42 const scalar trackTime
53 <<
" trackTime = " << trackTime
54 <<
" stepFraction() = " << stepFraction() <<
58 const scalar sfrac = stepFraction();
60 const scalar
f = 1 - stepFraction();
61 trackToAndHitFace(f*trackTime*U_, f, cloud, td);
63 const scalar dt = (stepFraction() - sfrac)*trackTime;
65 const tetIndices tetIs = this->currentTetIndices();
67 vector Uc = td.
UInterp().interpolate(this->coordinates(), tetIs);
70 scalar rhop = cloud.
71 scalar magUr =
mag(Uc - U_);
74 scalar
Re = magUr*d_/nuc;
78 ReFunc += 0.15*
pow(Re, 0.687);
81 scalar Dc = (24.0*nuc/d_)*ReFunc*(3.0/4.0)*(rhoc/(d_*rhop));
83 U_ = (U_ + dt*(Dc*Uc + (1.0 - rhoc/rhop)*td.
g()))/(1.0 + dt*Dc);
94 const scalar Un = U_ &
99 U_ -= (1.0 + cloud.
Ostream & endl(Ostream &os)
Add newline and flush stream.
const Time & time() const
Return the top-level database.
virtual void transformProperties(const transformer &)
Transform the physical properties of the particle.
static word timeName(const scalar, const int precision=curPrecision_)
Return time name of given scalar time.
Type interpolate(const cellPointWeight &cpw) const
Interpolate field for the given cellPointWeight.
A Cloud of solid particles.
const interpolationCellPoint< scalar > & rhoInterp() const
const interpolationCellPoint< scalar > & nuInterp() const
Storage and named access for the indices of a tet which is part of the decomposition of a cell...
volScalarField rhoc(IOobject(rhocValue.name(), runTime.timeName(), mesh, IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::AUTO_WRITE), mesh, rhocValue)
const interpolationCellPoint< vector > & UInterp() const
Class used to pass tracking data to the trackToFace function.
defineTypeNameAndDebug(combustionModel, 0)
dimensionedScalar pow(const dimensionedScalar &ds, const dimensionedScalar &expt)
bool keepParticle
Flag to indicate whether to keep particle (false = delete)
bool move(solidParticleCloud &, trackingData &, const scalar)
dimensioned< scalar > mag(const dimensioned< Type > &)
virtual void transformProperties(const transformer &)
Transform the physical properties of the particle.
label sendToProc
Processor to send the particle to. -1 indicates that this.
void hitWallPatch(solidParticleCloud &cloud, trackingData &td)
Overridable function to handle the particle hitting a wallPatch.
scalarField Re(const UList< complex > &cf)
dimensionSet transform(const dimensionSet &)