41 #ifndef refinementIterator_H
42 #define refinementIterator_H
58 class undoableMeshCutter;
100 const bool writeMesh =
A 1D array of objects of type <T>, where the size of the vector is known and used for subscript bound...
Abstract base class. Concrete implementations know how to cut a cell (i.e. determine a loop around th...
Combines edge or vertex in single label. Used to specify cuts across cell circumference.
const polyMesh & mesh() const
Mesh consisting of general polyhedral cells.
Utility class to do iterating meshCutter until all requests satisfied.
Runtime type information.
refinementIterator(polyMesh &mesh, undoableMeshCutter &meshRefiner, const cellLooper &cellWalker, const bool writeMesh=false)
Construct from mesh, refinementEngine and cell walking routine.
Map< label > setRefinement(const List< refineCell > &)
Try to refine cells in given direction. Constructs intermediate.
The main refinement handler. Gets cellCuts which is structure that describes which cells are to be cu...
Basic run-time type information using word as the type's name. Used to enhance the standard RTTI to c...