35 #ifndef IATEphaseChange_H
36 #define IATEphaseChange_H
44 namespace diameterModels
60 const word otherPhaseName_;
63 const word dmdtfName_;
66 const word specieName_;
Generic GeometricField class.
IATE (Interfacial Area Transport Equation) bubble diameter model.
IATE (Interfacial Area Transport Equation) bubble diameter model run-time selectable sources.
Phase-change IATE source.
phaseChange(const IATE &iate, const dictionary &dict)
virtual ~phaseChange()
Runtime type information.
virtual tmp< fvScalarMatrix > R(const volScalarField &alphai, volScalarField &kappai) const
A list of keyword definitions, which are a keyword followed by any number of values (e....
A class for managing temporary objects.
A class for handling words, derived from string.