Templated base class for dsmc cloud. More...
Public Types | |
typedef ParcelType | parcelType |
Type of parcel the cloud was instantiated for. More... | |
Public Types inherited from Cloud< ParcelType > | |
typedef ParcelType | particleType |
typedef IDLList< ParcelType >::iterator | iterator |
typedef IDLList< ParcelType >::const_iterator | const_iterator |
Public Types inherited from regIOobject | |
enum | fileCheckTypes { timeStamp, timeStampMaster, inotify, inotifyMaster } |
Types of communications. More... | |
Public Types inherited from IOobject | |
enum | objectState { GOOD, BAD } |
Enumeration defining the valid states of an IOobject. More... | |
Enumeration defining the read options. More... | |
enum | writeOption { AUTO_WRITE = 0, NO_WRITE = 1 } |
Enumeration defining the write options. More... | |
Public Types inherited from HashTable< regIOobject * > | |
typedef regIOobject * | value_type |
Type of values the HashTable contains. More... | |
typedef regIOobject *& | reference |
Type that can be used for storing into HashTable::value_type. More... | |
typedef const regIOobject *& | const_reference |
Type that can be used for storing into constant. More... | |
typedef label | size_type |
The type that can represent the size of a HashTable. More... | |
Public Types inherited from UILList< DLListBase, ParcelType > | |
typedef ParcelType | value_type |
Type of values the DLList contains. More... | |
typedef ParcelType & | reference |
Type that can be used for storing into DLList::value_type. More... | |
typedef const ParcelType & | const_reference |
Type that can be used for storing into constant. More... | |
typedef label | size_type |
The type that can represent the size of a DLList. More... | |
typedef DLListBase::iterator | LListBase_iterator |
typedef DLListBase::const_iterator | LListBase_const_iterator |
Public Member Functions | |
DSMCCloud (const word &cloudName, const fvMesh &mesh, bool readFields=true) | |
Construct given name and mesh, will read Parcels and fields from. More... | |
DSMCCloud (const word &cloudName, const fvMesh &mesh, const IOdictionary &dsmcInitialiseDict) | |
Construct given name, mesh and initialisation dictionary. More... | |
virtual | ~DSMCCloud () |
Destructor. More... | |
const word & | cloudName () const |
Return the cloud type. More... | |
const fvMesh & | mesh () const |
Return refernce to the mesh. More... | |
const IOdictionary & | particleProperties () const |
Return particle properties dictionary. More... | |
const List< word > & | typeIdList () const |
Return the idList. More... | |
scalar | nParticle () const |
Return the number of real particles represented by one. More... | |
const List< DynamicList< ParcelType * > > & | cellOccupancy () const |
Return the cell occupancy addressing. More... | |
volScalarField & | sigmaTcRMax () |
Return the sigmaTcRMax field. non-const access to allow. More... | |
scalarField & | collisionSelectionRemainder () |
Return the collision selection remainder field. non-const. More... | |
const List< typename ParcelType::constantProperties > & | constProps () const |
Return all of the constant properties. More... | |
const ParcelType::constantProperties & | constProps (label typeId) const |
Return the constant properties of the given typeId. More... | |
Random & | rndGen () |
Return refernce to the random object. More... | |
volScalarField::Boundary & | qBF () |
Return non-const heat flux boundary field reference. More... | |
volVectorField::Boundary & | fDBF () |
Return non-const force density at boundary field reference. More... | |
volScalarField::Boundary & | rhoNBF () |
Return non-const number density boundary field reference. More... | |
volScalarField::Boundary & | rhoMBF () |
Return non-const mass density boundary field reference. More... | |
volScalarField::Boundary & | linearKEBF () |
Return non-const linear kinetic energy density boundary. More... | |
volScalarField::Boundary & | internalEBF () |
Return non-const internal energy density boundary field. More... | |
volScalarField::Boundary & | iDofBF () |
Return non-const internal degree of freedom density boundary. More... | |
volVectorField::Boundary & | momentumBF () |
Return non-const momentum density boundary field reference. More... | |
const volScalarField & | boundaryT () const |
Return macroscopic temperature. More... | |
const volVectorField & | boundaryU () const |
Return macroscopic velocity. More... | |
const volScalarField & | q () const |
Return heat flux at surface field. More... | |
const volVectorField & | fD () const |
Return force density at surface field. More... | |
const volScalarField & | rhoN () const |
Return the real particle number density field. More... | |
const volScalarField & | rhoM () const |
Return the particle mass density field. More... | |
const volScalarField & | dsmcRhoN () const |
Return the field of number of DSMC particles. More... | |
const volScalarField & | linearKE () const |
Return the total linear kinetic energy (translational and. More... | |
const volScalarField & | internalE () const |
Return the internal energy density field. More... | |
const volScalarField & | iDof () const |
Return the average internal degrees of freedom field. More... | |
const volVectorField & | momentum () const |
Return the momentum density field. More... | |
vector | equipartitionLinearVelocity (scalar temperature, scalar mass) |
Generate a random velocity sampled from the Maxwellian speed. More... | |
scalar | equipartitionInternalEnergy (scalar temperature, direction internalDegreesOfFreedom) |
Generate a random internal energy, sampled from the. More... | |
scalar | maxwellianAverageSpeed (scalar temperature, scalar mass) const |
Average particle speed. More... | |
scalarField | maxwellianAverageSpeed (scalarField temperature, scalar mass) const |
scalar | maxwellianRMSSpeed (scalar temperature, scalar mass) const |
RMS particle speed. More... | |
scalarField | maxwellianRMSSpeed (scalarField temperature, scalar mass) const |
scalar | maxwellianMostProbableSpeed (scalar temperature, scalar mass) const |
Most probable speed. More... | |
scalarField | maxwellianMostProbableSpeed (scalarField temperature, scalar mass) const |
const BinaryCollisionModel< DSMCCloud< ParcelType > > & | binaryCollision () const |
Return reference to binary elastic collision model. More... | |
BinaryCollisionModel< DSMCCloud< ParcelType > > & | binaryCollision () |
Return non-const reference to binary elastic collision model. More... | |
const WallInteractionModel< DSMCCloud< ParcelType > > & | wallInteraction () const |
Return reference to wall interaction model. More... | |
WallInteractionModel< DSMCCloud< ParcelType > > & | wallInteraction () |
Return non-const reference to wall interaction model. More... | |
const InflowBoundaryModel< DSMCCloud< ParcelType > > & | inflowBoundary () const |
Return reference to wall interaction model. More... | |
InflowBoundaryModel< DSMCCloud< ParcelType > > & | inflowBoundary () |
Return non-const reference to wall interaction model. More... | |
scalar | massInSystem () const |
Total mass in system. More... | |
vector | linearMomentumOfSystem () const |
Total linear momentum of the system. More... | |
scalar | linearKineticEnergyOfSystem () const |
Total linear kinetic energy in the system. More... | |
scalar | internalEnergyOfSystem () const |
Total internal energy in the system. More... | |
void | info () const |
Print cloud information. More... | |
void | dumpParticlePositions () const |
Dump particle positions to .obj file. More... | |
void | addNewParcel (const vector &position, const vector &U, const scalar Ei, const label celli, const label tetFacei, const label tetPtI, const label typeId) |
Add new parcel. More... | |
void | evolve () |
Evolve the cloud (move, collide) More... | |
void | clear () |
Clear the Cloud. More... | |
virtual void | autoMap (const mapPolyMesh &) |
Remap the particles to the correct cells following mesh change. More... | |
Public Member Functions inherited from Cloud< ParcelType > | |
TypeName ("Cloud") | |
Runtime type information. More... | |
Cloud (const polyMesh &mesh, const IDLList< ParcelType > &particles) | |
Construct from mesh and a list of particles. More... | |
Cloud (const polyMesh &mesh, const word &cloudName, const IDLList< ParcelType > &particles) | |
Construct from mesh, cloud name, and a list of particles. More... | |
Cloud (const polyMesh &mesh, const bool checkClass=true) | |
Construct from mesh by reading from file. More... | |
Cloud (const polyMesh &pMesh, const word &cloudName, const bool checkClass=true) | |
Construct from mesh by reading from file with given cloud instance. More... | |
const polyMesh & | pMesh () const |
Return the polyMesh reference. More... | |
label | size () const |
DynamicList< label > & | labels () |
label | nTrackingRescues () const |
Return nTrackingRescues. More... | |
void | trackingRescue () const |
Increment the nTrackingRescues counter. More... | |
const PackedBoolList & | cellHasWallFaces () const |
Whether each cell has any wall faces (demand driven data) More... | |
virtual bool | hasWallImpactDistance () const |
Switch to specify if particles of the cloud can return. More... | |
const const_iterator | begin () const |
iterator | begin () |
const const_iterator | cbegin () const |
const const_iterator | end () const |
iterator | end () |
const const_iterator | cend () const |
void | clear () |
void | addParticle (ParcelType *pPtr) |
Transfer particle to cloud. More... | |
void | deleteParticle (ParcelType &) |
Remove particle from cloud and delete. More... | |
void | cloudReset (const Cloud< ParcelType > &c) |
Reset the particles. More... | |
void | move (TrackData &td, const scalar trackTime) |
Move the particles. More... | |
void | autoMap (TrackData &td, const mapPolyMesh &) |
Remap the cells of particles corresponding to the. More... | |
IOobject | fieldIOobject (const word &fieldName, const IOobject::readOption r) const |
Helper to construct IOobject for field and current time. More... | |
void | checkFieldIOobject (const Cloud< ParcelType > &c, const IOField< DataType > &data) const |
Check lagrangian data field. More... | |
void | checkFieldFieldIOobject (const Cloud< ParcelType > &c, const CompactIOField< Field< DataType >, DataType > &data) const |
Check lagrangian data fieldfield. More... | |
virtual void | readFields () |
Read the field data for the cloud of particles. Dummy at. More... | |
virtual void | writeFields () const |
Write the field data for the cloud of particles Dummy at. More... | |
virtual bool | writeObject (IOstream::streamFormat fmt, IOstream::versionNumber ver, IOstream::compressionType cmp) const |
Write using given format, version and compression. More... | |
void | writePositions () const |
Write positions to <cloudName>_positions.obj file. More... | |
Public Member Functions inherited from cloud | |
TypeName ("cloud") | |
Runtime type information. More... | |
cloud (const objectRegistry &, const word &cloudName="") | |
Construct for the given objectRegistry and named cloud instance. More... | |
virtual | ~cloud () |
Destructor. More... | |
Public Member Functions inherited from objectRegistry | |
TypeName ("objectRegistry") | |
Declare type name for this IOobject. More... | |
objectRegistry (const Time &db, const label nIoObjects=128) | |
Construct the time objectRegistry given an initial estimate. More... | |
objectRegistry (const IOobject &io, const label nIoObjects=128) | |
Construct a sub-registry given an IObject to describe the registry. More... | |
virtual | ~objectRegistry () |
Destructor. More... | |
const Time & | time () const |
Return time. More... | |
const objectRegistry & | parent () const |
Return the parent objectRegistry. More... | |
virtual const fileName & | dbDir () const |
Local directory path of this objectRegistry relative to the time. More... | |
wordList | names () const |
Return the list of names of the IOobjects. More... | |
wordList | sortedNames () const |
Return the sorted list of names of the IOobjects. More... | |
wordList | names (const word &className) const |
Return the list of names of IOobjects of given class name. More... | |
wordList | sortedNames (const word &className) const |
Return the sorted list of names of IOobjects of given class name. More... | |
template<class Type > | |
wordList | names () const |
Return the list of names of the IOobjects of given type. More... | |
template<class Type > | |
wordList | names (const wordRe &name) const |
Return the list of objects whose name matches the input regExp. More... | |
template<class Type > | |
wordList | names (const wordReList &name) const |
Return the list of objects whose name matches the input regExp. More... | |
const objectRegistry & | subRegistry (const word &name, const bool forceCreate=false) const |
Lookup and return a const sub-objectRegistry. Optionally create. More... | |
template<class Type > | |
HashTable< const Type * > | lookupClass (const bool strict=false) const |
Lookup and return all objects of the given Type. More... | |
template<class Type > | |
HashTable< Type * > | lookupClass (const bool strict=false) |
Lookup and return all objects of the given Type. More... | |
template<class Type > | |
bool | foundObject (const word &name) const |
Is the named Type found? More... | |
template<class Type > | |
const Type & | lookupObject (const word &name) const |
Lookup and return the object of the given Type. More... | |
label | getEvent () const |
Return new event number. More... | |
virtual void | rename (const word &newName) |
Rename. More... | |
bool | checkIn (regIOobject &) const |
Add an regIOobject to registry. More... | |
bool | checkOut (regIOobject &) const |
Remove an regIOobject from registry. More... | |
virtual bool | modified () const |
Return true if any of the object's files have been modified. More... | |
void | readModifiedObjects () |
Read the objects that have been modified. More... | |
virtual bool | readIfModified () |
Read object if modified. More... | |
virtual bool | writeData (Ostream &) const |
writeData function required by regIOobject but not used More... | |
template<class Type > | |
Foam::wordList | names () const |
template<class Type > | |
Foam::wordList | names (const wordRe &name) const |
template<class Type > | |
Foam::wordList | names (const wordReList &patterns) const |
template<class Type > | |
Foam::HashTable< const Type * > | lookupClass (const bool strict) const |
template<class Type > | |
Foam::HashTable< Type * > | lookupClass (const bool strict) |
Public Member Functions inherited from regIOobject | |
TypeName ("regIOobject") | |
Runtime type information. More... | |
regIOobject (const IOobject &, const bool isTime=false) | |
Construct from IOobject. Optional flag for if IOobject is the. More... | |
regIOobject (const regIOobject &) | |
Construct as copy. More... | |
regIOobject (const regIOobject &, bool registerCopy) | |
Construct as copy, transferring registry registration to copy. More... | |
regIOobject (const word &newName, const regIOobject &, bool registerCopy) | |
Construct as copy with new name, transfering registry registration. More... | |
regIOobject (const IOobject &, const regIOobject &) | |
Construct as copy with new IO parameters. More... | |
virtual | ~regIOobject () |
Destructor. More... | |
bool | checkIn () |
Add object to registry. More... | |
bool | checkOut () |
Remove object from registry. More... | |
bool | ownedByRegistry () const |
Is this object owned by the registry? More... | |
void | store () |
Transfer ownership of this object to its registry. More... | |
void | release () |
Release ownership of this object from its registry. More... | |
label | eventNo () const |
Event number at last update. More... | |
label & | eventNo () |
Event number at last update. More... | |
bool | upToDate (const regIOobject &) const |
Return true if up-to-date with respect to given object. More... | |
bool | upToDate (const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &) const |
Return true if up-to-date with respect to given objects. More... | |
bool | upToDate (const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &) const |
Return true if up-to-date with respect to given objects. More... | |
bool | upToDate (const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &) const |
Return true if up-to-date with respect to given objects. More... | |
void | setUpToDate () |
Set up to date (obviously) More... | |
Istream & | readStream (const word &) |
Return Istream and check object type against that given. More... | |
void | close () |
Close Istream. More... | |
virtual bool | readData (Istream &) |
Virtual readData function. More... | |
virtual bool | read () |
Read object. More... | |
label | watchIndex () const |
Return file-monitoring handle. More... | |
label & | watchIndex () |
Return file-monitoring handle. More... | |
virtual bool | write () const |
Write using setting from DB. More... | |
void | operator= (const IOobject &) |
Public Member Functions inherited from IOobject | |
TypeName ("IOobject") | |
Runtime type information. More... | |
IOobject (const word &name, const fileName &instance, const objectRegistry ®istry, readOption r=NO_READ, writeOption w=NO_WRITE, bool registerObject=true) | |
Construct from name, instance, registry, io options. More... | |
IOobject (const word &name, const fileName &instance, const fileName &local, const objectRegistry ®istry, readOption r=NO_READ, writeOption w=NO_WRITE, bool registerObject=true) | |
Construct from name, instance, local, registry, io options. More... | |
IOobject (const fileName &path, const objectRegistry ®istry, readOption r=NO_READ, writeOption w=NO_WRITE, bool registerObject=true) | |
Construct from path, registry, io options. More... | |
Foam::autoPtr< IOobject > | clone () const |
Clone. More... | |
virtual | ~IOobject () |
Destructor. More... | |
const Time & | time () const |
Return time. More... | |
const objectRegistry & | db () const |
Return the local objectRegistry. More... | |
const word & | name () const |
Return name. More... | |
const word & | headerClassName () const |
Return name of the class name read from header. More... | |
string & | note () |
Return non-constant access to the optional note. More... | |
const string & | note () const |
Return the optional note. More... | |
bool & | registerObject () |
Register object created from this IOobject with registry if true. More... | |
bool | registerObject () const |
Register object created from this IOobject with registry if true. More... | |
readOption | readOpt () const |
readOption & | readOpt () |
writeOption | writeOpt () const |
writeOption & | writeOpt () |
word | group () const |
Return group (extension part of name) More... | |
word | member () const |
Return member (name without the extension) More... | |
const fileName & | rootPath () const |
const fileName & | caseName () const |
const fileName & | instance () const |
fileName & | instance () |
const fileName & | local () const |
fileName | path () const |
Return complete path. More... | |
fileName | path (const word &instance, const fileName &local="") const |
Return complete path with alternative instance and local. More... | |
fileName | objectPath () const |
Return complete path + object name. More... | |
fileName | filePath () const |
Return complete path + object name if the file exists. More... | |
bool | readHeader (Istream &) |
Read header. More... | |
bool | headerOk () |
Read and check header info. More... | |
bool | writeHeader (Ostream &) const |
Write header. More... | |
bool | writeHeader (Ostream &, const word &objectType) const |
Write header. Allow override of type. More... | |
bool | good () const |
bool | bad () const |
InfoProxy< IOobject > | info () const |
Return info proxy. More... | |
void | operator= (const IOobject &) |
template<class Name > | |
Foam::word | groupName (Name name, const word &group) |
Public Member Functions inherited from HashTable< regIOobject * > | |
bool | set (const word &, const regIOobject *&newElmt) |
Assign a new hashedEntry, overwriting existing entries. More... | |
HashTable (const label size=128) | |
Construct given initial table size. More... | |
HashTable (Istream &, const label size=128) | |
Construct from Istream. More... | |
HashTable (const HashTable< regIOobject *, word, string::hash > &) | |
Construct as copy. More... | |
HashTable (const Xfer< HashTable< regIOobject *, word, string::hash >> &) | |
Construct by transferring the parameter contents. More... | |
~HashTable () | |
Destructor. More... | |
label | capacity () const |
The size of the underlying table. More... | |
label | size () const |
Return number of elements in table. More... | |
bool | empty () const |
Return true if the hash table is empty. More... | |
bool | found (const word &) const |
Return true if hashedEntry is found in table. More... | |
iterator | find (const word &) |
Find and return an iterator set at the hashedEntry. More... | |
const_iterator | find (const word &) const |
Find and return an const_iterator set at the hashedEntry. More... | |
List< word > | toc () const |
Return the table of contents. More... | |
List< word > | sortedToc () const |
Return the table of contents as a sorted list. More... | |
Ostream & | printInfo (Ostream &) const |
Print information. More... | |
bool | insert (const word &, const regIOobject *&newElmt) |
Insert a new hashedEntry. More... | |
bool | erase (const iterator &) |
Erase a hashedEntry specified by given iterator. More... | |
bool | erase (const word &) |
Erase a hashedEntry specified by the given key. More... | |
label | erase (const UList< word > &) |
Remove entries given by the listed keys from this HashTable. More... | |
label | erase (const HashTable< AnyType, word, AnyHash > &) |
Remove entries given by the given keys from this HashTable. More... | |
void | resize (const label newSize) |
Resize the hash table for efficiency. More... | |
void | clear () |
Clear all entries from table. More... | |
void | clearStorage () |
Clear the table entries and the table itself. More... | |
void | shrink () |
Shrink the allocated table to approx. twice number of elements. More... | |
void | transfer (HashTable< regIOobject *, word, string::hash > &) |
Transfer the contents of the argument table into this table. More... | |
Xfer< HashTable< regIOobject *, word, string::hash > > | xfer () |
Transfer contents to the Xfer container. More... | |
regIOobject *& | operator[] (const word &) |
Find and return a hashedEntry. More... | |
const regIOobject *& | operator[] (const word &) const |
Find and return a hashedEntry. More... | |
regIOobject *& | operator() (const word &) |
Find and return a hashedEntry, create it null if not present. More... | |
void | operator= (const HashTable< regIOobject *, word, string::hash > &) |
Assignment. More... | |
bool | operator== (const HashTable< regIOobject *, word, string::hash > &) const |
Equality. Hash tables are equal if the keys and values are equal. More... | |
bool | operator!= (const HashTable< regIOobject *, word, string::hash > &) const |
The opposite of the equality operation. Takes linear time. More... | |
iterator | begin () |
Iterator set to the beginning of the HashTable. More... | |
const_iterator | begin () const |
const_iterator set to the beginning of the HashTable More... | |
const_iterator | cbegin () const |
const_iterator set to the beginning of the HashTable More... | |
Public Member Functions inherited from HashTableCore | |
HashTableCore () | |
Construct null. More... | |
ClassName ("HashTable") | |
Define template name and debug. More... | |
Public Member Functions inherited from IDLList< ParcelType > | |
IDLList () | |
Null construct. More... | |
IDLList (const ParcelType &a) | |
Construct given initial T. More... | |
IDLList (Istream &is, const INew &inewt) | |
Construct from Istream using given Istream constructor class. More... | |
IDLList (Istream &is) | |
Construct from Istream. More... | |
IDLList (const IDLList< ParcelType > &idll, const CloneArg &cloneArg) | |
Copy constructor with additional argument for clone. More... | |
Public Member Functions inherited from ILList< DLListBase, ParcelType > | |
ILList () | |
Null construct. More... | |
ILList (ParcelType *a) | |
Construct given initial T. More... | |
ILList (Istream &) | |
Construct from Istream. More... | |
ILList (const ILList< DLListBase, ParcelType > &) | |
Construct as copy. More... | |
ILList (const ILList< DLListBase, ParcelType > &lst, const CloneArg &cloneArg) | |
Copy constructor with additional argument for clone. More... | |
ILList (Istream &, const INew &) | |
Construct from Istream using given Istream constructor class. More... | |
~ILList () | |
Destructor. More... | |
bool | eraseHead () |
Remove the head element specified from the list and delete it. More... | |
bool | erase (ParcelType *p) |
Remove the specified element from the list and delete it. More... | |
void | clear () |
Clear the contents of the list. More... | |
void | transfer (ILList< DLListBase, ParcelType > &) |
Transfer the contents of the argument into this List. More... | |
void | operator= (const ILList< DLListBase, ParcelType > &) |
Public Member Functions inherited from UILList< DLListBase, ParcelType > | |
UILList () | |
Null construct. More... | |
UILList (ParcelType *a) | |
Construct given initial T. More... | |
UILList (const UILList< DLListBase, ParcelType > &) | |
Construct as copy. More... | |
ParcelType * | first () |
Return the first entry. More... | |
const ParcelType * | first () const |
Return the first entry. More... | |
ParcelType * | last () |
Return the last entry. More... | |
const ParcelType * | last () const |
Return the last entry. More... | |
ParcelType * | removeHead () |
Remove and return head. More... | |
ParcelType * | remove (ParcelType *p) |
Remove and return element. More... | |
ParcelType * | remove (iterator &it) |
Remove and return specified by iterator. More... | |
void | operator= (const UILList< DLListBase, ParcelType > &) |
iterator | begin () |
const_iterator | begin () const |
const iterator & | end () |
const const_iterator & | end () const |
const_iterator | cbegin () const |
const const_iterator & | cend () const |
const_reverse_iterator | crbegin () const |
const const_reverse_iterator & | crend () const |
const_reverse_iterator | rbegin () const |
const const_reverse_iterator & | rend () const |
bool | operator== (const UILList< DLListBase, ParcelType > &) const |
Equality operation on ULists of the same type. More... | |
bool | operator!= (const UILList< DLListBase, ParcelType > &) const |
The opposite of the equality operation. Takes linear time. More... | |
Public Member Functions inherited from DLListBase | |
DLListBase () | |
Null construct. More... | |
DLListBase (link *) | |
Construct given initial entry. More... | |
~DLListBase () | |
Destructor. More... | |
label | size () const |
Return number of elements in list. More... | |
bool | empty () const |
Return true if the list is empty. More... | |
link * | first () |
Return first entry. More... | |
const link * | first () const |
Return const access to first entry. More... | |
link * | last () |
Return last entry. More... | |
const link * | last () const |
Return const access to last entry. More... | |
void | insert (link *) |
Add at head of list. More... | |
void | append (link *) |
Add at tail of list. More... | |
bool | swapUp (link *) |
Swap this element with the one above unless it is at the top. More... | |
bool | swapDown (link *) |
Swap this element with the one below unless it is at the bottom. More... | |
link * | removeHead () |
Remove and return head. More... | |
link * | remove (link *) |
Remove and return element. More... | |
link * | remove (iterator &) |
link * | replace (link *oldLink, link *newLink) |
Replace oldLink with newLink and return element. More... | |
link * | replace (iterator &oldIter, link *newLink) |
Replace oldIter with newLink and return element. More... | |
void | clear () |
Clear the list. More... | |
void | transfer (DLListBase &) |
Transfer the contents of the argument into this List. More... | |
iterator | begin () |
const iterator & | end () |
const_iterator | cbegin () const |
const const_iterator & | cend () const |
const_iterator | begin () const |
const const_iterator & | end () const |
const_reverse_iterator | crbegin () const |
const const_reverse_iterator & | crend () const |
const_reverse_iterator | rbegin () const |
const const_reverse_iterator & | rend () const |
Public Member Functions inherited from DSMCBaseCloud | |
TypeName ("DSMCBaseCloud") | |
Runtime type information. More... | |
DSMCBaseCloud () | |
Null constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~DSMCBaseCloud () |
Destructor. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
Static Public Member Functions inherited from regIOobject | |
template<class Type > | |
static Type & | store (Type *) |
Transfer ownership of the given object pointer to its registry. More... | |
template<class Type > | |
static Type & | store (autoPtr< Type > &) |
Transfer ownership of the given object pointer to its registry. More... | |
Static Public Member Functions inherited from IOobject | |
static bool | fileNameComponents (const fileName &path, fileName &instance, fileName &local, word &name) |
Split path into instance, local, name components. More... | |
template<class Name > | |
static word | groupName (Name name, const word &group) |
template<class Stream > | |
static Stream & | writeBanner (Stream &os, bool noHint=false) |
Write the standard OpenFOAM file/dictionary banner. More... | |
template<class Stream > | |
static Stream & | writeDivider (Stream &os) |
Write the standard file section divider. More... | |
template<class Stream > | |
static Stream & | writeEndDivider (Stream &os) |
Write the standard end file divider. More... | |
Static Public Member Functions inherited from HashTableCore | |
static label | canonicalSize (const label) |
Return a canonical (power-of-two) size. More... | |
static iteratorEnd | cend () |
iteratorEnd set to beyond the end of any HashTable More... | |
static iteratorEnd | end () |
iteratorEnd set to beyond the end of any HashTable More... | |
Static Public Attributes inherited from Cloud< ParcelType > | |
static word | cloudPropertiesName |
Name of cloud properties dictionary. More... | |
Static Public Attributes inherited from cloud | |
static const word | prefix |
The prefix to local: lagrangian. More... | |
static word | defaultName |
The default cloud name: defaultCloud. More... | |
Static Public Attributes inherited from regIOobject | |
static const NamedEnum< fileCheckTypes, 4 > | fileCheckTypesNames |
static int | fileModificationSkew |
static fileCheckTypes | fileModificationChecking |
Static Public Attributes inherited from HashTableCore | |
static const label | maxTableSize |
Maximum allowable table size. More... | |
Protected Member Functions inherited from IOobject | |
Istream * | objectStream () |
Construct and return an IFstream for the object. More... | |
Istream * | objectStream (const fileName &) |
Construct and return an IFstream for the object given the. More... | |
void | setBad (const string &) |
Set the object state to bad. More... | |
Static Protected Attributes inherited from regIOobject | |
static bool | masterOnlyReading = false |
To flag master-only reading of objects. More... | |
Templated base class for dsmc cloud.
Definition at line 68 of file DSMCCloud.H.
typedef ParcelType parcelType |
Type of parcel the cloud was instantiated for.
Definition at line 217 of file DSMCCloud.H.
Construct given name and mesh, will read Parcels and fields from.
Definition at line 495 of file DSMCCloud.C.
References forAll, and Foam::readFields().
DSMCCloud | ( | const word & | cloudName, |
const fvMesh & | mesh, | ||
const IOdictionary & | dsmcInitialiseDict | ||
) |
Construct given name, mesh and initialisation dictionary.
Definition at line 726 of file DSMCCloud.C.
References clear().
virtual |
Definition at line 954 of file DSMCCloud.C.
inline |
Return the cloud type.
Definition at line 34 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
inline |
Return refernce to the mesh.
Definition at line 41 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
Referenced by FreeStream< CloudType >::autoMap(), SprayCloud< Foam::DSMCCloud >::cloneBare(), MPPICCloud< Foam::DSMCCloud >::cloneBare(), CollidingCloud< KinematicCloud< Cloud< basicKinematicCollidingParcel > > >::cloneBare(), ReactingCloud< Foam::DSMCCloud >::cloneBare(), ReactingMultiphaseCloud< Foam::DSMCCloud >::cloneBare(), ThermoCloud< Foam::DSMCCloud >::cloneBare(), FreeStream< CloudType >::inflow(), SurfaceFilmModel< CloudType >::inject(), InjectionModel< CloudType >::inject(), InjectionModel< CloudType >::injectSteadyState(), GradientDispersionRAS< CloudType >::update(), and MPPICParcel< ParcelType >::TrackingData< CloudType >::updateAverages().
inline |
Return particle properties dictionary.
Definition at line 49 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
inline |
Return the idList.
Definition at line 57 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
inline |
Return the number of real particles represented by one.
Definition at line 64 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
inline |
Return the cell occupancy addressing.
Definition at line 72 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
inline |
Return the sigmaTcRMax field. non-const access to allow.
Definition at line 79 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
inline |
Return the collision selection remainder field. non-const.
access to allow updating.
Definition at line 87 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
inline |
Return all of the constant properties.
Definition at line 95 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
Referenced by VariableHardSphere< CloudType >::collide(), LarsenBorgnakkeVariableHardSphere< CloudType >::collide(), MaxwellianThermal< CloudType >::correct(), MixedDiffuseSpecular< CloudType >::correct(), FreeStream< CloudType >::inflow(), VariableHardSphere< CloudType >::sigmaTcR(), and LarsenBorgnakkeVariableHardSphere< CloudType >::sigmaTcR().
inline |
Return the constant properties of the given typeId.
Definition at line 104 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
References Foam::abort(), Foam::FatalError, FatalErrorInFunction, and Foam::nl.
inline |
Return refernce to the random object.
Definition at line 121 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
Referenced by VariableHardSphere< CloudType >::collide(), LarsenBorgnakkeVariableHardSphere< CloudType >::collide(), MaxwellianThermal< CloudType >::correct(), MixedDiffuseSpecular< CloudType >::correct(), FreeStream< CloudType >::inflow(), StochasticDispersionRAS< CloudType >::update(), GradientDispersionRAS< CloudType >::update(), TAB< CloudType >::update(), and SHF< CloudType >::update().
inline |
Return non-const heat flux boundary field reference.
Definition at line 129 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
inline |
Return non-const force density at boundary field reference.
Definition at line 137 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
inline |
Return non-const number density boundary field reference.
Definition at line 145 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
inline |
Return non-const mass density boundary field reference.
Definition at line 153 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
inline |
Return non-const linear kinetic energy density boundary.
field reference
Definition at line 161 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
inline |
Return non-const internal energy density boundary field.
Definition at line 169 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
inline |
Return non-const internal degree of freedom density boundary.
field reference
Definition at line 177 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
inline |
Return non-const momentum density boundary field reference.
Definition at line 185 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
inline |
Return macroscopic temperature.
Definition at line 193 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
Referenced by MaxwellianThermal< CloudType >::correct(), MixedDiffuseSpecular< CloudType >::correct(), and FreeStream< CloudType >::inflow().
inline |
Return macroscopic velocity.
Definition at line 201 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
Referenced by MaxwellianThermal< CloudType >::correct(), MixedDiffuseSpecular< CloudType >::correct(), and FreeStream< CloudType >::inflow().
inline |
Return heat flux at surface field.
Definition at line 412 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
inline |
Return force density at surface field.
Definition at line 419 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
inline |
Return the real particle number density field.
Definition at line 427 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
inline |
Return the particle mass density field.
Definition at line 434 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
inline |
Return the field of number of DSMC particles.
Definition at line 442 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
inline |
Return the total linear kinetic energy (translational and.
thermal density field
Definition at line 450 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
inline |
Return the internal energy density field.
Definition at line 458 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
inline |
Return the average internal degrees of freedom field.
Definition at line 466 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
inline |
Return the momentum density field.
Definition at line 473 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
Foam::vector equipartitionLinearVelocity | ( | scalar | temperature, |
scalar | mass | ||
) |
Generate a random velocity sampled from the Maxwellian speed.
Definition at line 1035 of file DSMCCloud.C.
References DSMCCloud< ParcelType >::equipartitionInternalEnergy(), Foam::constant::physicoChemical::k, and Foam::sqrt().
Referenced by DSMCCloud< ParcelType >::info().
Foam::scalar equipartitionInternalEnergy | ( | scalar | temperature, |
direction | internalDegreesOfFreedom | ||
) |
Generate a random internal energy, sampled from the.
equilibrium distribution (Bird eqn 11.22 and 11.23 and adapting code from DSMC3.FOR)
Definition at line 1053 of file DSMCCloud.C.
References Foam::exp(), Foam::constant::physicoChemical::k, Foam::log(), Foam::pow(), and dimensioned< Type >::value().
Referenced by MaxwellianThermal< CloudType >::correct(), MixedDiffuseSpecular< CloudType >::correct(), DSMCCloud< ParcelType >::equipartitionLinearVelocity(), and FreeStream< CloudType >::inflow().
inline |
Average particle speed.
Definition at line 338 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
References Foam::constant::physicoChemical::k, Foam::constant::mathematical::pi(), and Foam::sqrt().
Referenced by DSMCCloud< ParcelType >::internalEnergyOfSystem().
inline |
Definition at line 350 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
References Foam::constant::physicoChemical::k, DSMCCloud< ParcelType >::maxwellianRMSSpeed(), Foam::constant::mathematical::pi(), and Foam::sqrt().
inline |
RMS particle speed.
Definition at line 363 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
References Foam::constant::physicoChemical::k, and Foam::sqrt().
Referenced by DSMCCloud< ParcelType >::maxwellianAverageSpeed().
inline |
Definition at line 374 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
References Foam::constant::physicoChemical::k, DSMCCloud< ParcelType >::maxwellianMostProbableSpeed(), and Foam::sqrt().
inline |
Most probable speed.
Definition at line 388 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
References Foam::constant::physicoChemical::k, and Foam::sqrt().
Referenced by FreeStream< CloudType >::inflow(), and DSMCCloud< ParcelType >::maxwellianRMSSpeed().
inline |
Definition at line 400 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
References Foam::constant::physicoChemical::k, and Foam::sqrt().
inline |
Return reference to binary elastic collision model.
Definition at line 209 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
inline |
Return non-const reference to binary elastic collision model.
Definition at line 217 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
inline |
Return reference to wall interaction model.
Definition at line 225 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
inline |
Return non-const reference to wall interaction model.
Definition at line 233 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
inline |
Return reference to wall interaction model.
Definition at line 241 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
inline |
Return non-const reference to wall interaction model.
Definition at line 249 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
inline |
Total mass in system.
Definition at line 256 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
References forAllConstIter(), and p.
inline |
Total linear momentum of the system.
Definition at line 277 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
References forAllConstIter(), p, and Foam::Zero.
inline |
Total linear kinetic energy in the system.
Definition at line 299 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
References forAllConstIter(), and p.
inline |
Total internal energy in the system.
Definition at line 321 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
References forAllConstIter(), DSMCCloud< ParcelType >::maxwellianAverageSpeed(), and p.
void info | ( | ) | const |
Print cloud information.
Definition at line 991 of file DSMCCloud.C.
References Foam::endl(), DSMCCloud< ParcelType >::equipartitionLinearVelocity(), Foam::Info, Foam::mag(), Foam::name(), Foam::nl, Foam::reduce(), and Foam::returnReduce().
void dumpParticlePositions | ( | ) | const |
Dump particle positions to .obj file.
Definition at line 1089 of file DSMCCloud.C.
References OSstream::flush(), forAllConstIter(), Foam::name(), Foam::nl, path(), and timeName.
void addNewParcel | ( | const vector & | position, |
const vector & | U, | ||
const scalar | Ei, | ||
const label | celli, | ||
const label | tetFacei, | ||
const label | tetPtI, | ||
const label | typeId | ||
) |
Add new parcel.
Definition at line 465 of file DSMCCloud.C.
Referenced by FreeStream< CloudType >::inflow().
void evolve | ( | ) |
Evolve the cloud (move, collide)
Definition at line 961 of file DSMCCloud.C.
References Cloud< ParticleType >::move().
inline |
Clear the Cloud.
Definition at line 480 of file DSMCCloudI.H.
References ILList< DLListBase, T >::clear().
virtual |
Remap the particles to the correct cells following mesh change.
Reimplemented from cloud.
Reimplemented in KinematicCloud< CloudType >, KinematicCloud< Foam::DSMCCloud >, ThermoCloud< CloudType >, ThermoCloud< Foam::DSMCCloud >, ReactingCloud< CloudType >, ReactingCloud< Foam::DSMCCloud >, ReactingMultiphaseCloud< CloudType >, and ReactingMultiphaseCloud< Foam::DSMCCloud >.
Definition at line 1113 of file DSMCCloud.C.