This is the complete list of members for mappedFieldFvPatchField< Type >, including all inherited members.
AMI(const bool forceUpdate=false) const | mappedPatchBase | inline |
AMIPtr_ | mappedPatchBase | mutableprotected |
AMIReverse_ | mappedPatchBase | protected |
append(const Type &) | List< Type > | inline |
append(const UList< Type > &) | List< Type > | inline |
append(const UIndirectList< Type > &) | List< Type > | inline |
assignable() const | fixedValueFvPatchField< Type > | inlinevirtual |
autoMap(const fvPatchFieldMapper &) | mappedFieldFvPatchField< Type > | virtual |
average_ | mappedPatchFieldBase< Type > | protected |
begin() | UList< Type > | inline |
begin() const | UList< Type > | inline |
block(const label start) const | Field< Type > | |
byteSize() const | UList< Type > | |
calcAMI() const | mappedPatchBase | protected |
calcMapping() const | mappedPatchBase | protected |
Calculated typedef | fvPatchField< Type > | |
calculatedType() | fvPatchField< Type > | static |
cbegin() const | UList< Type > | inline |
cdata() const | UList< Type > | inline |
cend() const | UList< Type > | inline |
check(const fvPatchField< Type > &) const | fvPatchField< Type > | |
checkIndex(const label i) const | UList< Type > | inline |
checkSize(const label size) const | UList< Type > | inline |
checkStart(const label start) const | UList< Type > | inline |
clear() | List< Type > | inline |
clearOut() | mappedPatchBase | |
clone(const DimensionedField< Type, volMesh > &iF) const | mappedFieldFvPatchField< Type > | inlinevirtual |
Foam::fvPatchField::clone() const | fvPatchField< Type > | inline |
cmptType typedef | Field< Type > | |
collectSamples(const pointField &facePoints, pointField &, labelList &patchFaceProcs, labelList &patchFaces, pointField &patchFc) const | mappedPatchBase | protected |
component(const direction) const | Field< Type > | |
const_iterator typedef | UList< Type > | |
const_reference typedef | UList< Type > | |
const_reverse_iterator typedef | UList< Type > | |
count() const | refCount | inline |
coupled() const | fvPatchField< Type > | inlinevirtual |
coupleGroup() const | mappedPatchBase | inline |
coupleGroup_ | mappedPatchBase | protected |
crbegin() const | UList< Type > | inline |
crend() const | UList< Type > | inline |
data() | UList< Type > | inline |
db() const | fvPatchField< Type > | |
declareRunTimeSelectionTable(tmp, fvPatchField, patch,(const fvPatch &p, const DimensionedField< Type, volMesh > &iF),(p, iF)) | fvPatchField< Type > | |
declareRunTimeSelectionTable(tmp, fvPatchField, patchMapper,(const fvPatchField< Type > &ptf, const fvPatch &p, const DimensionedField< Type, volMesh > &iF, const fvPatchFieldMapper &m),(dynamic_cast< const fvPatchFieldType &>(ptf), p, iF, m)) | fvPatchField< Type > | |
declareRunTimeSelectionTable(tmp, fvPatchField, dictionary,(const fvPatch &p, const DimensionedField< Type, volMesh > &iF, const dictionary &dict),(p, iF, dict)) | fvPatchField< Type > | |
deepCopy(const UList< Type > &) | UList< Type > | |
difference_type typedef | UList< Type > | |
disallowGenericFvPatchField | fvPatchField< Type > | static |
distance_ | mappedPatchBase | protected |
distribute(List< Type > &lst) const | mappedPatchBase | |
distribute(List< Type > &lst, const CombineOp &cop) const | mappedPatchBase | |
empty() const | UList< Type > | inline |
end() | UList< Type > | inline |
end() const | UList< Type > | inline |
evaluate(const Pstream::commsTypes commsType=Pstream::commsTypes::blocking) | fvPatchField< Type > | virtual |
facePoint(const polyMesh &, const label facei, const polyMesh::cellDecomposition) | mappedPatchBase | static |
facePoints(const polyPatch &) const | mappedPatchBase | protected |
fcIndex(const label i) const | UList< Type > | inline |
Field() | Field< Type > | |
Field(const label) | Field< Type > | explicit |
Field(const label, const Type &) | Field< Type > | |
Field(const label, const zero) | Field< Type > | |
Field(const UList< Type > &) | Field< Type > | explicit |
Field(List< Type > &&) | Field< Type > | explicit |
Field(const UIndirectList< Type > &) | Field< Type > | explicit |
Field(const Field< Type > &) | Field< Type > | |
Field(Field< Type > &, bool reuse) | Field< Type > | |
Field(Field< Type > &&) | Field< Type > | |
Field(const tmp< Field< Type >> &) | Field< Type > | |
Field(const UList< Type > &mapF, const labelUList &mapAddressing) | Field< Type > | |
Field(const tmp< Field< Type >> &tmapF, const labelUList &mapAddressing) | Field< Type > | |
Field(const UList< Type > &mapF, const labelListList &mapAddressing, const scalarListList &weights) | Field< Type > | |
Field(const tmp< Field< Type >> &tmapF, const labelListList &mapAddressing, const scalarListList &weights) | Field< Type > | |
Field(Istream &) | Field< Type > | |
Field(const word &keyword, const dictionary &, const label size) | Field< Type > | |
fieldName_ | mappedPatchFieldBase< Type > | protected |
findSamples(const sampleMode mode, const pointField &, labelList &sampleProcs, labelList &sampleIndices, pointField &sampleLocations) const | mappedPatchBase | protected |
first() | UList< Type > | inline |
first() const | UList< Type > | inline |
fixedValueFvPatchField(const fvPatch &, const DimensionedField< Type, volMesh > &) | fixedValueFvPatchField< Type > | |
fixedValueFvPatchField(const fvPatch &, const DimensionedField< Type, volMesh > &, const dictionary &, const bool valueRequired=true) | fixedValueFvPatchField< Type > | |
fixedValueFvPatchField(const fixedValueFvPatchField< Type > &, const fvPatch &, const DimensionedField< Type, volMesh > &, const fvPatchFieldMapper &, const bool mappingRequired=true) | fixedValueFvPatchField< Type > | |
fixedValueFvPatchField(const fixedValueFvPatchField< Type > &)=delete | fixedValueFvPatchField< Type > | |
fixedValueFvPatchField(const fixedValueFvPatchField< Type > &, const DimensionedField< Type, volMesh > &) | fixedValueFvPatchField< Type > | |
fixesValue() const | fixedValueFvPatchField< Type > | inlinevirtual |
fvPatchField(const fvPatch &, const DimensionedField< Type, volMesh > &) | fvPatchField< Type > | |
fvPatchField(const fvPatch &, const DimensionedField< Type, volMesh > &, const Field< Type > &) | fvPatchField< Type > | |
fvPatchField(const fvPatch &, const DimensionedField< Type, volMesh > &, const dictionary &, const bool valueRequired=true) | fvPatchField< Type > | |
fvPatchField(const fvPatchField< Type > &, const fvPatch &, const DimensionedField< Type, volMesh > &, const fvPatchFieldMapper &, const bool mappingRequired=true) | fvPatchField< Type > | |
fvPatchField(const fvPatchField< Type > &)=delete | fvPatchField< Type > | |
fvPatchField(const fvPatchField< Type > &, const DimensionedField< Type, volMesh > &) | fvPatchField< Type > | |
gradientBoundaryCoeffs() const | fixedValueFvPatchField< Type > | virtual |
Foam::fvPatchField::gradientBoundaryCoeffs(const scalarField &deltaCoeffs) const | fvPatchField< Type > | inlinevirtual |
gradientInternalCoeffs() const | fixedValueFvPatchField< Type > | virtual |
Foam::fvPatchField::gradientInternalCoeffs(const scalarField &deltaCoeffs) const | fvPatchField< Type > | inlinevirtual |
initEvaluate(const Pstream::commsTypes commsType=Pstream::commsTypes::blocking) | fvPatchField< Type > | inlinevirtual |
internalField() const | fvPatchField< Type > | inline |
interpolationScheme_ | mappedPatchFieldBase< Type > | protected |
iterator typedef | UList< Type > | |
last() | UList< Type > | inline |
last() const | UList< Type > | inline |
List() | List< Type > | inline |
List(const label) | List< Type > | explicit |
List(const label, const Type &) | List< Type > | |
List(const label, const zero) | List< Type > | |
List(const List< Type > &) | List< Type > | |
List(const List< T2 > &) | List< Type > | explicit |
List(List< Type > &&) | List< Type > | |
List(List< Type > &, bool reuse) | List< Type > | |
List(const UList< Type > &, const labelUList &mapAddressing) | List< Type > | |
List(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) | List< Type > | |
List(const FixedList< Type, Size > &) | List< Type > | explicit |
List(const PtrList< Type > &) | List< Type > | explicit |
List(const SLList< Type > &) | List< Type > | explicit |
List(const UIndirectList< Type > &) | List< Type > | explicit |
List(const BiIndirectList< Type > &) | List< Type > | explicit |
List(std::initializer_list< Type >) | List< Type > | |
List(Istream &) | List< Type > | |
manipulatedMatrix() const | fvPatchField< Type > | inline |
manipulateMatrix(fvMatrix< Type > &matrix) | fvPatchField< Type > | virtual |
manipulateMatrix(fvMatrix< Type > &matrix, const scalarField &weights) | fvPatchField< Type > | virtual |
Foam::map(const UList< Type > &mapF, const labelUList &mapAddressing) | Field< Type > | |
Foam::map(const tmp< Field< Type >> &tmapF, const labelUList &mapAddressing) | Field< Type > | |
Foam::map(const UList< Type > &mapF, const labelListList &mapAddressing, const scalarListList &weights) | Field< Type > | |
Foam::map(const tmp< Field< Type >> &tmapF, const labelListList &mapAddressing, const scalarListList &weights) | Field< Type > | |
Foam::mappedPatchBase::map() const | mappedPatchBase | inline |
mappedField() const | mappedPatchFieldBase< Type > | virtual |
mappedFieldFvPatchField(const fvPatch &, const DimensionedField< Type, volMesh > &) | mappedFieldFvPatchField< Type > | |
mappedFieldFvPatchField(const fvPatch &, const DimensionedField< Type, volMesh > &, const dictionary &) | mappedFieldFvPatchField< Type > | |
mappedFieldFvPatchField(const fvPatch &, const DimensionedField< Type, volMesh > &, const word &sampleRegion, const sampleMode sampleMode, const word &samplePatch, const scalar distance, const word &fieldName, const bool setAverage, const Type average, const word &interpolationScheme) | mappedFieldFvPatchField< Type > | |
mappedFieldFvPatchField(const mappedFieldFvPatchField< Type > &, const fvPatch &, const DimensionedField< Type, volMesh > &, const fvPatchFieldMapper &) | mappedFieldFvPatchField< Type > | |
mappedFieldFvPatchField(const mappedFieldFvPatchField< Type > &)=delete | mappedFieldFvPatchField< Type > | |
mappedFieldFvPatchField(const mappedFieldFvPatchField< Type > &, const DimensionedField< Type, volMesh > &) | mappedFieldFvPatchField< Type > | |
mappedPatchBase(const polyPatch &) | mappedPatchBase | |
mappedPatchBase(const polyPatch &pp, const word &sampleRegion, const sampleMode sampleMode, const word &samplePatch, const vectorField &offsets) | mappedPatchBase | |
mappedPatchBase(const polyPatch &pp, const word &sampleRegion, const sampleMode sampleMode, const word &samplePatch, const vector &offset) | mappedPatchBase | |
mappedPatchBase(const polyPatch &pp, const word &sampleRegion, const sampleMode sampleMode, const word &samplePatch, const scalar distance) | mappedPatchBase | |
mappedPatchBase(const polyPatch &, const dictionary &) | mappedPatchBase | |
mappedPatchBase(const polyPatch &, const sampleMode, const dictionary &) | mappedPatchBase | |
mappedPatchBase(const polyPatch &, const mappedPatchBase &) | mappedPatchBase | |
mappedPatchBase(const polyPatch &, const mappedPatchBase &, const labelUList &mapAddressing) | mappedPatchBase | |
mappedPatchFieldBase(const mappedPatchBase &mapper, const fvPatchField< Type > &patchField, const word &fieldName, const bool setAverage, const Type average, const word &interpolationScheme) | mappedPatchFieldBase< Type > | |
mappedPatchFieldBase(const mappedPatchBase &mapper, const fvPatchField< Type > &patchField, const dictionary &dict) | mappedPatchFieldBase< Type > | |
mappedPatchFieldBase(const mappedPatchBase &mapper, const fvPatchField< Type > &patchField) | mappedPatchFieldBase< Type > | |
mappedPatchFieldBase(const mappedPatchFieldBase< Type > &mapper) | mappedPatchFieldBase< Type > | |
mappedPatchFieldBase(const mappedPatchBase &mapper, const fvPatchField< Type > &patchField, const mappedPatchFieldBase< Type > &base) | mappedPatchFieldBase< Type > | |
mapper_ | mappedPatchFieldBase< Type > | protected |
mapPtr_ | mappedPatchBase | mutableprotected |
max_size() const | UList< Type > | inline |
mode() const | mappedPatchBase | inline |
mode_ | mappedPatchBase | protected |
NEARESTCELL enum value | mappedPatchBase | |
NEARESTFACE enum value | mappedPatchBase | |
NEARESTONLYCELL enum value | mappedPatchBase | |
NEARESTPATCHFACE enum value | mappedPatchBase | |
NEARESTPATCHFACEAMI enum value | mappedPatchBase | |
NEARESTPATCHPOINT enum value | mappedPatchBase | |
nearInfo typedef | mappedPatchBase | |
negate() | Field< Type > | |
New(const word &, const fvPatch &, const DimensionedField< Type, volMesh > &) | fvPatchField< Type > | static |
New(const word &, const word &actualPatchType, const fvPatch &, const DimensionedField< Type, volMesh > &) | fvPatchField< Type > | static |
New(const fvPatchField< Type > &, const fvPatch &, const DimensionedField< Type, volMesh > &, const fvPatchFieldMapper &) | fvPatchField< Type > | static |
New(const fvPatch &, const DimensionedField< Type, volMesh > &, const dictionary &) | fvPatchField< Type > | static |
NewCalculatedType(const fvPatch &) | fvPatchField< Type > | static |
NewCalculatedType(const fvPatchField< Type2 > &) | fvPatchField< Type > | static |
NewCalculatedType(const fvPatchField< Type2 > &pf) | fvPatchField< Type > | |
Foam::Field::NewCalculatedType(const Field< Type2 > &f) | Field< Type > | inlinestatic |
newElmt(const label) | List< Type > | inline |
NONUNIFORM enum value | mappedPatchBase | |
NORMAL enum value | mappedPatchBase | |
null() | Field< Type > | inlinestatic |
offset() const | mappedPatchBase | inline |
offset_ | mappedPatchBase | protected |
offsetMode enum name | mappedPatchBase | |
offsetMode_ | mappedPatchBase | protected |
offsetModeNames_ | mappedPatchBase | static |
offsets() const | mappedPatchBase | inline |
offsets_ | mappedPatchBase | protected |
operator const Foam::List< Type > &() const | UList< Type > | inline |
operator!=(const UList< Type > &) const | UList< Type > | |
operator*=(const fvPatchField< scalar > &) | fixedValueFvPatchField< Type > | inlinevirtual |
operator*=(const Field< scalar > &) | fixedValueFvPatchField< Type > | inlinevirtual |
operator*=(const scalar) | fixedValueFvPatchField< Type > | inlinevirtual |
Foam::Field::operator*=(const UList< scalar > &) | Field< Type > | |
Foam::Field::operator*=(const tmp< Field< scalar >> &) | Field< Type > | |
Foam::Field::operator*=(const scalar &) | Field< Type > | |
operator++() | refCount | inline |
operator++(int) | refCount | inline |
operator+=(const fvPatchField< Type > &) | fixedValueFvPatchField< Type > | inlinevirtual |
operator+=(const Field< Type > &) | fixedValueFvPatchField< Type > | inlinevirtual |
operator+=(const Type &) | fixedValueFvPatchField< Type > | inlinevirtual |
Foam::Field::operator+=(const UList< Type > &) | Field< Type > | |
Foam::Field::operator+=(const tmp< Field< Type >> &) | Field< Type > | |
operator--() | refCount | inline |
operator--(int) | refCount | inline |
operator-=(const fvPatchField< Type > &) | fixedValueFvPatchField< Type > | inlinevirtual |
operator-=(const Field< Type > &) | fixedValueFvPatchField< Type > | inlinevirtual |
operator-=(const Type &) | fixedValueFvPatchField< Type > | inlinevirtual |
Foam::Field::operator-=(const UList< Type > &) | Field< Type > | |
Foam::Field::operator-=(const tmp< Field< Type >> &) | Field< Type > | |
operator/=(const fvPatchField< scalar > &) | fixedValueFvPatchField< Type > | inlinevirtual |
operator/=(const Field< scalar > &) | fixedValueFvPatchField< Type > | inlinevirtual |
operator/=(const scalar) | fixedValueFvPatchField< Type > | inlinevirtual |
Foam::Field::operator/=(const UList< scalar > &) | Field< Type > | |
Foam::Field::operator/=(const tmp< Field< scalar >> &) | Field< Type > | |
Foam::Field::operator/=(const scalar &) | Field< Type > | |
operator<(const UList< Type > &) const | UList< Type > | |
operator<=(const UList< Type > &) const | UList< Type > | |
operator=(const UList< Type > &) | fixedValueFvPatchField< Type > | inlinevirtual |
operator=(const fvPatchField< Type > &) | fixedValueFvPatchField< Type > | inlinevirtual |
operator=(const Type &) | fixedValueFvPatchField< Type > | inlinevirtual |
Foam::Field::operator=(const Field< Type > &) | Field< Type > | |
Foam::Field::operator=(Field< Type > &&) | Field< Type > | |
Foam::Field::operator=(List< Type > &&) | Field< Type > | |
Foam::Field::operator=(const SubField< Type > &) | Field< Type > | |
Foam::Field::operator=(const tmp< Field< Type >> &) | Field< Type > | |
Foam::Field::operator=(const zero) | Field< Type > | |
Foam::Field::operator=(const VectorSpace< Form, Cmpt, nCmpt > &) | Field< Type > | |
Foam::Field::operator=(const tmp< Field > &rhs) | Field< Type > | |
List< Type >::operator=(const List< Type > &) | List< Type > | |
List< Type >::operator=(const SLList< Type > &) | List< Type > | |
List< Type >::operator=(const UIndirectList< Type > &) | List< Type > | |
List< Type >::operator=(const BiIndirectList< Type > &) | List< Type > | |
List< Type >::operator=(std::initializer_list< Type >) | List< Type > | |
operator==(const fvPatchField< Type > &) | fvPatchField< Type > | virtual |
operator==(const Field< Type > &) | fvPatchField< Type > | virtual |
operator==(const Type &) | fvPatchField< Type > | virtual |
Foam::Field::operator==(const UList< Type > &) const | UList< Type > | |
operator>(const UList< Type > &) const | UList< Type > | |
operator>=(const UList< Type > &) const | UList< Type > | |
operator[](const label) | UList< Type > | inline |
operator[](const label) const | UList< Type > | inline |
operator[](const label i) const | UList< Type > | inline |
overridesConstraint() const | fvPatchField< Type > | inline |
patch() const | fvPatchField< Type > | inline |
Patch typedef | fvPatchField< Type > | |
patch_ | mappedPatchBase | protected |
patchField_ | mappedPatchFieldBase< Type > | protected |
patchInternalField() const | fvPatchField< Type > | virtual |
patchInternalField(Field< Type > &) const | fvPatchField< Type > | virtual |
patchNeighbourField() const | fvPatchField< Type > | inlinevirtual |
primitiveField() const | fvPatchField< Type > | inline |
rbegin() | UList< Type > | inline |
rbegin() const | UList< Type > | inline |
rcIndex(const label i) const | UList< Type > | inline |
readListOrField(const word &keyword, const dictionary &dict, const label size) | mappedPatchBase | protectedstatic |
refCount() | refCount | inlineprotected |
reference typedef | UList< Type > | |
rend() | UList< Type > | inline |
rend() const | UList< Type > | inline |
replace(const direction, const UList< cmptType > &) | Field< Type > | |
replace(const direction, const tmp< Field< cmptType >> &) | Field< Type > | |
replace(const direction, const cmptType &) | Field< Type > | |
resize(const label) | List< Type > | inline |
resize(const label, const Type &) | List< Type > | inline |
reverse_iterator typedef | UList< Type > | |
reverseDistribute(List< Type > &lst) const | mappedPatchBase | |
reverseDistribute(List< Type > &lst, const CombineOp &cop) const | mappedPatchBase | |
rmap(const fvPatchField< Type > &, const labelList &) | mappedFieldFvPatchField< Type > | virtual |
Foam::Field::rmap(const UList< Type > &mapF, const labelUList &mapAddressing) | Field< Type > | |
Foam::Field::rmap(const tmp< Field< Type >> &tmapF, const labelUList &mapAddressing) | Field< Type > | |
Foam::Field::rmap(const UList< Type > &mapF, const labelUList &mapAddressing, const UList< scalar > &weights) | Field< Type > | |
Foam::Field::rmap(const tmp< Field< Type >> &tmapF, const labelUList &mapAddressing, const UList< scalar > &weights) | Field< Type > | |
sameRegion() const | mappedPatchBase | inline |
sameRegion_ | mappedPatchBase | mutableprotected |
sampleField() const | mappedPatchFieldBase< Type > | |
sampleMesh() const | mappedPatchBase | |
sampleMode enum name | mappedPatchBase | |
sampleModeNames_ | mappedPatchBase | static |
samplePatch() const | mappedPatchBase | inline |
samplePatch_ | mappedPatchBase | mutableprotected |
samplePoints(const pointField &) const | mappedPatchBase | protected |
samplePoints() const | mappedPatchBase | |
samplePolyPatch() const | mappedPatchBase | |
sampleRegion() const | mappedPatchBase | inline |
sampleRegion_ | mappedPatchBase | mutableprotected |
sampleSize() const | mappedPatchBase | inline |
setAverage_ | mappedPatchFieldBase< Type > | protected |
setSize(const label) | List< Type > | |
setSize(const label, const Type &) | List< Type > | |
shallowCopy(const UList< Type > &)=delete | List< Type > | |
size(const label) | List< Type > | inlineprotected |
size() const | List< Type > | inline |
size_type typedef | UList< Type > | |
snGrad() const | fvPatchField< Type > | virtual |
snGrad(const scalarField &deltaCoeffs) const | fvPatchField< Type > | inlinevirtual |
subField typedef | Field< Type > | |
subList typedef | List< Type > | |
surfDict_ | mappedPatchBase | protected |
surfPtr() const | mappedPatchBase | |
surfPtr_ | mappedPatchBase | mutableprotected |
swap(UList< Type > &) | UList< Type > | |
T() const | Field< Type > | |
transfer(List< Type > &) | List< Type > | |
transfer(DynamicList< Type, SizeInc, SizeMult, SizeDiv > &) | List< Type > | |
transfer(SortableList< Type > &) | List< Type > | |
typeName | Field< Type > | static |
TypeName("mappedField") | mappedFieldFvPatchField< Type > | |
Foam::fixedValueFvPatchField::TypeName("fixedValue") | fixedValueFvPatchField< Type > | |
Foam::fvPatchField::TypeName("fvPatchField") | fvPatchField< Type > | |
Foam::mappedPatchBase::TypeName("mappedPatchBase") | mappedPatchBase | |
UList() | UList< Type > | inline |
UList(Type *__restrict__ v, label size) | UList< Type > | inline |
UNIFORM enum value | mappedPatchBase | |
unique() const | refCount | inline |
updateCoeffs() | mappedFieldFvPatchField< Type > | virtual |
updated() const | fvPatchField< Type > | inline |
updateWeightedCoeffs(const scalarField &weights) | fvPatchField< Type > | virtual |
value_type typedef | UList< Type > | |
valueBoundaryCoeffs(const tmp< scalarField > &) const | fixedValueFvPatchField< Type > | virtual |
Foam::fvPatchField::valueBoundaryCoeffs(const tmp< Field< scalar >> &) const | fvPatchField< Type > | inlinevirtual |
valueInternalCoeffs(const tmp< scalarField > &) const | fixedValueFvPatchField< Type > | virtual |
Foam::fvPatchField::valueInternalCoeffs(const tmp< Field< scalar >> &) const | fvPatchField< Type > | inlinevirtual |
write(Ostream &) const | mappedFieldFvPatchField< Type > | virtual |
~fvPatchField() | fvPatchField< Type > | inlinevirtual |
~List() | List< Type > | |
~mappedPatchBase() | mappedPatchBase | virtual |
~mappedPatchFieldBase() | mappedPatchFieldBase< Type > | inlinevirtual |