43 #ifndef SchnerrSauer_H 44 #define SchnerrSauer_H 46 #include "cavitationModel.H" 52 namespace twoPhaseChangeModels
virtual bool read()
Read the transportProperties dictionary and update.
SchnerrSauer(const immiscibleIncompressibleTwoPhaseMixture &mixture)
Construct for mixture.
Abstract base class for cavitation models.
Runtime type information.
virtual ~SchnerrSauer()
An ordered pair of two objects of type <T> with first() and second() elements.
SchnerrSauer cavitation model.
An immiscible incompressible two-phase mixture transport model.
virtual Pair< tmp< volScalarField > > mDotAlphal() const
Return the mass condensation and vaporisation rates as a.
virtual void correct()
Correct the SchnerrSauer phaseChange model.
A class for managing temporary objects.
virtual Pair< tmp< volScalarField > > mDotP() const
Return the mass condensation and vaporisation rates as coefficients.