Macros for easy insertion into run-time selection tables.
A pointPatch based on a polyPatch.
A patch is a list of labels that address the faces in the global face list.
Processor patch boundary needs to be such that the ordering of points in the patch is the same on bot...
virtual ~processorCyclicPointPatch()
processorCyclicPointPatch(const polyPatch &patch, const pointBoundaryMesh &bm)
Construct from components.
Neighbour processor patch.
Processor patch boundary needs to be such that the ordering of points in the patch is the same on bot...
addToRunTimeSelectionTable(polyPatch, mergedCyclicPolyPatch, word)
To & refCast(From &r)
Reference type cast template function.
defineTypeNameAndDebug(combustionModel, 0)