file | alphaCourantNo.H [code] |
| Calculates and outputs the mean and maximum Courant Numbers.
file | alphaEqn.H [code] |
file | alphaEqnSubCycle.H [code] |
file | correctPhi.H [code] |
file | createFields.H [code] |
file | interFoam.C [code] |
| Solver for 2 incompressible, isothermal immiscible fluids using a VOF (volume of fluid) phase-fraction based interface capturing approach.
file | pEqn.H [code] |
file | setDeltaT.H [code] |
| Reset the timestep to maintain a constant maximum courant Number. Reduction of time-step is immediate, but increase is damped to avoid unstable oscillations.
file | setRDeltaT.H [code] |
file | UEqn.H [code] |