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Foam::LESModels Namespace Reference

Namespace for LES SGS models. More...


class  DeardorffDiffStress
 Differential SGS Stress Equation Model for incompressible and compressible flows. More...
class  dynamicKEqn
 Dynamic one equation eddy-viscosity model. More...
class  dynamicLagrangian
 Dynamic SGS model with Lagrangian averaging. More...
class  kEqn
 One equation eddy-viscosity model. More...
class  kOmegaSSTDES
 Implementation of the k-omega-SST-DES turbulence model for incompressible and compressible flows. More...
class  cubeRootVolDelta
 Simple cube-root of cell volume delta used in LES SGS models. More...
class  IDDESDelta
 IDDESDelta used by the IDDES (improved low Re Spalart-Allmaras DES model) The min and max delta are calculated using the double distance of the min or max from the face centre to the cell centre. More...
class  maxDeltaxyz
 Delta calculated by taking the maximum distance between the cell centre and any face centre. For a regular hex cell, the computed delta will equate to half of the cell width; accordingly, the deltaCoeff model coefficient should be set to 2 for this case. More...
class  PrandtlDelta
 Apply Prandtl mixing-length based damping function to the specified geometric delta to improve near-wall behavior or LES SGS models. More...
class  smoothDelta
 Smoothed delta which takes a given simple geometric delta and applies smoothing to it such that the ratio of deltas between two cells is no larger than a specified amount, typically 1.15. More...
class  vanDriestDelta
 Apply van Driest damping function to the specified geometric delta to improve near-wall behavior or LES SGS models. More...
class  LESeddyViscosity
 Eddy viscosity LES SGS model base class. More...
class  Smagorinsky
 The Smagorinsky SGS model. More...
class  SpalartAllmarasDDES
 SpalartAllmaras DDES turbulence model for incompressible and compressible flows. More...
class  SpalartAllmarasDES
 SpalartAllmarasDES DES turbulence model for incompressible and compressible flows. More...
class  SpalartAllmarasIDDES
 SpalartAllmaras IDDES turbulence model for incompressible and compressible flows. More...
class  WALE
 The Wall-adapting local eddy-viscosity (WALE) SGS model. More...
class  continuousGasKEqn
 One-equation SGS model for the gas-phase in a two-phase system supporting phase-inversion. More...
class  NicenoKEqn
 One-equation SGS model for the continuous phase in a two-phase system including bubble-generated turbulence. More...
class  SmagorinskyZhang
 The Smagorinsky SGS model including bubble-generated turbulence. More...


 defineTypeNameAndDebug (cubeRootVolDelta, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (LESdelta, cubeRootVolDelta, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (IDDESDelta, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (LESdelta, IDDESDelta, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (maxDeltaxyz, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (LESdelta, maxDeltaxyz, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (PrandtlDelta, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (LESdelta, PrandtlDelta, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (smoothDelta, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (LESdelta, smoothDelta, dictionary)
 defineTypeNameAndDebug (vanDriestDelta, 0)
 addToRunTimeSelectionTable (LESdelta, vanDriestDelta, dictionary)

Detailed Description

Namespace for LES SGS models.

Function Documentation

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [1/6]

Foam::LESModels::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( cubeRootVolDelta  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [1/6]

Foam::LESModels::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( LESdelta  ,
cubeRootVolDelta  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [2/6]

Foam::LESModels::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( IDDESDelta  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [2/6]

Foam::LESModels::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( LESdelta  ,
IDDESDelta  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [3/6]

Foam::LESModels::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( maxDeltaxyz  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [3/6]

Foam::LESModels::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( LESdelta  ,
maxDeltaxyz  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [4/6]

Foam::LESModels::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( PrandtlDelta  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [4/6]

Foam::LESModels::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( LESdelta  ,
PrandtlDelta  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [5/6]

Foam::LESModels::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( smoothDelta  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [5/6]

Foam::LESModels::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( LESdelta  ,
smoothDelta  ,

◆ defineTypeNameAndDebug() [6/6]

Foam::LESModels::defineTypeNameAndDebug ( vanDriestDelta  ,

◆ addToRunTimeSelectionTable() [6/6]

Foam::LESModels::addToRunTimeSelectionTable ( LESdelta  ,
vanDriestDelta  ,