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rhoFluidMulticomponentThermo Class Reference

Base-class for multi-component fluid thermodynamic properties based on density. More...

Inheritance diagram for rhoFluidMulticomponentThermo:
Collaboration diagram for rhoFluidMulticomponentThermo:


class  composite

Public Types

template<class MixtureType >
using DerivedThermoType = FluidMulticomponentThermo< MulticomponentThermo< RhoFluidThermo< BasicThermo< MixtureType, composite > > > >
 The derived type. More...
- Public Types inherited from rhoFluidThermo
template<class MixtureType >
using DerivedThermoType = RhoFluidThermo< BasicThermo< MixtureType, composite > >
 The derived type. More...

Public Member Functions

 TypeName ("rhoFluidMulticomponentThermo")
 Runtime type information. More...
 declareRunTimeSelectionTable (autoPtr, rhoFluidMulticomponentThermo, fvMesh,(const fvMesh &mesh, const word &phaseName),(mesh, phaseName))
 Declare run-time constructor selection tables. More...
virtual ~rhoFluidMulticomponentThermo ()
 Destructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from rhoFluidThermo
 TypeName ("rhoFluidThermo")
 Runtime type information. More...
 declareRunTimeSelectionTable (autoPtr, rhoFluidThermo, fvMesh,(const fvMesh &mesh, const word &phaseName),(mesh, phaseName))
 Declare run-time constructor selection table. More...
virtual ~rhoFluidThermo ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarFieldrenameRho ()
 Rename and return the thermodynamic density field [kg/m^3]. More...
virtual void correctRho (const volScalarField &deltaRho)
 Add the given density correction to the density field. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from rhoThermo
virtual ~rhoThermo ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarFieldrho () const =0
 Density [kg/m^3]. More...
virtual tmp< scalarFieldrho (const label patchi) const =0
 Density for patch [kg/m^3]. More...
virtual volScalarFieldrho ()=0
 Return non-const access to the local density field [kg/m^3]. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from basicThermo
 TypeName ("basicThermo")
 Runtime type information. More...
 declareRunTimeSelectionTable (autoPtr, basicThermo, fvMesh,(const fvMesh &mesh, const word &phaseName),(mesh, phaseName))
 Declare run-time constructor selection table. More...
virtual ~basicThermo ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual const IOdictionaryproperties () const =0
 Properties dictionary. More...
virtual IOdictionaryproperties ()=0
 Non-const access the properties dictionary. More...
virtual const fvMeshmesh () const =0
 Return const access to the mesh. More...
virtual const wordphaseName () const =0
 Phase name. More...
word phasePropertyName (const word &name) const
 Name of a property for a given phase. More...
void validate (const string &app, const word &) const
 Check that the thermodynamics package is consistent. More...
void validate (const string &app, const word &, const word &) const
 Check that the thermodynamics package is consistent. More...
virtual void correct ()=0
 Update properties. More...
virtual word thermoName () const =0
 Name of the thermo physics. More...
virtual bool incompressible () const =0
 Return true if the equation of state is incompressible. More...
virtual bool isochoric () const =0
 Return true if the equation of state is isochoric. More...
virtual Switch dpdt () const =0
 Should the dpdt term be included in the enthalpy equation. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarFieldW () const =0
 Molecular weight [kg/kmol]. More...
virtual tmp< scalarFieldW (const label patchi) const =0
 Molecular weight for patch [kg/kmol]. More...
virtual const volScalarFieldT () const =0
 Temperature [K]. More...
virtual volScalarFieldT ()=0
 Temperature [K]. More...
virtual const volScalarFieldhe () const =0
 Enthalpy/Internal energy [J/kg]. More...
virtual volScalarFieldhe ()=0
 Enthalpy/Internal energy [J/kg]. More...
virtual const volScalarFieldCp () const =0
 Heat capacity at constant pressure [J/kg/K]. More...
virtual const volScalarFieldCv () const =0
 Heat capacity at constant volume [J/kg/K]. More...
virtual const volScalarFieldCpv () const =0
 Heat capacity at constant pressure/volume [J/kg/K]. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarFieldhe (const volScalarField &p, const volScalarField &T) const =0
 Enthalpy/Internal energy. More...
virtual tmp< scalarFieldhe (const scalarField &T, const labelList &cells) const =0
 Enthalpy/Internal energy for cell-set [J/kg]. More...
virtual tmp< scalarFieldhe (const scalarField &T, const label patchi) const =0
 Enthalpy/Internal energy for patch [J/kg]. More...
virtual tmp< scalarFieldhe (const scalarField &T, const fvSource &source) const =0
 Enthalpy/Internal energy for source [J/kg]. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarFieldhs () const =0
 Sensible enthalpy [J/kg]. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarFieldhs (const volScalarField &p, const volScalarField &T) const =0
 Sensible enthalpy. More...
virtual tmp< scalarFieldhs (const scalarField &T, const labelList &cells) const =0
 Sensible enthalpy for cell-set [J/kg]. More...
virtual tmp< scalarFieldhs (const scalarField &T, const label patchi) const =0
 Sensible enthalpy for patch [J/kg]. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarFieldha () const =0
 Absolute enthalpy [J/kg]. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarFieldha (const volScalarField &p, const volScalarField &T) const =0
 Absolute enthalpy. More...
virtual tmp< scalarFieldha (const scalarField &T, const labelList &cells) const =0
 Absolute enthalpy for cell-set [J/kg]. More...
virtual tmp< scalarFieldha (const scalarField &T, const label patchi) const =0
 Absolute enthalpy for patch [J/kg]. More...
virtual tmp< scalarFieldCp (const scalarField &T, const label patchi) const =0
 Heat capacity at constant pressure for patch [J/kg/K]. More...
virtual tmp< scalarFieldCv (const scalarField &T, const label patchi) const =0
 Heat capacity at constant volume for patch [J/kg/K]. More...
virtual tmp< scalarFieldCpv (const scalarField &T, const label patchi) const =0
 Heat capacity at constant pressure/volume for patch [J/kg/K]. More...
tmp< volScalarFieldgamma () const
 Gamma = Cp/Cv []. More...
tmp< scalarFieldgamma (const scalarField &T, const label patchi) const
 Gamma = Cp/Cv for patch []. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarFieldThe (const volScalarField &h, const volScalarField &p, const volScalarField &T0) const =0
 Temperature from enthalpy/internal energy. More...
virtual tmp< scalarFieldThe (const scalarField &h, const scalarField &T0, const labelList &cells) const =0
 Temperature from enthalpy/internal energy for cell-set. More...
virtual tmp< scalarFieldThe (const scalarField &h, const scalarField &T0, const label patchi) const =0
 Temperature from enthalpy/internal energy for patch. More...
virtual const volScalarFieldkappa () const =0
 Thermal conductivity of mixture [W/m/K]. More...
template<class FieldType >
const Foam::basicThermolookupThermo (const FieldType &f)
template<class Thermo >
Foam::autoPtr< Thermo > New (const fvMesh &mesh, const word &phaseName)
- Public Member Functions inherited from fluidThermo
 TypeName ("fluidThermo")
 Runtime type information. More...
 declareRunTimeSelectionTable (autoPtr, fluidThermo, fvMesh,(const fvMesh &mesh, const word &phaseName),(mesh, phaseName))
 Declare run-time constructor selection table. More...
virtual ~fluidThermo ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual const volScalarFieldp () const =0
 Pressure [Pa]. More...
virtual volScalarFieldp ()=0
 Pressure [Pa]. More...
virtual const volScalarFieldpsi () const =0
 Compressibility [s^2/m^2]. More...
virtual const volScalarFieldmu () const =0
 Dynamic viscosity of mixture [kg/m/s]. More...
tmp< volScalarFieldnu () const
 Kinematic viscosity of mixture [m^2/s]. More...
tmp< scalarFieldnu (const label patchi) const
 Kinematic viscosity of mixture for patch [m^2/s]. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from viscosity
 TypeName ("viscosity")
 Runtime type information. More...
 viscosity ()
 Construct. More...
 viscosity (const viscosity &)=delete
 Disallow default bitwise copy construction. More...
virtual ~viscosity ()
 Destructor. More...
void operator= (const viscosity &)=delete
 Disallow default bitwise assignment. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from fluidMulticomponentThermo
 TypeName ("fluidMulticomponentThermo")
 Runtime type information. More...
 declareRunTimeSelectionTable (autoPtr, fluidMulticomponentThermo, fvMesh,(const fvMesh &mesh, const word &phaseName),(mesh, phaseName))
 Declare run-time constructor selection tables. More...
virtual ~fluidMulticomponentThermo ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual scalar mui (const label speciei, const scalar p, const scalar T) const =0
 Dynamic viscosity [kg/m/s]. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarFieldmui (const label speciei, const volScalarField &p, const volScalarField &T) const =0
 Dynamic viscosity [kg/m/s]. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from multicomponentThermo
virtual ~multicomponentThermo ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual const speciesTablespecies () const =0
 The table of species. More...
bool containsSpecie (const word &specieName) const
 Does the mixture include this specie? More...
virtual label defaultSpecie () const =0
 The index of the default specie. More...
virtual const List< bool > & speciesActive () const =0
 Access the specie active flags. More...
void syncSpeciesActive () const
 Synchronise the specie active flags. More...
void setSpecieActive (const label speciei) const
 Set specie active. More...
void setSpecieInactive (const label speciei) const
 Set specie inactive. More...
bool solveSpecie (const label speciei) const
 Should the given specie be solved for? I.e., is it active and. More...
virtual PtrList< volScalarField > & Y ()=0
 Access the mass-fraction fields. More...
virtual const PtrList< volScalarField > & Y () const =0
 Access the mass-fraction fields. More...
volScalarFieldY (const label speciei)
 Access the mass-fraction field for a specie given by index. More...
const volScalarFieldY (const label speciei) const
 Access the mass-fraction field for a specie given by index. More...
volScalarFieldY (const word &specieName)
 Access the mass-fraction field for a specie given by name. More...
const volScalarFieldY (const word &specieName) const
 Access the mass-fraction field for a specie given by name. More...
label specieIndex (const volScalarField &Yi) const
 Access the specie index of the given mass-fraction field. More...
void normaliseY ()
 Normalise the mass fractions by clipping positive and deriving. More...
virtual scalar WiValue (const label speciei) const =0
 Molecular weight [kg/kmol]. More...
virtual dimensionedScalar Wi (const label speciei) const =0
 Molecular weight [kg/kmol]. More...
virtual scalar rhoi (const label speciei, const scalar p, const scalar T) const =0
 Density [kg/m^3]. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarFieldrhoi (const label speciei, const volScalarField &p, const volScalarField &T) const =0
 Density [kg/m^3]. More...
virtual scalar Cpi (const label speciei, const scalar p, const scalar T) const =0
 Heat capacity at constant pressure [J/kg/K]. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarFieldCpi (const label speciei, const volScalarField &p, const volScalarField &T) const =0
 Heat capacity at constant pressure [J/kg/K]. More...
virtual scalar hei (const label speciei, const scalar p, const scalar T) const =0
 Enthalpy/Internal energy [J/kg]. More...
virtual tmp< scalarFieldhei (const label speciei, const scalarField &p, const scalarField &T) const =0
 Enthalpy/Internal energy [J/kg]. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarFieldhei (const label speciei, const volScalarField &p, const volScalarField &T) const =0
 Enthalpy/Internal energy [J/kg]. More...
virtual scalar hsi (const label speciei, const scalar p, const scalar T) const =0
 Sensible enthalpy [J/kg]. More...
virtual tmp< scalarFieldhsi (const label speciei, const scalarField &p, const scalarField &T) const =0
 Sensible enthalpy [J/kg]. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarFieldhsi (const label speciei, const volScalarField &p, const volScalarField &T) const =0
 Sensible enthalpy [J/kg]. More...
virtual scalar hai (const label speciei, const scalar p, const scalar T) const =0
 Absolute enthalpy [J/kg]. More...
virtual tmp< scalarFieldhai (const label speciei, const scalarField &p, const scalarField &T) const =0
 Absolute enthalpy [J/kg]. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarFieldhai (const label speciei, const volScalarField &p, const volScalarField &T) const =0
 Absolute enthalpy [J/kg]. More...
virtual scalar hfiValue (const label speciei) const =0
 Enthalpy of formation [J/kg]. More...
virtual dimensionedScalar hfi (const label speciei) const =0
 Enthalpy of formation [J/kg]. More...
virtual scalar kappai (const label speciei, const scalar p, const scalar T) const =0
 Thermal conductivity [W/m/K]. More...
virtual tmp< volScalarFieldkappai (const label speciei, const volScalarField &p, const volScalarField &T) const =0
 Thermal conductivity [W/m/K]. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static autoPtr< rhoFluidMulticomponentThermoNew (const fvMesh &, const word &phaseName=word::null)
 Standard selection based on fvMesh. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from rhoFluidThermo
static autoPtr< rhoFluidThermoNew (const fvMesh &, const word &phaseName=word::null)
 Standard selection based on fvMesh. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from basicThermo
static word phasePropertyName (const word &name, const word &phaseName)
 Name of a property for a given phase. More...
template<class FieldType >
static const basicThermolookupThermo (const FieldType &f)
 Lookup the thermo associated with the given field. More...
static wordList splitThermoName (const word &thermoName, const int nCmpt)
 Split name of thermo package into a list of the components names. More...
static List< Pair< word > > thermoNameComponents (const word &thermoName)
 Split name of thermo package into a list of named components names. More...
template<class Thermo >
static autoPtr< Thermo > New (const fvMesh &, const word &phaseName=word::null)
 Generic New for each of the related thermodynamics packages. More...
static autoPtr< basicThermoNew (const fvMesh &, const word &phaseName=word::null)
 Specialisation of the Generic New for basicThermo. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from fluidThermo
static autoPtr< fluidThermoNew (const fvMesh &, const word &phaseName=word::null)
 Standard selection based on fvMesh. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from fluidMulticomponentThermo
static autoPtr< fluidMulticomponentThermoNew (const fvMesh &, const word &phaseName=word::null)
 Standard selection based on fvMesh. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Attributes inherited from rhoFluidThermo
static const word derivedThermoName
 The derived name. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from basicThermo
wordList heBoundaryTypes ()
 Enthalpy/internal energy field boundary types. More...
wordList heBoundaryBaseTypes ()
 Enthalpy/internal energy field boundary base types. More...
HashTable< wordheSourcesTypes ()
 Enthalpy/internal energy field sources types. More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from basicThermo
static volScalarFieldlookupOrConstruct (const fvMesh &mesh, const char *name)
 Lookup and the named field, or construct it as MUST-READ if it is. More...
template<class Thermo , class Table >
static Table::iterator lookupCstrIter (const dictionary &thermoTypeDict, Table *tablePtr, const int nCmpt, const char *cmptNames[], const word &thermoTypeName)
 Get the constructor iterator for the given thermo dictionary and. More...
template<class Thermo , class Table >
static Table::iterator lookupCstrIter (const dictionary &thermoDict, Table *tablePtr)
 Get the constructor iterator for the given thermo dictionary and. More...

Detailed Description

Base-class for multi-component fluid thermodynamic properties based on density.

See also
Source files

Definition at line 53 of file rhoFluidMulticomponentThermo.H.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ DerivedThermoType

The derived type.

Definition at line 70 of file rhoFluidMulticomponentThermo.H.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~rhoFluidMulticomponentThermo()


Definition at line 52 of file rhoFluidMulticomponentThermo.C.

Member Function Documentation

◆ TypeName()

TypeName ( "rhoFluidMulticomponentThermo"  )

Runtime type information.

◆ declareRunTimeSelectionTable()

declareRunTimeSelectionTable ( autoPtr  ,
rhoFluidMulticomponentThermo  ,
fvMesh  ,
(const fvMesh &mesh, const word &phaseName ,
(mesh, phaseName  

Declare run-time constructor selection tables.

◆ New()

Foam::autoPtr< Foam::rhoFluidMulticomponentThermo > New ( const fvMesh mesh,
const word phaseName = word::null 

Standard selection based on fvMesh.

Definition at line 40 of file rhoFluidMulticomponentThermo.C.

References basicThermo::mesh(), and basicThermo::phaseName().

Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: