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fvMatrix< Type > Class Template Reference

A special matrix type and solver, designed for finite volume solutions of scalar equations. Face addressing is used to make all matrix assembly and solution loops vectorise. More...

Inheritance diagram for fvMatrix< Type >:
Collaboration diagram for fvMatrix< Type >:


class  fvSolver
 Solver class returned by the solver function. More...

Public Member Functions

 ClassName ("fvMatrix")
 fvMatrix (const VolField< Type > &, const dimensionSet &)
 Construct given a field to solve for. More...
 fvMatrix (const fvMatrix< Type > &)
 Copy constructor. More...
 fvMatrix (const tmp< fvMatrix< Type >> &)
 Copy constructor of tmp<fvMatrix<Type>> deleting argument. More...
 fvMatrix (const VolField< Type > &, Istream &)
 Construct from Istream given field to solve for. More...
tmp< fvMatrix< Type > > clone () const
 Clone. More...
virtual ~fvMatrix ()
 Destructor. More...
VolField< Type > & psi ()
const VolField< Type > & psi () const
const dimensionSetdimensions () const
Field< Type > & source ()
const Field< Type > & source () const
FieldField< Field, Type > & internalCoeffs ()
 fvBoundary scalar field containing pseudo-matrix coeffs More...
FieldField< Field, Type > & boundaryCoeffs ()
 fvBoundary scalar field containing pseudo-matrix coeffs More...
SurfaceField< Type > *& faceFluxCorrectionPtr ()
 Return pointer to face-flux non-orthogonal correction field. More...
template<template< class > class ListType>
void setValues (const labelUList &cells, const ListType< Type > &values)
 Set solution in given cells to the specified values. More...
template<template< class > class ListType>
void setValues (const labelUList &cells, const ListType< Type > &values, const scalarList &fractions, const bool hasDdt=true)
 Set solution in given cells to the specified values. More...
void setReference (const label celli, const Type &value, const bool forceReference=false)
 Set reference level for solution. More...
void setComponentReference (const label patchi, const label facei, const direction cmpt, const scalar value)
 Set reference level for a component of the solution. More...
scalar relaxationFactor () const
 Return the relaxation factor for this equation. More...
void relax (const scalar alpha)
 Relax matrix (for steady-state solution). More...
void relax ()
 Relax matrix (for steady-state solution). More...
void boundaryManipulate (typename VolField< Type >::Boundary &values)
 Manipulate based on a boundary field. More...
autoPtr< fvSolversolver (const dictionary &)
 Construct and return the solver. More...
autoPtr< fvSolversolver ()
 Construct and return the solver. More...
SolverPerformance< Type > solve (const dictionary &)
 Solve segregated or coupled returning the solution statistics. More...
SolverPerformance< Type > solveSegregated (const dictionary &)
 Solve segregated returning the solution statistics. More...
SolverPerformance< Type > solveCoupled (const dictionary &)
 Solve coupled returning the solution statistics. More...
SolverPerformance< Type > solve (const word &name)
 Solve segregated or coupled returning the solution statistics. More...
SolverPerformance< Type > solve ()
 Solve returning the solution statistics. More...
tmp< Field< Type > > residual () const
 Return the matrix residual. More...
tmp< scalarFieldD () const
 Return the matrix scalar diagonal. More...
tmp< Field< Type > > DD () const
 Return the matrix Type diagonal. More...
tmp< volScalarFieldA () const
 Return the central coefficient. More...
tmp< volScalarField::InternalSu () const
 Return the explicit source. More...
tmp< volScalarField::InternalSp () const
 Return the implicit source. More...
tmp< VolField< Type > > H () const
 Return the H operation source. More...
tmp< volScalarFieldH1 () const
 Return H(1) More...
tmp< SurfaceField< Type > > flux () const
 Return the face-flux field from the matrix. More...
void operator= (const fvMatrix< Type > &)
void operator= (const tmp< fvMatrix< Type >> &)
void negate ()
void operator+= (const fvMatrix< Type > &)
void operator+= (const tmp< fvMatrix< Type >> &)
void operator-= (const fvMatrix< Type > &)
void operator-= (const tmp< fvMatrix< Type >> &)
void operator+= (const DimensionedField< Type, volMesh > &)
void operator+= (const tmp< DimensionedField< Type, volMesh >> &)
void operator+= (const tmp< VolField< Type >> &)
void operator-= (const DimensionedField< Type, volMesh > &)
void operator-= (const tmp< DimensionedField< Type, volMesh >> &)
void operator-= (const tmp< VolField< Type >> &)
void operator+= (const dimensioned< Type > &)
void operator-= (const dimensioned< Type > &)
void operator+= (const zero &)
void operator-= (const zero &)
void operator*= (const volScalarField::Internal &)
void operator*= (const tmp< volScalarField::Internal > &)
void operator*= (const tmp< volScalarField > &)
void operator*= (const dimensioned< scalar > &)
void operator/= (const volScalarField::Internal &)
void operator/= (const tmp< volScalarField::Internal > &)
void operator/= (const tmp< volScalarField > &)
void operator/= (const dimensioned< scalar > &)
void setComponentReference (const label patchi, const label facei, const direction, const scalar value)
Foam::autoPtr< Foam::fvMatrix< Foam::scalar >::fvSolversolver (const dictionary &solverControls)
Foam::solverPerformance solveSegregated (const dictionary &solverControls)
Foam::tmp< Foam::scalarFieldresidual () const
Foam::tmp< Foam::volScalarFieldH () const
Foam::tmp< Foam::volScalarFieldH1 () const
void setComponentReference (const label patchi, const label facei, const direction, const scalar value)
autoPtr< fvMatrix< scalar >::fvSolversolver (const dictionary &)
solverPerformance solveSegregated (const dictionary &)
tmp< scalarFieldresidual () const
tmp< volScalarFieldH () const
tmp< volScalarFieldH1 () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from refCount
int count () const
 Return the current reference count. More...
bool unique () const
 Return true if the reference count is zero. More...
void operator++ ()
 Increment the reference count. More...
void operator++ (int)
 Increment the reference count. More...
void operator-- ()
 Decrement the reference count. More...
void operator-- (int)
 Decrement the reference count. More...
void operator= (const refCount &)=delete
 Disallow bitwise assignment. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from lduMatrix
 ClassName ("lduMatrix")
 lduMatrix (const lduMesh &)
 Construct given an LDU addressed mesh. More...
 lduMatrix (const lduMatrix &)
 Copy constructor. More...
 lduMatrix (lduMatrix &, bool reuse)
 Copy constructor or re-use as specified. More...
 lduMatrix (const lduMesh &, Istream &)
 Construct given an LDU addressed mesh and an Istream. More...
 ~lduMatrix ()
 Destructor. More...
const lduMeshmesh () const
 Return the LDU mesh from which the addressing is obtained. More...
const lduAddressinglduAddr () const
 Return the LDU addressing. More...
const lduSchedulepatchSchedule () const
 Return the patch evaluation schedule. More...
scalarFieldlower ()
scalarFielddiag ()
scalarFieldupper ()
scalarFieldlower (const label size)
scalarFielddiag (const label nCoeffs)
scalarFieldupper (const label nCoeffs)
const scalarFieldlower () const
const scalarFielddiag () const
const scalarFieldupper () const
bool hasDiag () const
bool hasUpper () const
bool hasLower () const
bool diagonal () const
bool symmetric () const
bool asymmetric () const
void sumDiag ()
void negSumDiag ()
void sumMagOffDiag (scalarField &sumOff) const
void Amul (scalarField &, const tmp< scalarField > &, const FieldField< Field, scalar > &, const lduInterfaceFieldPtrsList &, const direction cmpt) const
 Matrix multiplication with updated interfaces. More...
void Tmul (scalarField &, const tmp< scalarField > &, const FieldField< Field, scalar > &, const lduInterfaceFieldPtrsList &, const direction cmpt) const
 Matrix transpose multiplication with updated interfaces. More...
void sumA (scalarField &, const FieldField< Field, scalar > &, const lduInterfaceFieldPtrsList &) const
 Sum the coefficients on each row of the matrix. More...
void residual (scalarField &rA, const scalarField &psi, const scalarField &source, const FieldField< Field, scalar > &interfaceBouCoeffs, const lduInterfaceFieldPtrsList &interfaces, const direction cmpt) const
tmp< scalarFieldresidual (const scalarField &psi, const scalarField &source, const FieldField< Field, scalar > &interfaceBouCoeffs, const lduInterfaceFieldPtrsList &interfaces, const direction cmpt) const
void initMatrixInterfaces (const FieldField< Field, scalar > &interfaceCoeffs, const lduInterfaceFieldPtrsList &interfaces, const scalarField &psiif, scalarField &result, const direction cmpt) const
 Initialise the update of interfaced interfaces. More...
void updateMatrixInterfaces (const FieldField< Field, scalar > &interfaceCoeffs, const lduInterfaceFieldPtrsList &interfaces, const scalarField &psiif, scalarField &result, const direction cmpt) const
 Update interfaced interfaces for matrix operations. More...
template<class Type >
tmp< Field< Type > > H (const Field< Type > &) const
template<class Type >
tmp< Field< Type > > H (const tmp< Field< Type >> &) const
tmp< scalarFieldH1 () const
template<class Type >
tmp< Field< Type > > faceH (const Field< Type > &) const
template<class Type >
tmp< Field< Type > > faceH (const tmp< Field< Type >> &) const
InfoProxy< lduMatrixinfo () const
 Return info proxy. More...
void operator= (const lduMatrix &)
void negate ()
void operator+= (const lduMatrix &)
void operator-= (const lduMatrix &)
void operator*= (const scalarField &)
void operator*= (scalar)
void operator/= (const scalarField &)
void operator/= (scalar)
template<class Type >
Foam::tmp< Foam::Field< Type > > H (const Field< Type > &psi) const
template<class Type >
Foam::tmp< Foam::Field< Type > > H (const tmp< Field< Type >> &tpsi) const
template<class Type >
Foam::tmp< Foam::Field< Type > > faceH (const Field< Type > &psi) const
template<class Type >
Foam::tmp< Foam::Field< Type > > faceH (const tmp< Field< Type >> &tpsi) const

Protected Member Functions

template<class Type2 >
void addToInternalField (const labelUList &addr, const Field< Type2 > &pf, Field< Type2 > &intf) const
 Add patch contribution to internal field. More...
template<class Type2 >
void addToInternalField (const labelUList &addr, const tmp< Field< Type2 >> &tpf, Field< Type2 > &intf) const
template<class Type2 >
void subtractFromInternalField (const labelUList &addr, const Field< Type2 > &pf, Field< Type2 > &intf) const
 Subtract patch contribution from internal field. More...
template<class Type2 >
void subtractFromInternalField (const labelUList &addr, const tmp< Field< Type2 >> &tpf, Field< Type2 > &intf) const
void addBoundaryDiag (scalarField &diag, const direction cmpt) const
void addCmptAvBoundaryDiag (scalarField &diag) const
void addBoundarySource (Field< Type > &source, const bool couples=true) const
void setValue (const label celli, const Type &value)
 Set solution in the given cell to the specified value. More...
void setValue (const label celli, const Type &value, const scalar fraction, const scalarField &ddtDiag)
 Set solution in the given cell to the specified value. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from refCount
 refCount ()
 Construct null initialising count to 0. More...
 refCount (const refCount &)=delete
 Disallow copy. More...


class fvSolver
 Declare friendship with the fvSolver class. More...
tmp< VolField< Type > > operator& (const fvMatrix< Type > &, const DimensionedField< Type, volMesh > &)
tmp< VolField< Type > > operator& (const fvMatrix< Type > &, const tmp< VolField< Type >> &)
tmp< VolField< Type > > operator& (const tmp< fvMatrix< Type >> &, const DimensionedField< Type, volMesh > &)
tmp< VolField< Type > > operator& (const tmp< fvMatrix< Type >> &, const tmp< VolField< Type >> &)
Ostreamoperator (Ostream &, const fvMatrix< Type > &)

Detailed Description

template<class Type>
class Foam::fvMatrix< Type >

A special matrix type and solver, designed for finite volume solutions of scalar equations. Face addressing is used to make all matrix assembly and solution loops vectorise.

Source files

Definition at line 114 of file fvMatrix.H.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ fvMatrix() [1/4]

fvMatrix ( const VolField< Type > &  psi,
const dimensionSet ds 

◆ fvMatrix() [2/4]

fvMatrix ( const fvMatrix< Type > &  fvm)

Copy constructor.

Definition at line 339 of file fvMatrix.C.

References Foam::endl(), and InfoInFunction.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fvMatrix() [3/4]

fvMatrix ( const tmp< fvMatrix< Type >> &  tfvm)

Copy constructor of tmp<fvMatrix<Type>> deleting argument.

Definition at line 368 of file fvMatrix.C.

References Foam::endl(), and InfoInFunction.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fvMatrix() [4/4]

fvMatrix ( const VolField< Type > &  psi,
Istream is 

Construct from Istream given field to solve for.

Definition at line 422 of file fvMatrix.C.

References Foam::endl(), forAll, InfoInFunction, patchi, fvMatrix< Type >::psi(), and Foam::Zero.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ~fvMatrix()



Definition at line 482 of file fvMatrix.C.

References Foam::endl(), and InfoInFunction.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

◆ addToInternalField() [1/2]

void addToInternalField ( const labelUList addr,
const Field< Type2 > &  pf,
Field< Type2 > &  intf 
) const

Add patch contribution to internal field.

Definition at line 39 of file fvMatrix.C.

References Foam::abort(), Foam::FatalError, FatalErrorInFunction, forAll, UList< T >::size(), and List< T >::size().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ addToInternalField() [2/2]

void addToInternalField ( const labelUList addr,
const tmp< Field< Type2 >> &  tpf,
Field< Type2 > &  intf 
) const

Definition at line 62 of file fvMatrix.C.

◆ subtractFromInternalField() [1/2]

void subtractFromInternalField ( const labelUList addr,
const Field< Type2 > &  pf,
Field< Type2 > &  intf 
) const

Subtract patch contribution from internal field.

Definition at line 76 of file fvMatrix.C.

References Foam::abort(), Foam::FatalError, FatalErrorInFunction, forAll, UList< T >::size(), and List< T >::size().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ subtractFromInternalField() [2/2]

void subtractFromInternalField ( const labelUList addr,
const tmp< Field< Type2 >> &  tpf,
Field< Type2 > &  intf 
) const

Definition at line 99 of file fvMatrix.C.

◆ addBoundaryDiag()

void addBoundaryDiag ( scalarField diag,
const direction  cmpt 
) const

Definition at line 112 of file fvMatrix.C.

References Foam::component(), Foam::diag(), forAll, and patchi.

Referenced by fvMatrix< Type >::residual(), and fvMatrix< Type >::solveSegregated().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addCmptAvBoundaryDiag()

void addCmptAvBoundaryDiag ( scalarField diag) const

Definition at line 131 of file fvMatrix.C.

References Foam::cmptAv(), Foam::diag(), forAll, and patchi.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ addBoundarySource()

void addBoundarySource ( Field< Type > &  source,
const bool  couples = true 
) const

Definition at line 146 of file fvMatrix.C.

References Foam::cmptMultiply(), fvPatchField< Type >::coupled(), forAll, patchi, and fvPatchField< Type >::patchNeighbourField().

Referenced by fvMatrix< Type >::H(), fvMatrix< Type >::residual(), and fvMatrix< Type >::solveSegregated().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setValue() [1/2]

void setValue ( const label  celli,
const Type &  value 

◆ setValue() [2/2]

void setValue ( const label  celli,
const Type &  value,
const scalar  fraction,
const scalarField ddtDiag 

Set solution in the given cell to the specified value.

Definition at line 258 of file fvMatrix.C.

References Foam::diag(), primitiveFieldRef(), and psi.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ClassName()

ClassName ( "fvMatrix< Type >"  )

◆ clone()

Foam::tmp< Foam::fvMatrix< Type > > clone


Definition at line 470 of file fvMatrix.C.

◆ psi() [1/2]

◆ psi() [2/2]

const VolField<Type>& psi ( ) const

Definition at line 297 of file fvMatrix.H.

◆ dimensions()

◆ source() [1/2]

◆ source() [2/2]

const Field<Type>& source ( ) const

Definition at line 312 of file fvMatrix.H.

◆ internalCoeffs()

FieldField<Field, Type>& internalCoeffs ( )

fvBoundary scalar field containing pseudo-matrix coeffs

for internal cells

Definition at line 319 of file fvMatrix.H.

Referenced by gaussConvectionScheme< Type >::fvmDiv(), and gaussLaplacianScheme< Type, GType >::fvmLaplacianUncorrected().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ boundaryCoeffs()

FieldField<Field, Type>& boundaryCoeffs ( )

fvBoundary scalar field containing pseudo-matrix coeffs

for boundary cells

Definition at line 326 of file fvMatrix.H.

Referenced by gaussConvectionScheme< Type >::fvmDiv(), and gaussLaplacianScheme< Type, GType >::fvmLaplacianUncorrected().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ faceFluxCorrectionPtr()

SurfaceField<Type>*& faceFluxCorrectionPtr ( )

Return pointer to face-flux non-orthogonal correction field.

Definition at line 332 of file fvMatrix.H.

Referenced by gaussConvectionScheme< Type >::fvmDiv(), and gaussLaplacianScheme< Type, GType >::fvmLaplacian().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setValues() [1/2]

void setValues ( const labelUList cells,
const ListType< Type > &  values 

Set solution in given cells to the specified values.

and eliminate the corresponding equations from the matrix.

Definition at line 501 of file fvMatrix.C.

References forAll.

Referenced by fixedTemperatureConstraint::constrain(), epsilonWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField::manipulateMatrix(), omegaWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField::manipulateMatrix(), epsilonmWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField::manipulateMatrix(), and fixedInternalValueFvPatchField< Type >::manipulateMatrix().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setValues() [2/2]

void setValues ( const labelUList cells,
const ListType< Type > &  values,
const scalarList fractions,
const bool  hasDdt = true 

Set solution in given cells to the specified values.

and eliminate the corresponding equations from the matrix.

Definition at line 517 of file fvMatrix.C.

References alpha(), Foam::fvm::ddt(), lduMatrix::diag(), Foam::diag(), forAll, fractions(), and lduMatrix::hasDiag().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setReference()

void setReference ( const label  celli,
const Type &  value,
const bool  forceReference = false 

Set reference level for solution.

Definition at line 562 of file fvMatrix.C.

References Foam::diag().

Referenced by Foam::fv::CorrectPhi(), incompressibleDenseParticleFluid::correctPressure(), incompressibleFluid::correctPressure(), twoPhaseSolver::incompressiblePressureCorrector(), main(), and incompressibleMultiphaseVoF::pressureCorrector().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setComponentReference() [1/3]

void setComponentReference ( const label  patchi,
const label  facei,
const direction  cmpt,
const scalar  value 

Set reference level for a component of the solution.

on a given patch face

Definition at line 33 of file fvMatrixSolve.C.

References Foam::diag(), and patchi.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ relaxationFactor()

Foam::scalar relaxationFactor

Return the relaxation factor for this equation.

Definition at line 578 of file fvMatrix.C.

◆ relax() [1/2]

◆ relax() [2/2]

void relax

Relax matrix (for steady-state solution).

alpha is read from controlDict

Definition at line 755 of file fvMatrix.C.

References relax().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ boundaryManipulate()

void boundaryManipulate ( typename VolField< Type >::Boundary &  values)

Manipulate based on a boundary field.

Definition at line 762 of file fvMatrix.C.

References forAll, and patchi.

◆ solver() [1/4]

Construct and return the solver.

Use the given solver controls

◆ solver() [2/4]

Construct and return the solver.

Solver controls read from fvSolution

Definition at line 281 of file fvMatrixSolve.C.

◆ solve() [1/3]

Foam::SolverPerformance< Type > solve ( const dictionary solverControls)

◆ solveSegregated() [1/3]

Foam::SolverPerformance< Type > solveSegregated ( const dictionary solverControls)

Solve segregated returning the solution statistics.

Use the given solver controls

Definition at line 104 of file fvMatrixSolve.C.

References Field< Type >::component(), Foam::diag(), Foam::endl(), Foam::Info, Foam::compressible::New(), SolverPerformance< Type >::print(), psi, GeometricField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >::replace(), and SolverPerformance< Type >::solverName().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ solveCoupled()

Foam::SolverPerformance< Type > solveCoupled ( const dictionary solverControls)

Solve coupled returning the solution statistics.

Use the given solver controls

Definition at line 220 of file fvMatrixSolve.C.

References GeometricField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >::component(), Foam::diag(), Foam::endl(), Foam::Info, SolverPerformance< Type >::print(), and psi.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ solve() [2/3]

Foam::SolverPerformance< Type > solve ( const word name)

Solve segregated or coupled returning the solution statistics.

Solver controls read from fvSolution

Definition at line 317 of file fvMatrixSolve.C.

References Foam::name(), and fvMatrix< Type >::solve().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ solve() [3/3]

Foam::SolverPerformance< Type > solve

Solve returning the solution statistics.

Solver controls read from fvSolution

Definition at line 334 of file fvMatrixSolve.C.

Referenced by fvMatrix< Type >::solve().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ residual() [1/3]

Foam::tmp< Foam::Field< Type > > residual

Return the matrix residual.

Definition at line 355 of file fvMatrixSolve.C.

References fvMatrix< Type >::addBoundaryDiag(), fvMatrix< Type >::addBoundarySource(), Field< Type >::component(), tmp< T >::ref(), Field< Type >::replace(), and lduMatrix::residual().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ D()

Return the matrix scalar diagonal.

Definition at line 776 of file fvMatrix.C.

References Foam::diag(), and tmp< T >::ref().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ DD()

Foam::tmp< Foam::Field< Type > > DD

Return the matrix Type diagonal.

Definition at line 785 of file fvMatrix.C.

References fvPatchField< Type >::coupled(), Foam::diag(), forAll, patchi, tmp< T >::ref(), and List< T >::size().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ A()

Return the central coefficient.

Definition at line 809 of file fvMatrix.C.

References D, Foam::dimVol, GeometricField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >::New(), and tmp< T >::ref().

Referenced by meanVelocityForce::constrain(), incompressibleDenseParticleFluid::correctPressure(), main(), and compressibleVoF::thermophysicalPredictor().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Su()

Return the explicit source.

Definition at line 830 of file fvMatrix.C.

References Foam::dimVol, and DimensionedField< Type, GeoMesh >::New().

Referenced by compressibleVoF::alphaSuSp(), incompressibleDriftFlux::alphaSuSp(), and incompressibleVoF::alphaSuSp().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Sp()

Return the implicit source.

Definition at line 848 of file fvMatrix.C.

References Foam::diag(), Foam::dimVol, and DimensionedField< Type, GeoMesh >::New().

Referenced by compressibleVoF::alphaSuSp(), incompressibleDriftFlux::alphaSuSp(), and incompressibleVoF::alphaSuSp().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ H() [1/3]

◆ H1() [1/3]

◆ flux()

◆ operator=() [1/2]

void operator= ( const fvMatrix< Type > &  fvmv)

Definition at line 1043 of file fvMatrix.C.

References Foam::abort(), Foam::FatalError, FatalErrorInFunction, and lduMatrix::operator=().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator=() [2/2]

void operator= ( const tmp< fvMatrix< Type >> &  tfvmv)

Definition at line 1079 of file fvMatrix.C.

◆ negate()

void negate

Definition at line 1087 of file fvMatrix.C.

References lduMatrix::negate().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator+=() [1/7]

void operator+= ( const fvMatrix< Type > &  fvmv)

Definition at line 1102 of file fvMatrix.C.

References Foam::checkMethod(), and lduMatrix::operator+=().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator+=() [2/7]

void operator+= ( const tmp< fvMatrix< Type >> &  tfvmv)

Definition at line 1128 of file fvMatrix.C.

◆ operator-=() [1/7]

void operator-= ( const fvMatrix< Type > &  fvmv)

Definition at line 1136 of file fvMatrix.C.

References Foam::checkMethod(), and lduMatrix::operator-=().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator-=() [2/7]

void operator-= ( const tmp< fvMatrix< Type >> &  tfvmv)

Definition at line 1160 of file fvMatrix.C.

◆ operator+=() [3/7]

void operator+= ( const DimensionedField< Type, volMesh > &  su)

Definition at line 1168 of file fvMatrix.C.

References Foam::checkMethod().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator+=() [4/7]

void operator+= ( const tmp< DimensionedField< Type, volMesh >> &  tsu)

Definition at line 1179 of file fvMatrix.C.

◆ operator+=() [5/7]

void operator+= ( const tmp< VolField< Type >> &  tsu)

Definition at line 1190 of file fvMatrix.C.

◆ operator-=() [3/7]

void operator-= ( const DimensionedField< Type, volMesh > &  su)

Definition at line 1201 of file fvMatrix.C.

References Foam::checkMethod().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator-=() [4/7]

void operator-= ( const tmp< DimensionedField< Type, volMesh >> &  tsu)

Definition at line 1212 of file fvMatrix.C.

◆ operator-=() [5/7]

void operator-= ( const tmp< VolField< Type >> &  tsu)

Definition at line 1223 of file fvMatrix.C.

◆ operator+=() [6/7]

void operator+= ( const dimensioned< Type > &  su)

Definition at line 1234 of file fvMatrix.C.

References DimensionedField< Type, GeoMesh >::mesh(), and psi.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator-=() [6/7]

void operator-= ( const dimensioned< Type > &  su)

Definition at line 1244 of file fvMatrix.C.

References DimensionedField< Type, GeoMesh >::mesh(), and psi.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator+=() [7/7]

void operator+= ( const zero )

Definition at line 1254 of file fvMatrix.C.

◆ operator-=() [7/7]

void operator-= ( const zero )

Definition at line 1262 of file fvMatrix.C.

◆ operator*=() [1/4]

void operator*= ( const volScalarField::Internal dsf)

Definition at line 1270 of file fvMatrix.C.

References Foam::abort(), fvMatrix< Type >::dimensions(), Foam::FatalError, FatalErrorInFunction, forAll, lduMatrix::operator*=(), and patchi.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator*=() [2/4]

void operator*= ( const tmp< volScalarField::Internal > &  tdsf)

Definition at line 1300 of file fvMatrix.C.

◆ operator*=() [3/4]

void operator*= ( const tmp< volScalarField > &  tvsf)

Definition at line 1311 of file fvMatrix.C.

◆ operator*=() [4/4]

void operator*= ( const dimensioned< scalar > &  ds)

Definition at line 1322 of file fvMatrix.C.

References fvMatrix< Type >::dimensions(), and lduMatrix::operator*=().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator/=() [1/4]

void operator/= ( const volScalarField::Internal dsf)

Definition at line 1341 of file fvMatrix.C.

References Foam::abort(), fvMatrix< Type >::dimensions(), Foam::FatalError, FatalErrorInFunction, forAll, lduMatrix::operator/=(), and patchi.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator/=() [2/4]

void operator/= ( const tmp< volScalarField::Internal > &  tdsf)

Definition at line 1371 of file fvMatrix.C.

◆ operator/=() [3/4]

void operator/= ( const tmp< volScalarField > &  tvsf)

Definition at line 1382 of file fvMatrix.C.

◆ operator/=() [4/4]

void operator/= ( const dimensioned< scalar > &  ds)

Definition at line 1393 of file fvMatrix.C.

References fvMatrix< Type >::dimensions(), and lduMatrix::operator/=().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setComponentReference() [2/3]

void setComponentReference ( const label  patchi,
const label  facei,
const  direction,
const scalar  value 

Definition at line 33 of file fvScalarMatrix.C.

References Foam::diag(), and patchi.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ solver() [3/4]

Foam::autoPtr< Foam::fvMatrix< Foam::scalar >::fvSolver > solver ( const dictionary solverControls)

Definition at line 58 of file fvScalarMatrix.C.

References Foam::diag(), Foam::endl(), Foam::Info, and Foam::compressible::New().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ solveSegregated() [2/3]

◆ residual() [2/3]

Foam::tmp< Foam::scalarField > residual ( ) const

Definition at line 188 of file fvScalarMatrix.C.

References fvMatrix< Type >::addBoundaryDiag(), fvMatrix< Type >::addBoundarySource(), tmp< T >::ref(), and lduMatrix::residual().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ H() [2/3]

◆ H1() [2/3]

◆ setComponentReference() [3/3]

void setComponentReference ( const label  patchi,
const label  facei,
const  direction,
const scalar  value 

◆ solver() [4/4]

autoPtr< fvMatrix< scalar >::fvSolver > solver ( const dictionary )

◆ solveSegregated() [3/3]

solverPerformance solveSegregated ( const dictionary )

◆ residual() [3/3]

tmp< scalarField > residual ( ) const

◆ H() [3/3]

tmp< volScalarField > H ( ) const

◆ H1() [3/3]

tmp< volScalarField > H1 ( ) const

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ fvSolver

friend class fvSolver

Declare friendship with the fvSolver class.

Definition at line 147 of file fvMatrix.H.

◆ operator& [1/4]

tmp<VolField<Type> > operator& ( const fvMatrix< Type > &  ,
const DimensionedField< Type, volMesh > &   

◆ operator& [2/4]

tmp<VolField<Type> > operator& ( const fvMatrix< Type > &  ,
const tmp< VolField< Type >> &   

◆ operator& [3/4]

tmp<VolField<Type> > operator& ( const tmp< fvMatrix< Type >> &  ,
const DimensionedField< Type, volMesh > &   

◆ operator& [4/4]

tmp<VolField<Type> > operator& ( const tmp< fvMatrix< Type >> &  ,
const tmp< VolField< Type >> &   

◆ operator

Ostream& operator ( Ostream ,
const fvMatrix< Type > &   

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