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pointMesh Class Reference

Mesh representing a set of points created from polyMesh. More...

Inheritance diagram for pointMesh:
Collaboration diagram for pointMesh:

Public Types

typedef pointMesh Mesh
typedef pointBoundaryMesh BoundaryMesh
- Public Types inherited from IOobject
enum  objectState { GOOD , BAD }
 Enumeration defining the valid states of an IOobject. More...
 Enumeration defining the read options. More...
enum  writeOption { AUTO_WRITE = 0 , NO_WRITE = 1 }
 Enumeration defining the write options. More...
enum  fileCheckTypes { timeStamp , timeStampMaster , inotify , inotifyMaster }
 Enumeration defining the file checking options. More...
- Public Types inherited from GeoMesh< polyMesh >
typedef polyMesh Mesh
typedef MESH::BoundaryMesh BoundaryMesh

Public Member Functions

 ClassName ("pointMesh")
 pointMesh (const pointMesh &)=delete
 Disallow default bitwise copy construction. More...
 ~pointMesh ()
 Destructor. More...
label size () const
 Return number of points. More...
const pointBoundaryMeshboundary () const
 Return reference to boundary mesh. More...
const globalMeshDataglobalData () const
 Return parallel info. More...
const objectRegistrythisDb () const
 Return database. For now is its polyMesh. More...
void reset ()
 Reset pointMesh with respect to the updated polyMesh. More...
virtual bool movePoints ()
 Move points. More...
virtual void topoChange (const polyTopoChangeMap &)
 Update the mesh corresponding to given map. More...
virtual void mapMesh (const polyMeshMap &)
 Update from another mesh using the given map. More...
virtual void distribute (const polyDistributionMap &)
 Redistribute or update using the given distribution map. More...
virtual void reorderPatches (const labelUList &newToOld, const bool validBoundary)
 Reordered/removed trailing patches. If validBoundary call is. More...
virtual void addPatch (const label patchi)
 Inserted patch at patchi. More...
void operator= (const pointMesh &)=delete
 Disallow default bitwise assignment. More...
bool operator!= (const pointMesh &pm) const
bool operator== (const pointMesh &pm) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from DemandDrivenMeshObject< polyMesh, PatchMeshObject, pointMesh >
virtual ~DemandDrivenMeshObject ()
const polyMeshmesh () const
virtual bool writeData (Foam::Ostream &) const
 Pure virtual writaData function. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from regIOobject
 TypeName ("regIOobject")
 Runtime type information. More...
 regIOobject (const IOobject &, const bool isTime=false)
 Construct from IOobject. Optional flag for if IOobject is the. More...
 regIOobject (const regIOobject &)
 Copy constructor. More...
 regIOobject (const regIOobject &&)
 Move constructor. More...
 regIOobject (const regIOobject &, bool registerCopy)
 Copy constructor, transferring registry registration to copy. More...
 regIOobject (const word &newName, const regIOobject &, bool registerCopy)
 Copy constructor with new name, transferring registry registration. More...
 regIOobject (const IOobject &, const regIOobject &)
 Copy constructor with new IO parameters. More...
virtual ~regIOobject ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual bool global () const
 Return true if object is global, i.e. same for all processors. More...
virtual bool globalFile () const
 Return true if object is global, i.e. same for all processors. More...
const fileNamecaseName () const
fileName path () const
 Return complete path. More...
fileName objectPath () const
 Return complete path + object name. More...
fileName filePath () const
 Return complete path + object name if the file exists. More...
bool checkIn ()
 Add object to registry. More...
bool checkOut ()
 Remove object from registry. More...
void addWatch ()
 Add file watch on object (if registered and READ_IF_MODIFIED) More...
bool registered () const
 Is this object registered with the registry? More...
bool ownedByRegistry () const
 Is this object owned by the registry? More...
void store ()
 Transfer ownership of this object to its registry. More...
void release ()
 Release ownership of this object from its registry. More...
label eventNo () const
 Event number at last update. More...
labeleventNo ()
 Event number at last update. More...
bool upToDate (const regIOobject &) const
 Return true if up-to-date with respect to given object. More...
bool upToDate (const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &) const
 Return true if up-to-date with respect to given objects. More...
bool upToDate (const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &) const
 Return true if up-to-date with respect to given objects. More...
bool upToDate (const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &, const regIOobject &) const
 Return true if up-to-date with respect to given objects. More...
void setUpToDate ()
 Set up to date (obviously) More...
virtual void rename (const word &newName)
 Rename. More...
bool headerOk ()
 Read and check header info. More...
IstreamreadStream (const word &, const bool read=true)
 Return Istream and check object type against that given. More...
void close ()
 Close Istream. More...
virtual bool readData (Istream &)
 Virtual readData function. More...
virtual bool read ()
 Read object. More...
const labelListwatchIndices () const
 Return file-monitoring handles. More...
labelListwatchIndices ()
 Return file-monitoring handles. More...
virtual bool modified () const
 Return true if the object's file (or files for objectRegistry) More...
virtual bool readIfModified ()
 Read object if modified (as set by call to modified) More...
virtual bool writeObject (IOstream::streamFormat, IOstream::versionNumber, IOstream::compressionType, const bool write) const
 Write using given format, version and compression. More...
virtual bool write (const bool write=true) const
 Write using setting from DB. More...
void operator= (const IOobject &)
 Assign to IOobject. More...
void operator= (const regIOobject &)=delete
 Disallow default assignment. More...
const fileNamecaseName (const bool global) const
fileName path (const bool global) const
 Return complete path including the processor sub-directory. More...
fileName objectPath (const bool global) const
 Return complete path + object name including the processor. More...
fileName filePath (const word &typeName, const bool global) const
 Return complete path + object name if the file exists. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IOobject
 TypeName ("IOobject")
 Runtime type information. More...
 IOobject (const word &name, const fileName &instance, const objectRegistry &registry, readOption r=NO_READ, writeOption w=NO_WRITE, bool registerObject=true)
 Construct from name, instance, registry, io options. More...
 IOobject (const word &name, const fileName &instance, const fileName &local, const objectRegistry &registry, readOption r=NO_READ, writeOption w=NO_WRITE, bool registerObject=true)
 Construct from name, instance, local, registry, io options. More...
 IOobject (const fileName &path, const objectRegistry &registry, readOption r=NO_READ, writeOption w=NO_WRITE, bool registerObject=true)
 Construct from path, registry, io options. More...
 IOobject (const IOobject &io, const objectRegistry &registry)
 Construct from copy resetting registry. More...
 IOobject (const IOobject &io, const word &name)
 Construct from copy resetting name. More...
 IOobject (const IOobject &io)=default
 Copy constructor. More...
autoPtr< IOobjectclone () const
 Clone. More...
autoPtr< IOobjectclone (const objectRegistry &registry) const
 Clone resetting registry. More...
virtual ~IOobject ()
 Destructor. More...
const Timetime () const
 Return time. More...
const objectRegistrydb () const
 Return the local objectRegistry. More...
const wordname () const
 Return name. More...
const wordheaderClassName () const
 Return name of the class name read from header. More...
wordheaderClassName ()
 Return name of the class name read from header. More...
stringnote ()
 Return non-constant access to the optional note. More...
const stringnote () const
 Return the optional note. More...
bool & registerObject ()
 Register object created from this IOobject with registry if true. More...
bool registerObject () const
 Register object created from this IOobject with registry if true. More...
readOption readOpt () const
readOptionreadOpt ()
writeOption writeOpt () const
writeOptionwriteOpt ()
word group () const
 Return group (extension part of name) More...
word member () const
 Return member (name without the extension) More...
const fileNamerootPath () const
const fileNamecaseName (const bool global) const
fileNameinstance () const
 Return the instance directory, constant, system, <time> etc. More...
void updateInstance () const
 If the instance is a time directory update to the current time. More...
const fileNamelocal () const
fileName path (const bool global) const
 Return complete path including the processor sub-directory. More...
fileName objectPath (const bool global) const
 Return complete path + object name including the processor. More...
fileName relativePath () const
 Return the path relative to the case directory. More...
fileName relativeObjectPath () const
 Return complete relativePath + object name. More...
fileName filePath (const word &typeName, const bool global) const
 Return complete path + object name if the file exists. More...
bool readHeader (Istream &)
 Read header. More...
bool headerOk ()
 Read header of local object without type-checking. More...
template<class Type >
void warnNoRereading () const
 Helper: warn that type does not support re-reading. More...
bool writeHeader (Ostream &) const
 Write header. More...
bool writeHeader (Ostream &, const word &objectType) const
 Write header. Allow override of type. More...
bool good () const
bool bad () const
InfoProxy< IOobjectinfo () const
 Return info proxy. More...
void operator= (const IOobject &)
template<class Name >
Foam::word groupName (Name name, const word &group)
- Public Member Functions inherited from PatchMeshObject< Mesh >
 PatchMeshObject (regIOobject &io, const Mesh &mesh)
- Public Member Functions inherited from UpdateableMeshObject< Mesh >
 UpdateableMeshObject (regIOobject &io, const Mesh &mesh)
- Public Member Functions inherited from DistributeableMeshObject< Mesh >
 DistributeableMeshObject (regIOobject &io, const Mesh &mesh)
- Public Member Functions inherited from MoveableMeshObject< Mesh >
 MoveableMeshObject (regIOobject &io, const Mesh &mesh)
- Public Member Functions inherited from GeometricMeshObject< Mesh >
 GeometricMeshObject (regIOobject &io, const Mesh &mesh)
- Public Member Functions inherited from TopologicalMeshObject< Mesh >
 TopologicalMeshObject (regIOobject &io, const Mesh &mesh)
virtual ~TopologicalMeshObject ()=default
 Virtual destructor to make class polymorphic. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from GeoMesh< polyMesh >
 GeoMesh (const polyMesh &mesh)
 Construct from MESH. More...
const objectRegistrythisDb () const
 Return the object registry. More...
const polyMeshoperator() () const
 Return reference to MESH. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static label size (const Mesh &mesh)
 Return number of points. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from DemandDrivenMeshObject< polyMesh, PatchMeshObject, pointMesh >
static pointMeshNew (const polyMesh &mesh)
static pointMeshNew (const polyMesh &mesh, const Args &... args)
static bool Delete (const polyMesh &mesh)
 Lookup DemandDrivenMeshObject and delete. More...
static bool found (const polyMesh &mesh)
 Return true if this DemandDrivenMeshObject is found. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from regIOobject
template<class Type >
static Type & store (Type *)
 Transfer ownership of the given object pointer to its registry. More...
template<class Type >
static Type & store (autoPtr< Type > &)
 Transfer ownership of the given object pointer to its registry. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from IOobject
static bool fileNameComponents (const fileName &path, fileName &instance, fileName &local, word &name)
 Split path into instance, local, name components. More...
template<class Name >
static word groupName (Name name, const word &group)
static word group (const word &name)
 Return group (extension part of name) More...
static word member (const word &name)
 Return member (name without the extension) More...
template<class Stream >
static Stream & writeBanner (Stream &os, bool noHint=false)
 Write the standard OpenFOAM file/dictionary banner. More...
template<class Stream >
static Stream & writeDivider (Stream &os)
 Write the standard file section divider. More...
template<class Stream >
static Stream & writeEndDivider (Stream &os)
 Write the standard end file divider. More...

Static Public Attributes

static const HashSet< wordgeometryFields
 Set of names of registered geometric fields. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from regIOobject
static float fileModificationSkew
- Static Public Attributes inherited from IOobject
static constexpr const char * foamFile = "FoamFile"
 Keyword for the FoamFile header sub-dictionary. More...
static const NamedEnum< fileCheckTypes, 4 > fileCheckTypesNames
static fileCheckTypes fileModificationChecking
 Type of file modification checking. More...

Protected Member Functions

 pointMesh (const polyMesh &pMesh)
 Construct from polyMesh. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DemandDrivenMeshObject< polyMesh, PatchMeshObject, pointMesh >
 DemandDrivenMeshObject (const polyMesh &mesh)
 Construct from mesh. More...
 DemandDrivenMeshObject (const polyMesh &mesh, const IOobject &io)
 Construct from mesh and IOobject. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from regIOobject
bool readHeaderOk (const IOstream::streamFormat defaultFormat, const word &typeName)
 Read header, check readOpt flags and read data if necessary. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from IOobject
void setBad (const string &)
 Set the object state to bad. More...
template<class Type >
bool typeHeaderOk (const bool checkType)
 Read header using typeGlobalFile to find file. More...


class DemandDrivenMeshObject< polyMesh, PatchMeshObject, pointMesh >

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from GeoMesh< polyMesh >
const polyMeshmesh_
 Reference to Mesh. More...

Detailed Description

Mesh representing a set of points created from polyMesh.

Definition at line 48 of file pointMesh.H.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Mesh

typedef pointMesh Mesh

Definition at line 73 of file pointMesh.H.

◆ BoundaryMesh

Definition at line 74 of file pointMesh.H.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ pointMesh() [1/2]

pointMesh ( const polyMesh pMesh)

Construct from polyMesh.

Definition at line 44 of file pointMesh.C.

References Foam::endl(), IOobject::name(), and Foam::Pout.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ pointMesh() [2/2]

pointMesh ( const pointMesh )

Disallow default bitwise copy construction.

◆ ~pointMesh()

~pointMesh ( )


Definition at line 64 of file pointMesh.C.

References Foam::endl(), Foam::Pout, and error::printStack().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

◆ ClassName()

ClassName ( "pointMesh"  )

◆ size() [1/2]

label size ( ) const

Return number of points.

Definition at line 100 of file pointMesh.H.

Referenced by pointMapper::pointMapper().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ size() [2/2]

static label size ( const Mesh mesh)

Return number of points.

Definition at line 106 of file pointMesh.H.

References DemandDrivenMeshObject< polyMesh, PatchMeshObject, pointMesh >::mesh(), GeoMesh< polyMesh >::mesh_, and primitiveMesh::nPoints().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ boundary()

const pointBoundaryMesh& boundary ( ) const

Return reference to boundary mesh.

Definition at line 112 of file pointMesh.H.

Referenced by motionSmootherAlgo::curPoints(), fvMeshSubset::interpolate(), meshRefinement::makeDisplacementField(), and pointBoundaryMeshMapper::pointBoundaryMeshMapper().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ globalData()

const globalMeshData& globalData ( ) const

Return parallel info.

Definition at line 118 of file pointMesh.H.

Referenced by pointConstraints::syncUntransformedData().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ thisDb()

const objectRegistry& thisDb ( ) const

Return database. For now is its polyMesh.

Definition at line 124 of file pointMesh.H.

References GeoMesh< MESH >::thisDb().

Referenced by dynamicMeshPointInterpolator::curPointField(), fvMeshSubset::interpolate(), volPointInterpolation::interpolate(), and fvMeshAdder::MapPointFields().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ reset()

void reset ( )

Reset pointMesh with respect to the updated polyMesh.

For run-time mesh replacement and mesh to mesh mapping

Definition at line 190 of file pointMesh.C.

References Foam::endl(), and Foam::Pout.

Referenced by polyMesh::swap().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ movePoints()

bool movePoints ( )

Move points.

Implements MoveableMeshObject< Mesh >.

Definition at line 77 of file pointMesh.C.

References Foam::endl(), points, and Foam::Pout.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ topoChange()

void topoChange ( const polyTopoChangeMap map)

Update the mesh corresponding to given map.

Implements UpdateableMeshObject< Mesh >.

Definition at line 91 of file pointMesh.C.

References Foam::endl(), and Foam::Pout.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mapMesh()

void mapMesh ( const polyMeshMap map)

Update from another mesh using the given map.

Implements UpdateableMeshObject< Mesh >.

Definition at line 103 of file pointMesh.C.

References Foam::endl(), and Foam::Pout.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ distribute()

void distribute ( const polyDistributionMap map)

Redistribute or update using the given distribution map.

Implements DistributeableMeshObject< Mesh >.

Definition at line 115 of file pointMesh.C.

References Foam::endl(), and Foam::Pout.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ reorderPatches()

void reorderPatches ( const labelUList newToOld,
const bool  validBoundary 

Reordered/removed trailing patches. If validBoundary call is.

parallel synced and all add the same patch with same settings

Implements PatchMeshObject< Mesh >.

Definition at line 127 of file pointMesh.C.

References Foam::endl(), and Foam::Pout.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ addPatch()

void addPatch ( const label  patchi)

Inserted patch at patchi.

Implements PatchMeshObject< Mesh >.

Definition at line 151 of file pointMesh.C.

References Foam::endl(), Foam::exit(), Foam::FatalError, FatalErrorInFunction, facePointPatch::New(), Foam::patchFieldType(), patchi, Foam::Pout, UPtrList< T >::size(), and Foam::Zero.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator=()

void operator= ( const pointMesh )

Disallow default bitwise assignment.

◆ operator!=()

bool operator!= ( const pointMesh pm) const

Definition at line 165 of file pointMesh.H.

◆ operator==()

bool operator== ( const pointMesh pm) const

Definition at line 170 of file pointMesh.H.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ DemandDrivenMeshObject< polyMesh, PatchMeshObject, pointMesh >

Definition at line 56 of file pointMesh.H.

Member Data Documentation

◆ geometryFields

const Foam::HashSet< Foam::word > geometryFields

Set of names of registered geometric fields.

Definition at line 84 of file pointMesh.H.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: