172 const label localFacei
192 const label vertPerCell,
193 const label facePerCell,
194 const label maxVertPerFace,
195 const word& cellModelName
249 const bool checkOnly,
const labelList & pointMap() const
virtual bool faceSizeMatch(const faceList &, const labelList &) const =0
Check whether number of face sizes match the shape.
intWM_LABEL_SIZE_t label
A label is an int32_t or int64_t as specified by the pre-processor macro WM_LABEL_SIZE.
const labelListList & pointFaceIndex() const
Base class for cellshape matchers (hexMatch, prismMatch, etc.). These are classes which given a mesh ...
Cell-face mesh analysis engine.
labelList faceMap_
Map from local to mesh face numbering.
An analytical geometric cellShape.
const faceList & localFaces() const
virtual bool matchShape(const bool checkOnly, const faceList &faces, const labelList &faceOwner, const label celli, const labelList &myFaces)=0
Low level shape recognition. Return true if matches.
void calcEdgeAddressing(const label numVert)
Fill edge (start, end) to face number.
labelList vertLabels_
After matching: holds mesh vertices in cellmodel order.
labelListList pointFaceIndex_
pointFaceIndex[localVertI][localFacei] is index in localFace
const labelList & faceLabels() const
const labelList & faceSize() const
virtual bool isA(const primitiveMesh &mesh, const label celli)=0
Exact match. Uses faceSizeMatch.
virtual label nVertPerCell() const =0
labelList edgeFaces_
Map from 'edge' to neighbouring faces.
void write(Ostream &os) const
virtual bool matches(const primitiveMesh &mesh, const label celli, cellShape &shape)=0
Like isA but also constructs a cellShape (if shape matches)
const cellModel * cellModelPtr_
void calcPointFaceIndex()
Fill vertex/face to index in face data structure.
A class for handling words, derived from string.
label calcLocalFaces(const faceList &faces, const labelList &myFaces)
Calculates localFaces. Returns number of local vertices (or -1.
labelList faceSize_
Number of vertices per face in localFaces_.
virtual label faceHashValue() const =0
Hash value of all face sizes of this shape. Can be used for.
virtual ~cellMatcher()
An Ostream is an abstract base class for all output systems (streams, files, token lists...
labelList faceLabels_
After matching: holds mesh faces in cellmodel order.
label otherFace(const label numVert, const label v0, const label v1, const label localFacei) const
Given start,end of edge lookup both faces sharing it and return.
faceList localFaces_
Faces using local vertex numbering.
const Map< label > & localPoint() const
labelList pointMap_
Map from local to mesh vertex numbering.
const labelList & faceMap() const
const word cellModelName_
CellModel name.
virtual label nFacePerCell() const =0
virtual label nMaxVertPerFace() const =0
const labelList & vertLabels() const
Maps a geometry to a set of cell primitives, which enables geometric cell data to be calculated witho...
const labelList & edgeFaces() const
const cellModel & model() const
static label edgeKey(const label numVert, const label v0, const label v1)
Given start and end of edge generate unique key.
static label nextVert(const label, const label, const bool)
Step along face either in righthand or lefthand direction.