class | aerosolDrag |
| This drag model is intended for simulations involving dispersed phase with a very small diameter. It combines the Stokes drag with a Cunningham correction factor. More...
class | AttouFerschneider |
| Attou and Ferschneider's Drag model for film flow through packed beds. The implementation follows the description of Gunjal and Ranade, who, in the reference below, formulate the model in more convenient terms. More...
class | Beetstra |
| Drag model of Beetstra et al. for monodisperse gas-particle flows obtained with direct numerical simulations with the Lattice-Boltzmann method and accounting for the effect of particle ensembles. More...
class | Ergun |
| Reference: More...
class | Gibilaro |
| Reference: More...
class | GidaspowErgunWenYu |
| Gidaspow, Ergun, Wen and Yu drag model. More...
class | GidaspowSchillerNaumann |
| Gidaspow, Schiller and Naumann drag model. More...
class | IshiiZuber |
| Ishii and Zuber (1979) drag model for dense dispersed bubbly flows. More...
class | Lain |
| Drag model of Lain et al. More...
class | SchillerNaumann |
| Schiller and Naumann drag model for dispersed bubbly flows. More...
class | segregated |
| Segregated drag model for use in regions with no obvious dispersed phase. More...
class | SyamlalOBrien |
| Reference: More...
class | Tenneti |
| Drag model of Tenneti et al. for monodisperse gas-particle flows obtained with particle-resolved direct numerical simulations and accounting for the effect of particle ensembles. More...
class | timeScaleFiltered |
| A time scale filtering wrapper around an underlying drag model intended for simulations involving dispersed phase with a very small diameter. The model limits the drag coefficient based on the relaxation time given. More...
class | timeScaleFilteredDrag |
class | TomiyamaAnalytic |
| Analytical drag model of Tomiyama et al. More...
class | TomiyamaCorrelated |
| Correlation of Tomiyama et al. More...
class | TomiyamaKataokaZunSakaguchi |
| Drag model for gas-liquid system of Tomiyama et al. More...
class | WenYu |
| Wen and Yu drag model. More...