patchToPatchTools.H File Reference
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 Namespace for OpenFOAM.


label singleProcess (const label srcSize, const label tgtSize)
 Determine whether this intersection is confined to a single processor or. More...
autoPtr< distributionMap > constructDistributionMap (const labelListList &procSendIndices)
 Turn a list of send-to-processor indices into a distribution map. More...
List< remote > distributeAddressing (const distributionMap &map)
 Construct local addressing from the given distribution map. The result is a. More...
labelListList procSendIndices (const labelListList &tgtLocalSrcFaces, const List< remote > &localTgtProcFaces)
 Given a local intersection addressing, determine what elements need sending. More...
labelListList procSendIndices (const List< DynamicList< label >> &tgtLocalSrcFaces, const List< remote > &localTgtProcFaces)
 Dynamic list overload of the above. More...
void trimDistributionMap (const boolList &oldIsUsed, distributionMap &map, labelList &oldToNew, labelList &newToOld)
 Trim unused elements from a distribution map. Return the map and maps. More...
template<class SubListA , class SubListB >
static void transferListList (List< SubListA > &a, List< SubListB > &b)
 Transfer list-list b into list-list a. More...
template<class Type >
static void rDistributeListList (const label size, const distributionMap &map, List< List< Type >> &data)
 Reverse distribute a list-list given the map. More...
template<class Type >
static void rDistributeListList (const label size, const distributionMap &map, List< DynamicList< Type >> &data)
 Dynamic list overload of the above. More...
List< List< remote > > localToRemote (const labelListList &indices, const List< remote > &indexToProcIndex=NullObjectRef< List< remote >>())
 Map local to remote indices. More...
List< List< remote > > localToRemote (const List< DynamicList< label >> &indices, const List< remote > &indexToProcIndex=NullObjectRef< List< remote >>())
 Dynamic list overload of the above. More...
void rDistributeTgtAddressing (const label tgtSize, const distributionMap &tgtMap, const List< remote > &localSrcProcFaces, labelListList &tgtLocalSrcFaces)
 Reverse distribute a set of target addressing. More...
void rDistributeTgtAddressing (const label tgtSize, const distributionMap &tgtMap, const List< remote > &localSrcProcFaces, List< DynamicList< label >> &tgtLocalSrcFaces)
 Dynamic list overload of the above. More...
template<class Type , class LabelList , class ScalarList >
static tmp< Field< Type > > interpolate (const List< LabelList > &localOtherFaces, const List< ScalarList > &weights, const autoPtr< distributionMap > &otherMapPtr, const Field< Type > &otherFld)
 Interpolate with normalisation. More...
template<class Type , class LabelList , class ScalarList >
static tmp< Field< Type > > interpolate (const List< LabelList > &localOtherFaces, const List< ScalarList > &weights, const autoPtr< distributionMap > &otherMapPtr, const Field< Type > &otherFld, const Field< Type > &leftOverFld)
 Interpolate without normalisation. More...

Detailed Description

Original source file patchToPatchTools.H

Definition in file patchToPatchTools.H.