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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 NFoamNamespace for OpenFOAM
 CabsorptionCoeffsAbsorption coefficients class used in greyMean and wideBand absorptionEmission models
 CAPIdiffCoefFuncAPI function for vapour mass diffusivity
 CcavitationModelAbstract base class for cavitation models
 CcollidingCloudCloud class to introduce colliding parcels
 CcollidingParcelDefinition of colliding parcel
 CcompressibleTwoPhaseMixtureInterface to two rhoFluidThermo-based phases
 CconstantNucleationNucleation source due to reactions. Applicable for irreversible reactions only
 CcorrectContactAngleCorrection for the boundary condition on the unit normal nHat on walls to produce the correct contact angle. The dynamic contact angle is calculated from the component of the velocity on the direction of the interface, parallel to the wall
 CdispersedDragModelModel for drag between two phases where one phase can be considered dispersed in the other and the drag therefore characterised by a drag coefficient
 CdispersedLiftModelModel for lift between two phases where one phase can be considered dispersed in the other and the lift therefore characterised by a lift coefficient
 CdispersedTurbulentDispersionModelModel for turbulent dispersion between two phases where one phase can be considered dispersed in the other
 CdispersedVirtualMassModelModel for virtual mass between two phases where one phase can be considered dispersed in the other and the virtual mass therefore characterised by a virtual mass coefficient
 CdispersedWallLubricationModelModel for the wall lubrication force between two phases where one phase can be considered dispersed in the other
 CdsmcCloudCloud class to simulate dsmc parcels
 CejectionModelAbstract base class for film to cloud ejection transfer models
 CFickianBase class for multi-component Fickian based temperature gradient heat flux models with optional Soret thermal diffusion of species
 CFunction1EvaluateGlobal functions to evaluate Function1 of GeometricFields
 CFunction2EvaluateGlobal functions to evaluate Function2 of GeometricFields
 CfvPatchDistWaveTakes a set of patches to start FvFaceCellWave from and computed the distance at patches and possibly additional transported data
 CGodaJONSWAPGodaJONSWAP wave spectrum. This is an alternative, approximate parameterisation of the JONSWAP spectrum, in which the significant wave height and period are specified instead of the wind speed and fetch
 CgreyMeanGreyMean radiation absorption and emission coefficients for continuous phase
 CgreyMeanCombustionGreyMeanCombustion radiation absorption and emission coefficients for continuous phase. Exactly as greyMean, but with additional effects of the combustion heat release rate included
 ChydrostaticInitialisationOptional hydrostatic initialisation of p_rgh and p by solving for and caching the hydrostatic ph_rgh and updating the density such that
 CinterfaceCompressionInterface compression corrected scheme, based on counter-gradient transport, to maintain sharp interfaces during VoF simulations
 CinterpolationLookUpTableA list of lists. Interpolates based on the first dimension. The values must be positive and monotonically increasing in each dimension
 CJONSWAPJONSWAP wave spectrum. This is similar to the Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum, but with an additional empirical correction to account for the fetch (distance to the lee shore)
 CKochFriedlanderSintering model of Koch and Friedlander (1990). The characteristic time for sintering is given by
 ClayerAverageGenerates plots of fields averaged over the layers in the mesh
 CLimitFuncsClass to create NVD/TVD limited weighting-factors
 ClinearTsubVapour bubble diameter model for modelling of condensation of vapour bubbles. Calculates bubble diameter as a function of liquid phase subcooling
 CMapPointFieldMap point field on topology change. This is a partial template specialisation for GeoMesh=pointMesh
 CmemberFunctionSelectionTablesMacros to enable the easy declaration of member function selection tables
 CMeshToMeshMapGeometricFieldsGeneric internal field mapper. For "real" mapping, add template specialisations for mapping of internal fields depending on mesh type
 CmomentumCloudCloud class to introduce momentum parcels
 CmomentumParcelDefinition of momentum parcel
 CmppicCloudCloud class to introduce MPPIC parcels
 CmppicParcelDefinition of MPPIC parcel
 CMultiRegionListClass which combines a UPtrList or PtrListr of region-associated objects (meshes, solvers, domainDecompositions, ...) with the automatic region prefixing provided by MultiRegionRefs
 CnoAbsorptionEmissionDummy absorption-emission model for 'none'
 CnoInterfaceCompressionWrapper scheme to allow VoF solvers to run efficiently without interface compression, e.g. for cavitation simulations
 CpatchDistWaveTakes a set of patches to start FaceCellWave from and computed the distance at patches and possibly additional transported data
 CPiersonMoskowitzPierson-Moskowitz wave spectrum. This spectrum has the following form:
 CProcessorTopologyDetermines processor-processor connection. After instantiation contains on all processors the processor-processor connection table
 CreactingCloudCloud class to introduce reacting parcels
 CreactingMultiphaseCloudCloud class to introduce multi-phase reacting parcels
 CreactingMultiphaseParcelDefinition of reacting parcel
 CreactingParcelDefinition of reacting parcel
 CsampledSetsSet of sets to sample. Call sampledSets.write() to sample&write files
 CscalarMatricesScalar matrices
 CsprayCloudCloud class to introduce reacting spray parcels
 CsprayParcelDefinition of spray parcel
 CsurfFieldsFields for surfMesh
 CsurfPointFieldsPoint fields for surfMesh
 CsystemDictRead and return the specified dictionary from system or from path provided with the -dict option
 CthermoCloudCloud class to introduce thermodynamic parcels
 CthermoParcelDefinition of thermo parcel
 CtimeScaleFilteredA time scale filtering wrapper around an underlying drag model intended for simulations involving dispersed phase with a very small diameter. The model limits the drag coefficient based on the relaxation time given
 CtimeScaleFilteredA time scale filtering wrapper around an underlying heat transfer model intended for simulations involving dispersed phase with a very small diameter. The model limits the heat transfer coefficient based on the relaxation time given
 CtreeDataTriSurfaceEncapsulates data for (indexedOc)tree searches on a triSurface
 CuserTimeAn abstract class for the user time description
 CvtkWriteFieldOpsVTK ASCII and binary write functions
 CvtkWriteOpsVTK ASCII and binary write functions
 CvtkWritePolyDataGeneral write functions for vtk polygonal data files
 CwallBoilingA heat transfer model for simulation of sub-cooled nucleate wall boiling on the surface of a third phase with runtime selectable sub-models. This model should be applied to the liquid side of the liquid-third-phase interface
 CwideBandWideBand radiation absorption and emission coefficients for continuous phase
 CwideBandCombustionWideBandCombustion radiation absorption and emission coefficients for continuous phase. Exactly as wideBand, but with additional effects of the combustion heat release rate included