55 #ifndef blockDescriptor_H 56 #define blockDescriptor_H 74 class blockDescriptor;
75 Ostream&
const blockDescriptor&);
120 label edgePointsWeights
130 void findCurvedFaces();
label edgesPointsWeights(pointField(&edgePoints)[12], scalarList(&edgeWeights)[12]) const
Calculate the points and weights for all edges.
string expand(const string &, const HashTable< string, word, string::hash > &mapping, const char sigil='$')
Expand occurrences of variables according to the mapping.
bool vertex(const label i, const label j, const label k) const
Return true if point i,j,k addresses a block vertex.
friend Ostream & operator<<(Ostream &, const blockDescriptor &)
A 1D vector of objects of type <T> with a fixed size <Size>.
const Vector< label > & density() const
Return the mesh density (number of cells) in the i,j,k directions.
A list of keyword definitions, which are a keyword followed by any number of values (e...
A 1D array of objects of type <T>, where the size of the vector is known and used for subscript bound...
label nCells() const
Return the number of cells.
An analytical geometric cellShape.
An Istream is an abstract base class for all input systems (streams, files, token lists etc)...
Takes the description of the block and the list of curved edges and creates a list of points on edges...
label k
Boltzmann constant.
FixedList< pointField, 6 > facePoints(const pointField &points) const
Return the list of face-points for all of the faces of the block.
static void write(Ostream &, const label blocki, const dictionary &)
Write block index with dictionary lookup.
const cellShape & blockShape() const
Return the block shape.
const point & blockPoint(const label i) const
Return block point for local label i.
blockDescriptor(const cellShape &, const pointField &vertices, const blockEdgeList &, const blockFaceList &, const Vector< label > &density, const UList< gradingDescriptors > &expand, const word &zoneName="")
Construct from components. Optional cellSet/zone name.
label facePointLabel(const label facei, const label i, const label j) const
Face vertex label offset for a particular i,j,k position.
const FixedList< label, 6 > & curvedFaces() const
Curved-face labels for each block-face (-1 for flat faces)
A class for handling words, derived from string.
bool flatFaceOrEdge(const label i, const label j, const label k) const
Return true if point i,j,k addresses a block flat face or edge.
A 1D vector of objects of type <T>, where the size of the vector is known and can be used for subscri...
void correctFacePoints(FixedList< pointField, 6 > &) const
Correct the location of the given face-points.
label nCurvedFaces() const
Number of curved faces in this block.
Templated 3D Vector derived from VectorSpace adding construction from 3 components, element access using x(), y() and z() member functions and the inner-product (dot-product) and cross product operators.
An Ostream is an abstract base class for all output systems (streams, files, token lists...
label nPoints() const
Return the number of points.
void operator=(const blockDescriptor &)=delete
Disallow default bitwise assignment.
const pointField & vertices() const
Reference to point field defining the block mesh.
Ostream & operator<<(Ostream &, const ensightPart &)
label pointLabel(const label i, const label j, const label k) const
Vertex label offset for a particular i,j,k position.
const word & zoneName() const
Return the (optional) zone name.
bool edge(const label i, const label j, const label k) const
Return true if point i,j,k addresses a block edge.
const blockFaceList & faces() const
Return reference to the list of curved faces.