polyMeshCheckQuality.C File Reference
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 Namespace for OpenFOAM.
 Collection of functions checking primitiveMesh.


scalar checkNonOrtho (const primitiveMesh &mesh, const bool report, const scalar severeNonorthogonalityThreshold, const label facei, const vector &s, const vector &d, label &severeNonOrth, label &errorNonOrth, labelHashSet *setPtr)
bool checkFaceTet (const primitiveMesh &mesh, const bool report, const scalar minTetQuality, const pointField &p, const label facei, const point &fc, const point &cc, labelHashSet *setPtr)
labelList getAffectedCells (const primitiveMesh &mesh, const labelList &changedFaces)

Detailed Description

Original source file polyMeshCheckQuality.C

Definition in file polyMeshCheckQuality.C.