides an outflow condition for total temperature for use with supersonic cases, where a user-specified value is applied in the case of reverse flow. More...
class  interfaceCompressionFvPatchScalarField
 Applies interface-compression to the phase-fraction distribution at the patch by setting the phase-fraction to 0 if it is below 0.5, otherwise to 1. More...
class  interstitialInletVelocityFvPatchVectorField
 Inlet velocity in which the actual interstitial velocity is calculated by dividing the specified inletVelocity field with the local phase-fraction. More...
class  mappedFlowRateVelocityFvPatchVectorField
 This boundary condition maps the flow rate from a neighbouring patch to this patch, then uses it to set a corresponding velocity in a direction normal to the patch. More...
class  mappedInternalValueFvPatchField
 This boundary condition maps the values from a internal cells to this patch. More...
class  mappedValueFvPatchField
 This boundary condition maps the values from a neighbouring patch to this patch. More...
class  mappedVelocityFluxFvPatchField
 This boundary condition maps the velocity and flux from a neighbouring patch to this patch. More...
class  matchedFlowRateOutletVelocityFvPatchVectorField
 Velocity outlet boundary condition which corrects the extrapolated velocity to match the flow rate of the specified corresponding inlet patch. More...
class  movingMappedWallVelocityFvPatchVectorField
 This boundary condition provides a no-slip velocity condition for mapped walls. The wall velocity is taken to be the mesh velocity of the neighbouring region. More...
class  movingWallSlipVelocityFvPatchVectorField
 This boundary condition provides a slip velocity condition for cases with moving walls. More...
class  movingWallVelocityFvPatchVectorField
 This boundary condition provides a no-slip velocity condition for ridged moving walls or flexible moving walls on which the mesh vertices move with the surface. More...
class  noSlipFvPatchVectorField
 This boundary condition fixes the velocity to zero at walls and assumes the walls are stationary. More...
class  outletInletFvPatchField
 This boundary condition provides a generic inflow condition, with specified outflow for the case of reverse flow. More...
class  outletMappedUniformInletFvPatchField
 This boundary condition averages the field over the "outlet" patch specified by name "outletPatch" and applies this as the uniform value of the field over this patch. More...
class  outletPhaseMeanVelocityFvPatchVectorField
 This boundary condition adjusts the velocity for the given phase to achieve the specified mean thus causing the phase-fraction to adjust according to the mass flow rate. More...
class  partialSlipFvPatchField
 This boundary condition provides a partial slip condition. The amount of slip is controlled by a user-supplied field. More...
class  phaseHydrostaticPressureFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a phase-based hydrostatic pressure condition, calculated as: More...
class  plenumPressureFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a plenum pressure inlet condition. This condition creates a zero-dimensional model of an enclosed volume of gas upstream of the inlet. The pressure that the boundary condition exerts on the inlet boundary is dependent on the thermodynamic state of the upstream volume. The upstream plenum density and temperature are time-stepped along with the rest of the simulation, and momentum is neglected. The plenum is supplied with a user specified mass flow and temperature. More...
class  pressureFvPatchScalarField
 Static pressure boundary condition. More...
class  pressureDirectedInletOutletVelocityFvPatchVectorField
 This velocity inlet/outlet boundary condition is applied to pressure boundaries where the pressure is specified. A zero-gradient condition is applied for outflow (as defined by the flux); for inflow, the velocity is obtained from the flux with the specified inlet direction. More...
class  pressureDirectedInletVelocityFvPatchVectorField
 This velocity inlet boundary condition is applied to patches where the pressure is specified. The inflow velocity is obtained from the flux with the specified inlet direction" direction. More...
class  pressureInletOutletParSlipVelocityFvPatchVectorField
 This velocity inlet/outlet boundary condition for pressure boundary where the pressure is specified. A zero-gradient is applied for outflow (as defined by the flux); for inflow, the velocity is obtained from the flux with the specified inlet direction. More...
class  pressureInletOutletVelocityFvPatchVectorField
 Velocity inlet/outlet boundary condition for patches where the pressure is specified in some manner, e.g. fixedValue, totalPressure, entrainmentPressure etc. More...
class  pressureInletUniformVelocityFvPatchVectorField
 This velocity inlet boundary condition is applied to patches where the pressure is specified. The uniform inflow velocity is obtained by averaging the flux over the patch, and then applying it in the direction normal to the patch faces. More...
class  pressureInletVelocityFvPatchVectorField
 This velocity inlet boundary condition is applied to patches where the pressure is specified. The inflow velocity is obtained from the flux with a direction normal to the patch faces. More...
class  pressureNormalInletOutletVelocityFvPatchVectorField
 This velocity inlet/outlet boundary condition is applied to patches where the pressure is specified. A zero-gradient condition is applied for outflow (as defined by the flux); for inflow, the velocity is obtained from the flux with a direction normal to the patch faces. More...
class  prghCyclicPressureFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a cyclic condition for p_rgh. It applies corrections to the value and gradient on both sides of the cyclic to account for the non-cylicity of the gravitational force. More...
class  PrghPressureFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides the p_rgh equivalent of a pressure boundary condition calculated as: More...
class  prghTotalHydrostaticPressureFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides static pressure condition for p_rgh, calculated as: More...
class  rotatingPressureInletOutletVelocityFvPatchVectorField
 This velocity inlet/outlet boundary condition is applied to patches in a rotating frame where the pressure is specified. A zero-gradient is applied for outflow (as defined by the flux); for inflow, the velocity is obtained from the flux with a direction normal to the patch faces. More...
class  rotatingTotalPressureFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a total pressure condition for patches in a rotating frame. More...
class  rotatingWallVelocityFvPatchVectorField
 Condition on velocity for a boundary consisting of a rotating solid of revolution, e.g. cylinder. Calculates a tangential component of velocity from the angular velocity and rotational axis and ensures a zero normal component. More...
class  slipFvPatchField
 This boundary condition provides a slip constraint. More...
class  supersonicFreestreamFvPatchVectorField
 This boundary condition provides a supersonic free-stream condition. More...
class  surfaceNormalFixedValueFvPatchVectorField
 Surface-normal fixed value vector boundary condition. More...
class  surfaceNormalUniformFixedValueFvPatchVectorField
 Surface-normal fixed value vector boundary condition. More...
class  swirlFlowRateInletVelocityFvPatchVectorField
 Velocity inlet boundary condition creating a normal velocity field to match the specified mass or volumetric flow rate, and radial and tangential velocity fields specified by functions of time and radius or by a given angular speed. More...
class  swirlInletVelocityFvPatchVectorField
 Velocity inlet boundary condition creating axial, radial and tangential velocity fields specified by functions of time and radius or by a given angular speed. More...
class  syringePressureFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a pressure condition, obtained from a zero-D model of the cylinder of a syringe. More...
class  AverageField
 A primitive field with a separate average value. More...
class  timeVaryingMappedFixedValueFvPatchField
 This boundary conditions interpolates the values from a set of supplied points in space and time. More...
class  timeVaryingMappedFvPatchField
 Patch field mapper which interpolates the values from a set of supplied points in space and time. More...
class  totalPressureFvPatchScalarField
 Inflow, outflow and entrainment pressure boundary condition based on a constant total pressure assumption. More...
class  totalTemperatureFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a total temperature condition. More...
class  translatingWallVelocityFvPatchVectorField
 This boundary condition provides a velocity condition for translational motion on walls. More...
class  transonicEntrainmentPressureFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides an entrainment condition for pressure including support for supersonic jets exiting the domain. More...
class  turbulentInletFvPatchField
 This boundary condition generates a fluctuating inlet condition by adding a random component to a reference (mean) field. More...
class  turbulentIntensityKineticEnergyInletFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a turbulent kinetic energy condition, based on user-supplied turbulence intensity, defined as a fraction of the mean velocity: More...
class  uniformDensityHydrostaticPressureFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a hydrostatic pressure condition, calculated as: More...
class  uniformFixedGradientFvPatchField
 This boundary condition provides a uniform fixed gradient condition. More...
class  uniformFixedValueFvPatchField
 This boundary condition provides a uniform fixed value condition. More...
class  uniformInletOutletFvPatchField
 Variant of inletOutlet boundary condition with uniform inletValue. More...
class  uniformJumpFvPatchField
 This boundary condition provides a jump condition, using the cyclic condition as a base. The jump is specified as the difference between the neighbour patch and the owner patch value (i.e., neighbour minus owner). The jump value is uniform across the patches, and can vary in time. More...
class  uniformTotalPressureFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a time-varying form of the uniform total pressure boundary condition Foam::totalPressureFvPatchField. More...
class  variableHeightFlowRateFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a phase fraction condition based on the local flow conditions, whereby the values are constrained to lay between user-specified upper and lower bounds. The behaviour is described by: More...
class  variableHeightFlowRateInletVelocityFvPatchVectorField
 This boundary condition provides a velocity boundary condition for multiphase flow based on a user-specified volumetric flow rate. More...
class  waveSurfacePressureFvPatchScalarField
 This is a pressure boundary condition, the value of which is calculated as the hydrostatic pressure based on a given displacement: More...
class  waveTransmissiveFvPatchField
 This boundary condition provides a wave transmissive outflow condition, based on solving DDt(W, field) = 0 at the boundary W is the wave velocity and field is the field to which this boundary condition is applied. More...
class  zeroInletOutletFvPatchField
 This boundary condition provides a generic outflow condition. More...
class  fvPatchField
 Abstract base class with a fat-interface to all derived classes covering all possible ways in which they might be used. More...
class  fvMatrix
 A special matrix type and solver, designed for finite volume solutions of scalar equations. Face addressing is used to make all matrix assembly and solution loops vectorise. More...
class  calculatedFvsPatchField
 Foam::calculatedFvsPatchField. More...
class  coupledFvsPatchField
 Foam::coupledFvsPatchField. More...
class  fixedValueFvsPatchField
 Foam::fixedValueFvsPatchField. More...
class  slicedFvsPatchField
 Specialisation of fvsPatchField which creates the underlying fvsPatchField as a slice of the given complete field. More...
class  cyclicFvsPatchField
 Foam::cyclicFvsPatchField. More...
class  cyclicSlipFvsPatchField
 Foam::cyclicSlipFvsPatchField. More...
class  emptyFvsPatchField
 Foam::emptyFvsPatchField. More...
class  internalFvsPatchField
 Constraint fvsPatchField to hold values for internal face exposed by sub-setting. More...
class  nonConformalCyclicFvsPatchField
 Constraint fvsPatchField for nonConformalCyclic couplings. More...
class  nonConformalErrorFvsPatchField
 Constraint fvsPatchField for nonConformalError couplings. More...
class  nonConformalProcessorCyclicFvsPatchField
 Foam::nonConformalProcessorCyclicFvsPatchField. More...
class  processorFvsPatchField
 Foam::processorFvsPatchField. More...
class  processorCyclicFvsPatchField
 Foam::processorCyclicFvsPatchField. More...
class  symmetryFvsPatchField
 Foam::symmetryFvsPatchField. More...
class  symmetryPlaneFvsPatchField
 Foam::symmetryPlaneFvsPatchField. More...
class  wedgeFvsPatchField
 Foam::wedgeFvsPatchField. More...
class  nonConformalMappedPolyFacesFvsPatchLabelField
class  nonConformalPolyFacesFvsPatchLabelField
class  polyFacesFvsPatchLabelField
class  fvsPatchField
 An abstract base class with a fat-interface to all derived classes covering all possible ways in which they might be used. More...
class  SlicedGeometricField
 Specialisation of GeometricField which holds slices of given complete fields in a form that they act as a GeometricField. More...
class  NoFieldSource
class  GeometricField
 Generic GeometricField class. More...
class  smoothData
 Helper class used by the fvc::smooth and fvc::spread functions. More...
class  sweepData
 Helper class used by fvc::sweep function. More...
class  fvSchemes
 Selector class for finite volume differencing schemes. fvMesh is derived from fvSchemes so that all fields have access to the fvSchemes from the mesh reference they hold. More...
class  fvSolution
 Selector class for finite volume solution solution. fvMesh is derived from fvSolution so that all fields have access to the fvSolution from the mesh reference they hold. More...
class  leastSquaresVectors
 Least-squares gradient scheme vectors. More...
class  CentredFitSnGradData
 Data for centred fit snGrad schemes. More...
class  UIndirectList
 A List with indirect addressing. More...
class  faceAreaPairGAMGAgglomeration
 Agglomerate using the pair algorithm. More...
class  extendedCellToCellStencil
 Baseclass for cell-to-cell stencils. More...
class  extendedCentredCellToCellStencil
class  CECCellToCellStencil
class  cellToCellStencil
 baseclass for extended cell centred addressing. Contains per cell a list of neighbouring cells and/or boundaryfaces in global addressing. More...
class  CFCCellToCellStencil
class  CPCCellToCellStencil
class  centredCECCellToCellStencilObject
class  centredCFCCellToCellStencilObject
class  centredCPCCellToCellStencilObject
class  extendedCellToFaceStencil
 Calculates/contains the extended cell-to-face stencil. More...
class  extendedCentredCellToFaceStencil
class  extendedUpwindCellToFaceStencil
 Creates upwind stencil by shifting a centred stencil to upwind and downwind faces and optionally removing all non-(up/down)wind faces ('pureUpwind'). More...
class  CECCellToFaceStencil
 Combined corresponding cellToCellStencil of owner and neighbour. More...
class  cellToFaceStencil
 Base class for extended cell-to-face stencils (face values from neighbouring cells) More...
class  CFCCellToFaceStencil
 Combined corresponding cellToCellStencil of owner and neighbour. More...
class  CPCCellToFaceStencil
 Combined corresponding cellToCellStencil of owner and neighbour. More...
class  FECCellToFaceStencil
 All cells connected via edge to face. More...
class  centredCECCellToFaceStencilObject
class  centredCFCCellToFaceStencilObject
class  centredCPCCellToFaceStencilObject
class  centredFECCellToFaceStencilObject
class  pureUpwindCFCCellToFaceStencilObject
class  upwindCECCellToFaceStencilObject
class  upwindCFCCellToFaceStencilObject
class  upwindCPCCellToFaceStencilObject
class  upwindFECCellToFaceStencilObject
class  extendedCentredFaceToCellStencil
class  extendedFaceToCellStencil
 Note: transformations on coupled patches not supported. Problem is the positions of cells reachable through these patches. More...
class  CFCFaceToCellStencil
class  faceToCellStencil
 baseclass for extended cell centred addressing. Contains per cell a list of neighbouring faces in global addressing. More...
class  centredCFCFaceToCellStencilObject
class  fvBoundaryMesh
 Foam::fvBoundaryMesh. More...
class  fvCellSet
 General run-time selected cell set selection class for fvMesh. More...
class  GeometricBoundaryField
 Generic GeometricBoundaryField class. More...
class  UCompactListList
 Unallocated base class of CompactListList. More...
class  fvMesh
 Mesh data needed to do the Finite Volume discretisation. More...
class  fvMeshDistributor
 Abstract base class for fvMesh movers. More...
class  fvMeshLduAddressing
 Foam::fvMeshLduAddressing. More...
class  fvBoundaryMeshMapper
 Foam::fvBoundaryMeshMapper. More...
class  fvMeshMapper
 Class holds all the necessary information for mapping fields associated with fvMesh. More...
class  fvPatchMapper
 Mapping class for a fvPatchField. More...
class  fvSurfaceMapper
 FV surface mapper. More...
class  fvMeshMover
 Abstract base class for fvMesh movers. More...
class  conformedFvPatchField
 This vol field boundary condition holds data from both the original faces and any associated non-conformal faces, with the latter mapped to the conformal faces in the original patch. It is used during mesh change (between the un-stitch and stitch steps) to ensure that fields relating to both the original and the non-conformal patches are retained and mapped. More...
class  conformedFvsPatchField
 This surface field boundary condition holds data from both the original faces and any associated non-conformal faces, with the latter mapped to the conformal faces in the original patch. It is used during mesh change (between the un-stitch and stitch steps) to ensure that fields relating to both the original and the non-conformal patches are retained and mapped. More...
class  fvMeshStitcher
 Mesh manipulator that uses the intersection provided by the cyclic non-conformal poly patches to create non-conformal finite volume interfaces. More...
class  fvMeshTopoChanger
 Abstract base class for fvMesh topology changers. More...
class  coupledFvPatch
 An abstract base class for patches that couple regions of the computational domain e.g. cyclic and processor-processor links. More...
class  cyclicFvPatch
 Cyclic-plane patch. More...
class  cyclicSlipFvPatch
 Cyclic-plane patch. More...
class  emptyFvPatch
 A patch which will not exist in the fvMesh. Typical example is a front and back plane of a 2-D geometry. More...
class  internalFvPatch
 Constraint patch to hold internal faces exposed by sub-setting. More...
class  nonConformalFvPatch
 Non-conformal FV patch. Provides the necessary interface for a FV patch which does not conform to the underlying poly mesh. The non-conformal geometry and topology are held in the fvMesh, and are generated by the fvMeshStitcher. This class just provides access to this data. More...
class  nonConformalCoupledFvPatch
 Non-conformal coupled FV patch. As nonConformalFvPatch, but is also coupled to another non-conformal patch. More...
class  nonConformalCyclicFvPatch
 Non-conformal cyclic FV patch. As nonConformalCoupledFvPatch, but the neighbouring patch is local and known and is made available by this class. More...
class  nonConformalErrorFvPatch
 Non-conformal error FV patch. As nonConformalFvPatch. This patch is a non-coupled non-conformal patch which is used to manage the errors created during the construction of a non-conformal coupled interface. Every patch used as the original patch of the owner side of a non-conformal coupled interface must also have an associated error patch. More...
class  nonConformalProcessorCyclicFvPatch
 Non-conformal processor cyclic FV patch. As nonConformalCyclicFvPatch, but the neighbouring patch is on a different processor. More...
class  processorFvPatch
 Processor patch. More...
class  processorCyclicFvPatch
 Processor patch. More...
class  symmetryFvPatch
 Symmetry patch for non-planar or multi-plane patches. More...
class  symmetryPlaneFvPatch
 Symmetry-plane patch. More...
class  wedgeFvPatch
 Wedge front and back plane patch. More...
class  mappedExtrudedWallFvPatch
class  mappedFvPatch
 Fv patch which can do interpolative mapping of values from another globally conforming fv patch. More...
class  mappedFvPatchBase
 Base class for fv patches that provide interpolative mapping between two globally conforming fv patches. More...
class  mappedFvPatchBaseBase
 Base class for fv patches that provide mapping between two fv patches. More...
class  mappedInternalFvPatch
class  mappedWallFvPatch
 Wall fv patch which can do interpolative mapping of values from another globally conforming fv patch. More...
class  nonConformalMappedFvPatchBase
 Base class for fv patches which provides non-conformal mapping between two potentially non-globally conforming fv patches. More...
class  nonConformalMappedWallFvPatch
 Wall fv patch which can do non-conformal mapping of values from another potentially non-globally conforming wall fv patch. As nonConformalFvPatch, but the neighbouring patch is local and known and is made available by this class. More...
class  wallFvPatch
 Foam::wallFvPatch. More...
class  fvPatch
 A finiteVolume patch using a polyPatch and a fvBoundaryMesh. More...
class  singleCellFvMesh
 fvMesh as subset of other mesh. Consists of one cell and all original boundary faces. Useful when manipulating boundary data. Single internal cell only needed to be able to manipulate in a standard way. More...
class  FvWallInfo
 Holds information regarding nearest wall point. Used in wall distance calculation. More...
class  WallLocationData
 Holds information regarding nearest wall point. Used in wall distance calculation. More...
class  nearWallDist
 Distance calculation for cells with face on a wall. Searches pointNeighbours to find closest. More...
class  patchDistMethod
 Specialisation of patchDist for wall distance calculation. More...
class  wallDist
 Interface to run-time selectable methods to calculate the distance-to-wall and normal-to-wall fields. More...
class  fvMeshToFvMesh
class  interpolation
 Abstract base class for interpolation. More...
class  fieldInterpolation
class  interpolationCell
 Uses the cell value for any point in the cell. More...
class  interpolationCellPatchConstrained
 Uses the cell value for any point in the cell apart from a boundary face where it uses the boundary value directly. Note: will not work on an empty patch. More...
class  cellPointWeight
 Foam::cellPointWeight. More...
class  interpolationCellPoint
 Given cell centre values and point (vertex) values decompose into tetrahedra and linear interpolate within them. More...
class  interpolationCellPointFace
 Foam::interpolationCellPointFace. More...
class  interpolationCellPointWallModified
 As interpolationCellPoint, but with the point field modified on wall faces. More...
class  interpolationPointMVC
 Given cell centre values interpolates to vertices and uses these to do a Mean Value Coordinates interpolation. More...
class  pointMVCWeight
 Container to calculate weights for interpolating directly from vertices of cell using Mean Value Coordinates. More...
class  interpolationVolPointInterpolation
 Base class for interpolations that require a vol-point interpolated field. More...
class  MapInternalField< Type, MeshMapper, surfaceMesh >
class  MapInternalField< Type, MeshMapper, volMesh >
class  blendedSchemeBase
 Base class for blended schemes to provide access to the blending factor surface field. More...
class  blended
 linear/upwind blended interpolation scheme. More...
class  filteredLinearLimiter
 Class to generate weighting factors for the filteredLinear interpolation scheme. More...
class  filteredLinear2Limiter
 Class to generate weighting factors for the filteredLinear2 interpolation scheme. More...
class  filteredLinear2VLimiter
 Class to generate weighting factors for the filteredLinear2V interpolation scheme. More...
class  filteredLinear3Limiter
 Class to generate weighting factors for the filteredLinear interpolation scheme. More...
class  filteredLinear3VLimiter
 Class to generate weighting factors for the filteredLinear3V interpolation scheme. More...
class  GammaLimiter
 Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the Gamma interpolation scheme based on phict obtained from the LimiterFunc class. More...
class  LimitedLimiter
 Foam::LimitedLimiter. More...
class  Limited01Limiter
 A LimitedLimiter with the range 0-1. More...
class  limitedCubicLimiter
 Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the TVD limited centred-cubic interpolation scheme based on r obtained from the LimiterFunc class. More...
class  limitedCubicVLimiter
 Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the limitedCubicV interpolation scheme based on r obtained from the LimiterFunc class. More...
class  limitedLinearLimiter
 Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the TVD limited linear interpolation scheme based on r obtained from the LimiterFunc class. More...
class  LimitedScheme
 Class to create NVD/TVD limited weighting-factors. More...
class  NVDTVD
 Foam::NVDTVD. More...
 Foam::NVDVTVDV. More...
class  limitedSurfaceInterpolationScheme
 Abstract base class for limited surface interpolation schemes. More...
class  limitWith
 limitWith interpolation scheme limits the specified scheme with the specified limiter. More...
class  MinmodLimiter
 Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the Minmod interpolation scheme. More...
class  MUSCLLimiter
 Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the van Leer's MUSCL interpolation scheme. More...
class  OSPRELimiter
 Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the OSPRE interpolation scheme based on r obtained from the LimiterFunc class. More...
class  PhiLimiter
 Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the Phi interpolation scheme. More...
class  PhiScheme
 Class to create the weighting-factors based on the face-flux. More...
class  QUICKLimiter
 Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the quadratic-upwind interpolation scheme. More...
class  QUICKVLimiter
 Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the quadratic-upwind interpolation scheme. More...
class  SFCDLimiter
 Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the SFCD interpolation scheme based on phict obtained from the LimiterFunc class. More...
class  SuperBeeLimiter
 Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the SuperBee interpolation scheme based on r obtained from the LimiterFunc class. More...
class  UMISTLimiter
 Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the UMIST interpolation scheme. More...
class  upwind
 Upwind interpolation scheme class. More...
class  vanAlbadaLimiter
 Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the vanAlbada interpolation scheme based on r obtained from the LimiterFunc class. More...
class  vanLeerLimiter
 Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the vanLeer interpolation scheme based on r obtained from the LimiterFunc class. More...
class  multivariateIndependentScheme
 Generic multi-variate discretisation scheme class for which any of the NVD, CNVD or NVDV schemes may be selected for each variable and applied independently. More...
class  multivariateScheme
 Generic multi-variate discretisation scheme class which may be instantiated for any of the NVD, CNVD or NVDV schemes. More...
class  multivariateSelectionScheme
 Generic multi-variate discretisation scheme class for which any of the NVD, CNVD or NVDV schemes may be selected for each variable. More...
class  multivariateSurfaceInterpolationScheme
 Abstract base class for multi-variate surface interpolation schemes. More...
class  multivariateUpwind
 Upwind-difference form of the multivariate surfaceInterpolationScheme. More...
class  biLinearFitPolynomial
 BiLinear polynomial for interpolation fitting. More...
class  cellCoBlended
 Two-scheme cell-based Courant number based blending interpolation scheme. More...
class  CentredFitData
 Data for the quadratic fit correction interpolation scheme. More...
class  CentredFitScheme
 Centred fit surface interpolation scheme which applies an explicit correction to linear. More...
class  clippedLinear
 Centred interpolation interpolation scheme using clipped-weights to improve stability on meshes with very rapid variations in cell size. More...
class  CoBlended
 Two-scheme Courant number based blending interpolation scheme. More...
class  cubic
 Cubic interpolation scheme class derived from linear and returns linear weighting factors but also applies an explicit correction. More...
class  cubicUpwindFitPolynomial
 Cubic polynomial for upwind biased interpolation fitting. More...
class  deferred
 Deferred correction interpolation scheme derived from upwind which returns upwind weighting factors and an explicit correction obtained from the specified scheme. More...
class  downwind
 Downwind interpolation scheme class. More...
class  FitData
 Data for the upwinded and centred polynomial fit interpolation schemes. The linearCorrection_ determines whether the fit is for a corrected linear scheme (first two coefficients are corrections for owner and neighbour) or a pure upwind scheme (first coefficient is correction for owner; weight on face taken as 1). More...
class  fixedBlended
 Two-scheme fixed-blending interpolation scheme. More...
class  harmonic
 Harmonic-mean interpolation scheme class. More...
class  limiterBlended
 Blends two specified schemes using the limiter function provided by a limitedSurfaceInterpolationScheme. More...
class  linear
 Centred interpolation interpolation scheme class. More...
class  linearFitPolynomial
 Linear polynomial for interpolation fitting. More...
class  linearUpwind
 linearUpwind interpolation scheme class derived from upwind and returns upwind weighting factors and also applies a gradient-based explicit correction. More...
class  linearUpwindV
 linearUpwindV interpolation scheme class derived from upwind and returns upwind weighting factors but also applies an explicit correction. More...
class  localBlended
 Two-scheme localBlended interpolation scheme. More...
class  localMax
 Local maximum interpolation scheme in which the face value is set to the maximum of the two neighbouring cell values. More...
class  localMin
 Local minimum interpolation scheme in which the face value is set to the minimum of the two neighbouring cell values. More...
class  LUST
 LUST: Linear-upwind stabilised transport. More...
class  midPoint
 Mid-point interpolation (weighting factors = 0.5) scheme class. More...
class  outletStabilised
 Outlet-stabilised interpolation scheme which applies upwind interpolation to the faces of the cells adjacent to outlets. More...
class  phaseStabilised
 Phase-stabilised interpolation scheme. More...
class  pointLinear
 Face-point interpolation scheme class derived from linear and returns linear weighting factors but also applies an explicit correction. More...
class  PureUpwindFitScheme
 Upwind biased fit surface interpolation scheme that applies an explicit correction to upwind. More...
class  quadraticFitPolynomial
 Quadratic polynomial for centred interpolation fitting. More...
class  quadraticLinearFitPolynomial
 Quadratic/linear polynomial for interpolation fitting: quadratic normal to the face, linear in the plane of the face for consistency with 2nd-order Gauss. More...
class  quadraticLinearUpwindFitPolynomial
 Quadratic polynomial for upwind biased interpolation fitting. More...
class  quadraticUpwindFitPolynomial
 Quadratic polynomial for upwind biased interpolation fitting. More...
class  reverseLinear
 Inversed weight centred interpolation interpolation scheme class. More...
class  skewCorrected
 Skewness-corrected interpolation scheme that applies an explicit correction to given scheme. More...
class  skewCorrectionVectors
 Skew-correction vectors for the skewness-corrected interpolation scheme. More...
class  UpwindFitData
 Data for the quadratic fit correction interpolation scheme to be used with upwind biased stencil. More...
class  UpwindFitScheme
 Upwind biased fit surface interpolation scheme that applies an explicit correction to linear. More...
class  weighted
 Interpolation scheme class using weights looked-up from the objectRegistry. More...
class  surfaceInterpolation
 Cell to surface interpolation scheme. Included in fvMesh. More...
class  surfaceInterpolationScheme
 Abstract base class for surface interpolation schemes. More...
class  pointConstraints
 Application of (multi-)patch point constraints. More...
class  volPointInterpolation
 Interpolate from cell centres to points (vertices) using inverse distance weighting. More...
class  fieldDictionary
 Read field as dictionary (without mesh). More...
class  fieldToCell
 A topoSetSource to select cells based on field values. More...
class  patchFluxToFace
 A topoSetSource to select patch faces according to the flux direction. More...
class  solver
 Abstract base class for run-time selectable region solvers. More...
class  surfaceMesh
 Mesh data needed to do the Finite Volume discretisation. More...
class  volMesh
 Mesh data needed to do the Finite Volume discretisation. More...
class  isVolMesh
 Supports static assertion that a template argument is of type volMesh. More...
class  isVolMesh< volMesh >
class  DimensionedField
 Field with dimensions and associated with geometry type GeoMesh which is used to size the field and a reference to it is maintained. More...
class  findCellParticle
 Particle class that finds cells by tracking. More...
class  ListPlusEqOp
 Plus op for FixedList<scalar> More...
class  streamlinesCloud
 A Cloud of streamlines particles. More...
class  streamlinesParticle
 Particle class that samples fields as it passes through. Used in streamlines calculation. More...
class  wallHeatTransferCoeffModel
 Abstract base class for run time selection of heat transfer coefficient models. More...
class  codedFunctionObject
 Provides a general interface to enable dynamic code compilation. More...
class  MGridGenGAMGAgglomeration
 Agglomerate using the MGridGen algorithm. More...
class  pairPatchAgglomeration
 Primitive patch pair agglomerate method. More...
class  pistonPointEdgeData
 Holds information regarding nearest wall point. Used in PointEdgeWave. (so not standard FaceCellWave) To be used in wall distance calculation. More...
struct  layerAndWeight
class  meshPhiCorrectInfo
class  meshPhiPreCorrectInfo
class  ThermoRefPair
 Class containing a pair of thermo references. Handles down-casting to more specific thermo types by constructing one pair from another (e.g., constructing a multicomponentThermo reference pair from a basicThermo pair). Tracks validity of the references. More...
class  bladeModel
 Blade model class calculates: Linear interpolated blade twist and chord based on radial position Interpolation factor (for interpolating profile performance) More...
class  lookupProfile
 Look-up based profile data - drag and lift coefficients are linearly interpolated based on the supplied angle of attack. More...
class  profileModel
 Base class for profile models. More...
class  profileModelList
 List of profile models. More...
class  seriesProfile
 Series-up based profile data - drag and lift coefficients computed as sum of cosine series. More...
class  fixedTrim
 Fixed trim coefficients. More...
class  targetCoeffTrim
 Target trim forces/coefficients. More...
class  trimModel
 Trim model base class. More...
class  displacementComponentLaplacianFvMotionSolver
 Mesh motion solver for an fvMesh. Based on solving the cell-centre Laplacian for the given component of the motion displacement. More...
class  velocityComponentLaplacianFvMotionSolver
 Mesh motion solver for an fvMesh. Based on solving the cell-centre Laplacian for the given component of the motion velocity. More...
class  displacementLaplacianFvMotionSolver
 Mesh motion solver for an fvMesh. Based on solving the cell-centre Laplacian for the motion displacement. More...
class  displacementSBRStressFvMotionSolver
 Mesh motion solver for an fvMesh. Based on solving the cell-centre solid-body rotation stress equations for the motion displacement. More...
class  fvMotionSolver
 Base class for fvMesh based motionSolvers. More...
class  velocityLaplacianFvMotionSolver
 Mesh motion solver for an fvMesh. Based on solving the cell-centre Laplacian for the motion velocity. More...
class  cellMotionFvPatchField
 Foam::cellMotionFvPatchField. More...
class  surfaceSlipDisplacementFvPatchField
 fvPatchField corresponding to surfaceSlipDisplacementPointPatchField. Is just a slip type since all hard work (projection) is done in the pointPatch field. More...
class  directionalDiffusivity
 Directional finite volume mesh motion diffusivity. More...
class  fileDiffusivity
 Motion diffusivity read from given file name. More...
class  inverseDistanceDiffusivity
 Inverse distance to the given patches motion diffusivity. More...
class  inverseFaceDistanceDiffusivity
 Inverse distance to the given patches motion diffusivity. More...
class  inversePointDistanceDiffusivity
 Inverse distance to the given patches motion diffusivity. More...
class  inverseVolumeDiffusivity
 Inverse cell-volume motion diffusivity. More...
class  exponentialDiffusivity
 Mesh motion diffusivity manipulator which returns the exp(-alpha/D) of the given diffusivity D. More...
class  quadraticDiffusivity
 Mesh motion diffusivity manipulator which returns the sqr of the given diffusivity. More...
class  motionDiffusivity
 Abstract base class for cell-centre mesh motion diffusivity. More...
class  motionDirectionalDiffusivity
 MotionDirectional finite volume mesh motion diffusivity. More...
class  uniformDiffusivity
 Uniform uniform finite volume mesh motion diffusivity. More...
class  angularOscillatingDisplacementPointPatchVectorField
 Foam::angularOscillatingDisplacementPointPatchVectorField. More...
class  angularOscillatingVelocityPointPatchVectorField
 Foam::angularOscillatingVelocityPointPatchVectorField. More...
class  oscillatingDisplacementPointPatchVectorField
 Foam::oscillatingDisplacementPointPatchVectorField. More...
class  oscillatingVelocityPointPatchVectorField
 Foam::oscillatingVelocityPointPatchVectorField. More...
class  surfaceDisplacementPointPatchVectorField
 Displacement fixed by projection onto triSurface. Use in a displacementMotionSolver as a bc on the pointDisplacement field. More...
class  surfaceSlipDisplacementPointPatchVectorField
 Displacement follows a triSurface. Use in a displacementMotionSolver as a bc on the pointDisplacement field. Following is done by calculating the projection onto the surface according to the projectMode. More...
class  timeVaryingMappedFixedValuePointPatchField
 A time-varying form of a mapped fixed value boundary condition. More...
class  uniformInterpolatedDisplacementPointPatchVectorField
 Interpolates pre-specified motion. More...
class  waveDisplacementPointPatchVectorField
 Specified surface wave moving boundary. More...
class  genericFieldBase
 Base class for generic field types. Facilitates down-casting so that the actual type can be queried. More...
class  genericPointPatchField
 This boundary condition provides a generic version of the calculated condition, useful as a fallback for handling unknown patch types when post-processing or running mesh manipulation utilities. Not generally applicable as a user-specified condition. More...
class  genericFvFieldSource
 This provides a generic source condition, useful as a fallback for handling unknown types when post-processing or running mesh manipulation utilities. Not generally applicable as a user-specified condition. More...
class  genericFvPatchField
 This boundary condition provides a generic version of the calculated condition, useful as a fallback for handling unknown patch types when post-processing or running mesh manipulation utilities. Not generally applicable as a user-specified condition. More...
class  genericFvPatch
 Substitute for unknown patches. Used for post-processing when only basic fvPatch info is needed. More...
class  genericPointPatch
 Substitute for unknown patches. Used for post-processing when only basic pointPatch info is needed. More...
class  genericPolyPatch
 Substitute for unknown patches. Used for post-processing when only basic polyPatch info is needed. More...
struct  IDLListAppendEqOp
class  Cloud
 Base cloud calls templated on particle type. More...
class  IOPosition
 Helper IO class to read and write particle positions. More...
class  cloud
 A cloud is a collection of lagrangian particles. More...
class  demandDrivenEntry
 Class for demand-driven dictionary entries. More...
class  InteractionLists
 Builds direct interaction list, specifying which local (real) cells are potentially in range of each other. More...
class  referredWallFace
 Storage for referred wall faces. Stores patch index, face and associated points. More...
class  particle
 Base particle class. More...
class  passiveParticle
 Copy of base particle. More...
class  passiveParticleCloud
 A Cloud of passive particles. More...
class  BinaryCollisionModel
 Templated DSMC particle collision class. More...
class  WallInteractionModel
 Templated wall interaction model class. More...
class  InflowBoundaryModel
 Templated inflow boundary model class. More...
class  DSMCCloud
 Templated base class for dsmc cloud. More...
class  DSMCParcel
 DSMC parcel class. More...
class  LarsenBorgnakkeVariableHardSphere
 Variable Hard Sphere BinaryCollision Model with Larsen Borgnakke internal energy redistribution. Based on the INELRS subroutine in Bird's DSMC0R.FOR. More...
class  NoBinaryCollision
 No collision BinaryCollision Model. More...
class  VariableHardSphere
 Variable Hard Sphere BinaryCollision Model. More...
class  FreeStream
 Inserting new particles across the faces of a all patched of type "patch" for a free stream. Uniform values number density, temperature and velocity sourced face-by-face from the boundaryT and boundaryU fields of the cloud. More...
class  NoInflow
 Not inserting any particles. More...
class  MaxwellianThermal
 Wall interaction setting microscopic velocity to a random one drawn from a Maxwellian distribution corresponding to a specified temperature. More...
class  MixedDiffuseSpecular
 Wall interaction setting microscopic velocity to a random one drawn from a Maxwellian distribution corresponding to a specified temperature for a specified fraction of collisions, and reversing the wall-normal component of the particle velocity for the remainder. More...
class  SpecularReflection
 Reversing the wall-normal component of the particle velocity. More...
class  bufferedAccumulator
class  correlationFunction
class  molecule
 Foam::molecule. More...
class  moleculeCloud
class  electrostaticPotential
class  energyScalingFunction
class  pairPotential
class  pairPotentialList
class  potential
class  tetherPotential
class  tetherPotentialList
class  reducedUnits
class  CollisionModel
 Templated collision model class. More...
class  CollidingCloud
 Adds collisions to clouds. More...
class  cloudSolution
 Stores all relevant solution info for cloud. More...
class  InjectionModelList
 List of injection models. More...
class  DispersionModel
class  PatchInteractionModel
 Templated patch interaction model class. More...
class  SurfaceFilmModel
 Templated wall surface film model class. More...
class  StochasticCollisionModel
 Templated stochastic collision model class. More...
class  MomentumCloud
 Templated base class for momentum cloud. More...
class  PackingModel
 Base class for packing models. More...
class  DampingModel
 Base class for collisional damping models. More...
class  IsotropyModel
 Base class for collisional return-to-isotropy models. More...
class  MPPICCloud
 Adds MPPIC modelling to clouds. More...
class  PhaseChangeModel
 Templated phase change model class. More...
class  ReactingCloud
 Templated base class for reacting cloud. More...
class  DevolatilisationModel
 Templated devolatilisation model class. More...
class  SurfaceReactionModel
 Templated surface reaction model class. More...
class  ReactingMultiphaseCloud
 Templated base class for multiphase reacting cloud. More...
class  AtomisationModel
 Templated atomisation model class. More...
class  BreakupModel
 Templated break-up model class. More...
class  SprayCloud
 Templated base class for spray cloud. More...
class  InjectionModel
 Templated injection model class. More...
class  HeatTransferModel
 Templated heat transfer model class. More...
class  CompositionModel
 Templated reacting parcel composition model class Consists of carrier species (via thermo package), and additional liquids and solids. More...
class  ThermoCloud
 Templated base class for thermodynamic cloud. More...
class  integrationScheme
 Base for a set of schemes which integrate simple ODEs which arise from semi-implicit rate expressions. More...
class  parcelCloud
 Virtual abstract base class for parcel clouds. As parcelCloudBase but with additional virtualisation of the evolve method, plus some additional methods that are defined below the parcel-cloud layer (i.e., in Cloud). These methods are implemented by forwarding in the ParcelCloud class. More...
class  ParcelCloud
 Outermost template for parcel clouds. Adds the parcelCloud virtualisation layer and forwards the methods required by that layer. More...
class  ParcelCloudBase
 Base template for parcel clouds. Inserts the parcelCloudBase virtualisation layer into the class. Also defines default zero-return source methods to enable the less functional clouds to be used in more complex situations. More...
class  parcelCloudBase
 Virtual abstract base class for parcel clouds. Inserted by ParcelCloudBase into the base of the cloud template hierarchy and adds virtualisation of most methods defined by the clouds. More...
class  parcelCloudList
 List of parcel clouds, with the same interface as an individual parcel cloud. This is the object that should be constructed by an fvModel, or any system that can call this class' mesh change functions. A solver should not* construct this object, as that would not provide a mechanism for the mesh change functions to be executed. A solver should construct a parcelClouds object instead. More...
class  parcelClouds
 List of parcel clouds, with the same interface as an individual parcel cloud. Is a mesh object, so mesh change hooks are provided and will be applied to the contained cloud. This is the object that should be constructed by a solver in order to support the coupled simulation of multiple clouds. An fvModel should *not* construct this object, as that would nest two mesh objects. An fvModel should construct the base parcelCloudList instead. More...
class  CollidingParcel
 Wrapper around parcel types to add collision modelling. More...
class  CollisionRecordList
class  PairCollisionRecord
 Record of a collision between the particle holding the record and the particle with the stored id. More...
class  WallCollisionRecord
 Record of a collision between the particle holding the record and a wall face at the position relative to the centre of the particle. More...
class  MomentumParcel
 Momentum parcel class with rotational motion (as spherical particles only) and one/two-way coupling with the continuous phase. More...
class  MPPICParcel
 Wrapper around parcel types to add MPPIC modelling. More...
class  AveragingMethod
 Base class for lagrangian averaging methods. More...
class  ReactingMultiphaseParcel
 Multiphase variant of the reacting parcel class with one/two-way coupling with the continuous phase. More...
class  ReactingParcel
 Reacting parcel class with one/two-way coupling with the continuous phase. More...
class  SprayParcel
 Reaching spray parcel, with added functionality for atomisation and breakup. More...
class  ThermoParcel
 Thermodynamic parcel class with one/two-way coupling with the continuous phase. More...
class  parcelThermo
 Thermo package for (S)olids (L)iquids and (G)ases Takes reference to thermo package, and provides: More...
class  phaseProperties
 Helper class to manage multi-specie phase properties. More...
class  phasePropertiesList
 Simple container for a list of phase properties. More...
class  CloudFunctionObject
 Templated cloud function object base class. More...
class  CloudFunctionObjectList
 List of cloud function objects. More...
class  FacePostProcessing
 Records particle face quantities on used-specified face zone. More...
class  Flux
 Function objects which generate the number, volume or mass flux of particles in a cloud. More...
class  NumberFlux
class  VolumeFlux
class  MassFlux
class  ParticleCollector
 Function object to collect the parcel mass- and mass flow rate over a set of polygons. The polygons can either be specified by sets of user- supplied points, or in a concentric circles arrangement. If a parcel is 'collected', it can be flagged to be removed from the domain using the removeCollected entry. More...
class  ParticleErosion
 Function object to create a field of eroded volume, Q, on a specified list of patches. The volume is calculated by the model of Finnie et al. The implementation follows the description given by the review of Yadav et al. More...
class  ParticleTracks
 Records particle state (all variables) on each call to postFace. More...
class  ParticleTrap
 Traps particles within a given phase fraction for multi-phase cases. More...
class  PatchCollisionDensity
 Function object which generates fields of the number and mass and rates thereof of collisions per unit area on all patches. Can optionally take a minimum speed below which a collision is not counted. More...
class  PatchPostProcessing
 Standard post-processing. More...
class  RelativeVelocity
 Function object which generates a lagrangian field containing the velocity of each particle relative to the velocity of the surrounding fluid. More...
class  SizeDistribution
 Creates graphs of a cloud's size distribution. More...
class  VolumeFraction
 Creates particle volume fraction field on carrier phase. More...
class  CloudSubModelBase
 Base class for cloud sub-models. More...
class  ParticleForceList
 List of particle forces. More...
class  NoCollision
 Place holder for 'none' option. More...
class  PairModel
 Templated pair interaction class. More...
class  WallModel
 Templated wall interaction class. More...
class  PairCollision
class  PairSpringSliderDashpot
 Pair forces between particles colliding with a spring, slider, damper model. More...
class  WallLocalSpringSliderDashpot
 Forces between particles and walls, interacting with a spring, slider, damper model. More...
class  WallSpringSliderDashpot
 Forces between particles and walls, interacting with a spring, slider, damper model. More...
class  WallSiteData
 Stores the patch ID and templated data to represent a collision with a wall to be passed to the wall model. More...
class  DispersionRASModel
 Base class for particle dispersion models based on RAS turbulence. More...
class  GradientDispersionRAS
 The velocity is perturbed in the direction of -grad(k), with a Gaussian random number distribution with variance sigma. where sigma is defined below. More...
class  NoDispersion
 Place holder for 'none' option. More...
class  StochasticDispersionRAS
 The velocity is perturbed in random direction, with a Gaussian random number distribution with variance sigma. where sigma is defined below. More...
class  CellZoneInjection
 Injection positions specified by a particle number density within a cell set. More...
class  ConeInjection
 This injector injects particles in a number of cones. The user specifies a position and a direction to inject at, and two angles to inject between. Optionally, this injector can introduce particles over a disc, instead of at a point, in which case inner and outer diameters of the disc are also specified. More...
class  FieldActivatedInjection
 Injection at specified positions, with the conditions: More...
class  injectionModel
 Non-templated base class for lagrangian injection models. More...
class  ManualInjection
 Manual injection. More...
class  MomentumLookupTableInjection
 Particle injection sources read from look-up table. Each row corresponds to an injection site. More...
class  momentumParcelInjectionData
 Container class to provide injection data for momentum parcels. More...
class  NoInjection
 Place holder for 'none' option. More...
class  PatchFlowRateInjection
 Patch injection, by using patch flow rate to determine concentration and velocity. More...
class  PatchInjection
 Patch injection. More...
class  patchInjectionBase
 Base class for patch-based injection models. More...
class  DenseDragForce
class  DistortedSphereDragForce
 Drag model for distorted spheres. More...
class  ErgunWenYuDragForce
 Ergun-Wen-Yu drag model for solid spheres. More...
class  NonSphereDragForce
 Drag model for non-spherical particles. More...
class  PlessisMasliyahDragForce
 Plessis-Masliyah drag model for spheres. More...
class  SchillerNaumannDragForce
 Schiller-Naumann drag model for spheres. More...
class  SphereDragForce
 Drag model for spheres. More...
class  WenYuDragForce
 Wen-Yu drag model for spheres. More...
class  forceSuSp
 Helper container for force Su and Sp terms. More...
class  GravityForce
 Calculates particle gravity force. More...
class  LiftForce
 Base class for particle lift force models. More...
class  SaffmanMeiLiftForce
 Saffman-Mei particle lift force model applicable to spherical particles. More...
class  TomiyamaLiftForce
 Tomiyama particle lift force model applicable to deformable bubbles. More...
class  NonInertialFrameForce
 Calculates particle non-inertial reference frame force. Variable names as from Landau and Lifshitz, Mechanics, 3rd Ed, p126-129. More...
class  ParamagneticForce
 Calculates particle paramagnetic (magnetic field) force. More...
class  ParticleForce
 Abstract base class for particle forces. More...
class  PressureGradientForce
 Calculates particle pressure gradient force. More...
class  ScaledForce
 Particle force model scaled by a constant value. More...
class  VirtualMassForce
 Calculates particle virtual mass force. More...
struct  wordReAndDictionary
class  LocalInteraction
 Patch interaction specified on a patch-by-patch basis. More...
class  NoInteraction
 Dummy class for 'none' option - will raise an error if any functions are called that require return values. More...
class  Rebound
 Simple rebound patch interaction model. More...
class  StandardWallInteraction
 Wall interaction model. More...
class  NoStochasticCollision
 Dummy collision model for 'none'. More...
class  NoSurfaceFilm
 Place holder for 'none' option. More...
class  CorrectionLimitingMethod
 Base class for correction limiting methods. More...
class  ParticleStressModel
 Base class for inter-particle stress models. More...
class  TimeScaleModel
 Base class for time scale models. More...
class  NoComposition
 Dummy class for 'none' option - will raise an error if any functions are called that require return values. More...
class  SingleMixtureFraction
 Templated parcel multi-phase, multi-component class. More...
class  SinglePhaseMixture
 Templated parcel single phase, multi-component class. More...
class  ReactingLookupTableInjection
 Particle injection sources read from look-up table. Each row corresponds to an injection site. More...
class  reactingParcelInjectionData
 Container class to provide injection data for reacting parcels. More...
class  LiquidEvaporation
 Liquid evaporation model. More...
class  LiquidEvaporationBoil
 Liquid evaporation model. More...
class  NoPhaseChange
 Dummy phase change model for 'none'. More...
class  ConstantRateDevolatilisation
 Constant rate devolatisation model. More...
class  NoDevolatilisation
 Dummy devolatilisation model for 'none'. More...
class  SingleKineticRateDevolatilisation
 Single kinetic rate devolatisation model. More...
class  ReactingMultiphaseLookupTableInjection
 Particle injection sources read from look-up table. Each row corresponds to an injection site. More...
class  reactingMultiphaseParcelInjectionData
 Container class to provide injection data for reacting multiphase parcels. More...
class  SuppressionCollision
 Inter-cloud collision model, whereby the canReact flag can be used to inhibit devolatilisation and surface reactions. More...
class  COxidationDiffusionLimitedRate
 Diffusion limited rate surface reaction model for coal parcels. Limited to: More...
class  COxidationHurtMitchell
 Char oxidation model given by Hurt and Mitchell: More...
class  COxidationIntrinsicRate
 Intrinsic char surface reaction mndel. More...
class  COxidationKineticDiffusionLimitedRate
 Kinetic/diffusion limited rate surface reaction model for coal parcels. Limited to: More...
class  COxidationMurphyShaddix
 Limited to C(s) + O2 -> CO2. More...
class  NoSurfaceReaction
 Dummy surface reaction model for 'none'. More...
class  BlobsSheetAtomisation
 Primary Breakup Model for pressure swirl atomisers. More...
class  LISAAtomisation
 Primary Breakup Model for pressure swirl atomisers. More...
class  NoAtomisation
 Dummy phase change model for 'none'. More...
class  ETAB
 The Enhanced TAB model. More...
class  NoBreakup
 Dummy breakup model for 'none'. More...
class  PilchErdman
 Particle secondary breakup model, based on the references: More...
class  ReitzDiwakar
 secondary breakup model More...
class  ReitzKHRT
 secondary breakup model which uses the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability theory to predict the 'stripped' droplets... and the Raleigh-Taylor instability as well. More...
class  SHF
 Secondary Breakup Model to take account of the different breakup regimes, bag, solutionmode, shear.... More...
class  TAB
 The TAB Method for Numerical Calculation of Spray Droplet Breakup. More...
class  ORourkeCollision
 Collision model by P.J. O'Rourke. More...
class  TrajectoryCollision
 Trajectory collision model by N. Nordin, based on O'Rourke's collision model. More...
class  NoHeatTransfer
 Dummy heat transfer model for 'none'. More...
class  RanzMarshall
 The Ranz-Marshall correlation for heat transfer. More...
class  ThermoLookupTableInjection
 Particle injection sources read from look-up table. Each row corresponds to an injection site. More...
class  thermoParcelInjectionData
 Container class to provide injection data for thermodynamic parcels. More...
class  BrownianMotionForce
 Calculates particle Brownian motion force. More...
class  solidParticle
 Simple solid spherical particle class with one-way coupling with the continuous phase. More...
class  solidParticleCloud
 A Cloud of solid particles. More...
class  blockDescriptor
 Takes the description of the block and the list of curved edges and creates a list of points on edges together with the weighting factors. More...
class  blockEdge
 Define a curved edge that is parameterised for 0<lambda<1 between the start and end point. More...
class  BSpline
 An implementation of B-splines. More...
class  lineDivide
 Divides a line into segments. More...
class  polyLine
 A series of straight line segments, which can also be interpreted as a series of control points for splines, etc. More...
class  projectCurveEdge
 Defines the edge from the projection onto a surface (single surface) or intersection of two surfaces. More...
class  projectEdge
 Defines the edge from the projection onto a surface (single surface) or intersection of two surfaces. More...
class  CatmullRomSpline
 An implementation of Catmull-Rom splines (sometimes known as Overhauser splines). More...
class  blockFace
 Define a curved face. More...
class  blockMesh
 A multi-block mesh generator. More...
class  block
 Creates a single block of cells from point coordinates, numbers of cells in each direction and an expansion ratio. More...
class  blockVertex
 Define a block vertex. More...
class  gradingDescriptor
 Handles the specification for grading within a section of a block. More...
class  gradingDescriptors
 List of gradingDescriptor for the sections of a block with additional IO functionality. More...
class  extrudeModel
 Top level extrusion model class. More...
class  displacementMeshMoverMotionSolver
 Mesh motion solver for an fvMesh. Based on solving the cell-centre Laplacian for the motion displacement. More...
class  externalDisplacementMeshMover
 Virtual base class for mesh movers with externally provided displacement field giving the boundary conditions. Move the mesh from the current location to a new location (so modify the mesh; v.s. motionSolver that only returns the new location). More...
class  medialAxisMeshMover
 Mesh motion solver that uses a medial axis algorithm to work out a fraction between the (nearest point on a) moving surface and the (nearest point on a) fixed surface. This fraction is then used to scale the motion. Use. More...
class  zeroFixedValuePointPatchField
 Enables the specification of a zero fixed value boundary condition. More...
class  meshRefinement
 Helper class which maintains intersections of (changing) mesh with (static) surfaces. More...
class  normalLess
 To compare normals. More...
class  pTraits< labelList >
 Template specialisation for pTraits<labelList> so we can have fields. More...
class  pTraits< vectorList >
 Template specialisation for pTraits<labelList> so we can have fields. More...
class  patchFaceOrientation
 Transport of orientation for use in PatchEdgeFaceWave. More...
class  badQualityToCell
 Selects bad quality cells (using snappyHexMesh/cvMesh mesh quality selector) More...
class  badQualityToFace
 Selects bad quality faces (using snappyHexMesh/cvMesh mesh quality selector) More...
class  motionSmoother
 Given a displacement moves the mesh by scaling the displacement back until there are no more mesh errors. More...
class  motionSmootherAlgo
 Given a displacement moves the mesh by scaling the displacement back until there are no more mesh errors. More...
class  motionSmootherData
class  refinementFeatures
 Encapsulates queries for features. More...
class  refinementRegions
 Encapsulates queries for volume refinement ('refine all cells within shell'). More...
class  refinementSurfaces
 Container for data on surfaces used for surface-driven refinement. Contains all the data about the level of refinement needed per surface. More...
class  surfaceZonesInfo
class  layerParameters
 Simple container to keep together layer specific information. More...
class  pointData
 Variant of pointEdgePoint with some transported additional data. WIP - should be templated on data like wallPointData. More...
class  refinementParameters
 Simple container to keep together refinement specific information. More...
class  snapParameters
 Simple container to keep together snap specific information. More...
class  snappyLayerDriver
 All to do with adding layers. More...
class  snappyRefineDriver
class  snappySnapDriver
 All to do with snapping to surface. More...
class  listPlusEqOp
class  trackedParticle
 Particle class that marks cells it passes through. Used to mark cells visited by feature edges. More...
class  transformPositionList
 Default transformation behaviour for position. More...
class  FaceCellWave
 Wave propagation of information through grid. Every iteration information goes through one layer of cells. Templated on information that is transferred. More...
class  patchEdgeFacePoint
 Transport of nearest point location for use in PatchEdgeFaceWave. More...
class  PatchEdgeFacePointData
 Transport of nearest point location, plus data, for use in PatchEdgeFaceWave. More...
class  patchEdgeFaceRegion
 Transport of region for use in PatchEdgeFaceWave. Set element to -2 to denote blocked. More...
class  patchEdgeFaceRegions
 Transport of regions for use in PatchEdgeFaceWave. Set element to -1 to denote blocked. More...
class  PatchEdgeFaceWave
 Wave propagation of information along patch. Every iteration information goes through one layer of faces. Templated on information that is transferred. More...
class  updateOp
 Update operation. More...
class  transformOp
 Transform operation. More...
class  patchPatchDist
 Like wallDist but calculates on a patch the distance to nearest neighbouring patches. Uses PatchEdgeFaceWave to do actual calculation. More...
class  pointEdgePoint
 Holds information regarding nearest wall point. Used in PointEdgeWave. (so not standard FaceCellWave) To be used in wall distance calculation. More...
class  combineEqOp
 Reduction class. If x and y are not equal assign value. More...
class  PointEdgeWave
 Wave propagation of information through grid. Every iteration information goes through one layer of edges. More...
class  listUpdateOp
 List update operation. More...
class  cellClassification
 'Cuts' a mesh with a surface. More...
class  cellInfo
 Holds information regarding type of cell. Used in inside/outside determination in cellClassification. More...
class  cellFeatures
 Cell analysis class. More...
class  cellsToCells
 Class to calculate interpolative addressing and weights between the cells of two overlapping meshes. More...
class  cellsToCellsStabilisation
 Stabilisation data and routines for cell-to-cell interpolations. More...
class  axesRotation
 A coordinate rotation specified using global axis. More...
class  coordinateRotation
 Abstract base class for coordinate rotation. More...
class  cylindrical
 A local coordinate rotation. More...
class  EulerCoordinateRotation
 A coordinateRotation defined in the z-x-y Euler convention. More...
class  STARCDCoordinateRotation
 A coordinateRotation defined by the STAR-CD convention. More...
class  coordinateSystem
 Base class for other coordinate system specifications. More...
struct  coordinateSystems >>
struct  QuickHashEdge
struct  cellEdgeAddressingWorkspace
class  cellEdgeAddressingData
 Engine for providing cell-local cell-edge to face-edge addressing. More...
class  cellEdgeAddressing
class  cellEdgeAddressingList
class  cutPolyIsoSurface
 Iso-surface class based on the cutPoly cutting routines. More...
class  edgeFaceCirculator
 Walks from starting face around edge. More...
class  edgeMesh
 Points connected by edges. More...
class  extendedEdgeMesh
 Description of feature edges and points. More...
class  extendedFeatureEdgeMesh
 extendedEdgeMesh + IO. More...
struct  typeGlobal< extendedFeatureEdgeMesh >
 Trait for obtaining global status. More...
class  featureEdgeMesh
 edgeMesh + IO. More...
struct  typeGlobal< featureEdgeMesh >
 Trait for obtaining global status. More...
class  indexedOctree
 Non-pointer based hierarchical recursive searching. More...
class  treeDataEdge
 Holds data for octree to work on an edges subset. More...
class  treeDataFace
 Encapsulation of data needed to search for faces. More...
class  treeDataPoint
 Holds (reference to) pointField. Encapsulation of data needed for octree searches. Used for searching for nearest point. No bounding boxes around points. Only overlaps and calcNearest are implemented, rest makes little sense. More...
class  treeDataPrimitivePatch
 Encapsulation of data needed to search on PrimitivePatches. More...
class  layerInfo
 Class to be used with FaceCellWave which enumerates layers of cells. More...
class  LayerInfoData
 Class to be used with FaceCellWave which enumerates layers of cells and transports data through those layers. More...
class  pointEdgeLayerInfo
 Class to be used with PointEdgeWave which enumerates layers of points. More...
class  PointEdgeLayerInfoData
 Class to be used with PointEdgeWave which enumerates layers of points. More...
class  mappedExtrudedPatchBase
 Engine which provides mapping between two patches and which offsets the geometry to account for the extrusion thickness. More...
class  mappedExtrudedWallPointPatch
class  mappedExtrudedWallPolyPatch
 Wall patch which holds a mapping engine to map values from another patch. More...
class  mappedInternalPatchBase
 Engine which provides mapping from cells to patch faces. More...
class  mappedInternalPointPatch
class  mappedInternalPolyPatch
 Patch which holds a mapping engine to map cell values onto the patch. More...
class  mappedPatchBase
 Engine and base class for poly patches which provides interpolative mapping between two globally conforming poly patches. More...
class  mappedPatchBaseBase
 Base class for engines and poly patches which provide mapping between two poly patches. More...
class  mappedPointPatch
class  mappedWallPointPatch
class  mappedPolyPatch
 Poly patch which can do interpolative mapping of values from another globally conforming poly patch. More...
class  mappedWallPolyPatch
 Wall poly patch which can do interpolative mapping of values from another globally conforming poly patch. More...
class  nonConformalMappedPatchBase
 Base class for poly patches which provides non-conformal mapping between two potentially non-globally conforming poly patches. More...
class  nonConformalMappedWallPointPatch
class  nonConformalMappedWallPolyPatch
 Wall poly patch which can do non-conformal mapping of values from another potentially non-globally conforming wall poly patch. More...
class  findUniqueIntersectOp
class  meshSearch
 Various (local, not parallel) searches on polyMesh; uses (demand driven) octree to search. More...
class  meshSearchFACE_CENTRE_TRISMeshObject
 DemandDrivenMeshObject wrapper around meshSearch(mesh, polyMesh::FACE_CENTRE_TRIS). More...
class  meshSearchMeshObject
 DemandDrivenMeshObject wrapper around meshSearch(mesh). More...
class  meshStructure
 Detect extruded mesh structure given a set of patch faces. More...
class  pointTopoDistanceData
 For use with PointEdgeWave. Determines topological distance to starting points. More...
class  topoDistanceData
 For use with FaceCellWave. Determines topological distance to starting faces. More...
class  meshToMesh
 Class to calculate interpolative addressing and weights between the cells and patches of two overlapping meshes. More...
class  momentOfInertia
 Calculates the inertia tensor and principal axes and moments of a polyhedra/cells/triSurfaces. Inertia can either be of the solid body or of a thin shell. More...
class  nonConformalBoundary
 Mesh object that stores an all boundary patch and mapping to and from it and the mesh and the individual patches. More...
class  nonConformalCyclicPointPatch
 Constraint patch for nonConformalCyclic couplings. More...
class  nonConformalErrorPointPatch
 Constraint patch for errors associated with nonConformalCyclic couplings. More...
class  nonConformalProcessorCyclicPointPatch
 Constraint patch for nonConformalProcessorCyclic couplings. More...
class  nonConformalCyclicPointPatchField
 Constraint pointPatchField for nonConformalCyclic couplings. More...
class  nonConformalErrorPointPatchField
 Constraint pointPatchField for nonConformalError patches. More...
class  nonConformalProcessorCyclicPointPatchField
 Constraint pointPatchField for nonConformalProcessorCyclic couplings. More...
class  nonConformalPolyPatch
 Non-conformal poly patch. This patch is a placeholder and must have no faces. This patch is linked to an "original" patch. Other parts of the code (i.e., finite volume) will use this patch to create non-empty patches that do not conform to the poly mesh. More...
class  nonConformalCoupledPolyPatch
 Non-conformal coupled poly patch. As nonConformalPolyPatch, but this patch is coupled to another non-conformal patch. Information about the owner/neighbour relationship and transformation are made available by this class. Also, this patch allows access to the error patch. More...
class  nonConformalCyclicPolyPatch
 Non-conformal cyclic poly patch. As nonConformalCoupledPolyPatch, but the neighbouring patch is local and known and is made available by this class. More...
class  nonConformalErrorPolyPatch
 Non-conformal error poly patch. As nonConformalPolyPatch. This patch is a non-coupled non-conformal patch which is used to manage the errors created during the construction of a non-conformal coupled interface. Every patch used as the original patch of the owner side of a non-conformal coupled interface must also have an associated error patch. More...
class  nonConformalProcessorCyclicPolyPatch
 Non-conformal processor cyclic poly patch. As nonConformalCyclicPolyPatch, but the neighbouring patch is on a different processor. More...
class  WallInfo
 Holds information regarding nearest wall point. Used in wall distance calculation. More...
class  wallFace
 Holds information regarding nearest wall point. Used in wall distance calculation. More...
class  wallPoint
 Holds information regarding nearest wall point. Used in wall distance calculation. More...
class  FacePatchIntersection
 Patch intersection based on polygonal faces. This triangulates the supplied patches and passes them to TriPatchIntersection. It then re-combines the triangles that TriPatchIntersection generates. More...
class  patchIntersection
 Base class for patch intersections. Provides type name and debugging. See templated derivatives for actual functionality. More...
class  PatchIntersection
 Base class for patch intersections. Provides storage and access to the intersection points and faces and their relationship between the source and target patches. More...
class  polyPatchIntersection
 Intersection between two polyPatches. More...
class  primitivePatchIntersection
 Intersection between two primitive patches. More...
class  star
 Engine for constructing a star-shaped domain by walking. More...
class  TriPatchIntersection
 Patch intersection based on triangular faces. Intersects and combines two triangulated patches incrementally. The intersected surface is valid at every stage of the process. Failure to intersect does not produce a catastrophic error. Rather, it results in regions of the surface remaining associated with only one of the source or the target patch. More...
class  patchToPatch
 Class to generate coupling geometry between two primitive patches. More...
class  patchToPatchStabilisation
 Stabilisation data and routines for patch-to-patch interpolations. More...
class  patchToPatchFieldMapper
 Base class for fieldMappers which uses a patchToPatch object to map from another patch. The source patch may be differently decomposed and/or geometrically and topologically different from the target. Derived into versions which handle unmapped regions differently. More...
class  patchToPatchLeftOverFieldMapper
 Patch-to-patch fieldMapper which retains values in the target field for parts of the patch that do not overlap the source. This process needs an input target field as well as a source field, so it can only map a field in-place. More...
class  patchToPatchNormalisedFieldMapper
 Patch-to-patch fieldMapper which fills values for non-overlapping parts of the target patch by normalisation (for partly non-overlapping faces), or by referencing values from the nearest overlapping part (for completely non-overlapping faces). More...
class  pointDist
 Calculates the distance to the specified sets of patch and pointZone points or for all points. More...
class  pointEdgeDist
 Holds information regarding nearest wall point. Used in PointEdgeWave. (so not standard FaceCellWave) To be used in wall distance calculation. More...
struct  UFaceList
struct  UFaceList< UList< Face > >
struct  UFaceList< List< Face > >
struct  UFaceList< SubList< Face > >
struct  UFaceList< UIndirectList< Face > >
struct  UFaceList< IndirectList< Face > >
class  PrimitiveOldTimePatch
class  minEqOpFace
class  localPointRegion
 Takes mesh with 'baffles' (= boundary faces sharing points). Determines for selected points on boundary faces the 'point region' it is connected to. Each region can be visited by a cell-face-cell walk. Used in duplicating points after splitting baffles. More...
class  minData
 For use with FaceCellWave. Transports minimum passive data. More...
class  regionSplit
 This class separates the mesh into distinct unconnected regions, each of which is then given a label according to globalNumbering(). More...
class  closedTriSurfaceMesh
 Like triSurface, a surface geometry formed of discrete facets, e.g. \ triangles and/or quadrilaterals, defined in a file using formats such as Wavefront OBJ, or stereolithography STL. A closedTriSurfaceMesh is a geometry surface which is meant to be closed but contains some imperfections, e.g. small holes or multiple parts, which mean it is not strictly closed. More...
class  searchableBox
 Surface geometry with a rectangular box shape, aligned with the coordinate axes, which can be used with snappyHexMesh. More...
class  searchableCylinder
 Surface geometry with a cylinder shape, which can be used with snappyHexMesh. More...
class  searchableDisk
 Surface geometry with a circular disk shape, which can be used with snappyHexMesh. More...
class  searchableExtrudedCircle
 Surface geometry with a tube shape, which can be used with snappyHexMesh. The geometry is formed from a line geometry, described by the edgeMesh (.eMesh) file format, to which a radius is applied to form a tube. More...
class  searchablePlane
 Surface geometry of an infinite plane, which can be used with snappyHexMesh. More...
class  searchablePlate
 Surface geometry of a finite plane, aligned with the coordinate axes, which can be used with snappyHexMesh. More...
class  searchableSphere
 Surface geometry with a sphere shape, which can be used with snappyHexMesh. More...
class  searchableSurface
 Base class of (analytical or triangulated) surface. Encapsulates all the search routines. WIP. More...
class  searchableSurfaceCollection
 Makes a collection of surface geometries by copying from an existing defined surface geometry. There are no boolean operations, e.g. overlapping surfaces are not intersected. More...
class  searchableSurfaces
 Container for searchableSurfaces. More...
class  searchableSurfacesQueries
 A collection of tools for searchableSurfaces. More...
class  searchableSurfaceWithGaps
 searchableSurface using multiple slightly shifted underlying surfaces to make sure pierces don't go through gaps: More...
class  triSurfaceMesh
 A surface geometry formed of discrete facets, e.g. triangles and/or quadrilaterals, defined in a file using formats such as Wavefront OBJ, or stereolithography STL. More...
struct  typeGlobal< triSurfaceMesh >
 Trait for obtaining global status. More...
class  boxToCell
 A topoSetSource to select cells based on cell centres inside box(es). More...
class  cellToCell
 A topoSetSource to select the cells from another cellSet. More...
class  cylinderAnnulusToCell
 A topoSetSource to select cells based on cell centres inside a cylinder annulus. More...
class  cylinderToCell
 A topoSetSource to select cells based on cell centres inside a cylinder. More...
class  faceToCell
 A topoSetSource to select cells based on usage in faces. More...
class  faceZoneToCell
 A topoSetSource to select cells based on side of faceZone. More...
class  hemisphereToCell
 A topoSetSource to select cells based on cell centres inside a hemisphere. More...
class  labelToCell
 A topoSetSource to select cells based on explicitly given labels. More...
class  nbrToCell
 A topoSetSource to select cells based on number of neighbouring cells (i.e. number of internal or coupled faces) More...
class  nearestToCell
 A topoSetSource to select cells nearest to points. More...
class  patchDistanceToCell
 A topoSetSource to select cells based on distance to a set of patches. More...
class  pointToCell
 A topoSetSource to select cells based on usage of points. More...
class  regionToCell
 TopoSetSource. Select cells belonging to topological connected region (that contains given points) More...
class  rotatedBoxToCell
 A topoSetSource to select cells based on cell centres inside a rotated and/or skewed box. More...
class  shapeToCell
 A topoSetSource to select cells based on cell shape. More...
class  sphereToCell
 A topoSetSource to select cells based on cell centres inside sphere. More...
class  surfaceToCell
 A topoSetSource to select cells based on relation to surface. More...
class  targetVolumeToCell
 A topoSetSource to select cells based on the wanted volume of selected cells. Adapts a plane until it has enough. More...
class  truncatedConeToCell
 A topoSetSource to select cells with centres inside a truncated cone. More...
class  zoneToCell
 A topoSetSource to select faces based on cellZone. More...
class  setToCellZone
 A topoSetSource to select cells based on usage in a cellSet. More...
class  boundaryToFace
 A topoSetSource to select all external (boundary) faces. More...
class  boxToFace
 A topoSetSource to select faces based on face centres inside box. More...
class  cellToFace
 A topoSetSource to select a faceSet from cells. More...
class  cylinderAnnulusToFace
 A topoSetSource to select faces based on face centres inside a cylinder annulus. More...
class  cylinderToFace
 A topoSetSource to select faces based on face centres inside a cylinder. More...
class  faceToFace
 A topoSetSource to select faces based on usage in another faceSet. More...
class  labelToFace
 A topoSetSource to select faces given explicitly provided face labels. More...
class  normalToFace
 A topoSetSource to select faces based on normal. More...
class  patchToFace
 A topoSetSource to select faces based on usage in patches. More...
class  pointToFace
 A topoSetSource to select faces based on use of points. More...
class  regionToFace
 A topoSetSource to select faces belonging to topological connected region (that contains given point) More...
class  rotatedBoxToFace
 A topoSetSource to select faces based on cell centres inside a rotated and/or skewed box. More...
class  zoneToFace
 A topoSetSource to select faces from a faceZone. More...
class  faceZoneToFaceZone
 A topoSetSource to select faces based on usage in another faceSet. More...
class  planeToFaceZone
 A topoSetSource to select faces based on the adjacent cell centres spanning a given plane. The plane is defined by a point and normal vector. More...
class  searchableSurfaceToFaceZone
 A topoSetSource to select faces based on intersection (of cell-cell vector) with a surface. More...
class  setAndNormalToFaceZone
 A topoSetSource to select faces based on usage in a faceSet, where the normal vector is used to orient the faces. More...
class  setsToFaceZone
 A topoSetSource to select faces based on usage in a faceSet and cellSet. More...
class  setToFaceZone
 A topoSetSource to select faces based on usage in a faceSet. Sets flipMap to true. More...
class  boxToPoint
 A topoSetSource to select points based on whether they are inside box. More...
class  cellToPoint
 A topoSetSource to select points based on usage in cells. More...
class  faceToPoint
 A topoSetSource to select points based on usage in faces. More...
class  labelToPoint
 A topoSetSource to select points given explicitly provided labels. More...
class  nearestToPoint
 A topoSetSource to select points nearest to points. More...
class  pointToPoint
 A topoSetSource to select points based on usage in pointSet. More...
class  surfaceToPoint
 A topoSetSource to selects points based on relation to surface. More...
class  zoneToPoint
 A topoSetSource to select points based on pointZone. More...
class  setToPointZone
 A topoSetSource to select points based on usage in a pointSet. More...
class  polyCellSet
 General run-time selected cell set selection class for polyMesh. More...
class  cellSet
 A collection of cell labels. More...
class  cellZoneSet
 Like cellSet but -reads data from cellZone -updates cellZone when writing. More...
class  faceSet
 A list of face labels. More...
class  faceZoneSet
 Like faceSet but -reads data from faceZone -updates faceZone when writing. More...
class  pointSet
 A set of point labels. More...
class  pointZoneSet
 Like pointSet but -reads data from pointZone -updates pointZone when writing. More...
class  topoSet
 General set of labels of mesh quantity (points, cells, faces). More...
class  topoSetSource
 Base class of a source for a topoSet. More...
class  surfaceSets
 Various utilities to handle sets relating mesh to surface. Note: work in progress. Used in meshing tools. More...
class  tetOverlapVolume
 Calculates the overlap volume of two cells using tetrahedral decomposition. More...
class  booleanSurface
 Surface-surface intersection. Given two surfaces construct combined surface. More...
class  edgeSurface
 Description of surface in form of 'cloud of edges'. More...
class  intersectedSurface
 Given triSurface and intersection creates the intersected (properly triangulated) surface. (note: intersection is the list of points and edges 'shared' by two surfaces) More...
class  edgeIntersections
 Holder of intersections of edges of a surface with another surface. Optionally shuffles around points on surface to resolve any 'conflicts' (edge hitting triangle edge, edge hitting point etc.). More...
class  surfaceIntersection
 Basic surface-surface intersection description. Constructed from two surfaces it creates a description of the intersection. More...
class  orientedSurface
 Given point flip all faces such that normals point in same direction. More...
class  surfaceFeatures
 Holds feature edges/points of surface. More...
class  surfaceLocation
 Contains information about location on a triSurface. More...
class  triangleFuncs
 Various triangle functions. More...
class  triSurfaceRegionSearch
 Helper class to search on triSurface. Creates an octree for each region of the surface and only searches on the specified regions. More...
class  triSurfaceSearch
 Helper class to search on triSurface. More...
class  pointToPointPlanarInterpolation
 Interpolates between two sets of unstructured points using 2D Delaunay triangulation. Used in e.g. timeVaryingMapped bcs. More...
class  triSurfaceTools
 A collection of tools for triSurface. More...
class  twoDPointCorrector
 Class applies a two-dimensional correction to mesh motion point field. More...
class  compressibleMomentumTransportModel
 Base class for single-phase compressible turbulence models. More...
class  incompressibleMomentumTransportModel
 Base class for single-phase incompressible turbulence models. More...
class  kOmegaSST
 Implementation of the k-omega-SST turbulence model for incompressible and compressible flows. More...
class  fixedShearStressFvPatchVectorField
 Set a constant shear stress as tau0 = -nuEff dU/dn. More...
class  porousBafflePressureFvPatchField
 This boundary condition provides a porous baffle pressure jump condition, using the cyclic condition as a base. The jump in pressure is defined by: More...
class  epsilonWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a turbulence dissipation wall constraint for low- and high-Reynolds number turbulence models. More...
class  kLowReWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a turbulence kinetic energy wall function condition for low- and high-Reynolds number turbulent flow cases. More...
class  kqRWallFunctionFvPatchField
 This boundary condition provides a suitable condition for turbulence k, q, and R fields for the case of high Reynolds number flow using wall functions. More...
class  nutkRoughWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a turbulent kinematic viscosity condition when using wall functions for rough walls, based on turbulence kinetic energy. The condition manipulates the E parameter to account for roughness effects. More...
class  nutkWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField
 Turbulent viscosity wall-function boundary condition for high Reynolds number flows based on near-wall turbulence kinetic energy. More...
class  nutLowReWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a turbulent kinematic viscosity condition for use with low Reynolds number models. It sets nut to zero, and provides an access function to calculate y+. More...
class  nutURoughWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a turbulent kinematic viscosity condition when using wall functions for rough walls, based on velocity. The condition manipulates the E parameter to account for roughness effects. More...
class  nutUSpaldingWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a turbulent kinematic viscosity condition when using wall functions for rough walls, based on velocity, using Spalding's law to give a continuous nut profile to the wall (y+ = 0) More...
class  nutUWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a turbulent kinematic viscosity condition when using wall functions, based on velocity. More...
class  nutWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a turbulent kinematic viscosity condition when using wall functions, based on turbulence kinetic energy. More...
class  omegaWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a wall constraint on turbulnce specific dissipation, omega for both low and high Reynolds number turbulence models. More...
class  wallCellWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField
 Base class for wall functions that modify cell values. More...
class  eddyViscosity
 Eddy viscosity turbulence model base class. More...
class  laminarModel
 Templated abstract base class for laminar transport models. More...
class  LESdelta
 Abstract base class for LES deltas. More...
class  WallLocationYPlus
 Holds information (coordinate and yStar) regarding nearest wall point. More...
class  anisotropicFilter
 anisotropic filter More...
class  laplaceFilter
 Laplace filter for LES. More...
class  LESfilter
 Abstract class for LES filters. More...
class  simpleFilter
 Simple top-hat filter used in dynamic LES models. More...
class  LESModel
 Templated abstract base class for LES SGS models. More...
class  linearViscousStress
 Linear viscous stress turbulence model base class. More...
class  momentumTransportModel
 Abstract base class for turbulence models (RAS, LES and laminar). More...
class  nonlinearEddyViscosity
 Eddy viscosity turbulence model with non-linear correction base class. More...
class  turbulentMixingLengthDissipationRateFvScalarFieldSource
 This source condition provides a turbulence dissipation, $\epsilon$ (epsilon), based on a specified mixing length. The source values are calculated using: More...
class  turbulentMixingLengthFrequencyFvScalarFieldSource
 This source condition provides a turbulence specific dissipation, $\omega$ (omega), based on a specified mixing length. The source values are calculated using: More...
class  turbulentMixingLengthDissipationRateInletFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a turbulence dissipation, $\epsilon$ (epsilon) inlet condition based on a specified mixing length. The patch values are calculated using: More...
class  turbulentMixingLengthFrequencyInletFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a turbulence specific dissipation, $\omega$ (omega) inlet condition based on a specified mixing length. The patch values are calculated using: More...
class  RASModel
 Templated abstract base class for RAS turbulence models. More...
class  ReynoldsStress
 Reynolds-stress turbulence model base class. More...
class  epsilonmWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a turbulence dissipation wall constraint for the mixtureKEpsilon model. More...
class  phaseCompressibleMomentumTransportModel
 Templated abstract base class for multiphase compressible turbulence models. More...
class  phaseIncompressibleMomentumTransportModel
 Templated abstract base class for multiphase incompressible turbulence models. More...
class  componentDisplacementMotionSolver
 Virtual base class for displacement motion solver. More...
class  componentVelocityMotionSolver
 Virtual base class for velocity motion solver. More...
class  displacementMotionSolver
 Virtual base class for displacement motion solver. More...
class  displacementLayeredMotionMotionSolver
 Mesh motion solver for an (multi-block) extruded fvMesh. Gets given the structure of the mesh blocks and boundary conditions on these blocks. More...
class  pointEdgeStructuredWalk
 Determines length of string of edges walked to point. More...
class  displacementLinearMotionMotionSolver
 Mesh motion solver simple linear expansion and contraction of a mesh region defined by a motion axis and the extents of the motion. More...
class  points0MotionSolver
 Virtual base class for displacement motion solvers. More...
class  interpolatingSolidBodyMotionSolver
 Solid-body motion of the mesh specified by a run-time selectable motion function. Applies SLERP interpolation of movement as function of distance to the object surface to move the mesh points. More...
class  multiSolidBodyMotionSolver
 Solid-body motion of the mesh specified by a run-time selectable motion function. More...
class  solidBodyMotionDisplacementPointPatchVectorField
 Enables the specification of a fixed value boundary condition using the solid body motion functions. More...
class  solidBodyMotionFunction
 Base class for defining solid-body motions. More...
class  solidBodyMotionSolver
 Solid-body motion of the mesh specified by a run-time selectable motion function. More...
class  motionSolver
 Virtual base class for mesh motion solver. More...
class  motionSolverList
 Motion of the mesh specified as a list of motion solvers. More...
class  dynamicMeshPointInterpolator
 Interpolates pointVectorFields. More...
class  velocityMotionSolver
 Virtual base class for velocity motion solver. More...
class  alphaContactAngleFvPatchScalarField
 Contact-angle boundary condition for multi-phase interface-capturing simulations. Sets of coefficients are given for the contact angle with each other phase. These coefficients can specify either a constant or a dynamic contact angle. More...
class  adaptiveSolver
class  Euler
 Euler ODE solver of order (0)1. More...
class  EulerSI
 Semi-implicit Euler ODE solver of order (0)1. More...
class  ODESolver
 Abstract base-class for ODE system solvers. More...
class  RKCK45
 4/5th Order Cash-Karp Runge-Kutta ODE solver. More...
class  RKDP45
 4/5th Order Dormand–Prince Runge-Kutta ODE solver. More...
class  RKF45
 4/5th Order Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg ODE solver More...
class  rodas23
 L-stable, stiffly-accurate embedded Rosenbrock ODE solver of order (2)3. More...
class  rodas34
 L-stable, stiffly-accurate embedded Rosenbrock ODE solver of order (3)4. More...
class  Rosenbrock12
 L-stable embedded Rosenbrock ODE solver of order (1)2. More...
class  Rosenbrock23
 L-stable embedded Rosenbrock ODE solver of order (2)3. More...
class  Rosenbrock34
 L-stable embedded Rosenbrock ODE solver of order (3)4. More...
class  seulex
 An extrapolation-algorithm, based on the linearly implicit Euler method with step size control and order selection. More...
class  SIBS
 A semi-implicit mid-point solver for stiff systems of ordinary differential equations. More...
class  Trapezoid
 Trapezoidal ODE solver of order (1)2. More...
class  ODESystem
 Abstract base class for the systems of ordinary differential equations. More...
class  dynamicIndexedOctree
 Non-pointer based hierarchical recursive searching. Storage is dynamic, so elements can be deleted. More...
class  dynamicTreeDataPoint
 Holds (reference to) pointField. Encapsulation of data needed for octree searches. Used for searching for nearest point. No bounding boxes around points. Only overlaps and calcNearest are implemented, rest makes little sense. More...
class  labelBits
 A 29bits label and 3bits direction packed into single label. More...
class  treeDataCell
 Encapsulation of data needed to search in/for cells. Used to find the cell containing a point (e.g. cell-cell mapping). More...
class  volumeType
class  polygonTriangulate
 Triangulation of three-dimensional polygons. More...
class  solutionControl
 Solution control class. More...
class  subCycleField
class  subCycleFields
class  subCycle
 Perform a subCycleTime on a field or list of fields. More...
class  Circulator
 Walks over a container as if it were circular. The container must have the following members defined: More...
class  CirculatorBase
 Base class for circulators. More...
class  ConstCirculator
 Walks over a container as if it were circular. The container must have the following members defined: More...
class  Dictionary
 General purpose template dictionary class which manages the storage associated with it. More...
class  DictionaryBase
 Base dictionary class templated on both the form of doubly-linked list it uses as well as the type it holds. More...
class  PtrDictionary
 Template dictionary class which manages the storage associated with it. More...
class  UPtrListDictionary
 Template dictionary class which manages the storage associated with it. More...
class  PtrListDictionary
 Template dictionary class which manages the storage associated with it. More...
class  UDictionary
 Template dictionary class which does not manages the storage associated with it. More...
class  UPtrDictionary
 Template dictionary class which does not manages the storage associated with it. More...
class  HashList
 HashList class. Like HashTable, but much less dynamic memory-y. Should be faster for small sets of non-dynamic primitive types (labels, edges, points, etc...). It is also much less functional at present. There is no re-sizing, so you have to make sure it is constructed sufficiently large to hold all the data that will ever be inserted into it. More...
class  HashPtrTable
 A HashTable specialisation for hashing pointers. More...
class  HashSet
 A HashTable with keys but without contents. More...
class  List
 A 1D array of objects of type <T>, where the size of the vector is known and used for subscript bounds checking, etc. More...
class  UList
 A 1D vector of objects of type <T>, where the size of the vector is known and can be used for subscript bounds checking, etc. More...
class  HashTable
 An STL-conforming hash table. More...
class  Tuple2
 A 2-tuple for storing two objects of different types. More...
struct  HashTableCore
 Template-invariant bits for HashTable. More...
class  ListHashTable
 STL conforming hash table using contiguous lists rather than linked lists. More...
struct  ListHashTableCore
 Template-invariant bits for ListHashTable. More...
class  Map
 A HashTable to objects of type <T> with a label key. More...
class  PtrMap
 A HashTable of pointers to objects of type <T> with a label key. More...
class  Keyed
 A container with an integer key attached to any item. More...
class  ILList
 Template class for intrusive linked lists. More...
class  LList
 Template class for non-intrusive linked lists. More...
class  LPtrList
 Template class for non-intrusive linked PtrLists. More...
class  UILList
 Template class for intrusive linked lists. More...
class  ULPtrList
 Template class for non-intrusive linked PtrLists. More...
class  DLListBase
 Base doubly-linked list. More...
class  SLListBase
 Base singly-linked list. More...
class  FIFOStack
 A FIFO stack based on a singly-linked list. More...
class  LIFOStack
 A LIFO stack based on a singly-linked list. More...
class  BiIndirectList
 Indexes into negList (negative index) or posList (zero or positive index). More...
class  BinSum
 Sums into bins. More...
class  CompactListList
 A packed storage unstructured matrix of objects of type <T> using an offset table for access. More...
class  Distribution
 Accumulating histogram of component values. Specified bin resolution, automatic generation of bins. More...
class  DynamicList
 A 1D vector of objects of type <T> that resizes itself as necessary to accept the new objects. More...
class  FixedList
 A 1D vector of objects of type <T> with a fixed size <Size>. More...
class  Histogram
 Calculates the counts per bin of a list. More...
class  IndirectListAddressing
 A helper class for storing addresses. More...
class  IndirectList
 A List with indirect addressing. More...
class  PtrList
 A templated 1D list of pointers to objects of type <T>, where the size of the array is known and used for subscript bounds checking, etc. More...
class  SortableList
 A list that is sorted upon construction or when explicitly requested with the sort() method. More...
class  accessOp
class  offsetOp
struct  ListOp
 Operator to apply a binary operation to a pair of lists. More...
struct  ListEqOp
 Operator to apply a binary-equals operation to a pair of lists. More...
struct  ListAppendEqOp
 List operator to append one list onto another. More...
class  PackedBoolList
 A bit-packed bool list. More...
class  PackedList
 A dynamically allocatable list of packed unsigned integers. More...
struct  PackedListCore
 Template-invariant bits for PackedList. More...
class  autoPtr
 An auto-pointer similar to the STL auto_ptr but with automatic casting to a reference to the type and with pointer allocation checking on access. More...
class  tmp
 A class for managing temporary objects. More...
class  ParSortableList
 Implementation of PSRS parallel sorting routine. More...
class  SubList
 A List obtained as a section of another List. More...
class  UPtrList
 A templated 1D list of pointers to objects of type <T>, where the size of the array is known and used for subscript bounds checking, etc. More...
class  NamedEnum
 Initialise the NamedEnum HashTable from the static list of names. More...
class  Callback
 Abstract class to handle automatic call-back registration with the CallbackRegistry. Derive from this class and extend by adding the appropriate callback functions. More...
class  CallbackRegistry
 Base class with which callbacks are registered. More...
class  dictionaryName
class  dictionary
 A list of keyword definitions, which are a keyword followed by any number of values (e.g. words and numbers). The keywords can represent patterns which are matched using Posix regular expressions. The general order for searching is as follows: More...
class  dictionaryEntry
 A keyword and a list of tokens is a 'dictionaryEntry'. More...
class  dictionaryListEntry
 Read/write List of dictionaries. More...
class  entry
 A keyword and a list of tokens is an 'entry'. More...
class  functionEntry
 A functionEntry causes entries to be added/manipulated on the specified dictionary given an input stream. More...
class  keyType
 A class for handling keywords in dictionaries. More...
class  primitiveEntry
 A keyword and a list of tokens is a 'primitiveEntry'. An primitiveEntry can be read, written and printed, and the types and values of its tokens analysed. More...
class  codedBase
 Base class for function objects and boundary conditions using dynamic code. More...
class  compileTemplate
class  dlLibraryTable
 A table of dynamically loaded libraries. More...
class  dynamicCode
 Tools for handling dynamic code compilation. More...
class  dynamicCodeContext
 Encapsulation of dynamic code dictionaries. More...
class  error
 Class to handle errors and exceptions in a simple, consistent stream-based manner. More...
class  IOerrorLocation
class  IOerror
class  errorManip
 Error stream manipulators for exit and abort which may terminate the program or throw an exception depending if the exception handling has been switched on (off by default). More...
class  errorManipArg
 errorManipArg More...
class  messageStream
 Class to handle messaging in a simple, consistent stream-based manner. More...
class  functionObject
 Abstract base-class for Time/database functionObjects. More...
class  functionObjectList
 List of function objects with start(), execute() and end() functions that is called for each object. More...
class  wordAndDictionary
 Tuple of a word and dictionary, used to read in per-field options for function objects in the following syntax: More...
class  IOOutputFilter
 IOdictionary wrapper around OutputFilter to allow them to read from their associated dictionaries. More...
class  timeControl
 General time dependent execution controller. The default to execute every time-step. More...
class  IOobject
 IOobject defines the attributes of an object for which implicit objectRegistry management is supported, and provides the infrastructure for performing stream I/O. More...
struct  typeGlobal
 Trait for obtaining global status. More...
struct  typeGlobalFile
 Trait for obtaining global write status. More...
class  typeIOobject
 Templated form of IOobject providing type information for file reading and header type checking. More...
class  IOobjectList
 List of IOobjects with searching and retrieving facilities. More...
class  CompactIOField
 A Field of objects of type <Type> with automated input and output using a compact storage. Behaves like IOField except when binary output in case it writes a CompactListList. More...
class  CompactIOListBase
class  CompactIOList
 A List of objects of type <Type> with automated input and output using a compact storage. Behaves like IOList except when binary output in case it writes a CompactListList. More...
class  decomposedBlockData
 decomposedBlockData is a List<char> with IO on the master processor only. More...
class  GlobalIOField
 A primitive field of type <Type> with automated input and output. More...
struct  typeGlobal< GlobalIOField< Type > >
 Trait for obtaining global status. More...
class  GlobalIOListBase
class  GlobalIOList
 IOContainer with global data (so optionally read from master) More...
struct  typeGlobal< GlobalIOList< Type > >
 Trait for obtaining global status. More...
class  IOdictionary
 IOdictionary is derived from dictionary and IOobject to give the dictionary automatic IO functionality via the objectRegistry. To facilitate IO, IOdictionary is provided with a constructor from IOobject and writeData and write functions. More...
struct  typeGlobal< IOdictionary >
 Trait for obtaining global status. More...
class  localIOdictionary
 localIOdictionary derived from IOdictionary with global set false to disable parallel master reading. More...
struct  typeGlobal< localIOdictionary >
 Trait for obtaining global status. More...
class  timeIOdictionary
 timeIOdictionary derived from IOdictionary with globalFile set false to enable writing to processor time directories. More...
struct  typeGlobalFile< timeIOdictionary >
 Trait for obtaining global write status. More...
class  IOField
 A primitive field of type <Type> with automated input and output. More...
class  IOListBase
class  IOList
 A List of objects of type <Type> with automated input and output. More...
class  IOMap
 A Map of objects of type <Type> with automated input and output. Is a global object; i.e. can be read from undecomposed case. More...
class  IOPtrList
 A PtrList of objects of type <Type> with automated input and output. More...
class  dummyISstream
 Dummy stream for input. Aborts at any attempt to read from it. More...
class  dummyIstream
 Dummy stream for input. Aborts at any attempt to read from it. More...
class  IFstreamAllocator
 A std::istream with ability to handle compressed files. More...
class  IFstream
 Input from file stream. More...
class  masterOFstream
 Master-only drop-in replacement for OFstream. More...
class  OFstreamAllocator
 A std::ostream with ability to handle compressed files. More...
class  OFstream
 Output to file stream. More...
class  sha1streambuf
class  osha1stream
class  OSHA1stream
 A Foam::OSstream for calculating SHA-1 digests. More...
class  INew
 A helper class when constructing from an Istream or dictionary. More...
class  InfoProxy
 A helper class for outputting values to Ostream. More...
class  Smanip
class  Imanip
class  Omanip
class  IOstream
 An IOstream is an abstract base class for all input/output systems; be they streams, files, token lists etc. More...
class  Istream
 An Istream is an abstract base class for all input systems (streams, files, token lists etc). The basic operations are construct, close, read token, read primitive and read binary block. More...
class  Ostream
 An Ostream is an abstract base class for all output systems (streams, files, token lists, etc). More...
class  IPstream
 Input inter-processor communications stream. More...
class  OPstream
 Output inter-processor communications stream. More...
class  Pstream
 Inter-processor communications stream. More...
class  PstreamBuffers
 Buffers for inter-processor communications streams (UOPstream, UIPstream). More...
class  UIPstream
 Input inter-processor communications stream operating on external buffer. More...
class  UOPstream
 Output inter-processor communications stream operating on external buffer. More...
class  UPstream
 Inter-processor communications stream. More...
class  ISstream
 Generic input stream. More...
class  OSstream
 Generic output stream. More...
class  prefixOSstream
 Version of OSstream which prints a prefix on each line. More...
class  IStringStream
 Input from memory buffer stream. More...
class  OStringStream
 Output to memory buffer stream. More...
class  token
 A token holds items read from Istream. More...
class  ITstream
 Input token stream. More...
class  objectRegistry
 Registry of regIOobjects. More...
class  regIOobject
 regIOobject is an abstract class derived from IOobject to handle automatic object registration with the objectRegistry. More...
class  controlIOdictionary
 controlDict specific IOdictionary to provide automatic read-update for Time More...
class  instant
 An instant of time. Contains the time value and name. More...
class  subCycleTime
 A class for managing sub-cycling times. More...
class  Time
 Class to control time during OpenFOAM simulations that is also the top-level objectRegistry. More...
class  TimePaths
 A class for addressing time paths without using the Time class. More...
class  timeSelector
 A List of scalarRange for selecting times. More...
class  TimeState
 The time value with time-stepping information, user-defined remapping, etc. More...
class  dimensioned
 Generic dimensioned Type class. More...
class  dimensionSet
 Dimension set for the base types. More...
struct  deleteDimensionsPtr
class  distribution
 Base class for statistical distributions. More...
class  FieldDistribution
class  reuseTmpDimensionedField
class  reuseTmpDimensionedField< TypeR, TypeR, GeoMesh >
class  reuseTmpTmpDimensionedField
class  reuseTmpTmpDimensionedField< TypeR, Type1, TypeR, GeoMesh >
class  reuseTmpTmpDimensionedField< TypeR, TypeR, Type2, GeoMesh >
class  reuseTmpTmpDimensionedField< TypeR, TypeR, TypeR, GeoMesh >
class  SlicedDimensionedField
 Specialisation of DimensionedField which holds a slice of a given complete field in such a form that it acts as a DimensionedField. More...
class  FieldField
 Generic field type. More...
class  reuseTmpFieldField
class  reuseTmpFieldField< Field, TypeR, TypeR >
class  reuseTmpTmpFieldField
class  reuseTmpTmpFieldField< Field, TypeR, Type1, TypeR >
class  reuseTmpTmpFieldField< Field, TypeR, TypeR, Type2 >
class  reuseTmpTmpFieldField< Field, TypeR, TypeR, TypeR >
class  oneFieldField
 A class representing the concept of a field of oneFields used to avoid unnecessary manipulations for objects which are known to be one at compile-time. More...
class  UniformFieldField
 A class representing the concept of a field of uniform fields which stores only the single value and providing the operator[] to return it. More...
class  zeroFieldField
 A class representing the concept of a field of zeroFields used to avoid unnecessary manipulations for objects which are known to be zero at compile-time. More...
class  DynamicField
 Dynamically sized Field. More...
class  Field
 Pre-declare SubField and related Field type. More...
class  SubField
 Pre-declare related SubField type. More...
class  reuseTmp
class  reuseTmp< TypeR, TypeR >
class  reuseTmpTmp
class  reuseTmpTmp< TypeR, Type1, Type12, TypeR >
class  reuseTmpTmp< TypeR, TypeR, TypeR, Type2 >
class  reuseTmpTmp< TypeR, TypeR, TypeR, TypeR >
class  fieldMapper
 Abstract base class for field mapping. More...
class  forwardFieldMapper
 Forward field mapper. More...
class  forwardOrAssignFieldMapper
 Forward field mapper that permits assigning a value on unmapped elements. More...
class  forwardOrAssignPatchFieldMapper
class  generalFieldMapper
 General field mapper supporting both direct and weighted mapping. More...
class  identityFieldMapper
 Identity field mapper. More...
class  reverseFieldMapper
 Reverse field mapper. More...
class  reverseInterpolativeFieldMapper
 Reverse field mapper. More...
class  setSizeAndZeroFieldMapper
 Mapper which sets the field size and initialises all values to zero. It does not actually map values. More...
class  setSizeFieldMapper
 Mapper which sets the field size. It does not actually map values. More...
class  oneField
 A class representing the concept of a field of 1 used to avoid unnecessary manipulations for objects which are known to be one at compile-time. More...
class  UniformField
 A class representing the concept of a uniform field which stores only the single value and providing the operator[] to return it. More...
class  zeroField
 A class representing the concept of a field of 0 used to avoid unnecessary manipulations for objects which are known to be zero at compile-time. More...
class  reuseTmpGeometricField
class  reuseTmpGeometricField< TypeR, TypeR, PatchField, GeoMesh >
class  reuseTmpTmpGeometricField
class  reuseTmpTmpGeometricField< TypeR, Type1, TypeR, PatchField, GeoMesh >
class  reuseTmpTmpGeometricField< TypeR, TypeR, Type2, PatchField, GeoMesh >
class  reuseTmpTmpGeometricField< TypeR, TypeR, TypeR, PatchField, GeoMesh >
class  GeometricFieldSources
 Part of a geometric field used for setting the values associated with optional sources. More...
class  MapInternalField
 Generic internal field mapper. For "real" mapping, add template specialisations for mapping of internal fields depending on mesh type. More...
class  geometricOneField
 A class representing the concept of a GeometricField of 1 used to avoid unnecessary manipulations for objects which are known to be one at compile-time. More...
class  geometricZeroField
 A class representing the concept of a GeometricField of 1 used to avoid unnecessary manipulations for objects which are known to be zero at compile-time. More...
class  pointPatchField
 Abstract base class for point-mesh patch fields. More...
class  OldTimeField
 Class to add into field types to provide old-time storage and retrieval. More...
struct  OldTimeBaseFieldType
struct  OldTime >>
class  basicSymmetryPointPatchField
 A Symmetry boundary condition for pointField. More...
class  calculatedPointPatchField
 A calculated boundary condition for pointField. More...
class  coupledPointPatchField
 A Coupled boundary condition for pointField. More...
class  fixedValuePointPatchField
 A FixedValue boundary condition for pointField. More...
class  valuePointPatchField
 Foam::valuePointPatchField. More...
class  zeroGradientPointPatchField
 Foam::zeroGradientPointPatchField. More...
class  cyclicPointPatchField
 Cyclic front and back plane patch field. More...
class  cyclicSlipPointPatchField
 Cyclic + slip constraints. More...
class  emptyPointPatchField
 An empty boundary condition for pointField. More...
class  internalPointPatchField
 Constraint pointPatchField to hold values for internal face exposed by sub-setting. More...
class  processorPointPatchField
 Foam::processorPointPatchField. More...
class  processorCyclicPointPatchField
 Foam::processorCyclicPointPatchField. More...
class  symmetryPointPatchField
 A Symmetry boundary condition for pointField. More...
class  symmetryPlanePointPatchField
 A symmetry-plane boundary condition for pointField. More...
class  wedgePointPatchField
 Wedge front and back plane patch field. More...
class  codedFixedValuePointPatchField
 Constructs on-the-fly a new boundary condition (derived from fixedValuePointPatchField) which is then used to evaluate. More...
class  fixedNormalSlipPointPatchField
 slip with user-specified normal More...
class  slipPointPatchField
 Foam::slipPointPatchField. More...
class  uniformFixedValuePointPatchField
 Enables the specification of a uniform fixed value boundary condition. More...
class  pointConstraint
 Accumulates point constraints through successive applications of the applyConstraint function. More...
class  combineConstraintsEqOp
 Reduce operator. More...
class  UniformDimensionedField
 Dimensioned<Type> registered with the database as a registered IOobject which has the functionality of a uniform field and allows values from the top-level code to be passed to boundary conditions etc. More...
class  UniformGeometricField
 Dimensioned<Type> registered with the database as a registered IOobject which has the functionality of a uniform field and allows values from the top-level code to be passed to boundary conditions etc. More...
class  argList
 Extract command arguments and options from the supplied argc and argv parameters. More...
class  ParRunControl
 Helper class for initialising parallel jobs from the command arguments. More...
class  clock
 Read access to the system clock with formatting. More...
class  OFstreamCollator
 Threaded file writer. More...
class  threadedCollatedOFstream
 Master-only drop-in replacement for OFstream. More...
class  fileOperation
class  jobInfo
 Helper class for recording information about run/finished jobs. More...
class  interpolationWeights
 Abstract base class for interpolating in 1D. More...
class  linearInterpolationWeights
class  splineInterpolationWeights
 Catmull-Rom spline interpolation. More...
class  stepInterpolationWeights
 Generates the weight for step-wise interpolation and integration. More...
class  PrimitivePatchInterpolation
 Interpolation class within a primitive patch. Allows interpolation from points to faces and vice versa. More...
class  Matrix
 A templated (m x n) matrix of objects of <T>. More...
class  DiagonalMatrix
 DiagonalMatrix<Type> is a 2D diagonal matrix of objects of type Type, size nxn. More...
class  lduAddressing
 The class contains the addressing required by the lduMatrix: upper, lower and losort. More...
class  cyclicLduInterface
 An abstract base class for cyclic coupled interfaces. More...
class  lduInterface
 An abstract base class for implicitly-coupled interfaces e.g. processor and cyclic patches. More...
class  processorLduInterface
 An abstract base class for processor coupled interfaces. More...
class  cyclicLduInterfaceField
 Abstract base class for cyclic coupled interfaces. More...
class  lduInterfaceField
 An abstract base class for implicitly-coupled interface fields e.g. processor and cyclic patch fields. More...
class  processorLduInterfaceField
 Abstract base class for processor coupled interfaces. More...
class  lduScheduleEntry
 Struct to hold the patch index and the initialisation flag for the patch schedule. More...
class  lduMatrix
 lduMatrix is a general matrix class in which the coefficients are stored as three arrays, one for the upper triangle, one for the lower triangle and a third for the diagonal. More...
class  diagonalPreconditioner
 Diagonal preconditioner for both symmetric and asymmetric matrices. More...
class  DICPreconditioner
 Simplified diagonal-based incomplete Cholesky preconditioner for symmetric matrices (symmetric equivalent of DILU). The reciprocal of the preconditioned diagonal is calculated and stored. More...
class  DILUPreconditioner
 Simplified diagonal-based incomplete LU preconditioner for asymmetric matrices. The reciprocal of the preconditioned diagonal is calculated and stored. More...
class  FDICPreconditioner
 Faster version of the DICPreconditioner diagonal-based incomplete Cholesky preconditioner for symmetric matrices (symmetric equivalent of DILU) in which the reciprocal of the preconditioned diagonal and the upper coefficients divided by the diagonal are calculated and stored. More...
class  GAMGPreconditioner
 Geometric agglomerated algebraic multigrid preconditioner. More...
class  noPreconditioner
 Null preconditioner for both symmetric and asymmetric matrices. More...
class  DICSmoother
 Simplified diagonal-based incomplete Cholesky smoother for symmetric matrices. More...
class  DICGaussSeidelSmoother
 Combined DIC/GaussSeidel smoother for symmetric matrices in which DIC smoothing is followed by GaussSeidel to ensure that any "spikes" created by the DIC sweeps are smoothed-out. More...
class  DILUSmoother
 Simplified diagonal-based incomplete LU smoother for asymmetric matrices. More...
class  DILUGaussSeidelSmoother
 Combined DILU/GaussSeidel smoother for asymmetric matrices in which DILU smoothing is followed by GaussSeidel to ensure that any "spikes" created by the DILU sweeps are smoothed-out. More...
class  FDICSmoother
 Simplified diagonal-based incomplete Cholesky smoother for symmetric matrices. More...
class  GaussSeidelSmoother
 A lduMatrix::smoother for Gauss-Seidel. More...
class  nonBlockingGaussSeidelSmoother
 Variant of gaussSeidelSmoother that expects processor boundary cells to be sorted last and so can block later. Only when the cells are actually visited does it need the results to be present. It is expected that there is little benefit to be gained from doing this on a patch by patch basis since the number of processor interfaces is quite small and the overhead of checking whether a processor interface is finished might be quite high (call into mpi). Also this would require a dynamic memory allocation to store the state of the outstanding requests. More...
class  symGaussSeidelSmoother
 A lduMatrix::smoother for symmetric Gauss-Seidel. More...
class  diagonalSolver
 Foam::diagonalSolver. More...
class  algebraicPairGAMGAgglomeration
 Agglomerate using the pair algorithm. More...
class  dummyAgglomeration
 Agglomerate without combining cells. Used for testing. More...
class  GAMGAgglomeration
 Geometric agglomerated algebraic multigrid agglomeration class. More...
class  pairGAMGAgglomeration
 Agglomerate using the pair algorithm. More...
class  eagerGAMGProcAgglomeration
 'Eager' processor agglomeration of GAMGAgglomerations: at every level agglomerates 'mergeLevels' number of processors onto the minimum processor number. More...
class  GAMGProcAgglomeration
 Processor agglomeration of GAMGAgglomerations. More...
class  manualGAMGProcAgglomeration
 Manual processor agglomeration of GAMGAgglomerations. More...
class  masterCoarsestGAMGProcAgglomeration
 Processor agglomeration of GAMGAgglomerations. More...
class  noneGAMGProcAgglomeration
 Processor agglomeration of GAMGAgglomerations. More...
class  procFacesGAMGProcAgglomeration
 Processor agglomeration of GAMGAgglomerations. Needs nAgglomeratingCells which is when to start agglomerating processors. Processors get agglomerated by constructing a single cell mesh for each processor with each processor interface a face. This then gets agglomerated using the pairGAMGAgglomeration algorithm with the number of faces on the original processor interface as face weight. More...
class  GAMGSolver
 Geometric agglomerated algebraic multigrid solver. More...
class  cyclicGAMGInterfaceField
 GAMG agglomerated cyclic interface field. More...
class  GAMGInterfaceField
 Abstract base class for GAMG agglomerated interface fields. More...
class  processorCyclicGAMGInterfaceField
 GAMG agglomerated processor interface field. More...
class  processorGAMGInterfaceField
 GAMG agglomerated processor interface field. More...
class  cyclicGAMGInterface
 GAMG agglomerated cyclic interface. More...
class  GAMGInterface
 Abstract base class for GAMG agglomerated interfaces. More...
class  processorCyclicGAMGInterface
 GAMG agglomerated processor interface. More...
class  processorGAMGInterface
 GAMG agglomerated processor interface. More...
class  PBiCG
 Preconditioned bi-conjugate gradient solver for asymmetric lduMatrices using a run-time selectable preconditioner. More...
class  PBiCGStab
 Preconditioned bi-conjugate gradient stabilised solver for asymmetric lduMatrices using a run-time selectable preconditioner. More...
class  PCG
 Preconditioned conjugate gradient solver for symmetric lduMatrices using a run-time selectable preconditioner. More...
class  smoothSolver
 Iterative solver for symmetric and asymmetric matrices which uses a run-time selected smoother e.g. GaussSeidel to converge the solution to the required tolerance. More...
class  LduInterfaceField
 An abstract base class for implicitly-coupled interface fields e.g. processor and cyclic patch fields. More...
class  LduInterfaceFieldPtrsList
class  LduMatrix
 LduMatrix is a general matrix class in which the coefficients are stored as three arrays, one for the upper triangle, one for the lower triangle and a third for the diagonal. More...
class  Amultiplier
class  SolverPerformance
 SolverPerformance is the class returned by the LduMatrix solver containing performance statistics. More...
class  DiagonalPreconditioner
 Diagonal preconditioner for both symmetric and asymmetric matrices. More...
class  TDILUPreconditioner
 Simplified diagonal-based incomplete LU preconditioner for asymmetric matrices. More...
class  NoPreconditioner
 Null preconditioner for both symmetric and asymmetric matrices. More...
class  TGaussSeidelSmoother
 Foam::TGaussSeidelSmoother. More...
class  DiagonalSolver
 Foam::DiagonalSolver. More...
class  PBiCCCG
 Preconditioned bi-conjugate gradient solver for asymmetric lduMatrices using a run-time selectable preconditioner. More...
class  PBiCICG
 Preconditioned bi-conjugate gradient solver for asymmetric lduMatrices using a run-time selectable preconditioner. More...
class  PCICG
 Preconditioned conjugate gradient solver for symmetric lduMatrices using a run-time selectable preconditioner. More...
class  SmoothSolver
 Iterative solver for symmetric and asymmetric matrices which uses a run-time selected smoother e.g. GaussSeidel to converge the solution to the required tolerance. To improve efficiency, the residual is evaluated after every nSweeps smoothing iterations. More...
class  LLTMatrix
 Templated class to perform the Cholesky decomposition on a symmetric positive-definite matrix. More...
class  LUscalarMatrix
 Class to perform the LU decomposition on a symmetric matrix. More...
class  procLduInterface
 IO interface for processorLduInterface. More...
class  procLduMatrix
 I/O for lduMatrix and interface values. More...
class  ConstMatrixBlock
class  MatrixBlock
 A templated block of an (m x n) matrix of type <MatrixType>. More...
class  QRMatrix
 Class templated on matrix type to perform the QR decomposition using Householder reflections on a square or rectangular matrix. More...
class  RectangularMatrix
 A templated 2D rectangular m x n matrix of objects of <Type>. More...
class  typeOfInnerProduct< Type, RectangularMatrix< Type >, RectangularMatrix< Type > >
class  typeOfInnerProduct< Type, RectangularMatrix< Type >, SquareMatrix< Type > >
class  typeOfInnerProduct< Type, SquareMatrix< Type >, RectangularMatrix< Type > >
class  SVD
 Singular value decomposition of a rectangular matrix. More...
class  simpleMatrix
 A simple square matrix solver with scalar coefficients. More...
class  solution
 Selector class for relaxation factors, solver type and solution. More...
class  SquareMatrix
 A templated 2D square matrix of objects of <T>, where the n x n matrix dimension is known and used for subscript bounds checking, etc. More...
class  typeOfInnerProduct< Type, SquareMatrix< Type >, SquareMatrix< Type > >
class  SymmetricSquareMatrix
 A templated 2D square symmetric matrix of objects of <T>, where the n x n matrix dimension is known and used for subscript bounds checking, etc. More...
class  tolerances
 Selector class for solution tolerances. More...
class  refCount
 Reference counter for various OpenFOAM components. More...
class  tmpNrc
 A class for managing temporary objects without reference counting. More...
class  UautoPtr
 An auto-pointer similar to the STL auto_ptr but with automatic casting to a reference to the type and with pointer allocation checking on access. More...
class  boundBox
 A bounding box defined in terms of the points at its extremities. More...
class  GeoMesh
 Generic mesh wrapper used by volMesh, surfaceMesh, pointMesh etc. More...
class  coupleGroupIdentifier
 Encapsulates using patchGroups to specify coupled patch. More...
class  patchIdentifier
 Identifies patch by name, patch index and physical type. More...
class  lduMesh
 Abstract base class for meshes which provide LDU addressing for the construction of lduMatrix and LDU-solvers. More...
class  procLess
 Less operator for pairs of <processor><index> More...
class  lduPrimitiveMesh
 Simplest concrete lduMesh which stores the addressing needed by lduMatrix. More...
class  DemandDrivenMeshObject
 Templated abstract base-class for demand-driven mesh objects used to automate their allocation to the mesh database and the mesh-modifier event-loop. More...
class  DeletableMeshObject
 MeshObject types: More...
class  MoveableMeshObject
class  DistributeableMeshObject
class  TopoChangeableMeshObject
class  RepatchableMeshObject
class  meshObjects
 Templated abstract base-class for optional mesh objects used to automate their allocation to the mesh database and the mesh-modifier event-loop. More...
class  cell
 A cell is defined as a list of faces with extra functionality. More...
class  cellMatcher
 Base class for cellshape matchers (hexMatch, prismMatch, etc.). These are classes which given a mesh and cell number find out the orientation of the cellShape and construct cell-vertex to mesh-vertex mapping and cell-face to mesh-face mapping. More...
class  degenerateMatcher
 Collection of all hex degenerate matchers (hex, wedge, prism etc.) Has static member function to match a shape. More...
class  hexMatcher
 A cellMatcher for hex cells. More...
class  prismMatcher
 A cellMatcher for prism cells. More...
class  pyrMatcher
 A cellMatcher for pyr cells. More...
class  tetMatcher
 A cellMatcher for tet cells. More...
class  tetWedgeMatcher
 A cellMatcher for tetWedge cells. More...
class  wedgeMatcher
 A cellMatcher for wedge cells. More...
class  cellModel
 Maps a geometry to a set of cell primitives, which enables geometric cell data to be calculated without access to the primitive geometric level. This means mapping a 3D geometry to a set of pyramids which are each described by a cell face and the cell centre point. More...
class  cellModeller
 A static collection of cell models, and a means of looking them up. More...
class  cellShape
 An analytical geometric cellShape. More...
class  edge
 An edge is a list of two point labels. The functionality it provides supports the discretisation on a 2-D flat mesh. More...
class  EdgeMap
 Map from edge (expressed as its endpoints) to value. More...
class  face
 A face is a list of labels corresponding to mesh vertices. More...
class  offsetOp< face >
 Hash specialisation to offset faces in ListListOps::combineOffset. More...
class  oppositeFace
 Class containing opposite face for a prismatic cell with addressing and a possibility of failure. More...
class  tetCell
 A tetrahedral cell primitive. More...
class  triFace
 A triangular face using a FixedList of labels corresponding to mesh vertices. More...
class  offsetOp< triFace >
 Hash specialisation to offset faces in ListListOps::combineOffset. More...
class  MultiRegionListBase
class  MultiRegionRefs
 Class to wrap a UPtrList of of region-associated objects (meshes, solvers, domainDecompositions, ...). Access will return a wrapped reference and will set the Info prefix to the region name. The prefix will remain until the wrapped reference goes out of scope. More...
class  RegionRef
class  pointBoundaryMesh
 Foam::pointBoundaryMesh. More...
class  pointMesh
 Mesh representing a set of points created from polyMesh. More...
class  MapInternalField< Type, MeshMapper, pointMesh >
class  pointBoundaryMeshMapper
 Foam::pointBoundaryMeshMapper. More...
class  pointMapper
 This object provides mapping and fill-in information for point data between the two meshes after the topological change. It is constructed from polyTopoChangeMap. More...
class  pointMeshMapper
 Class holds all the necessary information for mapping fields associated with pointMesh. More...
class  pointPatchMapper
 Mapping class for a pointPatchField. More...
class  coupledPointPatch
 coupled patch for post-processing. Used as the base class for processor and cyclic pointPatches More...
class  cyclicPointPatch
 Cyclic patch for post-processing. More...
class  cyclicSlipPointPatch
 Cyclic patch with slip constraint. More...
class  emptyPointPatch
 Empty plane patch. More...
class  internalPointPatch
 Constraint patch to hold internal faces exposed by sub-setting. More...
class  processorPointPatch
 Processor patch boundary needs to be such that the ordering of points in the patch is the same on both sides. More...
class  processorCyclicPointPatch
 Processor patch boundary needs to be such that the ordering of points in the patch is the same on both sides. More...
class  symmetryPointPatch
 Symmetry patch for non-planar or multi-plane patches. More...
class  symmetryPlanePointPatch
 Symmetry-plane patch. More...
class  wedgePointPatch
 Wedge front and back plane patch. More...
class  coupledFacePointPatch
 coupled patch for post-processing. Used as the base class for processor and cyclic pointPatches More...
class  wallPointPatch
 Foam::wallPointPatch. More...
class  facePointPatch
 A pointPatch based on a polyPatch. More...
class  pointPatch
 Basic pointPatch represents a set of points from the mesh. More...
class  commSchedule
 Determines the order in which a set of processors should communicate with one another. More...
class  globalIndex
 Calculates a unique integer (label so might not have enough room - 2G max) for processor + local index. E.g. More...
class  globalMeshData
 Various mesh related information for a parallel run. Upon construction, constructs all info using parallel communication. More...
class  globalPoints
 Calculates points shared by more than two processor patches or cyclic patches. More...
class  processorTopology
class  optionalCpuLoad
class  cpuLoad
 Class to maintain a field of the CPU load per cell. More...
class  Residuals
 DemandDrivenMeshObject to store the solver performance residuals of all the fields of the type it is instantiated on. More...
class  polyBoundaryMesh
 Foam::polyBoundaryMesh. More...
class  polyBoundaryMeshEntries
 Foam::polyBoundaryMeshEntries. More...
class  distributionMap
 Class containing processor-to-processor mapping information. More...
class  distributionMapBase
 Class containing processor-to-processor mapping information. More...
class  IOdistributionMap
 IOdistributionMap is derived from distributionMap and IOobject to give the distributionMap automatic IO functionality via the objectRegistry. More...
class  lagrangianDistributionMap
 Class containing mesh-to-mesh mapping information for particles. More...
class  polyDistributionMap
 Class containing mesh-to-mesh mapping information after a mesh distribution where we send parts of meshes (using subsetting) to other processors and receive and reconstruct mesh. More...
class  polyMesh
 Mesh consisting of general polyhedral cells. More...
class  polyMeshMap
 Class containing mesh-to-mesh mapping information. More...
class  polyMeshTetDecomposition
 Tools for performing the minimum decomposition of faces of the mesh into triangles so that the cells may be tet decomposed. Includes functions for finding variable face starting (base) points on each face to avoid the decomposition of cells into tets that have negative or zero volume. More...
class  tetIndices
 Storage and named access for the indices of a tet which is part of the decomposition of a cell. More...
class  coupledPolyPatch
 The coupledPolyPatch is an abstract base class for patches that couple regions of the computational domain e.g. cyclic and processor-processor links. More...
class  cyclicPolyPatch
 Cyclic plane patch. More...
class  cyclicTransform
 Cyclic plane transformation. More...
class  cyclicSlipPolyPatch
 Copy of cyclicSlip - used to be able to instantiate cyclicSlip pointPatch which is cyclicSlip with slip constraints. More...
class  emptyPolyPatch
 Empty front and back plane patch. Used for 2-D geometries. More...
class  internalPolyPatch
 Constraint patch to hold internal faces exposed by sub-setting. More...
class  processorPolyPatch
 Neighbour processor patch. More...
class  processorCyclicPolyPatch
 Neighbour processor patch. More...
class  symmetryPolyPatch
 Symmetry patch for non-planar or multi-plane patches. More...
class  symmetryPlanePolyPatch
 Symmetry-plane patch. More...
class  wedgePolyPatch
 Wedge front and back plane patch. More...
class  wallPolyPatch
 Foam::wallPolyPatch. More...
class  polyPatch
 A patch is a list of labels that address the faces in the global face list. More...
class  cellMapper
 This object provides mapping and fill-in information for cell data between the two meshes after the topological change. It is constructed from polyTopoChangeMap. More...
class  faceMapper
 This object provides mapping and fill-in information for face data between the two meshes after the topological change. It is constructed from polyTopoChangeMap. More...
class  mapAddedPolyMesh
 Class containing mesh-to-mesh mapping information after a mesh addition where we add a mesh ('added mesh') to an old mesh, creating a new mesh. More...
class  mapPatchChange
 Class containing mesh-to-mesh mapping information after a patch change operation. More...
class  mapSubsetMesh
 Class containing mesh-to-mesh mapping information after a subset operation. More...
class  morphFieldMapper
 Abstract base class to hold the Field mapping for mesh morphs. More...
class  objectMap
 An objectMap is a pair of labels defining the mapping of an object from another object, e.g. a cell mapped from a point. More...
class  polyTopoChangeMap
 Class containing mesh-to-mesh mapping information after a change in polyMesh topology. More...
class  dummyTransform
class  pTraits< List< T > >
class  pTraits< UList< T > >
class  pTraits< Field< T > >
class  pTraits< face >
class  syncTools
 Various tools to aid synchronising lists across coupled patches. WIP. More...
class  PatchTools
 A collection of tools for searching, sorting PrimitivePatch information. More...
class  primitiveMesh
 Cell-face mesh analysis engine. More...
class  patchZones
 Calculates zone number for every face of patch. More...
class  walkPatch
 Collection of static functions to do various simple patch related things. More...
class  PrimitivePatch
 A list of faces which address into the list of points. More...
class  line
 A line primitive. More...
class  objectHit
 This class describes a combination of target object index and success flag. More...
class  PointHit
 This class describes the interaction of a face and a point. It carries the info of a successful hit and (if successful), returns the interaction point. More...
class  pointHitSort
 Container for sorting intersections. More...
class  PointIndexHit
 This class describes the interaction of (usually) a face and a point. It carries the info of a successful hit and (if successful), returns the interaction point. More...
class  plane
 Geometric class that creates a 2D plane and can return the intersection point between a line and the plane. More...
class  pyramid
 A geometric pyramid primitive with a base of 'n' sides: i.e. a parametric pyramid. A pyramid is constructed from a base polygon and an apex point. More...
class  tetrahedron
 A tetrahedron primitive. More...
class  intersection
 Foam::intersection. More...
class  triangle
 A triangle primitive used to calculate face areas and swept volumes. More...
class  treeBoundBox
 Standard boundBox + extra functionality for use in octree. More...
class  cellZone
 A subset of mesh cells. More...
class  cellZoneList
class  faceZone
 A subset of mesh faces organised as a primitive patch. More...
class  faceZoneList
class  pointZone
 A subset of mesh points. The labels of points in the zone can be obtained from the addressing() list. More...
class  pointZoneList
class  Zone
 Base class for zones. More...
class  ZoneList
 A list of mesh zones. More...
class  Barycentric
 Templated 3D Barycentric derived from VectorSpace. Has 4 components, one of which is redundant. More...
class  BarycentricTensor
 Templated 4x3 tensor derived from VectorSpace. Has 12 components. Can represent a barycentric transformation as a matrix-barycentric inner- product. Can alternatively represent an inverse barycentric transformation as a vector-matrix inner-product. More...
class  typeOfTranspose< Cmpt, BarycentricTensor< Cmpt > >
class  Barycentric2D
 Templated 2D Barycentric derived from VectorSpace. Has 3 components, one of which is redundant. More...
class  BarycentricTensor2D
 Templated 3x3 tensor derived from VectorSpace. Has 9 components. Can represent a barycentric transformation as a matrix-barycentric inner- product. Can alternatively represent an inverse barycentric transformation as a vector-matrix inner-product. More...
class  typeOfTranspose< Cmpt, BarycentricTensor2D< Cmpt > >
class  pTraits< bool >
class  Switch
 A simple wrapper around bool so that it can be read as a word: true/false, on/off, yes/no, y/n, t/f, or none/any. More...
class  complex
 Extension to the c++ complex library type. More...
class  Tensor
 Templated 3D tensor derived from MatrixSpace adding construction from 9 components, element access using xx(), xy() etc. member functions and the inner-product (dot-product) and outer-product of two Vectors (tensor-product) operators. More...
class  Pair
 An ordered pair of two objects of type <T> with first() and second() elements. More...
class  DiagTensor
 Templated 3D DiagTensor derived from VectorSpace. More...
class  Function1
 Run-time selectable general function of one variable. More...
class  FieldFunction1
class  TableFileReader
 Base class to read table data for tables. More...
class  TableReader
 Macros for creating standard TableReader-s. More...
class  unknownTypeFunction1
 Wrapper around Function1 that constructs a function for an as yet unknown primitive type. It stores the location of the user input and actually constructs the function on demand at the point at which a value is requested for a specific type. More...
class  Function2
 Run-time selectable function of two variables. More...
class  FieldFunction2
class  Polynomial
 Polynomial templated on size (order): More...
class  globalIndexAndTransform
 Determination and storage of the possible independent transforms introduced by coupledPolyPatches, as well as all of the possible permutations of these transforms generated by the presence of multiple coupledPolyPatches, i.e. more than one cyclic boundary. Note that any given point can be on maximum 3 transforms only (and these transforms have to be perpendicular) More...
class  Hash
 Hash function class for primitives. All non-primitives used to hash entries on hash tables likely need a specialised version of this class. More...
class  Hash< Foam::label >
 Hash specialisation for hashing labels. More...
class  Hash< Foam::string >
 Hash specialisation for hashing strings. More...
class  Hash< Foam::word >
 Hash specialisation for hashing words. More...
class  Hash< Foam::fileName >
 Hash specialisation for hashing fileNames. More...
class  Hash< Foam::wordRe >
 Hash specialisation for hashing wordRes. More...
class  Hash< Foam::keyType >
 Hash specialisation for hashing keyTypes. More...
class  Hash< void * >
 Hash specialisation for hashing pointer addresses. More...
class  SHA1
 Functions to compute SHA1 message digest according to the NIST specification FIPS-180-1. More...
class  SHA1Digest
 The SHA1 message digest. More...
class  pTraits< int32_t >
 Template specialisation for pTraits<int32_t> More...
class  pTraits< int64_t >
 Template specialisation for pTraits<int64_t> More...
class  pTraits< uint32_t >
 Template specialisation for pTraits<uint32_t> More...
class  pTraits< uint64_t >
 Template specialisation for pTraits<uint64_t> More...
class  MatrixSpace
 Templated matrix space. More...
class  nil
 A zero-sized class without any storage. Used, for example, in HashSet. More...
class  NullObject
 Singleton null-object class and instance. More...
class  omega
 Convenience class to handle the input of constant rotational speed. Reads an omega entry with default units of [rad/s]. For backwards compatibility this will also alternatively read an rpm entry with default units of [rpm]. More...
class  one
 A class representing the concept of 1 (scalar(1)) used to avoid unnecessary manipulations for objects which are known to be one at compile-time. More...
class  innerProduct< one, arg2 >
class  flipOp
 Class containing functor to negate primitives. Dummy for all other types. More...
class  noOp
class  flipLabelOp
class  eqOp2
class  eqOp
class  eqNegOp2
class  eqNegOp
class  eqSqrOp2
class  eqSqrOp
class  eqMagOp2
class  eqMagOp
class  plusEqOp2
class  plusEqOp
class  minusEqOp2
class  minusEqOp
class  multiplyEqOp2
class  multiplyEqOp
class  divideEqOp2
class  divideEqOp
class  plusEqMagSqrOp2
class  plusEqMagSqrOp
class  maxEqOp2
class  maxEqOp
class  minEqOp2
class  minEqOp
class  minMagSqrEqOp2
class  minMagSqrEqOp
class  maxMagSqrEqOp2
class  maxMagSqrEqOp
class  andEqOp2
class  andEqOp
class  orEqOp2
class  orEqOp
class  notEqOp2
class  notEqOp
class  nopEqOp2
class  nopEqOp
class  sumOp3
class  sumOp2
class  sumOp
class  plusOp3
class  plusOp2
class  plusOp
class  minusOp3
class  minusOp2
class  minusOp
class  multiplyOp3
class  multiplyOp2
class  multiplyOp
class  divideOp3
class  divideOp2
class  divideOp
class  cmptMultiplyOp3
class  cmptMultiplyOp2
class  cmptMultiplyOp
class  cmptPowOp3
class  cmptPowOp2
class  cmptPowOp
class  cmptDivideOp3
class  cmptDivideOp2
class  cmptDivideOp
class  stabiliseOp3
class  stabiliseOp2
class  stabiliseOp
class  maxOp3
class  maxOp2
class  maxOp
class  minOp3
class  minOp2
class  minOp
class  minMagSqrOp3
class  minMagSqrOp2
class  minMagSqrOp
class  maxMagSqrOp3
class  maxMagSqrOp2
class  maxMagSqrOp
class  minModOp3
class  minModOp2
class  minModOp
class  andOp3
class  andOp2
class  andOp
class  orOp3
class  orOp2
class  orOp
class  notOp3
class  notOp2
class  notOp
class  equalOp3
class  equalOp2
class  equalOp
class  lessOp3
class  lessOp2
class  lessOp
class  lessEqOp3
class  lessEqOp2
class  lessEqOp
class  greaterOp3
class  greaterOp2
class  greaterOp
class  greaterEqOp3
class  greaterEqOp2
class  greaterEqOp
class  cubicEqn
 Cubic equation of the form a*x^3 + b*x^2 + c*x + d = 0. More...
class  linearEqn
 Linear equation of the form a*x + b = 0. More...
class  quadraticEqn
 Quadratic equation of the form a*x^2 + b*x + c = 0. More...
class  Roots
 Templated storage for the roots of polynomial equations, plus flags to indicate the nature of the roots. More...
class  pTraits
 Traits class for primitives. More...
class  quaternion
 Quaternion class used to perform rotations in 3D space. More...
class  randomGenerator
 Random number generator. More...
class  labelRange
 A label range specifier. More...
class  labelRanges
 A list of labelRange. More...
class  scalarRange
 A scalar range specifier. More...
class  scalarRanges
 A List of scalarRange. More...
class  remote
 Struct for keeping processor, element (cell, face, point) index. More...
class  RemoteData
 Struct for keeping processor, element (cell, face, point) and a piece of data. Used for finding minimum values across multiple processes. More...
class  RowVector
 Templated 3D row-vector derived from MatrixSpace adding construction from 3 components and element access using x(), y() and z(). More...
class  typeOfTranspose< Cmpt, Vector< Cmpt > >
class  typeOfTranspose< Cmpt, RowVector< Cmpt > >
class  typeOfRank< Cmpt, 0 >
class  symmTypeOfRank< Cmpt, 0 >
class  pTraits< Scalar >
class  scalarAndError
 Class to encapsulate a scalar value and an associated round-off error. The error is tracked through operations performed between scalarAndError variables. More...
class  septernion
 Septernion class used to perform translations and rotations in 3D space. More...
class  CompactSpatialTensor
 Templated 3D compact spatial tensor derived from MatrixSpace used to represent transformations of spatial vectors and the angular and linear inertia of rigid bodies. More...
class  typeOfInnerProduct< Cmpt, CompactSpatialTensor< Cmpt >, Tensor< Cmpt > >
class  typeOfInnerProduct< Cmpt, CompactSpatialTensor< Cmpt >, Vector< Cmpt > >
class  typeOfInnerProduct< Cmpt, SpatialTensor< Cmpt >, CompactSpatialTensor< Cmpt > >
class  CompactSpatialTensorT
 Templated 3D transposed compact spatial tensor derived from MatrixSpace used to represent transformations of spatial vectors of rigid bodies. More...
class  typeOfTranspose< Cmpt, CompactSpatialTensor< Cmpt > >
class  typeOfTranspose< Cmpt, CompactSpatialTensorT< Cmpt > >
class  typeOfInnerProduct< Cmpt, CompactSpatialTensor< Cmpt >, CompactSpatialTensorT< Cmpt >>
class  typeOfInnerProduct< Cmpt, CompactSpatialTensorT< Cmpt >, CompactSpatialTensor< Cmpt >>
class  typeOfInnerProduct< Cmpt, CompactSpatialTensorT< Cmpt >, SpatialVector< Cmpt >>
class  SpatialTensor
 Templated 3D spatial tensor derived from MatrixSpace used to represent transformations of spatial vectors and the angular and linear inertia of rigid bodies. More...
class  typeOfTranspose< Cmpt, SpatialTensor< Cmpt > >
class  typeOfOuterProduct< Cmpt, SpatialVector< Cmpt >, SpatialVector< Cmpt > >
class  typeOfInnerProduct< Cmpt, SpatialTensor< Cmpt >, SpatialVector< Cmpt > >
class  typeOfInnerProduct< Cmpt, SpatialTensor< Cmpt >, SpatialTensor< Cmpt > >
class  spatialTransform
 Compact representation of the Plücker spatial transformation tensor in terms of the rotation tensor E and translation vector r . More...
class  SpatialVector
 Templated 3D spatial vector derived from VectorSpace used to represent the anglular and linear components of position, velocity and acceleration of rigid bodies. More...
class  Identity
 Templated identity and dual space identity tensors derived from SphericalTensor. More...
class  SphericalTensor
 Templated 3D SphericalTensor derived from VectorSpace adding construction from 1 component, element access using th ii() member function and the inner-product (dot-product) and outer-product operators. More...
class  outerProduct< SphericalTensor< Cmpt >, Cmpt >
class  outerProduct< Cmpt, SphericalTensor< Cmpt > >
class  innerProduct< SphericalTensor< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor< Cmpt > >
class  innerProduct< SphericalTensor< Cmpt >, Vector< Cmpt > >
class  innerProduct< Vector< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor< Cmpt > >
class  SphericalTensor2D
 Templated 2D sphericalTensor derived from VectorSpace adding construction from 1 component, element access using ii() member function and the inner-product (dot-product) and outer-product operators. More...
class  outerProduct< SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt >, Cmpt >
class  outerProduct< Cmpt, SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt > >
class  innerProduct< SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt > >
class  innerProduct< SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt >, Vector2D< Cmpt > >
class  innerProduct< Vector2D< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt > >
class  fileName
 A class for handling file names. More...
class  functionName
 A functionName is a word starting with '#'. More...
class  hashedWordList
 A wordList with hashed indices for faster lookup by name. More...
class  wordReListMatcher
 A wrapper for matching a List of wordRe. More...
class  string
 A class for handling character strings derived from std::string. More...
class  variable
 A variable is a word with support for additional characters, in particular '$' and '/'. More...
class  verbatimString
 A class for handling verbatimStrings, derived from string. More...
class  word
 A class for handling words, derived from string. More...
class  wordRe
 A wordRe is a word, but can also have a regular expression for matching words. More...
class  subModelBase
 Base class for generic sub-models requiring to be read from dictionary. Provides a mechanism to read and write properties from a dictionary to enable clean re-starts. Used by, e.g. clou dsub-models. More...
class  SymmTensor
 Templated 3D symmetric tensor derived from VectorSpace adding construction from 6 components, element access using xx(), xy() etc. member functions and the inner-product (dot-product) and outer-product of two Vectors (tensor-product) operators. More...
class  symmTypeOfRank< Cmpt, 2 >
class  outerProduct< SymmTensor< Cmpt >, Cmpt >
class  outerProduct< Cmpt, SymmTensor< Cmpt > >
class  innerProduct< SymmTensor< Cmpt >, SymmTensor< Cmpt > >
class  innerProduct< SymmTensor< Cmpt >, Vector< Cmpt > >
class  innerProduct< Vector< Cmpt >, SymmTensor< Cmpt > >
class  typeOfSum< SphericalTensor< Cmpt >, SymmTensor< Cmpt > >
class  typeOfSum< SymmTensor< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor< Cmpt > >
class  innerProduct< SphericalTensor< Cmpt >, SymmTensor< Cmpt > >
class  innerProduct< SymmTensor< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor< Cmpt > >
class  SymmTensor2D
 Templated 2D symmetric tensor derived from VectorSpace adding construction from 4 components, element access using xx(), xy() etc. member functions and the inner-product (dot-product) and outer-product of two Vectors (tensor-product) operators. More...
class  outerProduct< SymmTensor2D< Cmpt >, Cmpt >
class  outerProduct< Cmpt, SymmTensor2D< Cmpt > >
class  innerProduct< SymmTensor2D< Cmpt >, SymmTensor2D< Cmpt > >
class  innerProduct< SymmTensor2D< Cmpt >, Vector2D< Cmpt > >
class  innerProduct< Vector2D< Cmpt >, SymmTensor2D< Cmpt > >
class  typeOfSum< SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt >, SymmTensor2D< Cmpt > >
class  typeOfSum< SymmTensor2D< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt > >
class  innerProduct< SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt >, SymmTensor2D< Cmpt > >
class  innerProduct< SymmTensor2D< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt > >
class  typeOfRank< Cmpt, 2 >
class  typeOfTranspose< Cmpt, Tensor< Cmpt > >
class  typeOfSum< SphericalTensor< Cmpt >, Tensor< Cmpt > >
class  typeOfSum< Tensor< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor< Cmpt > >
class  innerProduct< SphericalTensor< Cmpt >, Tensor< Cmpt > >
class  innerProduct< Tensor< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor< Cmpt > >
class  typeOfSum< SymmTensor< Cmpt >, Tensor< Cmpt > >
class  typeOfSum< Tensor< Cmpt >, SymmTensor< Cmpt > >
class  innerProduct< SymmTensor< Cmpt >, Tensor< Cmpt > >
class  innerProduct< Tensor< Cmpt >, SymmTensor< Cmpt > >
class  Tensor2D
 Templated 2D tensor derived from VectorSpace adding construction from 4 components, element access using xx(), xy(), yx() and yy() member functions and the iner-product (dot-product) and outer-product of two Vector2Ds (tensor-product) operators. More...
class  typeOfSum< SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt >, Tensor2D< Cmpt > >
class  typeOfSum< Tensor2D< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt > >
class  innerProduct< Tensor2D< Cmpt >, Tensor2D< Cmpt > >
class  innerProduct< SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt >, Tensor2D< Cmpt > >
class  innerProduct< Tensor2D< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt > >
class  innerProduct< Tensor2D< Cmpt >, Vector2D< Cmpt > >
class  innerProduct< Vector2D< Cmpt >, Tensor2D< Cmpt > >
class  outerProduct< Vector2D< Cmpt >, Vector2D< Cmpt > >
class  transformer
 Vector-tensor class used to perform translations, rotations and scaling operations in 3D space. More...
class  triad
 Representation of a 3D Cartesian coordinate system as a Vector of vectors. More...
class  Tuple3
 A 3-tuple for storing three objects of different types. More...
class  flux
class  flux< scalar >
class  Vector
 Templated 3D Vector derived from VectorSpace adding construction from 3 components, element access using x(), y() and z() member functions and the inner-product (dot-product) and cross product operators. More...
class  typeOfRank< Cmpt, 1 >
class  symmTypeOfRank< Cmpt, 1 >
class  vectorAndError
 Vector of scalarAndError-s. More...
class  innerProduct< Vector< Cmpt >, scalar >
 Dummy innerProduct for scalar to allow the construction of vtables for. More...
class  Vector2D
 Templated 2D Vector derived from VectorSpace adding construction from 2 components, element access using x() and y() member functions and the inner-product (dot-product). More...
class  typeOfInnerProduct
 Abstract template class to provide the form resulting from. More...
class  typeOfOuterProduct
 Abstract template class to provide the form resulting from. More...
class  typeOfTranspose
 Abstract template class to provide the transpose form of a form. More...
class  typeOfRank
class  symmTypeOfRank
class  typeOfSum
class  outerProduct
class  crossProduct
class  innerProduct
class  scalarProduct
class  powProduct
class  VectorSpace
 Templated vector space. More...
class  VectorSpaceOps
 Operator functions for VectorSpace. More...
class  VectorSpaceOps< N, N >
class  zero
 A class representing the concept of 0 used to avoid unnecessary manipulations for objects that are known to be zero at compile-time. More...
class  namedUnitConversion
 ... More...
class  unitConversion
 Unit conversion structure. Contains the associated dimensions and the multiplier with which to convert values. More...
struct  deleteUnitsPtr
class  clockTime
 Starts timing (using rtc) and returns elapsed time from start. Better resolution (2uSec instead of ~20mSec) than cpuTime. More...
class  cpuTime
 Starts timing CPU usage and return elapsed time from start. More...
class  reduceFileStates
 Reduction operator for PackedList of fileState. More...
class  combineReduceFileStates
 Combine operator for PackedList of fileState. More...
class  fileMonitorWatcher
 Internal tracking via stat(3p) or inotify(7) More...
class  fileMonitor
 Checking for changes to files. More...
class  fileStat
 Wrapper for stat() system call. More...
class  memInfo
 Memory usage information for the process running this object. More...
class  regExp
 Wrapper around POSIX extended regular expressions. More...
class  sigFpe
 Set up trapping for floating point exceptions (signal FPE). More...
class  sigInt
 Signal handler for INT interrupt. More...
class  sigQuit
 Signal handler for QUIT interrupt. More...
class  sigSegv
 Signal handler for SEGV interrupt. More...
class  sigStopAtWriteNow
 Signal handler to write and exit when the stopAtWriteNowSignal is sent. More...
class  sigWriteNow
 Signal handler to write when the writeNowSignal is sent. More...
class  timer
 Implements a timeout mechanism via sigalarm. More...
class  decompositionConstraint
class  refinementHistoryConstraint
 Constraint to keep all cells originating from refining the same cell onto the same processor. Reads polyMesh/refinementHistory. More...
class  decompositionMethod
 Abstract base class for decomposition. More...
class  distributedTriSurfaceMesh
 IOoject and searching on distributed triSurface. All processor hold (possibly overlapping) part of the overall surface. All queries are distributed to the processor that can answer it and the result sent back. More...
struct  typeGlobal< distributedTriSurfaceMesh >
 Trait for obtaining global status. More...
class  domainDecomposition
 Automatic domain decomposition class for finite-volume meshes. More...
class  multiDomainDecomposition
 ... More...
class  processorRunTimes
class  physicalProperties
 A base class for physical properties. More...
class  viscosity
 Abstract base class for all fluid physical properties. More...
class  viscosityModel
 An abstract base class for Newtonian viscosity models. More...
class  minEqOp< labelPair >
class  createShellMesh
 Creates mesh by extruding a patch. More...
class  fvMeshAdder
 Adds two fvMeshes without using any polyMesh morphing. Uses polyMeshAdder. More...
class  lessProcPatches
 Less function class that can be used for sorting processor patches. More...
class  fvMeshDistribute
 Sends/receives parts of mesh+fvfields to neighbouring processors. Used in load balancing. More...
class  fvMeshSubset
 Post-processing mesh subset tool. Given the original mesh and the list of selected cells, it creates the mesh consisting only of the desired cells, with the mapping list for points, faces, and cells. More...
class  fvMeshTools
 A collection of tools for operating on an fvMesh. More...
class  mergePatchPairs
 Class to stitch mesh by merging patch-pairs. More...
class  pTraits< edge >
 Template specialisation for pTraits<edge> so we can use syncTools. More...
class  cellCuts
 Description of cuts across cells. More...
class  cellLooper
 Abstract base class. Concrete implementations know how to cut a cell (i.e. determine a loop around the circumference). More...
class  geomCellLooper
 Implementation of cellLooper. Does pure geometric cut through cell. More...
class  hexCellLooper
 Implementation of cellLooper. More...
class  directionInfo
 Holds direction in which to split cell (in fact a local coordinate axes). Information is a label and a direction. More...
class  directions
 Set of directions for each cell in the mesh. Either uniform and size=1 or one set of directions per cell. More...
class  edgeVertex
 Combines edge or vertex in single label. Used to specify cuts across cell circumference. More...
class  meshCutter
 Cuts (splits) cells. More...
class  multiDirRefinement
 Does multiple pass refinement to refine cells in multiple directions. More...
class  refinementIterator
 Utility class to do iterating meshCutter until all requests satisfied. More...
class  undoableMeshCutter
 The main refinement handler. Gets cellCuts which is structure that describes which cells are to be cut and in what way. Maintains an undo list (if told so during construction). Apart from undo list is just wrapper around meshCutter. More...
class  refineCell
 Container with cells to refine. Refinement given as single direction. More...
class  splitCell
 Description of cell after splitting. Contains cellLabel and pointers to cells it split in. See directedRefinement. More...
class  perfectInterface
 Hack of attachDetach to couple patches when they perfectly align. Does not decouple. Used by stitchMesh app. Does geometric matching. More...
class  faceCoupleInfo
 Container for information needed to couple to meshes. When constructed from two meshes and a list of coupled faces returns the mapping between points. More...
class  polyMeshAdder
 Adds two meshes without using any polyMesh morphing. More...
class  polyMeshFilter
 Remove the edges and faces of a polyMesh whilst satisfying the given mesh quality criteria. More...
class  polyMeshFilterSettings
 Class to store the settings for the polyMeshFilter class. More...
class  addPatchCellLayer
 Adds layers of cells to outside of polyPatch. Can optionally create stand-alone extruded mesh (addToMesh=false). More...
class  combineFaces
 Combines boundary faces into single face. The faces get the patch of the first face ('the master') More...
class  duplicatePoints
 Duplicate points. More...
class  edgeCollapser
 Does polyTopoChanges to remove edges. Can remove faces due to edge collapse but can not remove cells due to face removal! Also removes unused points. More...
class  ifEqEqOp
 Reduction class. If x and y are not equal assign value. More...
class  hexRef8
 Refinement of (split) hexes using polyTopoChange. More...
class  hexRef8Data
 Various for reading/decomposing/reconstructing/distributing refinement data. More...
class  refinementHistory
 All refinement history. Used in unrefinement. More...
class  pointEdgeCollapse
 Determines length of string of edges walked to point. More...
class  polyTopoChange
 Direct mesh changes based on v1.3 polyTopoChange syntax. More...
class  refinementData
 Transfers refinement levels such that slow transition between levels is maintained. Used in FaceCellWave. More...
class  refinementDistanceData
 Transfers refinement levels such that slow transition between levels is maintained. Used in FaceCellWave. More...
class  removeCells
 Given list of cells to remove insert all the topology changes. More...
class  removeFaces
 Given list of faces to remove insert all the topology changes. Contains helper function to get consistent set of faces to remove. More...
class  faceEqOp
class  removePoints
 Removes selected points from mesh and updates faces using these points. More...
class  repatcher
 A mesh which allows changes in the patch distribution of the boundary faces. The change in patching is set using changePatchID. For a boundary face, a new patch ID is given. More...
class  repatchMesh
 Addressing for all faces on surface of mesh. Can either be read from polyMesh or from triSurface. Used for repatching existing meshes. More...
class  repatchPatch
 Like polyPatch but without reference to mesh. patchIdentifier::index is not used. Used in repatchMesh to hold data on patches. More...
class  greyDiffusiveRadiationMixedFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a grey-diffuse condition for radiation intensity, I, for use with the finite-volume discrete-ordinates model (fvDOM), in which the radiation temperature is retrieved from the temperature field boundary condition. More...
class  greyDiffusiveViewFactorFixedValueFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a grey-diffuse condition for radiative heat flux, qr, for use with the view factor model. More...
class  MarshakRadiationFvPatchScalarField
 A 'mixed' boundary condition that implements a Marshak condition for the incident radiation field (usually written as G) More...
class  MarshakRadiationFixedTemperatureFvPatchScalarField
 A 'mixed' boundary condition that implements a Marshak condition for the incident radiation field (usually written as G) More...
class  radiationCoupledBase
 Common functions to emissivity. It gets supplied from lookup into a dictionary or calculated by the solidThermo: More...
class  wideBandDiffusiveRadiationMixedFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides a wide-band, diffusive radiation condition, where the patch temperature is specified. More...
class  radiationModel
 Top level model for radiation modelling. More...
class  fft
 Fast fourier transform derived from the Numerical Recipes in C routine. More...
class  Kmesh
 Calculate the wavenumber vector field corresponding to the space vector field of a finite volume mesh;. More...
class  noiseFFT
 FFT of the pressure field. More...
class  OUprocess
 Random Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. More...
class  turbGen
 Generate a turbulent velocity field conforming to a given energy spectrum and being divergence free. More...
class  CuthillMcKeeRenumber
 Cuthill-McKee renumbering. More...
class  manualRenumber
 Renumber given a ordered-to-original cell association in a file. More...
class  randomRenumber
 Random renumber. Just to see effect of renumbering. More...
class  renumberMethod
 Abstract base class for renumbering. More...
class  springRenumber
 Use spring analogy - attract neighbouring cells according to the distance of their cell indices. More...
class  OppositeFaceCellWave
 Version of FaceCellWave that walks through prismatic cells only. More...
class  structuredRenumber
 Renumbering according to mesh layers. depthFirst = true: first column gets ids 0..nLayer-1, second nLayers..2*nLayers-1 etc. depthFirst = false: first layer gets ids 0,1,2 etc. More...
class  SloanRenumber
 Sloan renumbering algorithm. More...
class  rigidBodyMeshMotion
 Rigid-body mesh motion solver for fvMesh. More...
class  rigidBodyMeshMotionSolver
 Rigid-body mesh motion solver for fvMesh. More...
class  sixDoFRigidBodyMotionConstraint
 Base class for defining constraints for sixDoF motions. More...
class  sixDoFRigidBodyMotionRestraint
 Base class for defining restraints for sixDoF motions. More...
class  sixDoFRigidBodyMotion
 Six degree of freedom motion for a rigid body. More...
class  sixDoFRigidBodyMotionState
 Holds the motion state of sixDoF object. Wrapped up together to allow rapid scatter to other processors. The processors must all maintain exactly the same state data to avoid any drift or inconsistency. More...
class  sixDoFRigidBodyMotionSolver
 6-DoF solid-body mesh motion solver for an fvMesh. More...
class  sixDoFSolver
class  coordSet
 Holds list of sampling positions. More...
class  patchProbes
 Set of locations to patches. More...
class  probes
 Set of locations to sample. More...
class  isNotEqOp
class  sampledSet
 Holds list of sampling points which is filled at construction time. Various implementations of this base class to e.g. get sampling points at uniform distance along a line (lineUniformSet) or directly specified (pointsSet) More...
class  sampledSetCloud
 A Cloud of sampledSet particles. More...
class  sampledSetParticle
 Particle for generating line-type sampled sets. More...
class  csvSetWriter
 Write set in csv format. More...
class  ensightSetWriter
class  ensightFile
 Ensight output with specialised write() for strings, integers and floats. Correctly handles binary write as well. More...
class  ensightGeoFile
 Specialised Ensight output with extra geometry file header. More...
class  ensightPart
 Base class for ensightPartCells and ensightPartFaces. More...
class  ensightPartCells
 An implementation of ensightPart to hold volume mesh cells. More...
class  ensightPartFaces
 An implementation of ensightPart to hold volume mesh faces. More...
class  ensightParts
 A collection of several ensightPart elements. More...
class  gnuplotSetWriter
 Write set in gnuplot format. More...
class  noSetWriter
class  rawSetWriter
 Write set in raw tabulated format. More...
class  setWriter
 Base class for writing coordinate sets with data. More...
class  vtkSetWriter
class  sampledSurface
 An abstract class for surfaces with sampling. More...
class  thresholdCellFaces
 Selects the mesh cell faces specified by a threshold value. Non-triangulated by default. More...
class  ensightPTraits
 Conversion of OpenFOAM pTraits into the Ensight equivalent. More...
class  ensightPTraits< scalar >
class  ensightPTraits< vector >
class  ensightPTraits< sphericalTensor >
class  ensightPTraits< symmTensor >
class  ensightPTraits< tensor >
class  ensightSurfaceWriter
 A surfaceWriter for Ensight format. More...
class  foamSurfaceWriter
 A surfaceWriter for native OpenFOAM format with support for writing ASCII or binary. More...
class  noSurfaceWriter
 A dummy surfaceWriter selected to disable surface writing. More...
class  proxySurfaceWriter
 A surfaceWriter that writes the geometry via the MeshedSurfaceProxy, but which does not support any fields. More...
class  rawSurfaceWriter
 A surfaceWriter for raw output. More...
class  surfaceWriter
 Base class for surface writers. More...
class  vtkSurfaceWriter
 A surfaceWriter for VTK legacy format with support for writing ASCII or binary. More...
class  adsorptionMassFractionFvPatchScalarField
 This is a mass-fraction boundary condition for an adsorbing wall. More...
class  semiPermeableBaffleMassFractionFvPatchScalarField
 This is a mass-fraction boundary condition for a semi-permeable baffle. More...
class  specieTransferMassFractionFvPatchScalarField
 Abstract base class for specie-transferring mass fraction boundary conditions. More...
class  specieTransferTemperatureFvPatchScalarField
 This is a temperature boundary condition for a specie-transferring wall. More...
class  specieTransferVelocityFvPatchVectorField
 This is a velocity boundary condition for a specie-transferring wall. More...
class  MeshedSurface
 A surface geometry mesh with zone information, not to be confused with the similarly named surfaceMesh, which actually refers to the cell faces of a volume mesh. More...
class  MeshedSurfaceProxy
 A proxy for writing MeshedSurface, UnsortedMeshedSurface and surfMesh to various file formats. More...
class  UnsortedMeshedSurface
 A surface geometry mesh, in which the surface zone information is conveyed by the 'zoneId' associated with each face. More...
class  MeshedSurfaceIOAllocator
 A helper class for storing points, faces and zones with IO capabilities. More...
class  STLpoint
 A vertex point representation for STL files. More...
class  STLtriangle
 A triangle representation for STL files. More...
class  surfaceRegistry
 Wraps the normal objectRegistry with a local instance for surfaces. More...
class  surfGeoMesh
 The surfMesh GeoMesh (for holding fields). More...
class  surfPointGeoMesh
 The surfMesh GeoMesh (for holding fields). More...
class  surfMesh
 A surface mesh consisting of general polygon faces. More...
class  surfZone
 A surface zone on a MeshedSurface. More...
class  surfZoneIOList
 IOobject for a surfZoneList. More...
class  surfZoneIdentifier
 An identifier for a surface zone on a meshed surface. More...
class  basicThermo
 Base-class for fluid and solid thermodynamic properties. More...
class  BasicThermo
 Thermo implementation and storage of energy and heat capacities. Provides overloads of the functions defined in the basic thermo type that depend on the primitive thermo model. More...
class  NamedThermo
 Final wrapper around a derived thermo. Adds type info. More...
class  energyCalculatedTemperatureFvScalarFieldSource
 Base class for temperature source conditions in which the parameters of the corresponding energy condition can be set directly. More...
class  energyFvScalarFieldSource
 This source condition provides a value for the energy derived from the corresponding condition for the temperature, and the conditions for other relevant thermodynamic variables. This is constructed automatically by the thermodynamic model. The user does not specify it. More...
class  uniformFixedEnergyTemperatureFvScalarFieldSource
 This source condition is applied to the temperature field, but provides a uniform fixed energy into the energy equation. More...
class  uniformInletOutletEnergyTemperatureFvScalarFieldSource
 This source condition is applied to the temperature field, but provides a uniform fixed energy into the energy equation when the source is positive, and the internal value when it is negative (i.e., a sink) More...
class  energyJumpFvPatchScalarField
 This boundary condition provides an energy jump condition, using the cyclic condition as a base. The jump is calculated from the corresponding temperature jump. This condition is not applied directly by the user, but is constructed automatically by the thermodynamic model when the corresponding temperature boundary condition is a jump cyclic. More...