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1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2  ========= |
3  \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4  \\ / O peration | Website:
5  \\ / A nd | Copyright (C) 2016-2021 OpenFOAM Foundation
6  \\/ M anipulation |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9  This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11  OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
14  (at your option) any later version.
16  OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
19  for more details.
21  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22  along with OpenFOAM. If not, see <>.
24 Class
25  Foam::RBD::rigidBodyModel
27 Description
28  Basic rigid-body model representing a system of rigid-bodies connected by
29  1-6 DoF joints.
31  This class holds various body and joint state fields needed by the
32  kinematics and forward-dynamics algorithms presented in
34  reference:
35  \verbatim
36  Featherstone, R. (2008).
37  Rigid body dynamics algorithms.
38  Springer.
39  Chapter 4.
40  \endverbatim
42 SourceFiles
43  rigidBodyModel.C
44  kinematics.C
45  forwardDynamics.C
47 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
49 #ifndef RBD_rigidBodyModel_H
50 #define RBD_rigidBodyModel_H
52 #include "rigidBody.H"
53 #include "subBody.H"
54 #include "joint.H"
55 #include "compositeJoint.H"
56 #include "PtrList.H"
57 #include "HashTable.H"
59 namespace Foam
60 {
61 namespace RBD
62 {
64 // Forward declaration of friend functions and operators
65 class rigidBodyModel;
67 Ostream& operator<<(Ostream&, const rigidBodyModel&);
69 class rigidBodyModelState;
70 class restraint;
73 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
74  Class rigidBodyModel Declaration
75 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
77 class rigidBodyModel
78 {
79  // Private Member Functions
81  //- Initialise the model with the root-body
82  // which is a fixed massless bodyat the origin.
83  void initialiseRootBody();
85  //- Resize the state fields following the joining of a body
86  void resizeState();
88  //- Convert the body with given ID into a composite-body
89  void makeComposite(const label bodyID);
91  //- Add restraints to the motion
92  void addRestraints(const dictionary& dict);
94 protected:
96  // Protected data representing the model structure
98  //- List of the bodies.
99  // The 0'th body represents the fixed origin and is constructed
100  // automatically. The subsequent (moving) bodies are appended by the
101  // join member function.
104  //- Bodies may be merged into existing bodies, the inertia of which is
105  // updated to represent the combined body which is more efficient than
106  // attaching them with fixed joints. These 'merged' bodies are held on
107  // this list.
110  //- Lookup-table of the IDs of the bodies
113  //- List of indices of the parent of each body
116  //- Each body it attached with a joint which are held on this list.
119  //- Transform from the parent body frame to the joint frame.
122  //- The number of degrees of freedom of the model
123  // used to set the size of the of joint state fields q, qDot and qDdot.
124  label nDoF_;
126  //- True if any of the joints using quaternions
127  bool unitQuaternions_;
129  //- Motion restraints
133  // Other protected member data
135  //- Acceleration due to gravity
136  vector g_;
139  // Mutable transforms maintained by kinematics and forward-dynamics
141  //- Transform from the parent body to the current body
144  //- Transform for external forces to the bodies reference frame
148  // Mutable kinematic body state fields
150  //- The spatial velocity of the bodies
153  //- The spatial acceleration of the bodies
156  //- The velocity dependent spatial acceleration of the joints
160  // Mutable state fields needed by the forward-dynamics algorithm
162  //- Velocity-product acceleration
164  //- Articulated body inertia
167  //- Articulated body bias force
171  // Mutable joint state fields
173  //- Motion subspace for joints with 3 degrees of freedom
176  //- Motion subspace for joints with 1 degrees of freedom
179  //- Sub-expression IA.S in the forward-dynamics algorithm
182  //- Sub-expression IA.S1 in the forward-dynamics algorithm
185  //- Sub-expression (S^T.U)^-1 in the forward-dynamics algorithm
186  mutable DynamicList<tensor> Dinv_;
188  //- Sub-expression tau - S^T.pA in the forward-dynamics algorithm
189  mutable DynamicList<vector> u_;
192  // Protected member functions
194  //- Join the given body to the parent with ID parentID via the given
195  // joint with transform from the parent frame to the joint frame XT.
196  virtual label join_
197  (
198  const label parentID,
199  const spatialTransform& XT,
200  autoPtr<joint> jointPtr,
201  autoPtr<rigidBody> bodyPtr
202  );
205 public:
207  //- Runtime type information
208  TypeName("rigidBodyModel");
211  // Constructors
213  //- Null-constructor which adds the single root-body at the origin
214  rigidBodyModel();
216  //- Construct from dictionary
217  rigidBodyModel(const dictionary& dict);
220  //- Destructor
221  virtual ~rigidBodyModel();
224  // Member Functions
226  //- Return the number of bodies in the model (bodies().size())
227  inline label nBodies() const;
229  //- Return the list of the bodies in the model
230  inline PtrList<rigidBody> bodies() const;
232  //- List of indices of the parent of each body
233  inline const DynamicList<label>& lambda() const;
235  //- Return the list of joints in the model
236  inline const PtrList<joint>& joints() const;
238  //- Return the number of degrees of freedom of the model
239  // used to set the size of the of joint state fields q, qDot and qDdot.
240  inline label nDoF() const;
242  //- Return true if any of the joints using quaternions
243  inline bool unitQuaternions() const;
245  //- Return the acceleration due to gravity
246  inline const vector& g() const;
248  //- Allow the acceleration due to gravity to be set
249  // after model construction
250  inline vector& g();
252  //- Return the name of body with the given ID
253  inline const word& name(const label bodyID) const;
255  //- Return the names of the moving bodies
256  wordList movingBodyNames() const;
258  //- Return the inertia of body i
259  inline const rigidBodyInertia& I(const label i) const;
261  //- Return the spatial velocity of the bodies
262  inline const spatialVector& v(const label i) const;
264  //- Join the given body to the parent with ID parentID via the given
265  // joint with transform from the parent frame to the joint frame XT.
266  virtual label join
267  (
268  const label parentID,
269  const spatialTransform& XT,
270  autoPtr<joint> jointPtr,
271  autoPtr<rigidBody> bodyPtr
272  );
274  //- Join the given body to the parent with ID parentID via the given
275  // composite joint (specified as a list of co-located joints) with
276  // transform from the parent frame to the joint frame XT.
277  // Composite joins are useful to represent complex joints with degrees
278  // of freedom other than 1 or 3 which are directly supported.
279  label join
280  (
281  const label parentID,
282  const spatialTransform& XT,
284  autoPtr<rigidBody> bodyPtr
285  );
287  //- Merge the given body with transform X into the parent with ID
288  // parentID. The parent body assumes the properties of the combined
289  // body (inertia etc.) and the merged body is held on a
290  // separate list for reference.
291  label merge
292  (
293  const label parentID,
294  const spatialTransform& X,
295  autoPtr<rigidBody> bodyPtr
296  );
298  //- Return true if the body with given ID has been merged with a parent
299  inline bool merged(label bodyID) const;
301  //- Return the ID of the master body for a sub-body otherwise
302  // return the given body ID
303  inline label master(label bodyID) const;
305  //- Return the index of the merged body in the mergedBody list
306  // from the given body ID
307  inline label mergedBodyIndex(const label mergedBodyID) const;
309  //- Return the merged body ID for the given merged body index
310  // in the mergedBody list
311  inline label mergedBodyID(const label mergedBodyIndex) const;
313  //- Return the merged body for the given body ID
314  inline const subBody& mergedBody(label mergedBodyID) const;
316  //- Return the ID of the body with the given name
317  inline label bodyID(const word& name) const;
319  //- Return the current transform to the global frame for the given body
320  spatialTransform X0(const label bodyId) const;
322  // Find the corresponding point in the master body frame
323  vector masterPoint(const label bodyID, const vector& p) const;
325  //- Return the velocity of the given point on the given body
326  spatialVector v(const label bodyID, const vector& p) const;
328  //- Apply the restraints and accumulate the internal joint forces
329  // into the tau field and external forces into the fx field
330  void applyRestraints
331  (
332  scalarField& tau,
334  const rigidBodyModelState& state
335  ) const;
337  //- Calculate the joint acceleration qDdot from the joint state q,
338  // velocity qDot, internal force tau (in the joint frame) and
339  // external force fx (in the global frame) using the articulated body
340  // algorithm (Section 7.3 and Table 7.1)
341  void forwardDynamics
342  (
343  rigidBodyModelState& state,
344  const scalarField& tau,
345  const Field<spatialVector>& fx
346  ) const;
348  //- Correct the velocity and acceleration of the bodies in the model
349  // from the given joint state fields following an integration step
350  // of the forwardDynamics
351  void forwardDynamicsCorrection(const rigidBodyModelState& state) const;
353  //- Write
354  virtual void write(Ostream&) const;
356  //- Read coefficients dictionary and update system parameters,
357  // restraints but not the current state
358  bool read(const dictionary& dict);
361  // Ostream Operator
363  friend Ostream& operator<<(Ostream&, const rigidBodyModel&);
364 };
367 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
369 } // End namespace RBD
370 } // End namespace Foam
372 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
374 #include "rigidBodyModelI.H"
376 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
378 #endif
380 // ************************************************************************* //
const subBody & mergedBody(label mergedBodyID) const
Return the merged body for the given body ID.
Ostream & operator<<(Ostream &, const rigidBody &)
Definition: rigidBodyI.H:73
dictionary dict
const rigidBodyInertia & I(const label i) const
Return the inertia of body i.
DynamicList< vector > u_
Sub-expression tau - S^T.pA in the forward-dynamics algorithm.
DynamicList< spatialTransform > X0_
Transform for external forces to the bodies reference frame.
friend Ostream & operator<<(Ostream &, const rigidBodyModel &)
A list of keyword definitions, which are a keyword followed by any number of values (e...
Definition: dictionary.H:156
DynamicList< spatialVector > pA_
Articulated body bias force.
void forwardDynamicsCorrection(const rigidBodyModelState &state) const
Correct the velocity and acceleration of the bodies in the model.
const spatialVector & v(const label i) const
Return the spatial velocity of the bodies.
label merge(const label parentID, const spatialTransform &X, autoPtr< rigidBody > bodyPtr)
Merge the given body with transform X into the parent with ID.
DynamicList< spatialTensor > IA_
Velocity-product acceleration.
label nBodies() const
Return the number of bodies in the model (bodies().size())
label mergedBodyID(const label mergedBodyIndex) const
Return the merged body ID for the given merged body index.
label master(label bodyID) const
Return the ID of the master body for a sub-body otherwise.
DynamicList< spatialVector > S1_
Motion subspace for joints with 1 degrees of freedom.
Holds the motion state of rigid-body model.
HashTable< label, word > bodyIDs_
Lookup-table of the IDs of the bodies.
PtrList< restraint > restraints_
Motion restraints.
DynamicList< spatialVector > v_
The spatial velocity of the bodies.
DynamicList< tensor > Dinv_
Sub-expression (S^T.U)^-1 in the forward-dynamics algorithm.
PtrList< joint > joints_
Each body it attached with a joint which are held on this list.
PtrList< rigidBody > bodies_
List of the bodies.
A 1D vector of objects of type <T> that resizes itself as necessary to accept the new objects...
Definition: DynamicList.H:56
This specialised rigidBody holds the original body after it has been merged into a master...
Definition: subBody.H:52
A class for handling words, derived from string.
Definition: word.H:59
label mergedBodyIndex(const label mergedBodyID) const
Return the index of the merged body in the mergedBody list.
label nDoF_
The number of degrees of freedom of the model.
DynamicList< compactSpatialTensor > S_
Motion subspace for joints with 3 degrees of freedom.
const word & name(const label bodyID) const
Return the name of body with the given ID.
bool read(const dictionary &dict)
Read coefficients dictionary and update system parameters,.
const PtrList< joint > & joints() const
Return the list of joints in the model.
DynamicList< spatialTransform > XT_
Transform from the parent body frame to the joint frame.
Runtime type information.
bool unitQuaternions() const
Return true if any of the joints using quaternions.
DynamicList< spatialVector > c_
The velocity dependent spatial acceleration of the joints.
An STL-conforming hash table.
Definition: HashTable.H:61
virtual label join(const label parentID, const spatialTransform &XT, autoPtr< joint > jointPtr, autoPtr< rigidBody > bodyPtr)
Join the given body to the parent with ID parentID via the given.
void applyRestraints(scalarField &tau, Field< spatialVector > &fx, const rigidBodyModelState &state) const
Apply the restraints and accumulate the internal joint forces.
virtual void write(Ostream &) const
An Ostream is an abstract base class for all output systems (streams, files, token lists...
Definition: Ostream.H:54
DynamicList< spatialTransform > Xlambda_
Transform from the parent body to the current body.
DynamicList< label > lambda_
List of indices of the parent of each body.
DynamicList< compactSpatialTensor > U_
Sub-expression IA.S in the forward-dynamics algorithm.
label nDoF() const
Return the number of degrees of freedom of the model.
const vector & g() const
Return the acceleration due to gravity.
PtrList< rigidBody > bodies() const
Return the list of the bodies in the model.
bool unitQuaternions_
True if any of the joints using quaternions.
PtrList< subBody > mergedBodies_
Bodies may be merged into existing bodies, the inertia of which is.
DynamicList< spatialVector > U1_
Sub-expression IA.S1 in the forward-dynamics algorithm.
wordList movingBodyNames() const
Return the names of the moving bodies.
A templated 1D list of pointers to objects of type <T>, where the size of the array is known and used...
Definition: List.H:70
virtual ~rigidBodyModel()
const DynamicList< label > & lambda() const
List of indices of the parent of each body.
Compact representation of the Plücker spatial transformation tensor in terms of the rotation tensor E...
An auto-pointer similar to the STL auto_ptr but with automatic casting to a reference to the type and...
Definition: PtrList.H:52
label bodyID(const word &name) const
Return the ID of the body with the given name.
Basic rigid-body model representing a system of rigid-bodies connected by 1-6 DoF joints...
volScalarField & p
spatialTransform X0(const label bodyId) const
Return the current transform to the global frame for the given body.
Null-constructor which adds the single root-body at the origin.
vector masterPoint(const label bodyID, const vector &p) const
virtual label join_(const label parentID, const spatialTransform &XT, autoPtr< joint > jointPtr, autoPtr< rigidBody > bodyPtr)
Join the given body to the parent with ID parentID via the given.
void forwardDynamics(rigidBodyModelState &state, const scalarField &tau, const Field< spatialVector > &fx) const
Calculate the joint acceleration qDdot from the joint state q,.
bool merged(label bodyID) const
Return true if the body with given ID has been merged with a parent.
vector g_
Acceleration due to gravity.
DynamicList< spatialVector > a_
The spatial acceleration of the bodies.
Namespace for OpenFOAM.
This class represents the linear and angular inertia of a rigid body by the mass, centre of mass and ...