class | boundedConvectionScheme |
| Bounded form of the selected convection scheme. More...
class | convectionScheme |
| Abstract base class for convection schemes. More...
class | gaussConvectionScheme |
| Basic second-order convection using face-gradients and Gauss' theorem. More...
class | multivariateGaussConvectionScheme |
| Basic second-order convection using face-gradients and Gauss' theorem. More...
class | d2dt2Scheme |
| Abstract base class for d2dt2 schemes. More...
class | EulerD2dt2Scheme |
| First-order Euler implicit d2dt2 using the current and two previous time-step values. More...
class | steadyStateD2dt2Scheme |
| SteadyState d2dt2 which returns 0. More...
class | backwardDdtScheme |
| Second-order backward-differencing ddt using the current and two previous time-step values. More...
class | boundedDdtScheme |
| Bounded form of the selected ddt scheme. More...
class | CoEulerDdtScheme |
| Courant number limited first-order Euler implicit/explicit ddt. More...
class | CrankNicolsonDdtScheme |
| Second-oder Crank-Nicolson implicit ddt using the current and previous time-step fields as well as the previous time-step ddt. More...
class | ddtScheme |
| Abstract base class for ddt schemes. More...
class | EulerDdtScheme |
| Basic first-order Euler implicit/explicit ddt using only the current and previous time-step values. More...
class | localEulerDdt |
class | localEulerDdtScheme |
| Local time-step first-order Euler implicit/explicit ddt. More...
class | SLTSDdtScheme |
| Stabilised local time-step first-order Euler implicit/explicit ddt. The time-step is adjusted locally so that an advective equations remains diagonally dominant. More...
class | steadyStateDdtScheme |
| SteadyState implicit/explicit ddt which returns 0. More...
class | divScheme |
| Abstract base class for div schemes. More...
class | gaussDivScheme |
| Basic second-order div using face interpolated values and Gauss' theorem. More...
class | fourthGrad |
| Second-order gradient scheme using least-squares. More...
class | gaussGrad |
| Basic second-order gradient scheme using face-interpolation and Gauss' theorem. More...
class | gradScheme |
| Abstract base class for gradient schemes. More...
class | leastSquaresGrad |
| Second-order gradient scheme using least-squares. More...
class | LeastSquaresGrad |
| Gradient calculated using weighted least-squares on an arbitrary stencil. The stencil type is provided via a template argument and any cell-based stencil is supported: More...
class | LeastSquaresVectors |
| Least-squares gradient scheme vectors. More...
class | cellLimitedGrad |
| cellLimitedGrad gradient scheme applied to a runTime selected base gradient scheme. More...
class | cellMDLimitedGrad |
| cellMDLimitedGrad gradient scheme applied to a runTime selected base gradient scheme. More...
class | faceLimitedGrad |
| faceLimitedGrad gradient scheme applied to a runTime selected base gradient scheme. More...
class | faceMDLimitedGrad |
| faceMDLimitedGrad gradient scheme applied to a runTime selected base gradient scheme. More...
class | gaussLaplacianScheme |
| Basic second-order laplacian using face-gradients and Gauss' theorem. More...
class | laplacianScheme |
| Abstract base class for laplacian schemes. More...
class | CentredFitSnGradScheme |
| Centred fit snGrad scheme which applies an explicit correction to snGrad. More...
class | correctedSnGrad |
| Simple central-difference snGrad scheme with non-orthogonal correction. More...
class | faceCorrectedSnGrad |
| Simple central-difference snGrad scheme with non-orthogonal correction. More...
class | limitedSnGrad |
| Run-time selected snGrad scheme with limited non-orthogonal correction. More...
class | orthogonalSnGrad |
| Simple central-difference snGrad scheme using the cell-centre to cell-centre delta-coefficients. More...
class | phaseStabilisedSnGrad |
| snGrad scheme with phase-fraction limited non-orthogonal correction. More...
class | snGradScheme |
| Abstract base class for snGrad schemes. More...
class | uncorrectedSnGrad |
| Simple central-difference snGrad scheme using the non-orthogonal mesh delta-coefficients but without non-orthogonal correction. More...
class | bound |
| Bound the specified scalar field where it is below the specified minimum. More...
class | fixedTemperature |
| Fixed temperature equation constraint. More...
class | fixedValueConstraint |
| Constrain the field values within a specified region. More...
class | limitMag |
| Limits the magnitude of the specified field to the specified max value. More...
class | limitPressure |
| Limits the specified pressure field to be between specified minimum and maximum limits. More...
class | limitTemperature |
| Limits the temperature to be between minimum and maximum values. More...
class | meanVelocityForce |
| Calculates and applies the force necessary to maintain the specified mean velocity. More...
class | patchMeanVelocityForce |
| Calculates and applies the force necessary to maintain the specified mean velocity averaged over the specified patch. More...
class | zeroDimensionalFixedPressureConstraint |
| Zero-dimensional fixed pressure constraint. Should be used in conjunction with the zeroDimensionalFixedPressureModel. More...
class | zeroDimensionalFixedPressureModel |
| Zero-dimensional fixed pressure source. Should be used in conjunction with the zeroDimensionalFixedPressureConstraint. More...
class | acceleration |
| This fvModel applies an explicit acceleration force to components of the velocity field. More...
class | actuationDisk |
| Actuation disk source. More...
class | buoyancyEnergy |
| Calculates and applies the buoyancy energy source rho*(U&g) to the energy equation. More...
class | buoyancyForce |
| Calculates and applies the buoyancy force rho*g to the momentum equation corresponding to the specified velocity field. More...
class | codedFvModel |
| Constructs on-the-fly fvModel source from user-supplied code. More...
class | effectivenessHeatExchanger |
| Heat exchanger model, based on an effectiveness. More...
class | heatSource |
| Model for applying a heat source. Requires either the power, Q, or the power per unit volume, q, to be specified. More...
class | massSource |
| This fvModel applies a mass source to the continuity equation and to all field equations. It can be applied to compressible solvers, such as fluid, isothermalFluid, compressibleVoF and multiphaseEuler. For incompressible solvers, use the volumeSource model instead. More...
class | massSourceBase |
| Base class for mass source models. More...
class | coefficientMassTransfer |
| This simple model generates a mass transfer between two phases calculated from the following expression: More...
class | massTransfer |
| Base class for mass transfers between phases. More...
class | coefficientPhaseChange |
| This simple model generates a phase change between two phases calculated from the following expression: More...
class | multicomponentPhaseChange |
| Base class for phase change models in which multiple components may change phase. This can only be applied between multicomponent phases. More...
class | phaseChange |
| Base class for phase change models. More...
class | singleComponentPhaseChange |
| Base class for phase change models in which only a single component changes phase. Can be applied to any combination of pure and multicomponent phases. If either phase is multicomponent, then a single specie must be identified as the one that changes phase. More...
class | phaseLimitStabilisation |
| Stabilisation source for phase transport equations. More...
class | porosityForce |
| This model applies the force exerted on the fluid by a porous media. More...
class | radialActuationDisk |
| Actuation disk source including radial thrust. More...
class | semiImplicitSource |
| Semi-implicit source, described using an input dictionary. The injection rate coefficients are specified as pairs of Su-Sp coefficients, i.e. More...
class | sixDoFAcceleration |
| Solid-body 6-DoF acceleration source. More...
class | solidificationMelting |
| This source is designed to model the effect of solidification and melting processes, e.g. windshield defrosting. More...
class | solidThermalEquilibrium |
| This fvModel adds the thermal inertia of a solid phase into the energy equation. It assumes that the solid is in thermal equilibrium with the surrounding fluid phase. More...
class | viscousHeating |
| Applies the viscous heating source to the total energy equation. More...
class | volumeBlockage |
| This fvModel adds transport terms into the equations to account for the presence of a constant volume fraction. The volume fraction is read from constant/alpha.<volumePhase>, where <volumePhase> is given as a parameter to the fvModel. Both advective and diffusive terms are added, and the resulting solution is time-accurate. The flux and velocity are treated as superficial. More...
class | volumeSource |
| This fvModel applies a volume source to the continuity equation and to all field equations. It can be applied to incompressible solvers, such as incompressibleFluid and incompressibleVoF. For compressible solvers, use the massSource model instead. More...
class | zeroDimensionalMassSource |
| This fvModel applies a mass source to the continuity equation and to all field equations, in a zero-dimensional case. Correction is made to account for the mass that exits the domain due to expansion in space, so that the model correctly applies a total mass flow rate. More...
class | zeroDimensionalMassSourceBase |
| Base class for zero-dimensional mass source models. More...
class | heatTransfer |
| Model for heat exchange. Requires specification of an ambient temperature with which to exchange heat, and a model for the heat transfer coefficient (htc) and the area per unit volume (Av). These are then used to apply the following source to the energy equation: More...
class | heatTransferAv |
| Class to handle area per unit volume [1/m] (Av) for heat transfer fvModels, which must be provided as a value in the coefficients dictionary or as a field in constant. More...
class | heatTransferCoefficientModel |
| Base class for heat transfer coefficient modelling used in heat transfer fvModels. More...
class | interRegionHeatTransfer |
| Model for inter-region heat exchange. Requires specification of a model for the heat transfer coefficient (htc) and the area per unit volume (Av). These are then used to apply the following source to the energy equation: More...
class | interRegionModel |
| Base class for inter-region exchange. More...
class | interRegionPorosityForce |
| This model applies the force exerted on the fluid by a porous media, the extent of which is defined by an overlapping region. More...
class | propellerDisk |
| Disk momentum source which approximates a propeller based on a given propeller curve. More...
class | rotorDisk |
| Cell based momentum source which approximates the mean effects of rotor forces on a cylindrical region within the domain. More...
class | clouds |
| This fvModel adds any number of Lagrangian clouds to any single-phase solver. The particles are tracked through, and exchange sources with, the Eulerian flow field. More...
class | radiation |
| Calculates and applies the radiation source to the energy equation. More...
class | OUForce |
| Calculates and applies the random OU (Ornstein-Uhlenbeck) process force to the momentum equation for direct numerical simulation of boxes of isotropic turbulence. More...
class | forcing |
| Base fvModel for forcing functions. More...
class | isotropicDamping |
| This fvModel applies an implicit forcing force to all components of the vector field to relax the field towards a specified uniform value. Its intended purpose is to damp the motions of an interface in the region approaching an outlet so that no reflections are generated. More...
class | verticalDamping |
| This fvModel applies an explicit forcing force to components of the vector field in the direction of gravity. Its intended purpose is to damp the vertical motions of an interface in the region approaching an outlet so that no reflections are generated. More...
class | waveForcing |
| This fvModel applies forcing to the liquid phase-fraction field and all components of the vector field to relax the fields towards those calculated from the current wave distribution. More...
class | VoFClouds |
| Lagrangian clouds model for VoF simulations. More...
class | VoFSolidificationMelting |
| Solidification and melting model for VoF simulations. More...
class | VoFCavitation |
| Cavitation fvModel. More...
class | VoFTurbulenceDamping |
| Free-surface turbulence damping function. More...
class | filmGaussGrad |
| Second-order Gauss gradient scheme for film. More...
class | filmCloudTransfer |
| Film<->cloud transfer model. More...
class | filmVoFTransfer |
| Film<->VoF transfer model. More...
class | VoFFilmTransfer |
| Film<->VoF transfer model. More...
class | interfaceTurbulenceDamping |
| Free-surface phase turbulence damping function. More...
class | homogeneousCondensation |
| Model for the homogeneous nucleation of liquid droplets out of a gaseous mixture. More...
class | homogeneousLiquidPhaseSeparation |
| Model for the homogeneous nucleation of a solid or liquid phase separating out of a liquid solution. More...
class | nucleation |
| Mix-in interface for nucleation models. Provides access to properties of the nucleation process, such as diameter and rate of production of nuclei. More...
class | phaseTurbulenceStabilisation |
| Phase turbulence stabilisation. More...
template<class RAUfType > |
void | CorrectPhi (surfaceScalarField &phi, const volVectorField &U, const volScalarField &p, const RAUfType &rAU, const autoPtr< volScalarField > &divU, const pressureReference &pressureReference, nonOrthogonalSolutionControl &pcorrControl) |
template<class RAUfType > |
void | CorrectPhi (surfaceScalarField &phi, const volScalarField &p, const volScalarField &psi, const RAUfType &rAU, const volScalarField &divRhoU, nonOrthogonalSolutionControl &pcorrControl) |
void | correctPhi (surfaceScalarField &phi, const volVectorField &U, const volScalarField &p, const autoPtr< volScalarField > &rAU, const autoPtr< volScalarField > &divU, const pressureReference &pressureReference, nonOrthogonalSolutionControl &pcorrControl) |
void | correctPhi (surfaceScalarField &phi, const volScalarField &p, const volScalarField &psi, const autoPtr< volScalarField > &rAU, const volScalarField &divRhoU, nonOrthogonalSolutionControl &pcorrControl) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (convectionScheme< scalar >, Istream) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (convectionScheme< scalar >, Multivariate) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (convectionScheme< vector >, Istream) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (convectionScheme< vector >, Multivariate) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (convectionScheme< sphericalTensor >, Istream) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (convectionScheme< sphericalTensor >, Multivariate) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (convectionScheme< symmTensor >, Istream) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (convectionScheme< symmTensor >, Multivariate) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (convectionScheme< tensor >, Istream) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (convectionScheme< tensor >, Multivariate) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (d2dt2Scheme< scalar >, Istream) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (d2dt2Scheme< vector >, Istream) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (d2dt2Scheme< sphericalTensor >, Istream) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (d2dt2Scheme< symmTensor >, Istream) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (d2dt2Scheme< tensor >, Istream) |
template<class Type > |
const FieldField< fvPatchField, Type > & | ff (const FieldField< fvPatchField, Type > &bf) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (ddtScheme< scalar >, Istream) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (ddtScheme< vector >, Istream) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (ddtScheme< sphericalTensor >, Istream) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (ddtScheme< symmTensor >, Istream) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (ddtScheme< tensor >, Istream) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (divScheme< vector >, Istream) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (divScheme< sphericalTensor >, Istream) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (divScheme< symmTensor >, Istream) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (divScheme< tensor >, Istream) |
| NamespaceName ("fv") |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (gradScheme< scalar >, Istream) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (gradScheme< vector >, Istream) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (laplacianSchemescalarscalar, Istream) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (laplacianSchemescalarsymmTensor, Istream) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (laplacianSchemescalartensor, Istream) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (laplacianSchemevectorscalar, Istream) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (laplacianSchemevectorsymmTensor, Istream) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (laplacianSchemevectortensor, Istream) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (laplacianSchemesphericalTensorscalar, Istream) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (laplacianSchemesphericalTensorsymmTensor, Istream) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (laplacianSchemesphericalTensortensor, Istream) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (laplacianSchemesymmTensorscalar, Istream) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (laplacianSchemesymmTensorsymmTensor, Istream) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (laplacianSchemesymmTensortensor, Istream) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (laplacianSchemetensorscalar, Istream) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (laplacianSchemetensorsymmTensor, Istream) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (laplacianSchemetensortensor, Istream) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (snGradScheme< scalar >, Mesh) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (snGradScheme< vector >, Mesh) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (snGradScheme< sphericalTensor >, Mesh) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (snGradScheme< symmTensor >, Mesh) |
| defineTemplateRunTimeSelectionTable (snGradScheme< tensor >, Mesh) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (bound, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvConstraint, bound, dictionary) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (fixedTemperature, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvConstraint, fixedTemperature, dictionary) |
| addBackwardCompatibleToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvConstraint, fixedTemperature, dictionary, fixedTemperatureConstraint, "fixedTemperatureConstraint") |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (fixedValueConstraint, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvConstraint, fixedValueConstraint, dictionary) |
| addBackwardCompatibleToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvConstraint, fixedValueConstraint, dictionary, fixedValueConstraint, "fixedValueConstraint") |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (limitMag, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvConstraint, limitMag, dictionary) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (limitPressure, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvConstraint, limitPressure, dictionary) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (limitTemperature, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvConstraint, limitTemperature, dictionary) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (meanVelocityForce, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvConstraint, meanVelocityForce, dictionary) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (patchMeanVelocityForce, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvConstraint, patchMeanVelocityForce, dictionary) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (zeroDimensionalFixedPressureConstraint, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvConstraint, zeroDimensionalFixedPressureConstraint, dictionary) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (zeroDimensionalFixedPressureModel, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, zeroDimensionalFixedPressureModel, dictionary) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (acceleration, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, acceleration, dictionary) |
| addBackwardCompatibleToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, acceleration, dictionary, accelerationSource, "accelerationSource") |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (actuationDisk, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, actuationDisk, dictionary) |
| addBackwardCompatibleToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, actuationDisk, dictionary, actuationDiskSource, "actuationDiskSource") |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (buoyancyEnergy, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, buoyancyEnergy, dictionary) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (buoyancyForce, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, buoyancyForce, dictionary) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (codedFvModel, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, codedFvModel, dictionary) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (effectivenessHeatExchanger, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, effectivenessHeatExchanger, dictionary) |
| addBackwardCompatibleToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, effectivenessHeatExchanger, dictionary, effectivenessHeatExchangerSource, "effectivenessHeatExchangerSource") |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (heatSource, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, heatSource, dictionary) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (massSource, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, massSource, dictionary) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (massSourceBase, 0) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (coefficientMassTransfer, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, coefficientMassTransfer, dictionary) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (massTransfer, 0) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (coefficientPhaseChange, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, coefficientPhaseChange, dictionary) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (multicomponentPhaseChange, 0) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (phaseChange, 0) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (singleComponentPhaseChange, 0) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (phaseLimitStabilisation, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, phaseLimitStabilisation, dictionary) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (porosityForce, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, porosityForce, dictionary) |
| addBackwardCompatibleToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, porosityForce, dictionary, explicitPorositySource, "explicitPorositySource") |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (radialActuationDisk, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, radialActuationDisk, dictionary) |
| addBackwardCompatibleToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, radialActuationDisk, dictionary, radialActuationDiskSource, "radialActuationDiskSource") |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (semiImplicitSource, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, semiImplicitSource, dictionary) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (sixDoFAcceleration, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, sixDoFAcceleration, dictionary) |
| addBackwardCompatibleToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, sixDoFAcceleration, dictionary, sixDoFAccelerationSource, "sixDoFAccelerationSource") |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (solidificationMelting, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, solidificationMelting, dictionary) |
| addBackwardCompatibleToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, solidificationMelting, dictionary, solidificationMeltingSource, "solidificationMeltingSource") |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (solidThermalEquilibrium, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, solidThermalEquilibrium, dictionary) |
| addBackwardCompatibleToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, solidThermalEquilibrium, dictionary, solidEquilibriumEnergySource, "solidEquilibriumEnergySource") |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (viscousHeating, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, viscousHeating, dictionary) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (volumeBlockage, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, volumeBlockage, dictionary) |
| addBackwardCompatibleToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, volumeBlockage, dictionary, volumeFractionSource, "volumeFractionSource") |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (volumeSource, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, volumeSource, dictionary) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (zeroDimensionalMassSource, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, zeroDimensionalMassSource, dictionary) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (zeroDimensionalMassSourceBase, 0) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (heatTransfer, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, heatTransfer, dictionary) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (heatTransferCoefficientModel, 0) |
| defineRunTimeSelectionTable (heatTransferCoefficientModel, mesh) |
| defineRunTimeSelectionTable (heatTransferCoefficientModel, model) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (interRegionHeatTransfer, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, interRegionHeatTransfer, dictionary) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (interRegionModel, 0) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (interRegionPorosityForce, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, interRegionPorosityForce, dictionary) |
| addBackwardCompatibleToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, interRegionPorosityForce, dictionary, interRegionExplicitPorositySource, "interRegionExplicitPorositySource") |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (propellerDisk, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, propellerDisk, dictionary) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (rotorDisk, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, rotorDisk, dictionary) |
| addBackwardCompatibleToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, rotorDisk, dictionary, rotorDiskSource, "rotorDiskSource") |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (clouds, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, clouds, dictionary) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (radiation, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, radiation, dictionary) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (OUForce, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, OUForce, dictionary) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (forcing, 0) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (isotropicDamping, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, isotropicDamping, dictionary) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (verticalDamping, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, verticalDamping, dictionary) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (waveForcing, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, waveForcing, dictionary) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (VoFClouds, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, VoFClouds, dictionary) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (VoFSolidificationMelting, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, VoFSolidificationMelting, dictionary) |
| addBackwardCompatibleToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, VoFSolidificationMelting, dictionary, VoFSolidificationMeltingSource, "VoFSolidificationMeltingSource") |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (VoFCavitation, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, VoFCavitation, dictionary) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (VoFTurbulenceDamping, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, VoFTurbulenceDamping, dictionary) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (filmCloudTransfer, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, filmCloudTransfer, dictionary) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (filmVoFTransfer, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, filmVoFTransfer, dictionary) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (VoFFilmTransfer, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, VoFFilmTransfer, dictionary) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (interfaceTurbulenceDamping, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, interfaceTurbulenceDamping, dictionary) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (homogeneousCondensation, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, homogeneousCondensation, dictionary) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (homogeneousLiquidPhaseSeparation, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, homogeneousLiquidPhaseSeparation, dictionary) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (nucleation, 0) |
| defineTypeNameAndDebug (phaseTurbulenceStabilisation, 0) |
| addToRunTimeSelectionTable (fvModel, phaseTurbulenceStabilisation, dictionary) |
Namespace for finite-volume.