57 template<
class BasicMomentumTransportModel>
62 eddyViscosity<RASModel<BasicMomentumTransportModel>>,
63 BasicMomentumTransportModel
69 typedef typename BasicMomentumTransportModel::alphaField
70 typedef typename BasicMomentumTransportModel::rhoField
Generic GeometricField class.
Specialisation for RAS of the generic kOmegaSSTBase base class. For more information,...
BasicMomentumTransportModel::alphaField alphaField
Runtime type information.
virtual ~kOmegaSST()
kOmegaSST(const alphaField &alpha, const rhoField &rho, const volVectorField &U, const surfaceScalarField &alphaRhoPhi, const surfaceScalarField &phi, const viscosity &viscosity, const word &type=typeName)
Construct from components.
BasicMomentumTransportModel::rhoField rhoField
Implementation of the k-omega-SST turbulence model for incompressible and compressible flows.
BasicMomentumTransportModel::alphaField alphaField
BasicMomentumTransportModel::rhoField rhoField
Abstract base class for all fluid physical properties.
A class for handling words, derived from string.
volScalarField alpha(IOobject("alpha", runTime.name(), mesh, IOobject::READ_IF_PRESENT, IOobject::AUTO_WRITE), lambda *max(Ua &U, zeroSensitivity))
fileType type(const fileName &, const bool checkVariants=true, const bool followLink=true)
Return the file type: directory or file.