| molecule (const polyMesh &mesh, const vector &position, const label celli, const tensor &Q, const vector &v, const vector &a, const vector &pi, const vector &tau, const vector &specialPosition, const constantProperties &constProps, const label special, const label id) |
| Construct from a position and a cell, searching for the rest of the. More...
| molecule (Istream &is, bool readFields=true) |
| Construct from Istream. More...
autoPtr< particle > | clone () const |
| Construct and return a clone. More...
bool | move (moleculeCloud &, trackingData &) |
virtual void | transformProperties (const transformer &) |
| Transform the physical properties of the particle. More...
void | setSitePositions (const polyMesh &mesh, const constantProperties &constProps) |
void | setSiteSizes (label size) |
const tensor & | Q () const |
tensor & | Q () |
const vector & | v () const |
vector & | v () |
const vector & | a () const |
vector & | a () |
const vector & | pi () const |
vector & | pi () |
const vector & | tau () const |
vector & | tau () |
const List< vector > & | siteForces () const |
List< vector > & | siteForces () |
const List< vector > & | sitePositions () const |
List< vector > & | sitePositions () |
const vector & | specialPosition () const |
vector & | specialPosition () |
scalar | potentialEnergy () const |
scalar & | potentialEnergy () |
const tensor & | rf () const |
tensor & | rf () |
label | special () const |
bool | tethered () const |
label | id () const |
void | hitWallPatch (moleculeCloud &cloud, trackingData &td) |
| Overridable function to handle the particle hitting a wallPatch. More...
Public Member Functions inherited from particle |
| TypeName ("particle") |
| Runtime type information. More...
| particle (const polyMesh &mesh, const barycentric &coordinates, const label celli, const label tetFacei, const label tetPti, const label facei) |
| Construct from components. More...
| particle (const polyMesh &mesh, const vector &position, const label celli) |
| Construct from a position and a cell, searching for the rest of the. More...
| particle (Istream &, bool readFields=true) |
| Construct from Istream. More...
| particle (const particle &p) |
| Construct as a copy. More...
virtual | ~particle () |
| Destructor. More...
label | getNewParticleID () const |
| Get unique particle creation id. More...
const barycentric & | coordinates () const |
| Return current particle coordinates. More...
label | cell () const |
| Return current cell particle is in. More...
label | tetFace () const |
| Return current tet face particle is in. More...
label | tetPt () const |
| Return current tet face particle is in. More...
label | face () const |
| Return current face particle is on otherwise -1. More...
label & | face () |
| Return current face particle is on otherwise -1. More...
scalar | stepFraction () const |
| Return the fraction of time-step completed. More...
scalar & | stepFraction () |
| Return the fraction of time-step completed. More...
label | origProc () const |
| Return the originating processor ID. More...
label & | origProc () |
| Return the originating processor ID. More...
label | origId () const |
| Return the particle ID on the originating processor. More...
label & | origId () |
| Return the particle ID on the originating processor. More...
tetIndices | currentTetIndices (const polyMesh &mesh) const |
| Return the indices of the current tet that the. More...
barycentricTensor | currentTetTransform (const polyMesh &mesh) const |
| Return the current tet transformation tensor. More...
vector | normal (const polyMesh &mesh) const |
| Return the normal of the tri on tetFacei_ for the. More...
bool | onFace () const |
| Is the particle on a face? More...
bool | onInternalFace (const polyMesh &mesh) const |
| Is the particle on an internal face? More...
bool | onBoundaryFace (const polyMesh &mesh) const |
| Is the particle on a boundary face? More...
label | patch (const polyMesh &mesh) const |
| Return the index of patch that the particle is on. More...
vector | position (const polyMesh &mesh) const |
| Return current particle position. More...
void | reset (const scalar stepFraction) |
| Set the step fraction and clear the behind data in preparation. More...
scalar | track (const polyMesh &mesh, const vector &displacement, const scalar fraction) |
| Track along the displacement for a given fraction of the overall. More...
scalar | trackToCell (const polyMesh &mesh, const vector &displacement, const scalar fraction) |
| As particle::track, but stops when a new cell is reached. More...
scalar | trackToFace (const polyMesh &mesh, const vector &displacement, const scalar fraction) |
| As particle::track, but stops when a face is hit. More...
scalar | trackToTri (const polyMesh &mesh, const vector &displacement, const scalar fraction, label &tetTriI) |
| As particle::trackToFace, but stops when a tet triangle is hit. More...
scalar | trackToStationaryTri (const polyMesh &mesh, const vector &displacement, const scalar fraction, label &tetTriI) |
| As particle::trackToTri, but for stationary meshes. More...
scalar | trackToMovingTri (const polyMesh &mesh, const vector &displacement, const scalar fraction, label &tetTriI) |
| As particle::trackToTri, but for moving meshes. More...
template<class TrackCloudType > |
void | hitFace (const vector &displacement, const scalar fraction, TrackCloudType &cloud, trackingData &td) |
| Hit the current face. If the current face is internal than this. More...
template<class TrackCloudType > |
scalar | trackToAndHitFace (const vector &displacement, const scalar fraction, TrackCloudType &cloud, trackingData &td) |
| Convenience function. Combines trackToFace and hitFace. More...
vector | deviationFromMeshCentre (const polyMesh &mesh) const |
| Get the displacement from the mesh centre. Used to correct the. More...
void | patchData (const polyMesh &mesh, vector &normal, vector &displacement) const |
| Get the normal and displacement of the current patch location. More...
template<class TrackCloudType > |
void | prepareForParallelTransfer (TrackCloudType &, trackingData &) |
| Make changes prior to a parallel transfer. Runs either. More...
template<class TrackCloudType > |
void | correctAfterParallelTransfer (TrackCloudType &, trackingData &) |
| Make changes following a parallel transfer. Runs either. More...
void | prepareForProcessorTransfer (trackingData &td) |
| Make changes prior to a transfer across a processor boundary. More...
void | correctAfterProcessorTransfer (trackingData &td) |
| Make changes following a transfer across a processor boundary. More...
void | prepareForNonConformalCyclicTransfer (const polyMesh &mesh, const label sendToPatch, const label sendToPatchFace) |
| Make changes prior to a transfer across a non conformal cyclic. More...
void | correctAfterNonConformalCyclicTransfer (const polyMesh &mesh, const label sendToPatch) |
| Make changes following a transfer across a non conformal cyclic. More...
template<class TrackCloudType > |
bool | hitPatch (TrackCloudType &, trackingData &) |
| Overridable function to handle the particle hitting a patch. More...
template<class TrackCloudType > |
void | hitWedgePatch (TrackCloudType &, trackingData &) |
| Overridable function to handle the particle hitting a wedgePatch. More...
template<class TrackCloudType > |
void | hitSymmetryPlanePatch (TrackCloudType &, trackingData &) |
| Overridable function to handle the particle hitting a. More...
template<class TrackCloudType > |
void | hitSymmetryPatch (TrackCloudType &, trackingData &) |
| Overridable function to handle the particle hitting a. More...
template<class TrackCloudType > |
void | hitCyclicPatch (TrackCloudType &, trackingData &) |
| Overridable function to handle the particle hitting a. More...
template<class TrackCloudType > |
bool | hitNonConformalCyclicPatch (const vector &displacement, const scalar fraction, const label patchi, TrackCloudType &cloud, trackingData &td) |
| Overridable function to handle the particle hitting an. More...
template<class TrackCloudType > |
void | hitProcessorPatch (TrackCloudType &, trackingData &) |
| Overridable function to handle the particle hitting a. More...
template<class TrackCloudType > |
void | hitWallPatch (TrackCloudType &, trackingData &) |
| Overridable function to handle the particle hitting a wallPatch. More...
template<class TrackCloudType > |
void | hitBasicPatch (TrackCloudType &, trackingData &) |
| Overridable function to handle the particle hitting a basic. More...
void | prepareForInteractionListReferral (const polyMesh &mesh, const transformer &transform) |
| Break the topology and store the cartesian position so that the. More...
void | correctAfterInteractionListReferral (const polyMesh &mesh, const label celli) |
| Correct the topology after referral. Locates the particle. More...
label | procTetPt (const polyMesh &mesh, const polyMesh &procMesh, const label procCell, const label procTetFace) const |
| Return the tet point appropriate for decomposition or. More...
void | map (const polyMesh &mesh, const point &position, const label celli) |
| Map after a mesh change. More...
void | writePosition (Ostream &) const |
| Write the particle position and cell. More...
template<class TrackCloudType > |
Foam::scalar | trackToAndHitFace (const vector &displacement, const scalar fraction, TrackCloudType &cloud, trackingData &td) |