Foam::vtkWriteOps Namespace Reference


void swapWord (label &word32)
 Swap halves of word. More...
void swapWords (const label nWords, label *words32)
 Swap halves of word. More...
label cast (const label &x)
 Cast an integer to the corresponding VTK write type. Does nothing. More...
floatScalar cast (const floatScalar &x)
 Cast a float to the corresponding VTK write type. Does nothing. More...
template<class Scalar >
floatScalar cast (const Scalar &x)
 Cast a scalar to the corresponding VTK write type. Clips to. More...
void writeHeader (std::ostream &, const bool isBinary, const std::string &title)
 Write header. More...
void writeCellDataHeader (std::ostream &, const label nCells, const label nFields)
 Write cell data header. More...
void writePointDataHeader (std::ostream &, const label nPoints, const label nFields)
 Write point data header. More...
void write (std::ostream &os, const bool binary, List< floatScalar > &fField)
 Write floats ascii or binary. More...
void write (std::ostream &, const bool, DynamicList< floatScalar > &)
 Write floats ascii or binary. More...
void write (std::ostream &, const bool, labelList &)
 Write floats ascii or binary. More...
void write (std::ostream &, const bool, DynamicList< label > &)
 Write floats ascii or binary. More...
void insert (const scalar, DynamicList< floatScalar > &)
 Append scalar to given DynamicList. More...
void insert (const point &, DynamicList< floatScalar > &)
 Append point to given DynamicList. More...
void insert (const sphericalTensor &, DynamicList< floatScalar > &)
 Append sphericalTensor to given DynamicList. More...
void insert (const symmTensor &, DynamicList< floatScalar > &)
 Append symmTensor to given DynamicList. More...
void insert (const tensor &, DynamicList< floatScalar > &)
 Append tensor to given DynamicList. More...
void insert (const labelList &, DynamicList< label > &)
 Append elements to DynamicList. More...
template<class Type >
void insert (const List< Type > &, DynamicList< floatScalar > &)
 Append elements to DynamicList. More...
void insert (const labelList &map, const List< scalar > &source, DynamicList< floatScalar > &)
 Append elements of scalarList to given DynamicList using map. More...
void insert (const List< point > &source, DynamicList< floatScalar > &)
 Append points to given DynamicList of floats. More...
void insert (const labelList &map, const List< point > &source, DynamicList< floatScalar > &)
 Append points to given DynamicList of floats using map. More...
template<class Type >
void write (std::ostream &, const bool binary, const DimensionedField< Type, volMesh > &, const vtkMesh &)
 Write volField with cell values (including decomposed cells) More...
template<class Type >
void write (std::ostream &, const bool binary, const PointField< Type > &, const vtkMesh &)
 Write pointField on all mesh points. Interpolate to cell centre. More...
template<class Type >
void write (std::ostream &, const bool binary, const VolField< Type > &, const PointField< Type > &, const vtkMesh &)
 Write interpolated field on points and original cell values on. More...
template<class Type , template< class > class PatchField, class GeoMesh >
void write (std::ostream &, const bool binary, const PtrList< GeometricField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >> &, const vtkMesh &)
 Write generic GeometricFields. More...
template<class Type >
void write (std::ostream &, const bool binary, const volPointInterpolation &, const PtrList< VolField< Type >> &, const vtkMesh &)
 Interpolate and write volFields. More...

Function Documentation

◆ swapWord()

void Foam::vtkWriteOps::swapWord ( label word32)

Swap halves of word.

◆ swapWords()

void Foam::vtkWriteOps::swapWords ( const label  nWords,
label words32 

Swap halves of word.

◆ cast() [1/3]

label Foam::vtkWriteOps::cast ( const label x)

Cast an integer to the corresponding VTK write type. Does nothing.

◆ cast() [2/3]

floatScalar Foam::vtkWriteOps::cast ( const floatScalar x)

Cast a float to the corresponding VTK write type. Does nothing.

◆ cast() [3/3]

floatScalar Foam::vtkWriteOps::cast ( const Scalar x)

Cast a scalar to the corresponding VTK write type. Clips to.


◆ writeHeader()

◆ writeCellDataHeader()

void Foam::vtkWriteOps::writeCellDataHeader ( std::ostream &  ,
const label  nCells,
const label  nFields 

Write cell data header.

◆ writePointDataHeader()

void Foam::vtkWriteOps::writePointDataHeader ( std::ostream &  ,
const label  nPoints,
const label  nFields 

Write point data header.

◆ write() [1/9]

void Foam::vtkWriteOps::write ( std::ostream &  os,
const bool  binary,
List< floatScalar > &  fField 

Write floats ascii or binary.

If binary optionally in-place swaps argument

Referenced by meshRefinement::baffleAndSplitMesh(), meshRefinement::balanceAndRefine(), meshRefinement::createZoneBaffles(), OSstream::endl(), Foam::triIntersect::intersectTris(), meshRefinement::mergeEdgesUndo(), masterUncollatedFileOperation::NewOFstream(), CloudFunctionObject< CloudType >::postEvolve(), molecule::readFields(), CollidingParcel< ParcelType >::readFields(), MomentumParcel< ParcelType >::readFields(), SprayParcel< ParcelType >::readFields(), meshRefinement::refineAndBalance(), ParSortableList< Type >::sort(), dictionary::tokens(), processorField::write(), IOOutputFilter< OutputFilter >::write(), fvMesh::write(), motionSolver::write(), refiner::write(), regIOobject::write(), hexRef8::write(), UOPstream::write(), ensightFile::write(), meshRefinement::write(), surfMesh::write(), triSurface::write(), edgeMeshFormat::write(), AC3DsurfaceFormat< Face >::write(), liquidProperties::write(), OBJstream::write(), jobInfo::write(), filmContactAngleFvPatchScalarField::write(), nucleationSizeGroupFvScalarFieldSource::write(), alphatWallBoilingWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField::write(), turbulentIntensityKineticEnergyFvScalarFieldSource::write(), fanPressureJumpFvPatchScalarField::write(), fixedFluxPressureFvPatchScalarField::write(), PrghPressureFvPatchScalarField< PressureFvPatchScalarField >::write(), surfaceDisplacementPointPatchVectorField::write(), porousBafflePressureFvPatchField< Type >::write(), turbulentMixingLengthDissipationRateFvScalarFieldSource::write(), turbulentMixingLengthFrequencyFvScalarFieldSource::write(), solidBodyMotionDisplacementPointPatchVectorField::write(), primitiveEntry::write(), greyDiffusiveRadiationMixedFvPatchScalarField::write(), greyDiffusiveViewFactorFixedValueFvPatchScalarField::write(), MarshakRadiationFvPatchScalarField::write(), MarshakRadiationFixedTemperatureFvPatchScalarField::write(), wideBandDiffusiveRadiationMixedFvPatchScalarField::write(), uniformFixedEnergyTemperatureFvScalarFieldSource::write(), uniformInletOutletEnergyTemperatureFvScalarFieldSource::write(), gradientEnergyFvPatchScalarField::write(), coupledTemperatureFvPatchScalarField::write(), thermalBaffle1DFvPatchScalarField< solidType >::write(), contactAngleFvPatchScalarField::write(), polynomialSolidTransport< Thermo, PolySize >::write(), adiabaticPerfectFluid< Specie >::write(), Boussinesq< Specie >::write(), icoPolynomial< Specie, PolySize >::write(), icoTabulated< Specie >::write(), incompressiblePerfectGas< Specie >::write(), linear< Type >::write(), PengRobinsonGas< Specie >::write(), perfectFluid< Specie >::write(), perfectGas< Specie >::write(), rhoConst< Specie >::write(), rhoTabulated< Specie >::write(), rPolynomial< Specie >::write(), eConstThermo< EquationOfState >::write(), eIcoTabulatedThermo< EquationOfState >::write(), ePolynomialThermo< EquationOfState, PolySize >::write(), eTabulatedThermo< EquationOfState >::write(), hConstThermo< EquationOfState >::write(), hIcoTabulatedThermo< EquationOfState >::write(), hPolynomialThermo< EquationOfState, PolySize >::write(), hTabulatedThermo< EquationOfState >::write(), janafThermo< EquationOfState >::write(), thermo< Thermo, Type >::write(), AndradeTransport< Thermo >::write(), icoTabulatedTransport< Thermo >::write(), logPolynomialTransport< Thermo, PolySize >::write(), polynomialTransport< Thermo, PolySize >::write(), sutherlandTransport< Thermo >::write(), tabulatedTransport< Thermo >::write(), WLFTransport< Thermo >::write(), exponential::write(), fixedValue::write(), multiNormal::write(), normal::write(), RosinRammler::write(), tabulatedCumulative::write(), tabulatedDensity::write(), ensightFile::writeBinaryHeader(), Foam::writeEntry(), molecule::writeFields(), CollidingParcel< ParcelType >::writeFields(), MomentumParcel< ParcelType >::writeFields(), SprayParcel< ParcelType >::writeFields(), forcing::writeForceFields(), ensightFile::writeKeyword(), ensightGeoFile::writeKeyword(), Time::writeNow(), collatedFileOperation::writeObject(), fileOperation::writeObject(), masterUncollatedFileOperation::writeObject(), fvModels::writeObject(), objectRegistry::writeObject(), fvMesh::writeObject(), polyBoundaryMesh::writeObject(), polyMesh::writeObject(), CompactIOListBase< Container, IOContainer, CompactIOContainer, Type >::writeObject(), Time::writeObject(), ZoneList< ZoneType, ZonesType, MeshType >::writeObject(), Foam::triIntersect::writePolygon(), OBJstream::writeQuoted(), Foam::triIntersect::writeTriProjection(), ensightFile::writeUndef(), and masterOFstream::~masterOFstream().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ write() [2/9]

void Foam::vtkWriteOps::write ( std::ostream &  ,
const bool  ,
DynamicList< floatScalar > &   

Write floats ascii or binary.

If binary optionally in-place swaps argument

◆ write() [3/9]

void Foam::vtkWriteOps::write ( std::ostream &  ,
const bool  ,

Write floats ascii or binary.

If binary optionally in-place swaps argument

◆ write() [4/9]

void Foam::vtkWriteOps::write ( std::ostream &  ,
const bool  ,
DynamicList< label > &   

Write floats ascii or binary.

If binary optionally in-place swaps argument

◆ insert() [1/10]

◆ insert() [2/10]

void Foam::vtkWriteOps::insert ( const point ,
DynamicList< floatScalar > &   

Append point to given DynamicList.

◆ insert() [3/10]

void Foam::vtkWriteOps::insert ( const sphericalTensor ,
DynamicList< floatScalar > &   

Append sphericalTensor to given DynamicList.

◆ insert() [4/10]

void Foam::vtkWriteOps::insert ( const symmTensor ,
DynamicList< floatScalar > &   

Append symmTensor to given DynamicList.

◆ insert() [5/10]

void Foam::vtkWriteOps::insert ( const tensor ,
DynamicList< floatScalar > &   

Append tensor to given DynamicList.

◆ insert() [6/10]

void Foam::vtkWriteOps::insert ( const labelList ,
DynamicList< label > &   

Append elements to DynamicList.

◆ insert() [7/10]

void Foam::vtkWriteOps::insert ( const List< Type > &  ,
DynamicList< floatScalar > &   

Append elements to DynamicList.

◆ insert() [8/10]

void Foam::vtkWriteOps::insert ( const labelList map,
const List< scalar > &  source,
DynamicList< floatScalar > &   

Append elements of scalarList to given DynamicList using map.

◆ insert() [9/10]

void Foam::vtkWriteOps::insert ( const List< point > &  source,
DynamicList< floatScalar > &   

Append points to given DynamicList of floats.

◆ insert() [10/10]

void Foam::vtkWriteOps::insert ( const labelList map,
const List< point > &  source,
DynamicList< floatScalar > &   

Append points to given DynamicList of floats using map.

◆ write() [5/9]

void Foam::vtkWriteOps::write ( std::ostream &  ,
const bool  binary,
const DimensionedField< Type, volMesh > &  ,
const vtkMesh  

Write volField with cell values (including decomposed cells)

◆ write() [6/9]

void Foam::vtkWriteOps::write ( std::ostream &  ,
const bool  binary,
const PointField< Type > &  ,
const vtkMesh  

Write pointField on all mesh points. Interpolate to cell centre.

for decomposed cell centres.

◆ write() [7/9]

void Foam::vtkWriteOps::write ( std::ostream &  ,
const bool  binary,
const VolField< Type > &  ,
const PointField< Type > &  ,
const vtkMesh  

Write interpolated field on points and original cell values on.

decomposed cell centres.

◆ write() [8/9]

void Foam::vtkWriteOps::write ( std::ostream &  ,
const bool  binary,
const PtrList< GeometricField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >> &  ,
const vtkMesh  

Write generic GeometricFields.

◆ write() [9/9]

void Foam::vtkWriteOps::write ( std::ostream &  ,
const bool  binary,
const volPointInterpolation ,
const PtrList< VolField< Type >> &  ,
const vtkMesh  

Interpolate and write volFields.