37 #ifndef GAMGAgglomeration_H 38 #define GAMGAgglomeration_H 56 class GAMGProcAgglomeration;
64 public MeshObject<lduMesh, GeometricMeshObject, GAMGAgglomeration>
186 const label allMeshComm,
187 const label levelIndex
198 const label levelIndex
325 return meshLevels_.
343 return restrictAddressing_[leveli];
349 return faceRestrictAddressing_[leveli];
355 return patchFaceRestrictAddressing_[leveli];
361 return faceFlipMap_[leveli];
367 return nCells_[leveli];
373 return nFaces_[leveli];
380 return nPatchFaces_[leveli];
392 const label fineLevelIndex,
393 const bool procAgglom
402 const label fineLevelIndex
420 const label coarseLevelIndex,
421 const bool procAgglom
447 return procAgglomeratorPtr_.
autoPtr< GAMGProcAgglomeration > procAgglomeratorPtr_
PtrList< labelListList > procBoundaryMap_
Mapping from processor to procMeshLevel boundary.
PtrList< labelListList > procFaceMap_
Mapping from processor to procMeshLevel face.
intWM_LABEL_SIZE_t label
A label is an int32_t or int64_t as specified by the pre-processor macro WM_LABEL_SIZE.
PtrList< labelListList > patchFaceRestrictAddressing_
Patch-local face restriction addressing array.
const labelList & procAgglomMap(const label fineLeveli) const
Mapping from processor to agglomerated processor (global, all.
bool hasProcMesh(const label fineLeveli) const
Check that level has combined mesh.
A list of keyword definitions, which are a keyword followed by any number of values (e...
PtrList< labelListListList > procBoundaryFaceMap_
Mapping from processor to procMeshLevel boundary face.
Runtime type information.
PtrList< labelList > procCellOffsets_
Mapping from processor to procMeshLevel cells.
bool hasMeshLevel(const label leveli) const
Do we have mesh for given level?
Abstract base class for meshes which provide LDU addressing for the construction of lduMatrix and LDU...
static const GAMGAgglomeration & New(const lduMesh &mesh, const dictionary &controlDict)
Return the selected geometric agglomerator.
static int & msgType()
Message tag of standard messages.
bool processorAgglomerate() const
Whether to agglomerate across processors.
const lduMesh & meshLevel(const label leveli) const
Return LDU mesh of given level.
const labelList & cellOffsets(const label fineLeveli) const
Mapping from processor to procMesh cells.
void procAgglomerateLduAddressing(const label comm, const labelList &procAgglomMap, const labelList &procIDs, const label allMeshComm, const label levelIndex)
Collect and combine processor meshes into allMesh:
PtrList< labelList > faceRestrictAddressing_
Face restriction addressing array.
label nFaces(const label leveli) const
Return number of coarse faces (before processor agglomeration)
PtrList< labelList > nPatchFaces_
The number of (coarse) patch faces in each level.
static bool checkRestriction(labelList &newRestrict, label &nNewCoarse, const lduAddressing &fineAddressing, const labelUList &restrict, const label nCoarse)
Given restriction determines if coarse cells are connected.
void clearLevel(const label leveli)
const labelList & faceRestrictAddressing(const label leveli) const
Return face restrict addressing of given level.
PtrList< labelList > agglomProcIDs_
Per level the set of processors to agglomerate. Element 0 is.
const labelList & nPatchFaces(const label leveli) const
Return number of coarse patch faces (before processor.
labelList procCommunicator_
Communicator for given level.
Templated abstract base-class for optional mesh objects used to automate their allocation to the mesh...
const labelListList & faceMap(const label fineLeveli) const
Mapping from processor to procMesh face.
const lduInterfacePtrsList meshInterfaces_
Cached mesh interfaces.
const labelListList & patchFaceRestrictAddressing(const label leveli) const
label nCells(const label leveli) const
Return number of coarse cells (before processor agglomeration)
PtrList< lduPrimitiveMesh > meshLevels_
Hierarchy of mesh addressing.
const label nCellsInCoarsestLevel_
Number of cells in coarsest level.
labelList nCells_
The number of cells in each level.
const labelField & restrictAddressing(const label leveli) const
Return cell restrict addressing of given level.
labelList nFaces_
The number of (coarse) faces in each level.
const labelListListList & boundaryFaceMap(const label fineLeveli) const
Mapping from processor to procMesh boundary face.
bool valid() const
Return true if the autoPtr valid (ie, the pointer is set).
A 1D vector of objects of type <T>, where the size of the vector is known and can be used for subscri...
PtrList< labelField > restrictAddressing_
Cell restriction addressing array.
void agglomerateLduAddressing(const label fineLevelIndex)
Assemble coarse mesh addressing.
const label maxLevels_
Max number of levels.
const lduInterfacePtrsList & interfaceLevel(const label leveli) const
Return LDU interface addressing of given level.
Specialisations of Field<T> for scalar, vector and tensor.
lduMatrix is a general matrix class in which the coefficients are stored as three arrays...
void prolongField(Field< Type > &ff, const Field< Type > &cf, const label coarseLevelIndex, const bool procAgglom) const
Prolong (interpolate by injection) cell field.
static void gatherList(const label comm, const labelList &procIDs, const Type &myVal, List< Type > &allVals, const int tag=Pstream::msgType())
Gather value from all procIDs onto procIDs[0].
void procAgglomerateRestrictAddressing(const label comm, const labelList &procIDs, const label levelIndex)
Collect and combine basic restriction addressing:
A templated 1D list of pointers to objects of type <T>, where the size of the array is known and used...
Processor agglomeration of GAMGAgglomerations.
PtrList< labelList > procAgglomMap_
Per level, per processor the processor it agglomerates into.
declareRunTimeSelectionTable(autoPtr, GAMGAgglomeration, lduMesh,(const lduMesh &mesh, const dictionary &controlDict),(mesh, controlDict))
Runtime selection table for pure geometric agglomerators.
void restrictFaceField(Field< Type > &cf, const Field< Type > &ff, const label fineLevelIndex) const
Restrict (integrate by summation) face field.
An auto-pointer similar to the STL auto_ptr but with automatic casting to a reference to the type and...
The class contains the addressing required by the lduMatrix: upper, lower and losort.
bool continueAgglomerating(const label nCoarseCells) const
Check the need for further agglomeration.
PtrList< boolList > faceFlipMap_
Face flip: for faces mapped to internal faces stores whether.
Macros to ease declaration of run-time selection tables.
label procCommunicator(const label fineLeveli) const
Communicator for current level or -1.
const labelListList & boundaryMap(const label fineLeveli) const
Mapping from processor to procMesh boundary.
void restrictField(Field< Type > &cf, const Field< Type > &ff, const label fineLevelIndex, const bool procAgglom) const
Restrict (integrate by summation) cell field.
Geometric agglomerated algebraic multigrid agglomeration class.
const boolList & faceFlipMap(const label leveli) const
Return face flip map of given level.
static void calculateRegionMaster(const label comm, const labelList &procAgglomMap, labelList &masterProcs, List< label > &agglomProcIDs)
Given fine to coarse processor map determine:
void combineLevels(const label curLevel)
Combine a level with the previous one.
const FieldField< fvPatchField, Type > & ff(const FieldField< fvPatchField, Type > &bf)
const labelList & agglomProcIDs(const label fineLeveli) const
Set of processors to agglomerate. Element 0 is the.
label size() const
Return the number of elements in the UPtrList.
void compactLevels(const label nCreatedLevels)
Shrink the number of levels to that specified.