Namespace for LES SGS models. More...
Classes | |
class | DeardorffDiffStress |
Differential SGS Stress Equation Model for incompressible and compressible flows. More... | |
class | dynamicKEqn |
Dynamic one equation eddy-viscosity model. More... | |
class | dynamicLagrangian |
Dynamic SGS model with Lagrangian averaging. More... | |
class | kEqn |
One equation eddy-viscosity model. More... | |
class | kOmegaSSTDES |
Implementation of the k-omega-SST-DES turbulence model for incompressible and compressible flows. More... | |
class | cubeRootVolDelta |
Simple cube-root of cell volume delta used in LES SGS models. More... | |
class | IDDESDelta |
IDDESDelta used by the IDDES (improved low Re Spalart-Allmaras DES model) The min and max delta are calculated using the double distance of the min or max from the face centre to the cell centre. More... | |
class | maxDeltaxyz |
Delta calculated by taking the maximum distance between the cell centre and any face centre. For a regular hex cell, the computed delta will equate to half of the cell width; accordingly, the deltaCoeff model coefficient should be set to 2 for this case. More... | |
class | PrandtlDelta |
Apply Prandtl mixing-length based damping function to the specified geometric delta to improve near-wall behavior or LES SGS models. More... | |
class | smoothDelta |
Smoothed delta which takes a given simple geometric delta and applies smoothing to it such that the ratio of deltas between two cells is no larger than a specified amount, typically 1.15. More... | |
class | vanDriestDelta |
Apply van Driest damping function to the specified geometric delta to improve near-wall behavior or LES SGS models. More... | |
class | LESeddyViscosity |
Eddy viscosity LES SGS model base class. More... | |
class | Smagorinsky |
The Smagorinsky SGS model. More... | |
class | SpalartAllmarasDDES |
SpalartAllmaras DDES turbulence model for incompressible and compressible flows. More... | |
class | SpalartAllmarasDES |
SpalartAllmarasDES DES turbulence model for incompressible and compressible flows. More... | |
class | SpalartAllmarasIDDES |
SpalartAllmaras IDDES turbulence model for incompressible and compressible flows. More... | |
class | WALE |
The Wall-adapting local eddy-viscosity (WALE) SGS model. More... | |
class | continuousGasKEqn |
One-equation SGS model for the gas-phase in a two-phase system supporting phase-inversion. More... | |
class | NicenoKEqn |
One-equation SGS model for the continuous phase in a two-phase system including bubble-generated turbulence. More... | |
class | SmagorinskyZhang |
The Smagorinsky SGS model including bubble-generated turbulence. More... | |
Foam::LESModels::defineTypeNameAndDebug | ( | cubeRootVolDelta | , |
0 | |||
) |
Foam::LESModels::addToRunTimeSelectionTable | ( | LESdelta | , |
cubeRootVolDelta | , | ||
dictionary | |||
) |
Foam::LESModels::defineTypeNameAndDebug | ( | IDDESDelta | , |
0 | |||
) |
Foam::LESModels::addToRunTimeSelectionTable | ( | LESdelta | , |
IDDESDelta | , | ||
dictionary | |||
) |
Foam::LESModels::defineTypeNameAndDebug | ( | maxDeltaxyz | , |
0 | |||
) |
Foam::LESModels::addToRunTimeSelectionTable | ( | LESdelta | , |
maxDeltaxyz | , | ||
dictionary | |||
) |
Foam::LESModels::defineTypeNameAndDebug | ( | PrandtlDelta | , |
0 | |||
) |
Foam::LESModels::addToRunTimeSelectionTable | ( | LESdelta | , |
PrandtlDelta | , | ||
dictionary | |||
) |
Foam::LESModels::defineTypeNameAndDebug | ( | smoothDelta | , |
0 | |||
) |
Foam::LESModels::addToRunTimeSelectionTable | ( | LESdelta | , |
smoothDelta | , | ||
dictionary | |||
) |
Foam::LESModels::defineTypeNameAndDebug | ( | vanDriestDelta | , |
0 | |||
) |
Foam::LESModels::addToRunTimeSelectionTable | ( | LESdelta | , |
vanDriestDelta | , | ||
dictionary | |||
) |