polyPatch Class Reference

A patch is a list of labels that address the faces in the global face list. More...

Inheritance diagram for polyPatch:
Collaboration diagram for polyPatch:

Public Member Functions

 TypeName ("patch")
 Runtime type information. More...
 declareRunTimeSelectionTable (autoPtr, polyPatch, word,(const word &name, const label size, const label start, const label index, const polyBoundaryMesh &bm, const word &patchType),(name, size, start, index, bm, patchType))
 declareRunTimeSelectionTable (autoPtr, polyPatch, dictionary,(const word &name, const dictionary &dict, const label index, const polyBoundaryMesh &bm, const word &patchType),(name, dict, index, bm, patchType))
 polyPatch (const word &name, const label size, const label start, const label index, const polyBoundaryMesh &bm, const word &patchType)
 Construct from components. More...
 polyPatch (const word &name, const dictionary &dict, const label index, const polyBoundaryMesh &bm, const word &patchType)
 Construct from dictionary. More...
 polyPatch (const polyPatch &, const polyBoundaryMesh &)
 Copy constructor, resetting the boundary mesh. More...
 polyPatch (const polyPatch &pp, const polyBoundaryMesh &bm, const label index, const label newSize, const label newStart)
 Construct given the original patch and resetting the. More...
 polyPatch (const polyPatch &)
 Copy constructor. More...
virtual autoPtr< polyPatchclone (const polyBoundaryMesh &bm) const
 Construct and return a clone, resetting the boundary mesh. More...
virtual autoPtr< polyPatchclone (const polyBoundaryMesh &bm, const label index, const label newSize, const label newStart) const
 Construct and return a clone, resetting the face list. More...
virtual ~polyPatch ()
 Destructor. More...
label start () const
 Return start label of this patch in the polyMesh face list. More...
const polyBoundaryMeshboundaryMesh () const
 Return boundaryMesh reference. More...
virtual bool coupled () const
 Return true if this patch is geometrically coupled (i.e. faces and. More...
template<class T >
const UIndirectList< TpatchInternalList (const UList< T > &internalValues) const
 Extract face cell data. More...
template<class T >
const List< T >::subList patchSlice (const UList< T > &l) const
 Slice list to patch. More...
template<class T >
const Field< T >::subField patchSlice (const Field< T > &l) const
 Slice Field to patch. More...
virtual void write (Ostream &) const
 Write the polyPatch data as a dictionary. More...
const vectorField::subField faceCentres () const
 Return face centres. More...
const vectorField::subField faceAreas () const
 Return face areas. More...
const scalarField::subField magFaceAreas () const
 Return face area magnitudes. More...
tmp< vectorFieldfaceCellCentres () const
 Return face cell centres. More...
const labelUListfaceCells () const
 Return face-cell addressing. More...
const labelListmeshEdges () const
 Return global edge index for local edges. More...
virtual void clearAddressing ()
 Clear addressing. More...
label whichFace (const label l) const
 Return label of face in patch from global face label. More...
virtual void initOrder (PstreamBuffers &, const primitivePatch &) const
 Initialise ordering for primitivePatch. Does not. More...
virtual bool order (PstreamBuffers &, const primitivePatch &, labelList &faceMap, labelList &rotation) const
 Return new ordering for primitivePatch. More...
void operator= (const polyPatch &)
 Assignment. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from patchIdentifier
 patchIdentifier (const word &name, const label index, const word &physicalType=word::null, const wordList &inGroups=wordList())
 Construct from components. More...
 patchIdentifier (const word &name, const dictionary &, const label index)
 Construct from dictionary. More...
 patchIdentifier (const patchIdentifier &, const label index)
 Construct from geometric patch, resetting the index. More...
virtual ~patchIdentifier ()
 Destructor. More...
const wordname () const
 Return name. More...
label index () const
 Return the index of this patch in the boundaryMesh. More...
const wordphysicalType () const
 Return the optional physical type of the patch. More...
wordphysicalType ()
 Return the optional physical type of the patch for modification. More...
const wordListinGroups () const
 Return the optional groups patch belongs to. More...
wordListinGroups ()
 Return the optional groups patch belongs to for modification. More...
bool inGroup (const word &) const
 Test if in group. More...
void write (Ostream &) const
 Write patchIdentifier as a dictionary. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from PrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
 PrimitivePatch (const SubList< face > &faces, const Field< PointType > &points)
 Construct from components. More...
 PrimitivePatch (SubList< face > &&faces, Field< PointType > &&points)
 Move constructor from components. More...
 PrimitivePatch (SubList< face > &faces, Field< PointType > &points, const bool reuse)
 Construct from components, reuse storage. More...
 PrimitivePatch (const PrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & > &)
 Copy constructor. More...
 PrimitivePatch (PrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & > &&)
 Move constructor. More...
autoPtr< PrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & > > clone () const
 Construct and return a clone. More...
 ~PrimitivePatch ()
 Destructor. More...
const Field< PointType > & points () const
 Return reference to global points. More...
label nPoints () const
 Return number of points supporting patch faces. More...
label nEdges () const
 Return number of edges in patch. More...
const edgeListedges () const
 Return list of edges, address into LOCAL point list. More...
label nInternalEdges () const
 Number of internal edges. More...
bool isInternalEdge (const label edgeI) const
 Is internal edge? More...
const labelListboundaryPoints () const
 Return list of boundary points,. More...
const labelListListfaceFaces () const
 Return face-face addressing. More...
const labelListListedgeFaces () const
 Return edge-face addressing. More...
const labelListListfaceEdges () const
 Return face-edge addressing. More...
const labelListListpointEdges () const
 Return point-edge addressing. More...
const labelListListpointFaces () const
 Return point-face addressing. More...
const List< FaceType > & localFaces () const
 Return patch faces addressing into local point list. More...
const labelListmeshPoints () const
 Return labelList of mesh points in patch. They are constructed. More...
const Map< label > & meshPointMap () const
 Mesh point map. Given the global point index find its. More...
const Field< PointType > & localPoints () const
 Return pointField of points in patch. More...
const labelListlocalPointOrder () const
 Return orders the local points for most efficient search. More...
label whichPoint (const label gp) const
 Given a global point index, return the local point index. More...
label whichEdge (const edge &) const
 Given an edge in local point labels, return its. More...
labelList meshEdges (const edgeList &allEdges, const labelListList &cellEdges, const labelList &faceCells) const
 Return labels of patch edges in the global edge list using. More...
labelList meshEdges (const edgeList &allEdges, const labelListList &pointEdges) const
 Return labels of patch edges in the global edge list using. More...
const Field< PointType > & faceCentres () const
 Return face centres for patch. More...
const Field< PointType > & faceAreas () const
 Return face areas for patch. More...
const Field< PointType > & faceNormals () const
 Return face normals for patch. More...
const Field< PointType > & pointNormals () const
 Return point normals for patch. More...
List< objectHitprojectPoints (const ToPatch &targetPatch, const Field< PointType > &projectionDirection, const intersection::algorithm=intersection::algorithm::fullRay, const intersection::direction=intersection::direction::vector) const
 Project vertices of patch onto another patch. More...
Foam::List< Foam::objectHitprojectPoints (const ToPatch &targetPatch, const Field< PointType > &projectionDirection, const intersection::algorithm alg, const intersection::direction dir) const
List< objectHitprojectFaceCentres (const ToPatch &targetPatch, const Field< PointType > &projectionDirection, const intersection::algorithm=intersection::algorithm::fullRay, const intersection::direction=intersection::direction::vector) const
 Project vertices of patch onto another patch. More...
Foam::List< Foam::objectHitprojectFaceCentres (const ToPatch &targetPatch, const Field< PointType > &projectionDirection, const intersection::algorithm alg, const intersection::direction dir) const
const labelListListedgeLoops () const
 Return list of closed loops of boundary vertices. More...
surfaceTopo surfaceType () const
 Calculate surface type formed by patch. More...
bool checkTopology (const bool report=false, labelHashSet *setPtr=nullptr) const
 Check surface formed by patch for manifoldness (see above). More...
bool checkPointManifold (const bool report=false, labelHashSet *setPtr=nullptr) const
 Checks primitivePatch for faces sharing point but not edge. More...
void clearOut ()
void clearGeom ()
void clearTopology ()
void clearPatchMeshAddr ()
void operator= (const PrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & > &)
 Assignment operator. More...
void operator= (PrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & > &&)
 Move assignment operator. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from SubList< T >
 SubList (const UList< T > &list, const label subSize)
 Construct from UList and sub-list size. More...
 SubList (const UList< T > &list, const label subSize, const label startIndex)
 Construct from UList, sub-list size and start index. More...
 SubList (const SubList< T > &sl)=default
 Copy constructor. More...
 operator const Foam::List< T > & () const
 Allow cast to a const List<T>&. More...
void operator= (const SubList< T > &)
 Assignment of all entries to the given sub-list. More...
void operator= (const UList< T > &)
 Assignment of all entries to the given list. More...
void operator= (const T &)
 Assignment of all entries to the given value. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from UList< T >
 UList ()
 Null constructor. More...
 UList (T *__restrict__ v, label size)
 Construct from components. More...
 UList (const UList< T > &)=default
 Copy construct. More...
label fcIndex (const label i) const
 Return the forward circular index, i.e. the next index. More...
label rcIndex (const label i) const
 Return the reverse circular index, i.e. the previous index. More...
std::streamsize byteSize () const
 Return the binary size in number of characters of the UList. More...
const Tcdata () const
 Return a const pointer to the first data element,. More...
Tdata ()
 Return a pointer to the first data element,. More...
Tfirst ()
 Return the first element of the list. More...
const Tfirst () const
 Return first element of the list. More...
Tlast ()
 Return the last element of the list. More...
const Tlast () const
 Return the last element of the list. More...
void checkStart (const label start) const
 Check start is within valid range (0 ... size-1) More...
void checkSize (const label size) const
 Check size is within valid range (0 ... size) More...
void checkIndex (const label i) const
 Check index i is within valid range (0 ... size-1) More...
void shallowCopy (const UList< T > &)
 Copy the pointer held by the given UList. More...
void deepCopy (const UList< T > &)
 Copy elements of the given UList. More...
Toperator[] (const label)
 Return element of UList. More...
const Toperator[] (const label) const
 Return element of constant UList. More...
 operator const Foam::List< T > & () const
 Allow cast to a const List<T>&. More...
void operator= (const T &)
 Assignment of all entries to the given value. More...
void operator= (const zero)
 Assignment of all entries to zero. More...
iterator begin ()
 Return an iterator to begin traversing the UList. More...
iterator end ()
 Return an iterator to end traversing the UList. More...
const_iterator cbegin () const
 Return const_iterator to begin traversing the constant UList. More...
const_iterator cend () const
 Return const_iterator to end traversing the constant UList. More...
const_iterator begin () const
 Return const_iterator to begin traversing the constant UList. More...
const_iterator end () const
 Return const_iterator to end traversing the constant UList. More...
reverse_iterator rbegin ()
 Return reverse_iterator to begin reverse traversing the UList. More...
reverse_iterator rend ()
 Return reverse_iterator to end reverse traversing the UList. More...
const_reverse_iterator crbegin () const
 Return const_reverse_iterator to begin reverse traversing the UList. More...
const_reverse_iterator crend () const
 Return const_reverse_iterator to end reverse traversing the UList. More...
const_reverse_iterator rbegin () const
 Return const_reverse_iterator to begin reverse traversing the UList. More...
const_reverse_iterator rend () const
 Return const_reverse_iterator to end reverse traversing the UList. More...
label size () const
 Return the number of elements in the UList. More...
label max_size () const
 Return size of the largest possible UList. More...
bool empty () const
 Return true if the UList is empty (ie, size() is zero) More...
void swap (UList< T > &)
 Swap two ULists of the same type in constant time. More...
bool operator== (const UList< T > &) const
 Equality operation on ULists of the same type. More...
bool operator!= (const UList< T > &) const
 The opposite of the equality operation. Takes linear time. More...
bool operator< (const UList< T > &) const
 Compare two ULists lexicographically. Takes linear time. More...
bool operator> (const UList< T > &) const
 Compare two ULists lexicographically. Takes linear time. More...
bool operator<= (const UList< T > &) const
 Return true if !(a > b). Takes linear time. More...
bool operator>= (const UList< T > &) const
 Return true if !(a < b). Takes linear time. More...
const bool & operator[] (const label i) const

Static Public Member Functions

static autoPtr< polyPatchNew (const word &patchType, const word &name, const label size, const label start, const label index, const polyBoundaryMesh &bm)
 Return a pointer to a new patch created on freestore from. More...
static autoPtr< polyPatchNew (const word &name, const dictionary &dict, const label index, const polyBoundaryMesh &bm)
 Return a pointer to a new patch created on freestore from. More...
static autoPtr< polyPatchNew (const word &patchType, const word &name, const dictionary &dict, const label index, const polyBoundaryMesh &bm)
 Return a pointer to a new patch created on freestore from. More...
static bool constraintType (const word &pt)
 Return true if the given type is a constraint type. More...
static wordList constraintTypes ()
 Return a list of all the constraint patch types. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SubList< T >
static const SubList< T > & null ()
 Return a null SubList. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from UList< T >
static const UList< T > & null ()
 Return a null UList. More...

Static Public Attributes

static int disallowGenericPolyPatch
 Debug switch to disallow the use of genericPolyPatch. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual void initCalcGeometry (PstreamBuffers &)
 Initialise the calculation of the patch geometry. More...
virtual void calcGeometry (PstreamBuffers &)
 Calculate the patch geometry. More...
virtual void movePoints (const pointField &p)
 Correct patches after moving points. More...
virtual void initMovePoints (PstreamBuffers &, const pointField &)
 Initialise the patches for moving points. More...
virtual void movePoints (PstreamBuffers &, const pointField &p)
 Correct patches after moving points. More...
virtual void initTopoChange (PstreamBuffers &)
 Initialise the update of the patch topology. More...
virtual void topoChange (PstreamBuffers &)
 Update of the patch topology. More...
virtual void clearGeom ()
 Clear geometry. More...
virtual void rename (const wordList &newNames)
 Reset the patch name. More...
virtual void reorder (const labelUList &newToOldIndex)
 Reset the patch index. More...


class polyBoundaryMesh
Ostreamoperator<< (Ostream &, const polyPatch &)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from PrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >
enum  surfaceTopo
 Enumeration defining the surface type. Used in check routines. More...
typedef SubList< faceFaceListType
typedef std::remove_reference< SubList< face > >::type::value_type FaceType
typedef const pointFieldPointFieldType
typedef std::remove_reference< const pointField & >::type::value_type PointType
- Public Types inherited from UList< T >
typedef T value_type
 Type of values the UList contains. More...
typedef Treference
 Type that can be used for storing into. More...
typedef const Tconst_reference
 Type that can be used for storing into. More...
typedef label difference_type
 The type that can represent the difference between any two. More...
typedef label size_type
 The type that can represent the size of a UList. More...
typedef Titerator
 Random access iterator for traversing UList. More...
typedef const Tconst_iterator
 Random access iterator for traversing UList. More...
typedef std::reverse_iterator< iteratorreverse_iterator
 Reverse iterator for reverse traversal of UList. More...
typedef std::reverse_iterator< const_iteratorconst_reverse_iterator
 Reverse iterator for reverse traversal of constant UList. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from patchIdentifier
word name_
 Name of patch. More...
label index_
 Index of patch in boundary. More...
word physicalType_
 Optional physical type. More...
wordList inGroups_
 Optional groups patch belongs to. More...

Detailed Description

A patch is a list of labels that address the faces in the global face list.

The patch can calculate its own edges based on the global faces. Patch also contains all addressing between the faces.

Source files

Definition at line 66 of file polyPatch.H.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ polyPatch() [1/5]

polyPatch ( const word name,
const label  size,
const label  start,
const label  index,
const polyBoundaryMesh bm,
const word patchType 

Construct from components.

Definition at line 96 of file polyPatch.C.

References List< T >::append(), polyPatch::constraintType(), Foam::findIndex(), patchIdentifier::inGroups(), and word::null.

Referenced by polyPatch::clone().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ polyPatch() [2/5]

polyPatch ( const word name,
const dictionary dict,
const label  index,
const polyBoundaryMesh bm,
const word patchType 

Construct from dictionary.

Definition at line 129 of file polyPatch.C.

References List< T >::append(), polyPatch::constraintType(), Foam::findIndex(), patchIdentifier::inGroups(), and word::null.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ polyPatch() [3/5]

polyPatch ( const polyPatch pp,
const polyBoundaryMesh bm 

Copy constructor, resetting the boundary mesh.

Definition at line 166 of file polyPatch.C.

◆ polyPatch() [4/5]

polyPatch ( const polyPatch pp,
const polyBoundaryMesh bm,
const label  index,
const label  newSize,
const label  newStart 

Construct given the original patch and resetting the.

face list and boundary mesh information

Definition at line 190 of file polyPatch.C.

◆ polyPatch() [5/5]

polyPatch ( const polyPatch p)

Copy constructor.

Definition at line 217 of file polyPatch.C.

◆ ~polyPatch()

~polyPatch ( )


Definition at line 230 of file polyPatch.C.

Member Function Documentation

◆ initCalcGeometry()

virtual void initCalcGeometry ( PstreamBuffers )

◆ calcGeometry()

◆ movePoints() [1/2]

void movePoints ( const pointField p)

◆ initMovePoints()

virtual void initMovePoints ( PstreamBuffers ,
const pointField  

◆ movePoints() [2/2]

void movePoints ( PstreamBuffers ,
const pointField p 

◆ initTopoChange()

virtual void initTopoChange ( PstreamBuffers )

◆ topoChange()

◆ clearGeom()

void clearGeom ( )

Clear geometry.

Reimplemented in nonConformalCyclicPolyPatch, and nonConformalMappedWallPolyPatch.

Definition at line 76 of file polyPatch.C.

References PrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >::clearGeom().

Referenced by nonConformalMappedWallPolyPatch::clearGeom(), and nonConformalCyclicPolyPatch::clearGeom().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ rename()

void rename ( const wordList newNames)

◆ reorder()

void reorder ( const labelUList newToOldIndex)

Reset the patch index.

Reimplemented in cyclicPolyPatch, nonConformalProcessorCyclicPolyPatch, nonConformalErrorPolyPatch, nonConformalCyclicPolyPatch, and nonConformalMappedWallPolyPatch.

Definition at line 88 of file polyPatch.C.

References Foam::findIndex().

Referenced by nonConformalMappedWallPolyPatch::reorder(), nonConformalProcessorCyclicPolyPatch::reorder(), and cyclicPolyPatch::reorder().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ TypeName()

TypeName ( "patch"  )

Runtime type information.

◆ declareRunTimeSelectionTable() [1/2]

declareRunTimeSelectionTable ( autoPtr  ,
polyPatch  ,
word  ,
(const word &name, const label size, const label start, const label index, const polyBoundaryMesh &bm, const word &patchType)  ,
(name, size, start, index, bm, patchType)   

◆ declareRunTimeSelectionTable() [2/2]

declareRunTimeSelectionTable ( autoPtr  ,
polyPatch  ,
dictionary  ,
(const word &name, const dictionary &dict, const label index, const polyBoundaryMesh &bm, const word &patchType)  ,
(name, dict, index, bm, patchType)   

◆ clone() [1/2]

◆ clone() [2/2]

◆ New() [1/3]

Foam::autoPtr< Foam::polyPatch > New ( const word patchType,
const word name,
const label  size,
const label  start,
const label  index,
const polyBoundaryMesh bm 

Return a pointer to a new patch created on freestore from.


Definition at line 31 of file polyPatchNew.C.

References Foam::endl(), Foam::exit(), Foam::FatalError, FatalErrorInFunction, patchIdentifier::index(), InfoInFunction, patchIdentifier::name(), Foam::nl, UList< T >::size(), and polyPatch::start().

Referenced by meshRefinement::addMeshedPatch(), polyPatch::New(), polyBoundaryMesh::polyBoundaryMesh(), and polyMesh::polyMesh().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ New() [2/3]

Foam::autoPtr< Foam::polyPatch > New ( const word name,
const dictionary dict,
const label  index,
const polyBoundaryMesh bm 

Return a pointer to a new patch created on freestore from.


Definition at line 74 of file polyPatchNew.C.

References dict, Foam::endl(), InfoInFunction, dictionary::lookup(), Foam::name(), polyPatch::New(), and dictionary::readIfPresent().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ New() [3/3]

Foam::autoPtr< Foam::polyPatch > New ( const word patchType,
const word name,
const dictionary dict,
const label  index,
const polyBoundaryMesh bm 

Return a pointer to a new patch created on freestore from.


Definition at line 94 of file polyPatchNew.C.

References dict, Foam::endl(), Foam::exit(), Foam::FatalIOError, FatalIOErrorInFunction, InfoInFunction, Foam::name(), and Foam::nl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ start()

label start ( ) const

Return start label of this patch in the polyMesh face list.

Definition at line 280 of file polyPatch.H.

Referenced by preservePatchesConstraint::add(), cellToCellStencil::allCoupledFacesPatch(), cellToFaceStencil::allCoupledFacesPatch(), preserveFaceZonesConstraint::apply(), preservePatchesConstraint::apply(), decompositionMethod::calcCellCells(), cellToFaceStencil::calcFaceStencil(), Foam::meshCheck::checkCoupledPoints(), hexRef8::checkMesh(), meshRefinement::checkZoneFaces(), particle::correctAfterNonConformalCyclicTransfer(), particle::correctAfterProcessorTransfer(), globalMeshData::coupledPatch(), structured::decompose(), decompositionMethod::decompose(), cellsToCells::distributeMesh(), ensightPartFaces::ensightPartFaces(), Foam::meshCheck::faceOrthogonality(), Foam::meshCheck::faceSkewness(), Foam::meshCheck::faceWeights(), patchProbes::findElements(), fvMeshStitcher::geometric(), removeCells::getExposedFaces(), syncTools::getInternalOrCoupledFaces(), syncTools::getInternalOrMasterFaces(), syncTools::getMasterFaces(), combineFaces::getMergeSets(), FreeStream< CloudType >::inflow(), patch::interpolateField(), patchInternalField::interpolateField(), meshRefinement::makePatch(), Foam::meshCheck::mergeAndWrite(), FaceCellWave< Type, TrackingData >::mergeFaceInfo(), polyPatch::New(), mappedExtrudedPatchBase::patchFaceAreas(), Foam::polyMeshUnMergeCyclics(), polyTopoChange::polyTopoChange(), PatchCollisionDensity< CloudType >::preFace(), fvMeshDistribute::printMeshInfo(), repatchMesh::read(), structuredRenumber::renumber(), snappySnapDriver::repatchToSurface(), meshRefinement::selectSeparatedCoupledFaces(), fvMeshSubset::setLargeCellSubset(), patchInjectionBase::setPositionAndCell(), removeCells::setRefinement(), perfectInterface::setRefinement(), fvPatch::start(), syncTools::swapBoundaryCellList(), syncTools::swapBoundaryCellPositions(), syncTools::syncBoundaryFaceList(), syncTools::syncFaceList(), meshRefinement::testSyncBoundaryFaceList(), patchInjectionBase::topoChange(), triSurfaceTools::triangulateFaceCentre(), patch::update(), cellToCellStencil::validBoundaryFaces(), cellToFaceStencil::validBoundaryFaces(), Foam::meshCheck::volRatio(), polyBoundaryMesh::whichPatch(), regionSizeDistribution::write(), and meshRefinement::zonify().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ boundaryMesh()

◆ coupled()

◆ constraintType()

bool constraintType ( const word pt)

Return true if the given type is a constraint type.

Definition at line 238 of file polyPatch.C.

Referenced by multiValveEngine::movingObject::createStaticPatchSet(), LocalInteraction< CloudType >::LocalInteraction(), meshRefinement::meshedPatches(), polyPatch::polyPatch(), Foam::reusable(), and fvMeshToFvMesh::srcToTgt().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ constraintTypes()

Foam::wordList constraintTypes ( )

Return a list of all the constraint patch types.

Definition at line 244 of file polyPatch.C.

References List< T >::setSize().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ patchInternalList()

const UIndirectList<T> patchInternalList ( const UList< T > &  internalValues) const

Extract face cell data.

Definition at line 303 of file polyPatch.H.

References polyPatch::faceCells().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ patchSlice() [1/2]

const List<T>::subList patchSlice ( const UList< T > &  l) const

Slice list to patch.

Definition at line 313 of file polyPatch.H.

References UList< T >::size().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ patchSlice() [2/2]

const Field<T>::subField patchSlice ( const Field< T > &  l) const

Slice Field to patch.

Definition at line 320 of file polyPatch.H.

References UList< T >::size().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ write()

◆ faceCentres()

◆ faceAreas()

const Foam::vectorField::subField faceAreas ( ) const

Return face areas.

Definition at line 282 of file polyPatch.C.

Referenced by DSMCParcel< ParcelType >::hitWallPatch(), FreeStream< CloudType >::inflow(), and dsmcFields::write().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ magFaceAreas()

const Foam::scalarField::subField magFaceAreas ( ) const

Return face area magnitudes.

Definition at line 288 of file polyPatch.C.

Referenced by fvMeshStitcher::geometric(), DSMCParcel< ParcelType >::hitWallPatch(), FreeStream< CloudType >::inflow(), and dsmcFields::write().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ faceCellCentres()

Foam::tmp< Foam::vectorField > faceCellCentres ( ) const

Return face cell centres.

Definition at line 294 of file polyPatch.C.

References forAll, and tmp< T >::ref().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ faceCells()

◆ meshEdges()

const Foam::labelList & meshEdges ( ) const

Return global edge index for local edges.

Definition at line 327 of file polyPatch.C.

References PrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >::meshEdges().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ clearAddressing()

void clearAddressing ( )

◆ whichFace()

◆ initOrder()

void initOrder ( PstreamBuffers ,
const primitivePatch  
) const

Initialise ordering for primitivePatch. Does not.

refer to *this (except for name() and type() etc.)

Reimplemented in coupledPolyPatch, processorCyclicPolyPatch, processorPolyPatch, and cyclicPolyPatch.

Definition at line 364 of file polyPatch.C.

◆ order()

bool order ( PstreamBuffers ,
const primitivePatch ,
labelList faceMap,
labelList rotation 
) const

Return new ordering for primitivePatch.

Ordering is -faceMap: for every face index of the new face -rotation:for every new face the clockwise shift of the original face. Return false if nothing changes (faceMap is identity, rotation is 0), true otherwise.

Reimplemented in coupledPolyPatch, processorCyclicPolyPatch, processorPolyPatch, and cyclicPolyPatch.

Definition at line 368 of file polyPatch.C.

◆ operator=()

void operator= ( const polyPatch p)


Definition at line 383 of file polyPatch.C.

References PrimitivePatch< SubList< face >, const pointField & >::operator=(), and p.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ polyBoundaryMesh

friend class polyBoundaryMesh

Definition at line 94 of file polyPatch.H.

◆ operator<<

Ostream& operator<< ( Ostream ,
const polyPatch  

Member Data Documentation

◆ disallowGenericPolyPatch

int disallowGenericPolyPatch

Debug switch to disallow the use of genericPolyPatch.

Definition at line 137 of file polyPatch.H.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: