41 #ifndef refinementIterator_H 42 #define refinementIterator_H 58 class undoableMeshCutter;
100 const bool writeMesh =
Map< label > setRefinement(const List< refineCell > &)
Try to refine cells in given direction. Constructs intermediate.
Abstract base class. Concrete implementations know how to cut a cell (i.e. determine a loop around th...
The main refinement handler. Gets cellCuts which is structure that describes which cells are to be cu...
Combines edge or vertex in single label. Used to specify cuts across cell circumference.
const polyMesh & mesh() const
Utility class to do iterating meshCutter until all requests satisfied.
Runtime type information.
Mesh consisting of general polyhedral cells.
refinementIterator(polyMesh &mesh, undoableMeshCutter &meshRefiner, const cellLooper &cellWalker, const bool writeMesh=false)
Construct from mesh, refinementEngine and cell walking routine.