40 #ifndef structuredRenumber_H
41 #define structuredRenumber_H
79 depthFirst_(depthFirst),
A simple wrapper around bool so that it can be read as a word: true/false, on/off,...
An auto-pointer similar to the STL auto_ptr but with automatic casting to a reference to the type and...
A list of keyword definitions, which are a keyword followed by any number of values (e....
Mesh consisting of general polyhedral cells.
Abstract base class for renumbering.
Less function class that can be used for sorting according to.
bool operator()(const label a, const label b)
layerLess(const Switch depthFirst, const labelList &order, const List< topoDistanceData > &distance)
Renumbering according to mesh layers. depthFirst = true: first column gets ids 0.....
virtual ~structuredRenumber()
structuredRenumber(const dictionary &renumberDict)
Construct given the renumber dictionary.
const dictionary methodDict_
const wordReList patches_
Runtime type information.
const autoPtr< renumberMethod > method_
virtual labelList renumber(const pointField &) const
Return the order in which cells need to be visited, i.e.
void operator=(const structuredRenumber &)=delete
Disallow default bitwise assignment.
#define NotImplemented
Issue a FatalErrorIn for a function not currently implemented.
List< label > labelList
A List of labels.
intWM_LABEL_SIZE_t label
A label is an int32_t or int64_t as specified by the pre-processor macro WM_LABEL_SIZE.
int order(const scalar s)