Scalar.H File Reference
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class  pTraits< Scalar >


 Namespace for OpenFOAM.


word name (const Scalar)
 Return a string representation of a Scalar. More...
 transFunc (sqrt) transFunc(cbrt) transFunc(exp) transFunc(log) transFunc(log10) transFunc(sin) transFunc(cos) transFunc(tan) transFunc(asin) transFunc(acos) transFunc(atan) transFunc(sinh) transFunc(cosh) transFunc(tanh) transFunc(asinh) transFunc(acosh) transFunc(atanh) transFunc(erf) transFunc(erfc) transFunc(lgamma) transFunc(tgamma) transFunc(j0) transFunc(j1) transFunc(y0) transFunc(y1) inline Scalar &setComponent(Scalar &s
Scalar component (const Scalar s, const direction)
int sign (const Scalar s)
 Return 1 if s is positive or 0 otherwise -1. More...
int pos (const Scalar s)
 Return 1 if s is positive but not 0. More...
int pos0 (const Scalar s)
 Return 1 if s is positive or 0. More...
int neg (const Scalar s)
 Return 1 if s is negative but not 0. More...
int neg0 (const Scalar s)
 Return 1 if s is negative or 0. More...
Scalar posPart (const Scalar s)
 Return the positive part of s. More...
Scalar negPart (const Scalar s)
 Return the negative part of s. More...
bool equal (const Scalar &s1, const Scalar &s2)
bool notEqual (const Scalar s1, const Scalar s2)
Scalar limit (const Scalar s1, const Scalar s2)
Scalar minMod (const Scalar s1, const Scalar s2)
Scalar magSqr (const Scalar s)
Scalar sqr (const Scalar s)
Scalar pow3 (const Scalar s)
Scalar pow4 (const Scalar s)
Scalar pow5 (const Scalar s)
Scalar pow6 (const Scalar s)
Scalar pow025 (const Scalar s)
Scalar inv (const Scalar s)
template<class Type >
Type dot (const Scalar s, const Type &t)
template<class Type >
Type dot (const Type &t, const Scalar s)
Scalar dot (const Scalar s1, const Scalar s2)
Scalar cmptMultiply (const Scalar s1, const Scalar s2)
Scalar cmptPow (const Scalar s1, const Scalar s2)
Scalar cmptDivide (const Scalar s1, const Scalar s2)
Scalar cmptMax (const Scalar s)
Scalar cmptMin (const Scalar s)
Scalar cmptAv (const Scalar s)
Scalar cmptSqr (const Scalar s)
Scalar cmptMag (const Scalar s)
Scalar sqrtSumSqr (const Scalar a, const Scalar b)
Scalar stabilise (const Scalar s, const Scalar small)
 Stabilisation around zero for division. More...
scalar readScalar (Istream &is)
 Read a single scalar from an input stream. More...
void writeEntry (Ostream &os, const Scalar value)
Istream & operator>> (Istream &is, Scalar &s)
Ostream & operator<< (Ostream &os, const Scalar s)

Detailed Description

Original source file Scalar.H

Definition in file Scalar.H.