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1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2  ========= |
3  \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4  \\ / O peration | Website:
5  \\ / A nd | Copyright (C) 2011-2022 OpenFOAM Foundation
6  \\/ M anipulation |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9  This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11  OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
14  (at your option) any later version.
16  OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
19  for more details.
21  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22  along with OpenFOAM. If not, see <>.
24 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
26 #include "PatchTools.H"
27 #include "polyMesh.H"
28 #include "indirectPrimitivePatch.H"
29 #include "globalMeshData.H"
31 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
33 template<class FaceList, class PointField>
35 (
36  const polyMesh& mesh,
38 )
39 {
40  const globalMeshData& globalData = mesh.globalData();
41  const indirectPrimitivePatch& coupledPatch = globalData.coupledPatch();
42  const Map<label>& coupledPatchMP = coupledPatch.meshPointMap();
43  const distributionMap& map = globalData.globalPointSlavesMap();
45  globalData.globalTransforms();
50  // Combine normals. Note: do on all master points. Cannot just use
51  // patch points since the master point does not have to be on the
52  // patch!
54  pointField coupledPointNormals(map.constructSize(), Zero);
56  {
57  // Collect local pointFaces (sized on patch points only)
58  List<List<point>> pointFaceNormals(map.constructSize());
59  forAll(p.meshPoints(), patchPointi)
60  {
61  label meshPointi = p.meshPoints()[patchPointi];
62  Map<label>::const_iterator fnd = coupledPatchMP.find(meshPointi);
63  if (fnd != coupledPatchMP.end())
64  {
65  label coupledPointi = fnd();
67  List<point>& pNormals = pointFaceNormals[coupledPointi];
68  const labelList& pFaces = p.pointFaces()[patchPointi];
69  pNormals.setSize(pFaces.size());
70  forAll(pFaces, i)
71  {
72  pNormals[i] = p.faceNormals()[pFaces[i]];
73  }
74  }
75  }
78  // Pull remote data into local slots
79  map.distribute
80  (
81  transforms,
82  pointFaceNormals,
84  );
87  // Combine all face normals (-local, -remote,untransformed,
88  // -remote,transformed)
90  const labelListList& slaves = globalData.globalPointSlaves();
91  const labelListList& transformedSlaves =
92  globalData.globalPointTransformedSlaves();
94  forAll(slaves, coupledPointi)
95  {
96  const labelList& slaveSlots = slaves[coupledPointi];
97  const labelList& transformedSlaveSlots =
98  transformedSlaves[coupledPointi];
100  point& n = coupledPointNormals[coupledPointi];
102  // Local entries
103  const List<point>& local = pointFaceNormals[coupledPointi];
105  label nFaces =
106  local.size()
107  + slaveSlots.size()
108  + transformedSlaveSlots.size();
110  n = sum(local);
112  // Add any remote face normals
113  forAll(slaveSlots, i)
114  {
115  n += sum(pointFaceNormals[slaveSlots[i]]);
116  }
117  forAll(transformedSlaveSlots, i)
118  {
119  n += sum(pointFaceNormals[transformedSlaveSlots[i]]);
120  }
122  if (nFaces >= 1)
123  {
124  n /= mag(n)+vSmall;
125  }
127  // Put back into slave slots
128  forAll(slaveSlots, i)
129  {
130  coupledPointNormals[slaveSlots[i]] = n;
131  }
132  forAll(transformedSlaveSlots, i)
133  {
134  coupledPointNormals[transformedSlaveSlots[i]] = n;
135  }
136  }
139  // Send back
141  (
142  transforms,
143  coupledPointNormals.size(),
144  coupledPointNormals,
146  );
147  }
150  // 1. Start off with local normals (note:without calculating pointNormals
151  // to avoid them being stored)
153  tmp<pointField> textrudeN(new pointField(p.nPoints(), Zero));
154  pointField& extrudeN = textrudeN.ref();
155  {
156  const faceList& localFaces = p.localFaces();
157  const vectorField& faceNormals = p.faceNormals();
159  forAll(localFaces, facei)
160  {
161  const face& f = localFaces[facei];
162  const vector& n = faceNormals[facei];
163  forAll(f, fp)
164  {
165  extrudeN[f[fp]] += n;
166  }
167  }
168  extrudeN /= mag(extrudeN)+vSmall;
169  }
172  // 2. Override patch normals on coupled points
173  forAll(p.meshPoints(), patchPointi)
174  {
175  label meshPointi = p.meshPoints()[patchPointi];
176  Map<label>::const_iterator fnd = coupledPatchMP.find(meshPointi);
177  if (fnd != coupledPatchMP.end())
178  {
179  label coupledPointi = fnd();
180  extrudeN[patchPointi] = coupledPointNormals[coupledPointi];
181  }
182  }
184  return textrudeN;
185 }
188 template<class FaceList, class PointField>
190 (
191  const polyMesh& mesh,
193  const labelList& patchEdges,
194  const labelList& coupledEdges
195 )
196 {
197  // 1. Start off with local normals
199  tmp<pointField> tedgeNormals(new pointField(p.nEdges(), Zero));
200  pointField& edgeNormals = tedgeNormals.ref();
201  {
202  const labelListList& edgeFaces = p.edgeFaces();
203  const vectorField& faceNormals = p.faceNormals();
205  forAll(edgeFaces, edgeI)
206  {
207  const labelList& eFaces = edgeFaces[edgeI];
208  forAll(eFaces, i)
209  {
210  edgeNormals[edgeI] += faceNormals[eFaces[i]];
211  }
212  }
213  edgeNormals /= mag(edgeNormals)+vSmall;
214  }
218  const globalMeshData& globalData = mesh.globalData();
219  const distributionMap& map = globalData.globalEdgeSlavesMap();
222  // Convert patch-edge data into cpp-edge data
223  // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
225  //- Construct with all data in consistent orientation
226  pointField cppEdgeData(map.constructSize(), Zero);
228  forAll(patchEdges, i)
229  {
230  label patchEdgeI = patchEdges[i];
231  label coupledEdgeI = coupledEdges[i];
232  cppEdgeData[coupledEdgeI] = edgeNormals[patchEdgeI];
233  }
236  // Synchronise
237  // ~~~~~~~~~~~
239  globalData.syncData
240  (
241  cppEdgeData,
242  globalData.globalEdgeSlaves(),
243  globalData.globalEdgeTransformedSlaves(),
244  map,
245  globalData.globalTransforms(),
246  plusEqOp<point>(), // add since normalised later on
248  );
249  cppEdgeData /= mag(cppEdgeData)+vSmall;
252  // Back from cpp-edge to patch-edge data
253  // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
255  forAll(patchEdges, i)
256  {
257  label patchEdgeI = patchEdges[i];
258  label coupledEdgeI = coupledEdges[i];
259  edgeNormals[patchEdgeI] = cppEdgeData[coupledEdgeI];
260  }
262  return tedgeNormals;
263 }
266 // ************************************************************************* //
label n
#define forAll(list, i)
Loop across all elements in list.
Definition: UList.H:434
iterator find(const Key &)
Find and return an iterator set at the hashedEntry.
Definition: HashTable.C:167
A 1D array of objects of type <T>, where the size of the vector is known and used for subscript bound...
Definition: List.H:91
void size(const label)
Override size to be inconsistent with allocated storage.
Definition: ListI.H:164
void setSize(const label)
Reset size of List.
Definition: List.C:281
static tmp< pointField > edgeNormals(const polyMesh &, const PrimitivePatch< FaceList, PointField > &, const labelList &patchEdges, const labelList &coupledEdges)
Return parallel consistent edge normals for patches using mesh points.
static tmp< pointField > pointNormals(const polyMesh &, const PrimitivePatch< FaceList, PointField > &)
Return parallel consistent point normals for patches using mesh points.
A list of faces which address into the list of points.
const Map< label > & meshPointMap() const
Mesh point map. Given the global point index find its.
label constructSize() const
Constructed data size.
Default transformation behaviour.
Class containing processor-to-processor mapping information.
void distribute(List< T > &fld, const bool dummyTransform=true, const int tag=UPstream::msgType()) const
Distribute data using default commsType.
void reverseDistribute(const label constructSize, List< T > &, const bool dummyTransform=true, const int tag=UPstream::msgType()) const
Reverse distribute data using default commsType.
A face is a list of labels corresponding to mesh vertices.
Definition: face.H:76
Determination and storage of the possible independent transforms introduced by coupledPolyPatches,...
Various mesh related information for a parallel run. Upon construction, constructs all info using par...
static void syncData(List< Type > &pointData, const labelListList &slaves, const labelListList &transformedSlaves, const distributionMap &slavesMap, const globalIndexAndTransform &, const CombineOp &cop, const TransformOp &top)
Helper: synchronise data with transforms.
const labelListList & globalEdgeTransformedSlaves() const
const distributionMap & globalEdgeSlavesMap() const
const distributionMap & globalPointSlavesMap() const
const labelListList & globalPointSlaves() const
const globalIndexAndTransform & globalTransforms() const
Global transforms numbering.
const labelListList & globalPointTransformedSlaves() const
const indirectPrimitivePatch & coupledPatch() const
Return patch of all coupled faces.
const labelListList & globalEdgeSlaves() const
Mesh consisting of general polyhedral cells.
Definition: polyMesh.H:80
const globalMeshData & globalData() const
Return parallel info.
Definition: polyMesh.C:1515
A class for managing temporary objects.
Definition: tmp.H:55
T & ref() const
Return non-const reference or generate a fatal error.
Definition: tmpI.H:181
transformer transforms
static const zero Zero
Definition: zero.H:97
intWM_LABEL_SIZE_t label
A label is an int32_t or int64_t as specified by the pre-processor macro WM_LABEL_SIZE.
Definition: label.H:59
dimensioned< Type > sum(const DimensionedField< Type, GeoMesh > &df)
vectorField pointField
pointField is a vectorField.
Definition: pointFieldFwd.H:42
dimensioned< scalar > mag(const dimensioned< Type > &)
labelList f(nPoints)
Info<< "Finished reading KIVA file"<< endl;cellShapeList cellShapes(nPoints);labelList cellZoning(nPoints, -1);const cellModel &hex=*(cellModeller::lookup("hex"));labelList hexLabels(8);label activeCells=0;labelList pointMap(nPoints);forAll(pointMap, i){ pointMap[i]=i;}for(label i=0;i< nPoints;i++){ if(f[i] > 0.0) { hexLabels[0]=i;hexLabels[1]=i1tab[i];hexLabels[2]=i3tab[i1tab[i]];hexLabels[3]=i3tab[i];hexLabels[4]=i8tab[i];hexLabels[5]=i1tab[i8tab[i]];hexLabels[6]=i3tab[i1tab[i8tab[i]]];hexLabels[7]=i3tab[i8tab[i]];cellShapes[activeCells]=cellShape(hex, hexLabels);edgeList edges=cellShapes[activeCells].edges();forAll(edges, ei) { if(edges[ei].mag(points)< small) { label start=pointMap[edges[ei].start()];while(start !=pointMap[start]) { start=pointMap[start];} label end=pointMap[edges[ei].end()];while(end !=pointMap[end]) { end=pointMap[end];} label minLabel=min(start, end);pointMap[start]=pointMap[end]=minLabel;} } cellZoning[activeCells]=idreg[i];activeCells++;}}cellShapes.setSize(activeCells);cellZoning.setSize(activeCells);forAll(cellShapes, celli){ cellShape &cs=cellShapes[celli];forAll(cs, i) { cs[i]=pointMap[cs[i]];} cs.collapse();}label bcIDs[11]={-1, 0, 2, 4, -1, 5, -1, 6, 7, 8, 9};const label nBCs=12;const word *kivaPatchTypes[nBCs]={ &wallPolyPatch::typeName, &wallPolyPatch::typeName, &wallPolyPatch::typeName, &wallPolyPatch::typeName, &symmetryPolyPatch::typeName, &wedgePolyPatch::typeName, &polyPatch::typeName, &polyPatch::typeName, &polyPatch::typeName, &polyPatch::typeName, &symmetryPolyPatch::typeName, &mergedCyclicPolyPatch::typeName};enum patchTypeNames{ PISTON, VALVE, LINER, CYLINDERHEAD, AXIS, WEDGE, INFLOW, OUTFLOW, PRESIN, PRESOUT, SYMMETRYPLANE, CYCLIC};const char *kivaPatchNames[nBCs]={ "piston", "valve", "liner", "cylinderHead", "axis", "wedge", "inflow", "outflow", "presin", "presout", "symmetryPlane", "cyclic"};List< SLList< face > > pFaces[nBCs]
Definition: readKivaGrid.H:229
volScalarField & p
static iteratorEnd end()
iteratorEnd set to beyond the end of any HashTable
Definition: HashTable.H:112