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Classes | |
class | fvPatchField< Type > |
Abstract base class with a fat-interface to all derived classes covering all possible ways in which they might be used. More... | |
class | slicedFvPatchField< Type > |
Specialization of fvPatchField which creates the underlying fvPatchField as a slice of the given complete field. More... | |
class | SlicedGeometricField< Type, PatchField, SlicedPatchField, GeoMesh > |
Specialization of GeometricField which holds slices of given complete fields in a form that they act as a GeometricField. More... | |
Namespaces | |
Foam | |
Namespace for OpenFOAM. | |
Typedefs | |
typedef SlicedGeometricField< scalar, fvPatchField, slicedFvPatchField, volMesh > | slicedVolScalarField |
typedef SlicedGeometricField< vector, fvPatchField, slicedFvPatchField, volMesh > | slicedVolVectorField |
typedef SlicedGeometricField< sphericalTensor, fvPatchField, slicedFvPatchField, volMesh > | slicedVolSphericalTensorField |
typedef SlicedGeometricField< symmTensor, fvPatchField, slicedFvPatchField, volMesh > | slicedVolSymmTensorField |
typedef SlicedGeometricField< tensor, fvPatchField, slicedFvPatchField, volMesh > | slicedVolTensorField |
Original source file slicedVolFieldsFwd.H
InClass Foam::slicedVolFields
Definition in file slicedVolFieldsFwd.H.