52 int main(
int argc,
char *argv[])
57 "do not write the magnetic field intensity field"
63 "do not write the magnetic flux density field"
69 "write the paramagnetic particle force field"
82 Info<<
"Calculating the magnetic field potential" <<
109 <<
"Creating field H for time "
110 << runTime.name() <<
118 <<
"Creating field HdotGradH for time "
119 << runTime.name() <<
139 <<
"Creating field B for time "
140 << runTime.name() <<
static const Foam::dimensionedScalar B("B", Foam::dimless, 18.678)
Generic GeometricField class.
IOobject defines the attributes of an object for which implicit objectRegistry management is supporte...
static void addBoolOption(const word &opt, const string &usage="")
Add to a bool option to validOptions with usage information.
bool optionFound(const word &opt) const
Return true if the named option is found.
bool correctNonOrthogonal(const bool finalIter=false)
Non-orthogonal corrector loop.
virtual bool write(const bool write=true) const
Write using setting from DB.
Simple control class. Provides time-loop control methods which exit the simulation once convergence c...
simpleControl simple(mesh)
Calculate the gradient of the given field.
Reconstruct volField from a face flux field.
Calculate the snGrad of the given volField.
Calculate the matrix for the laplacian of the field.
const volScalarField & psi
surfaceScalarField Mrf(IOobject("Mrf", runTime.name(), mesh), mesh, dimensionedScalar(dimensionSet(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0), 0))
surfaceScalarField murf(IOobject("murf", runTime.name(), mesh), mesh, 1)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
const dimensionedScalar mu0
Magnetic constant/permeability of free space: default SI units: [H/m].
tmp< VolField< typename outerProduct< vector, Type >::type > > reconstruct(const SurfaceField< Type > &ssf)
tmp< VolField< typename outerProduct< vector, Type >::type > > grad(const SurfaceField< Type > &ssf)
tmp< VolField< Type > > div(const SurfaceField< Type > &ssf)
tmp< SurfaceField< Type > > snGrad(const VolField< Type > &vf, const word &name)
tmp< fvMatrix< Type > > laplacian(const VolField< Type > &vf, const word &name)
Ostream & endl(Ostream &os)
Add newline and flush stream.
SolverPerformance< Type > solve(fvMatrix< Type > &, const word &)
Solve returning the solution statistics given convergence tolerance.
Foam::argList args(argc, argv)