42 #ifndef STARCDMeshReader_H
43 #define STARCDMeshReader_H
93 virtual bool readGeometry(
const scalar scaleFactor = 1.0);
157 const scalar scaleFactor = 1.0
The boundaryRegion persistent data saved as a Map<dictionary>.
A class for handling file names.
This class supports creating polyMeshes with baffles.
Read pro-STAR vrt/cel/bnd files. The protected data in meshReader are filled.
static const int starToFoamFaceAddr[4][6]
Face addressing from pro-STAR faces -> OpenFOAM faces.
STARCD(const fileName &prefix, const objectRegistry &, const scalar scaleFactor=1.0)
Construct from case name.
virtual ~STARCD()
void operator=(const STARCD &)=delete
Disallow default bitwise assignment.
labelList mapToFoamPointId_
Point labels (imported Point numbering not necessarily contiguous)
boundaryRegion boundaryRegion_
Boundary region data.
static bool readHeader(IFstream &, word fileSignature)
Read header.
static bool keepSolids
Keep solids (default false)
virtual bool readGeometry(const scalar scaleFactor=1.0)
Read the mesh from the file(s)
void cullPoints()
Remove unused points.
static const char *const defaultBoundaryName
void readBoundary(const fileName &)
Read boundary (cell/face) definitions.
void readPoints(const fileName &, const scalar scaleFactor)
Read points from file.
cellShapeList cellShapes_
Cell shapes.
virtual void readCells(const fileName &)
Read cell connectivities from file.
static const char *const defaultSolidBoundaryName
labelList mapToFoamCellId_
Cell labels (imported Cell numbering not necessarily contiguous)
static void readToNewline(IFstream &)
Read and discard to newline.
void readAux(const objectRegistry &)
Read auxiliary data from constant/{boundaryRegion,cellTable}.
Registry of regIOobjects.
A class for handling words, derived from string.