Internal energy based thermodynamics package using uniform tabulated data for internal energy and heat capacity vs pressure and temperature.
| eTabulatedThermo (const word &name, const dictionary &dict) |
| Construct from name and dictionary. More...
| eTabulatedThermo (const word &, const eTabulatedThermo &) |
| Construct as a named copy. More...
scalar | limit (const scalar) const |
| Limit the temperature to be in the range Tlow_ to Thigh_. More...
scalar | Cp (const scalar p, const scalar T) const |
| Heat capacity at constant pressure [J/kg/K]. More...
scalar | Cv (const scalar p, const scalar T) const |
| Heat capacity at constant pressure [J/kg/K]. More...
scalar | es (const scalar p, const scalar T) const |
| Sensible internal energy [J/kg]. More...
scalar | ea (const scalar p, const scalar T) const |
| Absolute internal energy [J/kg]. More...
scalar | hs (const scalar p, const scalar T) const |
| Sensible enthalpy [J/kg]. More...
scalar | ha (const scalar p, const scalar T) const |
| Absolute enthalpy [J/kg]. More...
scalar | hf () const |
| Enthalpy of formation [J/kg]. More...
scalar | s (const scalar p, const scalar T) const |
| Entropy [J/kg/K]. More...
scalar | gStd (const scalar T) const |
| Gibbs free energy of the mixture in the standard state [J/kg]. More...
scalar | dCpdT (const scalar p, const scalar T) const |
| Temperature derivative of heat capacity at constant pressure. More...
void | write (Ostream &os) const |
| Write to Ostream. More...
template<class EquationOfState>
class Foam::eTabulatedThermo< EquationOfState >
Internal energy based thermodynamics package using uniform tabulated data for internal energy and heat capacity vs pressure and temperature.
- Usage
Property | Description |
hf | Heat of formation |
sf | Standard entropy |
es | Sensible internal energy vs pressure and temperature table |
Cv | Specific heat capacity vs pressure and temperature table |
Example of the specification of the thermodynamic properties:
hf 0;
sf 0;
pLow 1e4;
pHigh 5e5;
Tlow 200;
Thigh 1500;
<m> <n>
pLow 1e3;
pHigh 1e6;
Tlow 200;
Thigh 1500;
<m> <n>
- Source files
- See also
- Foam::Function2s::uniformTable
Definition at line 139 of file eTabulatedThermo.H.