32 #ifndef meshPhiCorrectInfo_H
33 #define meshPhiCorrectInfo_H
48 class meshPhiCorrectInfo;
49 Ostream&
const meshPhiCorrectInfo&);
50 Istream&
operator>>(Istream&, meshPhiCorrectInfo&);
113 void validateFace()
116 void validateCell()
151 template<
class TrackingData>
152 inline bool valid(TrackingData& td)
156 template<
class TrackingData>
166 template<
class TrackingData>
170 const label patchFacei,
176 template<
class TrackingData>
180 const label thisCelli,
188 template<
class TrackingData>
193 const label neighbourCelli,
200 template<
class TrackingData>
211 template<
class TrackingData>
Field with dimensions and associated with geometry type GeoMesh which is used to size the field and a...
An Istream is an abstract base class for all input systems (streams, files, token lists etc)....
A 1D array of objects of type <T>, where the size of the vector is known and used for subscript bound...
An Ostream is an abstract base class for all output systems (streams, files, token lists,...
A cell is defined as a list of faces with extra functionality.
Mesh data needed to do the Finite Volume discretisation.
A finiteVolume patch using a polyPatch and a fvBoundaryMesh.
Tracking data. Mostly just a collection of references to the.
const List< meshPhiPreCorrectInfo > & cellPci_
const List< List< meshPhiPreCorrectInfo > > & patchFacePci_
const List< meshPhiPreCorrectInfo > & internalFacePci_
const DimensionedField< scalar, volMesh > & dVdtError_
trackData(const List< meshPhiPreCorrectInfo > &internalFacePci, const List< List< meshPhiPreCorrectInfo >> &patchFacePci, const List< meshPhiPreCorrectInfo > &cellPci, const DimensionedField< scalar, volMesh > &dVdtError)
bool updateCell(const fvMesh &mesh, const label thisCelli, const labelPair &neighbourPatchAndFacei, const meshPhiCorrectInfo &neighbourInfo, const scalar tol, TrackingData &td)
Influence of neighbouring face.
friend Ostream & operator<<(Ostream &, const meshPhiCorrectInfo &)
bool updateFace(const fvMesh &mesh, const labelPair &thisPatchAndFacei, const label neighbourCelli, const meshPhiCorrectInfo &neighbourInfo, const scalar tol, TrackingData &td)
Influence of neighbouring cell.
scalar deltaPhi() const
Return the flux correction.
Enumeration to define the mesh shape the info applies to.
Construct null.
bool operator==(const meshPhiCorrectInfo &) const
bool operator!=(const meshPhiCorrectInfo &) const
bool equal(const meshPhiCorrectInfo &, TrackingData &td) const
Test equality.
friend Istream & operator>>(Istream &, meshPhiCorrectInfo &)
bool sameGeometry(const fvMesh &mesh, const meshPhiCorrectInfo &, const scalar, TrackingData &td) const
Check for identical geometrical data. Used for checking.
scalar deltaDVdtError() const
Return the volume change rate error correction.
bool valid(TrackingData &td) const
Check whether the meshPhiCorrectInfo has been changed at all.
void transform(const fvPatch &patch, const label patchFacei, const transformer &transform, TrackingData &td)
Transform across an interface.
gmvFile<< "tracers "<< particles.size()<< nl;forAllConstIter(Cloud< passiveParticle >, particles, iter){ gmvFile<< iter().position().x()<< " ";}gmvFile<< nl;forAllConstIter(Cloud< passiveParticle >, particles, iter){ gmvFile<< iter().position().y()<< " ";}gmvFile<< nl;forAllConstIter(Cloud< passiveParticle >, particles, iter){ gmvFile<< iter().position().z()<< " ";}gmvFile<< nl;forAll(lagrangianScalarNames, i){ word name=lagrangianScalarNames[i];IOField< scalar > s(IOobject(name, runTime.name(), cloud::prefix, mesh, IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE))
intWM_LABEL_SIZE_t label
A label is an int32_t or int64_t as specified by the pre-processor macro WM_LABEL_SIZE.
Istream & operator>>(Istream &, pistonPointEdgeData &)
Ostream & operator<<(Ostream &os, const fvConstraints &constraints)