reactingTwoPhaseEulerFoam Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for reactingTwoPhaseEulerFoam:


directory  pU
directory  pUf
directory  twoPhaseCompressibleTurbulenceModels
directory  twoPhaseSystem


file  CourantNos.H [code]
file  createFieldRefs.H [code]
file  createFields.H [code]
file  EEqns.H [code]
file  reactingTwoPhaseEulerFoam.C [code]
 Solver for a system of 2 compressible fluid phases with a common pressure, but otherwise separate properties. The type of phase model is run time selectable and can optionally represent multiple species and in-phase reactions. The phase system is also run time selectable and can optionally represent different types of momentun, heat and mass transfer.
file  setRDeltaT.H [code]
file  YEqns.H [code]