Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // write time values to case file
3 scalar timeCorrection = 0;
4 if (timeDirs[0].value() < 0)
5 {
6  timeCorrection = - timeDirs[0].value();
7  Info<< "Correcting time values. Adding " << timeCorrection << endl;
8 }
10 // the case file is always ASCII
11 Info << "write case: " << caseFileName.c_str() << endl;
13 OFstream caseFile(ensightDir/caseFileName, IOstream::ASCII);
14 caseFile.setf(ios_base::left);
16 caseFile.setf(ios_base::scientific, ios_base::floatfield);
17 caseFile.precision(5);
19 caseFile
20  << "FORMAT" << nl
21  << setw(16) << "type:" << "ensight gold" << nl << nl;
23 if (hasMovingMesh)
24 {
25  caseFile
26  << "GEOMETRY" << nl
27  << setw(16) << "model: 1" << (dataMask/geometryName).c_str() << nl;
28 }
29 else
30 {
31  caseFile
32  << "GEOMETRY" << nl
33  << setw(16) << "model:" << geometryName << nl;
34 }
37 // add information for clouds
38 // multiple clouds currently require the same time index
39 forAllConstIter(HashTable<HashTable<word>>, cloudFields, cloudIter)
40 {
41  const word& cloudName = cloudIter.key();
43  caseFile
44  << setw(16) << "measured: 2"
45  << fileName(dataMask/cloud::prefix/cloudName/"positions").c_str()
46  << nl;
47 }
48 caseFile
49  << nl << "VARIABLE" << nl;
51 forAllConstIter(HashTable<word>, volumeFields, fieldIter)
52 {
53  const word& fieldName = fieldIter.key();
54  const word& fieldType = fieldIter();
55  string ensightType;
57  if (fieldType == volScalarField::typeName)
58  {
59  ensightType = "scalar";
60  }
61  else if (fieldType == volVectorField::typeName)
62  {
63  ensightType = "vector";
64  }
65  else if (fieldType == volSphericalTensorField::typeName)
66  {
67  ensightType = "tensor symm";
68  }
69  else if (fieldType == volSymmTensorField::typeName)
70  {
71  ensightType = "tensor symm";
72  }
73  else if (fieldType == volTensorField::typeName)
74  {
75  ensightType = "tensor asym";
76  }
78  if (ensightType.size())
79  {
81  (
82  caseFile,
83  ensightType,
84  fieldName,
85  dataMask
86  );
87  }
88 }
90 // TODO: allow similar/different time-steps for each cloud
93 label cloudNo = 0;
94 forAllConstIter(HashTable<HashTable<word>>, cloudFields, cloudIter)
95 {
96  const word& cloudName = cloudIter.key();
98  forAllConstIter(HashTable<word>, cloudIter(), fieldIter)
99  {
100  const word& fieldName = fieldIter.key();
101  const word& fieldType = fieldIter();
102  string ensightType;
104  if (fieldType == scalarIOField::typeName)
105  {
106  ensightType = "scalar";
107  }
108  else if (fieldType == vectorIOField::typeName)
109  {
110  ensightType = "vector";
111  }
112  else if (fieldType == tensorIOField::typeName)
113  {
114  ensightType = "tensor";
115  }
117  if (ensightType.size())
118  {
120  (
121  caseFile,
122  ensightType,
123  fieldName,
124  dataMask,
125  cloud::prefix/cloudName,
126  cloudNo,
127  2
128  );
129  }
130  }
131  cloudNo++;
132 }
135 // add time values
136 caseFile << nl << "TIME" << nl;
138 // time set 1 - geometry and volume fields
139 if (fieldTimesUsed.size())
140 {
141  caseFile
142  << "time set: " << 1 << nl
143  << "number of steps: " << fieldTimesUsed.size() << nl
144  << "filename numbers:" << nl;
146  label count = 0;
147  forAll(fieldTimesUsed, i)
148  {
149  caseFile
150  << " " << setw(12) << fieldTimesUsed[i];
152  if (++count % 6 == 0)
153  {
154  caseFile << nl;
155  }
156  }
158  caseFile
159  << nl << "time values:" << nl;
161  count = 0;
162  forAll(fieldTimesUsed, i)
163  {
164  caseFile
165  << " " << setw(12)
166  << timeIndices[fieldTimesUsed[i]] + timeCorrection;
168  if (++count % 6 == 0)
169  {
170  caseFile << nl;
171  }
172  }
173  caseFile << nl << nl;
174 }
176 // TODO: allow similar/different time-steps for each cloud
177 cloudNo = 0;
178 forAllConstIter(HashTable<DynamicList<label>>, cloudTimesUsed, cloudIter)
179 {
180  // const word& cloudName = cloudIter.key();
181  const DynamicList<label>& timesUsed = cloudIter();
183  if (timesUsed.size() && cloudNo == 0)
184  {
185  caseFile
186  << "time set: " << 2 << nl
187  << "number of steps: " << timesUsed.size() << nl
188  << "filename numbers:" << nl;
190  label count = 0;
191  forAll(timesUsed, i)
192  {
193  caseFile
194  << " " << setw(12) << timesUsed[i];
196  if (++count % 6 == 0)
197  {
198  caseFile << nl;
199  }
200  }
202  caseFile
203  << nl << "time values:" << nl;
205  count = 0;
206  forAll(timesUsed, i)
207  {
208  caseFile
209  << " " << setw(12)
210  << timeIndices[timesUsed[i]] + timeCorrection;
212  if (++count % 6 == 0)
213  {
214  caseFile << nl;
215  }
216  }
217  caseFile << nl << nl;
219  cloudNo++;
220  }
221 }
223 caseFile << "# end" << nl;
#define forAll(list, i)
Loop across all elements in list.
Definition: UList.H:434
#define forAllConstIter(Container, container, iter)
Iterate across all elements in the container object of type.
Definition: UList.H:477
bool hasMovingMesh
scalar timeCorrection
Info<< "write case: "<< caseFileName.c_str()<< endl;OFstream caseFile(ensightDir/caseFileName, IOstream::ASCII);caseFile.setf(ios_base::left);caseFile.setf(ios_base::scientific, ios_base::floatfield);caseFile.precision(5);caseFile<< "FORMAT"<< nl<< setw(16)<< "type:"<< "ensight gold"<< nl<< nl;if(hasMovingMesh){ caseFile<< "GEOMETRY"<< nl<< setw(16)<< "model: 1"<<(dataMask/geometryName).c_str()<< nl;}else{ caseFile<< "GEOMETRY"<< nl<< setw(16)<< "model:"<< geometryName<< nl;}forAllConstIter(HashTable< HashTable< word >>, cloudFields, cloudIter){ const word &cloudName=cloudIter.key();caseFile<< setw(16)<< "measured: 2"<< fileName(dataMask/cloud::prefix/cloudName/"positions").c_str()<< nl;}caseFile<< nl<< "VARIABLE"<< nl;forAllConstIter(HashTable< word >, volumeFields, fieldIter){ const word &fieldName=fieldIter.key();const word &fieldType=fieldIter();string ensightType;if(fieldType==volScalarField::typeName) { ensightType="scalar";} else if(fieldType==volVectorField::typeName) { ensightType="vector";} else if(fieldType==volSphericalTensorField::typeName) { ensightType="tensor symm";} else if(fieldType==volSymmTensorField::typeName) { ensightType="tensor symm";} else if(fieldType==volTensorField::typeName) { ensightType="tensor asym";} if(ensightType.size()) { ensightCaseEntry(caseFile, ensightType, fieldName, dataMask);}}label cloudNo=0;forAllConstIter(HashTable< HashTable< word >>, cloudFields, cloudIter){ const word &cloudName=cloudIter.key();forAllConstIter(HashTable< word >, cloudIter(), fieldIter) { const word &fieldName=fieldIter.key();const word &fieldType=fieldIter();string ensightType;if(fieldType==scalarIOField::typeName) { ensightType="scalar";} else if(fieldType==vectorIOField::typeName) { ensightType="vector";} else if(fieldType==tensorIOField::typeName) { ensightType="tensor";} if(ensightType.size()) { ensightCaseEntry(caseFile, ensightType, fieldName, dataMask, cloud::prefix/cloudName, cloudNo, 2);} } cloudNo++;}caseFile<< nl<< "TIME"<< nl;if(fieldTimesUsed.size()){ caseFile<< "time set: "<< 1<< nl<< "number of steps: "<< fieldTimesUsed.size()<< nl<< "filename numbers:"<< nl;label count=0;forAll(fieldTimesUsed, i) { caseFile<< " "<< setw(12)<< fieldTimesUsed[i];if(++count % 6==0) { caseFile<< nl;} } caseFile<< nl<< "time values:"<< nl;count=0;forAll(fieldTimesUsed, i) { caseFile<< " "<< setw(12)<< timeIndices[fieldTimesUsed[i]]+timeCorrection;if(++count % 6==0) { caseFile<< nl;} } caseFile<< nl<< nl;}cloudNo=0;forAllConstIter(HashTable< DynamicList< label >>, cloudTimesUsed, cloudIter){ const DynamicList< label > & timesUsed
HashTable< HashTable< word > > cloudFields
Definition: findFields.H:7
HashTable< word > volumeFields
Definition: findFields.H:4
static instantList timeDirs
Definition: globalFoam.H:44
intWM_LABEL_SIZE_t label
A label is an int32_t or int64_t as specified by the pre-processor macro WM_LABEL_SIZE.
Definition: label.H:59
Ostream & endl(Ostream &os)
Add newline and flush stream.
Definition: Ostream.H:257
Omanip< int > setw(const int i)
Definition: IOmanip.H:199
messageStream Info
void ensightCaseEntry(OFstream &caseFile, const string &ensightType, const word &fieldName, const fileName &dataMask, const fileName &local=fileName::null, const label cloudNo=-1, const label timeSet=1)
IOstream & scientific(IOstream &io)
Definition: IOstream.H:579
label count(const ListType &l, typename ListType::const_reference x)
Count the number of occurrences of a value in a list.
static const char nl
Definition: Ostream.H:266
const word cloudName(propsDict.lookup("cloudName"))