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1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2  ========= |
3  \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4  \\ / O peration | Website:
5  \\ / A nd | Copyright (C) 2011-2018 OpenFOAM Foundation
6  \\/ M anipulation |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9  This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11  OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
14  (at your option) any later version.
16  OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
19  for more details.
21  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22  along with OpenFOAM. If not, see <>.
24 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
26 #include "createShellMesh.H"
27 #include "polyTopoChange.H"
28 #include "meshTools.H"
29 #include "mapPolyMesh.H"
30 #include "polyAddPoint.H"
31 #include "polyAddFace.H"
32 #include "polyModifyFace.H"
33 #include "polyAddCell.H"
34 #include "labelPair.H"
35 #include "indirectPrimitivePatch.H"
36 #include "mapDistribute.H"
37 #include "globalMeshData.H"
38 #include "PatchTools.H"
39 #include "globalIndex.H"
41 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
43 namespace Foam
44 {
45 defineTypeNameAndDebug(createShellMesh, 0);
47 template<>
49 {
50 public:
51  void operator()(labelPair& x, const labelPair& y) const
52  {
53  x[0] = min(x[0], y[0]);
54  x[1] = min(x[1], y[1]);
55  }
56 };
57 }
60 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions * * * * * * * * * * * //
62 // Synchronise edges
63 void Foam::createShellMesh::syncEdges
64 (
65  const globalMeshData& globalData,
67  const labelList& patchEdges,
68  const labelList& coupledEdges,
69  const PackedBoolList& sameEdgeOrientation,
70  const bool syncNonCollocated,
72  PackedBoolList& isChangedEdge,
73  DynamicList<label>& changedEdges,
74  labelPairList& allEdgeData
75 )
76 {
77  const mapDistribute& map = globalData.globalEdgeSlavesMap();
78  const PackedBoolList& cppOrientation = globalData.globalEdgeOrientation();
80  // Convert patch-edge data into cpp-edge data
81  labelPairList cppEdgeData
82  (
83  map.constructSize(),
85  );
87  forAll(patchEdges, i)
88  {
89  label patchEdgeI = patchEdges[i];
90  label coupledEdgeI = coupledEdges[i];
92  if (isChangedEdge[patchEdgeI])
93  {
94  const labelPair& data = allEdgeData[patchEdgeI];
96  // Patch-edge data needs to be converted into coupled-edge data
97  // (optionally flipped) and consistent in orientation with
98  // other coupled edge (optionally flipped)
99  if (sameEdgeOrientation[i] == cppOrientation[coupledEdgeI])
100  {
101  cppEdgeData[coupledEdgeI] = data;
102  }
103  else
104  {
105  cppEdgeData[coupledEdgeI] = labelPair(data[1], data[0]);
106  }
107  }
108  }
110  // Synchronise
111  globalData.syncData
112  (
113  cppEdgeData,
114  globalData.globalEdgeSlaves(),
115  (
116  syncNonCollocated
117  ? globalData.globalEdgeTransformedSlaves()
118  : labelListList(globalData.globalEdgeSlaves().size())
119  ),
120  map,
122  );
124  // Back from cpp-edge to patch-edge data
125  forAll(patchEdges, i)
126  {
127  label patchEdgeI = patchEdges[i];
128  label coupledEdgeI = coupledEdges[i];
130  if (cppEdgeData[coupledEdgeI] != labelPair(labelMax, labelMax))
131  {
132  const labelPair& data = cppEdgeData[coupledEdgeI];
134  if (sameEdgeOrientation[i] == cppOrientation[coupledEdgeI])
135  {
136  allEdgeData[patchEdgeI] = data;
137  }
138  else
139  {
140  allEdgeData[patchEdgeI] = labelPair(data[1], data[0]);
141  }
143  if (!isChangedEdge[patchEdgeI])
144  {
145  changedEdges.append(patchEdgeI);
146  isChangedEdge[patchEdgeI] = true;
147  }
148  }
149  }
150 }
154 (
155  const globalMeshData& globalData,
156  const primitiveFacePatch& patch,
157  const PackedBoolList& nonManifoldEdge,
158  const bool syncNonCollocated,
160  faceList& pointGlobalRegions,
161  faceList& pointLocalRegions,
162  labelList& localToGlobalRegion
163 )
164 {
165  const indirectPrimitivePatch& cpp = globalData.coupledPatch();
167  // Calculate correspondence between patch and globalData.coupledPatch.
168  labelList patchEdges;
169  labelList coupledEdges;
170  PackedBoolList sameEdgeOrientation;
172  (
173  cpp,
174  patch,
176  coupledEdges,
177  patchEdges,
178  sameEdgeOrientation
179  );
182  // Initial unique regions
183  // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
184  // These get merged later on across connected edges.
186  // 1. Count
187  label nMaxRegions = 0;
188  forAll(patch.localFaces(), facei)
189  {
190  const face& f = patch.localFaces()[facei];
191  nMaxRegions += f.size();
192  }
194  const globalIndex globalRegions(nMaxRegions);
196  // 2. Assign unique regions
197  label nRegions = 0;
199  pointGlobalRegions.setSize(patch.size());
200  forAll(pointGlobalRegions, facei)
201  {
202  const face& f = patch.localFaces()[facei];
203  labelList& pRegions = pointGlobalRegions[facei];
204  pRegions.setSize(f.size());
205  forAll(pRegions, fp)
206  {
207  pRegions[fp] = globalRegions.toGlobal(nRegions++);
208  }
209  }
212  DynamicList<label> changedEdges(patch.nEdges());
213  labelPairList allEdgeData(patch.nEdges(), labelPair(labelMax, labelMax));
214  PackedBoolList isChangedEdge(patch.nEdges());
217  // Fill initial seed
218  // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
220  forAll(patch.edgeFaces(), edgeI)
221  {
222  if (!nonManifoldEdge[edgeI])
223  {
224  // Take over value from one face only.
225  const edge& e = patch.edges()[edgeI];
226  label facei = patch.edgeFaces()[edgeI][0];
227  const face& f = patch.localFaces()[facei];
229  label fp0 = findIndex(f, e[0]);
230  label fp1 = findIndex(f, e[1]);
231  allEdgeData[edgeI] = labelPair
232  (
233  pointGlobalRegions[facei][fp0],
234  pointGlobalRegions[facei][fp1]
235  );
236  if (!isChangedEdge[edgeI])
237  {
238  changedEdges.append(edgeI);
239  isChangedEdge[edgeI] = true;
240  }
241  }
242  }
245  syncEdges
246  (
247  globalData,
249  patchEdges,
250  coupledEdges,
251  sameEdgeOrientation,
252  syncNonCollocated,
254  isChangedEdge,
255  changedEdges,
256  allEdgeData
257  );
260  // Edge-Face-Edge walk across patch
261  // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
262  // Across edge minimum regions win
264  while (true)
265  {
266  // From edge to face
267  // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
269  DynamicList<label> changedFaces(patch.size());
270  PackedBoolList isChangedFace(patch.size());
272  forAll(changedEdges, changedI)
273  {
274  label edgeI = changedEdges[changedI];
275  const labelPair& edgeData = allEdgeData[edgeI];
277  const edge& e = patch.edges()[edgeI];
278  const labelList& eFaces = patch.edgeFaces()[edgeI];
280  forAll(eFaces, i)
281  {
282  label facei = eFaces[i];
283  const face& f = patch.localFaces()[facei];
285  // Combine edgeData with face data
286  label fp0 = findIndex(f, e[0]);
287  if (pointGlobalRegions[facei][fp0] > edgeData[0])
288  {
289  pointGlobalRegions[facei][fp0] = edgeData[0];
290  if (!isChangedFace[facei])
291  {
292  isChangedFace[facei] = true;
293  changedFaces.append(facei);
294  }
295  }
297  label fp1 = findIndex(f, e[1]);
298  if (pointGlobalRegions[facei][fp1] > edgeData[1])
299  {
300  pointGlobalRegions[facei][fp1] = edgeData[1];
301  if (!isChangedFace[facei])
302  {
303  isChangedFace[facei] = true;
304  changedFaces.append(facei);
305  }
306  }
307  }
308  }
311  label nChangedFaces = returnReduce(changedFaces.size(), sumOp<label>());
312  if (nChangedFaces == 0)
313  {
314  break;
315  }
318  // From face to edge
319  // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
321  isChangedEdge = false;
322  changedEdges.clear();
324  forAll(changedFaces, i)
325  {
326  label facei = changedFaces[i];
327  const face& f = patch.localFaces()[facei];
328  const labelList& fEdges = patch.faceEdges()[facei];
330  forAll(fEdges, fp)
331  {
332  label edgeI = fEdges[fp];
334  if (!nonManifoldEdge[edgeI])
335  {
336  const edge& e = patch.edges()[edgeI];
337  label fp0 = findIndex(f, e[0]);
338  label region0 = pointGlobalRegions[facei][fp0];
339  label fp1 = findIndex(f, e[1]);
340  label region1 = pointGlobalRegions[facei][fp1];
342  if
343  (
344  (allEdgeData[edgeI][0] > region0)
345  || (allEdgeData[edgeI][1] > region1)
346  )
347  {
348  allEdgeData[edgeI] = labelPair(region0, region1);
349  if (!isChangedEdge[edgeI])
350  {
351  changedEdges.append(edgeI);
352  isChangedEdge[edgeI] = true;
353  }
354  }
355  }
356  }
357  }
359  syncEdges
360  (
361  globalData,
363  patchEdges,
364  coupledEdges,
365  sameEdgeOrientation,
366  syncNonCollocated,
368  isChangedEdge,
369  changedEdges,
370  allEdgeData
371  );
374  label nChangedEdges = returnReduce(changedEdges.size(), sumOp<label>());
375  if (nChangedEdges == 0)
376  {
377  break;
378  }
379  }
383  // Assign local regions
384  // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
386  // Calculate addressing from global region back to local region
387  pointLocalRegions.setSize(patch.size());
388  Map<label> globalToLocalRegion(globalRegions.localSize()/4);
389  DynamicList<label> dynLocalToGlobalRegion(globalToLocalRegion.size());
390  forAll(patch.localFaces(), facei)
391  {
392  const face& f = patch.localFaces()[facei];
393  face& pRegions = pointLocalRegions[facei];
394  pRegions.setSize(f.size());
395  forAll(f, fp)
396  {
397  label globalRegionI = pointGlobalRegions[facei][fp];
399  Map<label>::iterator fnd = globalToLocalRegion.find(globalRegionI);
401  if (fnd != globalToLocalRegion.end())
402  {
403  // Already encountered this global region. Assign same local one
404  pRegions[fp] = fnd();
405  }
406  else
407  {
408  // Region not yet seen. Create new one
409  label localRegionI = globalToLocalRegion.size();
410  pRegions[fp] = localRegionI;
411  globalToLocalRegion.insert(globalRegionI, localRegionI);
412  dynLocalToGlobalRegion.append(globalRegionI);
413  }
414  }
415  }
416  localToGlobalRegion.transfer(dynLocalToGlobalRegion);
417 }
420 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
423 (
424  const primitiveFacePatch& patch,
425  const faceList& pointRegions,
426  const labelList& regionPoints
427 )
428 :
429  patch_(patch),
430  pointRegions_(pointRegions),
431  regionPoints_(regionPoints)
432 {
433  if (pointRegions_.size() != patch_.size())
434  {
436  << "nFaces:" << patch_.size()
437  << " pointRegions:" << pointRegions.size()
438  << exit(FatalError);
439  }
440 }
443 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
446 (
447  const pointField& firstLayerDisp,
448  const scalar expansionRatio,
449  const label nLayers,
450  const labelList& topPatchID,
451  const labelList& bottomPatchID,
452  const labelListList& extrudeEdgePatches,
453  polyTopoChange& meshMod
454 )
455 {
456  if (firstLayerDisp.size() != regionPoints_.size())
457  {
459  << "nRegions:" << regionPoints_.size()
460  << " firstLayerDisp:" << firstLayerDisp.size()
461  << exit(FatalError);
462  }
464  if
465  (
466  topPatchID.size() != patch_.size()
467  && bottomPatchID.size() != patch_.size()
468  )
469  {
471  << "nFaces:" << patch_.size()
472  << " topPatchID:" << topPatchID.size()
473  << " bottomPatchID:" << bottomPatchID.size()
474  << exit(FatalError);
475  }
477  if (extrudeEdgePatches.size() != patch_.nEdges())
478  {
480  << "nEdges:" << patch_.nEdges()
481  << " extrudeEdgePatches:" << extrudeEdgePatches.size()
482  << exit(FatalError);
483  }
487  // From cell to patch (trivial)
488  DynamicList<label> cellToFaceMap(nLayers*patch_.size());
489  // From face to patch+turning index
490  DynamicList<label> faceToFaceMap
491  (
492  (nLayers+1)*(patch_.size()+patch_.nEdges())
493  );
494  // From face to patch edge index
495  DynamicList<label> faceToEdgeMap(nLayers*(patch_.nEdges()+patch_.nEdges()));
496  // From point to patch point index
497  DynamicList<label> pointToPointMap((nLayers+1)*patch_.nPoints());
500  // Introduce new cell for every face
501  // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
503  labelList addedCells(nLayers*patch_.size());
504  forAll(patch_, facei)
505  {
506  for (label layerI = 0; layerI < nLayers; layerI++)
507  {
508  addedCells[nLayers*facei+layerI] = meshMod.addCell
509  (
510  -1, // masterPointID
511  -1, // masterEdgeID
512  -1, // masterFaceID
513  cellToFaceMap.size(), // masterCellID
514  -1 // zoneID
515  );
516  cellToFaceMap.append(facei);
517  }
518  }
521  // Introduce original points
522  // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
524  // Original point numbers in local point ordering so no need to store.
525  forAll(patch_.localPoints(), pointi)
526  {
527  // label addedPointi =
528  meshMod.addPoint
529  (
530  patch_.localPoints()[pointi], // point
531  pointToPointMap.size(), // masterPointID
532  -1, // zoneID
533  true // inCell
534  );
535  pointToPointMap.append(pointi);
537  // Pout<< "Added bottom point " << addedPointi
538  // << " at " << patch_.localPoints()[pointi]
539  // << " from point " << pointi
540  // << endl;
541  }
544  // Introduce new points (one for every region)
545  // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
547  labelList addedPoints(nLayers*regionPoints_.size());
548  forAll(regionPoints_, regionI)
549  {
550  label pointi = regionPoints_[regionI];
552  point pt = patch_.localPoints()[pointi];
553  point disp = firstLayerDisp[regionI];
554  for (label layerI = 0; layerI < nLayers; layerI++)
555  {
556  pt += disp;
558  addedPoints[nLayers*regionI+layerI] = meshMod.addPoint
559  (
560  pt, // point
561  pointToPointMap.size(), // masterPointID - used only addressing
562  -1, // zoneID
563  true // inCell
564  );
565  pointToPointMap.append(pointi);
567  disp *= expansionRatio;
568  }
569  }
572  // Add face on bottom side
573  forAll(patch_.localFaces(), facei)
574  {
575  meshMod.addFace
576  (
577  patch_.localFaces()[facei].reverseFace(),// vertices
578  addedCells[nLayers*facei], // own
579  -1, // nei
580  -1, // masterPointID
581  -1, // masterEdgeID
582  faceToFaceMap.size(), // masterFaceID : current facei
583  true, // flipFaceFlux
584  bottomPatchID[facei], // patchID
585  -1, // zoneID
586  false // zoneFlip
587  );
588  faceToFaceMap.append(-facei-1); // points to flipped original face
589  faceToEdgeMap.append(-1);
591  // const face newF(patch_.localFaces()[facei].reverseFace());
592  // Pout<< "Added bottom face "
593  // << newF
594  // << " coords:" << UIndirectList<point>(meshMod.points(), newF)
595  // << " own " << addedCells[facei]
596  // << " patch:" << bottomPatchID[facei]
597  // << " at " << patch_.faceCentres()[facei]
598  // << endl;
599  }
601  // Add in between faces and face on top
602  forAll(patch_.localFaces(), facei)
603  {
604  // Get face in original ordering
605  const face& f = patch_.localFaces()[facei];
607  face newF(f.size());
609  for (label layerI = 0; layerI < nLayers; layerI++)
610  {
611  // Pick up point based on region and layer
612  forAll(f, fp)
613  {
614  label region = pointRegions_[facei][fp];
615  newF[fp] = addedPoints[region*nLayers+layerI];
616  }
618  label own = addedCells[facei*nLayers+layerI];
619  label nei;
620  label patchi;
621  if (layerI == nLayers-1)
622  {
623  nei = -1;
624  patchi = topPatchID[facei];
625  }
626  else
627  {
628  nei = addedCells[facei*nLayers+layerI+1];
629  patchi = -1;
630  }
632  meshMod.addFace
633  (
634  newF, // vertices
635  own, // own
636  nei, // nei
637  -1, // masterPointID
638  -1, // masterEdgeID
639  faceToFaceMap.size(), // masterFaceID : current facei
640  false, // flipFaceFlux
641  patchi, // patchID
642  -1, // zoneID
643  false // zoneFlip
644  );
645  faceToFaceMap.append(facei+1); // unflipped
646  faceToEdgeMap.append(-1);
648  // Pout<< "Added in between face " << newF
649  // << " coords:" << UIndirectList<point>(meshMod.points(), newF)
650  // << " at layer " << layerI
651  // << " own " << own
652  // << " nei " << nei
653  // << " at " << patch_.faceCentres()[facei]
654  // << endl;
655  }
656  }
659  // Add side faces
660  // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
661  // Note that we loop over edges multiple times so for edges with
662  // two cyclic faces they get added in two passes (for correct ordering)
664  // Pass1. Internal edges and first face of other edges
665  forAll(extrudeEdgePatches, edgeI)
666  {
667  const labelList& eFaces = patch_.edgeFaces()[edgeI];
668  const labelList& ePatches = extrudeEdgePatches[edgeI];
670  if (ePatches.size() == 0)
671  {
672  // Internal face
673  if (eFaces.size() != 2)
674  {
676  << "edge:" << edgeI
677  << " not internal but does not have side-patches defined."
678  << exit(FatalError);
679  }
680  }
681  else
682  {
683  if (eFaces.size() != ePatches.size())
684  {
686  << "external/feature edge:" << edgeI
687  << " has " << eFaces.size() << " connected extruded faces "
688  << " but only " << ePatches.size()
689  << " boundary faces defined." << exit(FatalError);
690  }
691  }
695  // Make face pointing in to eFaces[0] so out of new master face
696  const face& f = patch_.localFaces()[eFaces[0]];
697  const edge& e = patch_.edges()[edgeI];
699  label fp0 = findIndex(f, e[0]);
700  label fp1 = f.fcIndex(fp0);
702  if (f[fp1] != e[1])
703  {
704  fp1 = fp0;
705  fp0 = f.rcIndex(fp1);
706  }
708  face newF(4);
710  for (label layerI = 0; layerI < nLayers; layerI++)
711  {
712  label region0 = pointRegions_[eFaces[0]][fp0];
713  label region1 = pointRegions_[eFaces[0]][fp1];
715  // Pick up points with correct normal
716  if (layerI == 0)
717  {
718  newF[0] = f[fp0];
719  newF[1] = f[fp1];
720  newF[2] = addedPoints[nLayers*region1+layerI];
721  newF[3] = addedPoints[nLayers*region0+layerI];
722  }
723  else
724  {
725  newF[0] = addedPoints[nLayers*region0+layerI-1];
726  newF[1] = addedPoints[nLayers*region1+layerI-1];
727  newF[2] = addedPoints[nLayers*region1+layerI];
728  newF[3] = addedPoints[nLayers*region0+layerI];
729  }
731  // Optionally rotate so e[0] is always 0th vertex. Note that
732  // this normally is automatically done by coupled face ordering
733  // but with NOORDERING we have to do it ourselves.
734  if (f[fp0] != e[0])
735  {
736  // rotate one back to get newF[1] (originating from e[0])
737  // into newF[0]
738  label v0 = newF[0];
739  for (label i = 0; i < newF.size()-1; i++)
740  {
741  newF[i] = newF[newF.fcIndex(i)];
742  }
743  newF.last() = v0;
744  }
747  label minCelli = addedCells[nLayers*eFaces[0]+layerI];
748  label maxCelli;
749  label patchi;
750  if (ePatches.size() == 0)
751  {
752  maxCelli = addedCells[nLayers*eFaces[1]+layerI];
753  if (minCelli > maxCelli)
754  {
755  // Swap
756  Swap(minCelli, maxCelli);
757  newF = newF.reverseFace();
758  }
759  patchi = -1;
760  }
761  else
762  {
763  maxCelli = -1;
764  patchi = ePatches[0];
765  }
767  //{
768  // Pout<< "Adding from face:" << patch_.faceCentres()[eFaces[0]]
769  // << " from edge:"
770  // << patch_.localPoints()[f[fp0]]
771  // << patch_.localPoints()[f[fp1]]
772  // << " at layer:" << layerI
773  // << " with new points:" << newF
774  // << " locations:"
775  // << UIndirectList<point>(meshMod.points(), newF)
776  // << " own:" << minCelli
777  // << " nei:" << maxCelli
778  // << endl;
779  //}
782  // newF already outwards pointing.
783  meshMod.addFace
784  (
785  newF, // vertices
786  minCelli, // own
787  maxCelli, // nei
788  -1, // masterPointID
789  -1, // masterEdgeID
790  faceToFaceMap.size(), // masterFaceID
791  false, // flipFaceFlux
792  patchi, // patchID
793  -1, // zoneID
794  false // zoneFlip
795  );
796  faceToFaceMap.append(0);
797  faceToEdgeMap.append(edgeI);
798  }
799  }
801  // Pass2. Other faces of boundary edges
802  forAll(extrudeEdgePatches, edgeI)
803  {
804  const labelList& eFaces = patch_.edgeFaces()[edgeI];
805  const labelList& ePatches = extrudeEdgePatches[edgeI];
807  if (ePatches.size() >= 2)
808  {
809  for (label i = 1; i < ePatches.size(); i++)
810  {
811  // Extrude eFaces[i]
812  label minFacei = eFaces[i];
814  // Make face pointing in to eFaces[0] so out of new master face
815  const face& f = patch_.localFaces()[minFacei];
817  const edge& e = patch_.edges()[edgeI];
818  label fp0 = findIndex(f, e[0]);
819  label fp1 = f.fcIndex(fp0);
821  if (f[fp1] != e[1])
822  {
823  fp1 = fp0;
824  fp0 = f.rcIndex(fp1);
825  }
827  face newF(4);
828  for (label layerI = 0; layerI < nLayers; layerI++)
829  {
830  label region0 = pointRegions_[minFacei][fp0];
831  label region1 = pointRegions_[minFacei][fp1];
833  if (layerI == 0)
834  {
835  newF[0] = f[fp0];
836  newF[1] = f[fp1];
837  newF[2] = addedPoints[nLayers*region1+layerI];
838  newF[3] = addedPoints[nLayers*region0+layerI];
839  }
840  else
841  {
842  newF[0] = addedPoints[nLayers*region0+layerI-1];
843  newF[1] = addedPoints[nLayers*region1+layerI-1];
844  newF[2] = addedPoints[nLayers*region1+layerI];
845  newF[3] = addedPoints[nLayers*region0+layerI];
846  }
849  // Optionally rotate so e[0] is always 0th vertex. Note that
850  // this normally is automatically done by coupled face
851  // ordering but with NOORDERING we have to do it ourselves.
852  if (f[fp0] != e[0])
853  {
854  // rotate one back to get newF[1] (originating
855  // from e[0]) into newF[0].
856  label v0 = newF[0];
857  for (label i = 0; i < newF.size()-1; i++)
858  {
859  newF[i] = newF[newF.fcIndex(i)];
860  }
861  newF.last() = v0;
862  }
864  //{
865  // Pout<< "Adding from MULTI face:"
866  // << patch_.faceCentres()[minFacei]
867  // << " from edge:"
868  // << patch_.localPoints()[f[fp0]]
869  // << patch_.localPoints()[f[fp1]]
870  // << " at layer:" << layerI
871  // << " with new points:" << newF
872  // << " locations:"
873  // << UIndirectList<point>(meshMod.points(), newF)
874  // << endl;
875  //}
877  // newF already outwards pointing.
878  meshMod.addFace
879  (
880  newF, // vertices
881  addedCells[nLayers*minFacei+layerI], // own
882  -1, // nei
883  -1, // masterPointID
884  -1, // masterEdgeID
885  faceToFaceMap.size(), // masterFaceID
886  false, // flipFaceFlux
887  ePatches[i], // patchID
888  -1, // zoneID
889  false // zoneFlip
890  );
891  faceToFaceMap.append(0);
892  faceToEdgeMap.append(edgeI);
893  }
894  }
895  }
896  }
899  cellToFaceMap_.transfer(cellToFaceMap);
900  faceToFaceMap_.transfer(faceToFaceMap);
901  faceToEdgeMap_.transfer(faceToEdgeMap);
902  pointToPointMap_.transfer(pointToPointMap);
903 }
907 {
908  inplaceReorder(map.reverseCellMap(), cellToFaceMap_);
909  inplaceReorder(map.reverseFaceMap(), faceToFaceMap_);
910  inplaceReorder(map.reverseFaceMap(), faceToEdgeMap_);
911  inplaceReorder(map.reversePointMap(), pointToPointMap_);
912 }
915 // ************************************************************************* //
List< labelList > labelListList
A List of labelList.
Definition: labelList.H:57
static void calcPointRegions(const globalMeshData &globalData, const primitiveFacePatch &patch, const PackedBoolList &nonManifoldEdge, const bool syncNonCollocated, faceList &pointGlobalRegions, faceList &pointLocalRegions, labelList &localToGlobalRegion)
Helper: calculate point regions. The point region is the.
void inplaceReorder(const labelUList &oldToNew, ListType &)
Inplace reorder the elements of a list.
#define forAll(list, i)
Loop across all elements in list.
Definition: UList.H:434
const labelList & reversePointMap() const
Reverse point map.
Definition: mapPolyMesh.H:458
intWM_LABEL_SIZE_t label
A label is an int32_t or int64_t as specified by the pre-processor macro WM_LABEL_SIZE.
Definition: label.H:59
errorManipArg< error, int > exit(error &err, const int errNo=1)
Definition: errorManip.H:124
static iteratorEnd end()
iteratorEnd set to beyond the end of any HashTable
Definition: HashTable.H:112
A face is a list of labels corresponding to mesh vertices.
Definition: face.H:75
error FatalError
#define FatalErrorInFunction
Report an error message using Foam::FatalError.
Definition: error.H:319
label rcIndex(const label i) const
Return the reverse circular index, i.e. the previous index.
Definition: UListI.H:65
const mapDistribute & globalEdgeSlavesMap() const
Various mesh related information for a parallel run. Upon construction, constructs all info using par...
void size(const label)
Override size to be inconsistent with allocated storage.
Definition: ListI.H:164
static void matchEdges(const PrimitivePatch< FaceList1, PointField1 > &p1, const PrimitivePatch< FaceList2, PointField2 > &p2, labelList &p1EdgeLabels, labelList &p2EdgeLabels, PackedBoolList &sameOrientation)
Find corresponding edges on patches sharing the same points.
label fcIndex(const label i) const
Return the forward circular index, i.e. the next index.
Definition: UListI.H:58
const labelListList & globalEdgeSlaves() const
createShellMesh(const primitiveFacePatch &patch, const faceList &pointRegions, const labelList &regionPoints)
Construct from mesh.
Class containing mesh-to-mesh mapping information after a change in polyMesh topology.
Definition: mapPolyMesh.H:158
label addCell(const label masterPointID, const label masterEdgeID, const label masterFaceID, const label masterCellID, const label zoneID)
Add cell. Return new cell label.
iterator find(const Key &)
Find and return an iterator set at the hashedEntry.
Definition: HashTable.C:142
scalar y
A list of faces which address into the list of points.
Calculates a unique integer (label so might not have enough room - 2G max) for processor + local inde...
Definition: globalIndex.H:63
face reverseFace() const
Return face with reverse direction.
Definition: face.C:506
An ordered pair of two objects of type <T> with first() and second() elements.
Definition: contiguous.H:49
void Swap(T &a, T &b)
Definition: Swap.H:43
label addFace(const face &f, const label own, const label nei, const label masterPointID, const label masterEdgeID, const label masterFaceID, const bool flipFaceFlux, const label patchID, const label zoneID, const bool zoneFlip)
Add face to cells. Return new face label.
An edge is a list of two point labels. The functionality it provides supports the discretisation on a...
Definition: edge.H:58
const PackedBoolList & globalEdgeOrientation() const
Is my edge same orientation as master edge.
void append(const T &)
Append an element at the end of the list.
Definition: ListI.H:178
DynamicList< T, SizeInc, SizeMult, SizeDiv > & append(const T &)
Append an element at the end of the list.
Definition: DynamicListI.H:296
const labelListList & edgeFaces() const
Return edge-face addressing.
Pair< label > labelPair
Label pair.
Definition: labelPair.H:48
const edgeList & edges() const
Return list of edges, address into LOCAL point list.
static const label labelMax
Definition: label.H:62
label addPoint(const point &, const label masterPointID, const label zoneID, const bool inCell)
Add point. Return new point label.
label nEdges() const
Return number of edges in patch.
static direction size()
Return the number of elements in the VectorSpace = Ncmpts.
Definition: VectorSpaceI.H:83
const labelList & reverseCellMap() const
Reverse cell map.
Definition: mapPolyMesh.H:521
void updateMesh(const mapPolyMesh &)
Update any locally stored mesh information.
defineTypeNameAndDebug(combustionModel, 0)
Database for solution and other reduced data.
Definition: data.H:51
labelList f(nPoints)
label findIndex(const ListType &, typename ListType::const_reference, const label start=0)
Find first occurrence of given element and return index,.
dimensioned< Type > min(const dimensioned< Type > &, const dimensioned< Type > &)
const indirectPrimitivePatch & coupledPatch() const
Return patch of all coupled faces.
static void syncData(List< Type > &pointData, const labelListList &slaves, const labelListList &transformedSlaves, const mapDistribute &slavesMap, const globalIndexAndTransform &, const CombineOp &cop, const TransformOp &top)
Helper: synchronise data with transforms.
label constructSize() const
Constructed data size.
void setSize(const label)
Reset size of List.
Definition: List.C:281
label toGlobal(const label i) const
From local to global.
Definition: globalIndexI.H:82
A bit-packed bool list.
label patchi
Class containing processor-to-processor mapping information.
const List< FaceType > & localFaces() const
Return patch faces addressing into local point list.
Direct mesh changes based on v1.3 polyTopoChange syntax.
const labelListList & faceEdges() const
Return face-edge addressing.
void setRefinement(const pointField &firstLayerThickness, const scalar expansionRatio, const label nLayers, const labelList &topPatchID, const labelList &bottomPatchID, const labelListList &extrudeEdgePatches, polyTopoChange &meshMod)
Play commands into polyTopoChange to create layer mesh.
T returnReduce(const T &Value, const BinaryOp &bop, const int tag=Pstream::msgType(), const label comm=UPstream::worldComm)
const doubleScalar e
Elementary charge.
Definition: doubleScalar.H:105
T & last()
Return the last element of the list.
Definition: UListI.H:128
void clear()
Clear the addressed list, i.e. set the size to zero.
Definition: DynamicListI.H:236
void transfer(List< T > &)
Transfer the contents of the argument List into this list.
Definition: List.C:342
const labelList & reverseFaceMap() const
Reverse face map.
Definition: mapPolyMesh.H:490
Namespace for OpenFOAM.
const labelListList & globalEdgeTransformedSlaves() const
void operator()(labelPair &x, const labelPair &y) const
label localSize() const
My local size.
Definition: globalIndexI.H:60