121 (name, mesh, searchEngine, dict)
137 searchEngine_(searchEngine)
202 return searchEngine_;
Various (local, not parallel) searches on polyMesh; uses (demand driven) octree to search...
const polyMesh & mesh() const
iNew(const polyMesh &mesh, const meshSearch &searchEngine)
A list of keyword definitions, which are a keyword followed by any number of values (e...
static autoPtr< sampledSet > New(const word &name, const polyMesh &mesh, const meshSearch &searchEngine, const dictionary &dict)
Return a reference to the selected sampledSet.
An Istream is an abstract base class for all input systems (streams, files, token lists etc)...
virtual ~sampledSet()
void setSamples(const List< point > &samplingPts, const labelList &samplingCells, const labelList &samplingFaces, const labelList &samplingSegments, const scalarList &samplingCurveDist)
Sets sample data.
const labelList & faces() const
Ostream & write(Ostream &) const
Output for debugging.
Holds list of sampling positions.
const labelList & segments() const
autoPtr< sampledSet > operator()(Istream &is) const
Holds list of sampling points which is filled at construction time. Various implementations of this b...
A class for handling words, derived from string.
Runtime type information.
An Ostream is an abstract base class for all output systems (streams, files, token lists...
Class used for the read-construction of.
labelList segments_
Segment numbers.
declareRunTimeSelectionTable(autoPtr, sampledSet, word,(const word &name, const polyMesh &mesh, const meshSearch &searchEngine, const dictionary &dict),(name, mesh, searchEngine, dict))
const word & name() const
sampledSet(const word &name, const polyMesh &mesh, const meshSearch &searchEngine, const word &axis)
Construct from components.
const meshSearch & searchEngine() const
autoPtr< sampledSet > clone() const
An auto-pointer similar to the STL auto_ptr but with automatic casting to a reference to the type and...
labelList cells_
Cell numbers.
Mesh consisting of general polyhedral cells.
Macros to ease declaration of run-time selection tables.
#define NotImplemented
Issue a FatalErrorIn for a function not currently implemented.
const labelList & cells() const
labelList faces_
Face numbers (-1 if not known)