32 namespace combustionModels
const scalarList & Yprod0() const
Return the list of products mass concentrations.
dimensionedScalar s_
Stoichiometric oxygen-fuel mass ratio.
tmp< volScalarField > fres(const label index) const
Return the list of components residual.
label fuelIndex_
Fuel specie index.
const reaction & singleReaction() const
Return the single step reaction.
scalarList Yprod0_
Mass concentrations at stoichiometric mixture for fres.
dimensionedScalar stoicRatio_
Stoichiometric air-fuel mass ratio.
reaction reaction_
The single-step reaction.
const dimensionedScalar & stoicRatio() const
Return the stoichiometric air-fuel mass ratio.
const List< scalar > & specieStoichCoeffs() const
Return the stoichiometric coefficient for the reaction.
const dimensionedScalar & qFuel() const
Return the heat of combustion [J/Kg].
List< int > specieProd_
List to indicate if specie is produced/consumed.
PtrList< volScalarField > fres_
List of components residual.
const dimensionedScalar & s() const
Return the Stoichiometric oxygen-fuel mass ratio.
const List< int > & specieProd() const
Return the list to indicate if specie is produced/consumed.
label fuelIndex() const
Return the fuel specie index.
scalarList specieStoichCoeffs_
Stoichiometric coefficient for the reaction.
dimensionedScalar qFuel_
Heat of combustion [J/Kg].
Reaction base-class holding the specie names and coefficients.
A class for managing temporary objects.
intWM_LABEL_SIZE_t label
A label is an int32_t or int64_t as specified by the pre-processor macro WM_LABEL_SIZE.