▼NCGAL | |
NindexedCellOps | |
NindexedVertexOps | |
▼NFoam | Namespace for OpenFOAM |
NaspectRatioModels | |
NAveragingMethods | |
NblendingMethods | |
NcombustionModels | |
NcompressibilityModels | Namespace for compressibility models |
►Ncompressible | |
►Nconstant | Collection of constants |
NCorrectionLimitingMethods | |
NDampingModels | |
Ndebug | Namespace for handling debugging switches |
NdecompositionConstraints | |
NDelaunayMeshTools | |
►NdiameterModels | |
NdistributionModels | |
NdragModels | |
NenergyScalingFunctions | |
NextrudeModels | |
NfaceSelections | |
NfileFormats | |
NfoamyHexMeshChecks | |
NFunction1Types | |
NfunctionEntries | Namespace for containing a functionEntry |
►NfunctionObjects | Namespace for functionObjects |
Nfv | Namespace for finite-volume |
Nfvc | Namespace of functions to calculate explicit derivatives |
Nfvm | Namespace of functions to calculate implicit derivatives returning a matrix |
NheatTransferModels | |
NhelpTypes | |
►Nincompressible | |
NinterfaceCompositionModels | |
NIsotropyModels | |
►NkineticTheoryModels | |
NlaminarFlameSpeedModels | Namespace for laminar flame speed models |
NLESModels | Namespace for LES SGS models |
NliftModels | |
NlimitFuncs | Namespace for limiting functions |
NListListOps | Various utility functions to work on Lists of Lists (usually resulting from 'gather'ing and combining information from individual processors) |
NmassTransferModels | |
NmeshReaders | A namespace for holding various types of mesh readers |
NmeshTools | Collection of static functions to do various simple mesh related things |
NmeshWriters | A namespace for holding various types of mesh writers |
NmixtureViscosityModels | A namespace for incompressible mixtureViscosityModel implementations |
NPackingModels | |
NpairPotentials | |
NParticleStressModels | |
NpatchDistMethods | |
NPDRDragModels | |
NphaseChangeTwoPhaseMixtures | |
NpolyMeshTools | Collection of static functions operating on polyMesh (mainly checks) so that need access to patch information |
NporosityModels | |
NPOSIX | OS-specific functions implemented in POSIX |
NprimitiveMeshTools | Collection of static functions operating on primitiveMesh (mainly checks) |
NPstreamGlobals | Global functions and variables for working with parallel streams, but principally for mpi |
Nradiation | Namespace for radiation modelling |
NRASModels | |
►NRBD | |
NreactionRateFlameAreaModels | |
►NregionModels | |
NrelativeVelocityModels | |
NsaturationModels | |
NsixDoFRigidBodyMotionConstraints | Namespace for six DoF motion constraints |
NsixDoFRigidBodyMotionRestraints | Namespace for six DoF motion restraints |
NsixDoFSolvers | |
NsolidBodyMotionFunctions | Namespace for solid-body motions |
Nspecies | |
NSRF | Namespace for single rotating frame (SRF) models |
NstringOps | Collection of static functions to do various simple string-related operations |
NsurfaceTensionModels | |
NswarmCorrections | |
NtabulatedWallFunctions | |
NtetherPotentials | |
NTimeScaleModels | |
NturbulentDispersionModels | |
NvectorTools | Collection of functions for testing relationships between two vectors |
NvirtualMassModels | |
NviscosityModels | A namespace for various incompressible viscosityModel implementations |
NvtkPV3Readers | A collection of helper functions when building a reader interface in ParaView3 |
NvtkPVReaders | A collection of helper functions when building a reader interface in ParaView3 |
NwallDampingModels | |
NwallLubricationModels | |
NXiEqModels | |
NXiGModels | |
NXiModels |