112 if (vf.
114 tdivc.
ref().faceFluxCorrectionPtr() = tflux.ptr();
const Mesh & mesh() const
Return mesh.
Generic GeometricField class.
const word & name() const
Return name.
static tmp< convectionScheme< Type > > New(const fvMesh &mesh, const surfaceScalarField &faceFlux, Istream &schemeData)
Return a pointer to a new convectionScheme created on freestore.
A class for managing temporary objects.
void clear() const
If object pointer points to valid object:
T & ref() const
Return non-const reference or generate a fatal error.
A class for handling words, derived from string.
Calculate the divergence of the given field.
Calculate the matrix for the divergence of the given field and flux.
Calculate the matrix for implicit and explicit sources.
tmp< VolField< Type > > div(const SurfaceField< Type > &ssf)
tmp< fvMatrix< Type > > Su(const DimensionedField< Type, volMesh > &, const VolField< Type > &)
tmp< fvMatrix< Type > > div(const surfaceScalarField &flux, const VolField< Type > &vf, const word &name)
tmp< fvMatrix< Type > > divc(const tmp< SurfaceField< Type >> &tflux, const VolField< Type > &vf)
Return the explicit div matrix.
word name(const bool)
Return a word representation of a bool.