38 cyclicRepeatAMIGAMGInterfaceField,
44 cyclicRepeatAMIGAMGInterfaceField,
GAMG agglomerated cyclic interface field.
An abstract base class for implicitly-coupled interface fields e.g. processor and cyclic patch fields...
Macros for easy insertion into run-time selection tables.
addToRunTimeSelectionTable(ensightPart, ensightPartCells, istream)
defineTypeNameAndDebug(combustionModel, 0)
Abstract base class for GAMG agglomerated interfaces.
cyclicRepeatAMIGAMGInterfaceField(const GAMGInterface &GAMGCp, const lduInterfaceField &fineInterfaceField)
Construct from GAMG interface and fine level interface field.
virtual ~cyclicRepeatAMIGAMGInterfaceField()