| UIPstream (const commsTypes commsType, const int fromProcNo, DynamicList< char > &externalBuf, label &externalBufPosition, const int tag=UPstream::msgType(), const label comm=UPstream::worldComm, const bool clearAtEnd=false, streamFormat format=BINARY, versionNumber version=currentVersion) |
| Construct given process index to read from and optional buffer size,. More...
| UIPstream (const int fromProcNo, PstreamBuffers &) |
| Construct given buffers. More...
| ~UIPstream () |
| Destructor. More...
ios_base::fmtflags | flags () const |
| Return flags of output stream. More...
Istream & | read (token &) |
| Return next token from stream. More...
Istream & | read (char &) |
| Read a character. More...
Istream & | read (word &) |
| Read a word. More...
Istream & | read (string &) |
Istream & | read (int32_t &) |
| Read an int32_t. More...
Istream & | read (int64_t &) |
| Read an int64_t. More...
Istream & | read (uint32_t &) |
| Read a uint32_t. More...
Istream & | read (uint64_t &) |
| Read a uint64_t. More...
Istream & | read (floatScalar &) |
| Read a floatScalar. More...
Istream & | read (doubleScalar &) |
| Read a doubleScalar. More...
Istream & | read (longDoubleScalar &) |
| Read a longDoubleScalar. More...
Istream & | read (char *, std::streamsize) |
| Read binary block. More...
Istream & | rewind () |
| Rewind and return the stream so that it may be read again. More...
ios_base::fmtflags | flags (const ios_base::fmtflags) |
| Set flags of stream. More...
void | print (Ostream &) const |
| Print description of IOstream to Ostream. More...
| ClassName ("UPstream") |
| UPstream (const commsTypes commsType) |
| Construct given optional buffer size. More...
commsTypes | commsType () const |
| Get the communications type of the stream. More...
commsTypes | commsType (const commsTypes ct) |
| Set the communications type of the stream. More...
| Istream (streamFormat format=ASCII, versionNumber version=currentVersion, compressionType compression=UNCOMPRESSED) |
| Set stream status. More...
virtual | ~Istream () |
| Destructor. More...
void | putBack (const token &) |
| Put back token. More...
bool | getBack (token &) |
| Get the put back token if there is one and return true. More...
bool | peekBack (token &) |
| Peek at the put back token without removing it. More...
Istream & | readBegin (const char *funcName) |
Istream & | readEnd (const char *funcName) |
Istream & | readEndBegin (const char *funcName) |
char | readBeginList (const char *funcName) |
char | readEndList (const char *funcName) |
Istream & | operator() () const |
| Return a non-const reference to const Istream. More...
| IOstream (streamFormat format, versionNumber version, compressionType compression=UNCOMPRESSED) |
| Construct setting format and version. More...
virtual | ~IOstream () |
| Destructor. More...
virtual const fileName & | name () const |
| Return the name of the stream. More...
virtual fileName & | name () |
| Return non-const access to the name of the stream. More...
virtual bool | check (const char *operation) const |
| Check IOstream status for given operation. More...
void | fatalCheck (const char *operation) const |
| Check IOstream status for given operation. More...
bool | opened () const |
| Return true if stream has been opened. More...
bool | closed () const |
| Return true if stream is closed. More...
bool | good () const |
| Return true if next operation might succeed. More...
bool | eof () const |
| Return true if end of input seen. More...
bool | fail () const |
| Return true if next operation will fail. More...
bool | bad () const |
| Return true if stream is corrupted. More...
| operator void * () const |
| Return non-zero if the stream has not failed. More...
bool | operator! () const |
| Return true if the stream has failed. More...
streamFormat | format () const |
| Return current stream format. More...
streamFormat | format (const streamFormat fmt) |
| Set the stream format. More...
streamFormat | format (const word &fmt) |
| Set the stream format from word. More...
versionNumber | version () const |
| Return the stream version. More...
versionNumber | version (const versionNumber ver) |
| Set the stream version. More...
compressionType | compression () const |
| Return the stream compression. More...
compressionType | compression (const compressionType cmp) |
| Set the stream compression. More...
compressionType | compression (const word &cmp) |
| Set the stream compression from word. More...
label | lineNumber () const |
| Return current stream line number. More...
label & | lineNumber () |
| Return current stream line number. More...
label | lineNumber (const label ln) |
| Set the stream line number. More...
void | setEof () |
| Set stream to have reached eof. More...
void | setFail () |
| Set stream to have failed. More...
void | setBad () |
| Set stream to be bad. More...
ios_base::fmtflags | setf (const ios_base::fmtflags f) |
| Set flags of stream. More...
ios_base::fmtflags | setf (const ios_base::fmtflags f, const ios_base::fmtflags mask) |
| Set flags of given field of stream. More...
void | unsetf (const ios_base::fmtflags uf) |
| Unset flags of stream. More...
void | print (Ostream &, const int streamState) const |
| Check given stream state bits. More...
InfoProxy< IOstream > | info () const |
| Return info proxy. More...
static label | read (const commsTypes commsType, const int fromProcNo, char *buf, const std::streamsize bufSize, const int tag=UPstream::msgType(), const label communicator=0) |
| Read into given buffer from given processor and return the. More...
static label | allocateCommunicator (const label parent, const labelList &subRanks, const bool doPstream=true) |
| Allocate a new communicator. More...
static void | freeCommunicator (const label communicator, const bool doPstream=true) |
| Free a previously allocated communicator. More...
static void | freeCommunicators (const bool doPstream) |
| Free all communicators. More...
static int | baseProcNo (const label myComm, const int procID) |
| Return physical processor number (i.e. processor number in. More...
static label | procNo (const label comm, const int baseProcID) |
| Return processor number in communicator (given physical processor. More...
static label | procNo (const label myComm, const label currentComm, const int currentProcID) |
| Return processor number in communicator (given processor number. More...
static void | addValidParOptions (HashTable< string > &validParOptions) |
| Add the valid option this type of communications library. More...
static bool | init (int &argc, char **&argv, const bool needsThread) |
| Initialisation function called from main. More...
static label | nRequests () |
| Get number of outstanding requests. More...
static void | resetRequests (const label sz) |
| Truncate number of outstanding requests. More...
static void | waitRequests (const label start=0) |
| Wait until all requests (from start onwards) have finished. More...
static void | waitRequest (const label i) |
| Wait until request i has finished. More...
static bool | finishedRequest (const label i) |
| Non-blocking comms: has request i finished? More...
static int | allocateTag (const char *) |
static int | allocateTag (const word &) |
static void | freeTag (const char *, const int tag) |
static void | freeTag (const word &, const int tag) |
static bool & | parRun () |
| Is this a parallel run? More...
static bool | haveThreads () |
| Have support for threads. More...
static label | nProcs (const label communicator=0) |
| Number of processes in parallel run. More...
static int | masterNo () |
| Process index of the master. More...
static bool | master (const label communicator=0) |
| Am I the master process. More...
static int | myProcNo (const label communicator=0) |
| Number of this process (starting from masterNo() = 0) More...
static label | parent (const label communicator) |
static List< int > & | procID (label communicator) |
| Process ID of given process index. More...
static int | firstSlave () |
| Process index of first slave. More...
static int | lastSlave (const label communicator=0) |
| Process index of last slave. More...
static const List< commsStruct > & | linearCommunication (const label communicator=0) |
| Communication schedule for linear all-to-master (proc 0) More...
static const List< commsStruct > & | treeCommunication (const label communicator=0) |
| Communication schedule for tree all-to-master (proc 0) More...
static int & | msgType () |
| Message tag of standard messages. More...
static void | exit (int errnum=1) |
| Exit program. More...
static void | abort () |
| Abort program. More...
static void | allToAll (const labelUList &sendData, labelUList &recvData, const label communicator=0) |
| Exchange label with all processors (in the communicator). More...
static void | allToAll (const char *sendData, const UList< int > &sendSizes, const UList< int > &sendOffsets, char *recvData, const UList< int > &recvSizes, const UList< int > &recvOffsets, const label communicator=0) |
| Exchange data with all processors (in the communicator) More...
static void | gather (const char *sendData, int sendSize, char *recvData, const UList< int > &recvSizes, const UList< int > &recvOffsets, const label communicator=0) |
| Receive data from all processors on the master. More...
static void | scatter (const char *sendData, const UList< int > &sendSizes, const UList< int > &sendOffsets, char *recvData, int recvSize, const label communicator=0) |
| Send data to all processors from the root of the communicator. More...
static streamFormat | formatEnum (const word &) |
| Return stream format of given format name. More...
static compressionType | compressionEnum (const word &) |
| Return compression of given compression name. More...
static unsigned int | defaultPrecision () |
| Return the default precision. More...
static unsigned int | defaultPrecision (unsigned int p) |
| Reset the default precision (and return old precision) More...
Input inter-processor communications stream operating on external buffer.
- Source files
Definition at line 53 of file UIPstream.H.