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IOMRFZoneList Class Reference

List of MRF zones with IO functionality. MRF zones are specified by a list of dictionary entries, e.g. More...

Inheritance diagram for IOMRFZoneList:
Collaboration diagram for IOMRFZoneList:

Public Member Functions

 IOMRFZoneList (const fvMesh &mesh)
 Construct from mesh. More...
 IOMRFZoneList (const IOMRFZoneList &)=delete
 Disallow default bitwise copy construction. More...
virtual ~IOMRFZoneList ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual bool read ()
 Read dictionary. More...
void operator= (const IOMRFZoneList &)=delete
 Disallow default bitwise assignment. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IOdictionary
 IOdictionary (const IOobject &)
 Construct given an IOobject. More...
 IOdictionary (const IOobject &, const dictionary &)
 Construct given an IOobject and dictionary. More...
 IOdictionary (const IOobject &, Istream &)
 Construct given an IOobject and Istream. More...
 IOdictionary (const IOdictionary &)
 Copy constructor. More...
 IOdictionary (IOdictionary &&)
 Move constructor. More...
virtual ~IOdictionary ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual bool global () const
 Is object global. More...
virtual fileName filePath () const
 Return complete path + object name if the file exists. More...
void operator= (IOdictionary &&)
 Move assignment. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from baseIOdictionary
 TypeName ("dictionary")
 baseIOdictionary (const IOobject &)
 Construct given an IOobject. More...
 baseIOdictionary (const IOobject &, const dictionary &)
 Construct given an IOobject and dictionary. More...
 baseIOdictionary (const IOobject &, Istream &)
 Construct given an IOobject and Istream. More...
 baseIOdictionary (const baseIOdictionary &)
 Copy constructor. More...
 baseIOdictionary (baseIOdictionary &&)
 Move constructor. More...
virtual ~baseIOdictionary ()
 Destructor. More...
const wordname () const
 Name function is needed to disambiguate those inherited. More...
virtual bool readData (Istream &)
 ReadData function required for regIOobject read operation. More...
virtual bool writeData (Ostream &) const
 WriteData function required for regIOobject write operation. More...
void operator= (const baseIOdictionary &)
 Assignment of other baseIOdictionary's entries to this. More...
void operator= (baseIOdictionary &&)
 Move assignment. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from regIOobject
 TypeName ("regIOobject")
 Runtime type information. More...
 regIOobject (const IOobject &, const bool isTime=false)
 Construct from IOobject. Optional flag for if IOobject is the. More...
 regIOobject (const regIOobject &)
 Copy constructor. More...
 regIOobject (const regIOobject &, bool registerCopy)
 Copy constructor, transferring registry registration to copy. More...
 regIOobject (const word &newName, const regIOobject &, bool registerCopy)
 Copy constructor with new name, transferring registry registration. More...
 regIOobject (const IOobject &, const regIOobject &)
 Copy constructor with new IO parameters. More...
virtual ~regIOobject ()
 Destructor. More...
bool checkIn ()
 Add object to registry. More...
bool checkOut ()
 Remove object from registry. More...
virtual void addWatch ()
 Add file watch on object (if registered and READ_IF_MODIFIED) More...
bool ownedByRegistry () const
 Is this object owned by the registry? More...
void store ()
 Transfer ownership of this object to its registry. More...
void release ()
 Release ownership of this object from its registry. More...
label eventNo () const
 Event number at last update. More...
labeleventNo ()
 Event number at last update. More...
bool upToDate (const regIOobject &) const
 Return true if up-to-date with respect to given object. More...
bool upToDate (const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &) const
 Return true if up-to-date with respect to given objects. More...
bool upToDate (const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &) const
 Return true if up-to-date with respect to given objects. More...
bool upToDate (const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &) const
 Return true if up-to-date with respect to given objects. More...
void setUpToDate ()
 Set up to date (obviously) More...
virtual void rename (const word &newName)
 Rename. More...
bool headerOk ()
 Read and check header info. More...
IstreamreadStream (const word &, const bool read=true)
 Return Istream and check object type against that given. More...
void close ()
 Close Istream. More...
virtual label addWatch (const fileName &)
 Add file watch for fileName on object if not yet watched. Return. More...
const labelListwatchIndices () const
 Return file-monitoring handles. More...
labelListwatchIndices ()
 Return file-monitoring handles. More...
virtual bool modified () const
 Return true if the object's file (or files for objectRegistry) More...
virtual bool readIfModified ()
 Read object if modified (as set by call to modified) More...
virtual bool writeObject (IOstream::streamFormat, IOstream::versionNumber, IOstream::compressionType, const bool write) const
 Write using given format, version and compression. More...
virtual bool write (const bool write=true) const
 Write using setting from DB. More...
void operator= (const IOobject &)
- Public Member Functions inherited from IOobject
 TypeName ("IOobject")
 Runtime type information. More...
 IOobject (const word &name, const fileName &instance, const objectRegistry &registry, readOption r=NO_READ, writeOption w=NO_WRITE, bool registerObject=true)
 Construct from name, instance, registry, io options. More...
 IOobject (const word &name, const fileName &instance, const fileName &local, const objectRegistry &registry, readOption r=NO_READ, writeOption w=NO_WRITE, bool registerObject=true)
 Construct from name, instance, local, registry, io options. More...
 IOobject (const fileName &path, const objectRegistry &registry, readOption r=NO_READ, writeOption w=NO_WRITE, bool registerObject=true)
 Construct from path, registry, io options. More...
 IOobject (const IOobject &io, const objectRegistry &registry)
 Construct from copy resetting registry. More...
 IOobject (const IOobject &io, const word &name)
 Construct from copy resetting name. More...
 IOobject (const IOobject &io)=default
 Copy constructor. More...
autoPtr< IOobjectclone () const
 Clone. More...
autoPtr< IOobjectclone (const objectRegistry &registry) const
 Clone resetting registry. More...
virtual ~IOobject ()
 Destructor. More...
const Timetime () const
 Return time. More...
const objectRegistrydb () const
 Return the local objectRegistry. More...
const wordname () const
 Return name. More...
const wordheaderClassName () const
 Return name of the class name read from header. More...
wordheaderClassName ()
 Return name of the class name read from header. More...
stringnote ()
 Return non-constant access to the optional note. More...
const stringnote () const
 Return the optional note. More...
bool & registerObject ()
 Register object created from this IOobject with registry if true. More...
bool registerObject () const
 Register object created from this IOobject with registry if true. More...
readOption readOpt () const
readOptionreadOpt ()
writeOption writeOpt () const
writeOptionwriteOpt ()
word group () const
 Return group (extension part of name) More...
word member () const
 Return member (name without the extension) More...
word modelName (const char *name) const
 Return the name of the object within this model. More...
const fileNamerootPath () const
const fileNamecaseName () const
const fileNameinstance () const
fileNameinstance ()
const fileNamelocal () const
fileName path () const
 Return complete path. More...
fileName path (const word &instance, const fileName &local="") const
 Return complete path with alternative instance and local. More...
fileName localPath () const
 Return the path relative to the case. More...
fileName objectPath () const
 Return complete path + object name. More...
fileName localObjectPath () const
 Return complete localPath + object name. More...
fileName localFilePath (const word &typeName) const
 Helper for filePath that searches locally. More...
fileName globalFilePath (const word &typeName) const
 Helper for filePath that searches up if in parallel. More...
bool readHeader (Istream &)
 Read header. More...
template<class Type >
bool typeHeaderOk (const bool checkType=true)
 Read header (uses typeFilePath to find file) and check header. More...
template<class Type >
void warnNoRereading () const
 Helper: warn that type does not support re-reading. More...
bool writeHeader (Ostream &) const
 Write header. More...
bool writeHeader (Ostream &, const word &objectType) const
 Write header. Allow override of type. More...
bool good () const
bool bad () const
InfoProxy< IOobjectinfo () const
 Return info proxy. More...
void operator= (const IOobject &)
template<class Name >
Foam::word groupName (Name name, const word &group)
template<class Name >
Foam::word modelName (Name name, const word &model)
- Public Member Functions inherited from dictionary
 ClassName ("dictionary")
 dictionary ()
 Construct top-level dictionary null. More...
 dictionary (const fileName &name)
 Construct top-level empty dictionary with given name. More...
 dictionary (const fileName &name, const dictionary &parentDict, Istream &)
 Construct given the entry name, parent dictionary and Istream,. More...
 dictionary (Istream &, const bool keepHeader=false)
 Construct top-level dictionary from Istream,. More...
 dictionary (const dictionary &parentDict, const dictionary &)
 Construct as copy given the parent dictionary. More...
 dictionary (const dictionary &)
 Construct top-level dictionary as copy. More...
 dictionary (const dictionary *)
 Construct top-level dictionary as copy from pointer to dictionary. More...
 dictionary (const dictionary &parentDict, dictionary &&)
 Move constructor transferring parameter contents. More...
 dictionary (dictionary &&)
 Move constructor. More...
autoPtr< dictionaryclone () const
 Construct and return clone. More...
virtual ~dictionary ()
 Destructor. More...
const dictionaryparent () const
 Return the parent dictionary. More...
bool isNull () const
 Return whether this dictionary is null. More...
const dictionarytopDict () const
 Return the top of the tree. More...
label startLineNumber () const
 Return line number of first token in dictionary. More...
label endLineNumber () const
 Return line number of last token in dictionary. More...
SHA1Digest digest () const
 Return the SHA1 digest of the dictionary contents. More...
tokenList tokens () const
 Return the dictionary as a list of tokens. More...
bool found (const word &, bool recursive=false, bool patternMatch=true) const
 Search dictionary for given keyword. More...
const entrylookupEntryPtr (const word &, bool recursive, bool patternMatch) const
 Find and return an entry data stream pointer if present. More...
entrylookupEntryPtr (const word &, bool recursive, bool patternMatch)
 Find and return an entry data stream pointer for manipulation. More...
const entrylookupEntry (const word &, bool recursive, bool patternMatch) const
 Find and return an entry data stream if present otherwise error. More...
ITstreamlookup (const word &, bool recursive=false, bool patternMatch=true) const
 Find and return an entry data stream. More...
template<class T >
T lookup (const word &, bool recursive=false, bool patternMatch=true) const
 Find and return a T,. More...
template<class T >
T lookupOrDefault (const word &, const T &, bool recursive=false, bool patternMatch=true) const
 Find and return a T,. More...
template<class T >
T lookupOrAddDefault (const word &, const T &, bool recursive=false, bool patternMatch=true)
 Find and return a T, if not found return the given. More...
template<class T >
bool readIfPresent (const word &, T &, bool recursive=false, bool patternMatch=true) const
 Find an entry if present, and assign to T. More...
const entrylookupScopedEntryPtr (const word &, bool recursive, bool patternMatch) const
 Find and return an entry data stream pointer if present. More...
bool isDict (const word &) const
 Check if entry is a sub-dictionary. More...
const dictionarysubDictPtr (const word &) const
 Find and return a sub-dictionary pointer if present. More...
dictionarysubDictPtr (const word &)
 Find and return a sub-dictionary pointer if present. More...
const dictionarysubDict (const word &) const
 Find and return a sub-dictionary. More...
dictionarysubDict (const word &)
 Find and return a sub-dictionary for manipulation. More...
dictionary subOrEmptyDict (const word &, const bool mustRead=false) const
 Find and return a sub-dictionary as a copy, or. More...
const dictionaryoptionalSubDict (const word &) const
 Find and return a sub-dictionary if found. More...
wordList toc () const
 Return the table of contents. More...
wordList sortedToc () const
 Return the sorted table of contents. More...
List< keyTypekeys (bool patterns=false) const
 Return the list of available keys or patterns. More...
bool substituteKeyword (const word &keyword)
 Substitute the given keyword prepended by '$' with the. More...
bool substituteScopedKeyword (const word &keyword)
 Substitute the given scoped keyword prepended by '$' with the. More...
bool add (entry *, bool mergeEntry=false)
 Add a new entry. More...
void add (const entry &, bool mergeEntry=false)
 Add an entry. More...
void add (const keyType &, const word &, bool overwrite=false)
 Add a word entry. More...
void add (const keyType &, const string &, bool overwrite=false)
 Add a string entry. More...
void add (const keyType &, const label, bool overwrite=false)
 Add a label entry. More...
void add (const keyType &, const scalar, bool overwrite=false)
 Add a scalar entry. More...
void add (const keyType &, const dictionary &, bool mergeEntry=false)
 Add a dictionary entry. More...
template<class T >
void add (const keyType &, const T &, bool overwrite=false)
 Add a T entry. More...
void set (entry *)
 Assign a new entry, overwrite any existing entry. More...
void set (const entry &)
 Assign a new entry, overwrite any existing entry. More...
void set (const keyType &, const dictionary &)
 Assign a dictionary entry, overwrite any existing entry. More...
template<class T >
void set (const keyType &, const T &)
 Assign a T entry, overwrite any existing entry. More...
bool remove (const word &)
 Remove an entry specified by keyword. More...
bool changeKeyword (const keyType &oldKeyword, const keyType &newKeyword, bool forceOverwrite=false)
 Change the keyword for an entry,. More...
bool merge (const dictionary &)
 Merge entries from the given dictionary. More...
void clear ()
 Clear the dictionary. More...
void transfer (dictionary &)
 Transfer the contents of the argument and annul the argument. More...
bool read (Istream &, const bool keepHeader=false)
 Read dictionary from Istream, optionally keeping the header. More...
void write (Ostream &, const bool subDict=true) const
 Write dictionary, normally with sub-dictionary formatting. More...
ITstreamoperator[] (const word &) const
 Find and return entry. More...
void operator= (const dictionary &)
void operator= (dictionary &&)
void operator+= (const dictionary &)
 Include entries from the given dictionary. More...
void operator|= (const dictionary &)
 Conditionally include entries from the given dictionary. More...
void operator<<= (const dictionary &)
 Unconditionally include entries from the given dictionary. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from dictionaryName
 dictionaryName ()
 Construct dictionaryName null. More...
 dictionaryName (const fileName &name)
 Construct dictionaryName as copy of the given fileName. More...
 dictionaryName (dictionaryName &&name)
 Move constructor. More...
const fileNamename () const
 Return the dictionary name. More...
fileNamename ()
 Return the dictionary name. More...
const word dictName () const
 Return the local dictionary name (final part of scoped name) More...
void operator= (const dictionaryName &name)
void operator= (dictionaryName &&name)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ILList< LListBase, T >
 ILList ()
 Null construct. More...
 ILList (T *a)
 Construct given initial T. More...
 ILList (Istream &)
 Construct from Istream. More...
 ILList (const ILList< LListBase, T > &)
 Copy constructor. More...
 ILList (ILList< LListBase, T > &&)
 Move constructor. More...
template<class CloneArg >
 ILList (const ILList< LListBase, T > &lst, const CloneArg &cloneArg)
 Copy constructor with additional argument for clone. More...
template<class INew >
 ILList (Istream &, const INew &)
 Construct from Istream using given Istream constructor class. More...
 ~ILList ()
 Destructor. More...
bool eraseHead ()
 Remove the head element specified from the list and delete it. More...
bool erase (T *p)
 Remove the specified element from the list and delete it. More...
void clear ()
 Clear the contents of the list. More...
void transfer (ILList< LListBase, T > &)
 Transfer the contents of the argument into this List. More...
void operator= (const ILList< LListBase, T > &)
 Assignment operator. More...
void operator= (ILList< LListBase, T > &&)
 Move assignment operator. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from UILList< LListBase, T >
 UILList ()
 Null construct. More...
 UILList (T *a)
 Construct given initial T. More...
 UILList (const UILList< LListBase, T > &)
 Copy constructor. More...
 UILList (UILList< LListBase, T > &&)
 Move constructor. More...
Tfirst ()
 Return the first entry. More...
const Tfirst () const
 Return the first entry. More...
Tlast ()
 Return the last entry. More...
const Tlast () const
 Return the last entry. More...
TremoveHead ()
 Remove and return head. More...
Tremove (T *p)
 Remove and return element. More...
Tremove (iterator &it)
 Remove and return specified by iterator. More...
void operator= (const UILList< LListBase, T > &)
 Assignment operator. More...
void operator= (UILList< LListBase, T > &&)
 Move assignment operator. More...
iterator begin ()
const iteratorend ()
const_iterator cbegin () const
const const_iteratorcend () const
const_iterator begin () const
const const_iteratorend () const
const_reverse_iterator crbegin () const
const const_reverse_iteratorcrend () const
const_reverse_iterator rbegin () const
const const_reverse_iteratorrend () const
bool operator== (const UILList< LListBase, T > &) const
 Equality operation on ULists of the same type. More...
bool operator!= (const UILList< LListBase, T > &) const
 The opposite of the equality operation. Takes linear time. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from MRFZoneList
 MRFZoneList (const fvMesh &mesh, const dictionary &dict)
 MRFZoneList (const MRFZoneList &)=delete
 Disallow default bitwise copy construction. More...
 ~MRFZoneList ()
 Destructor. More...
bool active (const bool warn=false) const
 Return active status. More...
void reset (const dictionary &dict)
 Reset the source list. More...
void addAcceleration (const volVectorField &U, volVectorField &ddtU) const
 Add the frame acceleration. More...
void addAcceleration (fvVectorMatrix &UEqn) const
 Add the frame acceleration contribution to the momentum equation. More...
void addAcceleration (const volScalarField &rho, fvVectorMatrix &UEqn) const
 Add the frame acceleration contribution to the momentum equation. More...
tmp< volVectorFieldDDt (const volVectorField &U) const
 Return the frame acceleration. More...
tmp< volVectorFieldDDt (const volScalarField &rho, const volVectorField &U) const
 Return the frame acceleration. More...
void makeRelative (volVectorField &U) const
 Make the given absolute velocity relative within the MRF region. More...
void makeRelative (surfaceScalarField &phi) const
 Make the given absolute flux relative within the MRF region. More...
tmp< surfaceScalarFieldrelative (const tmp< surfaceScalarField > &phi) const
 Return the given absolute flux relative within the MRF region. More...
tmp< FieldField< fvsPatchField, scalar > > relative (const tmp< FieldField< fvsPatchField, scalar >> &tphi) const
 Return the given absolute boundary flux relative within. More...
tmp< Field< scalar > > relative (const tmp< Field< scalar >> &tphi, const label patchi) const
 Return the given absolute patch flux relative within. More...
void makeRelative (const surfaceScalarField &rho, surfaceScalarField &phi) const
 Make the given absolute mass-flux relative within the MRF region. More...
void makeAbsolute (volVectorField &U) const
 Make the given relative velocity absolute within the MRF region. More...
void makeAbsolute (surfaceScalarField &phi) const
 Make the given relative flux absolute within the MRF region. More...
tmp< surfaceScalarFieldabsolute (const tmp< surfaceScalarField > &phi) const
 Return the given relative flux absolute within the MRF region. More...
void makeAbsolute (const surfaceScalarField &rho, surfaceScalarField &phi) const
 Make the given relative mass-flux absolute within the MRF region. More...
void correctBoundaryVelocity (volVectorField &U) const
 Correct the boundary velocity for the rotation of the MRF region. More...
void correctBoundaryFlux (const volVectorField &U, surfaceScalarField &phi) const
 Correct the boundary flux for the rotation of the MRF region. More...
template<class Type >
tmp< GeometricField< Type, fvsPatchField, surfaceMesh > > zeroFilter (const tmp< GeometricField< Type, fvsPatchField, surfaceMesh >> &tphi) const
 Filter-out the MRF region contribution from the given field. More...
void update ()
 Update MRFZone faces if the mesh topology changes. More...
bool read (const dictionary &dict)
 Read dictionary. More...
bool writeData (Ostream &os) const
 Write data to Ostream. More...
void operator= (const MRFZoneList &)=delete
 Disallow default bitwise assignment. More...
template<class Type >
Foam::tmp< Foam::GeometricField< Type, Foam::fvsPatchField, Foam::surfaceMesh > > zeroFilter (const tmp< GeometricField< Type, fvsPatchField, surfaceMesh >> &tphi) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from PtrList< MRFZone >
 PtrList ()
 Null Constructor. More...
 PtrList (const label)
 Construct with size specified. More...
 PtrList (const PtrList< MRFZone > &)
 Copy constructor. More...
 PtrList (const PtrList< MRFZone > &, const CloneArg &)
 Copy constructor with additional argument for clone. More...
 PtrList (PtrList< MRFZone > &&)
 Move constructor. More...
 PtrList (PtrList< MRFZone > &, bool reuse)
 Construct as copy or re-use as specified. More...
 PtrList (const SLPtrList< MRFZone > &)
 Construct as copy of SLPtrList<T> More...
 PtrList (Istream &, const INew &)
 Construct from Istream using given Istream constructor class. More...
 PtrList (Istream &)
 Construct from Istream using default Istream constructor class. More...
 ~PtrList ()
 Destructor. More...
void setSize (const label)
 Reset size of PtrList. If extending the PtrList, new entries are. More...
void resize (const label)
 Alias for setSize(const label) More...
void clear ()
 Clear the PtrList, i.e. set size to zero deleting all the. More...
void append (MRFZone *)
 Append an element at the end of the list. More...
void append (const autoPtr< MRFZone > &)
void append (const tmp< MRFZone > &)
void transfer (PtrList< MRFZone > &)
 Transfer the contents of the argument PtrList into this PtrList. More...
bool set (const label) const
 Is element set. More...
autoPtr< MRFZoneset (const label, MRFZone *)
 Set element to given T* and return old element (can be nullptr) More...
autoPtr< MRFZoneset (const label, const autoPtr< MRFZone > &)
 Set element to given autoPtr<T> and return old element. More...
autoPtr< MRFZoneset (const label, const tmp< MRFZone > &)
 Set element to given tmp<T> and return old element. More...
void reorder (const labelUList &oldToNew)
 Reorders elements. Ordering does not have to be done in. More...
void shuffle (const labelUList &newToOld)
 Reorders elements. Ordering does not have to be done in. More...
void operator= (const PtrList< MRFZone > &)
 Assignment operator. More...
void operator= (PtrList< MRFZone > &&)
 Move assignment operator. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from UPtrList< T >
 UPtrList ()
 Null Constructor. More...
 UPtrList (const label)
 Construct with size specified. More...
 UPtrList (UPtrList< T > &, bool reuse)
 Construct as copy or re-use as specified. More...
label size () const
 Return the number of elements in the UPtrList. More...
bool empty () const
 Return true if the UPtrList is empty (ie, size() is zero) More...
Tfirst ()
 Return reference to the first element of the list. More...
const Tfirst () const
 Return reference to first element of the list. More...
Tlast ()
 Return reference to the last element of the list. More...
const Tlast () const
 Return reference to the last element of the list. More...
void setSize (const label)
 Reset size of UPtrList. This can only be used to set the size. More...
void resize (const label)
 Reset size of UPtrList. This can only be used to set the size. More...
void clear ()
 Clear the UPtrList, i.e. set size to zero. More...
void transfer (UPtrList< T > &)
 Transfer the contents of the argument UPtrList into this. More...
bool set (const label) const
 Is element set. More...
Tset (const label, T *)
 Set element. Return old element (can be nullptr). More...
void reorder (const labelUList &oldToNew)
 Reorders elements. Ordering does not have to be done in. More...
void shuffle (const labelUList &newToOld)
 Reorders elements. Ordering does not have to be done in. More...
const Toperator[] (const label) const
 Return element const reference. More...
Toperator[] (const label)
 Return element reference. More...
const Toperator() (const label) const
 Return element const pointer. More...
iterator begin ()
 Return an iterator to begin traversing the UPtrList. More...
iterator end ()
 Return an iterator to end traversing the UPtrList. More...
const_iterator cbegin () const
 Return an const_iterator to begin traversing the UPtrList. More...
const_iterator cend () const
 Return an const_iterator to end traversing the UPtrList. More...
const_iterator begin () const
 Return an const_iterator to begin traversing the UPtrList. More...
const_iterator end () const
 Return an const_iterator to end traversing the UPtrList. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from IOobject
enum  objectState { GOOD, BAD }
 Enumeration defining the valid states of an IOobject. More...
 Enumeration defining the read options. More...
enum  writeOption { AUTO_WRITE = 0, NO_WRITE = 1 }
 Enumeration defining the write options. More...
enum  fileCheckTypes { timeStamp, timeStampMaster, inotify, inotifyMaster }
 Enumeration defining the file checking options. More...
- Public Types inherited from UILList< LListBase, T >
typedef T value_type
 Type of values the DLList contains. More...
typedef Treference
 Type that can be used for storing into DLList::value_type. More...
typedef const Tconst_reference
 Type that can be used for storing into constant. More...
typedef label size_type
 The type that can represent the size of a DLList. More...
typedef LListBase::iterator LListBase_iterator
typedef LListBase::const_iterator LListBase_const_iterator
- Public Types inherited from UPtrList< T >
typedef T value_type
 Type of values the UPtrList contains. More...
typedef Treference
 Type that can be used for storing into UPtrList::value_type objects. More...
typedef const Tconst_reference
 Type that can be used for storing into constant UPtrList::value_type. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from regIOobject
template<class Type >
static Type & store (Type *)
 Transfer ownership of the given object pointer to its registry. More...
template<class Type >
static Type & store (autoPtr< Type > &)
 Transfer ownership of the given object pointer to its registry. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from IOobject
static bool fileNameComponents (const fileName &path, fileName &instance, fileName &local, word &name)
 Split path into instance, local, name components. More...
template<class Name >
static word groupName (Name name, const word &group)
static word group (const word &name)
 Return group (extension part of name) More...
static word member (const word &name)
 Return member (name without the extension) More...
template<class Name >
static word modelName (Name name, const word &model)
 Return the name of the object within the given model. More...
template<class Stream >
static Stream & writeBanner (Stream &os, bool noHint=false)
 Write the standard OpenFOAM file/dictionary banner. More...
template<class Stream >
static Stream & writeDivider (Stream &os)
 Write the standard file section divider. More...
template<class Stream >
static Stream & writeEndDivider (Stream &os)
 Write the standard end file divider. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from dictionary
static autoPtr< dictionaryNew (Istream &)
 Construct top-level dictionary on freestore from Istream. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from regIOobject
static float fileModificationSkew
- Static Public Attributes inherited from IOobject
static constexpr const char * foamFile = "FoamFile"
 Keyword for the FoamFile header sub-dictionary. More...
static const NamedEnum< fileCheckTypes, 4 > fileCheckTypesNames
static fileCheckTypes fileModificationChecking
 Type of file modification checking. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from dictionary
static const dictionary null
 Null dictionary. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from regIOobject
bool readHeaderOk (const IOstream::streamFormat PstreamFormat, const word &typeName)
 Helper: check readOpt flags and read if necessary. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from IOobject
void setBad (const string &)
 Set the object state to bad. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from PtrList< MRFZone >
void read (Istream &, const INew &inewt)
 Read from Istream using given Istream constructor class. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from MRFZoneList
const fvMeshmesh_
 Reference to the mesh database. More...

Detailed Description

List of MRF zones with IO functionality. MRF zones are specified by a list of dictionary entries, e.g.

    cellZone    rotor1;
    active      yes;

    cellZone    rotor2;
    active      yes;
Source files

Definition at line 66 of file IOMRFZoneList.H.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ IOMRFZoneList() [1/2]

IOMRFZoneList ( const fvMesh mesh)

Construct from mesh.

Definition at line 66 of file IOMRFZoneList.C.

◆ IOMRFZoneList() [2/2]

IOMRFZoneList ( const IOMRFZoneList )

Disallow default bitwise copy construction.

◆ ~IOMRFZoneList()

virtual ~IOMRFZoneList ( )


Definition at line 89 of file IOMRFZoneList.H.

References IOMRFZoneList::operator=(), and IOMRFZoneList::read().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

◆ read()

bool read ( )

Read dictionary.

Reimplemented from regIOobject.

Definition at line 75 of file IOMRFZoneList.C.

References MRFZoneList::read(), and regIOobject::read().

Referenced by IOMRFZoneList::~IOMRFZoneList().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator=()

void operator= ( const IOMRFZoneList )

Disallow default bitwise assignment.

Referenced by IOMRFZoneList::~IOMRFZoneList().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: